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Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game...

Some points in History are fixed

(The Doctor The Waters of Mars)
The Doctor has always enjoyed visiting Earth at various points in history as well as mingling with the famous, and
infamous, characters that he found there. From writers like William Shakespeare, scientists like Isaac Newton, or
even the monarchy like Queen Victoria, the Doctor has always been known to namedrop some of his
acquaintances to his companions.
This expansion for the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game offers some new adventures set within Earths various
historical eras, some new Enemies that are intent on disrupting the timelines for their own personal gains, several
new historical figures that you can meet, and some more events such as Goals, Plots and locations to encounter.

How to Use this Expansion
The content of this revised expansion should just fit right into the basic
game with no modifications apart from that in e001a and e012 as
described below. However, you may wish to include the new Enemies
from this Expansion to be able to be encountered in Adventures from the
basic game. Since the Demoreans, Mortimus and Moon all have
Temporal capabilities, they can be encountered in virtually any
Adventure location. If a roll dictates, they could simply replace Enemies
that you have previously encountered in the game. The Silurians can be
a replacement for any Sea Devils (v525) encounter.

New Adventures
Since there are now far more Adventures within Earths history, the lines Modern Earth History and Older Earth
History in e001a are now obsolete. Replace them by the following references where all the Adventures from both
the Adventure Book and this expansion have been included and Adventures separated into their distinct Eras:
Prehistory (7+): ya01
Antiquity Era (8+): 1-2: a428; 3-4: a439; 5-6: ya09
Renaissance Era (8+): 1: a418; 2: a420; 3: a425; 4: ya04; 5: ya06; 6: ya07
Victorian Era (8+): 1: a403; 2: a417; 3: a429; 4: a437; 5: ya02; 6: ya08
Modern Era (8+): 1: a408; 2: a426; 3: a443; 4: a446; 5: ya05; 6: roll again
Silurian Earth (1993): replace result 6 on e012.

Meeting Your Heroes (optional)
Just like there are fixed points in Time that the Doctor can never (or at
least shouldnt) alter there are important people from history that should
be allowed to live their lives as history dictates. They certainly shouldnt
die from a Silurian attack or being exterminated by a Dalek!
If a Character you meet is an important historical celebrity such as
Shakespeare, Dickens or Newton (anyone that you gain a Luck point for
meeting) and is then killed in the Adventure, then unless they are a
Victim, you must lose Luck points equal to the number of Traits they
possess. On average this is 5 Luck points, so treat them gently!
YA01. Earth 200,000,000 BC (7; Prehistory Era)
(Wilderness) You have landed on Earth during prehistory the world as it was before the great continental drift.
The ground is marshy and huge mosquitoes hover around the long ferns. Although there might not be quite as
much oxygen as usual and its rather warm, it could be a great place to study dinosaurs...
Special: If the Silurians or Sea Devils are the Enemy here take an immediate -1DM when revealed. If you have a
Companion with Science and History gain a point.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv04; 2: yv04; 3: v525; 4: v525; 5: v513; 6: v519
Character (D6): 1: e071; 2: e071; 3: e032; 4: e020; 5-6: None.
Event 1 (D6): 1: e121; 2: e256; 3: e095; 4: e078; 5: e112; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e256; 2: e289; 3: e038; 4: e085; 5: e265; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e133; 2: e131; 3: e238; 4: e260; 5: ye12; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e217; 2: e217; 3: ye01; 4: ye01; 5: ye01; 6: e158

YA02. Earth 1885 (9; Victorian Era)
(Holiday) You have landed in the city of Dehli, India - at the height of the British Raj. Night is just falling,
mosquitoes are buzzing around you as the Sun sets across the banks of the river Yamuna. As you explore the city
you realise that 1885 was the year of the Great Monsoon when the Yamuna broke its banks...
Special: The first time you roll for an Event (2), see instead ye02.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv03; 2: v525; 3: yv01; 4: v543; 5: v502; 6: v524
Character (D6): 1: e244; 2: e207; 3: e130; 4: e081; 5: e039; 6: e105
Event 1 (D6): 1: e121; 2: e076; 3: e206; 4: e051; 5: e151; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e079; 2: e213; 3: e145; 4: e223; 5: e152; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e133; 2: e137; 3: e132; 4: e134; 5: e251; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e273; 2: e066; 3: ye13; 4: e254 5: e055; 6: e065

YA03. Silurian Earth 1993 (Present Era)
(Dimensional) (Wilderness) The TARDIS lands in what appears to be a primeval jungle, but you soon make a
terrifying discovery - the ruins of London, now crumbling away and infested by vines, creepers and foliage.
Pterodactyls soar above and dinosaurs crash through the jungle. Mankind is no longer the dominant species...
Special: Silurians are +1 to all Qualities here. At the end of every turn, unless at a Location, see e121. Take a -1
penalty to any Talk rolls with Characters (-2 if Troops).
Enemy (D6): 1: yv04; 2: yv04; 3: yv04; 4: yv04; 5: v525; 6: yv02.
Character (D6): 1: e022; 2: e048; 3: e023; 4: e031; 5: e032; 6: e285
Event 1 (D6): 1: e151; 2: e095; 3: e077; 4: ye11; 5: e112; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e145; 2: e229; 3: e101; 4: e116; 5: e256; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e279; 2: e260; 3: ye14; 4: e235; 5: e153; 6: e150.
Location (D6): 1: e217; 2: e217; 3: ye01; 4: ye01; 5: e064; 6: e064.

YA04. Earth 1505 (9; Renaissance Era)
(Holiday) You have landed on Earth in Florence at the start of the sixteenth century and at the beginning of the
Renaissance. In this Italian city of art and culture anything is possible so perhaps you can explore its winding
streets and elegant plazas without getting into any trouble?
Special: If you have History, you may add +1 (not cumulative) to any Relax action here.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv03; 2: yv02 3: v506; 4: v544; 5: v507; 6: v505
Character (D6): 1: ye03; 2: e048; 3: e081; 4: e207; 5: e123; 6: e125
Event 1 (D6): 1: ye14; 2: e076; 3: e101; 4: e112; 5: e151; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ye11; 2: e268; 3: e287; 4: e107; 5: e135; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ye12; 2: e132; 3: e137; 4: e154; 5: e157; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e028; 2: e065; 3: e066; 4: e093; 5: e209; 6: e218

YA05. Earth 1952 (9; Modern Era)
(Holiday) You have landed in the fabulous city of Monaco in Monte Carlo and on the French Riviera. The rich and
glamorous roar through the streets in luxury sedans around you whilst as dusk falls, the city lights up and the lure
of the incredible hotels and casinos is almost palpable.
Special: Each Character without Charisma makes your group -1 to any Character (not Enemy) Talk options.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv02; 2: v543; 3: v523; 4: v522; 5: v516; 6: yv01
Character (D6): 1: ye06; 2: e018; 3: e021; 4: e207; 5: e110; 6: e244
Event 1 (D6): 1: e206; 2: e035; 3: e151; 4: e152; 5: e213; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e038; 2: e145; 3: e223; 4: e116; 5: e034; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ye12; 2: e134; 3: e154; 4: e179; 5: e288; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: ye13; 2: ye13 3: ye13; 4: e055; 5: e144; 6: e255

YA06. Earth 1710 (9; Renaissance Era)
You have landed in rural England on a bright Spring morning. A light mist hangs in the still chilly air and flowers
burst from the hedgerows. Along the rough track next to the TARDIS you hear the call of a pheasant whilst around
a bend you can smell the unmistakeable aroma of burning wood.
Special: Any Character here without History is -1 Brains in this Adventure.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv01; 2: v544 3: v529; 4: v528; 5: v524; 6: v517
Character (D6): 1: ye04; 2: e081; 3: e202; 4: e203; 5: e207; 6: e039
Event 1 (D6): 1: ye14; 2: e051; 3: e226; 4: e101; 5: e078; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ye11; 2: e038; 3: e268; 4: e177; 5: e208; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ye12; 2: e133; 3: e137; 4: e148; 5: e260; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e093; 2: e158; 3: e236; 4: e254 5: e254; 6: e259

YA07. Earth 1794 (9; Renaissance Era)
The TARDIS has landed in Paris during one of the bloodiest years following the French Revolution. Soldiers, spies
and traitors fill the streets and taverns. Plots, counter-plots and suspicion mix with fops and beggars in this land of
fear where everyone wants to escape being guests of madam guillotine...
Special: Any Talk rolls with Characters are made at a -1 penalty (-2 with any Troops). Rolls on e058 are made
with a -1 penalty.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv01; 2: yv02; 3: v517; 4: v505; 5: v529; 6: v507.
Character (D6): 1: e203; 2: e202; 3: e207; 4: ye05; 5: e125; 6: e048
Event 1 (D6): 1: e051; 2: e152; 3: e226; 4: ye14; 5: e206; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e177; 2: e145; 3: e229; 4: e287; 5: e116; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e288; 2: e154; 3: e153; 4: e134; 5: e137; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e255; 2: e255; 3: e093; 4: e028; 5: e108; 6: e259

YA08. Earth 1835 (9; Victorian Era)
(Wilderness) You have landed on the Galapagos Islands, a desolate outcrop of rocks and jungle shrouded in mist
and fear. It is late afternoon as you trek through the lush vegetation surrounded by tropical birdsong. But the
centre of the island may hold a terrible secret a secret that drives men totally insane...
Special: If a TARDIS Character has Science and History here they gain 1 Luck point on their first Explore Action.
All Explore and Move Actions are at -1 to the roll.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv04; 2: yv04; 3: v525; 4: v525; 5: v519; 6: v528
Character (D6): 1: ye07; 2: e081; 3: e030; 4: e029; 5: e039; 6: e018
Event 1 (D6): 1: e079; 2: e077; 3: e095; 4: e135; 5: e151; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ye02; 2: e256; 3: e289; 4: e229; 5: e085; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e157; 2: e141; 3: e131; 4: e176; 5: e159; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e217; 2: e217; 3: e158; 4: e064; 5: e273; 6: e066

YA09. Earth 47 BC (9; Antiquity Era)
(Holiday) You have landed in Rome at the height of the Roman Empire. The majesty that is the coliseum towers
over the magnificent city as senators mix with soldiers in streets lined with marble statues. But can you avoid the
conspiracies and politics? Or worse, the terrible slave traders...?
Special: Romans Gain +1 to all Move Actions. Add +1 to any number of Troops you encounter.
Enemy (D6): 1: yv01; 2: yv02; 3: yv03; 4: v504; 5: v529; 6: v537
Character (D6): 1: ye08; 2: e072; 3: e125; 4: e123; 5: e207; 6: e212
Event 1 (D6): 1: ye14; 2: ye11; 3: e051; 4: e112; 5: e076; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e145; 2: e268; 3: e213; 4: e038; 5: e116; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ye12; 2: e154; 3: e132; 4: e137; 5: e235; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e055; 2: e255; 3: e065; 4: e066; 5: e108; 6: e218

YV01. The Demoreans
You have encountered the Demoreans reptilian shape-shifting aliens
that live off the energies created by Time paradoxes (DM 0; Goals: 1-2:
ye09; 3-4: e234; 5-6: ye10). Demoreans often impersonate important
human leaders and attack with psychic energy blasts if discovered.
Roll 1D6 for each non-Machine Ally in your group. If the result is a 1 (or
a 2 if the Character is a Bureaucrat) then the Ally is enveloped in a red
glow before being revealed as a grinning Demorean. You need only roll
once per Ally.
Roll 1D3 for the number of Demorean you encounter (this includes any Allies that are revealed to be Demorean
imposters), adding 1 if the Turn number is 5+ or 2 if the Turn number is 9+. Each Demorean is Brains 8, Brawn 5,
Bravery 5. Roll another 2D6 and if the result is lower than the Turn number then one of the Demoreans is a
Demorean Priest - Brains 9, Brawn 4, Bravery 7. Each Demorean is +1 to all Qualities for each Temporal event
you have in this Adventure.
If you kill a Demorean roll 1D6 and on a result of 6 (or 5 if a Priest) then see yv01a below.
Choose from options below:
Fight: Combat occurs but the Demoreans will attack using psychic power so they use their Brains value against
your Bravery values (adding any Domination your Characters possess). If you wish to surrender, see below
with -1 to the roll. If you later wish to escape the combat, see the Evade option below. If you win a fight
against the Demoreans, gain a +1 DM. If you can Oppose and a Demorean Priest is here, you have
instead Defeated them. See yv01a below.
Surrender: Roll 1D6 with +1 to the roll if a Demorean Priest is here: 1-3: The Demoreans just laugh and their eyes
glow with a pale light as they attack! See the Fight option; 4-6: See e061.
Evade: The Demoreans can move fairly fast when they want to so you must make Running 8 rolls to escape. If you
fail, or choose not to escape, you must choose another option.
Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before combat starts and before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to
escape, you must choose another option.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-5: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to the roll; 6-8: Lose quarry event ends; 9+: e082.
Talk: You may try to bluff your way out of trouble and escape by making a Brains roll with your Brains reduced
by 2 for each Demorean here. If you succeed gain a +1DM or reveal the Goal if a Priest is here. If you fail
choose to Fight, Evade (-1 to Running rolls) or Surrender.
Confront: If you can Oppose and there is a Priest here, you can instead try and convince the Demoreans that you
know enough about their scheme to stop it. Make a Brains roll (add 1 to your Brains for each Domination
you possess) with your total reduced by 3 and by an extra 1 for each Temporal event. If you succeed you
have Defeated the Demoreans. See also yv01a below. If you fail, choose to either Surrender or Fight.

yv01a. Rift Key
(Equipment) This small device harnesses the energy of a Time Rift and is
how Demoreans jump through them.
If you wire a Rift Key into the TARDIS with an Engineering 10 roll you
gain +1 to Setting the Controls (e001b). Alternatively, when rolling on
e107 you may roll twice and choose the desired result. You may destroy
a Rift Key to cancel any one Temporal Event in an Adventure. If you
have a Rift Key you gain a +1DM when Demoreans are the Enemy in
the Adventure.
YV02. Mortimus
You have encountered Mortimus a meddling renegade Time Lord that
has somehow escaped the last Time War (DM 0; Goals: 1-2: ye09; 3-4:
e233; 5-6: e240). Mortimus (Brains 11, Brawn 4, Bravery 7) cannot
resist interfering with history for his own gain and amusement. Take an
extra -1DM penalty if on Earth in Present Era or earlier.
Roll 1D6:
1-2: Mortimus is alone
3-4: Mortimus has two hired thugs as bodyguards, each Brains 4, Brawn
7, Bravery 6 (Minion).
5-6: Mortimus is accompanied by a robot servant Brains 5, Brawn 8, Bravery 7 (Machine, Minion).
If you Defeat Mortimus (except by killing him) you may roll once on e005.
Choose from options below:
Fight: If Mortimus is alone he will attempt to evade (by rolling 8+ on 2D6) at the end of each combat round.
Otherwise combat occurs normally. If you wish to surrender or evade then see the options below. If you win
a fight against Mortimus, gain a +1 DM. If you can Oppose and kill Mortimus then you have Defeated him
but you gain no points from this Adventure.
Surrender: Mortimus rubs his hands in glee. See e061. Roll 1D6 and on a result of 5-6 roll for a Goal event as
he cant resist gloating over his plans.
Evade: You may escape automatically if Mortimus is alone, otherwise you must make Running 8 rolls. If you fail,
or choose not to escape, you must choose another option.
Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before combat starts and before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to
escape, you must choose another option.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry event ends; 8-9: yv02a; 10+: e082.
Talk: You may try to bluff your way out of trouble and possibly learn some of the renegades plans. Make an
opposed Brains roll. If you succeed, gain a+1DM or reveal the Goal but if you fail take a -1DM and choose
another option. If you succeed and you can Oppose then you have outwitted Mortimus and Defeated him.
Sabotage TARDIS: This option can only be chosen if you can Oppose and you make a Tracking 9 roll. If you
succeed then see yv02a below.

yv02a. Mortimus TARDIS
Unlike your TARDIS, Mortimus has one with a functioning chameleon
circuit even though it often looks like an old stone sarcophagus.
If you have followed Mortimus here, then you watch as he disappears
inside his TARDIS roll 1D6:
1-2: The TARDIS disappears as his plans get closer to completion event
ends and take a -1DM.
3-4: You overhear his plans roll for a Goal event.
5-6: He leaves the doors open. You may try to sabotage the TARDIS as below or leave now.
If you plan to sabotage the TARDIS, then you must have Thief and make an Engineering 10 roll. If you succeed
then you have Defeated Mortimus. If you fail then you are caught his defence systems and captured see e061.

YV03. Hephaestus
You have discovered that an old scientist from the future is posing as
Hephaestus, the god of smiths. (DM 0; Goals: 1-2: e234; 3-4: e178; 5-
6: e222). Stranded in the past by his temporal experiments, he is trying
to find a way to get back to his own time. Although not malicious, his
unscrupulous attempts to create a society advanced enough to support
his research are a threat to Earth's history.
Roll 1D6 to find what you have encountered. Add +1 each time you
have previously rolled here, +1 if Turn 5+ or +2 if Turn 9+. Also add +2
if you can Oppose:
1: e107; 2: e072; 3: e123; 4-5: e101; 6-7: e032.
8-9: You have encountered Hephaestus (Brains 9, Brawn 3, Bravery 7). He is with 1D3+1 Priest-Scientists - each
Brains 6, Brawn 3, Bravery 5 (Minion).
10-11: You have encountered Hephaestus (Brains 9, Brawn 3, Bravery 7). He is with 1D6+1 cyborg soldiers -
each Brains 3, Brawn 7, Bravery 6 (Minion).
12+: You have encountered Hephaestus alone Brains 9, Brawn 3, Bravery 7.
If you have encountered Hephaestus, choose from options below:
Fight: Hephaestus has a gas gun that reduces the Brawn of all Humans by 3 for this encounter. You may later
choose to Evade or Surrender. He will escape automatically after one combat round if his total Brawn is
less than yours. If you win a fight against Hephaestus then gain a +1DM or if you can Oppose then he
is instead Defeated.
Evade: You must make Running 8 rolls before combat starts. If you fail, or choose not to escape, you must
choose another option.
Hide: Make Thief 8 rolls before other options. If you fail, or choose not to hide, choose another option.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-5: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to the roll; 6-7: Lose quarry event ends; 8-9: e082; 10+: e144.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: Hephaestus is not interested and attacks; 3-5: e061; 6+: e062. If you are captured
or enslaved, roll for a Goal event as he cannot resist gloating over his plans.
Talk: You may try to persuade Hephaestus that you are not a threat. If you can make a Brains roll (with -3 for
Hephaestus, -1for each Minion and -2 if you have Time Agent Allies) then you succeed gain a +1DM
or roll for a Goal event or see yv03a. If you fail then you must choose another option.
Confront: You may only choose this option if you can Oppose. You attempt to get Hephaestus to return to his
own time by making an opposed Brains roll. If you have found an undamaged Time Portal (e065) or
stabilised his wormhole (yv03a), gain +2 to the roll, but if you have Time Agent Allies, take a -2
penalty. If you succeed then he is Defeated, but if you fail take a -1DM and choose another option.

yv03a. Malfunctioning Wormhole
(Temporal) Hephaestus has been unable to find the wormhole that he
created and that originally brought him here. You may attempt to find the
wormhole as a Move Action by making a Tracking 9 roll (although you
may add +2 if you have a Time Detector and +1 if you have Time Agents
as Allies).
Once you know Hephaestus Goal then you may try to stabilise the
wormhole. You can do this by having Brains 20, Aware and 2 Science.
If the wormhole is stabilised it can be used as a Time Portal (see e065).
YV04. The Silurians
You have encountered the Silurians - reptiles that were once the rulers of
Earth millions of years ago (DM 0; Goals: 1-2: e172; 3-4: e231; 5-6:
e180). Now millennia later, the Silurians wish to reclaim their planet.
Roll 1D3 for the number of Silurians you encounter, adding +1 if the
Turn number is 5+ or +2 if the Turn number is 9+. Each Silurian is
Brains 4, Brawn 8, Bravery 5. Roll another 1D6 and if the result is lower
than the number of Silurians then they are accompanied by a Silurian
leader - Brains 8, Brawn 7, Bravery 7. If the Goal is e231 or e180, then
the Silurians are also with a Silurian scientist Brains 8, Brawn 8,
Bravery 6.
Any time you have e095 or e256, then see yv04a below instead. Any caves you encounter function as a Silurian
base (+1 to number encountered; any Defeat Enemy or Rescue Actions are made with +1 to roll, all Escape rolls
have a -1 penalty). Due to race fear, all Humans in your group are -1 to all Qualities in encounters here.
Choose from options below:
Fight: Combat occurs but if the Silurians have greater total Brawn than you have total Bravery, one Human in
your group with less than 6 Bravery is scared to death. If you wish to surrender, see below with -1 to the
roll. If you later wish to escape, see option below. If you win a fight against the Silurians, gain a +1
DM. If you can Oppose and a Silurian leader is here, you have instead Defeated them, but lose a point.
Surrender: Roll 1D6 with +1 to the roll if a Silurian leader is here: 1-3: The Silurians third eyes begin to glow
red as they attack! 4-6: e061. If you escape, see e217 immediately.
Evade: The Silurians can move fairly fast when they want to so you must make Running 8 rolls to escape. If
you fail, or choose not to escape, you must choose another option.
Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before combat starts and before any other option. If you fail, or choose not
to escape, you must choose another option.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry event ends; 8-9: ye01; 10+: e082.
Talk: You may try to confuse the Silurians and try to escape. If you can make a Brains roll with your Brains
reduced by 1 for each Silurian (a leader reduces it by 3, a scientist by 2), then you succeed gain a
+1DM, or reveal the Goal if a leader is here. If you fail, choose to Fight, Evade or Surrender.
Broker Peace This option can only be chosen if you can Oppose and there is a Silurian leader here. Make a
Bureaucrat 11 roll. You must have a -2 penalty for each Fight you have had with Silurians in this
Adventure and -1 for each Troop with you. If you succeed, the Adventure is over and you gain an
additional 2 points. If you fail, choose to Evade, Surrender or Fight.

yv04a. Carnosaur
The Silurians often trained dinosaurs to use as guards, fighting beasts or
methods of transport, controlling their pets using high frequency sonic
control devices.
You must escape from the Carnosaur by making Running 7 rolls,
although take a -1 to the roll if you are in caves. Any non-Machine
Character who fails the roll is put in a random selection (although any
Victims or Thief are first choice) to be killed. Then make further Running
rolls until everyone has escaped or been killed.
You may destroy the Carnosaur if you have 30 Brawn and either 2 Marksman or 2 Demolitions. You may
alternatively deactivate the control conditioning if you have 28 Brains and 3 Science.
ye01. Silurian City
(Location) You have discovered an enormous and incredible Silurian city carved within the rocks. If the Silurians are
already revealed as the Enemy here, take a -1DM and roll 1D6: 1-2: Enemy encounter; 3-4: yv04a; 5-6: e061.
If the Silurans are not the Enemy here, then you encounter a group of 1D3 Silurians each Brains 4, Brawn 8, Bravery 5
(Creature, Running, Thief, Tracking, Troop). Due to race fear, all Humans in your group are -1 to all Qualities in
encounters here. Choose from the options below:
Fight: Combat occurs but if the Silurians have greater total Brawn than you have total Bravery, one Human in your
group with less than 6 Bravery is scared to death. If you wish to surrender, see below with -1 to the roll. If
you later wish to escape the combat, see option below.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: The Silurians third eyes begin to glow red as they attack! 3-6: See e058. If you escape
see e217 immediately.
Evade: The Silurians know all the passages in their city so you must make Running 8 rolls to escape. If you fail, or
choose not to escape, you must choose another option.
Hide: You must make Thief 9 rolls before combat starts and before any other option. If you fail, you must choose
another option.
Talk: You try to communicate with the Silurians. Make a Charisma roll:
2-5: The Silurians attack you.
6-9: The Silurians regard suspiciously and escort you from the city.
10+: The Silurians take you to their leader see ye01a below.
ye01a. Audience with Silurian Elder
You are brought before the Silurian Elder. Roll 1D6 adding any Bureaucrat Traits:
1-2: Unfortunately the Silurian Elder is a vengeful tyrant and you are immediately seized and imprisoned see e058 with
a -1 to the roll. If there is no current Enemy, then the Silurians become the Enemy (yv04). Any Silurian leader
encountered there is instead Brains 5, Brawn 9, Bravery 8. Any Talk options have a -2 penalty when he is present.
3: The Silurian Elder listens politely and maybe able to offer some advice. Roll 1D6 and if the result is 3+, then roll for a
Plot event. You are then escorted from the city.
4-5: The Elder listens with interest and offers some advice roll for a Plot event. You are also free to explore the Silurian
city. Gain a +1 to Planning or Research Actions here. If any Character in your group has both Science and History,
they may spend a turn exploring Silurian culture and gain 1 point.
6: The Elder decides to help. Roll for a Plot event and gain 1D3 Silurians (see above for Qualities and Traits) as allies.
7: The Elder declares you a friend to the Silurians - roll for a Plot event. You are free to explore the Silurian city. Gain a
+1 to Planning or Research Actions here. If any Character in your group has both Science and History, they may
spend a turn exploring Silurian culture and gain 1 point. The Elder also becomes your Ally Brains 8; Brawn 7;
Bravery 7 (Bureaucrat, Computers, Creature, History, Laser, Science, Victim).

ye02. Monsoon
(Danger) You watch in horror as the skies turn black and the winds begin to pick up. Roll 1D6 now and each turn after
you have resolved any Encounters. Add +1 (cumulative) to each subsequent roll:
1-3: The rains start - make a Bravery roll for each non-Machine character. If they fail, the character catches cold,
and becomes Wounded. On further turns if you wish to complete an Action, any characters who haven't yet
caught cold must risk it.
4-6: The monsoon breaks. Each character must make a Running 8 (9 if the Character is a Machine or Victim) roll to get
to safety. If they fail roll 1D6, adding +1 if they are a TARDIS Character: 1-2: Washed away and drowned; 3:
Seriously Wounded; 4-5: Wounded; 6: Cling to safety no effect.
ye03. Leonardo de Vinci
You have met the famous inventor and painter Leonardo de Vinci! Gain a
Luck point. He is Brains 10, Brawn 4, Bravery 6 (Aware, Charisma,
Engineering, History, Science). You try to gain an audience with him to see if
he knows anything useful. Make a Charisma roll:
2-5: De Vinci is busy creating a new masterpiece although he cant get
the woman to sit still! Gain an extra Luck point but he wont be
disturbed and brushes you off.
6-8: He listens to you and you have a long conversation - roll for a Plot
event. He then leaves back to another project.
9+: He joins you as an Ally for the adventure and knows about strange tales that could be interesting- roll for a Plot
Event. If the Enemy Goal is Art Theft (e233) Leonardo gains Thief.

ye04. Sir Isaac Newton
You have met the famous scientist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton. Gain
a Luck point. He is Brains 11, Brawn 3, Bravery 6 (Aware, Bureaucrat,
History, Science 2). You try to gain an audience with him to see if he knows
anything useful. Make a Science roll:
2-4: Sir Isaac is furious at being disturbed and calls the local constables
see e050 as if you have escaped capture.
5-6: Newton does not want to be disturbed by some commoner and
refuses to speak with you.
7-9: He listens to you and you have a long conversation - roll for a Plot
event. He then leaves to return to his studies.
10+: He joins you as an Ally for the adventure and knows something that could be of interest- roll for a Plot Event. If
Sir Isaac survives the Adventure he may become an excellent Tutor (see r311).

ye05. Napoleon Bonaparte
You have encountered Napoleon Bonaparte the troubled but renowned
military general of France followed by his men at arms. Napoleon is astride
a huge horse and is Brains 7, Brawn 6, Bravery 8 (Bureaucrat, Gloating,
History, Madman, Marksman, Tracking). Roll 1D6+2 for the number of troops
with him, each Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 7 (Marksman, Minion, Troop),
then choose an option below:
Talk: Make a Charisma roll. If there is an Enemy here, add +1 to the roll.
2-5: You are attacked. If you wish to surrender or try to escape the
fight, see below. Napoleon does not fight unless attacked.
6-7: You are allowed to surrender see 059 but with -1 to the roll, and attacked if you do not.
8-10: After a cursory glance, Napoleon urges his horse forward and they depart event ends.
11+: Napoleon will join you as an Ally if there is an Enemy here gain a point - otherwise he departs. If he
makes a Brains roll then gain a Plot event. You must roll again here at the start of every other turn.
Evade: Make Running 8 rolls, or choose another option.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-3: You are attacked anyway; 4-6: e059.
Fight: Combat occurs as normal although Napoleon does not fight. You may later Evade, or Surrender with -1 to the roll.
If Napoleon does not become an Ally, roll 1D6 and on a result of 3-6, he becomes a Minion of the Enemy. Take a -1DM
and each time you have an Enemy encounter roll 1D6, adding +1 if the Turn is 9+: 1-2: Encounter Napoleon; 3-4:
Encounter Enemy; 5-6: Encounter Enemy with Napoleon. Any Brains rolls in Enemy events are made with a -1 penalty.
ye06. Ian Fleming
You have met Ian Fleming, the famous writer and creator of super spy James
Bond! Gain a Luck point. He is Brains 7, Brawn 5, Bravery 7 (Charisma,
History, Marksman, Pilot, Thief, Tracking). You try to strike up a conversation
and see if he knows anything useful. Make a Charisma roll with any
Charisma from female Characters counting double:
2-5: Fleming is too busy writing to talk with you.
6-8: He listens to you and you have a long conversation - roll for a Plot
event. He then leaves back to his writing.
9+: He is interested by you and joins as an Ally for the Adventure roll
for a Plot Event. If ever captured by an Enemy that has a Surrender
option, automatically roll for a Goal event.

ye07. Charles Darwin
You have encountered the famous naturalist and writer Charles Darwin on his
voyage of discovery. Gain a Luck point. He is Brains 8, Brawn 5, Bravery 7
(Aware, History, Science, Tracking) and with 1D3+1 sailors, each Brains 3,
Brawn 5, Bravery 5 (Pilot, Running, Troop). You try to engage him in debate
make a Science roll:
2-5: Darwin is far too busy cataloguing the native species here and
brushes you off.
6-8: He is excited to discuss his theories and may know something
useful if he makes a Brains roll (with a +1 bonus) then roll for
a Plot event.
9+: Darwin and his crew will join you as Allis. If Darwin makes a Brains roll then gain a Plot event. Add +1
to his Qualities in encounters with Creatures, Silurians or Sea Devils.

ye08. Julius Caesar
You have encountered the most famous of Romes political and military
leaders Julius Caesar. Caesar is Brains 8, Brawn 7, Bravery 8 (Bureaucrat
2, Charisma, History, Tracking). Roll 1D6+1 for the number of troops with
him, each Brains 3, Brawn 7, Bravery 7 ( Running, Tracking, Troop), then
choose an option below:
Talk: Make a Charisma roll. If there is an Enemy here, add +1 to the roll.
2-5: You are attacked. If you wish to surrender or try to escape the
fight, see below.
6-7: You are allowed to surrender see 059 - but attacked if you do not.
8-10: If you have Bureaucrat then Caesar converses with you before departing. Gain a Luck Point. Make a
Brains roll for Caesar and if he succeeds then roll for a Plot event.
11+: Caesar will join you as an Ally - gain a Luck point and if he makes a Brains roll, roll for a Plot event.
Evade: Make Running 8 rolls, or choose another option.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-3: You are attacked anyway; 4-6: e058.
Fight: Combat occurs as normal. You may later Evade, or Surrender with -1 to the roll.
If Caesar does not become an Ally, roll 1D6 and on a result of 6, he becomes a Minion of the Enemy. Take an
immediate -1DM and each time you have an Enemy encounter roll 1D6, adding +1 if the Turn is 9+: 1-2: Encounter
Caesar; 3-4: Encounter Enemy; 5-6: Encounter Enemy with Caesar. Brains rolls in Enemy events have a -1 penalty.

ye09. Rewrite History
(Goal 4) You discover that the Enemy wants to rewrite history and recreate
Earth in their own image. If the Enemy is a Time Lord then you have -1 to
Brains rolls made in Enemy encounters. At the end of each turn roll 1D6 with
+1 for each Temporal event and if the result is 6 or more then see ye19. 1If
you have Brains 25 and 2 History, then gain a +2DM. If you are Defeated in
this Adventure any further Adventure in a later Era has an additional -1DM.

ye10. Impersonate Historical Leader
(Goal 4) You discover that the Enemy is trying to impersonate an important leader and then disrupt the Web of Time. If
the Enemy are the Demoreans, take a -1DM. If you encounter a Character with Bureaucrat 2 then roll 1D6 and on a
result of 1-2 take a -1DM and instead have an Enemy encounter. If you have 25 Brains, 3 Aware, 3 Charisma and
History gain a +2DM.

ye11. Timeline Erasure
(Temporal) Something is going terribly wrong! Due to the plans of the Enemy,
or perhaps even by some natural, terrifying phenomena, the timelines are
being rewritten almost before your eyes. At the end of each turn roll 2D6 with
a -1 for any other Temporal event. If the result is less than the current Turn
number then one non-Time Lord Character in your group vanishes from
existence. You may choose which Character although Victims must be chosen
first. Lose 2 Luck points for any Companion killed in this way.

ye12. Discover Anachronistic Artefact
(Plot) You find an artefact that is certainly not of this time and shouldnt be here! If you can make either a History 8 roll
or an Engineering 10 roll, then gain a +1DM (and see e150 if succeed at both). If you have Aware, 2 History and
Brains 25, roll 1D6: 1-2: e069; 3: e191; 4: e197; 5: e181; 6: e250.

ye13. Casino
(Location) You have found a fantastic and luxurious casino. Men in
dinner jackets mix with beautiful women in long evening gowns sipping
cocktails and champagne. Only Characters with Charisma may enter the
casino. Gain +1 to Relax actions in the casino. Each turn in the casino
you may gamble by making Charisma 8 rolls to get into a game then roll
2D6 - if you roll a 7 or 11 or any doubles (except double 1) then win a
Luck point. Any other result loses a Luck point. If you roll a 2, lose 2 Luck
points. Whilst you are gambling roll 2D6 for any other encounter:
2-7: No further encounter; 8-9: Character; 10-11: Plot; 12: Enemy.

ye14. Dominated Population
You have discovered that the Enemy is controlling the local population in some way either by technology or mind
domination. Roll 1D6 for any Characters you meet with less than Brains 8 or Domination and on a result of 1-4 they
become Minions of the Enemy. Use the Enemy event (revealing the Enemy if necessary) for the encounter options. If you
manage to gain any DM by Talking to the Characters and you have Domination then you can release them from the
control and they become your Allies for the Adventure. This event counts as a Plot event.

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