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Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.

The BASIC Bank Limited (Bangade!h Sma Ind"!t#ie! and C$mme#%e Bank
Limited& established as a banking company under the Companies Act 1913 launched
its operation in 1989. It is governed by the Banking Companies Act 1991.
At the outset, the Bank started as a oint venture enterprise o! the BCC "oundation
#ith $% percent shares and &overnment o! Bangladesh #ith the remaining 3% percent
shares. 'he BCC "oundation being non!unctional !ollo#ing the closure o! the BCCI,
the &overnment o! Bangladesh took over 1%% percent o#nership o! the bank on the (
)une 199*. 'he Bank #as established as the policy makers o! the country !elt the
urgency !or a bank in the private sector !or !inancing +mall +cale Industries ,++Is-.
'hus the Bank is state o#ned. .o#ever, the Bank is not nationali/ed0 it operates like a
private bank as be!ore.
Adudged as one o! the soundest banks in Bangladesh, BA+IC Bank is uni1ue in its
obectives. It is a blend o! development and commercial banking !unctions. "i!ty
percent o! its loanable !unds re1uire to be invested in small and cottage industries
+teady gro#th in client base and their high retention rate since Bank2s inception
testi!ies to the immense con!idence they repose on its services. 3iversi!ied products
both liabilities and assets sides particularly a #ide range o! lending products related to
development o! small industries and micro enterprises, and commercial and trading
activities attract entrepreneurs !rom varied economic !ields. Along #ith promotion o!
products special importance is given to individual clients through providing
personali/ed services. In !act individuals matter in this bank. 'he motto has been
!ollo#ed !or development o! clientele as #ell as human resources o! the bank.
A''#$a%h $( BASIC Bank Limited
As a blend o! development and commercial banking the bank provides its
clients #ith a !ull range o! services to help them gro# their assets and net
#orth. It places particular emphasis on small balance sheet si/e composed o!
1uality assets and steady and sustainable gro#th. It o!!ers term loan to clients,
especially to develop small scale enterprises. 'he bank provides them !ull4
!ledged commercial banking services including collecting o! deposits, short
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
term trade !inance, #orking capital !inance in processing and manu!acturing
units and !inancing and !acilitating international trade.
BA+IC attaches special importance to technical and advisory support to small scale
industries in order to enable them to run their enterprises success!ully.
5icro credit to the urban poor through linkage #ith 6&7s #ith a vie# to !acilitating
their access to the !ormal !inancial market !or the mobili/ation o! resources is another
diversi!ication o! services o!!ered by the bank.
BA+IC Bank provides an environment in #hich its sta!! members !eel they can
e8ercise their initiative and udgment #ithin a clearly established !rame#ork.
'he Bank is the leader in o!!ering e8cellent career opportunity in transparent
and participative management culture.
Coping #ith the competitive and rapidly changing !inancial market o! the country
BA+IC Bank maintains close connection #ith its clients, the regulatory authorities, the
shareholders ,&overnment o! Bangladesh-, other banks and !inancial institutions.
*.* CA9I'A: 97+I'I76
Authori/ed capital; 'k. <%% million
9aid up capital; 'k. 3%% million
'otal reserve up to 31.1*.*%%*; 'k. $1*.9% million
'he Bank is re1uested to trans!er *% percent o! its net pro!it be!ore ta8 to
Capital "und as per the Banking Companies Act 1991.
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
*.3 7rgani/ational +tructure
'o achieve its organi/ational goals, the Bank conducts its operations in
accordance #ith the maor policy guidelines laid do#n by the Board o!
3irectors, the highest policy making body. 'he management looks a!ter the
day4to4day operation o! the Bank. 7rgani/ational +tructure is given bello#;
Source: Personnel Department, Head Office, BASIC Bank Limited
M e s s e n g e r / G u a r d - c u m - M e s s e n g e r
A r m e d G u a r d
D r i v e r / E l e c t r i c i a n / C a r e t a k e r
C a s h i e r , R e c e p t i n i s t , C m p u t e r ! p e r a t r
A s s i s t a n t ! " " i c e r , G r a d e - # # / C a s h , C m p u t e r , R e c e p t i n
A s s i s t a n t ! " " i c e r , G r a d e - $ / % t e n g r a p h e r
! " " i c e r / ! " " i c e r & C a s h , C m p u t e r '
A s s i s t a n t M a n a g e r / A s s i a t a n t ( r g r a m m e r
D e p u t ) M a n a g e r / ( r g r a m m e r
M a n a g e r / % ) s t e m A n a l ) s t
A s s i s t a n t G e n e r a l M a n a g e r
D e p u t ) G e n e r a l M a n a g e r
G e n e r a l M a n a g e r
M a n a g i n g D i r e c t r
* a r d " D i r e c t r s
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
As stated earlier the &overnment holds 1%% percent o#nership o! the Bank. All
the 3irectors o! the Board are appointed the &overnment o! Bangladesh. 'he
+ecretary o! the 5inistry o! Industries is the chairman o! the Bank. 7ther
3irectors o! the Bank are high &overnment and Central Bank e8ecutives.
'he 5anaging 3irector is an e84o!!icio member o! the Board o! 3irectors. 'here
are at present $ 3irectors including the 5anaging 3irector.
'he 5anaging 3irector heads the management. .e is assisted by the t#o
&eneral 5anagers and 3epartmental .eads in the .ead 7!!ice. BA+IC is
di!!erent in respect o! hierarchical structure !rom other banks in that it is much
more vertically integrated as !ar as reporting to the Chie! =8ecutive is
concerned. 'he Branch 5anagers o! the Bank report directly to the 5anaging
3irector and, !or !unctional purposes, to the heads o! 3epartments.
Conse1uently, 1uick decision4making in disposal o! cases is ensured.
*.( Corporate +trategy o! BA+IC Bank :td
"inancing establishment o! small units o! industries and business and !acilitate
their gro#th.
+mall Balance +heet si/e composed o! 1uality assets.
+teady and sustainable gro#th.
Investment in a cautious #ay.
Adoption o! ne# banking technology.
*.< 7rgani/ational &oals o! BA+IC Bank :td
'o employ !unds !or pro!itable purposes in various !ields #ith special emphasis on
small4scale industries.
'o undertake proect promotion to identi!y pro!itable areas o! investment.
'o search !or ne#er avenues !or investment and develop ne# products to suit such
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
'o establish linkage #ith other institutions #hich are engaged in !inancing micro
'o cooperate and collaborate #ith institutions entrusted #ith the responsibility !or
promoting and aiding ++I sector.
*.> "unctions o! BA+IC Bank :td
'he Bank o!!ers;
a. 'erm loans to industries especially to small4scale enterprises.
b. "ull4!ledged commercial banking service including collection o! deposit, short
term trade !inance, #orking capital !inance in processing and manu!acturing
units and !inancing and !acilitating international trade.
c. 'echnical support to +mall +cale Industries ,++Is- in order to enable them to
run their enterprises success!ully.
d. 5icro credit to the urban poor through linkage #ith 6on4&overnment
7rgani/ations ,6&7s- #ith a vie# to !acilitating their access to the !ormal
!inancial market !or mobili/ation o! !unds.
In order to per!orm the above tasks, BA+IC Bank :td #orks closely #ith its clients, the
regulatory authorities, the shareholders ,&7B-, banks and other !inancial institutions.
:ending Criteria o! BA+IC Bank :td
1. )nt#e'#ene"#
=ntrepreneur?promoter has to be credit#orthy and competent enough to run
the proposed industries.
2. *ia+iit, $( the '#$-e%t
'he proect should be viable !rom organi/ational, technical, commercial,
!inancial and economic point o! vie#.
Te%hni%a .ia+iit,
'he proect should be technically sound and environment4!riendly.
'echnology trans!er in case o! borro#ed kno#4ho# ought to be ensured.
Building should be #ell planned and #ell constructed.
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
C$mme#%ia .ia+iit,
5arket prospect and potential !or the product has to be !ully assured at
competitive prices.
5arketing channel !or the product should be accessible to the entrepreneur.
Finan%ia .ia+iit,
'here should be reasonable debt e1uity ratio as determined by the Bank on
individual case basis.
3ebt service coverage ratio should be at least *.< times at the optimum
level o! production.
I@@ should pre!erably be not less than *% percent.
)%$n$mi% .ia+iit,
'he proect should ensure bene!it to the national economy and create
su!!icient employment opportunity.

*.$ @esources and Capabilities
BA+IC Bank :td is #ell prepared to and capable o! meeting the demand !or a broad
range o! banking services. It has got ade1uate resources, both human and physical, to
provide the customers #ith best possible services.
/h,!i%a and te%hn$$gi%a #e!$"#%e!0
'he Board attaches great importance to ac1uisition o! appropriate technology !or the
Bank. +ince inception the Bank has continued its e!!ort to meet the changing
re1uirements o! customers. BA+IC Bank :td has its o#n so!t#are developed in 1991.
:ocal Area 6et#ork ,:A6- has been installed in its .ead 7!!ice and 1< branches. Aide
Area 6et#ork ,AA6- has been set up bet#een .ead 7!!ice and branches using B.*8
leased line o! B''B. 'he Bank has undertaken o proect !or introduction o! CAny
Branch BankingD, CAutomated 'eller 5achineD and C3ebit CardD at its 1> branches in
3haka and Chittagong. 'he proect #ill be implemented in *%%*. 7nce the proect is
implemented, the valued customers #ill be able to #ithdra# or deposit their cash !rom
any branch in 3haka and Chittagong during o!!ice hours, and #ithdra# cash, trans!er
!unds and pay utility bills at any time during *(4 hours a day !rom any A'5.
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
Ma-$# (eat"#e! $( +#an%he! a#e0
"ully computeri/ed accounts maintenance
Aell decorated and air conditioned !acilities
A !ully operational computer net#ork #hich is currently being implemented. 'he
#ork o! :ocal Area 6et#ork ,:A6- and Aide Area 6et#ork ,AA6- installation
having reliable and secured communication bet#een the branches and .ead
7!!ice is in progress to !acilitate Any Branch Banking and A'5 +ervices.
5oney counting machine !or making cash transactions easy and prompt.
"i!teen out o! t#enty !ive branches are authori/ed dealers o! !oreign e8change.
'his !acilitates speedy disposal o! transaction o! e8port and import trade.
A group o! pro!essional bankers to render personali/ed services.
1"man Re!$"#%e De.e$'ment0
BA+IC Bank :td has been #ell4diversi!ied pool o! human resources, #hich is
composed o! people o! high academic background and pro!essional training. 'here is
also a positive demographic characteristic4 most employees relatively young in age,
yet rich in e8perience. In the increasingly competitive market !or highly skilled sta!!s,
the Bank is !ocusing on providing a stimulating corporate environment and an
attractive compensation package. Attaching a great importance to human resource the
Bank regularly recruits !resh postgraduates #ith outstanding academic achievements.
At present the total #ork!orce o! the Bank is <*%.
Intensive training, on a regular basis, is implemented to employees o! both
management and non4management levels to meet the challenges in the banking
industry and to help employees adapt to changes and ne# #orking conditions.
3uring the year *%%1, a total o! 1*3 employees o! the Bank #ere imparted training on
various !ields. 7ut o! them < employees participated in training courses abroad.
F#e!h #e%#"itment0
'he Bank !ollo#s strict recruitment policy in order to ensure that only the best people
are recruited. 'he Bank, so !ar, has recruited !our batches o! entry4level management
sta!!, all o! #hom have e8cellent academic background.
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
'he Board o! 3irectors #hile approving the annual accounts o! year *%%1
recommended <% percent dividend to the Bank2s sole shareholder4o#ner, the
&overnment. 'he Board recommended *< percent dividend in cash amounting to 'k.
>% million and *< percent in bonus shares totaling 'k. >% million at the ratio o! one
share to every !our shares held.
5onetary ? "inancial @esources
:ike any other !inancial intermediaries, BA+IC Bank :td is no e8ception in per!orming
its core !unctions vi/. mobili/ation o! !und and utili/ing such !und !or pro!itable
M$+ii2ati$n $( F"nd
'he main sources o! !und !or BA+IC Bank :td are;
1. 3eposit
*. Borro#ing
3eposit is the mainstay o! BA+IC Bank :td2s sources o! !und. 'he !ollo#ing include the
usual types o! deposits o! the Bank;
a. Current deposit
b. +avings deposit
c. 'erm deposit
Apart !rom deposit, BA+IC Bank :td received !unds !rom;
a. Bangladesh Bank,
b. Asian 3evelopment Bank ,A3B-,
c. E!# ,Ereditanstalt !ur Aider4au!bau, Credit Institution !or @econstruction-, a
&erman development bank.
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
All o! these !unding sources are !or relatively longer period, @eceiving the credit lines
!rom A3B and E!# has been a recognition o! BA+IC Bank :td2s highly satis!actory
Utii2ati$n $( F"nd
BA+IC Bank :td utili/es its !unds in accordance #ith its organi/ational goals and
corporate strategy. 5ain use is !or lending to industrial and trade sectors. 5aintenance
o! cash and statutory li1uidity reserve #ith the Bangladesh Bank covers *% percent o!
demand and time liabilities. 9lacement o! !unds in 6ostro Accounts to handle !oreign
trade and investment in money market is also done as usual.
*.8 Activities o! BA+IC Bank :td
Ind"!t#ia C#edit
BA+IC Bank :td2s services are directed to#ards the entrepreneurs in the small
industries sector. A small industry, as per Industrial 9olicy 1999 has been de!ined as
an industrial undertaking #hose total !i8ed investment is less than 'k. 1%% million. In
*%%1, term loan o! 'k. 839.>$ million #as approved to 9( proects and 'k. 38(.<3
million o! term loans disbursed to $( proects. At the end o! the year, total term loan
and industrial #orking capital loan outstanding #as 'k. $$(.*9 million and 'k. 1(83.$>
million respectively. +ince inception the bank provided term loans !or establishment o!
31< proects in ++Is. 'he capital outlay in those proects including term loan o! 'k.
1>1$.<3 million !rom BA+IC is estimated at 'k. 3*<>.$9 million. A total o! 11(88 obs
#ere created.
C$mme#%ia C#edit
BA+IC Bank :td lends support to#ards development o! trade, business and other
commercial activities in the country. +hort term trade !inance and other non4!und
services get !ull attention in the Bank. 'he Bank o!!ers a complete range o! services to
the e8porters and importers by e8tending various !acilities. 'he Bank provides cash
credit !or local trade, e8port cash credit, packing credit, local and !oreign bills purchase
!acilities. as on 31.1*.*%%1, total amount outstanding in respect o! these !acilities stood
at 'k. 18(9*.$8 million. 'his includes cash credit !or local trade, e8port cash credit
including packing credit, local bills purchase and !oreign bills purchase etc.
Mi%#$ C#edit
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
BA+IC Bank :td. launched a 5icro Credit +cheme in 199(. 5icro Credit +cheme
provides support !or the poor !or generation o! employment and income on a
sustainable basis, particularly in urban and suburban areas. 'he Bank !ollo#s three
systems o! credit delivery. 'hese are;
a- :ending to the 6&7s #ho on4lend to their members. At present there 1$ such
b- :ending direct to the target groups or ultimate borro#ers under the Bank2s o#n
c- :ending direct to the member4borro#ers and 6&7s providing non4!inancial services
like group !ormation and monitoring and supervision in e8change !or a supervision !ee.
As at the end o! *%%1, a cumulative amount o! micro credit o! 'k. (3<.>< million #as
disbursed. 'he present number o! bene!iciaries is 3<*$$.
F$#eign T#ade
'he Bank handles !oreign trade in #hich it has a comparatively large share despite its
small si/e. BA+IC Bank :td provides various !acilities related to :?C and post import
!inance like loan against imported merchandise ,:I5- and loan against trust receipt
,:'@- to the importers and back to back :?C and pre4shipment !inance !acilities like
e8port credit, packing credit and !oreign bills purchase ,"B9- to e8porters. +o !ar the
Bank has established correspondence relationship #ith as many as 11 !oreign banks
in order to !acilitate !oreign trade. .andling o! import business gre# !rom 'k. 18<1.13
million in 1993 to 'k. 8*8$.(> million in *%%1. =8port business handled by the Bank
also increased to 'E. ><8$.%% million in *%%1 !rom 'k. $18.>3 million in 1993.
'he Bank became a proud member o! +AI"' ,+ociety !or Aorld#ide Interbank
"inancial 'elecommunication- that #ould pave the #ay to achieving uninterrupted
connectivity in !oreign e8change business and !und trans!er.
Othe# A%ti.itie!
'he Bank provides services !or remittance, under#riting, guarantee, public o!!ering o!
share etc. 'he Bank also provides !unds to investment and leasing companies. 'he
Bank has recently created a venture capital !und !or e1uity support to innovative but
risky proects.
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
'able4*.1; +ho#ing progress at a glance o! BA+IC Bank :td.
&Amunt in Millin 1aka'
1445 1446 1447 1444 2888 2881 2882
1%%.%% <%%.%% <%%.%% <%%.%% <%%.%% <%%.%% <%%.%%
9aid4up Capital 8%.%% 1>%.%% *%%.%% *(%.%% 3%%.%% 3%%.%% 3%%.%%
@eserve "und 1>3.$3 1$8.3( *$(.(8 3((.(3 39$.$$ <(>.%% $1*.9%
'otal Assets 39>*.<< (3<%.1( <>*%.<$ $1$3.1$ $$3%.>$ 1$$*<.>% 13%19.(*
3eposit 33<$.3( 3<(1.>% (<<1.(8 <>($.93 <8(<.1< >$39.%% 1%%*1.*(
Advance 1>%<.$* *($(.*< 3%(%.>( 3$>$.(9 ((*%.%* <(*<.%% $9<$.%(
9lacement F
13*%.(3 139<.<9 *%(%.$* *%*%.8> *(>*.1$ *<*1.19 3988.$>
(98>.1% $%1$.<> $*%8.*% $391.1% $9(8.(% <18>.>% 8>(<.%%
*>%9.3% 3$<(.8$ ((*%.*% <%>%.3% <<<$.%% (<1*.8% <<<$.>%
@emittance *1*3.>( 398<.*( <818.>% >9*%.8% 9(<9.%% $>*1.8% 831*.1*
&ross Income 311.(3 ((%.(> <91.>( $8*.*9 8$$.(8 $<%.%% 1*9%.>>
*%$.(1 *>8.83 3>(.$3 <1<.$1 <$3.3% (<1.%% 8<>.1<
9ro!it be!ore
1%(.%* 1$1.>3 **>.91 *>>.<8 3%(.18 *99.%% (3(.<1
/#$(it a(te#
:6.66 4;.51 1<5.1: 1:4.4: 16<.<; 21<.56 2:1.::
'a8 9aid
1<1.%> **8.%8 318.8( (*<.($ <<>.31 >98.$> 881.$3
6o. o!
19 *1 ** *3 *< *> *>
6o. o!
31< 3<1 3$* (1$ (<3 <1% <13
Source: Head Office, BASIC Bank Ltd
G 'a8 paid in a year only. +o, pro!it a!ter ta8 and ta8 paid amount #ill be calculated at
the end o! the calendar year.
H 9resent human resource o! BA+IC Bank is <*% as on 6ovember 3%, *%%3.
'able4*.*; +ector #ise outstanding position o! loans and advances as on 314114*%%*
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
,Amount in :ac. 'k.-
Se%t$# On,
B$th Te#m
$an = 3$#king
%a'ita (>.C.&
>. C.
%1. "ood F Allied Ind. <8$.3> (<31.*< 8*(.9> <9(3.<$
%*. 'e8tile (8>.98 >$<8.*1 **8<.<9 9<3%.$8
%3. )ute 9rod. F Allied Ind. 1.%* 1(>.<$ $<.>$ **3.*>
%(. "orest 9rod. F Allied
18.<> 18.<>
%<. 9aper, Board, 9rinting,
9ub F 9acking
**.31 1><.1( 3*1.*1 <%8.>>
%>. 'annery :eather F
@ubber Ind.
1$.3> 9.(> *>.8*
%$. Chem, 9harm. F Allied
1**.>( *1>3.>$ 131%.*( 3<9>.<<
%8. &lass, Crmc. F 7ther
non45etal. 9roducts.
1$3.*< 1$3.*<
%9. =ngineering 98(.<1 198$.39 (98>.9< $9<8.8<
1%. =lectrical F =lectronics
91.<8 1*3%.<( 13**.1*
11. +ervice Ind. 1<1%.*3 1(<9.91 (8.<> 3%18.$
1*. 5isc. Industries 1(**.$1 1**8.39 *><1.1
13. Ind. 6ot =lse#here
<1%.91 *>.31 <3$.**
T$ta 1:18.2< 6441.42 6:28.6: <::84.;;
Source: Industrial Credit Division, Head Office, BASIC bank Limited
'able4*.3; Iear #ise position o! Classi!ied Advance
,Amount in :ac. 'k-
?ea# Ca!!i(ied Ad.an%e (CL& T$ta Ad.an%e @ $( CL Ad.an%e
199> 1$<1%% 1$1*<%% 1%.**
199$ 1(9%($ *>31%%( <.>$
1998 18%>%8 3*1899< <.>1
1999 1>>$1% 39>%113 (.*1
*%%% 1$*(8% (>18$31 3.$*
*%%1 18>8(* <(*<1$1 3.((
Source: Head Office, BASIC bank Limited
3haka =9J Branch started its operation as *>
branch o! BA+IC Bank :imited in
"ebruary *%%%. Branch is located at 3haka =8port 9rocessing Jone, Jone +ervice
Building, +avar, 3haka. 7!!ice !loor is spacious that can accommodate good number o!
customers com!ortably.
Branch has e!!icient human resources that can meet up customerKs needs. 7rder #ise
#ork load is distributed properly. Besides, interpersonal relationship is remarkable.
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
5ost noted strength is customer service. 9rompt, cordial F enthusiastic service
satis!ies almost all customers. "le8ible banking hour attracts more clients doing
banking transactions #ith the branch. In some cases, customers, coming outside the
banking hour can honour the che1ue F others #ithout delay.
2.11 /e#($#man%e at a Gan%e $( Dhaka )/A B#an%h
'able4*.(; 9er!ormance o! 3haka =9J Branch at a glance as on 6ovember *%%3
Ke, A#ea!
Am$"nt in La% Tk.
'otal Asset 11.88
'otal 3eposit 193*.1%
'otal Advance 19(.*8
Import 18(.3<
=8port 3.*$
@emittance in#ard 93.(<
@emittance out#ard *$9.>9
'otal Income 1((.<1
'otal =8penditure 1((.%3
G#$!! /#$(it 8.;7
Source, BASIC Bank Ltd D!P" Branc#
Table-2.5: Deposit Mix of Dhaka EPZ Branch as on 30..2003
T,'e $( A%%$"nt!
Am$"nt in La% Tk. @ $( T$ta De'$!it!
Current 3eposit 18.*1
%.9< L
+hort 'erm 3eposit ,+'3- 1><.8*
8.<8 L
+undry 3eposit *.18
%.11 L
'erm 3eposit 1$%8.83
88.(< L
+avings Bank 3eposit 3$.%>
1.91 L
T$ta De'$!it! 14<2.18 188.88@
Source: D!P" Branc#, BASIC Bank Ltd
'able4*.>; Branch2s "oreign =8change position as on 3%.11.*%%3
Ke, A#ea! Am$"nt in La% Tk. @ $( t$ta B"!ine!!
Import 18(.3< 98.*< L
=8port 3.*$ 1.$< L
@emittance %.%%
T$ta 176.52 188.88@
Source: D!P" Branc#, BASIC Bank Ltd
Overview of the Bank & Branch--------------------------------------------------------------BASIC Bank Ltd.
'able4*.$; 7ut4standing position o! :oans and Advances o! 3=9J Branch as on
Ke, A#ea!
Am$"nt in La% Tk.
:B9 3.*$
CC,.ypo- 9.$$
:'@ 8.1*
:oan &eneral 1%.$%
+ta!! :oan 1%.$>
Industrial :oan ,++I- *1.1%
Aorking Capital ,++I- *$.(9
T$ta 14;.27
Source: D!P" Branc#, BASIC Bank Ltd

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