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To look at the world as a system of checks and balances is a flawed approach.

People are not supposed

to fight and claw for as much utility as possible I dont care what the economists insist. To declare
the world a place where some prosper and some are denied proper health care is preposterous. This is
surrender. Surrender to a situation that must not be allowed to come to our planet. We as human
beings are obligated to serve one another. Be it via the simple brainstorming of minds with vast
knowledge of Western medicine or the full-fledged approach of sending doctors to fight battles on the
front lines of disease meeting utter poverty, something has to be done. The fact of the matter is we live
on Mount Olympus. I am interested in forming small, Associates degree caliber schooling programs to
be established in countries that are not equipped to properly train medical professionals. A home
location could be established in the country of origin with a majority of course-work and training
provided over the internet and video-conferencing with a mediator present to direct of course. If
simple programs like this can be established, it may be possible to essential establish a hospital-setting
with a wide variety of services. People could specialize in one seemingly minor procedure in the United
States, master, and perfect it in two years or less. Spread the procedures out; put the people to work;
give them a chance to help build their community. Five primary care doctors with an army of help and
the proper funding could accomplish much more than is visible over the horizon. If I could guess, there
wouldnt be any illness that couldnt be aided, medicated, and fought with great success if a United
States circa 1950 medical standards hospitals could be set up across Africa. These are the people we
originated from; modern scientists agree that homo sapiens originates in Africa, is it not our duty to take
care of our roots, to respect our elders, or at the bare minimum pay homage to the basic human dignity
intrinsic to life? The United States is saturated; we bleed wealth Africa is a country fighting each other
for crumbs. If we can provide proper health care, proper health care must be provided. I intend on
teaching the Africans to fish, so they may catch fish themselves. There is an undeniable causation
between education and GDP, standard of living, and prosperity. The sterile suturing of a wound could
very well save a life in a country in Africa and to deny this is inhumane. These are procedures learned
via repetition, not reading theory in a textbook. They are learned through touching the sweat and blood
not by pictures and hand-me-down textbooks. If a proper solution is to be proposed, let it be one that
promotes developing medical technicians not medical ignorance. The American MD allows a person a
position to lead they are generals. The people of Africa can be his soldiers. Every soldiers career
starts with boot camp.

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