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Regul ati ons & Requi rements: Strategi es & Best Practi ces
December 16- 17, 2014, The Taj Mahal Hotel , New Del hi
Conference on
Early Bird discount ends on November 25, 2014
Register now and save 20 per cent
To regi ster: Cal l + 91 11 41688861, 41034615, 9911811123, emai l : conferencecel l @ i ndi ai nfrastructure.com, or vi si t us at www.i ndi ai nfrastructure.com
Corporate soci al responsi bi l i ty (CSR) i s not a new concept or practi ce, or even a new requi rement, for i nfrastructure fi rms. Wi th proj ects often
l ocated i n remote si tes, these fi rms have to bui l d supporti ng physi cal i nfrastructure l i ke roads. To hel p the l ocal communi ti es and thei r own
empl oyees, they are used to bui l di ng soci al i nfrastructure faci l i ti es l i ke school s and hospi tal s. They have al so, on many proj ects, been requi red
to contri bute a porti on of the proj ect cost to l ocal area devel opment funds.
What the new regul ati ons do, however, i s quanti fy the l evel of expendi ture requi red and speci fy the nature of acti vi ti es. Two per cent of the rol l i ng
net profi t of the three previ ous years i s to be spent i n the current year, on acti vi ti es such as envi ronmental sustai nabi l i ty, educati on, vocati onal
trai ni ng, heal th, empowerment of women, toi l ets, and di saster management. There are al so speci fi c requi rements wi th respect to the formul ati on
of a formal CSR pol i cy, i nsti tuti onal mechani sms and di scl osures.
The Indi an i ndustry has, for the most part, responded posi ti vel y to the new regul ati ons. They have al so begun to thi nk beyond phi l anthropy, wi th
thei r CSR acti vi ti es getti ng more strategi c i n nature, and bei ng l i nked to thei r busi ness. Sustai nabi l i ty i s getti ng due attenti on. They are
recogni si ng, more than ever before, the need for and the benefi ts of communi ty devel opment.
What they do need to devel op (and some are doi ng so al ready) i s formal CSR strategi es. They need to have CSR commi ttees, wi th a formal board
oversi ght. They need to pri ori ti se acti vi ty areas and i denti fy proj ects. They need to deci de on i mpl ementati on strategi es, organi sati on structures
and the i nvol vement of external agenci es. They need to put i n pl ace moni tori ng and measuri ng mechani sms. They al so need to devel op reporti ng
procedures and communi cati on strategi es.
Successful CSR acti vi ti es not onl y bui l d support among the l ocal communi ty but al so hel p attract and retai n empl oyees. They enhance the
corporate i mage of fi rms and bui l d brand equi ty.
The mi ssi on of thi s conference i s to exami ne the new regul atory requi rements, share the experi ence so far, di scuss i mpl ementati on
strategi es, and present best practi ces wi th a speci fi c focus on i nfrastructure fi rms. The conference wi l l al so showcase noteworthy proj ects
and key acti vi ty areas.
Target Audience
The conference i s targeted at (from i nfrastructure rel ated organi sati ons):
- Top managers - CSR commi ttee members - Independent di rectors
- HR managers - Corporate affai rs managers - Proj ect heads
The conference wi l l al so be useful for:
- Consul ti ng organi sati ons - Faci l i tati on agenci es - Government agenci es
- Devel opment i nsti tuti ons - Rel evant NGOs - Etc.
The conference is being organised byIndiaInfrastructure Publishing, acompanydedicated to providing informationonthe infrastructure sectors throughmagazines, newsletters, reports
and conferences. The companypublishes IndianInfrastructure (amagazine devoted to infrastructure policyand finance), Power Line (the premiere magazine for the Indianpower
sector), tele.net (amagazine targeted primarilyat telecomservice providers and large enterprise customers) and Renewable Watch(covers the entire spectrumof renewable energy).
It also publishes aseries of researchreports and weeklynewsletters inthe areas of power, oil and gas, ports and shipping, roads and bridges, airports, urbaninfrastructure, telecom
and railways.
December 16- 17, 2014, The Taj Mahal Hotel , New Del hi
To regi ster: Cal l + 91 11 41688861, 41034615, 9911811123, emai l : conferencecel l @ i ndi ai nfrastructure.com, or vi si t us at www.i ndi ai nfrastructure.com
Delegate Fee
The del egate fee i s Rs 22,500 for one parti ci pant, Rs 37,500 for two parti ci pants, Rs 52,500 for three and Rs 67,500 for four. There i s a
20 per cent earl y bi rd di scount for those regi steri ng pri or to November 25, 2014.
There i s a speci al l ow fee of Rs 5,000 per parti ci pant for NGOs (not corporate foundati ons) and academi c i nsti tuti ons.
Servi ce tax of 12.36 per cent i s appl i cabl e on the regi strati on fee.
What are the key requi rements under the CSR cl ause of the Compani es Act?
What are the key features of the Nati onal Vol untary Gui del i nes?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
What i s the i nfrastructure devel oper/ operator perspecti ve on CSR?
What are the best practi ces fol l owed by i nfrastructure fi rms?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
What are the features of an i deal proj ect/ acti vi ty?
How shoul d fi rms go about i denti fyi ng potenti al proj ects/ acti vi ti es?
How shoul d they eval uate and sel ect proj ects/ acti vi ti es?
Shoul d i nfrastructure fi rms i nvol ve outsi de i mpl ementati on agenci es?
If so, what are the opti ons (NGOs, speci al i st fi rms, partner i nsti tuti ons)?
How shoul d they go about sel ecti ng an i mpl ementati on agency?
What are the benefi ts of setti ng up a company foundati on?
What are the l egal structuri ng opti ons?
What shoul d be the process? What are the best practi ces?
What shoul d be the mechani sms for moni tori ng progress?
How can fi rms measure the i mpact of thei r CSR acti vi ti es?
What are the reporting requirements? What shoul d be the communication strategy?
What are the speci fi c opportuni ti es for CSR at remote si tes?
What are some of the noteworthy exampl es i n thi s area?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
What i s the potenti al for CSR acti vi ti es i n educati on (women s educati on, school s,
schol arshi ps, etc.)?
What are some of the noteworthy exampl es i n thi s area?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
What i s the potenti al for CSR acti vi ti es i n heal th (hospi tal s, equi pment, chi l d
heal th, etc.)?
What are some of the noteworthy exampl es i n thi s area?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
What i s the potenti al for CSR acti vi ti es i n envi ronment (water conservati on, tree
pl antati on, waste management, etc.)?
What are some of the noteworthy exampl es i n thi s area?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
What i s the potenti al for CSR acti vi ti es i n rural devel opment (educati on, roads,
broadband, heal th camps, etc.)?
What are some of the noteworthy exampl es i n thi s area?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
What i s the potenti al for CSR acti vi ti es i n educati on (ski l l devel opment,
producti vi ty i mprovement, apprenti ceshi p, etc.)?
What are some of the noteworthy exampl es i n thi s area?
What are the key i ssues and chal l enges?
Regul ati ons & Requi rements: Strategi es & Best Practi ces
December 16- 17, 2014, The Taj Mahal Hotel , New Del hi
Conference on
Registration Form
I woul d l i ke to regi ster for the conference. I am encl osi ng Rs_______________________________vi de cheque/ demand
draft no.___________________ drawn on __________________________dated ______________ i n favour of Indi a Infrastructure
Publ i shi ng Pvt. Ltd. payabl e at New Del hi .
Name(s)/ Desi gnati on (IN BLOCK LETTERS):
Mai l i ng Address:
Phone: Mobi l e:
Emai l :
Registration Fee
Del egates One Two Three Four
INR 22,500 37,500 52,500 67,500
Servi ce tax (12.36%) 2,781 4,635 6,489 8,343
Total 25,281 42,135 58,989 75,843
USD 505 845 1,185 1,525
There i s a 20 per cent earl y bi rd di scount for those regi steri ng before November 25, 2014.
There i s a speci al l ow fee of Rs 5,000 per parti ci pant for NGOs (not corporate foundati ons) and academi c i nsti tuti ons. A servi ce tax of 12.36 per cent i s appl i cabl e on the regi strati on fee.
Regi strati on wi l l be confi rmed on recei pt of the payment. To regi ster onl i ne, pl ease l og on to http:/ / i ndi ai nfrastructure.com/ conf.html
Terms and Condi ti ons:
The conference i s a non- resi denti al programme.
Regi strati on wi l l be confi rmed on recei pt of the payment. Ful l payment must be recei ved pri or to the conference.
Conference fee i ncl udes l unch, tea/ coffee and conference materi al s.
Conference fees cannot be substi tuted for any other product or servi ce bei ng extended by Indi a Infrastructure Publ i shi ng Pvt. Ltd.
Contact: Neha Gadi , Conference Cel l
Indi a Infrastructure Publ i shi ng Pri vate Li mi ted, B- 17, Qutab Insti tuti onal Area, New Del hi 110016
Tel : + 91- 11- 41688861, 41034615, + 91- 9911811123; Fax: + 91- 11- 26531196, 46038149
Emai l : conferencecel l @ i ndi ai nfrastructure.com; Websi te: www.i ndi ai nfrastructure.com
opportunities are



Pl ease send wi re transfer payments to:
Benefi ci ary Indi a Infrastructure Publ i shi ng Pri vate Li mi ted
Bank Name The Hongkong and Shanghai Banki ng Corporati on Ltd.
Bank Address R- 47, Greater Kai l ash- 1, New Del hi - 110048, Indi a
Bank Account No. 094179587002
Swi ft Code HSBCINBB
IFSC Code HSBC0110006

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