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Alfredo S.P. De ocampo Jr., MD

. Doing Things On Purpose, For Good Reason, and With Good Information
. Strategic planning is a Systematic process of enisioning a desired future and translating this
ision into !roadly defined goals or o!"ecties and a se#uence of steps to achiee them$%
. Strategic planning is a isionary process that results in ma"or, long&range and far&reaching
strategic directions or goals for the future
. Strategic plans proide the foundation for operational planning in the form of policies,
procedures, and strategies for o!taining and using resources to achiee those directions

What is Strategic Planning?
. Strategic planning is a formal process designed to help an organi'ation maintain an optimal
alignment (ith the most important elements of its enironment% )Ro(ley, *u"an, + Dolence,
,--., p$ ,/0$
. The strategic planning process supplies the organi'ation (ith tools that promote future
thin1ing, applies the systems approach, allo(s for setting goals and strategies, proides a
common frame(or1 for decisions and communications, and relies on measuring performance
)Steiner, ,-.-0$
Why do Strategic Planning?
. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail 2 !e proactie a!out the future
. Strategic planning improes performance
. 3ounter e4cessie in(ard and short&term thin1ing
. Sole ma"or issues at a macro leel
. 3ommunicate to eeryone (hat is most important

STEP 4: Develop a Vision and Assessment using SWOT Matrix
5pply an approach for Defining the 6ey Issues, Focusing the 5ttention of the Organi'ation,
and 7sta!lishing the Frame(or1 of the 8e4t Step of Strategy Deelopment
. Deelop a 9ision for Success, Reframe Goals and O!"ecties and Focus on 6ey Issues
that may !e a !arrier to Success
o 5 statement of 5spiration
o 5 !orad statement indicating general direction to(ard a desired future
o 5 mean to fulfill its 9ision
o :eaningful to !e realistic
o 3ompati!le (ith Goals and 9alues
. SWOT :atri4
o Strengths, Wea1nesses, Opportunities and Threats
o Proides information a!out an organi'ation;s current position in the mar1et
o 3onclusions can proide templates for generating strategies for the organi'ation
. Opportunities and Threats Wor1sheet
o 3urrent or Future :ar1ets
o 6ey Sta1eholders
o 3ompetitors and 5llies
o 7nironmental Forces and Trends
. Strengths and Wea1nesses Wor1sheet
o Summari'es status or current leel of each resource (ith 1ey performance
indicator data
o Summari'es strength and (ea1nesses related to each resource
o Indicate the desired future state of each item
STEP 5: Strategic Alternatives
. Generate, 7aluate and Select 5lternatie Strategies for 5chieing Organi'ational Goal
and O!"ectie of the <est 5lignment of the Organi'ation (ith the Opportunities in its
o Deelop an alternatie strategies for eery o!"ectie formulated in step =
o >se of arious epidemiologic data to ealuate eery strategy
o >se of idea&generating approach
o Druc1er four internal areas of potential for innoation
o >ne4pected occurrences, Incongruities, Process needs and industry mar1et
o Outside sources? 3hanges in demographics, perception, ne( 1no(ledge and
. >se of 7pidemiologic data to your adantage
. Identify strategies that are consistent (ith the o!"ecties
. :ain determinant for strategy selection is the Resources
When resources are plentiful, multiple strategies may !e selected$ In the more usual
scenario of scarce resource, a limited num!er of alternaties can !e selected and
more order of priority may !e assigned$%
STEP : !mplementation and Evaluation
. 3arry Out the Implementation Phase of Strategic Planning, Detailing operational 5ction
Plans and <udgets, :onitoring Impact, and ma1ing :idcourse 5d"ustment as 8ecessary
o Translates decisions a!out strategic directions into plan and application of
resources to support its implementation
o To !e effectie, continuous monitoring relatie to the consensus goals and
o!"ecties specified in step =
. @aeger proposes that the ans(er to t(o #uestion are necessary to "udge the effectieness
of the planning process
o Were the recommended tactics or actions are carried outA
o If yes, did they accomplish the stated o!"ecties or goalsA
. :idcourse Reie( and 5d"ustment
o Due to continuous change in healthcare and its e4ternal enironment
o Reie( aims to determine the accuracy and releance of the o!"ecties
o Organi'ation should !e prepared to reinitiate the planning process at the ne4t leel
!eyond the operating plan
o Reisions should !e in the conte4t of the 9ision of the organi'ation
3riteria for Good 7aluation
. Integrity
. Relia!ility
. 5ccuracy
. Timeliness
. 3onfidentiality + Security
. Suita!ility
. Feasi!ility
. 5ccepta!ility
3ontinuous Feed!ac1 through the <alanced Scorecard
. >se of <alanced Scorecard frame(or1 to organi'e and report actiona!le components$
. Scorecard is used for managing the e4ecution of strategies$
. Scorecard forces% us to loo1 at different perspecties and ta1e into account cause&effect
. It improes ho( you communicate strategies$

STR5T7GI3 P*588I8G <B 5 35837R 3O8TRO* ORG58IC5TIO8
. Pro!lem?
o The highest proportion of indiidual presenting (ith late colorectal cancer in the
states are !lac1$ 5n organi'ation (hose mission is the control of the cancer
pro!lem in a state (ishes to deelop a strategic plan to address this pro!lem
. :ethod and Data
o Source of Data?
o State Tumor Registry for the incidence of colorectal cancer
o State Pu!lic Dealth Department for the mortality data and compilation of the
<ehaioral Ris1 Factor Sureillance Surey data on 3olorectal screening
o State pu!lic health department computed for the age&ad"usted incidence and
mortality rate
. Results?
o Incidence Rate ,--E&FEE=
o 8on&Dispanic <lac1 Increase )8D<0
o 8on&Dispanic White Decrease )8DW0
o :ortality Rate ,--E&FEE=
o 8D< male and female Decrease
o 8DW male and female still hae on aerage a higher rate
o 7arly detection is 1no(n to effectiely decrease mortality from colon cancer
. 5ssessment of 3onditions
o 74amined !y 6ey 3ommittees (ithin the organi'ation for a comprehensie ie(
o The 7arly Detection 3ommittee )7D30 and the 3ancer Incidence and 7nd Result
3ommittee )3I7R0 concurred on targeting the 5frican 5merican population on
early detection a(areness and screening
o 7D3 and 3I7R reie( data and sources
o Preention and Pu!lic 5ffair 3ommittee reie( national data and school policies
o 3I7R charged to set goal for the planning process
. 7sta!lishment of Goal
o 3I7R reie( data and esta!lished the Goal
By 200 !0" o# $eo$le aged !0% years in the state &ill ha'e recei'ed colorectal screening
#ollo&ing A(erican Cancer Society G)idelines as (eas)red *y the $re#erred test o# +ecal
,cc)lt Blood Test-
o State <aseline FEE,? F,$GH
o 8ational <aseline FEE,? FI$=H
. 7sta!lishment of 3ontinued Progress
o 3ommittee consensus !ased upon prealence rate changes prior to !aseline year
e4pected (ithin the ne4t strategic planning reie( ). years0 and the follo(ing goal
additional (as esta!lished?
By 20.!/ 0! " o# $eo$le aged !0% years in the state &ill ha'e recei'ed colorectal
screening #ollo&ing A(erican Cancer Society G)idelines as (eas)red *y the $re#erred
Test o# +ecal ,cc)lt Blood Test
. Data Source for Trac1ing Progress
o To 7sta!lish the goal re#uires that alid and relia!le data !e aaila!le to ealuate
progress to achieing the goal?
o <ehaioral Ris1 Factor Sureillance System Pu!lic >se Data Tape, FEE,
o 8ational 3enter for 3hronic Disease Preention and Dealth Promotion, 3enter for
Disease 3ontrol and Preention 3D3P, FEEF
. Strategies for Interention
o Realistic strategies !e employed to achiee goal
o 7ducation and colorectal screening program targeted at high population density
5frican 5merican communities in fie areas of state using culturally sensitie message
and strategies
o The need for enironmental modification for younger children (ho are at ris1 for
o!esity and physical inactiity, etiologic factors for colorectal cancer
. 7aluation
o The 3I7R and Pu!lic 5ffairs (ill reie( the data annually regarding progress to
achiee goals and ad"ust strategies as necessary
. 7pidemiologic Interpretation
o :anagers should communicate eery department and local stores (ith pharmacies to
promote distri!ution of Fecal Occult <lood Test to the target audience of <lac1 /EJ
years of age
o Wor1 simultaneously (ith physician to receie referrals for positie results and follo(
these up (ith further testing closes the loop on the screening process

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