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Your name: Truong Anh Tai Group: 11E14

Discourse Analysis - Mini Test Chapter 1

Decide if each of the following statements is True (T) or False (F). Briefly explain if the statement
is False
1. Language has transactional and interactional function. T
2. The two functions of language are exclusive. F
These two functions are intermingled in the use of language. We can just say, in most cases,
which function is a primary one and a secondary one.
3. n spo!en language" the topic#comment structure is preferred. T
4. $A is concerned with the stud% of language in use. T
5. $A deals with written discourses onl%. F
The representation of discourse is text (refers to the verbal record of a communicative act) both
written and spoken, so ! is interested in both written and spoken discourses.
6. $A is the stud% of language independent from the context. F
! is a study of how and for what purposes language is used in a certain context of situation.
"ontext are non#linguistic factors that contribute and constrain the interpretation of discourse.
7. &emantics is the stud% of the relationship 'etween linguistic forms and entities in the world. T
8. &emantics does not ta!e the producer of language into account. T
. (oth $A and pragmatics stud% the same phenomenon which is language in use. F
! studies language in use while pragmatics studies the impact of users, context and
sociological factors on meaning.
1!. $A emphasi)es the language phenomena. F
! emphasi$es the study of the relationship between language and the contexts in which it is
11. *ragmatics emphasi)es the impact of users" context and sociological factors on meaning. T
12. &o $A is closer to linguistics while pragmatics is more related to sociolinguistics and
sociolog%. F
! is more related to sociolinguistics and sociology while pragmatics is closer to linguistics.
13. $iscourse has cohesion while text has coherence. F
iscourse has coherence while text has cohesion.
14. Text is the linguistic product of discourse. T
15. Topic comment structures are +uite common in spo!en language. T
16. The writer ma% produce a large num'er of fillers. F
The speaker may produce a large number of prefabricated filler, for example% well, erm, you
17. ,ouns are often pre#modified in spo!en language. F
'n written language, nouns are fre(uently pre#modified.
18. Text can 'e spo!en text or written text. T
1. $iscourse is a communicative process '% means of interaction. T
2!. Language can 'e used to conve% personal attitudes or to esta'lish social relations. T

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