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Unit 3: Daily Routines and Chores (Unit 2 in Realidades 2)

Repaso – Identify parts of the body and different articles of clothing

- Partes del cuerpo
o La cabeza, el ojo, la nariz, lo boca, el brazo, el estómago, la mano, el
dedo, la pierna, el pie
- La ropa
o El abrigo, los anteojos del sol, la blusa, la camisa, la camiseta, la
chaqueta, la corbata, la gorra, los guantes, la sudadera, el suéter, el
traje, el traje de bano, el vestido
o Las botas, los calcetines, la falda, los jeans, los pantalones, los
pantalones cortos, los zapatos

- Possessive Adjectives (realidades 2 – page 88)

o Spanish possessvive adjectives have a longn form that comes after
the noun
o These forms are used for emphasis
 Mío, tuyo, suyo, nuestro, vuestro, suyo
 Voy al partido con un amigo mío – I’m going to the game
with a friend of mine.
 Vas al baile con unas amigas tuyas? – Are you going to
the dance with some friends of yours?

3A Exchange information about daily routines and common household

chores in present tense.
3A1: SWBAT identify common questions related to household chores and
routines (p. 126 in Realidades 2 – part of 3A Repaso)

♦ ¿Qué haces normalmente por la mañana?

♦ ¿Qué haces por la noche?
♦ ¿Cuáles son tus quehaceres?

- Prepositions – transition words

o Antes de, después de, luego, más luego, primero (and other ordinals),
finalmente, al final, ultimamente
o You generally use the infinitive after prepositions!!!!

3A2: SWBAT identify vocabulary related to household chores and routines

(p. 126 in Realidades 2 – part of 3A Repaso)
♦ lavar los platos / la vajilla
♦ cortar la hierba / el césped
♦ hacer la cama
♦ poner la mesa
♦ recoger la mesa
♦ sacar la basura
♦ pasar la aspiradora
♦ cuidar a los niños
♦ limpiar el baño
♦ sacudir los muebles/sacar el polvo
♦ barrer el piso
♦ cocinar
♦ poner la lavadora
♦ planchar
♦ arreglar el cuarto

3A3: SWBAT conjugate verbs in the present tense to respond

appropriately to questions related to chores that one undertakes in the
-ducharse / bañarse
-arreglarse el pelo
-ponerse la ropa / vestirse
-maquillarse / pintarse
-cepillarse los dientes
-lavarse la cara
-quitarse la ropa

3A4: SWBAT conjugate verbs in the present tense to respond

appropriately to questions related to chores that one undertakes at night
♦ acostarse
♦ dormirse
♦ cepillarse los dientes
♦ lavarse la cara
♦ secarse
♦ quitarse la ropa

- Reflexive Verbs (Realidades 2 – page 80)

o To say that people do something to or for themselves
 Washing one’s hands, brushing one’s hair
 The person DOING the action also RECEIVES the action
o Identify reflexive verbs if they have “se” at the end
o Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish
 Me, te, se, nos, os
o Non-reflexive vs. reflexive – (save this for a little later)
 Some verbs have both reflexive and non-reflexive forms
 Verb is used in non-reflexive if action is being done to someone
or something else
 Lavo el coche – I wash the car
 Me lavo el pelo – I wish my hair
o Reflexive Pronoun Placement
 You can put reflexive pronouns before the conjugated verb or
attach them to the infinitive
 Me voy a duchar.
 Voy a ducharme

3B Interpret situations regarding household needs and respond with the

proper chore.
3B1: SWBAT identify and interpret 14 words or phrases related to
needs s
♦ el peine / el cepillo
♦ el cepillo de dientes
♦ la pasta de dientes
♦ el champú
♦ el jabón
♦ el desodorante
♦ el maquillaje
♦ el secador
♦ la toalla
♦ el agua de colonia
♦ el suavizante
♦ la maquinilla de afeitar
♦ la loción

3B2: SWBAT interpret and use the expressions tienes que, hay que, and
debes when discussing household needs
♦ tienes que…
♦ hay que…
♦ debes…

 Use this with infinitive verbs *

o Review of infinitive verbs
3B3: SWBAT interpret household events (boda, una celebracion, evento
especial, quincenera, etc.) and respond with the appropriate chores
needed to prepare for such events
♦ Me preparo para…
la boda de mi tío
la quinceañera de mi prima
una cita
un evento especial
una celebración

3C Present a daily routine.

3C1: SWBAT identify chores that would comprise a typical daily routine
♦ arreglarse el pelo
 ♦ ponerse la ropa / vestirse
♦ dormirse
♦ lavarse la cara
♦ hacer la cama
♦ cocinar
♦ poner la mesa
♦ recoger la mesa
♦ lavar los platos / la vajilla

3C2: SWBAT use chore vocabulary to present their daily routine

3D Identify typical household chores in Spanish-speaking countries.

Extra Grammar for Unit 3

Ser vs. Estar (Realidades 2 – page. 86)

- both ser and estar mean “to be”
- Ser:
o What a person or thing is
o What a person or thing is like
o Where a person or thing is from
o What a thing is made of
o To whom something belongs
- Estar:
o How a person or thing is at the moment
o How someone feels
o Where a person or thing is located

Preterite of Regular Verbs (Realidades 2 – Page 110)

- Use preterite tense to talk about actions that were completed in the past
- Like present tense conjugation, you should add the new preterite endings to
the stem of the verb
o é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, aron
- AR and ER verbs that have a stem change in the presente do not have a
stem change in the preterite
o Probar – o ue in present
 Me pruebo la ropa – I try on the clothes
 Me probe la ropa – I tried on the clothes  no stem change
- Verbs that end in –car, -gar, -zar have a spelling change in the yo form of the
o Buscar = c qu = busqué
o Pagar = g  gu = pagué
o Almorzar – z c = almorcé

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