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1 ) Q:What will you use to initialize a string ? ie with single quotes or double quotes ?

A: Unlike the double-quoted syntaxes, variables and escape sequences for special characters
will not be expanded when they occur in single quoted strings.
As in single quoted strings, escaping any other character will result in the backslash being printed
too. Before PHP 5.1.1, the backslash in \{$var}had not been printed.
The most important feature of double-quoted strings is the fact that variable names will be

2 ) Q. You have a string hi all, I said hello . You want to replace the occourence of hi with hello
and hello with hi . What will you do ?
$replace = array(
'hi' => '^',
'hello' => '*',
'^' => 'hello',
'*' => 'hi'

echo str_replace(array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $rawstring);
ereg() - Regular expression match
eregi() - Case insensitive regular expression match
eregi_replace() - Replace regular expression case insensitive
str_replace() - Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string
preg_match() - Perform a regular expression match

3 ) Q: Whats the difference between PHP4 and PHP5 ?
A: The new OOP features in PHP5 is probably the one thing that everyone knows for sure
about. Out of all the new features, these are the ones that are talked about most!
1. Passed by Reference
2. Visibility[public, protected, private]
3. Unified Constructors and Destructors
4. The __autoload Function
4 ) Q: Whats all added in PHP 5.3 ?
A: PHP 5.3.0 offers a wide range of new features:
Support for namespaces has been added.
Support for Late Static Bindings has been added.
Support for jump labels (limited goto) has been added.
Support for native Closures (Lambda/Anonymous functions) has been added.
There are two new magic methods, __callStatic and __invoke.
Nowdoc syntax is now supported, similar to Heredoc syntax, but with single quotes.
It is now possible to use Heredocs to initialize static variables and class properties/constants.
Heredocs may now be declared using double quotes, complementing the Nowdoc syntax.
Constants can now be declared outside a class using the const keyword.
The ternary operator now has a shorthand form: ?:.
The HTTP stream wrapper now considers all status codes from 200 to 399 to be successful.
Dynamic access to static methods is now possible.
Exceptions can now be nested.
A garbage collector for circular references has been added, and is enabled by default.
The mail() function now supports logging of sent email.

5 ) Q:Whats Name spacing ?
A: In the PHP world, namespaces are designed to solve two problems that authors of libraries
and applications encounter when creating re-usable code elements such as classes or functions:
Name collisions between code you create, and internal PHP classes/functions/constants or third-
party classes/functions/constants.
Ability to alias (or shorten) Extra_Long_Names designed to alleviate the first problem, improving
readability of source code.
PHP Namespaces provide a way in which to group related classes, interfaces, functions and

6 ) Q: What are the types of inheritance PHP supports ?
A: Similar to Java, PHP supports single inheritance. There is no multiple inheritance in php.
Single inheritance means a class can extend only one parent class.
PHP also has interfaces which can be implemented if bunch of classes need to have similar
functionality. An interface can be created containing methods with empty body. Implementing
classes then must provide body to those methods.
When a class implements an interface, it is signing up a contract that it will provide
implementation to methods declared in that interface.

7 ) Q: What do you mean by an Abstract class and Interface ?
A: Depending on the context, an interface class is either a class of the interface layer or a
class whose purpose is to create a contract between a caller and an implementation (usually by
providing only purely virtual functions).
An abstract class is a class that has at least one purely virtual function. Abstract classes can contain
abstract and concrete methods. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly i.e. we cannot call
the constructor of an abstract class directly nor we can create an instance of an abstract class
A static class is a class that has only static member variables and static member functions.

8 ) Q: When a file is uploaded to the sever how can you check whether its uploaded or not ?
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5)
is_uploaded_file Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST.
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

9 ) Q: How will you move the uploaded file to another location of server ?
A: move_uploaded_file Moves an uploaded file to a new location.
This function checks to ensure that the file designated by filename is a valid upload file
(meaning that it was uploaded via PHP's HTTP POST upload mechanism).
If the file is valid, it will be moved to the filename given by destination.

10 ) Q: What are the things that need to be checked before uploading a file ?
A: Check picture file type and size before file upload.

11 ) Q: How will you connect mysql ?
A: Here u can get Click Here

12 ) Q: Does PHP supports PDF creation ?
A: The PDF functions in PHP can create PDF files using the PDFlib library which was initially
created by Thomas Merz and is now maintained by PDFlib GmbH.
Starting with PHP 4.0.5, the PHP extension for PDFlib is officially supported by PDFlib GmbH.
This means that all the functions described in the PDFlib Reference Manual are supported by PHP 4
with exactly the same meaning and the same parameters.
13 ) Q: What are the storage types in MySQL ?
13.1. The MyISAM Storage Engine[default engine]
13.2. The InnoDB Storage Engine
13.3. The MERGE Storage Engine
13.4. The MEMORY (HEAP) Storage Engine
13.5. The BDB (BerkeleyDB) Storage Engine
13.6. The EXAMPLE Storage Engine
13.7. The FEDERATED Storage Engine
13.8. The ARCHIVE Storage Engine
13.9. The CSV Storage Engine
13.10. The BLACKHOLE Storage Engine

14 ) Q: What is the difference between InnoDb and MyISAM ?
A: The big difference between MySQL Table Type MyISAM and InnoDB is that InnoDB
supports transaction
InnoDB supports some newer features: Transactions, row-level locking, foreign keys
InnoDB is for high volume, high performance

15 ) Q: Does MyISAM supports relations ?
A: InnoDB has foreign keys and relationship contraints while MyISAM does not.

16 ) Q: Whats indexing ?
A: A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations
on a database table at the cost of slower writes and increased storage space.

17 ) Q: MySQL is case sensitive or case insensitive ?
A: SQL itself isn't case sensitive, but it can be on searching data, all depends on the table
collation settings.
MySQL syntax is not case sensitive, you can write
select * from table where...
SeLEct * FroM table WHerE
or whatever else you want.

On select queries you can search for case sensitive fields values, in example if you want to
find "text" inside a field but not "TEXT", "Text".... you can use

SELECT * FROM table WHERE binary(fieldname)='text';

18 ) Q: You have a table say user with field name and datas Lokam , loker , lover , Lough , Lost ,
Enough , Elephant etc . Write a query which gives all the terms Lokam , loker , lover , Lough and Lost .

A: SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name` LIKE 'lo%' ;

19 ) Q: Now you want to select only the loker , lover . What will you add to get this result ?

A: SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `name` LIKE 'lo%er' ;

20 ) Q: Let there is table user with name and marks . How will you select the second largest
number from this table ? For eg let the datas are hari 23 , jenson 10 , ruby 20 , rijith 10 . You want to
select 20 from this.
SELECT * FROM user WHERE marks = (SELECT MAX(marks) FROM user WHERE marks <
(SELECT MAX(marks) FROM user)) ORDER BY marks DESC LIMIT 0,1

21 ) Q: What are the different types of JOINS ?
A: A join combines records from two or more tables in a relational database. In the
Structured Query Language (SQL), there are two types of joins: "inner" and "outer". Outer joins are
subdivided further into left outer joins, right outer joins, and full outer joins.

Inner join
This is the default join method if nothing else is specified. An inner join essentially finds the
intersection between the two tables. The join takes all the records from table A and finds the
matching record(s) from table B. If no match is found, the record from A is not included in the results.
If multiple results are found in B that match the predicate then one row will be returned for each
(the values from A will be repeated).
Special care must be taken when joining tables on columns that can be NULL since NULL
values will never match each other

Left outer join
A left outer join is very different from an inner join. Instead of limiting results to those in both
tables, it limits results to those in the "left" table (A). This means that if the ON clause matches 0
records in B, a row in the result will still be returnedbut with NULL values for each column from B.

Right outer join
A right outer join is much like a left outer join, except that the tables are reversed. Every record from
the right side, B, will be returned, and NULL values will be returned for those that have no matching
record in A.

Full outer join
Full outer joins are the combination of left and right outer joins. These joins will show records from
both tables, and fill in NULLs for missing matches on either side

22 ) Q: What is LEFT , RIGHT , INNER joins ?
A: Here You Can get ful details..

23 ) Have you used Triggers ? What is it ?
A database trigger is procedural code that is automatically executed in response to certain events on
a particular table or view in a database.
The trigger is mostly used for keeping the integrity of the information on the database.
For example, when a new record (representing a new worker) is added to the employees table, new
records should be created also in the tables of the taxes, vacations, and salaries.

24 ) Q: What is Views in MySQL ?
A database View is known as a "virtual table" which allows you to query the data in it.
Understanding Database View and using it correctly is crucial.
MySQL views are essentially a way to package up SELECT statements into re-usable virtual
tables whereby the data can be retrieved simply by referencing the view, rather than having to
repeat the associated SELECT statement.

25 ) Q: Have you written procedures ? How can you write a procedure in MySQL ?
A: Here You Can get more details about procedure

26 ) Q: How can you call a mysql procedure from PHP ?
A: Read all links of ans 25.

27 ) Q:Whats SOAP ?
SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for
exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer networks.

It relies on Extensible Markup Language (XML) for its message format, and usually relies on
other Application Layer protocols, most notably Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) and Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission. SOAP can form the foundation
layer of a web services protocol stack, providing a basic messaging framework upon which web
services can be built.

28 ) Q: Whats is XSS attack ?
A: Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web
applications that enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users.
A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as
the same origin policy.

29 ) Q: Whats the difference between session_register and $_SESSION ?
The very first main and simple difference is that session_register function returns boolean
value and $_SESSION returns string value.
The second will be session_register function doesn't work if register_global is disabled.
But whereas $_SESSION works in both case whether register_global is disabled or enabled.
So using $_SESSION for session variable manipulation is more appropriate.

30) Q: What is magic quotes ? Is it on or off by default in PHP 5 ?
A: Magic Quotes is a process that automagically escapes incoming data to the PHP script.
It's preferred to code with magic quotes off and to instead escape the data at runtime, as needed.
Magic Quotes are depreciated and going to be removed in PHP6.

31 ) Q:Can you submit a form without a submit button ?
A: You can submit a form without a submit button, but it relies on javascript, which is a bad
thing. How will you keep your pages working for those without javascript enabled?
Anyway, to submit the first form on your page, you can use something like this:
on link onclick="document.forms[0].submit();"

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