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Q:Cushings Triad Select all that apply

my ans:bradycardia, hypertension, bradypnea
2). Q:meds that causes nephrotoicity
a. aminoglycoside my ans!er
b. loop diuretic
c. ace inhibitor
d. antispsychotic
" my number #$ %uestion & praised 'od( & !as
)ery sure !ith this * the computer stopped(
+). Q: ,ursing actions on postop replacement
- Select all that apply
.). Q: Community /ealth ,urse 0irst to )isit
my ans: !ith bright red )aginal spotting
$). Q: 12 ,urse recei)es a call: !hat to 0ollo! up3
4). Q: 5atient !ith 5ar6inson dse. 1perience
brady6inesia: !hat appropriate nsg. mearuse3
#).Q: laryngeal cancer under!ent laryngectomy:
7hat in0ection control you can do to pt.3
8). Q: 92S: placement;precaution
- Select all that apply
<). Q. : pt. had total gastrectomy. /ealth
Teachings to pt.
my ans=lie do!n +> mins.a0ter eating=a)oid high
1>). 2S? precaution
11). ,eiseria meningitis isolation precaution.
my ans: 2espiratory precaution
12). @enestrated tracheostomy !ith cu00A
1+). Q:/o! to test optic ner)e
my ans: snellen chart
1.). Q: 9ani0estation o0 myasthenia gra)is
my ans: 5tosis
1$). Q: 100ecti)eness o0 St. Bohns !ort
14). Q: 5atient to place in pri)ate room
my ans: /epa-C
1#). Q: 5atient !ith a h o0 5&C.DE) pt
The dr. order ultrasonography
/o! to eplain this procedure
a. to 6no! i0 the in0ection is gone
b. to 6no! the genetic de0ect
c. !here the baby is gro!ing my
18). Q: : child !ith seiFure, ho! to teach parent
to pre)ent inGury
a. place the child in the bathtub instead o0
b. as6 someone !ho is adult to super)ise !hile
- my ans!er
c. tounge blade should be ready in all place o0
the house
1<. Q: Sic6le cell anemia appropriate sport
2>: Q: !ard is 0ull,!;c pt to trans0er in the HI !ard
my ans: postop mastectomy ready 0or discharge
21. /o! to 6no! i0 pt. has angina pectoris
22. &n addition to lo! cholesterol diet, health
9y as!: eat pineapple * banana
"other options !ith meat *0atty
2+. /o! to assess pt i0 he has arterial insu00ieciency3
a. im already lying do!n but my an6le still s!ollen
b. eperience leg pain a0ter !al6ing one bloc6
my ans!er
2.. To 6no! i0 the child has de)elopmental delay
a. 1$ mos. Hld can spea6 2 !ords,hold 0urniture
!hile !al6ing my ans!er
2$. ,sg.inter)ention 0or the Ge!ish...malapit na
b. allo! the 0amily to stay and as6 them ho! can
you help my ans!er
24. 7hat re0le still present < mos
9y ans!: babins6i re0le
2#. 5reeclampsia diet
9y ans!: eat 0oods rich in protein
28. Curamorph
2<. ,ardil
+>. 7hen to gi)e digoin
a. !ith meals
b. be0ore meals
c. a0ter meals
d. 1 hr be0ore or 2 hr a0ter meals my
ans!-not sure(
+1. Se)ere mani0estation o0 lithium toicity
a. diarrhea
b. restlessness my ans!er
c. nausea * )omiting
+2. C5:5 ho! it !or6sJ
++. Chronic pancreatitis diet
9y ans!:choose non irritating 0oods * !ithout
+.. ,sg. inter)ention to pt. !ith 9S eperience
+$. 7hich meds can a00ect anticoagulant property
o0 coumadin
"im loo6ing 0or )it 6 o0 phytonadione or
a%uamephyton 6so ala.nanghula nalang
a. 5henobarbital
b. glycerolJ
c;d. un0amiliar meds
+4. cholangiography
+#. hysterectomy
+8. 5ositioning pt. !ith cer)ical inGury
+<. pt. to assess 0irst
my ans. 7ith headache * clogged nose
.>: non-pharmacologic
my ans: pain management
.1: /ealth teaching on post o0 hip replacement
a. place on high chair
b. legs cross
c. seual positioning my ans!er
d. put pillo! under the leg
.2. 8 yr old is in the hospital. The mother is the
one caring 0or this child. The $ yr old child
later on doesnt !ant to tal6 to her mother.
7hat is the nurse initial inter)ention
a. as6 the $ yr old !hat is the cause o0 the
sic6ness o0 8 yr oldmy ans!
b*c. 8 yr old shouldJ..
d. encourage 8 yr old to !rite to $ yr old
.+. 12 nurse recei)e a call. 7hich to assess 0irst3
... CH5C Select all that apply
.$. .> yr old KCL e00ecti)eness
.4. long term goal 0or pt !ith paranoid schiFo..
b. insight to his paranoid ideation
d. orientation to time, place * person
.#. /o! to assess pt !ith borderline personality
b. & dont !ant to tal6 to them because they
!ill not understand me
d. & admit & had personal problems and &
changed my Gob + times last year
.8. 7hich pscyh patient to assess 0irst3
9y ans:Cepress 5t in one corner,no 0acial
epression and roc6ing the chair
.<. 5osition o0 postop tonsillectomy
a. supine
b. 0o!lers
c. semi 0o!lers
d. side lying my ans
$>. /o! to assess i0 patient has
:bdominal :ortic :neursym

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