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PSYCHOLOGY 101 Rio Salado Quiz Question from Chapter - 9 to 17

Prepared by Manukumar

1.____________ tests consist of ambiguous pictures, sentences, or stories that the test taker
interprets or completes.: Projective Tests

2.______________ tests have better reliability and validity.: Objective Tests (inventory)

3. The _________________ is the standard reference manual used to diagnose mental
disorders.: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

4.______________________________is the tendency to overestimate one's ability to have
predicted an event once the outcome is known.: hindsight bias

5.The ________________________approach to intelligence focuses on how well people
perform on standardized aptitude tests designed to measure the ability to acquire skills and
knowledge.: psychometric

6.________________________is the study of animal intelligence.: cognitive ethology

7.______________________is a state of tension that occurs when a person's belief contradicts
his or her behavior .: cognitive dissonance

8.______________________refers to your general expectation about whether you can control
the things that happen to you.: Locus of Control

9._____________________is a rule of thumb that suggests a course of action or guides
problem solving but does not guarantee an optimal solution.: Heuristic

10.___________________control is typically exercised .by Western cultures in which people
try to influence events by exerting direct control over them.: Primary

11.The ___________________phase of the general adaptation syndrome is when persistent
stress depletes the body of energy, increasing vulnerability to physical problems.: Exhaustion

12.According to Hans Selye, general adaptation syndrome occurs in three sequential phases, the
order of which is:: alarm, resistance, exhaustion.

13.The average IQ score used today is arbitrarily set at:: The average IQ score used today is
arbitrarily set at: 100
14. During Piaget's preoperational stage of development, a child cannot take another person's
point of view because a child's thinking is ___________.: egocentric

15.The Eastern approach of accepting reality by changing your own attitudes and goals
emphasizes ______________control and a "learn to live with it" philosophy.: Secondary

16.An eight-year-old boy is behaving aggressively by hitting classmates and disobeying his
teacher. According to the Jungian Theory of personality, which archetype is he expressing?: his
Shadow archetype

17.An expectation that comes true because the person behaves in ways that make the
expectation come true is known as a ___________________ prophecy.:
Self-fulfilling prophecy

18. Explain the pros and cons of defense mechanisms.:

The cons of Defense mechanisms is, they will either deny or distort reality when a person
feels anxious or threatened when the wishes of the id conflict with social rules. They
become unhealthy only when they cause self-defeating behavior and emotional problems.
The pros are, they will protect us from conflict and anxiety. (Wade, Travis 484)

19.Exposure, flooding, systematic desensitization, and skills training are all elements of which
form of psychotherapy?: Behavior Therapy

20.Fear, anger, sadness, joy, surprise, disgust, and contempt are considered to be basic emotions
also known as ____________ emotions: primary

21.A form of psychotherapy in which a therapist's primary goal is for a client to achieve insight
into his or her unconscious motives and feelings is _________________.: Psychoanalysis

22. The hormone ______________ promotes sexual desire in both males and females.:

23.In Freud's psychosexual stages of personality, during the phallic stage, a child who desires
the parent of the opposite sex and views the same-sex parent as a rival is said to be going
through the ___________________.:
Oedipus complex

24. In reconstructing your memories of events, you draw information from many sources,
including stories and pictures. You may even draw on other people's accounts of their own
events or similar events you've seen on television. The inability to distinguish an actual memory
from information you have obtained elsewhere is a phenomenon known as _______________.:
source misattribution

25.In the theory of cognitive dissonance, tension that occurs when you believe you may have
made a bad decision is referred to as__________________________.: postdecision dissonance

26.An integrated mental network of knowledge, beliefs, and expectations concerning a
particular topic or aspect of the world is known as a______________________________.:
cognitive schema

27. Joanna discovers that she has called her boyfriend's phone number instead of her mother's as
she intended. Her error can be attributed to_____________________.: mindlessness

28.Joanne is 70 years old and is about to take an IQ test. She is worried because she knows that
older people are assumed to have diminished mental abilities. Joanne is being affected
by_________________.: stereotype threat

29.Margaret is not prepared to take her psychology final exam. As she enters the classroom, she
begins to feel her heart race; she starts to sweat; her muscles tense up, and she begins to feel
nauseous. Margaret is most likely experiencing the ___________________phase of general
adaptation syndrome.: alarm

30. The most common biological treatment for mental disorders includes which of the
following?: medication

31.The most disabling form of social phobia is ______________. The biggest fear for a person
with this phobia is being trapped in a crowded public place where escape might be difficult.
Being away from a safe place, usually the home, is frightening.: Agoraphobia

32.A person who alternates between feelings of depression and mania may suffer from
__________ disorder: Bipolar disorder

33. A person who begins to tremble, shake, and have chest pains and shortness of breath at the
sight of a spider or other insect may have some type of ______________.: Phobia

34.A person who has an exaggerated sense of his/her own importance is said to suffer from
_______________ personality disorder.: Nacissistic

35.A person who perceives everything as an opportunity for disaster is likely to suffer from
a(n) _______________ disorder.: Generalized anxiety disorder

36.A person with schizophrenia reports that he is hearing voices; the symptom he is
experiencing is called a ________________.: Hallucination

37.The process in which the facial muscles send messages to the brain about the basic emotion
being expressed is called _______________.: facial feedback

38.The process of comparing and evaluating opposing points of view to resolve differences is
known as________________________.: dialectical reasoning

39.A psychologist examines several situations involving the responses of bystanders in a crowd
to emergency situations. She hypothesizes that the larger the crowd, the less likely an individual
is to respond to an emergency. This type of thinking is__________________________.:

40. Ralph believes his pet bird is harboring hostile feelings towards him for changing his pet
food company. Ralph's tendency to project his own human interpretation of his pet's behavior
may be defined as _______________________.: anthropomorphism

41 Researchers believe that many psychoses are caused by an excess amount of which
neurotransmitter?: Dopamine

42.A sense of control where people try to accommodate to a bad situation by changing their
own aspirations or desires is called:: secondary control

43 The small structure in the brain that plays a key role in
scrutinizing incoming information for its emotional importance is known as the
______________.: Amygdala

44.A soldier who continues to relive events of the war years after returning from fighting is like
to be diagnosed with _______________.: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

45.Specific, negative ways of thinking that contribute to depression are known as
______________.: Cognitive habits

46. A system of beliefs about the way one's own mind and the minds of others work and of
how individuals are affected by their beliefs and feelings is referred to
as____________________.: theory of mind

47. The tendency to think that human beings have nothing in common with other animals is
referred to as________________________.: anthropodenial

48. Thorazine, Haldol, Clozaril, Risperdal, and Zyprexa are _____________.: older
medications used for the treatment of mental disorders

49.The Three-Box Model of Memory included which of the following?: The Sensory Register,
Short-Term Memory, and Long-Term Memory

50. Three-year-old Tommy thinks that if he changed from wearing pants to wearing dresses he
could become a girl. Tommy still lacks a stable ___________________.: Gender identity

51.Trust versus mistrust, autonomy versus shame and doubt, identity versus role confusion, and
generatively versus stagnation are all stages of the developmental theory proposed by
psychoanalyst __________________________: Erik Erikson

52. What is the definition of a mental disorder?:
Any behavior or emotional state that causes an individual great suffering, is self-
destructive, seriously impairs the person's ability to work or get along with others, or
endangers others or the community. (Wade, Tavris 599)

53. What is the definition of insanity?:
In legal terms, it's whether a person is aware of the consequences of his or her actions and
can control his or her behavior. (Wade, Tavris 598)

54. When you are cooking your favorite meal, ensuring that all the correct ingredients are
included and adding just the right amount of spices for flavoring, you are using
_____________.: procedural memories

55.Which emotion may be most hazardous to your heart?: hostility
56.A woman suffering from depression is given a new medication by her doctor, who claims
that the medication will immediately improve her mood. She finds that after taking the
medication she does begin to feel calmer and happier; however, after a week of taking the
medication she find that her symptoms of depression have returned and the new medication no
longer has any affect on her. The woman experienced which of the following?: Placebo effect

57.A workers' union strike to force a company to raise wages and improve health care benefits
is an example of: primary control

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