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Bill to strengthen animal industry

A lawmaker has filed a bill strengthening the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) to make sure that there is
enough supply of chicken and other animal products for domestic consumption.
Rep. Sharon Garin (arty!list" AA#BIS!$%A) said the agriculture industry" particularly the &''!billion
poultry industry" is facing the threat of economic losses and downfall of the animal industry due to the outbreaks of
communicable diseases coming from other countries.
Garin filed (ouse Bill )')&" which seeks to strengthen the animal industry and *eterinary ser*ices to co*er
the holistic need of the animal industry.
+he party!list solon said the animal industry" with its li*estock and poultry sectors" contributes a great deal
to the country,s gross domestic product (G-).
.In the first /uarter of 0'&1 alone" the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics recorded that the li*estock and
poultry subsectors made up the 2' percent of the country,s total agricultural output" amounting to )3.12 billion"4
Garin said.
5nder the bill" the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) shall be renamed as the 6ational 7i*estock and
8eterinary Ser*ices Authority (678SA)" an attached line agency up to the regional le*el under the -epartment of
Agriculture (-A).
It shall be chiefly responsible for o*erseeing and promoting the health" welfare and producti*ity of the
national animal population for food safety" food security and rural de*elopment.
It shall be composed by a -irector General" a -eputy -irector General for Regulatory Ser*ices and a
-eputy -irector General for Research" -e*elopment and 9:tension Ser*ices.
+he 678SA shall ha*e the principal powers to be a regulatory authority; pro*ide technical assistance and
super*ision and e:ercise assumption of control as well as *isitorial power.
Garin said the proposed measure also seeks to restructure the BAI with the retention of some di*isions
while others were abolished and the e:isting ad*isory committees renamed including the 6ational Ad*isory
<ommittee for the %elfare of Animals or 6A<%A (currently" <ommittee on Animal %elfare of <A%)" and Animal
=eeds Ad*isory <ommittee or A=A< (currently named as the Animal =eed <ontrol Ad*isory <ommittee or
.=urthermore" the measure transfers all responsibilities of the -A4s regional staff performing *eterinary
ser*ices and functions to the Regional 7i*estock and 8eterinary Ser*ices $ffice"4 Garin said.
+he bill likewise tasks the 7ocal Go*ernment 5nits or 7G5s to closely cooperate with and e:tend
a*ailable manpower" material" and financial resources to the 678SA within their respecti*e >urisdiction.
.And because it is the responsibility of the State to pro*ide >ust compensation and benefits to its workers"
the proposed bill mandates the national go*ernment to pro*ide additional allowances and benefits to 8eterinary
$fficers (8$s); Animal (ealth +echnicians (A(+s)" and *eterinarians employed by the 67S8 in accordance to the
#agna <arta for ublic (ealth %orkers"4 Garin said.
rohibited acts such as failure to report notifiable diseases; obstruction 678SA duties; false statements; no
?registration of transport facilities and e/uipment; use of fake certificate; illegal manufacture and use of feeds and
*eterinary drugs; and refusal to *accinate animals shall be penali@ed in accordance to the proposed bill. (2') mvip
NR # 3626
OCT. 21, 2014

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