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October 25, 2014

Pakistan NGO Forum

Code of Conduct for NGOs and CBOs
Mandated to serve in the public interest, citizen organizations (NOs! have been active in a broad
assortment o" "ields across the countr#, operating "or the $el"are and upli"t o" the marginalised groups and
the attainment o" civil rights%
&purred on b# voluntar# initiatives, these groups "unction regardless o" personal or parochial interests and
see' to organise themselves on the basis o" a code o" conduct, regulating their relationships $ith each
other, $ith the government, international development agencies as $ell as their o$n sta"" (volunteers and
paid pro"essionals!%
(t is $ithin such a mechanism o" sel")regulation that NOs intend to pursue their ob*ectives%
a! +ith the aim o" establishing a *ust, responsible and emancipated societ#, $e see' to strengthen an
enabling environment "or civil societ# institutions, public $el"are and citizen rights groups%

b! (t is our concerted vie$ that achieving a responsible, *ust and d#namic societ# calls "or a state s#stem
that is responsible, democratic and sensitive to citizens, $el"are and development% -o ma'e such a s#stem
a realit#, $e earnestl# $ish to engage in a meaning"ul and positive dialogue $ith the government at all
levels% +e are eager to pave the $a# "or a genuine partnership bet$een NOs and state institutions based
on mutual trust and respect and geared to$ards the common goal o" eradicating povert# and deprivations%
c! (n line $ith our belie" that voluntar# citizen groups have vital roles to pla# in the development process,
$e $ould li'e to see greater collaboration, in"ormation and resource sharing and unit# amongst these
organisations% +e see' to promote transparenc# and accountabilit# $ithin the NO sector, encouraging
mutual respect and understanding to put an end to narro$ di""erences and unhealth# competition%
d! Our relationship $ith donor organisations should be built around our o$n priorities and ob*ectives% (t
should be based on the principles o" e.ualit#, mutual respect, transparenc# and accountabilit#%
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Pakistan NGO Forum
Not$ithstanding structural di""erences and divergence in activities, NOs operating in Pa'istan espouse
common values% 0uest "or povert# alleviation, e.uit# and a positive change in public li"e is a uni"#ing
strand that runs through their actions% +e believe that an organisation has to have an e""ective governing
structure i" it is to produce good results% (t is all too important "or NOs to set up governing structures
that are essentiall# based on accountabilit# and "oster democratic values% -o us, transparenc# is the
essence o" our $or'%
1dditionall#, it is indispensable "or NOs to "rame a polic# o" "inancial administration% 2inancial
resources should be organised in a $a# that "acilitates *usti"iable utilisation o" "unds% 1part "rom
establishing accountabilit# at all levels, $e need a s#stem $hereb# $e can organise our resources in an
e""ective and sustainable manner%
uided b# the above mission, Pa'istan NOs 2orum believes in the "ollo$ing values3
4ommunit# 5evel
&etting priorities in accordance $ith citizens, development and $el"are needs%
Promoting participator# democrac#
6nsuring citizens, primac# in the development process at all levels%
Promoting respect "or citizen rights, particularl# the rights o" $omen and children as enshrined in the
countr#,s constitution%
Ma'ing all possible e""orts "or e""ective in"ormation dissemination and service deliver# and
meaning"ul development interventions%
2ostering greater collaboration and net$or'ing among organisations $or'ing to$ards common goals%
Promoting the spirit o" initiative
1dopting methods that allo$ "or complete participation o" relevant people in all programmes
7evie$ing communit#)based development interventions and honing them in line $ith the needs o"
the participating communities%
7ethin'ing organisational mission and ob*ectives on the basis o" citizens, needs and the demands
thro$n up b# the changing times
Organisational 5evel3
6nsuring accountabilit# and transparenc#
8aving clearl# de"ined mission and ob*ectives and living b# them
(mplementing the governing s#stem vis)9)vis holding o" meetings and discharging o" responsibilities%
2raming policies that prevent direct or indirect con"lict o" interest bet$een the sta"" and the governing
bod# members%
:eeping the governing bod#, o""ice bearers and sta"" "rom ta'ing decisions that serve or might be
perceived to serve their personal interests%
8aving the governing bod# structure in $ritten%
Providing "or smooth lines o" communication bet$een the governing bod# and the sta""
;isallo$ing board members to see' emplo#ment and "acilities in the organization< ma'ing mandator#
"or them to resign "rom the board should the# be interested in the a"orementioned things%
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Ma'ing it obligator# on the governing structure to pass annual budgets, appointing an independent
auditor and maintaining regular audit reports%
6nsuring that the governing structure has a good grasp o" organisational matters, that it puts together
policies "or the organisation at all levels and accepts its governance responsibilities%
Ma'ing sure that the organization members are ac.uainted $ith the programmes being underta'en as
$ell as accounting and governing methods%
4riticall# revie$ing organisational culture and operational methods to promote a greater sense o"
responsibilit#, innovativeness and respect "or diversit#%
Putting in blac' and $hite all policies related to the organisational sta"" and volunteers and bring them
in con"ormit# $ith relevant national legislation, 5abor 1ct etc to protect the rights o" all those
associated $ith the organisation%
-a'ing on appropriate procedures to ensure organisational discipline and e""ective settlement o"
di""erences that ma# arise among those $or'ing "or the organisation%
Providing "or transparent hiring and "iring rules and putting them in $riting
2ormulating policies "or pro"essional enhancement o" volunteers and sta""%
;evising e.uitable and impartial methods to assess sta"" capabilities e=perience education and sense
o" responsibilit#%
1dopting policies that "acilitate higher levels o" communication and sharing o" ideas among those
$or'ing "or the organisation at di""erent levels%
Organizational and 2inancial 7esources
1dopting accredited accounting and auditing procedures including vouchers and veri"ication s#stem%
Organising "inancial matters on proper lines
1ppointing trained people to loo' a"ter "inancial matters
etting amounts e=ceeding 100,000 audited annuall# b# a chartered accountant
8aving an authorized o""icer and the e=ecutive bod# veri"# amounts less than 100,000 and 10,000
1dopting a precise polic# guideline "or the emplo#ee loans and bene"its< putting the polic# in $ritten
2ormulating policies concerning e=ternal remuneration and bene"its to prevent dual receipt o" salaries
1dopting cost)e""ective $a#s o" purchasing goods and hiring services and preventing such decisions
to be in"luenced b# personal interest%
-a'ing "irm and open action against the organization members "ound guilt# o" the"t or
&ee'ing to harness diverse sources o" "unding rather than rel#ing on a single source%
4utting organisational costs do$n to the minimum possible level
>tilising "unds "or the purposes the# have been obtained "or%
;ra"ting accounts in such a $a# that the# are accessible and intelligible to the members o" the
organisation as $ell as communities%
2raming such principles at the organisational level that allo$ "or appropriate utilization o"
organizational assets%
6nsuring proper supervision o" sta"" "unctioning and timing%
7evie$ing programme costs "rom time to time and allocating resources accordingl#%
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