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The Bilderberg Group in 2014 and Beyond

We know fully that the Bilderberg Group meeting in 2014 (in Copenhagen) has been filled with war
criminals, Big Oil leaders, banksters, and neo-liberal advocates. The Bilderberg Group is a private
organization. It is not public at all. It is exclusive. European royalty readily are in its membership. Its
members are part of other elite transnational groups and forums too. There are the
interconnections between the elite communities and networks. The authors named Ian Richardson,
Anderew Kakabadse, and Nada Nakabadse wrote the new book on the Bilderberg Group entitled,
Bilderberg People: Elite Power and Consensus in World Affairs. Even a scholar like Ian Richardson
has admitted that elite conclaves of the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission are linked
to the structure of transnational interlocking corporate power. Richardson has interviewed two
professors, the governor of a central bank, an EU Commissioner, the CEO of a television network,
and other human beings. Many in mainstream academic are members or have ties to these
transnational elite organizations. That is precisely why academia is not reporting on these groups in
a thoughtfully critical fashion. It is obvious that Bilderberg members want a more globalized world
order. Similarly, Bilderberg regular Denis Healey (who was also on Bilderbergs Steering
Committee), admitted recently:

To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair.
Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldnt go on forever fighting one another for nothing and
killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout
the world would be a good thing.
You have the words from the people in that group. Also, we should oppose the terrorism from the
FBI, the CIA, and NATO (which have use tactics to harm legitimate revolutionary movements

worldwide. These intelligence and political organizations are terrorist organizations point blank
period). The 2014 Bilderberg meeting occurred in the Copenhagen Marriot HOTEL In Denmark. The
conference included also members from military intelligence, politicians, finance, academia, and
neocon think tanks. While Bilderberg claims its annual conference is to foster dialogue between
Europe and North America, the worldwide monetary system as well as the US-NATO global war
agenda are slated to be discussed behind closed doors. Bilderberg expert Daniel Estulin said that
the Bilderberg Group talked about the 2008 economic crisis before. Estulin correctly predicted the
housing crash and the 2008 financial meltdown, because of his sources in Bilderberg told him what
the elite were planning. This was based on their 2006 meeting in Canada and the 2007 conference
in Turkey. We know that many too big to fail banks like Goldman Sachs has too much power in the
world. Goldman Sachs will be represented by: Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman of Goldman Sachs
International, and Robert B. Zoellick, Chairman of the Board of International Advisors of The
Goldman Sachs Group. Their presence is by no means accidental. Both Sutherland and Zoellick in
their previous lives before joining Goldman played key roles in strategic trade negotiations
including NAFTA and the WTO. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is on the
Bilderberg agenda and Goldman Sachs is intent upon playing a leading role. Too big to jail HSBC
will also have representatives, the Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings, Douglas J. Flint, and his senior
advisor Sherard Cowper-Coles. These mega banks have a longstanding record of financial fraud.
Goldman Sachs has been caught in being involved in financial manipulation since the 19th century.
NATO Secretary General Anders Fog Rasmussen will be in the Bilderberg Group meeting too.

As for too big to jail HSBC, on December 10, 2013 the US Justice Department announced a
settlement with the British-based HSBC bank regarding charges of money laundering Mexican drug
funds that allows the bank to admit to wrongdoing and pay a fine without being criminally
charged. In 2012 the US Justice Department issued a statement saying that after an exhaustive
investigation, they concluded that the burden of proof to bring a criminal case (against Goldman)
could not be met based on the law and facts as they exist at this time. Robert Rubin and Lawrence
Summers were involved with supporting the policies (like neoliberal policies) that contributed to
the recession. Robert Rubin was involved in abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act, which paved the way
to the Wall Street CASINO and lead to the 2008 collapse. Lawrence Summers advocated IMF policies
in developing nations, whose structural adjustment program policies resulted in mass poverty. So,
for 4 days, instrumental people (some of whom are involved in economic disastrous policies,

imperialism, and maintaining oppressive surveillance policies) will meet in secret. The mainstream
media is not totally covering the Bilderberg Group because of obvious reasons.
Other participants in the 2014 Bilderberg meeting include the following people:

Paul M. Achleitner (the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank. Hes from

The German Josef Auckermann is the Former CEO of the Deutsche Bank AG

The American Cyber Command and Former National Security Agency member Keith B. Alexander

Dutchman Ben van Beurden (He is the CEO of Royal Dutch Shell)

Philip M. Breedlove is the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe.

The Belgian Etienne Davignon (Hes the Minister of State of Belgium)

The American Reid Hoffman (He is the Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Linkedln)

US Chairman of KKR Global Institute David H. Patraeus

Council of Foreign Relations member and Former Secretary of the Treasury USA member Robert
E. Rubin

And so many other people

A Reminder
Both parties are responsible for the damage done to the economy. Both parties in their leadership
follow orders from the one percent. Bill Clinton was a centrist and he used triangulation. A centrist
is a person who have done both some legitimate things politically and made errors including
compromises as well. That sums up the Clinton legacy. He ended welfare as we know it, which I
disagree with. He allowed policies to grow the prison industrial complex (with his love of the War
on Drugs and strict three strike laws. He believed in the death penalty) and he eliminated Glass
Steagall. So, he was not a radical progressive as some reactionaries have called him. He agreed with
not only NAFTA, but the WTO, and GATT too, which contributed to the loss of millions of American
jobs. Bad trade deals should be replaced with fair trade. Even with the tax increases in Clintons
1993 budget plan (which I have no issue with at all), the wealthy pay a substantially lower
percentage of their income in taxes during his Presidency than they did in 1977. The economy
boomed in the late nineties, with unemployment reaching historic lows. Wages, after years of
lagging behind economic growth, finally began to rise. However, a majority of the twenty-two
million jobs created during the Clinton years paid less than $7 an hour. The reality was that Clinton
played his role in helping to create a low-wage, low-benefit economy. The number of working poor
increased under his watch.
According to a 1999 report compiled in part by the National League of Cities and the National
School Boards Association, The number of children in working poor families leaped by one-third
from 1989 to 1997, despite a booming economy and a twenty-five-year low in the nations
unemployment rate. Clinton had a reactionary foreign policy too. So, people know the truth.
Clinton, the one-time antiVietnam War so-called "protester", CONTINUED Bushs 1992 invasion of
Somalia, invaded Haiti in 1994, bombed Serbia in 1995 and 1999, he bombed Sudan and
Afghanistan in 1997, and William Jefferson Clinton bombed Iraq almost continuously throughout his
administration. To force North Korea into negotiations, Clinton threatened in 1994 a war that could
have provoked a nuclear conflict. He enforced the murderous sanctions of Iraq that killed over one
million Iraqi civilians. Bill Clinton's Presidency was better than other Presidencies like Harding,
Coolidge, Andrew Johnson, and Reagan, but he followed Republican-lite policies as a means to
preserve his political power.

We also have to understand real history too, so we can be mentally, socially, politically, and
economically liberated. We know that the CIA, under the guidance of the counter-intelligence chief
James Angleton ran extensive, illegal domestic operations against anti-Vietnam War protesters.
Many CIA-linked people are part of the reactionary American Security Council. Since the end of
WWII, we have seen an increase of private think tanks and social clubs. These organizations have
been funded by a small group of multinationals, foundations, and banks. We should never omit the
Le Cercle group too. That group is tied to the Opus Dei, the Knights of Malta, and the CIA. Le Cercle
has supported covert operations too. The Anglo-American Pilgrim Society has a great membership
and it is older than the CFR, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderberg Group, the
Trilateral Commissions and other private groups too. Some very powerful people in the world
include David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Otto von Habsburg, and others.
We see many factions of the Western political structure. Some of them are the liberal
establishment (tied to the State Department), the conservative establishment (linked to the CIA and
the Pentagon), the Vatican-Paneuropa network (that is self explanatory. Group like the Jesuits,
Opus Dei, and the Knights of Malta are in this network), and the Zionist establishment (which is tied
to the U.S. Israeli lobby, Israel, and communities worldwide). The establishment in its many forms
are in a class warfare. The establishment is hostile to genuine grassroots movement for social
change where labor unions and the rights of the poor and middle class are defended. These
organizations (like the neoliberal Bilderberg Group) pretty much want privatization, deregulation,
and more political including economic integration in the world as the true solution for humanity.

We know that real solutions dont reside in oligarchy, but in the

empowerment of the masses of the people.

When I have researched Republican and Democratic Presidents in the past decades, I see the same
pattern. They are funded by the same corporate interests. They are part of the same engine of
oppression against our community. Many of them advance blatantly reactionary policies. Carter and
Reagan radically deregulated industries. Clinton and Bush Jr. advanced the blatantly racist War on
Drugs, mass incarceration, and bad trade deals for years. Truman advanced aggressive Cold War
policies too (he consented to the dropping of two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
August 1945incinerating hundreds of thousands instantly and subjecting millions more to
cancereven generals winced like Dwight D. Eisenhower). There is nothing radically left wing about
these Presidents. The Democrats in their leadership have been just as much involved in war
mongering as the Republicans. That is why many Democrats voted for the Iraq War just like the
Republicans. By the 1960s, the ruling class had no choice, but to give concessions to the masses of
the people. The Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Medicare, Medicaid, and other legitimate
laws were created by the blood, sweat, and tears of real activists (among many colors including
black people) who refuse to capitulate to injustice. All people deserve justice. The 1960s was a
changing time. It was the time of the zenith of liberal reformism in American society. After Kings
assassination, the government abandoned broad bases reforms and choose more moderate and
reactionary policies (since the days of Nixon onward. Nixon supported the racist Southern Strategy,
etc.). The ruling class allows a privileged upper middle class layer to persist while the masses of the
people suffer in poverty. Our condition has not radically improved either since the late 1970's.

That is why revolutionary solutions (that involves the fighting of economic inequality and the
unification of the working class via a real program) are needed to help us as a community. We
should constantly learn new, interesting information. At the end of the day, humanity needs jobs,
education, adequate housing, AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE, and other rights that all human beings
deserve. There must be a revolutionary transformation of the social order where democratic rights
are maintained and the neo-feudal ideology of austerity is purely repudiated. Also, I still believe in
revolutionary solutions. There must be active political involvement in the world as a means for us to
transform it and make it better for humanity. Our people will have to continue to struggle for
justice excluding accommodation to the status quo. We need an end to imperialism and the
blatantly destructive War on Drugs. I will always agree with workers' rights, with environmental
justice, with racial justice, with human rights, with universal health care, and with economic justice
(as the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. accurately said, we need a radical redistribution of economic
and political power to address the needs of the poor & all oppressed peoples. I will never bow down
to crony capitalism. I am opposed to monopoly capitalism for capitalism is not God. I will believe in
social democratic power & that people power is important too).

The CIA and Torture

It is obvious the U.S. has done torture policies. This torture did not just exist since 9/11. The CIA has
done torture for decades in nations globally. Operation Phoenix dealt with explicit torture and
assassinations during the Vietnam War. So, America hypocritically lectures other nations on human
rights abuses, but America must bring its own house in order. It is as simple as that. The Senate
report on the CIA torture program documents the evil of torture. The unclassified executive
summary of the Senate Intelligence Committees report shows the brutal program of torture, and
abuse. The U.S. governments crimes are very intensive. The 500 page report of CIA torture under
the Bush administration was released on Tuesday morning. Senate floor remarks were made by
committee chairman Dianne Feinstein. It is a summary of a larger, still classified 6,700 page
document, which was compiled by Senate staff from 6 million pages of documents. The report was
completed in 2012. The CIA, with the collaboration of even the Obama administration, has sought
to obstruct its release at one time. The reported said that the CIA used not only waterboarding.
Prisoners were thrown against walls. Prisoners were secured in Mylar tape. Some detainees were
slapped and punched. Other detainees were in mock burials where they were kept in small boxes in
which they were unable to move for houses at a time. One prisoner, Gul Rahman, was forced to
take ice water baths and was then held partially nude and chained to a concrete floor until he
died of hypothermia. One of the officers responsible for Rahmans death was then given a cash
award of $2,500 by the CIA for his constantly superior work. According to the report summary,
CIA officers also threatened at least three detainees with harm to their familiesto include threats
to harm the children of a detainee, threats to sexually abuse the mother of a detainee, and a threat
to cut [a detainees] mothers throat. Further, [o]ne interrogator told another detainee that he
would never go to court, because we can never let the world know what I have done to you, and
another interrogator engaged in Russian Roulette with a detainee. A CIA employee noted that
prisoners in the COBALT detention facility (described by the chief of interrogations as the
dungeon) literally looked like a dog that had been kenneled, and that when the doors to their
cells were opened, they cowered. That is why some prisoners attempted suicide and mutilation.

The report summary details how the CIA hired two doctors, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen
(identified in the report by the pseudonyms, Grayson Swigert and Hammond Dunbar), and to
develop a method of torture whereby prisoners could be reduced to a state of physical and mental
devastation. The doctors based their recommendations on the theory of learned helplessness, in
which individuals might become passive and depressed in response to adverse or uncontrollable
events. At least 26 prisoners are acknowledged to have been held without any basis whatsoever.
The report summary enumerates dozens of occasions when high-ranking CIA officials lied to
Congress and the public. In the course of a single hearing to the Senate Intelligence Committee on
April 12, 2007, then-CIA Director Michael Hayden lied about a total of 17 subjects related to the
torture programs. The Bush administration officials, especially Cheney and George W. Bush, have
defended the perverted program. The CIA officials involved in the programs should be prosecuted
as these actions violate national and international law. This torture is a sign that we in America
must get our own house in order and promote human dignity for real.

The Issue of Russia

Russian politics and its relationship to the Western elite is complex. To get a better picture of it all,
it is important to understand the end of the Cold War. The Soviet Union was in the decline, because
of human rights issues, the over extension of resources in their fight against Afghanistan, and
collapse of political plus economic infrastructure. The Soviet Union was spending from 15 to as high
as 27 percent of its GDP (not the annual budget) on the military. Even today in America, the U.S.
only spends about 5.5 to 5 percent of its GDP on its military. Many Russian oligarchs were in touch
with British aristocratic economists and MI6 assets before Yeltsin was President of Russia. These
oligarchs wanted to promote a neoliberal path for Russia. During the late 1980s, Gorbachev ruled
the Soviet Union. He knew that the Soviet Union was about to end, so he made concessions with
the Western establishment. Soon, a crisis occurred in Russia and Yeltsin along with the oligarchs
took over. Yeltsin and the Western oligarchs have links to Western financial elites. The West wanted
to use Yeltsin as a means for the Western establishment to transform Russia not into a real
progressive, social democracy, but a client state filled with neoliberal policies. Throughout the
1990s, the Russian economy became devastated. Yeltsin became more and more corrupt. The
Russian oligarchs are linked to Western banks and some Israeli plus some Jewish bankers too (not
all Jewish people. Many Jewish people and many non-Jewish people want justice and freedom for
all people, so I want to make that clear). They control much of Russias wealth. The Russian mafia
grows their power during the 1990s as well. The Neo-cons James Woolsey and Le Cerle member
Fritz Ermath are accused of using Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky to manipulate Russian politics
and siphon off IMF aid to the country. Others named in the IMF and related financial scandals are
the oligarchs Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Vladimir Gauziness and Roman Abramowich. Yeltsin and his
family members are accused of looting funds meant for the development of Russia. The West
wanted to pacify Russia.

In 1999, things changed. Former KGB/FSB chief Vladimir Putin comes into power and people accuse
him of being involved in the Russian apartment bombings of September 1999. Russians re-invade
Chechnya, because they want its territories. Chechnya is heavily Muslim. Putin also uses a program
to retake the possessions of the oligarchs Boris Berezovsky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Berezovsky
soon flees Russia and is given asylum in England. Khodorkovsky teams up with Henry Kissinger,
Jacob Rothschild, Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Soros, but is later imprisoned by Putin. So, the
West wants to limit the growth of Russia and China for the sake of the West wanting hegemony
over the resources of Central Asia and the Middle East. Even Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted this plan
in his 1997 book entitled, The Grand Chessboard. Samuel Huntingtons The Clash of Civilizations
and the Remaking of the World Order from 1996 talks about similar subjects. Vladimir Putins
legacy has not yet been totally written. He has worked to develop the Russian military. Its economy
has been harmed via Western sanctions. He has supported Crimean self-determination, which is
great, but his problem is that some of his domestic policies are overtly anti-democratic. Russia's S400 anti-aircraft system is a powerful weapon too. Now, Russia and the West are dealing with
Ukraine. Ukraine is having its civil war. The West wants the Ukraine to join with the European Union
while Russia wants Ukraine to be more in line with the Russian orbit of influence. So, Ukraine
should not be some puppet Western/EU/IMF client state. We know the evils that NATO has done
too. Ukraine should be independent and truly free. Future and time will tell what will happen.

The American Security Council

One of the most reactionary organizations in the West is called the American Security Council. It
was created in 1954, which was during the early era of the Cold War. Its members include generals,
intelligence officers, businessmen, and scholars on its various boards. Many of their early members
were supporters of the anti-civil liberty advocate Senator Joseph McCarthy. They has irrationally
harsh anti-communosocialist opinions. They were antagonistic towards the State Department. In
essence, the establishment rights (made up of the old right, new right, and the religious right)
teamed up to fight communism for decades. The old right historically formed groups like the
American Legion, the American Liberty League, the National Association of Manufacturers, the
Crusaders, and the American First Committee. These groups were anti-interventionists, but some of
their members early on expressed indifference towards European and Japanese fascism. Then,
WWII occurred where the establishment decided to overtly fight Nazi Germany. After WWII, the
interventionist new right was born. An old right figure would be someone like Senator Robert Taft.
Yet, all of these factions of the establishment right hated and opposed the New Deal. The New Deal
has some flaws. Yet, the New Deal was right to limit work hours and abolishing child labor. The late
Jerry Falwell was in the religious right. Falwell was an close ally of the American Security Council.
Falwell was part of the ASCs Peace Through Strength campaign in 1983.
There is a lot more information on the American Security Council. The American Security Council
wanted to fight communism. It has been reported that the ASC had information on 6 million human
beings. They profiled Americans because of political beliefs, which is by definition anti-democratic.
One famous person in the ASC was retired Rear Admiral Chester C. Ward. He supported massive
defense spending as in a BOOK (published by him and the Dame of Malta Phyllis Schlafy) in their
book The Gravediggers. In 1974, both of them published the best-seller Kissinger on the Couch
criticizing Kissingers policy of dtente and claimed that he was an instrument of the Soviets. The
ASCs book was very similar to the John Birch Societys books. Some directors of the Citizens
Committee for a Free Cuba or CCFC were ASC board members Edward Teller and Claire Boothe
Luce. It is well know that the conservatives of the American Security Council and other related
groups were against President John F. Kennedys Limited Test Ban Treaty and Kissingers proposals
of dtente including the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks. The ASC believed in the paranoid fiction
that diplomatic efforts for dtente was part of a Soviet ran, grand communoscialist conspiracy

created to rule America. Even General Douglas MacArthur pushed for the use of nuclear weapons
against North Korea and China. Even Truman thought that he went too far. Members like Colonel
Raymond Sleeper (part of an ASC national strategy committee member) wanted to attack the Soviet
Union if they refuse to comply with the West. General Curtis LeMay was a wicked man. He not only
ran the fire bombings of Japanese cities killing more than 2 million people in the process (which
tons of civilians died). He also wanted a massive bombing campaign in North Vietnam and he
wanted to attack Cuba, which JFK rejected outright. He was so extreme that he called the resolution
of the Cuban Missile Crisis as the greatest defeat in our history. His protgs were Power and ASC
strategy board member Joints Chief General Lyman Lemnitzer. The Western reactionaries readily
support the torture, murder, and oppression of labor union leaders, human rights activists,
communists, socialists, etc. if the leaders of those nations are in league with Western interests. The
ASC continued domestic spying actions even after the Frank Church Committees findings of
government corruption. The ASC loved the views of Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald
Reagan. Today, the ASC is focused on anti-terrorism not anti-communism as we live in a new
generation. The ASC is allied with the neoconservative movement. At the end of the day, we dont
need to worship neoconservativism. We need to fight for our liberties, labor unions have the right
to organize, and social services should help humanity.

Appendix A: The Mid Term Elections of 2014

The midterm elections are coming up in America. This election represents the divisions in American
society over political issues. The Obama administration has been around for six years. There are
millions of dollars are being poured into the campaigns of the two big business, capitalist parties.
Total spending will make 2014 the most expensive non-Presidential election year in U.S. year. Some
predict that voter turnout will be in new lows, even for American elections, which routinely attract
less than 50 percent of the electorate. There is disillusionment among some in the American
political system. The total political system has shifted further to the right. Both parties since 2008
have used policies that used policies that have harmed the poor and working class. The Obama
administration came after the extended deteriorated in social conditions, the trauma of the
extremely unpopular Iraq War and the shock of the economic crisis of 2008. George W. Bush was
the most reviled President in our generation. The Obama administration spoke of hope and change.
We see that the current administration CONTINUING many of the same policies of the Bush
administration like the historic transfer of wealth to the rich, escalating military violence abroad,
and attacks on democratic rights in America. We see the growth of neoliberalism. There are things
that I agree with the administration on like the money sent to black farmers who were the victims
of racism and discrimination. So, President Barack Obama should not be blamed for everything
under the sun. Also, the Republicans and the Tea Party are extremists. They have expressed slander
against the President beyond just legitimate critique. So, we see that we need a social revolution in

Global capitalism has been exposed now like in no other time in history. We live in a heavily
commercialized world where marketplace transactions are one of the most dominant forms of
social interaction. Some people want material gain alone instead of loving each other. Social
progress can never come when people have the love of money for the love of money is the root of
wickedness. There can be no real change in society unless Love is strengthened in the world. There

is nothing wrong with a person having love of God and love of human beings. We should never lust
after wealth and be selfish. The Golden Rule is found in many religious teachings and it is a very true
moral principle. We dont need massive consumerism. We need justice. We see that capitalism
heavily is antithetical to the Golden Rule. In other words, we PROSPER not by greed, but by
righteousness. That is why we should focus on love, charity, sympathy, benevolence, and altruism.
We see that capitalism promotes the maximum freedom for markets and merchants. It relentlessly
transforms anything and everything into commodities to be bought and sold in the marketplace. In
capitalism, the love of money becomes the foundation of society and from this root, evils bear fruit.
*The combined net worth of Congress is about 2 billion dollars up from 150 million dollars from
2012 ACCORDING to CQs Roll Calls annual tally. The median net worth of the members of Congress
is over $450,000. The midterm elections are the most expensive non-Presidential election in U.S.
history. Ironically, voter turnout is expected to be in record lows. The public at large has expressed
great disapproval of both the Democrats and the Republicans. Both of these parties are running on
right wing platforms. We see the huge, widening chasm between political institutions and both
parties form the broad mass of the people. The financial oligarchy controls economic life in the
West heavily. The extremely rich control a huge part of the social and economic components of
mainstream United States society. The release of the report follows the announcement earlier this
year by the Center for Responsive Politics, using a different method for estimating the average
wealth of US lawmakers, that 2012 marked the first time a typical member of Congress was worth
over a million dollars. We see that even the Democrats, who posture themselves as for the middle
class were on average richer than their Republican counterparts. Congressional multimillionaires
include House Rep. Darrell Issa (a Republican from California), the Republican Michael McCaul of
Texas, Democratic House member John Delaney, and others. Each of these people works with major
committees or they are funded by the military industrial complex and other corporate entities like
Credit Suisse and JPMorgan Chase.
The House and Senate leaders are readily multi-millionaires. Democratic Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid is worth about $2.8 million, while Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is
worth $11.97 million. Republican House Speaker John Boehner has a net worth of $2.32 million, and
outgoing House Majority Leader Eric Cantor $9 million. Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi has a net worth of $29 million, making her the 14th-wealthiest member of Congress. The net
worth of a typical U.S. household was $56,335 in 2013, which is down from 36 percent since 2003
according to a study published earlier this year by the Russell SAGE Foundation. This means that a
typical member of Congress is 20 times wealthier than a typical American. We see much corruption,
bribery, fraud, and other insider dealings in the government. That is why candidates either seek
wealthy donors to fund their campaigns or agree with oligarchical policies. The Democrats try to get
support from the middle class, the working class, and sections of big business. The Republicans gain
support from small businesspeople and small farmers including most of corporate America. We see
for the past 50 years, the deindustrialization, the financialization of the economy, the growth of
social inequality, and other issues. The only solution is a broad based ending of the current system
to be replaced with a fair system where the working class has democratic control of the economy,
where people have real rights, and justice is established.

The Mid Term Election Results (Republicans win mostly)

Many in the corporate media (the CIA's Operation Mockingbird has infiltrated the corporate media
for decades) have said the GOP will take control over the Senate for months. So, this reality is not
shocking or surprising to me. The Republicans have shown who they are. They want more corporate
tax cuts, many of them want more policies against workers rights, a lot of them want more
austerity, some love the TPP, and many of them want the growth of the Empire (via imperialist
policies which has killed so many people in the world including Africans. The Empire also deals with
the expansion of the surveillance state against the American people via the NSA, the FBI, etc.).
Some Republicans have used obscene obstructionism too. Some good news is that ballot initiatives
for the increase of the minimum wage have passed in numerous states. Many Democrats wanted to
be more like Republicans (as since the 1970s, Democratic leaders have turned rightward on
numerous issues) or they refused to call for radical, revolutionary changes as part of their
platforms. That doomed numerous Democratic campaigns. We see a stagnant economic situation
with massive economic inequality. That is a reality. We live in unique times. These times call for
radical policies like an outright condemnation of imperialism (including condemning apartheid in
Israel), an end to the War on Drugs, a Marshall Plan to rebuild urban plus rural communities, and a
radical change in our economic system. The Democrats heavily suffered, because centrism and
neoliberalism will never work to solve poverty or any problems in a comprehensive fashion.
The GOP has both houses of Congress. Some of them have been funded by the Koch Brothers and
the interests of the 1%. We know how reactionary, retrograde, and extremist the GOP is. Now, they
have no excuses to put it bluntly. I will never be a Republican too (and many closet Republicans are
in the world too. I have exposed not only the Koch Brothers, but the Bilderberger participant
George Soros before too. I know about Left Gatekeepers for years as written about by Charles
Shaw. The Left Gatekeepers are funded by big corporate foundations like many reactionary
Republicans are). Yet, we should never lose hope. We should fight for solutions and CONTINUE to
work in our communities regardless of the composition of Congress. Now, I disagree with the
current administration on some issues, but I dont hate the President. The Brother has a strong
family and I will never degrade the Brother at all. Racists exploit political issues as an excuse to
spread hatred against the President, because he is a person of color (and these reactionaries have
used others to do their dirty work too). There is certainly a need to grow a politically independent

movement (outside of the two party system) that can address the needs of the masses of the
people. We should have justice period.

Rahm Emanuel is a neoliberal politician. He is the representative of the centrist, neoliberal 21st
century Democrat. Before Emanuel, the Daley family had a 43 year dynasty as being mayors of
Chicago. Richard Daley Sr. was part of a white racist Irish gang called the Hamburg Athletic Club.
This group were one of the many racist instigators of the Chicago race riot of 1919 (also called the
Red Summer riot) where innocent black people were assaulted and killed by racist mobs. The
Hamburg Athletic Club members were instigators in the attacks of black people. Daley Sr. also
opposed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s efforts in Chicago in 1966. Daley Sr. also supported the police
assaulting protesters during the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. Daley Sr. was in on the
COINTELPRO, Chicago police hit on Fred Hampton and Mark Clark on December 4, 1969, because he
was the head of the Chicago police. Richard Daley Jr. was a Cook County DA. Many of the black
people prosecuted during his tenure as mayor were tortured by the Chicago police. CPD Lt.
Detective Jon Burge tortured more than 200 criminal suspects in Chicago from 1972 to 1991 in
order to force confessions. This was a grave injustice. Many innocent black people and others were
railroaded into prison. This history must be known, so we can realize the total truth concretely.
Rahm Emanuel has Wall Street ties. He is known for his usage of massive profanity. He once cursed
at Sister Karen Lewis. Rahm is an acolyte of Bill Clinton and he agreed to support NAFTA. One of the
mayors closest friends is Bruce Rauner, a billionaire investor. Many of these recommendations
should have been implemented by the mayor long before it was released, because many of them
are common sense actions that can be executed immediately when he was first inaugurated as
Mayor of the city of Chicago. He promotes this Road Map in the midst of him trying to be reelected.

Rahm is aided by corporate interests. Emanuel not only shut down over 50 schools in Chicago and
he lay off teachers. He has attempted to cut pensions too. These actions only harm the city not
help. Solutions does relate to an addressing of poverty (with job creation and advancing a living
wage for people via the progressive taxation of the super wealthy, etc.), handling violent criminal
gangs, dealing with housing and rent issues, ending police terrorism, improving education (beyond
just heavily funding selective enrollment schools), etc. It will take assistance from diverse quarters
and as an African proverb has said, it will take a village.

There should be an independent mobilization of the working class in America and internationally to
take political power. In that way, new forms of democratic control of the economy and a
restructuring of society on the basis of equality and social need not private profit can develop. This
doesnt mean that we should not vote. People fought, shed blood, and even died for that right. So,
we should vote and defend the right to vote, because voter suppression laws and policies are
abundant in America. That is why the Moral Monday Movement and other activists are working day
and day out in protesting the evil, corrupt voter ID laws, which studies prove can decrease the
number of minority, elderly, low income, and student voters. These studies are real. We should
never give up. We should continue on the work since we have work to do.
We will continue to fight for justice.


By Timothy

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