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1.In water ,the direction along the stream is called downstream and ,the direction against
the stream is called ustream.
!.I" the seed o" a #oat in still water is u $m%hr and the seed o" the stream is &
speed downstream=(u+v)km/hr.
speed upstream=(u-v)km/hr.
(.I" the seed downstream is a $m%hr and the seed ustream is # $m%hr,then '
speed in still water=1/2(a+b)km/hr
rate of stream=1/2(a-b)km/hr
SO!"# "$%&'"S
"$.1.% man (an row upstream at ) kmph and downstream at 1*kmph.find man+s
rate in still water and the rate of (urrent.
Sol. Rate in still water)1%!*1+,-.$m%hr)/.0 $m%hr.
Rate o" current)1%!*1+1-.$m%hr)1.0 $m%hr.
"$.2. % man takes , hours -. minutes to row a boat 1. km downstream of a river
and 2hours,*minutes to (over a distan(e of .km upstream. find the speed of the
river (urrent in km/hr.
Sol. rate downstream)*10%( 2.$m%hr)*1034%10.$m%hr)4$m%hr.
Rate ustream)*0%! 5.$m%hr)*03!%0.$m%hr)!$m%hr.
Seed o" current)1%!*41!.$m%hr)1$m%hr
"$.,. a man (an row 1/ kmph in still water.it takes him thri(e as lon0 to row up as
to row down the river.find the rate of stream.
Sol. 6et man7s rate ustream #e 8 $mh.then ,his rate downstream)(8$mh.
So,!8)1/ or 8)9.
Rate ustream)9 $m%hr,rate downstream)!- $m%hr.
:ence,rate o" stream)1%!*!-19.$m%hr)9 $m%hr.
"$.-. there is a road beside a river.two friends started from a pla(e %1moved to a
temple situated at another pla(e 2 and then returned to % a0ain.one of them moves
on a (3(le at a speed of 12 km/hr1while the other sails on a boat at a speed of 1*
km/hr.if the river flows at the speed of - km/hr1whi(h of the two friends will return
to pla(e% first4
Sol. ;learl< the c<clist mo&es #oth wa<s at a seed o" 1! $m%hr.
The #oat sailor mo&es downstream = *1+,4.i.e.,14 $m%hr and ustream = *1+14.i.e.,
So,a&erage seed o" the #oat sailor)*!3143>%14,>.$m%hr
)4!%0 $m%hr)/.4 $m%hr.
since the a&erage seed o" the c<clist is greater ,he will return ta A "irst.
"$... % man (an row ) 5 kmph in still water.if in a river runnin0 at 1.. km/hr an
hour1it takes him .* minutes to row to a pla(e and ba(k1how far off is the pla(e4
Sol. Seed downstream )*-.0,1.0.$m%hr)9 $m%hr?
Seed ustream)*-.011.0.$mh)>$mh.
6et the re@uired distance #e 8 $m.then,
:ence,the re@uired distance is ($m.
"$.6. 7n a stream runnin0 at 2kmph1a motar boat 0oes 6km upstream and ba(k
a0ain to the startin0 point in ,, minutes.find the speed of the motarboat in still
Sol.let the seed o" the motar#oat in still water #e 8 $mh.then,
>%8,! ,>%81!)((%>+
"$.).% man (an row -*km upstream and ..km downstream in 1, hours also1 he (an
row ,*km upstream and --km downstream in 1* hours.find the speed of the man in
still water and the speed of the (urrent.
Sol.let rate ustream)8 $m%hr and rate downstream)< $m%hr.
Then,4+%8 ,00%< )1(A*i. and (+%8 ,44%< )1+
Multil<ing *ii. #< 4 and *i. #< ( and su#tracting ,we get'11%<)1 or <)11.
Su#stituting <)11 in *i.,we get'8)0.
Rate in still water )1%!*11,0.$mh)/$mh.
Rate o" current)1%!*1110.$mh)($mh

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