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DramaSystem SRD 2013 Robin D. Laws by arrangement with Pelgrane Press.

The DramaSystem SRD is an original work, and is released nder the !"en #aming
Li$ense. %ll $ontent is designated !"en &ontent
DramaSystem is a trademark o' Robin D. Laws and Pelgrane Press. Permission is granted
to se this trademark in works "rod$ed nder this li$ense. (o may not se the
DramaSystem trademark in any way that deliberately or inad)ertently $laims or
sggests a relationshi" with or endorsement by Pelgrane Press or Robin D. Laws.
*ind Pelgrane Press at htt"+,,www."elgrane"ress.$om.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 1
DramaSystem Reference Document
This do$ment is made a)ailable by Robin D. Laws and Pelgrane Press in s""ort
o' the DramaSystem o"en $ontent arrangement.
-t is not a tea$hing do$ment str$tred to show yo how to "lay and en.oy
DramaSystem, bt a re'eren$e do$ment 'or writers and game designers to
$reate their own "rod$ts deri)ed 'rom DramaSystem. *or the 'ormer, see Hillfolk
'rom Pelgrane Press.
To "lay this game, yo need+
/ 0 1 "arti$i"ants
one de$k o' "laying $ards
a s""ly o' "oker $hi"s or beads
1 red, 1 green and 1 yellow token "er "arti$i"ant
abot a do2en tokens o' a 'orth $olor 3- se ble4
as many inde5 $ards 3or s"are "laying $ards or $olle$tible game $ards4 as
yo ha)e "layers
writing tensils
s$ra" "a"er
Creating Characters
Step By Step
1. The #ame 6oderator brie7y en$a"slates the series setting and "remise,
de8ning the gro" 'rom whi$h the main "layer $hara$ters are drawn.
2. #6 determines "re$eden$e9 see ". 3.
3. *irst "layer in order "ro$laims his,her $hara$ter:s name and role in the
4. Se$ond "layer "ro$laims his,her $hara$ter:s name, role in the gro", and
relationshi" to 8rst $hara$ter. Players notate relationshi"s on relationshi"
5. Third "layer "ro$laims his,her $hara$ter:s name, role in the tribe, and
relationshi" to all other "ro$laimed $hara$ters.
6. %$$ording to "re$eden$e, remaining "layers re"eat abo)e ste".
7. -n the established order o' "re$eden$e, "layers "ro$laim their desires.
8. -n the same order, "layers de8ne their $hara$ters: dramati$ "oles.
9. #6 $hooses a new "re$eden$e order.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 2
10. *irst "layer in new "re$eden$e de8nes what his,her $hara$ter wants
'rom any other "layer:s $hara$ter.
11. The "layer o' the other $hara$ter de8nes why they $an:t get it.
12. ;oth "layers ad.st the statement as needed to re7e$t 8rst
$hara$ter:s nderstanding o' the sitation.
13. Re"eat ste"s 10<12 'or ea$h remaining "layer in "re$eden$e.
14. Re"eat ste"s =<12 ntil all $hara$ters are named as ob.e$ts o' at least
two other $hara$ters: wants. 3%ny naddressed relationshi"s are de8ned
dring "lay.4
15. >a$h "layer ranks his $hara$ter:s a$tion ty"es, sorting them into
Strong, 6iddling, and ?eak.
16. Players a""ly @Aow - Do -tB des$ri"tors to their Strong a$tion ty"es.
17. ;ased on what they now know abot their $hara$ters, es"e$ially their
dramati$ "oles, "layers $om"lete the statement, My story is of a
man/woman who...
18. ?ith a renewed order o' "re$eden$e and an initial s$ene 'raming, "lay
Order of Precedence
*rom time to time, the #6 determines "re$eden$eCan order in whi$h the
"layers a$t.
;e'ore "lay begins, write yor "layer:s names on inde5 $ards, one $ard "er
"layer. ?hene)er yo need a "re$eden$e order, shDe them and note the reslt.
Role in the Group
The main $ast o' "layer $hara$ters 3P&s4 in rama!yst"m belongs to a gro",
whi$h may be $losely<knit or loosely aEliated. Players are 'ree to de8ne their
$hara$ters: role in the gro" howe)er they $hoose.
Dening Relationships
?hen yo de8ne yor relationshi" to another P&, yo establish a $r$ial 'a$t
abot both $hara$ters. (o $an make it any kind o' relationshi", so long as it:s an
im"ortant one. *amily relationshi"s are the easiest to think o' and may "ro)e
ri$hest in "lay. &lose 'riendshi"s also work. ;y $hoosing a 'riendshi", yo:re
establishing that the relationshi" is strong enogh to $reate a "ower'l emotional
bond between the two o' yo. ;onds o' romanti$ lo)e, "ast or "resent, may be the
strongest o' all.
%s in any strong drama, yor most im"ortant relationshi"s ha""en to be 'raght
with nresol)ed tension. These are the "eo"le yor $hara$ter looks to 'or
emotional 'l8llment. The strggle 'or this 'l8llment dri)es yor ongoing story.
De8ning one relationshi" also determines others, based on what has already
been de$ided.
Players may raise ob.e$tions to relationshi" $hoi$es o' other "layers that trn
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 3
their P&s into "eo"le they don:t want to "lay. ?hen this o$$rs, the "ro"osing
"layer makes an alternate sggestion, negotiating with the other "layer ntil both
are satis8ed. -' needed, the #6 assists them in 8nding a $hoi$e that is interesting
to the "ro"osing "layer withot im"osing ndly on the other.
Fee" tra$k o' relationshi"s as they are established dring $hara$ter $reation
with the Relationshi" 6a" "age o' yor $hara$ter sheet. Re"resent ea$h $hara$ter
as a name with a bo5 or $ir$le arond it. Pla$e yor $hara$ter in the $enter o' the
sheet. Draw a line 'rom yor $hara$ter to ea$h other P&. Label the line with the
natre o' the relationshi". %s relationshi"s between other P&s are established,
$onne$t them and label the $onne$tion lines as well.
Your Desire
% P&:s desire is the broadly stated, strong moti)ation dri)ing his a$tions dring
dramati$ s$enes. The desire mo)es him to "rse an inner, emotional goal, whi$h
$an only be a$hie)ed by engaging with other members o' the main $ast, and, to a
lesser degree, with re$rring $hara$ters rn by the #6. (or desire might be seen
as yor $hara$ter:s weakness+ it makes him )lnerable to others, "la$ing his
ha""iness in their hands. ;e$ase this is a dramati$ story, $on7i$t with these
$entral $hara$ters "re)ents him 'rom easily or "ermanently satis'ying his desire.
Think o' the desire as an emotional reward yor $hara$ter seeks 'rom others. The
most "ower'l $hoi$es are generally the sim"lest+
to "nish
to be "nished
Your Dramatic Poles
Dri)ing any $om"elling dramati$ $hara$ter in any story 'orm is an internal
$ontradi$tion. The $hara$ter is torn between two o""osed dramati$ "oles. >a$h
"ole sggests a $hoi$e o' identities 'or the $hara$ter, ea$h at war with the other.
>)ents in the story "ll the $hara$ter 'rom one "ole to the ne5t.
!hat You !ant "rom Others
Gow bring yor dramati$ "oles into s"e$i8$ 'o$s by de$laring what they lead
yo to seek 'rom "arti$lar other P&s.
The sooner yo de8ne a want, the more im"ortant it is to yo. The 8rst and
se$ond P&s yo name as yor withholders o' emotional reward are yor fraught
relationships. List these 8rst in the @Peo"le -n 6y Li'eB se$tion o' yor $hara$ter
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". H
sheet. %lso, mark yor 'raght relationshi"s by $ir$ling or highlighting them on
yor relationshi" ma". -' yo 8nd it a se'l memory aid, in$lde a notation
des$ribing the emotional reward yo seek.
#ction Types
-n some series, 'or e5am"le one ins"ired by the works o' Iane %sten, the
$hara$ters: 'ates are ne)er determined by their "rowess at e5ternal tasks. *or
s$h settings, omit this ste", dro""ing all re'eren$e to it 'rom the $hara$ter sheet.
-n other series, e5ternal a$tions "ro)ide $om"li$ations that then dri)e the
drama. The game breaks "ra$ti$al a$tions down into se)en broad ty"es. -n this
stage o' $hara$ter generation, yo designate two o' them as yor Strong ty"es
and two as ?eak. The rest are 6iddling.
Aere:s what yo $an do with ea$h o' the %$tion Ty"es+
$nduring% (o resist "hysi$al ill<eJe$ts o' all sorts. ?ins with this ability
allow yo to o)er$ome, or at least red$e the im"a$t o', e5hastion,
in.ry, slee"<de"ri)ation, hnger, "oisoning, thirst, heat stroke and the
"ighting+ (o o)er$ome others in "hysi$al $ombat, and a)oid in.ry in
other dangeros athleti$ sitations.
&no'ing+ (or head b22es with se'l in'ormation.
(a)ing+ (o bild, $ra't, and re"air "hysi$al ob.e$ts.
(o*ing+ Knder diE$lt $ir$mstan$es, yo rn, $limb, .m" and swim
and otherwise tra)el 'rom "la$e to "la$e, o)er distan$es long and short.
Tal)ing+ ?hen seeking "ra$ti$al ad)antage 'rom negotiations and other
)erbal intera$tions 3as o""osed to dramati$ $on7i$ts, where yo seek
emotional reward4, yor skill at reading and "laying to other:s desires
allows yo to "re)ail.
Snea)ing+ (o:re good at sklking arond, hiding items, $on$ealing yor
a$ti)ities and mo)ing in a manner that minimi2es the $han$es o'
Custom #ction Types
(o $an $reate yor own, narrower a$tion ty"e and make it one o' yor Strong
ty"es. Do this to make a $learer, more s"e$i8$ statement abot yor $hara$ter.
Stri)e 'or a one<word ty"e name.
% $stom ty"e allows yo to o)erla" se)eral o' the e5isting ty"es, thogh only
when the a$tion dire$tly relates to yor s"e$ialty.
?hen yo take a $stom a$tion ty"e, three o' the standard a$tion ty"es are
treated as ?eak ty"es.
Ho' You Do It
*or ea$h o' yor strong a$tion ty"es, write a short "hrase 3or single word4
des$ribing yor s"e$ialty within the ty"e. -n a sitation where it 8ts to des$ribe
yorsel' as em"loying yor distin$ti)e talent, yo gain an additional ad)antage.
Kse s"e$i8$ detail9 don:t .st 8nd a synonym 'or the broad $ategory. (or #6 may
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". /
ask yo to ad.st an o)erly )age, broad, or dll des$ri"tion.
Des$ri"tors distingish main $ast members 'rom one another. -' two "layers
"i$k similar des$ri"tors, negotiate to de$ide who kee"s the $rrent idea and who
"i$ks a new one.
Your Story
#i)en what yo:)e now dis$o)ered abot yor $hara$ter, $om"lete the
senten$e+ My story is of a man/woman who...
The senten$e shold e)oke yor desire, and "ossibly yor $entral relationshi"s
and $ontradi$tion. -t ser)es as a reminder to kee" yo 'o$sed on the story yo,
taking into a$$ont the $ollaboration o' other gro" members, ha)e resol)ed to
tell. -' yor senten$e is more than 2/ words long, yor idea isn:t sim"le enogh.
%d.st the introd$tory $lase a little i' it makes 'or a $learer, shorter senten$e.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". L
>a$h session "resents an episodeCa series o' loosely $onne$ted s$enes.
Distingishing ea$h e"isode is a theme 'or "arti$i"ants to wea)e, loosely or
ob)iosly, into its e)ents. %t the end o' the 8rst session, the #6 $hooses the ne5t
"re$eden$e ranking. -t sets ot the order in whi$h "layers $hoose the themes 'or
the 'ollowing e"isodes. The 8rst "layer in the "re$eden$e order $hooses the
theme 'or the se$ond session, the se$ond $hoose 'or the third session, and so on.
!n$e e)eryone has had a $han$e to "i$k a theme, start o)er again, $ontining in
this order ntil the series $omes to its $on$lsion.
>a$h e"isode $onsists o' a nmber o' s$enes+
an opener that introd$es the theme
an indeterminate nmber o' de*elopment s$enes that riJ on and re'er
to the theme in )arios ways
a closer that somehow $om"letes the themeCor ends organi$ally, on a
$liJhanger, $on$lsi)e line, or other e5$iting moment
Calling Scenes
>a$h s$ene begins by throwing to a "layer who then calls the s$ene, laying ot
the "arameters nder whi$h it n'olds. These are+
Cast+ names the main or re$rring $hara$ters taking "art in the s$ene. To
$ast a s$ene yor "layer $hara$ter is not in $osts yo a drama token 3" .
Setting+ where the s$ene takes "la$e 3at least at its otset9 a s$ene $an
shi't in time and "la$e as it n'olds4
Time +rea) 3i' any4+ by de'alt, s$enes are assmed to take "la$e shortly
a'ter, or $on$rrently with, the "re)ios s$ene. -' yo want to .m" ahead in
time, say so, and by how m$h. Time breaks are ss$e"tible to $hallenge
3see below.4
(ode+ -ndi$ate whether this is a "rimarily dramatic s$ene, in whi$h a P& or
re$rring $hara$ter "rses an emotional reward 'rom a P& or re$rring
$hara$ter, or a procedural s$ene, in whi$h one or more P&s 3"ossibly aided
by s""orting $hara$ters4 "rses an e5ternal, "ra$ti$al goal.
Situation+ a brie' des$ri"tion o' what:s ha""ening at the s$ene:s otset. %s
e5$itingly as "ossible, the $aller des$ribes the s$ene:s lo$ation, the
a$ti)ities o' the $hara$ters in)ol)ed, and the "re)ailing $ir$mstan$es. The
sitation may be a sim"le meeting o' $hara$ters to hash ot an emotional
$on7i$t, or $an introd$e a complication+ a new "lot de)elo"ment aJe$ting
some or all o' the main $ast. &aller narration may be $hallenged i' "layers
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". M
ob.e$t to what yo des$ribe them as doing, or i' they 'eel that yor
$om"li$ation assmes a "lot ad)an$ement that oght to be "layed ot
instead. !ther "layers $ast in the s$ene may bon$e oJ yor des$ri"tion to
des$ribe what they:re doing or other details. The s$ene, dramati$ or
"ro$edral, then n'olds 'rom the $om"li$ation.
!'ten yo:ll 8nd it more natral to des$ribe these elements in another order
than the one gi)en abo)e.
Calling Order
;e'ore the e"isode:s 8rst s$ene, the #6 "i$ks the ne5t "re$eden$e order.
The "layer $hoosing the e"isode:s theme always $alls 8rst. Then $omes the
"layer who a$tally a""eared 8rst, in yor "re$eden$e order. The #6 inserts
hersel' into the order, re"la$ing the "layer who $hose the theme.
S$enes are then $alled a$$ording to this altered order. !n$e yo rea$h the end
o' a $alling order, it rolls o)er, $ontining the already established "re$eden$e
Players may reNest ad.stments to $alled s$ene "arameters by annon$ing a
$hallenge. Aow they do this de"ends on the element they ob.e$t to.
>5$e"t where otherwise indi$ated, $hallenges resol)e throgh a )ote. ?ith a
show o' hands, all "layers side with the $aller or the $hallenger. The #6 )otes to
break ties. Shold the s$ene seem satis'yingly in kee"ing with the narrati)e to
date, she )otes to "hold the $all. ?hen the $all seems somehow "niti)e, n'air,
or $ontrary to the s"irit o' $olle$ti)e $reation, she )otes to "hold the $hallenge.
Players may see that a s$ene might .sti8ably be $hallenged, bt ele$t not to
do it.
Duc)ing a Scene
(o may $hallenge yor $asting in a s$ene yo do not want yor $hara$ter to
take "art in.
The $aller may then a$Nies$e to yor ob.e$tion, and $all the s$ene withot
yo, or may 'rther des$ribe the s$ene so that yor $hara$ter:s desire and "oles
$om"el yor "arti$i"ation.
(o $an d$k this $om"lsion by s"ending a drama token, whi$h goes to the
%'ter yo s$$ess'lly d$k a s$ene with a $ast o' two, lea)ing nothing to "lay,
the $aller starts o)er, $alling a new s$ene that does not in$lde yor $hara$ter.
Rushing a Scene
To insert yor $hara$ter into a s$ene the $aller has not $ast yo in, and a$ti)ely
wants to kee" yo ot o', s"end a drama token 3". 104 or a bennie 3". 21.4 The
$aller re$ei)es the token or bennie.
-t $osts nothing to .oin a s$ene i' the $aller $onsents to yor .oining.
% $aller may blo$k yor nwanted entran$e into a s$ene by s"ending a bennie.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 1
(o $an attem"t to rsh a s$ene already in "rogress.
Challenging a Time ,ump
Players may ob.e$t to .m"s in time when they "re$lde them 'rom taking
a$tions they see their $hara$ters as wanting to take in the nearer term. Resol)e a
$hallenge to a time break with a )ote.
Challenging a Plot ,ump
Players may ob.e$t to a sitation on the gronds that it ad)an$es an ongoing
"lot element that wold be more satis'ying i' "layed ot in 'll. %lternately, they
might 'eel that yo:re $tting into the middle o' a brand new sitation, and that
it:s nbelie)able that their $hara$ters wold not ha)e inter)ened in it sooner.
-' the $aller loses the $hallenge, she mst then re)ise her sitation des$ri"tion
to meet the ob.e$tions o' the $hallenging "layer, and the )oters who s""orted
Challenging "or -o*elty
Players may ob.e$t to a sitation on the gronds that it is an attem"t to retry an
earlier s$ene the $aller:s $hara$ter lost.
-' the s$ene seems too similar to the #6, she in)ites the $aller to "oint to a
$hange sin$e the "re)ios s$ene that "ts the sitation in a new light.
The best de'ense against this $hallenge is to "oint to an inter)ening s$ene that
$hanged the sitation. Pre)ailing in a dramati$ s$ene with a third $hara$ter may
$hange the $om"le5ion o' an emotional $on7i$t enogh to .sti'y a se$ond
-' the "layer $an:t "oint to a $hanged sitation, the #6 resol)es the $hallenge
by reNiring the $aller to $all an entirely diJerent s$ene.
Going To Procedural
-' a "layer des$ribes his $hara$ter s$$ess'lly "er'orming a diE$lt "ra$ti$al
task, any "arti$i"ant, #6 in$lded, may demand that a "ro$edral resoltion 3see
". 1H4 instead be "er'ormed to see i' they s$$ess'lly do it. Knlike other
$hallenges, it takes only one ob.e$tor to trigger a "ro$edral resoltion. The
narrating "layer may a)oid the "ro$edral resoltion by either withdrawing the
des$ri"tion entirely, or ad.sting it to satis'y the ob.e$tor3s4.
The Right to Descri+e
Players with $hara$ters "resent in the $rrent s$ene may at any "oint narrate
details, in$lding+
"hysi$al $ir$mstan$es 3@- look " and see )ltres $ir$ling o)erhead.B4
the beha)ior o' walk<on $hara$ters 3@The Tridents are getting restless.B4
their own $hara$ters a$tions and what $omes o' them 3@- "i$k " an a5e
and smash the idol.B4
?hen someone ob.e$ts to a bit o' narration, they $an either ad.st what they:re
des$ribing or let it go to $hallenge.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". =
The #6 also "it$hes in with narration, as needed.
Dramatic Scenes
-n a dramati$ s$ene, $hara$ters engage in )erbal $on7i$t o)er the granting or
withholding o' a desired emotional reward. The $hara$ter seeking the reward is
the petitioner. This role is more o'ten than not taken by the s$ene:s $aller. The
$hara$ter de$iding whether or not to e5tend it is the granter.
%ll "arti$i"ants, in$lding the #6, $olle$t and s"end drama tokens throghot
the $orse o' an e"isode. >)eryone starts ea$h e"isode with 2ero tokens. % $entral
"ile, or kitty, $ontains an ine5hastible s""ly o' tokens. ?e re$ommend ble
tokens to re"resent drama tokens, bt any $olor other than red, yellow or green
will do.
Drama tokens le't ns"ent at the end o' a session $ontribte to a "layer:s
$han$e o' winning bennies 3". 214, then re)ert to the kitty. They do not $arry o)er
to the ne5t e"isode.
Tokens do not re"resent or simlate anything in the 8$tional reality yo:re
$olle$ti)ely de"i$ting. -nstead they bend e)ents toward a satis'ying literary
rhythm, where $hara$ters sometimes "re)ail and are sometimes de'eated in
emotional $on'rontations. They o)er$ome gamers: natral tenden$y to always dig
in when $hallenged, 'or$ing them to "lay their $hara$ters like real "eo"le,
im"elled by emotional need and obligation.
OOO;egin Dialoge &allotPPP
."inally you see reason/0
.You 'ear me do'n1 Stonecircle/0
OOO>nd Dialoge &allotPPP
Calling Dramatic Scenes
&all a dramati$ s$ene by s"e$i'ying+
the $ast
the lo$ation
how m$h time has "assed sin$e the "re)ios s$ene 3i' any4
The 8nal ingredient 'or a dramati$ s$ene is intentCwhat the "etitioner wants,
$ons$iosly or otherwise, 'rom the granter.
-' yo are $alling a s$ene in whi$h yor $hara$ter a$ts as "etitioner, as is the
norm, sim"ly go ahead and enter into the s$ene, withot annon$ing yor intent.
(o don:t ha)e to make yor $hara$ter the "etitioner, althogh it $osts yo a
drama token i' he or she isn:t "resent at all. (o $an designate a re$rring
$hara$ter, or another P&, as the "etitioner. ?hen doing this, sggest what it is
that the "etitioner wants. The "arti$i"ant "laying the $hara$ter may ask 'or an
ad.stment, or allow the $hara$ter:s intent to dri't as the s$ene "lays ot and the
granter res"onds.
Ge)er $all a dramati$ s$ene between two re$rring $hara$ters. Go one wants to
listen to the #6 talk to hersel', es"e$ially not the #6.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 10
?hen the #6 $alls a dramati$ s$ene, she may $ast any "arti$i"ants in the
s$ene, "ro)ided at least one o' them is a "layer $hara$ter. The #6 $hooses the
"etitioner and granter as her $on$e"tion o' the s$ene demands.
Playing and Resol*ing Dramatic Scenes
Players "ortray their $hara$ters throgh dialoge ntil the "etition is either
granted, or it be$omes a""arent that it has been $on$lsi)ely rebJed, or is losing
tension and energy. This o$$rs when the "layers in the s$ene start to re"eat
themsel)es, or "layers not taking "art in the s$ene grow )isibly bored or restless.
?here ne$essary, the #6 ste"s in to de$lare the s$ene $on$lded, by asking the
"etitioner i' she thinks she got a signi8$ant $on$ession.
-' the answer is yes, the "etition is $onsidered granted, e)en i' other "layers
'eel that the "etitioner didn:t get e)erything he or she wanted. Geither the $aller
or the other "layers in general may gainsay the "etitioner:s "layer on this "oint.
-' the answer is no, and the rest o' the gro" agrees with the "etitioner:s
assessment, the "etition is $onsidered to ha)e been re'sed.
-' the answer is no, bt other "arti$i"ants 'eel that a signi8$ant shi't in
emotional "ower 'rom granter to "etitioner o$$rred, the gro", in$lding #6,
)otes. The s$ene:s $aller gets an e5tra tie<breaking )ote, where ne$essary.
Gaining To)ens
%ny dramati$ s$ene ends with an e5$hange o' one or more drama tokens.
-' the "etition is willingly granted by the "arti$i"ant, the granter earns a drama
token22'rom the "etitioner i' he has one, or 'rom the kitty i' not.
-' the granter re'ses, the "etitioner gains the tokenC'rom the granter i' she
has one, or 'rom the kitty i' not.
-' the "layer 3or #64 "laying the granter $hooses not to relent, the "etitioner
may, by s"ending two drama tokens, force the granter to grant a signi8$ant
emotional $on$ession. This may still withhold some "art o' what the "etitioner
seeks, es"e$ially on the "ra$ti$al le)el, bt mst nonetheless re"resent a
meaning'l shi't o' emotional "ower 'rom the granter to the "etitioner.
%t the end o' the s$ene, the 'or$ed granter re$ei)es the two drama tokens 'rom
the "etitioner, #ro$i%"% th" for&" a&t'ally tak"s #la&".
The granter:s "layer may blo$k a 'or$e by s"ending three drama tokens. These
are "aid to the "etitioner, at the end o' the s$ene. The "etitioner does not s"end
the 2 tokens that wold ha)e been s"ent on the 'or$e, 'or a net gain o' 3.
%'ter a 'or$e o$$rs or is $an$eled, the same $hara$ters may not, 'or the
dration o' the e"isode, be $alled into similar s$enes intended to re)erse the
original reslt. Some signi8$ant new element, as .dged by $hallenge )oting i'
need be, mst be added to make the s$ene a tre new de)elo"ment, and not .st
another ki$k at the $an.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 11
Supporting or Bloc)ing a "orce
Players not dire$tly in)ol)ed in a s$ene may s""ort an attem"t to 'or$e, or
$an$el a 'or$e, by gi)ing their drama tokens to the $rrent "etitioner or granterC
"ro)ided their $hara$ter is "resent in the s$ene. They des$ribe what they say or
do to make the 'or$e more or less likely.
-' yo s""ort a 'or$e whi$h the granter then blo$ks, yo get yor tokens ba$k.
OOO;egin &rtain SidebarPPP
Concessions and Emotional Power
% grant needn:t gi)e the "etitioner e)erything he wanted in e5a$tly the terms
he wanted. %ny ma.or shi't in emotional "ower 'rom granter to "etitioner $onts
as a grant. Sometimes yoQll rea$h $lear $onsenss on what $onstittes a ma.or
shi't9 in a 'ew $ases yo:ll ha)e to )ote.
>)en a 'or$e mst res"e$t the bonds o' the granter:s established $hara$ter.
(o $an:t, and sholdn:t e5"e$t to, trn an a)owed enemy into a loyal 'riend in a
single s$ene. *or$ed "etitions re"resent the $hara$ter gi)ing in 'or the moment,
not ndergoing a li'e<$hanging e"i"hany. They $ertainly don:t "lay like hy"nosis or
mind $ontrol. % 'or$e $ases the sb.e$t to grdgingly a$t in a 'riendly, or
'riendlier than sal, manner in this "arti$lar instan$e.
-o Contest Scenes
?hen yo a$t as granter, yo may 8nd, as a s$ene "lays ot, that yor
$hara$ter has no reason to o""ose a "etitioner:s reNest. -' so, yo $an de$lare
this a no<$ontest s$ene, bringing it to a Ni$k $on$lsion. The $aller may then $all
a new s$eneCho"e'lly one in whi$h real $on7i$t does o$$r. -' at a loss 'or a
re"la$ement s$ene, the $aller may $hoose to "ass to the ne5t $aller in the
established "re$eden$e order.
T'o2!ay $3changes
%t the end o' a dramati$ s$ene, the #6 and "arti$i"ants might $on$lde that it
was a two<way e5$hange, in whi$h ea$h $hara$ter soght an emotional "ayoJ,
whi$h either was or wasn:t granted.
-' both "arti$i"ants were a4 denied or b4 got the "ayoJs they soght, ea$h
re$ei)es a drama token. -' both "layers ha)e a drama token already, this $an$els
otCyo needn:t a$tally trade tokens. -' one or more ha)e 2ero drama tokens,
howe)er, the missing token3s4 $ome 'rom the kitty.
-' one "etition was granted and the other denied, the denying "layer "ays the
granting "layer two tokens. -' the denier has less than 2 tokens, the de8$it is
made " 'rom the kitty.
Two<way e5$hanges may "ro)e "arti$larly $ommon in s$enes started with a
so't o"en 3". 1H4.
(ultiple Petitioners
Sometimes more than two $hara$ters will take "art in one dramati$ e5$hangeC
or se)eral dramati$ e5$hanges will o)erla" and interwea)e with one another. This
might ha""en when+
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 12
a "layer .m"s into a dramati$ s$ene
a dramati$ s$ene arises organi$ally 'rom a $on'eren$e s$ene 3". 1H.4
?here "ossible, the #6 a)oids ha)ing re$rring $hara$ters take ma.or roles in
these mlti<layered dramati$ s$enes. -deally, they a$t only in a s""orting
$a"a$ity, answering Nestions or oJering o"inions withot seeking emotional
rewards o' their own. Sometimes the story demands that they take "art as
granters. The #6 $an almost always ensre that they don:t a$t as "etitioners.
%'ter the )arios dis$ssions $ome to a head and a""ear to resol)e themsel)es,
ask whether this was a dramati$ s$ene at all. Do one or more "layers 'eel that
their $hara$ters soght an emotional "ayoJR
-' not, it was an e5"ository s$ene setting " 'tre e)ents, "robably o' a
"ro$edral natre. Go drama tokens are e5$hanged. &all the ne5t s$ene.
-' only one "layer answers in the aErmati)e, this is an ordinary drama
s$ene with onlookers. Determine the distribtion o' tokens as sal. (his is
th" most &ommon &as") "$"n in a *ro'# s&"n"+ on" &hara&t"r,s #"tition
's'ally %ominat"s+ to a %"*r"" that all #arti&i#ants instin&ti$"ly
-' mlti"le "layers 'eel they soght emotional reward, the gro", led by the
#6, $ontine as 'ollows.
The #6 Ni22es ea$h "arti$i"ating "layer, in a newly drawn "re$eden$e order,
what they most wanted, emotionally, in the s$ene
who they wanted it 'rom
and whether they got it
-' they got what they wanted, the s"e$i8ed "layer granted their "etition and
earns a drama tokenC'rom the "etitioning "layer i' he or she has one, or 'rom the
kitty i' not.
-' they didn:t get what they wanted, the s"e$i8ed "layer re'sed their "etition.
The "etitioner earns a drama tokenC'rom the re'ser o' the grant i' he or she has
one, or 'rom the kitty i' not.
% gro" s$ene might easily $ome to one o)erall $on$lsion abot a "ra$ti$al
$orse o' a$tion, with )arios diJerent emotional rami8$ations 'or the those
taking "art.
Petitioning "or Practical "a*ors
%ny s$ene in)ol)ing a main $ast member or re$rring $hara$ter is by de8nition
dramati$. >)en i' the granter seems to be asking 'or a "ra$ti$al 'a)or, the sbte5t
o' the s$ene is always emotional. De"ending on how sel'<aware the $hara$ters
are, they may or may not reali2e this, bt it:s tre all the same.
The s$ene $onts as a grant i' the "romise to "er'orm the 'a)or 'eels like a
signi8$ant $on$ession to either the "etitioner, or to the gro" at large. ?hether
the 'a)or is later "er'ormed to the "etitioner:s satis'a$tion does not retroa$ti)ely
alter the ot$ome o' the s$eneCbt "robably "ro)okes a new s$ene in whi$h the
disa""ointed "etitioner retrns to the granter to e5"ress a grie)an$e.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 13
Drama !ith Recurring Characters
The #6 "lays all re$rring $hara$ters drawing on a single "ool o' drama tokens.
Like any "layer, the #6 mst earn drama "oints by granting or by losing "etitions.
Soft Opens
(o $an start a s$ene withot s"e$i'ying a sitation. -nstead the $hara$ters $ast
in the s$ene sim"ly start talking to one another, and the s$ene works organi$ally
toward a dramati$ $on7i$t. This is $alled a soft open.
Conference Scenes
!n o$$asion yo:ll want to $all a "arti$lar ty"e o' so't o"en, the $on'eren$e
s$ene, in whi$h all or most o' the main $hara$ters dis$ss the isses $rrently
be'ore them. This might or might not resol)e into a dramati$ s$ene. -t may
instead sim"ly work as an establishing s$ene, setting " sbseNent dramati$
and,or "ro$edral s$enes.
Procedural Scenes
-n "ro$edral s$enes, $hara$ters "rse "ra$ti$al, e5ternal goals. These may
allow them to "etition 'or emotional rewards in sbseNent s$enes, bt at the
moment o' s$$ess or 'ailre are matters o' "ra$ti$al eJort.
Drama vs. Talking
?here any s$ene between a P& and either another P& or a re$rring $hara$ter
is by de8nition dramati$, with emotional stakes at "lay, all dialoge intera$tions
with minor $hara$ters are "ro$edral, and resol)ed with the Talking ability. They
$an ne)er grant meaning'l dramati$ $on$essions, be$ase the P&s ha)e no
emotional in)estment in them. They $an only grantCor re'seC"ra$ti$al 'a)ors.
Drama tokens are ne)er awarded or s"ent as the reslt o' a Talking s$ene.
Procedural Resolution
>a$h "layer, and the #6, starts the 8rst session with three "ro$edral tokens+
one green, one yellow, one red. ?hen yo s"end a token, set it aside. The others
remain ns"ent. ?hen yo:)e s"ent all three o' them, they immediately refresh.
%ll three o' them retrn to yor "ile o' ns"ent tokens, and be$ome on$e again
a)ailable 'or se.
(or "ile o' a)ailable tokens $arries o)er to the ne5t game session , e"isode o'
"lay. -t does not re'resh between sessions.
Playing Cards
*or "ro$edral resoltions, yo:ll also reNire a de$k o' standard "laying $ards,
'rom whi$h the .okers are remo)ed. The #6 always shDes the de$k be'ore
lan$hing into any new resoltion.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 1H
Calling a Procedural Scene
To establish a "ro$edral s$ene, the $aller des$ribes the basi$ sitation. ?hile
adding as m$h e)o$ati)e narration as "ossible, she s"e$i8es+
The s$ene:s lo$ation
?hi$h $hara$ters are "resent
?hat they:re trying to a$hie)e, and how
To $all a "ro$edral s$ene yor $hara$ter is not in, s"end a green token. 3This
reNirement does not a""ly to the #6.4
Step One% The G( Spends "or the Opposition
The #6 se$retly s"ends one o' her a)ailable tokens, $on$ealing it so that it $an
be re)ealed with a 7orish at the $on$lsion o' a s$ene+ she might "ll it 'rom a
"rse, "o$ket, or mo)e aside a "ie$e o' "a"er.
The $olor o' the token re7e$ts the strength o' the obsta$le standing between
the "layers and s$$ess, whate)er that may be. The better the token yo s"end,
the more "ower'l the 'or$e arrayed against them.
Opposing "orce G(4s To)en
Strong #reen
6iddling (ellow
?eak Red
Step T'o% The Target Card
%'ter shDing the de$k, yo $t it and draw a $ard, whi$h yo show to the
gro". This is the target $ard.
Step Three% Players Spend and Dra'
-n trn, a$$ording to a 'reshly<determined "re$eden$e order, ea$h "layer may
now s"end a "ro$edral token and draw a $orres"onding nmber o' $ards. To
s$$eed, at least one o' the "layers mst, when all $ards ha)e been "layed, ha)e
a $ard that mat$hes the target. De"ending on the strength o' the o""osing 'or$eC
whi$h the "layers do not yet knowCthey may need to mat$h only its $olor, or
"erha"s its sit, or e)en its nmber.
So i' the target $ard is a Fing o' &lbs, they know that bla$k $ards are good,
$lbs are better, bt kings o' the other three sits are the best o' all.
% "layer s"ending a green to)en draws t'o cards.
% "layer s"ending a yello' to)en draws one card.
% "layer s"ending a red to)en draws one $ardCa'ter whi$h the #6
remo)es 'rom "lay a single $ard held by any "layer. -' none o' the $ards on
the table mat$h the target:s $olor, sit or )ale, the #6 waits, instead
kno$king ot the ne5t $ard that does, as soon as a "layer draws it.
Players whose $hara$ters are "resent m'st s"end a token and make the
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 1/
$orres"onding $ard draw.
Players whose $hara$ters are not "resent may alter the odds in the gro":s
'a)or by s"ending a yellow or green token. -' they ha)e neither o' these tokens to
s"end, they $an:t in7en$e the ot$ome.
&noc)ing Out Cards
?hen a "layer s"ends a red token, the #6 always remo)es 'rom "lay the best
a)ailable mat$h, "rioriti2ing as 'ollows+
1. $ards with the same nmber
2. $ards o' the same sit
3. $ards o' the same $olor
-' two or more $ards are eNally good mat$hes, it doesn:t matter whi$h o' them
the #6 $hooses. She does so based on what seems easiest to narrate.
Step "our% "inal Result
?hen all o' the "layers ha)e a$ted or 3i' absent4 "assed on a$ting, the #6
$he$ks to see i' any o' their $ards mat$h the target $ard.
Opposing "orce G(4s To)en (atch -eeded
#reat #reen Same )ale as target
6iddling (ellow Same sit as target
Pny Red Same $olor as target
!n a mat$h, the $hara$ters "re)ail. ?ithot one, they 'ail.
% $ard mat$hing the target:s )ale always wins, no matter what token the #6
Step "i*e% Personal Conse5uences
Players who drew 'a$e $ards 3e)en i' they were later kno$ked ot by the #64
may take on a "ersonal $onseNen$e whi$h matters in a 'tre s$ene.
-' yo drew the 'a$e $ard when "laying a green token, introd$e an ad)antage
yor $hara$ter $an bene8t 'rom in an "$oming s$ene.
-' yo drew the 'a$e $ard when "laying a red token, introd$e an additional
obsta$le yor $hara$ter mst resol)e in an "$oming s$ene.
OOO;egin SidebarPPP
Face Cards Include the Ace
-n DramaSystem, a$es always $ont as 'a$e $ards, along with the Ia$k, Seen
and Fing.
OOO>nd SidebarPPP
-arrating the 6ps and Do'ns
?hile "er'orming the rles a$tions des$ribed abo)e, the #6 and the "layers
des$ribe the smaller ad)an$es and setba$ks the "arti$i"ants ndergo on their way
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 1L
to )i$tory or de'eat.
Aere:s how it all 8ts together+
The "layers ki$k oJ the s$ene by des$ribing what their $hara$ters are trying
to do.
The #6 des$ribes whate)er it is they:re trying to o)er$ome. She may
$hoose to a$$rately "ortray the strength o' the o""osing 'or$e, or set "
the "layers 'or a sr"rise by making a togh obsta$le seem initially easy, or
a weak one strong.
?ith ea$h $ard drawn, the rele)ant "layer 3en$oraged as ne$essary by the
#64 des$ribes his $hara$ter taking a$tion. The e5tent o' the mat$h $olors
the des$ri"tion+
(atch Descri+e the action
Tale Seemingly de$isi)e
Sit -m"ressi)e
&olor Solid
Gone -neJe$tal
?hen the #6 kno$ks ot a $ard, the "layer who s"ent the red token has
sJered a re)ersal that erases a "re)ios ad)antage.
(ultiple Resolutions
S$enes ne)er in$lde more than one "ro$edral resoltion. *old additional or
side a$tions into the main narrati)e, or wait and $all a new s$ene, making it a
7ashba$k where ne$essary.
Success By -arration
!'ten yo $an des$ribe yor $hara$ters, in $on$ert with others or alone, as
ndertaking s$$ess'l "ra$ti$al a$tion, withot sbmitting yorsel' to the
)agaries o' "ro$edral resoltion. (o $an do this at the to" o' a s$ene, while
setting the s$ene, or as it n'olds. (o needn:t be the $aller to des$ribe yor
$hara$ter:s "ra$ti$al s$$esses.
-' no "arti$i"ant ob.e$ts to yor narration, what yo des$ribe be$omes "art o'
the narrati)e.
-' any "arti$i"ant ob.e$ts, yo mst "lay ot a "ro$edral to see i' yor "rsit
o' a "ra$ti$al goal s$$eeds. (o aren:t obligated to start a "ro$edral when an
ob.e$tion is raised. -nstead yo $an delay the attem"t, or gi)e " on it entirely. -n
the se$ond $ase, yor $hara$ter "robably sees that the a$tion is more diE$lt
than it at 8rst a""eared. -n the 8rst, yo:ll likely go on to bring other "layers in on
yor a$tionCwhi$h is the best assran$e o' s$$ess nder the sim"le "ro$edral
?hen yo $all a "ro$edral s$ene, and the #6 doesn:t see any good story
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 1M
reason 'or yo to 'a$e resistan$e, she:ll ask i' anyone else ob.e$ts to yor s$$ess.
-' not, yo des$ribe yor a$tion as ha)ing s$$eeded, and then $all a re'ramed
s$ene arising 'rom that.
Player *s/ Player
&he$k the two $ontesting $hara$ters: a$tion ty"es. -' one "rimary is sing a
Strong ability and another a ?eak ability, the Strong $hara$ter atomati$ally wins,
no resoltion system reNired.
>a$h "layer annon$es the ability his $hara$ter is sing and what he is trying to
Players may $hallenge stated goals on the gronds that they are im"lasible or
mo)e the story too 'ar 'orward in a single a$tion. -n the e)ent o' a s$$ess'l
$hallenge, the #6 sggests a modi8ed goal that satis8es all $0n$erned.
!therwise, ea$h "layer s"ends a "ro$edral token. The ot$ome is then
de$ided throgh a series o' $ard draws. The ma5imm nmber o' $ards the "layer
draws de"ends on the token s"ent+ 3 'or green, 2 'or yellow, 1 'or red.
% "layer sing a strong ability may draw an additional $ard i' his o""onent is
sing a middling ability.
The #6 de$ides whi$h o' the $hara$ters seems to ha)e started the $ontest,
whate)er it may be.
That "layer draws the 8rst $ard.
The other "layer draws the se$ond.
The 8rst "layer may then draw an additional $ard, i' he has one le't.
Then the se$ond "layer may do the same.
This $ontines ntil both "layers ha)e either rn ot o' $ard draws, or $hoose
not to draw any more.
The "layer with the highest $ard o)er$omes the other, a$hie)ing his goal.
To resol)e ties between $ards o' the same )ale, se the sit order 3'rom best
to worst4+ s"ades, hearts, diamonds, $lbs.
Players who at any time drew a 'a$e $ard and s"ent a green token introd$e an
ad)antage their $hara$ters $an take ad)antage o' in an "$oming s$ene.
Players who at any time drew a 'a$e $ard and s"ent a red token introd$e an
additional obsta$le their $hara$ters mst resol)e in an "$oming s$ene.
Solo #ctions
The standard "ro$edral rles make it easier to s$$eed by bringing other
"layers into yor a$tion attem"t. ?here it makes sense 'or a "layer to a$t on his
own withot nde risk o' 'ailre, the #6 may de$ide to instead se the Player )s.
Player rles, a$ting as the o""osing s""orting $hara$ter or im"ersonal obsta$les.
The #6 s"ends a "ro$edral token, getting the sal 3 redraws 'or green, 2 'or
yellow, and 1 'or red. -' the s""orting $hara$ter has been established as being
es"e$ially 'ormidable in the a$tion ty"e sed to o""ose the P&, the #6 gains an
additional redraw.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 11
The "layer drawing the 8rst $ard des$ribes what his $hara$ter is doing to win
the $ontest.
*rom then on, "layers des$ribe their $hara$ters either taking a ste" toward
)i$tory 3when they draw a $ard better than their o""onent:s4 or sJering a
setba$k 3when they draw worse $ards.4
?hen all $ards ha)e been drawn, the "layer with the best $ard des$ribes his
$hara$ter a$hie)ing the agreed<"on goal.
Assisting in Player vs. Player Contests
Player )s. "layer $ontests may in)ol)e more than two main $hara$ters.
The assisting "layer annon$es whi$h $ontestant his $hara$ter is trying to hel",
how he:s doing that, and what ability he:s sing. Players $an inter)ene at any
time, and don:t ha)e to annon$e this at the to" o' a $ontest.
Ae s"ends a token, allowing the assisted $hara$ter a nmber o' redraws
eNi)alent to the token s"end+ 3 'or green, 2 'or yellow, 1 'or red. -' he:s sing a
strong ability and e)eryone a$ting on the other side is sing a weak ability, he
adds an additional draw to that nmber.
The assisting "layer draws those e5tra $ards, as ne$essary, and narrates what
his $hara$ter is doing to bring )i$tory 'or his $hosen side.
>)en in what seems like a disorgani2ed rmble between two sets o' main
$hara$ters, it:s always neatest to designate a "rimary $ontestant on ea$h side.
?hen it:s not $lear who this might be, the #6 $hooses. Ksally this will be ob)ios
Cthe 8rst $hara$ter to a$t on one side, and the 8rst $hara$ter a$ted "on on the
&onseNen$es are handed ot by the winning original $ontestant, regardless o'
whose token "aid 'or the 8nal $ard drawn.
Resol*ing Conse5uences
?hen a $hara$ter earns or sJers a $onseNen$e dring a "ro$edral s$ene,
#6 and "layer ea$h make a note o' it. &onseNen$es are ty"i$ally too e"hemeral
to in$lde on the $hara$ter sheet.
Players shold then attem"t to work their $onseNen$es into an "$oming
s$ene. -' they don:t, the #6 will. (o $an in)oke a $onseNen$e in more than one
s$ene. >)entally some new $onseNen$e will arise, and the old one will 'ade into
the ba$kgrond.
Supporting Characters
S""orting $hara$ters are $reated and 7eshed ot dring the game by any
"arti$i"ant, and "ortrayed by the #6.
They break into two ty"es+ minor and re$rring. This is mostly a bookkee"ing
distin$tion, sorting the tangential 8gres 'rom those who will "lay an im"ortant
ongoing role in the series.
The #6, or a "layer gi)en bookkee"ing res"onsibilities, shold kee" a list o'
$hara$ters a""earing in the series, "dating it as ne$essary. Se"arate them into
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 1=
the two $ategories, with s"e$ial attention "aid to the re$rring $hara$ters.
(inor Characters
6inor $hara$ters "ro)ide obsta$les dring "ro$edral s$enes. They do not tie
into the desires o' main $ast members or satis'y their emotional needs.
%lternately, they may be mentioned in "assing, withot taking a $entral role in
the s$ene. They:re the eNi)alent o' Shakes"earean s"ear<$arriers.
6any re$rring $hara$ters start ot as minor, then be$ome more im"ortant
when a P& de)elo"s an emotional need they $an 'l8ll.
Introducing (inor Characters
&hara$ters are introd$ed 'or the 8rst time either by the $aller, at the to" o' a
s$ene, or by any "arti$i"ant, while a s$ene is already in "rogress.
?hen bringing in a new $hara$ter, gi)e him or her a name and a brie'
des$ri"tion, no more than two or three $lases long. The brie' des$ri"tion
indi$ates the minor $hara$ter:s role in the world or story, gi)ing the #6 enogh o'
a starting "oint to "ortray him.
Recurring Characters
% "layer $an "romote a minor $hara$ter to re$rring stats by making him or
her the ob.e$t o' his $hara$ter:s emotional needs.
Some $hara$ters start ot as re$rring, when their 8rst a""earan$e is a
dramati$ s$ene in whi$h they are $alled "on to grant a P&s: "etition.
Players may establish relationshi"s to re$rring $hara$ters "romoted by other
"layers. Do this dring any s$ene 'eatring both yor $hara$ter and the re$rring
Re$rring $hara$ters may a$t as "etitioners, seeking grants 'rom "layers, bt
ne)er other re$rring $hara$ters.
The #6 kee"s a single "ool o' drama tokens whi$h re"resents all o' the
re$rring $hara$ters. This is distin$t 'rom the kitty. -t is "ossible, 'or e5am"le, to
make a 'or$e 'or one re$rring $hara$ter sing two tokens garnered by granting
on behal' o' two other re$rring $hara$ters in two se"arate "re)ios s$enes.
Introducing 7ocations
%ny "arti$i"ant $an introd$e a new lo$ation in whi$h a s$ene $an take "la$e, or
to whi$h a s$ene in "rogress $an logi$ally shi't. 3*or e5am"le, a s$ene that takes
"la$e dring a .orney might start on a road and end " in a swam".4 The $aller,
or any "arti$i"ant dring a shi't in lo$ation, "ro)ides an introd$tory des$ri"tion o'
the "la$e, whi$h other "arti$i"ants $an then elaborate on. They $an do this as the
s$ene "rogresses, or in a later s$ene set in the same "la$e.
!n$e yo establish a 'ew basi$ lo$ations, yoQll 8nd the story o'ten retrning to
them, like the reglar sets in a TT show.
% "arti$i"ant who 'eels that an introd$ed lo$ation detail is ot o' bonds $an
$hallenge it on one o' the 'ollowing gronds+
Consistency+ The des$ri"tion is ana$hronisti$ or otherwise nsited to the
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 20
established setting and genre.
Continuity+ The des$ri"tion is in$onsistent with what has already been
Tone+ The des$ri"tion is somehow ridi$los.
Belie*a+ility+ The des$ri"tion de8es $ommon sense.
-' the #6 agrees that the detail 'ails one o' the abo)e tests, she allows a
$hallenge, as "er the standard rles on ". 1.
DramaSystem rewards the "layers who most $onsistently and entertainingly
ena$t their dramati$ "oles.
Gaining Bennies
%t the end o' ea$h session, ea$h "layer in trn 3in seating order4 makes a brie'
statement, highlighting how he entertainingly broght ot his $hara$ter:s
dramati$ "oles o)er the $orse o' the session, in relation to the e"isode:s theme.
?hen a "layer is nable to arti$late a $ase, the #6 makes it 'or him.
%ll "arti$i"ants then )ote, ranking the other "layers in order, with U1 the best
s$ore, U2 se$ond best and so on. The argment is .st a reminder+ )oters base
their rankings on how well the "layers broght ot their dramati$ "oles in relation
to the theme, not how skill'lly they made their $ases. 6o)ing 'rom one "ole to
another in the $orse o' an e"isode is a good thing. Tote against "layers who,
e"isode in and e"isode ot, stress a "arti$lar "ole and ignore the other. Players
do not rank themsel)es. Go one ranks the #6, who ne)er gets bennies. The #6
)otes, too, ranking all o' the "layers.
The #6 then totals ea$h "layer:s )ote tally. The nmber o' drama tokens a
"layer has in hand is then sbtra$ted 'rom this nmber.
The two "layers with the lowest s$ores gain one bennie ea$h
*or "ortable $om"ter sers, a sim"le s"readsheet s"eeds the tallying.
Tied Results
-' two "layers are tied 'or the lowest s$ore, ea$h gets a bennie. The se$ond
"la$e 8nisher3s4 does not.
-' two "layers tie 'or se$ond "la$e, both o' them gain bennies, as does the
"layer in 8rst.
-' three or more "layers tie 'or 8rst, all gain bennies.
Spending Bennies
?hen yo ha)e a bennie, yo $an s"end it on narrati)e bene8ts that ki$k in
dring "lay. !n$e s"ent, yo remo)e the bennie 'rom yor $hara$ter sheet. They
don:t re'resh9 yo $an re"la$e a s"ent bennie only by earning a new one, as
1 Low s$ore looks $onter<intiti)e on the "age bt is entirely natral in "ra$ti$e. -t allows "layers
to rank ea$h other 'rom 1 on down, with U1 being the best. !nly the #6 e)er sees the low
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 21
&ash in a bennie 'or any one o' the 'ollowing+
a dramati$ token
a "ro$edral token
to draw an additional $ard in a "ro$edral s$ene
the right to .m" the Nee and $all a s$ene immediately a'ter any other
s$ene. The Nee<.m"er:s ne5t s$ene is ski""ed, a'ter whi$h the e5isting
$alling order is obser)ed as "er sal.
to .m" into a s$ene the $aller wants to kee" yo ot o'
to blo$k another "layer:s attem"t to .m" into a s$ene yo:)e $alled.
3;lo$ked "layers kee" the bennies they wold ha)e s"ent.4
the right to brn any 1 token held by another "layer. % dramati$ token
retrns to the kitty9 a "ro$edral token is treated as s"ent.
(o may s"end only one bennie "er s$ene.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 22
Series Pitches
% Series Pit$hes is a $ommon 'ormat 'or "resenting DramaSystem settings. The
key entries are+
The e5$iting and dynami$ one<senten$e logline yoQll se to introd$e yor
series to "layers.
-ndi$ate to "layers the sorts o' roles the $hara$ters might take on within the
ensemble $ast.
Des$ribe the Nalities o' yor "it$h:s time and "la$e that will most dire$tly
im"a$t the a$tion.
-n bllet "oints, list likely themes 'or e"isodes o' yor series, with or withot
e5"lanatory notes indi$ating how they might be e5"ressed in "lay.
Tightening the Scre's
List a nmber o' "ossible $om"li$ations "arti$i"ants might introd$e to reignite
tensions within the main $ast.
Pro)ide a list o' sam"le names 'or "eo"le, "la$es, and 3where a""ro"riate4
things in the series. Parti$i"ants se these when stm"ed 'or sitable names
when in)enting "eo"le and "la$es on the 7y.
#dditional $lements
-' yo need to add another element to this 'ormat to make yor Series Pit$h work,
do it.

DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 23
#d*anced Procedural System
The last $ard drawn in a "ro$edral s$ene determines the ot$ome and is $alled
the clincher.
Calling the Scene
To establish a "ro$edral s$ene, the $aller des$ribes the basi$ sitation. ?hile
adding as m$h e)o$ati)e narration as "ossible, she s"e$i8es+
The s$ene:s lo$ation
?hi$h $hara$ters are "resent
?hat they:re trying to a$hie)e, and how
3-' more than one $hara$ter is "resent4 ?hi$h o' them is taking the lead in
"er'orming the a$tion. This is the primary $hara$ter9 others "resent are
To $all a "ro$edral s$ene yor $hara$ter is not in, s"end a green token. 3This
reNirement does not a""ly to the #6.4
Step One% The G( Declares Di8culty
The #6 then s"ends one o' her "ro$edral tokens. This determines what kind o'
$lin$her the "rimary needs in order to s$$eed at his ob.e$ti)e.
% red token indi$ates that the task at hand is nsally easy. The "rimary
s$$eeds i' the $lin$her $omes " s"ades, hearts, or diamonds. These be$ome the
up cards 'or the $oming $ontest. &ards 'rom the $lbs sit are do'n cards.
% yellow says that it is a rn<o'<the<mill "roblem. The "rimary s$$eeds i' the
$lin$her $omes " s"ades or hearts. These are the " $ards9 diamonds and $lbs
are down $ards.
#reen means that it is es"e$ially hard. The "rimary s$$eeds only i' the $lin$her
$omes " s"ades. !nly s"ades are treated as " $ards9 hearts, diamonds and
$lbs are down $ards.
Chance of
Low Red

6oderate (ellow

Aigh #reen

,oint -arration
?ith the sitation established, the gro" "ro$eeds to .ointly narrate the a$tion,
the "rimary:s "layer des$ribing what her $hara$ter is doing
"layers o' se$ondaries des$ribing what their $hara$ters are doing
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 2H
the #6 des$ribing the )arios mini<obsta$les that "resent themsel)es on
their way to their desired gain, or a $on$lsi)e setba$k.
The #6 starts by drawing 'rom the $ard de$k, and kee"s drawing ntil a down
$ard $omes ". !nly then does the s$ene begin, with a des$ri"tion by the #6 o'
the 8rst obsta$le standing between the "arti$i"ating $hara$ters and their goal.
Throghot the a$tion, "arti$i"ants may by )arios means 'or$e the #6 to
redraw. >a$h redraw re7e$ts a new wrinkle that "o"s " as the "rimary and
se$ondaries address their task. K" $ards re"resent ho"e'l moments, in whi$h
e)ents trn in their 'a)or. Down $ards indi$ate setba$ks, in whi$h their 8nal
)i$tory seems im"eriled.
% down 'a$e $ard indi$ates a really nasty negati)e de)elo"ment. %n " 'a$e
$ard signals a ma.or, im"ressi)e breakthrogh on the "art o' one or more a$ti)e
$hara$ters. %$es $ont as 'a$e $ards.
The #6 narrates the setba$ks or ominos de)elo"ments indi$ated by down
$ards, and the "layers des$ribe themsel)es o)er$oming obsta$les whene)er "
$ards are drawn.
Step T'o% The Primary #cts
The "rimary:s "layer des$ribes what the $hara$ter is doing to ki$k oJ the
seNen$e o' e)ents.
-' the "rimary a$tor is sing a Strong ability, the #6 draws two $ards, dis$arding
the worst and treating the other as the new a$ti)e $ard.
?hen the "rimary a$tor ses a 6iddling ability, the #6 draws a single $ard.
-' the "rimary a$tor is sing a ?eak ability, the #6 draws two $ards, dis$arding
the best and treating the other as the new a$ti)e $ard.
Better or !orse Cards
Dring a standard "ro$edral resoltion, $ards rank in the 'ollowing order, 'rom
best to worst+
1. % 'a$e $ard in an " sit
2. % nmbered $ard in an " sit.
3. % nmbered $ard in a down sit.
H. % 'a$e $ard in a down sit.
Step Three% Player Redra's
%'ter the "rimary a$ts, "layers may 'or$e redraws o' down $ards 3to hel" the
"rimary s$$eed4 or " $ards 3i' they want the attem"t to go awry.4
In*ol*ed Characters
-' a "layer:s $hara$ter is "resent in the s$ene, the "layer may 'or$e one redraw
by s"ending a "ro$edral token. Players may only do this on$e "er s$ene.
The "rimary a$tor:s "layer is always among those eligible to make this redraw.
-t makes sense 'or the "rimary a$tor to get another ki$k at the $an, as he is the
'o$s o' the s$ene.
De"ending on the token s"ent, the "layer may be $alled on to draw an
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 2/
additional $ard, $alled a conse5uence card. This does not aJe$t the o)erall
ot$ome o' the "ro$edral a$tion, bt may "resent the "layer:s $hara$ter with an
additional reslt, 'or good or ill.
!n a red token, the "layer draws a $onseNen$e $ard. -' it is down $ard,
something bad will ha""en to that $hara$ter as a reslt o' this in$ident.
!n a yellow token, the "layer does not draw a $onseNen$e $ard.
!n a green token, the "layer draws a $onseNen$e $ard. -' it is an " $ard,
something good will ha""en to that $hara$ter as a reslt o' this in$ident.
#+sent Characters
Players whose $hara$ters are not "resent may 'or$e redraws by s"ending a
green token.
-' they:re ha)ing a down $ard redrawn, they des$ribe a new ad)antage that
"resents itsel' to the a$ting $hara$ters. -' they:re ha)ing an " $ard redrawn 3and
are ths working to thwart the a$ting $hara$ters4 they des$ribe a new obsta$le.
This de)elo"ment needn:t 3and generally won:t4 be $ased by their $hara$ters.
They are sally best en)isioned as $han$e e)ents.
S"ending a green token when yor $hara$ter is absent does not entitle that
$hara$ter to a "ersonal bene8t.
Cashing In a Positi*e Conse5uence
% "layer $an $all 'or a redraw i' she $an .sti'y it, to the general satis'a$tion o'
#6 and gro", as the reslt o' a "ositi)e $onseNen$e a$Nired in a "re)ios
s$ene. This is only "ossible i' the $hara$ter has yet to gain 'rom that
$onseNen$e, in or ot o' a "ro$edral s$ene.
Order of #ction
Ksally the order in whi$h "arti$i"ants res"ond to new $ard draws resol)es
itsel' organi$ally. -' two "layers want to a$t at the same time, the #6 $hooses a
'resh "re$eden$e order, whi$h establishes the order they a$t in. Players may
withdraw a'ter "re$eden$e is established.
Players may o$$asionally .o$key to en$orage others to go 8rst, so they don:t
ha)e to s"end )alable tokens or a$$e"t negati)e story $onseNen$es. -' this
doesn:t Ni$kly sort itsel' ot, the #6 de$lares the a$tion resol)ed+ the sitation
$ame to a head while they dithered.
Step "our% Resolution
?hen no "layer is willing or able to $all 'or 'rther redraws, the $rrent $ard
stands and be$omes the $lin$her.
-' it is an " 'a$e $ard, the "rimary:s "layer des$ribes the e)ent resol)ing itsel'
in an es"e$ially im"ressi)e 'ashion.
-' it is a nmbered " $ard, that "layer des$ribes the 8nal resoltion as a
thrilling sNeaker )i$tory, won by the narrowest o' margins.
-' it is a down 'a$e $ard, the #6 des$ribes the ot$ome as a disastros setba$k.
-' it is a down nmbered $ard, the #6 des$ribes the ot$ome as a heart<
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 2L
breaking near miss, in whi$h the $hara$ters nearly "re)ailed o)er their obsta$les,
bt 'ell short at the last moment.
The omission o' middling reslts is intentional. The system en$orages gri""ing
storytelling, lea)ing nremarkable ot$omes to the nheightened world o' real
Player *s/ Player
The $aller, with in"t 'rom the gro", s"e$i8es+
The s$ene:s lo$ation
?hi$h $hara$ters are "resent
?hat they:re trying to a$hie)e, and how.
?ho the most im"ortant $ontestant on ea$h side o' the $ontest is. These
are the primaries. !thers also "resent are secondaries.
?hat will ha""en, more or less, i' Primary % wins, and what will ha""en i'
Primary ; wins. Sometimes the "ossible ot$omes mirror one another, as
when two $hara$ters $om"ete in a ra$e. -n other $ases, they:re Nite
diJerent+ a s""orting $hara$ter li)es i' % wins, and dies i' ; wins.
;e'ore "ro$eeding, $he$k the "rimaries: a$tion grades. -' one "rimary is sing a
Strong ability and another a ?eak ability, the Strong $hara$ter atomati$ally wins,
no resoltion system reNired.
!therwise, the s$ene "ro$eeds. -' one $hara$ter has a better grade in the ability
he:s sing than another, he gets an additional redraw 3see below.4
Step One% Order Of #ction
De$ide who a$ts 8rst. ?here one $hara$ter is trying to do one thing, and
another tries to sto" him, the 'ormer:s "layer goes 8rst. -' both $hara$ters are
a$ting at on$e, or the sitation is otherwise n$lear, the #6 draws a 'resh
"re$eden$e order to see who a$ts 8rst.
Step T'o% Spend To)ens
>a$h $ontestant s"ends a "ro$edral token to gain a nmber o' redraws. %
green token bys three redraws, yellow, two, red, one.
Step Three% Dra' Cards
The $ontestants now draw $ards. The one who ends the seNen$e with the
highest $ard in hand wins. %s always, any $ard drawn is "la$ed 'a$e ", 'or all
"arti$i"ants to see.
The 8rst "layer draws a $ard, 'ollowed by the se$ond.
The 8rst "layer may now se one o' her redraws to either draw a new $ard 'or
hersel', or 'or$e her o""onent to redraw.
Then the se$ond "layer may se one o' his redraws to either draw a new $ard
'or himsel', or 'or$e his o""onent to redraw.
This $ontines ntil neither $ontestant $an, or wishes to, se 'rther redraws.
The #6 may then reNire one $ontestant to redraw, on$e. She des$ribes a
$hange in 'ortne ti""ing the balan$e against the "layer who redraws. -' the
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 2M
"layer gets a higher $ard than he had be'ore, he des$ribes his trim"h o)er that
diE$lty, and the im"ro)ed sitation reslting 'rom it.
Garrate the "s and downs o' the $ontest with ea$h $ard draw. ?hen a
$hara$ter draws a $ard lower than his o""onent:s $rrent $ard, his o""onent
des$ribes him 'alling behind in the $ontest. ?hen he draws a $ard higher than his
o""onent:s, he des$ribes his own $hara$ter sei2ing ad)antage.
Players o' other $hara$ters "resent in the s$ene $an then s"end green tokens to
inter'ere on one side or the other. >a$h inter'ering "layer reNires a $hosen
$ontestant to redraw, on$e. They des$ribe what they:re doing to $hange the
ot$ome. ?here two inter'ering "layers wish to a$t at the same time, the #6 ses
the "re$eden$e established in the !rder o' %$tion stage to see who a$ts 8rst.
%'ter the #6 and inter'ering "layers ha)e 8nished m$king abot with the
reslt, and one or more o' the $ontestants still has redraws le't, they may now
make them. -' both still ha)e redraws le't, the 8rst "layer gets 8rst $ra$k, bt may
ele$t to "ass.
Step "i*e% Resolution
?hen no $ontestant has or wants to se a remaining redraw, the one with the
highest $ard wins, and des$ribes the ot$ome mooted dring the stakes ste"
$oming to "ass, in a manner "ossibly $olored by the inter)ening narration.
?hen the "arti$i"ants end on eNal $ards 'rom diJerent sits, see i' they $an
agree on a sr"rise ot$ome that gi)es them both what they wanted. -' not,
$hoose a winner a$$ording to this sit order, 'rom best to worst+ s"ades, hearts,
diamonds, $lbs.
II/ Suit Order
1. S"ades
2. Aeart
3. Diamonds
H. &lbs
II% Glossary of Game Terms
Bennie+ a game reward yo $an e5$hange 'or )arios ad)antages in "lay
Clincher+ the 8nal, determining $ard in ad)an$ed "ro$edral resoltion
Dramatic scene+ a s$ene o' )erbal $on7i$t o)er an emotional ob.e$ti)e
Drama to)en+ a game $rren$y en$oraging "layers to strike a balan$e between
rebEng and granting "etitions
Do'n Card+ a $ard denoting a negati)e de)elo"ment in ad)an$ed "ro$edral
"ace card+ the Ia$k, Seen, Fing and %$e
$pisode+ a single storyline 'eatring yor $ontining $hara$ters
"raught relationships% The 8rst and se$ond P&s yo name as yor desired
sor$e o' emotional reward
Game (oderator+ a single "arti$i"ant who takes a giding role in sha"ing the
"a$e o' the narrati)e and 'a$ilitating $ollaboration between "layers
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 21
Grade+ the measre o' yor ability with an %$tion. The three grades, 'rom best to
worst, are Strong, 6iddling, and ?eak.
Granter+ the $hara$ter in a dramati$ s$ene who $an either gi)e the "etitioner
what he wants, or withhold it9 $an be seen as the ob.e$t o' the s$ene
(inor character+ a named s""orting $hara$ter to whom no P& has an
emotional relationshi"
Petitioner+ the $hara$ter who initiates a dramati$ s$ene in "rsit o' an
emotional goal9 $an be seen as the sb.e$t o' the s$ene
Player+ one o' se)eral "arti$i"ants who takes on the role o' one "rotagonist in the
ensemble $ast
Procedural scene+ a s$ene in whi$h a P& or P&s stri)e 'or an e5ternal or "ra$ti$al
Procedural to)en+ a game $rren$y allowing "layers to in7en$e their s$$ess
or 'ailre in "ro$edral s$enes
Recurring character% im"ortant s""orting $hara$ters who $an take "art in
dramati$ s$enes with P&s
Session+ a single meeting o' yor game gro"
6p Card+ a $ard denoting a "ositi)e de)elo"ment in ad)an$ed "ro$edral
DramaSystem !#L SRD
%""endi5 -+ !"en #ame Li$ense Tersion 1.0a
The 'ollowing te5t is the "ro"erty o' ?i2ards o' the &oast, -n$. and is &o"yright
2000 ?i2ards o' the &oast, -n$ 3W?i2ardsW4. %ll Rights Reser)ed.
1. De8nitions+ 3a4W&ontribtorsW means the $o"yright and,or trademark owners
who ha)e $ontribted !"en #ame &ontent9 3b4WDeri)ati)e 6aterialW means
$o"yrighted material in$lding deri)ati)e works and translations 3in$lding into
other $om"ter langages4, "otation, modi8$ation, $orre$tion, addition, e5tension,
"grade, im"ro)ement, $om"ilation, abridgment or other 'orm in whi$h an
e5isting work may be re$ast, trans'ormed or ada"ted9 3$4 WDistribteW means to
re"rod$e, li$ense, rent, lease, sell, broad$ast, "bli$ly dis"lay, transmit or
otherwise distribte9 3d4W!"en #ame &ontentW means the game me$hani$ and
in$ldes the methods, "ro$edres, "ro$esses and rotines to the e5tent s$h
$ontent does not embody the Prod$t -dentity and is an enhan$ement o)er the
"rior art and any additional $ontent $learly identi8ed as !"en #ame &ontent by
the &ontribtor, and means any work $o)ered by this Li$ense, in$lding
translations and deri)ati)e works nder $o"yright law, bt s"e$i8$ally e5$ldes
Prod$t -dentity. 3e4 WProd$t -dentityW means "rod$t and "rod$t line names,
logos and identi'ying marks in$lding trade dress9 arti'a$ts9 $reatres $hara$ters9
stories, storylines, "lots, themati$ elements, dialoge, in$idents, langage,
artwork, symbols, designs, de"i$tions, likenesses, 'ormats, "oses, $on$e"ts,
themes and gra"hi$, "hotogra"hi$ and other )isal or adio re"resentations9
names and des$ri"tions o' $hara$ters, s"ells, en$hantments, "ersonalities, teams,
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 2=
"ersonas, likenesses and s"e$ial abilities9 "la$es, lo$ations, en)ironments,
$reatres, eNi"ment, magi$al or s"ernatral abilities or eJe$ts, logos, symbols,
or gra"hi$ designs9 and any other trademark or registered trademark $learly
identi8ed as Prod$t identity by the owner o' the Prod$t -dentity, and whi$h
s"e$i8$ally e5$ldes the !"en #ame &ontent9 3'4 WTrademarkW means the logos,
names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are sed by a &ontribtor to identi'y itsel'
or its "rod$ts or the asso$iated "rod$ts $ontribted to the !"en #ame Li$ense
by the &ontribtor 3g4 WKseW, WKsedW or WKsingW means to se, Distribte, $o"y,
edit, 'ormat, modi'y, translate and otherwise $reate Deri)ati)e 6aterial o' !"en
#ame &ontent. 3h4 W(oW or W(orW means the li$ensee in terms o' this agreement.
2. The Li$ense+ This Li$ense a""lies to any !"en #ame &ontent that $ontains a
noti$e indi$ating that the !"en #ame &ontent may only be Ksed nder and in
terms o' this Li$ense. (o mst aE5 s$h a noti$e to any !"en #ame &ontent that
yo Kse. Go terms may be added to or sbtra$ted 'rom this Li$ense e5$e"t as
des$ribed by the Li$ense itsel'. Go other terms or $onditions may be a""lied to
any !"en #ame &ontent distribted sing this Li$ense.
3. !Jer and %$$e"tan$e+ ;y Ksing the !"en #ame &ontent (o indi$ate (or
a$$e"tan$e o' the terms o' this Li$ense.
H. #rant and &onsideration+ -n $onsideration 'or agreeing to se this Li$ense,
the &ontribtors grant (o a "er"etal, worldwide, royalty<'ree, non<e5$lsi)e
li$ense with the e5a$t terms o' this Li$ense to Kse, the !"en #ame &ontent.
/. Re"resentation o' %thority to &ontribte+ -' (o are $ontribting original
material as !"en #ame &ontent, (o re"resent that (or &ontribtions are (or
original $reation and,or (o ha)e sE$ient rights to grant the rights $on)eyed by
this Li$ense.
L. Goti$e o' Li$ense &o"yright+ (o mst "date the &!P(R-#AT G!T-&> "ortion
o' this Li$ense to in$lde the e5a$t te5t o' the &!P(R-#AT G!T-&> o' any !"en
#ame &ontent (o are $o"ying, modi'ying or distribting, and (o mst add the
title, the $o"yright date, and the $o"yright holderQs name to the &!P(R-#AT
G!T-&> o' any original !"en #ame &ontent yo Distribte.
M. Kse o' Prod$t -dentity+ (o agree not to Kse any Prod$t -dentity, in$lding
as an indi$ation as to $om"atibility, e5$e"t as e5"ressly li$ensed in another,
inde"endent %greement with the owner o' ea$h element o' that Prod$t -dentity.
(o agree not to indi$ate $om"atibility or $o<ada"tability with any Trademark or
Registered Trademark in $on.n$tion with a work $ontaining !"en #ame &ontent
e5$e"t as e5"ressly li$ensed in another, inde"endent %greement with the owner
o' s$h Trademark or Registered Trademark. The se o' any Prod$t -dentity in
!"en #ame &ontent does not $onstitte a $hallenge to the ownershi" o' that
Prod$t -dentity. The owner o' any Prod$t -dentity sed in !"en #ame &ontent
shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Prod$t -dentity.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 30
1. -denti8$ation+ -' yo distribte !"en #ame &ontent (o mst $learly indi$ate
whi$h "ortions o' the work that yo are distribting are !"en #ame &ontent.
=. K"dating the Li$ense+ ?i2ards or its designated %gents may "blish "dated
)ersions o' this Li$ense. (o may se any athori2ed )ersion o' this Li$ense to
$o"y, modi'y and distribte any !"en #ame &ontent originally distribted nder
any )ersion o' this Li$ense.
10 &o"y o' this Li$ense+ (o 6KST in$lde a $o"y o' this Li$ense with e)ery
$o"y o' the !"en #ame &ontent (o Distribte.
11. Kse o' &ontribtor &redits+ (o may not market or ad)ertise the !"en #ame
&ontent sing the name o' any &ontribtor nless (o ha)e written "ermission
'rom the &ontribtor to do so.
12 -nability to &om"ly+ -' it is im"ossible 'or (o to $om"ly with any o' the terms
o' this Li$ense with res"e$t to some or all o' the !"en #ame &ontent de to
statte, .di$ial order, or go)ernmental reglation then (o may not Kse any !"en
#ame 6aterial so aJe$ted.
13 Termination+ This Li$ense will terminate atomati$ally i' (o 'ail to $om"ly
with all terms herein and 'ail to $re s$h brea$h within 30 days o' be$oming
aware o' the brea$h. %ll sbli$enses shall sr)i)e the termination o' this Li$ense.
1H Re'ormation+ -' any "ro)ision o' this Li$ense is held to be nen'or$eable,
s$h "ro)ision shall be re'ormed only to the e5tent ne$essary to make it
1/ &!P(R-#AT G!T-&>
!"en #ame Li$ense ) 1.0 &o"yright 2000, ?i2ards o' the &oast, -n$.
DramaSystem SRD 2013 Robin D. Laws by arrangement with Pelgrane Press.
De)elo"ed, athored, and edited by Robin D. Laws Oadd other $redits here as
!P>G &!GT>GT
%ll $ontent in this do$ment is $onsidered o"en $ontent.
DramaSystem Re'eren$e Do$ment , Robin D. Laws , ". 31

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