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A Requirements Definition

Report for the Client

WHS Document/Report


A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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Executive Summary

This document/report has been constructed to assist Woolworths personnel in the
successful application of Work Health and Safety (WHS), which is ideally then to be
used in the workplace. This document/report can be used by Woolworths , PCBU
(Person Conduction a Business or Undertaking) or by personnel/stakeholders and
employees, which will optimistically, lead to a more complete understanding of WHS
requirements and processes.

A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 2
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 3
Scope and Purpose of this Requirements Definition Report .............................................................. 4
The Main Function/Purpose of this Report and Functional Requirements/ Must & Mays ............... 5
The Project Cost... ................................................................................................................................ 7
The Benefits.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Another Woolworths Related Project... .............................................................................................. 9
Summary... ........................................................................................................................................... 9
References... ....................................................................................................................................... 10

A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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Scope and Purpose of this
Requirements Definition Report

This purpose of this report is to assist Woolworths personnel in the successful
application of Work Health and Safety (WHS), which in turn could be used in the
workplace. This document/report can be used by Woolworths , PCBU (Person
Conduction a Business or Undertaking) or by personnel/stakeholders and
employees, which will hopefully lead to a more complete understanding of WHS
requirements and processes. The resources that will be used for carrying out this
report will include the (Courtenell, 2014), which is a WHS training specialist, along
will Woolworths Limited Draft model Work Health and Safety Regulations and model
Codes of Practice and Tuck Shop Guide. This report will also include Woolworths
Limitations, such as their limited funding to WHS issues. As well as assumptions, for
example, what benefit could come of increasing funding to WHS, for example, it
could lead to developing a more conscientious workforce that is properly informed on
work, health and safety issues

In addition, this document/report on WHS will outline ways of managing risks
associated with WHS, the importance of regularly addressed WHS issues and what
principles are currently being dealt with by Woolworths. Furthermore, one of the
major reasons this Requirements Report has been put together is to communicate
and confirm the WHS requirements to all company stakeholders.

A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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The Main Function/Purpose of this
Report and Functional Requirements/
Must & Mays
The main function/purpose of this report is to inform Woolworths company personal
of how to manage the risks associated with WHS, Why WHS must be a regularly
addressed issue and what general WHS principles are currently being addressed.
Along with addressing the tasks of managing WHS risks, regularly addressing WHS
issues and general WHS principles, this section also includes mandatory (must)
and desirable (may) functional requirements.

How to Manage Risks Associated with
Under Work Health and Safety Legislation persons
operating businesses or undertakings are required/must
to put into practice suitable control procedures and
recognize reasonably foreseeable hazards that may
present a risk to the health and safety of company
personal. (WHS Act Section 17 and WHS Regulations 32
to 38)
This is carried out by:
1. Must Identify all hazards in the workplace that need to be evaluated.
2. So far as is reasonably practicable/may, eradicate or diminish all risks in the
3. To confirm they are effective, must review risk control procedures.
Please visit for further infomation http://www.courtenell.com.au/risk-management-

Why WHS must be a regularly addressed issue?

The reason why it needs/must to be regularly addressed is
because if we can continue to prevent injury, illness and
death at work then all Australians will benefit. However, if we
do not regularly address and update standards at work
places particularly at Woolworths Limited, this issue can
A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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lead to serious injuries, illnesses and deaths at the workplace. This will ultimately
lead to Australian households suffering emotionally and financially, but this tragedy
will also greatly affect the workplaces, financial emotional and business credibility.

What general WHS principles are currently being addressed by
In the Model Regulation, Woolworths holds up the common principles of risk
management/WHS. So as to tell duty holder how to recognize, analyse and
supervise risk in the workplace, they trust that common principles should be
included. Ideally/may, through the hierarchy of controls, these common principles of
risk management/WHS would be expressed and should/must be clearly stated in
Regulations. So they could be functional throughout, the insertion of these common
principles in the former version of the Model Regulation would/may be beneficial.
Woolworths believe what is essential/must of risk management principles and
strategies are the integration of general risk management principles/WHS including
the hierarchy of controls into the Model Regulation. Where certain hazards, types of
work/activities and industries are not expressly regulated in the WHS Model
Regulations they are also particularly important to Woolworths.

Screen Shot of Woolworths General Principles

A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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Project costs
Woolworths invested over $32 million into
the project for fastracking to management
and leadership, could they do it for WHS?

The Benefits

The benefits of investing this money into the management and leadership program
means more awareness will be made into developing a profoundly skilled workforce.
However, unfortunately going off research it appears that Woolworths Ltd. does not
invest a similar amount of finance into their WHS unit, even though this is as just
important investment as the management and leadership program. For the reason
that it could lead to developing a more conscientious workforce that is properly
informed on work, health and safety issues. Furthermore, if you visit this website link
_and_Safety_Regulations_and_model_Codes_of_Practice.pdf you will find that in
Chapter 3: General Workplace Management; Woolworths has no specific comment
on these sections, First aid, Emergency plans, or Review of general workplace
management measures. This means, broadly speaking, they have no real interest in
improving or keeping up to date knowledge on these WHS issues.

Screen Shot of Draft of model Work Health and Safety Regulations and model Codes
of Practice
A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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Additionally, in Chapter 4: Hazardous work; if you look at Part 4.1on Noise, they also
have no specific comment on this section, but for Part 4.2 Hazardous manual tasks
they did. Are they implying that continuous Noises in the Workplace is less
harmful/important than Hazardous manual tasks? Because long term noises in the
workplace can lead to premature deafness, lack of ability to hear important sounds,
which unfortunately leads to inability to hear oncoming danger, tinnitus, distortion of
speech or music, mental stress from the constant unremitting noise, confusion and
deterioration of general health to name a few. Which is believed to be why is should
be seen as critical as Hazardous manual tasks. Moreover, that is why WHS should
be seen as just/or more important as improving management and leadership at
Woolworths Ltd. And is why it should be receiving the same/or more funding to this

Screen Shot of Draft of model Work Health and Safety Regulations and model Codes
of Practice

A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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Another Woolworths Related Project
Another project specific topic is Woolworths education program on Healthy Tuck
Shop Guide. They/Woolworths focus on why a healthy tuck shop is important for
students for example, it acts as reinforcement to the school childrens learning on
health eating and living. One of the ways of helping children eat healthy is by putting
it in front of them, for example introducing in the tuck shop healthy options of food to
choose from. This is said to have a big impact on whether healthy eating becomes a
life-long habit, which is ideally what Woolworths is trying to achieve. Another point
Woolworths makes is that every school can be a healthy eating school regardless of
their socioeconomic status. Furthermore, in the long term health eating leads to less
health problems/issues that can affect the individual emotional and financial
situation. These points are 3 of the 10 points they made in this article on healthy a
tuck shop guide.

Please visit for further infomation on this article
The overall goal for this report was aimed at assisting Woolworths personnel in the
successful application of Work Health and Safety (WHS), which was to be used in
the workplace. This report was introduced for the use of Woolworths, PCBU (Person
Conduction a Business or Undertaking) or by personnel/stakeholders and
employees, which will hopefully lead to a more complete understanding of WHS
requirements and processes. Additionally, this report was to outline ways of
managing risks associated with WHS, the importance of regularly addressed WHS
issues and what principles are currently being dealt with by Woolworths. Along with
discussing mandatory (must) and desirable (may) functional requirements. This
report discussed about the project costs and asked if some will be divided up among
other sectors of the company, such as the WHS department, as well as the benefits
that come for contributing resources to this important cause. Then concluded with
talking about another project that Woolworths is involved with, which is Healthy Tuck
Shop Guide.

A Requirements Definition Report for the client
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Courtenell. (2014). Retrieved from Courtenell, Work Health & Safety Training and Consulting:
Woolworths Limited. (2011, April 4). Woolworths draft model Work Health and Safety Regulations
and model Codes of Practice. Retrieved from
Woolworth's Limited. (2014). Woolworth's Educational Program for School Tuck Shops. Retrieved
from http://www.woolworths.co.za/images/corporate/TuckshopGuide.pdf

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