Você está na página 1de 39


rse their the o n e she already had was worthless. She had s o that t
paid $70 for her machine and bad used It to Bar vesting a
satisfaction about t w o y e a n . B u t the agent t o send
b e c o me s o m e of t
stuck t o her with the impudent persistency
Louisiana for which the tribe a m noted, a a d finally o f Antar
took away her machine against her protest price.
right in- and left o n e of his, making her sign a contract,
t y of t h e which she thought she must do t o secure herself.
d Major The machine was too heavy for her strength. She
e seaaion complained of it, and after some communications Tno ru
the company for which the agent canvassed took troops or
cessor of
the machine away but did not return the old one. ing more
his office The poor woman was compelled to send work away tric Ligh
ossession for want of means to do it, and when the case came t h e Prin
een Gov- into court her children were o n the verge of starva- the muff
b e could tion. It will immediately occur to the reader, who a car set
p r o t e ct knows nothing o f such matters, that a woman $10 In th
needn t yield t o the persuasions of such rights w
a man and sign a contract against her will. But respect.
al d a y s
a n y o n e who has had much to do with perlpatetlo David S
nor Gar- agents or with certain 'lasses of salesmen in mer- it t o bo
o qualify cantile houses will understand bow such things presiden
General come about and will sympathize with t h e victims. tion, dea
military even though they may be somewhat weak and lack-
vated R
recognize ing In backbone. The lying, the effrontery, the sons in
re, w i t h talkativeness, and above. all the worrying persist- In high
ency of some of these men is almost incredible. It

electe d The Daily in

Graphic n e n t Cus
is anything but creditable wealthy manufactur- prosecut
refused New Y ork
ing companies t o push sales by such means.
s, r e l y - January 24, 1880 der. N
Supreme wblch de
elected The n e w s from Maine this morning is highly sults of
General sensational, and it may yet turn o u t that our car- Mr. B r a n
d passed toon t h e other day, representing General (Chamber- feated M
property lain repeating t h e role of Cromwell dispersing the and Mr.
n. H e is Long Parliament, was a prophecy. But the report c f t h e br
possessor that the Vusioniste had concocted a plot t o burn the hibits sw
residences of their Republican antagonists seems cleaning
s or has
like an arrow shot from an extremely long bow. plenty o
without The additional statement that " t h e doomed learns o
disperse houses were marked by triangular pieces of b a n k ; l
is t o b e paper, which were tsoked o n after dark, jail; t h
d, a s n o but soon perceived by t h e vigilant police," Potts.
his blood reminds one of t h e miraculous escape of the chil- evidence
fice w h o dren of Israel in Egypt, when the destrovlng angel trials
A n d that passed b r a i l the houses, on the lintels of which beard ye
e. blood was sprinkled, and o f the romance o f the birds fun
"Forty Thieves," wherein the faithful servant worse th
Marians, discovering her master's house marked be gaine
with chalk, similarly marks all the adjaoent houses, Castle G
and t h u s foils t h e designs of the robbers. B u t the attention
t e e has sagacity of the vigilant police of Augusta is espe- of t b e O
ole, very cially commendable, and it is a m o n g t h e m that the harveste
ash a n y Czar should seek for the additional safeguards becomin
h e report which he requires. H e has b e e n sending t o Paris vanced.
y unani- for skilful detectivesbut he should send t o Au- and spe
gusta. ping int
t to have fering
railroads Melerho
F e w , if a n y , industries
of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s
ing s a n d have yielded to t h e reforming Influences o f the Lammen
hem who great events of the past twenty years more tardily h i m ; pr
m a y op- than sugar planting. It Is surprising t o note the
still o n .
w i th the large profits that accrue even under the old system alleged s
doctrine of cane raising and sugar manufacture, but from J o h n Mo
now im- present indications in Louisiana a revolution m the rear pla
nly one details of the industry appears to be near at hand. a n t u n k
The idea has a firm hold that the mills should be "Sunse

re based
central and the raising of the cane a distinct branch Horr co
lar from
of t h e labor, and so far has this been practical l>
buses for illustrated that its success Is assured. The pre- from fam
THE DAILY GRAPHIC to-day consistt of thanks of

twelvepages of interesting reading matter and
The Daily Graphic descent u
illustrations. Newsdealers
New York are required to tbe poor,
January 1 9, 1880
furnish the supplement without eastra charge. ful and a
iul a s w
Maine is not governed by a major-general this of
Yn<"*TT)if1fr rie?ie?"iil ObiiTnVe-'
thcrity in Governor Davis's bands on .Satu i day summed a
7eiiag. Whether the Htote is govern-d at all or needy an
n o t n a y be doubud. But if it it not it It virtue an
n e t for want of Governors. She has two. The fac
Mr. Smith, Fusionist, elected on Friday, will all be
and Mr, Davis, Republican, elected on gation of
Saturday, l o t h claim t o be Governor of the State. ticipate t
Behind each to a Legislature ckaming to have a fhe teibu
legal quorum in each branch. Mr. Smith has, it All that t
appears, tbe saaJ of the State in his pamwrndrm, lic and ch
and tbe Fusion Secretary of State has the bays ing. Tho
of the safe containing tbe papers and docu- ment are
ments of the State, Some one baa, it appears, which bea
carried off the election returns in the interest of sure to dr
t h e FssKsuste. Bat to offset all this tbe Repub- about tb
licans hare control of the Stele House and of the actually
military forces of the State, and they are fully that insti
backed up by the opfnJon of tbe Supreme Court than the "
and by tbe public sentiment of at leant a major- in some c
i t y of tbe people of the State, the baby
It Is to be hoped that a collision between the tending th
hostile partie s will be avoided. It cannot be de- Tbev did
nied that the meeting of the Fusion Legislature " Shephe
and the attempts of " Governor Smith to ob- charitabl
tain possession of the State House would af- contribut
ford oc2Si km for an outbreak, unless tbe give then*
same moderation which has hitherto character- trading o
ized the action of tbe leaders on each side should humanity
be continued. It is unfortunate that the " count enriched
out "was ever attempted. It is doubly unfor- dren.
tunate that it was persisted in after tbe decision If it is
of the 8upreme Court exposing ito illegalit y w hare been
rendered. But, in spite of all provocations, the that cond
peace has been unbroken, and this to much to directly r
p- !i!i(" over. fessions o
If tbe FiiouitB are beaten at all points they shield gui
have only themselves t o thank, They do not act merited
with decision. Promptness pnja everything. most libe
Chamberlain* appointment by n o n r o r Oarea- abuse acd
lon waa the turning point hi the whole matter. instrume
Had the Fusion tots elected a Governor on the intended
first day o f the session, as they might very well
have done, they would have had the State Gov-
ernment in their own hands, and only revolution
could have wrested It from them. Morally they The g
are as guilty In defeat as they would have been usual de
in success. They wished to do evil and only seems to
lacked tbe courage and intelligence to effect their days of
end. interest a
Tbe interregnum was fatal to the Fusionist
being, an
schemes. Neither side can claim laurels for
1 urely so
energy and decision, but as the Republicans seem
Its ma
to have been successful their shortcomings will
be condoned, while those of their unsuccessful
lave ga
rivals will be imputed to them for crimes.

social ra
single m
THE CODES. direct tb
One of tbe great questions to come before tbe very esse
present Legislature is, what shall be done witli ing influ
tbe codes t The Code of Remedial Justice, whic'i sion of a
was designed to take tbe place of the Code of uals hold
Procedure, as well as to supersede the provisions tively, a
of the Revised Statutes, and of the Session laws ing the p
in regard to the practice in civil cases, was drawn tion.
in twenty-two chapters. Of these thirteen went Perhap
into operation in Keptemlier, 1S77. The remain- in the m
ing nino chapters were repeatedly vetoed by Gov- I are the
ernor Robinson. It is entirely clear that this code, law, wh
which is now name1, the Code of Civil Procedure, tion of t
should be completed. Leaving things as they munity
now are only complicates matters. Whatever the jiers
else the Legislature may do or leave undone with and bey
regard to codification, it should pass the remain How i
ing nine chapters of Throop's Code. That they stance, t
The Rev. E
of t h e (by h
THE MUDDLE IN MAINE. tieth street, d
four charges
Saturday, w i t
friends as h e b
HOUSE. with the Socie
Children. Me
children wher
T H E SELECTION O F A N A D J U T A N T - press, Detec
l u u i i g t o sa
GENERAL. sent to one or
A U G U S T A , M e . , J a n u a r y 19.The m e m b e r s o f in care o f pr
t h e Republican Legislature gathered at the Capitol lows Jenkins
OnU*is o r r
early this morning-. The entrances are guarded by a e t y have alrea
strong force of police, and n o oat dren a n d n u
i n n e Louis V
unlee) they are provided with t h e children s
Issued by General Chamberlain last week a r e n o t t h e return t
recognised to-day and those w h o wish t o enter s s t c r s s f th
have it only h
must obtain n e w ones. Governor Davis has taken sustain their
possession of t h e E x e c u t i v e chamber and entered until ittopro
fully upon the dJachanre of his duties. T h e F u s l o n - The neighb
ists are holding esuous down s o w n . streets partia
what they h a
The Republicans held a caucus a t half-past t e n and In t h e re
o'clock. Mr. StrouJ, of Portland, stated that t h e taneous obed
gentleman sh
object of the caucus was t o consider t h e nomina- youthful m o
tion of Samuel Gallagher f o r Adjutant-General. that he has b
bounds o f pr
I n the present condition of affairs, he said, it was t h e heads of
deemed best t o have a military m a n In that impor- There were
tieth street h
tant position, and there were d o u b t s o f t h e advisa- tleman, w h o s
bility of giving- t h e offloe t o Galtafher. anything yest
Eugene Hale eulogised Gallagher, b u t said that would make
had, however
unexpectedly there had arisen Imminent dang-er case, and w h e
and the Military Department of t h e State Govern- found hto w
ment had become unusually prominen t and Impor- she refused
tant. Much credit * r.s due to Major-General Cham- and s h o t t
o t those w h
berlain and there was harmony between h i m anything upo
and the Adjutant-General. Mr. Hale concluded by the Fold, b u
saying t h e latter woul d n o t suffer a t t h e hands o f i f a l w f r g that
the Republican party if h e performed a a act o f i rested but t
charging s o m
magnanimity n o w . Messrs. Willoughby. of Rock- earned o n a m
land ; Hale, o f Ellsworth, and S t r o u l , o f Portland, Mrs. Cowley
were then appointed a c o m m i t t e e t o confer with and fifty o r s
hair. H e r v o
Gallagher, It being understood that General Cham- appearance o
berlain refuses t o render f a r t h e r est rloe If Gal- m a k e childre
lagher is elected Adjutant-General. that she is a w
The committee appointed t o confer with Gal- ever. S h e s a
S e y wttl j
lagher reported hack t o the House that h e agreed e childre
t o leave the substitution of another n a m e In place Court c a n
of his entirely in t h e hands o f h i s friends, and well o r ba
would abide by their decision. A n attempt w a s money e n o u g
but the child
made to My t h e report o n t h e table a n d adjourn and have m
until evening, b u t Eugene Hale m i d that t h e never k n o w n
offloe should be filled a t o n c e , and moved orphans a n d w
during t h e la
t o reconsider t h e nomination of Gallagher, ever been ser
and the motion prevailed, only half s doseu voting sick w e have
In t h e negative, A v o t e w a s t h e n taken f o r a rooms." AH t
nominee, and George L. Beall received 79 votes t o characterised
" If the chi
8 for Samuel J . Gallagher, a n d w a s declared t h e what motive
nominee. asked t h e rep
Governor Davis says h e has n o t y e t finished b i s " I do n o t
ciety, b u t w e
inaugural audfSai, S s i - !M p r s b r b l - have it reedy asro Mr. ,
b y the middle o f t h e week. I t will contain a brief children a w a
reference to National topics. tell in court.
The Republican policy is n o t t o allow members of could n o t b e
t o us. She w
the Fusion Legislature t o take seats with them, eve n lives in s t e n
rasaa h e w a
consider them as public enemies. T h e Republicans wife. H e wan
control the railroads leading i n t o t h e city, and It Is snd hto wife
some Catholi
said they will n o t allow a n y large bodies o f Fusion- care of t h e B
tsts to come bate t h e capital if it is evident; that told him ther
their purpose Is t o create a disturbance. work and w e
count, b u t w
The Republican House and Senate were both One n o o n t w
called t o order a t hatf-paat eleven o'clock. Some awav. W e
routine business w a s done, Including t h e appoint- o'clock, wh
m e n t of a Joint c o m m i t t e e o n State valuation , and play room fr
taught h e r a
an order was passed t o have printed 5,000 copies of to Lave done
t h e opinion o f the Supreme Court In answer t o the older person
questions submitted b y Garoelon a n d those s u b - burned with
mitted by the Republicans. N o t i c e s w e r e received and that she
b y one of t h
from Frederick Roble, Joseph T . Hinckley and are ever all
Samuel Campbell signifying their acceptance of rule is that a
positions on the Governor's Council, s o d at twelve b e referred
the child th
o'clock both branches w e n t Into Joint convention tenement, a
for the purpose o f qualifying t h e m . had received
Mr. Sawyer, the Fusionist Secretary of State, w h o must certain
has refused t o deliver up the k e y s of t h e safes of stripped then
upon h e r a n
bis office to Mr. Chsdbourne, t h e Republican Secre- w h e n exami
tary of State, claims that t h e Republican Legisla- tongue w a s b
ture is not legally established, and therefore has no afternoon i n
power over him . that time t h e
y e t she said t
The Republican Legislature w e n t into a second tortured and
Joint convention shortly after n o o n f o r the elec- a w that she
tion of an Attorney-General and Adjutant-General. statements s
false from be
For Attorney-General 105 votes were cast,all for H. like It." A n
B, Cleaves, and for Adjutant-General there were 90 already h a v i
voter, of which 95 were for George L. Real and 4 t h i n g mora.
scattering. T h e election of State Treasurer was
deferred. BOTH

Secretary o f State Cbadbourne sent a communi-
cation t o the Senate announcing t h e fact that the
scattering. T h e election of State Treasurer was done. The mer
s i odeferred.
n e r of Public W o r k s a n d his duties are of the They demand
h i g hSecretary
e s t importancewas
o f State Cbadbourne fixed asent t $ 3a 0 , 0communi-
0 0 per declared t h a t
a ncation
n u m , twould the S t aannouncing
o the Senate t e b e better served t h e factt hthata n the i t that REPORTSthe railro OF
i s State
n o w seal 1 Would could the n o t increase
be found ofnor salary election bring returns.
In- w e could treatA
c rThe
e a s ecommunication
of ability a nwas laid o n the table, Mr.Cer-
d disinterestedness! Hale
giving notice to t h e House
t a i n l y not. The competition, however extensive that if the seal was not gation. The q The uiet r
found there h e should offer a resolution to-morrow, lation. N . J., o n
The t h op
o r eager, would result in the choice, if not of the hastily. T h e f w s s somewha
authorizing the Seeretar y of State t o procure a new that Hezeklab
s asen]
me m maexact
n , a t similitude
least of theofsame t h e old clan of manthat
one. H e added: and hence ooufgth
is, the " I t has already been proven that thisbacking.
one with the strongest political Govern- legislation. Holly and had L
I nmentthesecan cases b ehigher
run even salariesIf they mean cannot more gem t aont ethey tablished. villagers visit
foot of t h e hi
f oelection
r the political returns." machine. The higher the salary mile
W e now northeahav
t h e The higher remark the elicited
amMwrietii, enthusiastic and theapotense. more oppor- also locked
have t h
e af
Both branches adjourned until
t u n i t i e s for the high-paid chief t o make himself inofthe treport ten o'clock t o - but all
morrow morning. h e cha
*' solid " with the heelers and bummers. by peering th
The Republicans, it Is mid, h a v e decided n o t t o nary legislator
fanlight. I n
W e arc
allow theinFusionist**
favor of generous t o m e e t salaries In t h e State for public House carry patientlyinto awa effe
at four in responsible
o'clock thispositions. afternoon.But Inthe salary tions
accordance Ten-ill,
w h i cofh , El
a l owith
n e will pot bring t h e man.
the adjournment of that body. T h e Fusion- original The most compe- telegraph. T
after ten form, o'c
t e ist
n t sman willm a ytry not t h oa ventere the tinfluence h e Capitol, t o obtain
a n d If the thecommittee
stories o t
t h e position. A fourth rate man m a y thereforeto them.
refute d admission will g o elsewhere. A rumor the discovery
profitin circulation
b y wha t was t h aintended
t Fusionist a s Governor
the compensation Smltb has th t o u g h t h e
e State militia t o report a t t h e Capitol in What which thenthi
o f ordered
a first rate all t hman.
woman, the w
with three days' rations. T h e rumor Is, however, action, said that
There is another consideration which should three w e e k
authoritatively denied by Major Folsom. week past sat
n o t The be overlooked.
Fusiontsts held The S t a t e should
a caucus durlnr tset a n e x - mature
h e morning A t four o'cl
a mwith p l e closed
to the doors,
corporations none but One members of the of the greatest
Fusion want of t i m eto the cottag
the rear doo
a bLegislature
u s e s connected b e tw a *i t hadmitted.
their m a n T a ghe m e efeeling
n t is the was t ofront be a door,
e xstrong]
t r a v a gva n Int favor
salaries of keeping
paid to aloof their from officers.the Repub-
Per- arguments of the side of
s olican
n s areLegislature,
a l w a y s lavish and in maintaining
spending other o w n or- groped aroun
lightingoft h" eo
m oganization
ney. Theintact S tuntil
a t e such should time enter as a decision
i n t o nIn- o merchants, small chamb th
stead of an opinion is given against them. discovered
competition in this regard.
A further demand was made upon Sawy.?r this bothtaken
The railroad have thh
commissioners ought to be deputy, paid fair dead.
morning by Chadbourne's w h osalaries
asked for tions must lie
" murder."
nothing more. The G o v e r n m
the keys, b u t he absolutely refuged t o deliver legislators up e n t of the U n i t e d
S tthem
a t e s found
u p . The no Republicans
difficulty inthreaten obtaining t o ah a vthor-
e him will The eviden
hadnot builtcom a he
o uarrested
g h l y competent
for criminally m a npurloining:
for auditor theofState railroadprop- ture, using likebitum
erty and though
accounts, should this h i sbe done t hise case
salary fixedwill a t probably
$ 5 , 0 0 0 gard doors if itandcan. w
per be annum.
carried t oThere t h e courts. are never T h e State wanting seal compe-
Is still in were n o t w
When t h e C
t e the
n t men possession
for publico f theoffice. Fusionist*, The w h o refuseist o
difficulty not de-
Thathe rapidodorw
liver it to the Republican E x e c u t i v e .
s o much with the salariesthough some of t h e m iida has tiegun

a r e e x t r a v a g a n t while others are inadequateas demand serio
officers. W e do not this Psubject u
W A S H I N G T O N , J a n u a r y 19.Speaker Randall
w i t h our mode of selecting ITTSBUR
s a has
y that the figures The Daily
t h e Gbill
ofFusionist raphic
should be retained, ment, by cons
telegraphed the legislature in Maine cans, of Bls
b uto t stand well n o t New
it is firm,saying o eYxtork
tthat colonies, caus
hpeeyc tare the millennium
a legal bodv and delegates o n
through highyield
salaries.January 24, 1880 now settlers h
should not their rights, because Ittoa matter resolution t
sndvotes the f oIdea
r .
of National importance that t h e Democrats should needed
featedorbypro a
have the THEcontrol STRUGGLE of the State IN Government of their minds
The farce In Maine m a y easily become C.a destructive a
t r a g e d y . The Davis Government appears to ba chant*--, THEwhoseVIC
thoroughly A COVrUMKST
frightened TO aTBK t the WEATHER
military prepara- turnCaptain
B0EEAD. for theirB
The German Government recently paid t h e and McDona
t i ohighest
n s of the Fusionists.t o The
compliment latter are
t h e United States said b y to ad- Ison suggested b
the steam
h adressing,
v e enlisted throughtroops the in German different Minister portionsat Washing-
of the wire to those
improved t
S tton,
a t e , aand
actuallyt obeen n e exactly
to the prooeswcp by which the Hignal Service Iturcau forests.
engaged informed
in drill- an with trees, th
it if thought
i nsog promptly
men in Augusta collect*for atan the attack
War upon the S t athe
Department te
of the onward
House. Governor reports Davis has, from inallview partsofofthis the
the consequen
e mUnited c yStatesan
e r g e nEurope--and
, called nut extent
the of territory
so rapidly drafts and p u b -lost The and It greater
is said sightwork of.
t hthan
a t he them intendsUpon to disperse the printed the Fusion daily Legisla-
weather consisting o
t uhsfaes
r e b y Theseforce ofmaps arms, are and issuedt o arrest threepersons hours to The beoutrag
sold b
the records are read a t the dis- noinmeans lloston, cono
tant stations. to be When S t a t e it officersis remembered b y virtue thatof theelec- re- flagrant
quest or comes
from a Governmentb y the Fusion Legislature.
noted for its skilled takes The case Saal
cording place
to th
The shilly-shallyand of standing
the Fusionists first In Europe,
is not calcu- the January 31
value of the compliment will be appreciated. It is delicate little
anderstoodt o g i vthat
an advanceB uInt meteorological
theaGerman v e r y high
if t h e y have any
opinion ofproposes
their port
a t all kept
The informa-
usual inter
P.mlly man
by Win
MadRmotorment D
tion sought has been minutely
a n d have a n y troops within call, it scarcely seems machine from prepared by the Mortimer
chief signal officer. General Myer, with the a p - Focured. A
C proval that
BBBaMl of the SecretaryD aof
Governor s can disperse their the
v iWar. o n e she
Legislature by the una of the militia w i t h o u t paid $70 for
provoking a conflict, which might easily b e c o me
WWDl stuck t o h

s aa bloody aa those t h a t disgraced Louisiana
during ita reconstruction era.
Without p a w i n g upon t h e question of right in- and left o n
for which
took away
art<tf the M M volved it is plain t h a t the military a c t i v i t y of t h e which she th
e worid the oomt
rU*. Fcfdoniststo ill timed. H a d t h e y elected Major The machine
tx MNU by atflO, r n it h Governor o n t h e first d a y of the seaaion
* w w t t tip, ana and installed him aa the legitimate successor of the company
aft** as wiehfd- Governor Garcelon be would h a v e held his office the machine
any edition The poor wo
at least b y color of title. H a v i n g had possession for want of
Htflv of its books a n d papers h e would h a v e b e e n G o v - into court he
ernor de facto if not dejure, and as such b e could tion. It will
have called upon t h e m i l i t a r y foroes t o p r o t e ct knows noth
hfrn in his possession. needn t yie
a man and s
The Fusioiiiste d i d not d o a a Several d a y s
a n y o n e who
elapsed between the expiration of Governor Gar- agents or wi
oelon's term a n d the a t t e m p t of Lamson t o qualify cantile hous
a s acting Governor. I n t h e meantim e General come about
Chamberlain h a d t a k e n c o m m a n d of t h e m i l i t a r y even though

forces and of t h e S t a t e . H e refused t o recognize ing In backb
Lamson. T h e n t h e Fusionist Legislature, w i t h talkativenes
> ror*OM,
only a quorum in one House, electe d ency of some
is anything b
pHia Smith Governor. General Chamberlain refused
ing compani
Ledger t o recognise him. The Republicans, r e l y -
rtworUwiri i n g upon the decision of t h e Supreme
da*ef www.joshualawrencechamberlain.com
Court, assembled a Legislature and elected The n e w s
D a v i s Goverco r of the State. General sensational,
Chamberlain recognized his authority, and passed toon t h e oth
have called upon t h e m i l i t a r y foroes t o p r o t e ct knows noth
hfrn in his possession. needn t yi
a man and s
The Fusioiiiste d i d not d o a a Several d a y s
a n y o n e who
elapsed between the expiration of Governor Gar- agents or wi
oelon's term a n d the a t t e m p t of Lamson t o qualify cantile hou
a s acting Governor. I n t h e meantim e General come about
Chamberlain h a d t a k e n c o m m a n d of t h e m i l i t a r y even though
forces and of t h e S t a t e . H e refused t o recognize ing In backb
MTAMT. talkativenes
Lamson. T h e n t h e Fusionist Legislature, w i t h
> ror*OM, ency of som
only a quorum in one House, electe d
is anything
pHia Smith Governor. General Chamberlain refused
ing compani
Ledger t o recognise him. The Republicans, r e l y -
tworUwiri i n g upon the decision of t h e Supreme
da*ef Court, assembled a Legislature and elected The n e w
D a v i s Goverco r of the State. General sensational,
Chamberlain recognized his authority, and passed toon t h e oth
o v e r the S t a t e H o u s e a n d the public p r o p e r t y lain repeatin
into his possession. D a v i s is in possession. H e is Long Parlia
Governor de facto. I n such matters the possessor that the Vus
residences o
h a s the best t i t l e in l a w , whether he h a s o r h a s
toUerc, Parte, like an arro
n o t in right. D a v i s c a n n o t b e ousted w i t h o u t The additi
ondon, will
gular ratea- bloodshed; a n d it m a y b e t h a t he c a n n o t disperse houses wer
U th i n e r t his opponents without bloodshed. I t is t o b e paper, whi
m Henry K. hoped t h a t t h e peace w i l l be preserved, a s n o but soon
roat, Fusionist could feel v e r y proud t o shed his blood reminds one
for the right of canvassing men into office w h o dren of Isra
ADO. had never been elected b y t h e people. A n d t h a t passed b r a
nts the later- is the only principle a t stake on their side. blood was
specially en "Forty Th
ages aad de- Marians, di
tnete of the with chalk,
and t h u s foi
crlpUons aad The Railroad INew n v eYsork
t i gH a terald
i n g C o m m i t t e e has sagacity of
or addraawd done its wor k a nJanuary
d done 20, 1 880
it, on t h e w h o l e , v e r y cially comm

well. There i s n o a t t e m p t t o w h i t e w a s h a n y Czar should
person or interest t h r o u g h its labors. T h e report which he re
gains a great deal b y b e i ng practica"y u n a n i - for skilful d
mous. The m e m b e r s w h o were t h o u g h t t o h a v e gusta.
84. been selected in t h e interest of t h e railroads
F e w , if a
have had the discretion t o keep their feeling s a n d have yielded
AD COM- opinions in t h e background. Those of t h e m w h o great event
are members of t h e present Legislature, m a y o p - than sugar p
ating Com- pose the passage of t h e bills submitted w i t h t h e large profits
r remedial report, but t h e y a r e c o m m i t t e d t o t h e d o c t r i n e of cane rai
of railroad that some form of r a i l r o ad legislation is n o w i m - present ind
ersons, one peratively demanded. This is c e r t a i n l y o n e details of th
te commis- The idea ha
great point g a i n e d b y the reformers.
missioner is central and
The recommendations of the report are based of t h e labor
sociates a t upon the evidence. S o t one of t h e abuses for illustrated t
ommissioner which a r e m e d y h a s been suggested b u t i s conclu- dicted resul
of t h e asso- sively shown b y t h e testimony t o exist. A g r e a t few years a
three y e a n . deal of this t e s t i m o n y w a s given b y t h e railroad blacks will
ppointed b y officials themselves. T h e y would n o t b e v e r y will g o furt
e a n d eon- likely t o a d m i t a n y t h i n g detrimental t o t h e and law bre
e State be idleness tha
railroads if t h e y could, consistently w i t h t h e i r
scbarge t h e into remedi
v o l v e upon
The abuseswatering of stock, p r o x i e s , dis-
1 S o m e of The Nati
criminating a g a i n s t localities and individuals,
porters y e s - solution, an
misleading reports t o t h e S t a t e Engineer, s e c r e c y f mm a mor
a s t o the affairs of t h e corporations, t h e D e s p a t c h matter of I
salaries of
abuse and t h e S t a n d a r d Oil monoplyon w h i c h little and b
per annum,
the report c o m m e n t s w i t h well deserved s e v e r i t y , there is ast
y e a r would tion. I t ap
were exposed in these columns y e a r s before t h e
Legislative i n v e s t i g a t i o n w a s undertaken. T H E are commi
G R A P H I C has consistently demanded railroad re- district, and
outset t h a t form from i t s first issue. I t has asked for a the close of
The commis- with less la
genuine reform of the railroad system of t h e
ecause t h e y or without
whole country in t h e interest of i n t e r - S t a t e c o m - for license.
y on account merce ; and it h a s asked special railroad r e f o r m of toe cou
uties of t h e in this S t a t e as required b y our o w n c o m m e r c i a l ducers Inst
r our present interests. The m e r c h a n t s were first aroused t o would resu
ents p l a c i ng their danger from corporate greed ; a nd Anally from the ta
Commissioner the Legislature, impressed with the d a n g e r t o t h e to tbe calen
ns under a S t a t e at large, ordered a n investigation. T h e re-
xclude poli- sults of this inquiry, w i t h w h i c h , from t i m e t o The grea
But the in- time, our readers h a v e been kept familiar, h a r e Sahara, is
canals an d thoroughly sustained e v e r y point m a d e i n t h e s e habited. W
binson's a p - rian clerg
columns. T H E G R A P H I C did not m a k e r a n d o m
n d Governor quarrel In
assertions. I t k n e w whereof it spoke ; a n d t h e show of co
rks will n o t testimony taken b y the Hepburn C o m m i t t e e i s people of
his predeces- proof of this tact. count of t
Much has been done. But much remains t o b e a nuisance
h e Commis- done. The merchants and the people are aroused. tion on Su
ies are of the They demand remedial legislation. Those w h o bor just n
$ 3 0 , 0 0 0 per corner in w
declared t h a t n o legislation w a s necessary
rved t h a n i t enough t o
that the railroads were treating u s better t h a n far enough
ry bring In- w e could treat ourselvesdemanded this investi- sharks. A
dness! Cer- gation. The reformers w e r e for i m m e d i a t e legis- diet, can s
er extensive
lation. The opposition said no. Let u s n o t a c t without a
f not of the hastily. T h e facte relied upon are not " official ;'
of manthat and hence o u g h t n o t t o b e made the basis of penal In view

Portland Daily Press
January 20, 1880




Bangor Whig and Courier


New York Herald
January 21, 1880
Whig and Courier
January 23, 1880

New York Times
January 23, 1880

New York Herald
January 24, 1880
New York Tribune
January 24, 1880

New York Herald

January 30, 1880
New York Tribune
January 30, 1880
The New York Times
January 30, 1880

Boston Daily Advertiser
Aug 12, 1880


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