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Action: title value representing each party is considered the capital of a corporation
Active range of goods and property rights of the company can be valued in money
Acts of trade: trade by the company
Amortization: gradual and proportional decrease in deferred assets and liabilities
corresponding to the value caused
Financial analysis further step taken to measure and compare the various elements of
financial statements we in a company
Tonnage: count of existing cash on hand
Accounting entry: entry in the accounting records of any commercial operation by a
Seat adjustment: Registration required to update the balance of an account and
submit their true worth at the end of an accounting period
Balance sheet statement of financial position of a company at a given date includes the
assets, liabilities and equity
Capital: funds from the merchant to your business
Accounting Cycle: a set of annotations for a given period
Merchant: a person who professionally deals any activity that the law regards
Proof: support a commercial operation serving for posting it
Accounting: science that allows the registration and control of the business operations
of an enterprise for economic financial situation
Cost: represents the investment required to produce or acquire for sale
Account: name used for the orderly registration and free operation
Cheque value representing a title given by the account holder against a drawer bank
to pay a certain sum to the bearer by
Depreciation: a decrease of fixed assets (property, plant and equipment) caused by
Deferred: amount charged in advance as they eventually cause
Accounting Equation: also called patrimonial equation formula:
Assets = Liabilities + Equity
Liabilities = assets - assets
Equity = active -pasivo
Company: entity organized to develop an activity and profit
Financial Statements: Report on financial position as most important balance sheet
profit and loss
Invoice: accounting support prepared by the vendor in which the merchandise value
and detailed
Gain difference between sales and income or costs or expenses
Expense: outlay required for the development of commercial activity
Tax: Compulsory contributions of individuals required by the government to cover
public expenditure
Insolvency: inability to cover timely debts
VAT: value added tax on the sale and goods
BoE promise to pay by a certain date a person
Ledger: book where commercial transactions are recorded
Liquidity: The ability of a company to pay its short-term debts in a timely manner
Salary: detailed account for paying workers
Debit Note: support accounting records the increase in the value of invoices
Credit Note: support accounting records fertilizers and discounts
Commercial Operation: act of commerce
Liabilities: are the obligations or debts
Heritage: the difference between assets and liabilities
Budget: control statistics to project results
Also try: person to whom the company buys
Provision: intended to cover expenses or lost value
Cash receipt: proof that records cash receipts
Receipt of entry: Evidence of bank deposits
Book: undistributed profit retaining to anticipate potential future losses
Salary: Remuneration paid to an employee for services rendered
Support: Evidence of accounting
Surplus: difference between income and expenses
Title value: used as payment or guarantee
Income: income, profit or gain
Maturity: the date on which it must pay or collect a debt


COMPARATIVO: Establece la relacin o comparacin entre dos cosas;
SUPERLATIVO: Denota el ms alto grado de una cualidad.

COMPARISON: Set the relationship or comparison between two things;
SUPERLATIVO: Denotes the highest degree of a quality.

Los superlativos y comparativos se utilizan con adjetivos

Los comparativos se utilizan de la siguiente manera. Si el adjetivo es corto... por
ejemplo tall ... le agrego er y queda taller. Por ejemplo Pedro is taller than Susi.
si el adjetivo es largo le agrego more adelante y queda Pedro is more famous than
Hay comparativos irregulares y son tres... good, el comparativo es better. He is better
than Tom, bad, el comparativo es worse. He is worse than Maradona y el ltimo es far,
cuyo comparativo es further. Argentina is further than China

Los superlativos tienen una regla parecida. si el adjetivo es corto le agrego est al final.
Pedro is the tallest boy.
si el adjetivo es largo, escribo the most ms el adjetivo. Pedro is the most famous man.
los irregulares tambin son good (superlativo the best), bad( superlativo the worst) y
far (superlativo the furthest)
Pele is the best footballer

Los comparativos s utilizan de la siguiente Manera. Si el adjetivo es corto ... EJEMPLO
Por tall ... le agrego er y fits ms alto. Por EJEMPLO Pedro es ms alto que Susi.
si el adjetivo es Largo le agrego ms Adelante y fits Pedro es ms famoso que
Heno comparativos Irregulares tres Son y ... bueno, el comparative it mejor. l es
mejor que Tom, malo, el comparative it peor. l es peor que Maradona y el ultimo es el
momento, Cuyo comparative es OTROS. Argentina es ms que el de China

Los superlativos Una Tienen parecida Regla. si el adjetivo es corto le agrego est al
final. Pedro es el chico ms alto.
si el adjetivo es largo, Escribo el ms Mas El adjetivo. Pedro es el hombre ms famoso.
los Irregulares hijo Also bueno (superlativo la mejor), mal (superlativo lo peor) y el
momento (Superlativo el ms lejano)
Pel es el mejor futbolista

el impuesto a las riquezas es el mas grande impuesto
el iva es importante para la DIAN
la cooperativa financiar es mas interesante que la cooperativa finastol
el banco wwb es mas lujoso que el banco de occidente
wealth tax is the largest tax
vat is important for DIAN
cooperative finance is more interesting than the cooperative finastol
the wwb bank is more luxurious than the West Bank

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