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Version 1.

2 (2010)
Section 1 - The Basics
Why these Recipes?
Basic Equipment Required
Reading and adapting recipes
Basic Cooking Techniques
Stir Frying
Vegetable tips and techniques and selection
o! to coo" Por"
o! to coo" #hic"en
o! to coo" $ee%
o! to coo" Fish and Sea%ood
o! to &a"e Ste!
o! to &a"e Soup
Cutting techniques
Ran giri
#hopping 'nions
Her and Spice !uide
(nglish to Spanish herb ) spice translations
Reco&&ended herbs %or dishes by &ain ingredient
erb and Spice substitute reco&&endations
erb and spice blends
Con"ersion Charts
,ass (!eight i% you are an idiot)
Section 2 Recipes
$oiled (ggs
Scra&bled (ggs
(ggs $enedict
$ubble ) Squea"
$acon Sand!ich
Snacks $ %ips
-arlic $read
French 'nion .ip (/ery adaptable)
Soups $ Starters
(asy #hic"en 1oodle Soup
French 'nion Soup
$aba ganoush
3ani &e Fasule
Sa&ads $ %ressings
$asic Vinaigrette
#aesar Salad
#aesar .ressing (traditional)
#aesar .ressing (&ayonnaise)
French .ressing
45lou" 6uraa 7 ,ashed #ourgette Salad
8entish 4pple #hutney
9aldor% Salad
Pasta Salad
Potato Salad
Rice salad
1i:oise Salad
'ain Courses
$ee% and $anana Ste!
4loo -obi
4rro2 con Pollo
$acalhau ; -o&es de S<
+a/= 8osi 7 ba"ed la&b and yoghurt
$ob> de #a&arao
7 bulgogi? %ire bee% or 8orean barbecue
#ottage Pie
? ? Sushi
$arbecued Sirloin !ith #hi&&ichurri
#hilli con #arne
#hilli chic"en !ith 4/ocado Salsa
Patagonian *a&b
*o&o Saltado
Rissoles @ 4ussie $urgers
$ee% Strogano%%
#e/iche or #ebiche
*insen und SpAt2le
,eBican Pi22a
Spaghetti #arbonara (+raditional? ,odern and #heating)
Sauces and 'arinades
9hite Sauce (including $eche&el? ,ornay and 9hite #aper Sauces)
+eriya"i Sauce
Peri Peri ,arinade
Peanut Sauce
#reole Sauce
S!eet and Sour
Vod"a 3elly +ur"ish .elight
$ananas in Foil
Stu%%ed 4pples
41C4# $iscuits
+his boo" has been co&piled as a guide to assist people on o/erland tours? including the
tour leaders? on the !ay to prepare good quality &eals. +he boo" consists o% sections
containing guidance on the basics and &ore ad/anced topics as !ell as a selection o%
+he recipes the&sel/es are di/ided into the %ollo!ing sectionsD
Snac"s ) .ips
Soups ) Starters
Salads ) .ressings
,ain #ourses
Sauces and ,arinades
(ach recipe gi/es the nationality o% the dish (to assist the&ed &eals)? the ingredients and
the &ethod o% preparation. +he &a5ority o% the recipes are easy enough to &a"e? although
so&e si&pli%ied /ersions ha/e been included !ith the &ore co&pleB dishes. 4ll the recipes
are %or %i/e reasonably hungry people (unless other!ise stated) and can easily be
&ultiplied to allo! %or /arious si2ed groups.
Why these Recipes?
+he recipes in this boo" are included %or t!o reasons? the %irst being that they are recipes
!hich ha/e been coo"ed on +ucan +ours in South 4&erica? the &a5ority on the truc"
,agaly (hence the na&e o% the boo"). +he others ha/e all been ans!ers to passengers
questions? !ho ha/e as"ed ho! so&ething is &ade.
Basic Equipment Required
So&e o% the recipes in this boo" require an o/en? apart %ro& that the re&ainder require the
basic equip&ent !hich e/ery o/erland truc" carries? regardless o% !hich style o% tour or
co&pany you tra/el !ith. Ese o% a %ood processor is not essential %or any o% the recipes
and those that &ention one can be adapted to the use o% a !his" and bo!l or pestle and
&ortar? although this &ay %irst require a %iner dicing o% ingredients.
Adapting Recipes
4s you tra/el around the a/ailability o% ingredients !ill deter&ine eBactly !hat you can and
cannot &a"e. 4ll the recipes in this boo" are adaptable it is eBtre&ely easy to substitute
&eats. F% you donGt ha/e all the herbs and spices you can use the herb and spice guide to
help you choose a substitute. So&e recipes ha/e already been adapted as the originals
are 5ust not a reasonable option !hilst on tour? such as Fei5oada !hich can ta"e days to
prepare i% you %ollo! the traditional &ethods. 4 %e! o% the recipes ha/e been adapted and
the original recipe gi/en as !ell to sho! ho! you can achie/e si&ilar results !ith !hat
appear to be co&pletely di%%erent recipes? using a bit o% creati/ity and cheating.
F% you really &ust then recipes can be adapted %or /egetarians by using Soya products?
Polenta and +VP? !hich are a/ailable reasonably easily in &ost South 4&erican
Basic Cooking Techniques
+he %ollo!ing sections include so&e /ery basic guidance on ho! to coo" si&ple things li"e
pasts and rice? !hich so&e people !ill probably thin" is patronising? as the &a5ority o%
people !ho 5oin tours belie/e they "no! ho! to coo". F% this !as true then a lot o% people
li"e soggy &ush (i% this is you see the last page).
Boi&ed pasta is the basis o% an enor&ous /ariety o% pasta dishes. Fn &ost o% the&? the
pasta is usually coo"ed in the sa&e &anner? regardless o% the sauce and other ingredients
that !ill be added to it. 1otable eBceptions are soups? gnocchi? and ba"ed dishes li"e
lasagne and &anicotti? !hich are co/ered in indi/idual recipes !here needed.
+he %our "ey HsecretsH %or coo"ing a good pasta areI coo" in salted !ater? add the pasta
only a%ter the !ater is boiling? do not under coo" or o/ercoo"? and drain and cool pro&ptly.
4lso be a!are that so&e sauces or other acco&pani&ents &ay ta"e longer to prepare
than the pasta itsel%.
Sa&ted (ater
'n the a/erage? %or e/ery 200 gra&s o% pasta? one should use J litres o% cold !ater and 2
tablespoons o% salt. +he salt should added to the !ater to %la/our the pasta. (4lthough
so&e people belie/e salt is added because it raises the boiling point o% !ater? thereby
coo"ing the pasta %aster? this is absolute bolloc"s? the a&ount o% salt being added raises
the boiling point o% the !ater only a %raction o% a degree. +he salt is purely %or %la/our). Fn
addition? so&e people also add a %e! drops o% Vegetable oil to the !ater? in order to
reduce %oa&ing and the ris" o% spill o/ers.
+he pan should be large enough %or the !ater le/el to be one or t!o inches belo! the ri&.
Ft &ust also be !ide enough to hold the uncoo"ed pasta entirely sub&erged in the !aterD
long pasta li"e spaghetti &ay ha/e to be bro"en in hal% to %it a s&aller pan.
When to add the pasta
+he !ater should be brought to a boil? stirring. 'nce the !ater is /igorously boiling? the
pasta should be thro!n in? all at once. +he coo"ing ti&e should be &easured %ro& this
9hen the cold pasta is added to the !ater? the latter usually stops boiling %or a %e!
&o&ents. +he sto/eGs heat should be ad5usted so that the !ater resu&es boiling pro&ptly?
and stays boiling &oderately !hile the pasta is coo"ing. +he pasta should be "ept entirely
sub&erged at all ti&es. (Failure to %ollo! these rules !ill result in pasta that is partly
o/ercoo"ed andKor partly undercoo"ed.)
Cooking time
#oo"ing ti&e /aries depending on the "ind o% pastaD usually it is gi/en on the boB. +ypical
ti&es %or dry pasta range %ro& L &inutes %or thin spaghetti to 12 &inutes or &ore %or so&e
thic" /arieties. Fresh? egg7based pasta (pasta allGuo/o) ta"es /ery little ti&e to coo" 7
hardly a &inute a%ter the !ater has returned to a boilD %illed pasta li"e tortellini needs only a
%e! &inutes.
+he reco&&ended ti&e needs to be increased !hen coo"ing pasta at high altitudes? since
!ater !ill boil at a lo!er te&perature. 4lso? the coo"ing ti&e &ay depend on the brand as
!ell as on the "ind o% pasta.
+he coo"ing ti&e can be ad5usted to /ary the %ir&ness o% the pasta. +he suggested ti&e
!ill usually produce a che!y pasta al dente? %a/oured by connoisseurs but so&e!hat
hea/y to digestD a slightly longer ti&e produces so%ter pasta? !hich &ay be &ore adequate
%or children and &orons.
Testing the pasta
$eginners should probably play it sa%e and stic" to the ti&e gi/en in the boB. (Bperienced
coo"s test !hether the pasta is ready by H%ishingH a sa&ple piece out o% the boiling !ater
!ith a slotted spoon and che!ing on it. +he pasta is ready !hen it has lost the H%lourH taste
o% uncoo"ed pasta and has beco&e &oist and %leBible throughout its thic"ness? but is still
%ir& enough to need che!ing.
So&e coo"s %ish a strand o% pasta (the long "ind li"e spaghetti and linguine) and thro! it
against the !all. F% it stic"s? itGs done this &ethod is a load o% bolloc"s all it pro/es is you
ha/e &ade stic"y pasta.
%rain and ser"e
9hen the pasta is coo"ed? it should be drained pro&ptly !ith a strainer or colander. +o
a/oid o/er7drying the pasta? i&&ediately place the pasta on a large plate !hen it is still
dripping a slight a&ount o% !ater. 6uic"ly &iB together !ith the sauce and other
acco&pani&ents. +he pasta should be eaten hot !ithin a %e! &inutes? unless the recipe
says di%%erently.
1ote that the pasta !ill continue to coo" in the colander? so its i&portant you not o/ercoo"
it in the %irst place. F% you %eel you ha/e o/ercoo"ed the pasta? you can rinse it !ith cold
!ater to i&pede the coo"ing process. o!e/er? ob/iously? you !ill ha/e cold pasta as a
result. Rinsing is a not an ideal solution because it also !ashes a!ay the starches and
typically? you !ant starches to help the sauce stic" to the pasta.
Storing cooked pasta
9hen preparing a large portion that cannot be ser/ed i&&ediately? %or eBa&ple? %or a
bu%%et7style &eal M it is ad/isable to cool o%% the pasta a bit? i&&ediately a%ter draining it.
'ther!ise the heat still re&aining in the pasta &ay cause it to o/ercoo" and stic" to itsel%.
+his can be done by rinsing the pasta quic"ly in cold !ater. For the sa&e reason? it is
better to allo! the pasta get cold? and re7heat it be%ore ser/ing? than trying to "eep it hot %or
a long ti&e. Fn this case? it should be drained a bit earlier than the opti&u& pointD each
portion can be reheated by placing it in a strainer and plunging it %or a %e! seconds into
salted boiling !ater.
Where did I go (rong?
The pasta came out too mushyI Ft is &ushy because you o/ercoo"ed the pasta.
4lternati/ely? you drained the pasta !hen it !as per%ectly done? but it continued to
coo" in the strainer.
The pasta still comes out mushy! *o!7quality pasta can be neBt to i&possible to
coo" properlyI as soon as it is no longer undercoo"ed? it beco&es &ushy. +here are
&any types o% %lour. -ood pasta is usually &ade !ith semolina? hard wheat? or
durum hard wheat. +hese qualities o% !heat contain little %ree starch? and &ore o%
the endosper& protein that %or&s the gluten that gi/es pasta its consistency. *o!7
quality pasta is o%ten &ade !ith %lour that has a higher content o% %ree starch grains?
so that once it coo"s it beco&es &ushy.
My recipe called for X-amount of sauce, yet the pasta soaked the sauce up with
little leftoverI People tend to o/er7drain their pasta. .rain the pasta !hen there it is
still slightly dripping. 4lternati/ely? add so&e oli/e oil to the drained pasta prior to
saucing it.
My pasta is undercooked, yet I followed the directions on the box. +he boB is a
guideline and its ad/ice should be used !ith caution. +he pasta !asnGt coo"ed %or
long enough. 4%ter adding the pasta? !ait %or the !ater to boil again and continue to
coo" %or as long as the boB says.
My ravioli came out a soy mess and they fell apart. 4 rolling boil can do da&age
to %illed pasta. Return the pot to a boil a%ter placing in pasta? and turn the heat to
&ediu& once a rolling boil is achie/ed.
I was told pasta is done when throwin it sticks it aainst a wall. Is this true! +his is
not trueD it si&ply &eans your pasta is su%%iciently stic"y. +he centre o% the pasta
could still be ra!.
"oes addin oil to the pasta water make it not stickI 9ater and oil donGt &iB !hen
theyGre cold? and they donGt &iB !hen theyGre hot. ,ost o% the oil !ill %loat to the the
sur%ace o% the boiling !ater? %ar a!ay %ro& the pasta you !ant to protect? but
potentially reducing %oa&ing. 9hen you drain the pasta? you du&p the oil out %irst?
so little i% any oil !ill touch the pasta.
Rice is a si&ple dish but &any people ha/e trouble coo"ing it 7 being too &uch rice or too
&uch !ater.
+his recipe %or stea&ed rice is %ail sa%e and does not require special rice coo"ers.
1 part rice
2 parts !ater
.eep saucepan !ith lid
N teaspoon salt
+he uni/ersal rule !ith coo"ing stea&ed rice is that the proportion o% !ater should be
double that o% the rice. F% you use one part rice you &ust use t!o parts !ater. F% you use
t!o parts rice you &ust use %our parts !ater.
9hen coo"ing rice as an acco&pani&ent then usually O0g per person is enough.
+his recipe !or"s %or all long7grain !hite rice.
1. +here is no need to !ash the rice but you can i% you choose to.
2. Pour rice into saucepan
P. Pour !ater into saucepan cold. Re&e&ber 7 t!ice as &uch !ater as rice.
J. Stir !ater so that %loating rice sin"s.
L. Place saucepan on sto/e and set te&perature to HhighH. .o not co/er.
Q. 9ait until !ater begins to boil.
R. Stir rice again.
O. Set te&perature to lo!est setting or i% a using a hea/y pan you can re&o/e it %ro&
the heat co&pletely.
S. #o/er saucepan !ith lid. .o not touch %or at least 12 &inutes.
10. 4%ter t!el/e &inutes the rice is ready to eat.
Ft really is that si&ple the "ey point to re&e&ber is do not touch the lid %or at least 12
&inutes? not e/en a quic" pee".
Stir !rying
Buying or se&ecting your (ok)
Tou donGt need to spend ridiculous a&ounts on state7o%7the7art coo"!are. 4 standard?
stainless7steel !o"? purchased %or /ery little? !ill ser/e its purpose !ell. +he hea/ier the
!o"? the better it !ill retain heat. +his is i&portant because you &ust coo" at a high
te&perature to a/oid ste!ing or stea&ing your ingredients. .o not e/er use a non stic"
!o" as at the there is no!? &ounting e/idence that the poly&er Polytetra%louroethelene
(P+F() !hich is is by &ost co&panies as a non stic" coating and the per%luoroche&ical
(PF#) e&issions %ro& synthetic co&pounds associated !ith it ha/e been sho!n to cause
tu&ours in the pancreas? li/er? testicles? thyroid? or &a&&ary glands in ani&al studies.
*&ease note the statement ao"e is so&e&y the responsii&ity o# myse&#+ !raeme %earing+ and is in no (ay
associated (ith Tucan Tra"e&+ (ho are in no (ay responsi&e #or the opinions stated)
Season your (ok)
$e%ore you use your !o" %or the %irst ti&e? you &ust season it. Seasoning the !o" is a !ay
to Hbrea" it inH to ensure e/en heat7distribution during stir7%rying? and helps pre/ent %ood
stic"ing. 9hen you re&o/e your !o" %ro& its pac"aging? you &ay notice a greasy %il& on
the sur%ace. 9ipe this %il& a!ay? and !ash your !o" in !ar&? soapy !ater. +o season your
!o"? put it on the sto/e o/er &ediu&7high heat %or a %e! &inutes. 4dd a drop or t!o o% oil?
and s!irl it around to coat the sur%ace e/enly. Re&o/e %ro& the sto/e to let cool %or a bit?
and then use a paper to!el to !ipe out the oily residue. +his needs to be done at least
t!ice be%ore the !o" is used %or the %irst ti&e. 9hen you clean your !o" do not use any
scourers or abrasi/e &aterials as you !ill da&age the sur%ace and ruin all the !or" you
put in seasoning the !o".
!ather your utensi&s)
#he%s use a &esh ladle to toss &eat and /egetables around in the !o"? but i% you donGt
ha/e one? a !ooden spoon !ill do? but a/oid &etal spoons as the sharp edges !ill
da&age the !o" sur%ace. Place se/eral large? clean bo!ls and plates around your coo"ing
area !o" so you can set your coo"ed ite&s aside as you prepare the& in batches. 'ther
ite&s youGll needI a che%Gs "ni%e? cutting board? and se/eral bo!ls o% di%%erent si2es to store
liquid &iBtures and chopped herbs and /egetables.
+he &ost ti&e7consu&ing part o% stir %rying is preparing the ingredients. TouGll !ant
e/erything portioned out and cleaned? chopped? sliced and diced in ad/ance. +he actual
stir7%rying is %ast and %urious? so &eat? /egetables? noodles? spices and oils should be
ready and !ithin reaching distance so you can grab and get on !ith it. #hop e/erything
into bite si2ed chun"s to ensure quic" and thorough coo"ing. ,a"e sure thereGs no eBtra
!ater or other liquid in your !o" !hile stir7%rying &eat and /egetables. 4s &entioned
earlier? liquid in the !o" !ill cause your &eal to ste! instead o% lightly %ry.
Stir #ry in atches.
Properly stir %ried %ood retains its crisp? %ir& eBterior and tender? 5uicy inside by coo"ing
s&all portions at a ti&e. eat the !o"? dri22le in enough oil to coat the sur%ace? and add
enough s&all cuts o% bee%? por" or chic"en to 5ust co/er the botto&. Fry on high heat?
tossing the entire ti&e. 9hen your %irst batch o% &eat is thoroughly coo"ed? re&o/e %ro&
the !o" and drain on paper to!els. Fry the second batch in a little &ore oil? and then set
aside. 'il the pan once &ore? toss in a %e! clo/es o% crushed garlic andKor ginger? and stir7
%ry the /egetables? adding the thic"er ingredients li"e potatoes and carrots %irst? and then
tossing in quic"er7coo"ing ingredients li"e scallions and &ushroo&s at the end. 9hen the
/egetables are done? return the &eat to the pot !ith the /egetables? and %inish !ith your
liquid sauces and seasoning. -i/e e/erything a quic" toss? si&&er %or a %e! &inutes and
then re&o/e %ro& heat. F% you ha/e a large group you !ill need to repeat the process or
use &ultiple !o"s.
,earn the #&a"ours)
+hai coo"ing is getting &ore popular no!D si&ilar to #hinese? but !ith its o!n spices and
%la/ourings? so&e o% !hich ta"e their cue %ro& Fndian cuisine. ,alaysian? 3apanese?
Vietna&ese and 8orean styles all ha/e their o!n distincti/e %la/ours (see the herb and
spice blend section). 9ith practice? youGll learn !hich spices and sauces go !ith !hat and
ho! to identi%y their %la/ours. +he list belo! is a suggestion o% !hat !or"s !ell in a stir %ry?
you should select at least one ite& %ro& each group? then %ollo! the steps gi/en abo/e.
'eat Por"? #hic"en? $ee%? Pra!ns? Fish? Scallops or e/en +o%u
-egeta&es onions? carrots? broccoli? sugar snap (sno! peas)? bo" choi (#hinese
cabbage)? &ushroo&s (regular? oyster &ushroo&s? shita"e &ushroo&s) bean sprouts
.&a"ourings soy sauce? oyster sauce? hoisin sauce? %ish sauce. Fresh ginger? garlic?
chillies? galangal? 4sian shallots? scallions? "a%%ir li&e lea/es? coriander and le&on grass.
-reen or red curry paste? shri&p paste
"egeta#$es Tips and Techniques
/rtichokes 0!&oe1
+ri& the botto& so it can sit upright in a non7alu&iniu& pan? and pour in !ater and 1
tablespoon o% oli/e oil to co/er at least the botto& lea/es. #o/er the pot !ith a to!el? and
boil about 2L &inutes? or until a "ni%e slides easily through the botto&. Ser/e !ith a dish o%
&elted butter or le&on 5uice? pluc" lea/es? dip the&? scrape o%% the so%t %lesh !ith your
%ront teeth and discard the re&ains in a bo!l.
Tip: #hen shoppin for artichokes, press the leaves toether. $ s%ueakin sound is a
ood sin of freshness.
/rtichokes 02erusa&em1
+he s!eet? nutty %la/our o% this sun%lo!er tuber can be en5oyed either ra! or coo"ed. 9hile
the peel is edible? slice o%% harder parts !ith a "ni%e or /egetable peeler. Slice the& ra!
into salads or sand!iches? si&&er and purUe? ba"e or o/en roast? substituts %or !ater
chestnuts in stir %ries? or coo" in crea& soups.
Tip: &erusalem artichokes have carbohydrate content similar to potatoes, and they will
become soft and mushy if boiled. Instead, steam them lihtly.
8eep it %resh at ho&e by storing it !ith the ends tri&&ed by a centi&etre or t!o? bound
upright in a container !ith an inch o% !ater at the botto&.
9hen itGs ti&e to coo"? use a /eggie peeler to pare o%% any tough spots? and drop the
bundle into boiling salted !ater %or 27Q &inutes depending on stal" thic"ness. Re&o/e and
shoc" in ice cold !ater to retain colour and crispness. FtGs ready to eat !hen itGs 5ust a little
tender to the teeth or "ni%e.
Tip: 'ecause asparaus spoils %uickly, select bundles that are refrierated or on ice and
use within two or three days of purchase.
/uergine 0Eggp&ant1
4ubergine is great on the grill? but itGs o%ten a tad too greasy. .onGt soa" slices or strips? but
rather &ist the& lightly !ith coo"ing spray or brush !ith oli/e oil. 9hipped !ith tahini and
garlic? it trans%or&s into the traditional ,iddle (astern spread? $aba -anoush? and also
!or"s /ery !ell !ith breading? to&ato sauce and cheese in aubergine Par&esan.
Tip: (elect auberine with skin that is smooth, lossy and taut. It)s hihly perishable, so
buy it as close to cookin time as possible.
+o pop an a/ocado open? 5ust cut it in hal%? %ollo!ing the centre o% the pit? and t!ist the
hal/es apart. it the still7e&bedded pit !ith a hea/y "ni%e until the blade lodges. Ese this
as a pi/ot to t!ist out the pit. #ut into quarters and peel a!ay the s"in. Ese the s!eet?
crea&y %lesh to &a"e guaca&ole? slice into salads? spread on sand!iches? or 5ust eat
salted !ith a spoon.
Tip: To speed the ripenin process, put avocados in a brown paper ba and leave them at
room temperature overniht.
Beans 0!reen1
-reen beans are a !inner stea&ed? blanched or stir %ried. .ri22le snipped green beans
!ith oli/e oil or &ist !ith coo"ing spray and spread the& out on a coo"ie sheet. Sprin"le
!ith chopped garlic and sea salt and coo" under the grill until the ends begin to bro!n.
Note: The difference between haricots vert and reen beans! *aricots are loner, thinner
and more tender. They)re also known as +rench beans.
S!eeter than &ost /egetables? beets also boast high %ibre? %olate and antioBidants. *oo"
%or %ir& %lesh? round shape? deep colour and s&ooth s"in. *arge beets are o%ten tough? so
choose s&aller ones? about %i/e centi&etres in dia&eter. $eets are great peeled and
shredded ra! into salads? but the %la/our is e/en richer !hen theyGre roasted or boiled.
Roast unpeeled in %oil at 1SL V# or boil? %or J0 to Q0 &inutes? until a "ni%e pierces the %lesh
easily. For a treat that !ill "eep long a%ter beet season is o/er? try pic"ling the&.
+o store beets? cut o%% the greens and "eep in the re%rigerator %or up to t!o !ee"s. +he
greens !ill "eep %or three to %i/e days? !rapped in plastic.
Handling Tips: #ear loves or you)ll be walkin around with red palms for days.
Bok Choy
$o" #hoy is a &e&ber o% the cabbage %a&ily? typically used in 4sian cuisine. FtGs the
bac"bone o% "i&chi? a 8orean spicy %er&ented /egetable dish? but itGs tasty in 9estern
dishes as !ell.
Separate the stal"s and the lea/es? as the stal"s ta"e longer to coo". $o" choy is &ost
co&&only added to stir %ries. +he stal"s !ill ta"e about %i/e &inutes o/er high heat? and
the lea/es should be coo"ed until 5ust !ilted and bright green? about t!o &inutes. Stal"s
!ill ta"e about J &inutes to boil and Q &inutes to stea&D the lea/es !ill ta"e 2 to P &inutes
$o" choy is best !ith 4sian %la/ours 77 ginger? soy and sesa&e oil are a %e! o% the best. F%
incorporating boy choy into 9estern dishes? use it the sa&e !ay youGd use any other type
o% cabbage.
Buying Tip: ,ook for firm stalks with brihtly coloured reen leaves. To store, keep in a
plastic ba in refrierator for up to two days.
Brusse& Sprouts
4s &e&bers o% the cruci%erous %a&ily? these tiny cabbages share the cancer and %ree7
radical %ighting properties o% broccoli.
+o prep $russels sprouts? cut o%% the base and discard any lea/es that co&e o%% !ith it.
+hey can be stea&ed %or 20 to P0 &inutes or sliced thinly and sautUed as a side dish or
tossed in ste!s? soups or pasta. +oss in oli/e oil and sea salt and roast %or P0 to J0
&inutes at 1SL V# %or si&ply per%ect sprouts. +heyGre a per%ect side dish %or &acaroni and
cheese on a cool night.
Buying Tip: ,ook for firm, tiht, briht reen leaves with no brown spots. (tore in the
refrierator for - to . days.
*i"e all cruci%erous /egetables? broccoli has cancer7%ighting properties and is also a pretty
po!er%ul antioBidant. FtGs also pretty tasty !hen done right.
+his /ita&in pac"ed brassica is sensational stea&ed (R &inutes should do it)? stir7%ried
!ith sesa&e oil and soy sauce? ra! or lightly blanched !ith dip or in sla!. *e&on 5uice
"ic"s up the %la/our? but &a"e sure to add it to!ard the end o% coo"ing. F% using the stal"s?
peel? cut into bite7si2ed pieces? and add t!o to three &inutes to the coo"ing ti&e.
Tip: $ir circulation is crucial for properly storin broccoli, so mist the florets, wrap loosely
in a paper towel, and make sure any external plastic bas are perforated.
Buying Tip: ,ook for tiht, firm stems and dark reen heads. /ellowin and a stron smell
are two ood ive aways that it)s past its prime. To store, keep it in the fride in a plastic
ba for three to five days.
9hether itGs /inegar? &ayo or &ustard based? thereGs no better side than a %resh colesla!.
#olour%ul cabbage heads also &a"e %esti/e dip bo!ls. 3ust !ash? dry and slice o%% the
protrusion %ro& the core end so it !ill sit upright !ithout !obbling. +hen tri& o%% the top
quarter? and re&o/e the core and inner lea/es (sa/e these %or colesla!W) !ith a grape%ruit
"ni%e? lea/ing a !all thatGs about hal% an inch thic". Fill it up !ith your %a/ourite dip.
Tip: +or optimum flavour and freshness, select smaller, more compact heads with few
loose leaves. +or maximum crispiness, soak shreds in salted ice water for 0. minutes
before combinin with other inredients.
#arrots are perhaps the &ost /ersatile o% the root /egetables !ith their s!eet? rich %la/our
and /ibrant colour. +hey are one o% the &ost i&portant /egetables in stoc"s? and are
%requently cut into bite7si2ed pieces to be added to soups and ste!s. +hey can be
stea&ed %or R to 10 &inutes? boiled %or P to L &inutes or roasted at 22L V# %or J07L0
&inutes. 'ne o% the best !ays to ser/e carrots is ran giri (see the pre/ious section)
+o dress up salads? shred ra! carrots and &iB in !ith greens be%ore dressing. #ut into
stic"s and ser/e ra!? or stea& %or 1 to 2 &inutes to enhance the colour and %la/our. +he
s!eetness o% carrots also lends itsel% to breads? ca"es and &u%%ins.
Buying Tip: ,ook for firm, smooth flesh, plumpness and a briht orane colour. To store,
keep in a plastic ba in the refrierator for up to two weeks. If the leafy reen tops are still
attached, remove them, as they)ll leach moisture from the carrots.
#auli%lo!er? another cruci%erous /egetable? loo"s a lot li"e broccoli but has a crea&ier?
nuttier %la/our. Pac"ed !ith antioBidants and anti7cancer properties? itGs nutritious as !ell
as tasty.
#auli%lo!er %lorets can be stea&ed %or R to S &inutes. Fts nuttiness is best enhanced by
dri22ling the %lorets !ith oli/e oil? sprin"ling !ith sea salt? and roasting in a 200V# o/en %or
207P0 &inutes? until tender and starting to bro!n. #auli%lo!er also &a"es &a"es a glorious
gratain and is per%ect %or curries. *i"e broccoli ste&s? cauli%lo!er ste&s are also edible.
.iscard the core? !hich can be bitter? and add about %i/e &inutes to the %loretsG coo"ing
Tip: 1ook cauliflower with milk or lemon 2uice to maintain its whiteness. $luminium pots
will add a yellow cast, and iron will brown down or blue its hue.
Buying Tip: ,ook for firm, compact, white heads with no brown spots, and briht reen
leaves. (tore it in the refrierator, wrapped in plastic, for up to one week.
Ce&eriac 0Ce&ery Root1
FtGs "nobby? bulbous and an unappealing colour. +he pungent %la/our? a %a/ourite o% the
French? is a &iB o% celery and parsley.
4&bitious coo"s can try !hipping up a celery re&oulade? !hich stars celery root. First7
ti&ers? though? should stic" to an easier preparation. 'nce tri&&ed and peeled? celery
root can be cut into bite7si2ed pieces and prepared the sa&e !ay as any other root
/egetable. Stea& %or 10 to 12? or roast in a 200V# o/en %or 20 to P0 &inutes. 4dd it to
soups or ste!s? or purUe and ser/e li"e &ashed potatoes.
Buying Tip: ,ook for a firm texture and hard roots, and heaviness. If the leaves are
attached, they should be fresh and reen. To store, trim off the excess roots and keep in
the refrierator.
(nip fresh chives onto potatoes, es, fish and salads 2ust before servin to add a little
oniony lift, or mix with sour cream for a classic party dip.
Tip3 "o not wash chives until you are ready to use them4 any extra moisture will cause
them to spoil.
Co&&ard !reens
Enli"e &ost /egetables? the /ita&ins and &inerals present in this lea%y green are &ore
a/ailable to the body a%ter coo"ing? as the dense lea/es are di%%icult to digest ra!.
,any people !ould argue that thereGs only one !ay to coo" collards 77 si&&ered slo!ly
!ith a ha& hoc" or salt por" until so%t. +heyGre !onder%ul that !ay? but the &ethod is not
%or e/eryone? especially /egetarians. *ea/es can be boiled until tender? about P0 &inutes?
or sautUed in oli/e oil !ith garlic and onion until tender? 1L to 20 &inutes. 4s a general
rule? though? the longer theyGre coo"ed? the betterD the pungent %la/our &ello!s !ith ti&e.
Buying Tip: ,ook for crisp leaves with a deep reen colour and no stron odour. 5eep
them refrierated in a plastic ba for three to five days.
Courgette 03ucchini1
#ourgette can be en5oyed sliced in hal% and ba"e in a 1O0V# o/en until the pulp can be
scooped out easily. Stu%% the hull !ith cheese? herbs? breadcru&bs? sautUed garlic and
onion or any other ingredients that appeal? and ba"e until bro!ned on top? but itGs also a
classic base %or bread? and can be ba"ed into a light? %la/our%ul French7%ry alternati/e.
Tip: #hen saut6in 1ourette, make sure not to add too much at once or the sudden
influx of moisture will cause it to steam, rather than saut6.
People see& to ha/e strong reactions to %ennel? they either lo/e it or they hate it. Ftalians
%a/our its s!eet? licorice %la/our and use it to add s!eetness and co&pleBity to pasta
dishes and risotto.
Prepare it by re&o/ing the %ronds and tough core. Slice and ser/e ra! %ennel in saladsD itGs
especially good !ith s!eet or buttery %la/ours li"e orange or a/ocado. #ube it and stea&
%or 20 to P0 &inutes? or roast at 1S0 V# %or 20 &inutes.
Tip: "on)t toss the fronds when you remove them. Instead, use them in place of fresh
herbs in salads, soups or stews.
Buying Tip: The stalks and base should be firm and blemish-free, and the feathery leaves
should be reen and lively. 5ept it the refrierator, it should last up to four days.
9here the culinary !orld !ould be !ithout garlicX 1ot only does it add depth and %la/our
to 5ust about e/erything under the sunD it also "eeps /a&pires a!ay 77 !hich is certainly
help%ul around allo!een.
-arlic can be used ra! in dips li"e hu&&us or pesto? but itGs e/en better !hen itGs roasted
it in a 200 V# o/en %or JL &inutes to &ello! the bitterness and &a"e the %la/our richer.
Ese garlic to %la/our sauces? sautU greens in? rub on toasted bread 77 the possibilities are
endless. +his little bulb also pac"s &ore than 5ust %la/our. -arlic is choc"7%ull o% /ital
nutrients? including &anganese? /ita&in # and $ /ita&ins? calciu& and iron and &ore.
+hatGs certainly !orth a little garlic breath.
Buying Tip: 7arlic should be bi, plump and firm, with tiht, silky skins. (tore fresh arlic
in a cool, dry place away from sunliht. #hole bulbs can last up to two months, but once
they)ve been broken, they)ll only last for 8 to . days. If your arlic starts to sprout, it)s time
to toss it.
+he hearty? &eaty %la/our o% &ushroo&s is a per%ect %it %or the cool te&peratures o% %all.
9ith such a !ide range o% si2es? shapes and %la/ours a/ailable? itGs a /egetable that ne/er
For Shiita"es and Portabellas? re&o/e the ste& be%ore coo"ing. ,ushroo&s coo" quic"ly
and itGs easy to create a /ariety o% dishes !ith the&. -rill large &ushroo&s? li"e
portabellas %or O to 10 &inutes. Roast &ushroo& %or 10 to 1L &inutes? depending on si2e.
SautU in oli/e oil or butter until bro!n %or J to Q &inutes? or %ill the& !ith your %a/ourite
stu%%ing and ba"e.
Buying Tip: ,ook for dry, firm caps and stems. (tore mushrooms in the refrierator,
unwashed, in a paper ba or wrapped in damp paper towels, for 9 to 8 days. #hen ready
to use, wipe ently with a damp cloth or paper towel, a brush will tear off the delicate skin.
*i"e all starchy root /egetables? parsnips are hearty and their nutty? s!eet %la/our goes
best !ith cold7!eather dishes li"e soups and ste!s.
Peel and tri& both ends be%ore coo"ing. F% theyGre not going to be used i&&ediately? let
the& soa" in !ater !ith le&on 5uice once cut? as the air !ill cause the& to bro!n. (at
parsnips ra! li"e carrots? or stea& the& brie%ly and then chill to enhance their %la/our.
Stea& the& %or 10 to 20 &inutes? and roast %or 20 to J0 &inutes at 1S0V#? depending on
si2e. PurUe parsnips and ser/e the& li"e &ashed potatoes.
Buying Tip: (tay away from the hue ones, as they)re fibrous and touh. (tick with small
and medium ones instead. They should be firm and pale ivory, with no sproutin roots.
5eep in cool, dry place, like the refrierator for eiht to ten days.
*eppers 0Be&&1
$ell peppers co&e in al&ost e/ery colour o% the rainbo!? and theyGre all endlessly
appealing in cool su&&er ga2pacho? cut into strips or cubes to add colour and crunch to
salads and stir %ries? or cut o%% their tops? re&o/e seeds and stu%% the& !ith your %a/ourite
-rilling brings out bell pepperGs natural s!eetness? and adds so&e !onder%ully s&o"y
notes. Slice in hal%? re&o/e seeds? brush !ith oil and place %ace do!n on the grate until
tender and lightly charred. #ut into strips? these are unbeatable on burgers? ser/ed o/er
rice and pasta? or si&ply en5oyed alone.
Tip: "on)t have rill access! :eppers can be roasted over a as burner. Try for an all-over
char, and once they)re cooled, in a plastic ba, peel off the outer layer with your finers or
a parin knife.
*otatoes 0ne(1
+hese baby taters tend to ha/e a %la"y? thin s"in that doesnGt need to be peeled 77 5ust
!ashed. +heir s&all si2e &a"es the& ideal %or herb roasting and stea&ing? and theyGre a
stand out %or potato salads.
Tip: If you)re buyin new potatoes loose rather than baed, select those of similar si;e so
they)ll cook in the same amount of time.
*otatoes 0Sa&ad1
,uch li"e their lu&pier counterparts? these s&aller? s&oother? %inger7shaped potatoes ta"e
!ell to roasting? stea&ing? ba"ing and cold salads. 3ust stea& 2L7P0 &inutes until %or"
tender? and ser/e !ith butter and chi/es? or roast !ith garlic at 2L0 V# %or 20 &inutes.
Tip: (alad potatoes should feel solid4 if there is any ive when s%uee;ed, they are not
Pu&p"in can be stea&ed or roasted. Fn either preparation? peel the pu&p"in and scoop
out the seeds prior to coo"ing. .epending on the si2e o% the pieces? stea&ing should ta"e
about 20 to 2L &inutes. 9hen roasting? peel o%% the s"in either be%ore or a%ter? although itGs
&uch easier a%ter!ards. Roast pu&p"in at 200V# %or J0 to L0 &inutes? or toss it into soups
and ste!s %or a nutty? s!eet burst o% %la/our.
Pu&p"in is also great %or dessert and &a"es breads? pies and cheeseca"es. .onGt thro!
out the seeds 77 toasted !ith a little bit o% oli/e oil and sea salt? they &a"e a hearty and
delicious snac".
Buying Tip: 1hoose a pumpkin with a firm, full stem. It should feel heavy when you pick it
up, and be uniform in colour. (tore in cool, dry place for one to two months. :umpkin also
free;es well, so you can en2oy it lon after the harvest season.
Radishes are eBcellent !hen pic"led or grated into salads %or a bright? 2esty "ic"? but &any
people neglect the tasty greens. +heyGre a bit pungent and peppery? so a little goes a long
!ay. Slice or shred the& ra! into salads? or coo" the& as you !ould spinach or any other
lea%y green? by sautUing? stea&ing? or blanching in salted !ater.
Tip: The bulk of radishes) spicy flavour is in the skin, so peel for a milder flavour.
Spinach 0Bay1
9hile li"e its &ore &ature counterpart? baby spinach is prone to contain grit? donGt run
!ater on the lea/es or spin it too hard? as the lea/es !ill bruise. Fnstead? place lea/es in a
bo!l %illed !ith !ater? and gently stir the& !ith your %ingers. *et the& sit %or a &o&ent? and
li%t out the lea/es. .rain and rinse the bo!l o% any grit? and repeat until the !ater is grit7
+oss lea/es into salads? stea&? sautU !ith garlic? !ilt? or use instead o% lettuce on
Tip: #hen possible, buy loose 'aby (pinach so you can feel the leaves for freshness.
They should be slihtly more tender than reular spinach.
S(eet *otatoes
1ot only do s!eet potatoes possess a s!eet? al&ost decadent %la/our? but theyGre also one
o% the &ost nutritious /egetables out there. igh in %ibre? co&pleB carbohydrates? protein?
/ita&ins 4 and #? iron and calciu&? theyGre a practically a &eal in the&sel/es.
S!eet potatoes are best stea&ed %or P0 to J0 &inutes and &ashed? or ba"ed %or about
one hour. F% &ashed? ser/e !ith butter. F% ba"ed? season !ith cinna&on? ginger or nut&eg.
$lac" beans are also a surprising co&ple&ent to s!eet potatoes.
Buying Tip: ,ook for firm, smooth skin, a uniform colour, and no blemishes. More delicate
than russet potatoes, they also don)t keep as lon. 5eep them in a paper ba in a cool, dry
location, like a pantry or cellar, for up to one month.
Squash 0Butternut1
+his squash has a s!eet? nutty %la/our thatGs si&ilar to? though a bit &ilder than? pu&p"in.
*i"e pu&p"in? itGs also quite /ersatile? lending itsel% !ell to a /ariety o% coo"ing &ethods.
$utternut is great in soups and ste!s? stea&ed and &ashed li"e potatoes or roasted. F%
stea&ing? peel? cut into bite7si2ed chun"s and coo" %or R to S &inutes. +o roast? cut in hal%
length!ise? dri22le !ith oli/e oil and salt? and place in a 200V# o/en %or P0 to JL &inutes?
or until %or"7tender. Scoop out the seeds either be%ore or a%ter roasting.
+he s!eetness o% the squash goes !ell !ith butter? cinna&on? bro!n sugar and nut&eg?
and o%%ers a pleasing contrast to stronger spices li"e ginger? sage? cu&in and carda&o&.
Buying Tip: Make sure it)s firm, unblemished, and feels heavy for its si;e. 'ecause it has
such a thick skin, this s%uash can be stored for up to a month in a cool, dry place before
usin. If it)s been cut, raw butternut s%uash will last in the refrierator wrapped in plastic
for up to five days.
Tip: "on)t store tomatoes in the fride, as it)ll cause them to et mealy and lose flavour.
(tem side down on the counter top is ideal.
,ost o%ten used in soups and ste!s? they also &a"e a hearty side dish. 4l!ays peel
turnips be%ore coo"ing. Stea&ing 17inch cubes !ill ta"e 1L to 20 &inutes? and roasting !ill
ta"e about P0 to J0 &inutes.
%o& to cook ork
Hand&ing $ Storing *ork
Fresh pac"aged cuts o% por" can "eep in the %ridge %or 27J days. F% youGre not going to use
it be%ore that? !rap it tightly and "eep it in the %ree2er %or up to Q &onths. -round por" is
good %or 172 days in the %ridge and P &onths !rapped in the %ree2er. a& loses %la/our
and teBture in the %ree2er? so plan accordingly. #hec" pac"aged baconGs %reshness date. Ft
can stay %ro2en %or up to a &onth.
F% por"? coo"ed or uncoo"ed? has been le%t out at roo& te&perature %or &ore than 2 hours?
toss it. Ft &ight loo" and s&ell %ine? but pathogenic bacteria arenGt your pals.
FtGs not necessary to rinse por" be%ore using it? as any outside bacterial !ill be "illed by
coo"ing? !hich entails a &ini&u& internal te&perature o% R0V# or O0V# %or !ell7done.
*ork Chops
Por" chops are cut %ro& the loin and are na&ed loin? rib? sirloin? top loin or blade chops
depending %ro& !hich part o% the loin they ca&e. +hey can be bought boneless or bone7in?
generally in thic"nessGs ranging %ro& 1 to Lc&.
$ecause por" chops are a leaner cut? they can o%ten bene%it %ro& brining (read our guide
here) to retain &aBi&u& &oisture.
+he Pc& inch top loin chop has been nic"na&ed H4&ericaGs #ut.H
$ase coo"ing ti&e on the thic"ness o% the chops. +heyGre great grilled? broiled (O710
&inutes %or broiling or grilling a 2c&? 1271Q %or a thic"er one)? braised (O71L &inutes up to
2.Lc&? longer %or thic"er cuts)? or sautUed (R7O &inutes).
Spareribs co&e %ro& the belly o% the pig and i&part a luscious por" %la/our? due to their %at
content? but are less &eat7laden than leaner bac" chops. (ither cut is delicious roasted or
grilled? and can be seasoned !ith a dry spice rub? or basted !ith sauce or steeped in a
$ac" ribs are called HbabyH because theyGre s&aller than those %ro& the belly.
For the best results boil the ribs %or 1L &inutes be%ore roasting or grilling? !hich &a"es the
%inal dish a lot so%ter.
S&o( Cooked
$one7in cuts li"e por" shoulder are ideal %or slo! coo"ing? as the collagen is gi/en ti&e to
so%ten and &a"e %or incredible tender? su&ptuous &eat.
Place a !hole or hal% shoulder in your slo! coo"er !ith a %e! slices o% onions? a dash o%
9orcestershire sauce? and enough liquid to co/er it about PKJ o% the !ay up. +he liquid
can be !ater? but itGs eBtra7yu&&y !ith a couple o% beers? so&e !ine? stoc"? or a bit o% %ruit
5uice poured in. Set it to coo" on HhighH %or L7R hours? li%t it out o% the liquid? shred the &eat
!ith a %or"? and season !ith your %a/ourite sauce.
Roasted *ork
Various cuts o% por" ta"e !ell to roasting. 4 por" HroastH si&ply re%ers to a larger cut? so %or
clarityGs sa"e here? !eGre 5ust tal"ing about the coo"ing technique.
$one7in rib roasts? rac"s and cro!ns contain %at and bones that allo! &eat to retain
&oisture during coo"ing? and tenderloins and loin roasts? !hich are leaner cuts? tend to
bene%it %ro& ti&e in a brining solution.
Roast por" cuts unco/ered in a shallo! pan at 1O0V#? to an internal te&perature reading
o% R0V#. For loin roasts (bone7in or boneless)? cro!n roasts and legs? esti&ate 20 &ins o%
coo"ing ti&e per L00g. Shoulders ta"e P0 &inutes per L00g. +enderloins ta"e 22072P0V#
heat %or 207P0 &inutes (!hole? not per !eight)? and ribs ta"e 1 1K2 to 2 hours.
,arinate as %requently as desired. 3ust &a"e sure to discard any unused liquid thatGs
co&e into contact !ith the por" at any ti&e.
*ork Cut&ets $ 'eda&&ions
Por" &edallions are si&ply slices %ro& a tenderloin? and theyGre eBcellent braised (coo"ed
o/er lo! heat !ith a s&all a&ount o% liquid in a co/ered pan %or O710 &inutes %or a 172c&
cut) or sautUed (0.L71c& cuts ta"e J7O &inutes at &ediu& heat in liquid in an unco/ered
#utlets are thinly sliced cuts ta"en %ro& the sirloin end o% the tenderloin? %ro& the leg? or
%ro& a cross7section o% the tenderloin. Since theyGre cut so thinly? they coo" quic"ly? and
are great grilled (use a brine or &arinade)? or sautUed %or P7J &inutes.
o! do !e lo/e sausageX *et us count the !ays 77 pan7%ried? boiled in beer? grilled?
ste!ed? in gu&bo and 5a&balaya? !ith peppers? on a biscuit? in gra/y? as andouille?
chori2o? brat!urst? hot and s!eet Ftalian. ... 9e could go on? but !eGll 5ust note that
sausage is seasoned ground por"? o%ten enclosed in a casing? and co&es %ro& /arious
cuts? including the shoulder butt and the loin. Sausage can be cured? %resh? or s&o"ed?
and &a"ing it at ho&e is easier than you &ight thin". +o help sausages "eep their
&oistness and ensure they are coo"ed through? place the& in boiling !ater %or %i/e
&inutes be%ore barbecuing or grilling? this !ill also re&o/e so&e o% the %at and help
pre/ent %lare ups o/er coals.
*ork Tender&oin
So !hat eBactly is this tenderloinX FtGs a tender? i% so&e!hat less %la/our%ul cut %ro& the %ull
por" loin? and is generally as lean as chic"en breast. +he cut is %ro& the inner rib bones o%
the sirloin end? and the !hole thing can be quic"ly grilled or roasted (use a &arinade or
brine to ensure &oisture and %la/our)? or cut up to &a"e "ebabs and and &edallions.
Roast a !hole tenderloin %or 207P0 &inutes at 22072P0V#. 8eep a close eye so it doesHt
o/ercoo" and dry out.
Parts o% the tenderloin are s&o"ed to &a"e #anadian bacon.
Stir-.ried *ork
Sliced7up strips o% tenderloin coo" quic"ly in a !o"? absorb the %la/ours o% oils and
&arinades? and can be tri&&ed as leanly as youGd li"e. Free2e the &eat %or 1L7P0 &inutes
to &a"e it easier to slice? and try %or thin slices? or bite si2ed pieces. ,a"e sure to ha/e all
o% your &eat and other ingredients cut and ready to go? and pre7heat a !o" or hea/y s"illet
until the it begins to s&o"e. 4dd oil? and and the por"? !hich should be coo"ed until all
pin" traces are gone. Re&o/e the por" !ith a slotted spoon? coo" ingredients in batches
until theyGre tender7crunchy? add any soy or other %la/ouring? return the por" to the &iBture?
and coo" %or another &inute.
9hat eBactly is bacon? aside %ro& being the &ost delicious edible &atter on the planetX
$acon is &eat ta"en %ro& the side or belly o% the pig? and then cured andKor s&o"ed . +he
high? strea"ed %at content is !hat gi/es the &eat its slight s!eetness and ability to crisp up
so yu&&ily.
Slab bacon co&es !ith a rind thatGs so&eti&es cut o%% and %ried to &a"e por" crac"lings?
also "no!n as chicharron? por" scratchings? por" rinds or por" s"ins.
%o& to cook Chicken
.onGt be a%raid o% handling and coo"ing chic"en. FtGs easy once you "no! ho!.
Ese separate? di%%erently coloured sets o% utensils %or handling ra! and coo"ed chic"en? or
!ash thoroughly !ith hot? soapy !ater in bet!een uses. 4 &ini&u& internal te&perature
o% R0V# &ust be reached in order to "ill any bacteria.
+he older the bird? the &ore %la/our%ul it is.
#o/ering the chic"en a%ter itGs been %ried !ill cause it to lose its crispiness. +o a/oid
dangerous spattering? dry o%% utensils be%ore they co&e into contact !ith the coo"ing oil.
4lso allo! %loured or coated pieces to dry %or 207P0 &inutes be%ore theyGre placed into the
oil. +heyGll bro!n &ore e/enly.
.rain coo"ed chic"en on a &etal rac" or a bro!n paper bag rather than on paper to!els.
FtGll retain &ore crispiness.
Spatchcoc" (split open) !hole birds to enable e/en coo"ing. +urn the &eat !ith tongs or a
spatula 77 piercing !ith a %or" causes the 5uices to escape.
$rining (soa"ing the &eat in a salted7!ater solution) be%ore roasting &a"es %or tender?
5uicy &eat. Roo&7te&perature butter slipped under the s"in be%ore coo"ing also "eeps the
&eat &oist and ensures %la/our%ul? crispy s"in. 4 V7shaped rac" or bas"et placed in a pan
allo!s %or e/en heating? and "eeps the botto& o% the bird out o% the 5uices.
Se/eral sprigs o% %resh herbs blended or processed !ith a clo/e o% garlic? a pinch o% sea
salt? a splash o% red or !hite !ine and se/eral tablespoons o% oli/e oil adds %resh %la/our to
grilled and roasted chic"en. For &aBi&u& %la/our? rub pastes and spices both on and
under the birdGs s"in. ,ulti7hour &arination isnGt necessary. +hirty to Q0 &inutes tends to
be su%%icient.
Stir .rying
Ese &etal or !ooden utensils? as plastic !ill li"ely &elt at the high te&peratures required
%or this &ethod.
Ft is easier to cut chic"en into thin strips i% itGs slightly %ro2en. Ese 1 to 2 tablespoons o%
peanut? /egetable or corn oil %or each pound o% chic"en.
Braising and Ste(ing
$ro!n the &eat e/enly in oil or butter? and then add the coo"ing liquid to the sa&e pan to
&aBi&i2e %la/our and reduce clean7up .onGt use non7ena&eled cast iron or regular
alu&iniu& pans as they can i&part an un!anted taste to the chic"en !ith this &ethod.
1on7stic" coo"!are doesnGt let the &eat bro!n as !ell as anodi2ed or pressure7cast
alu&iniu& or stainless steel does. Stoc" and red or !hite !ine &a"e eBcellent braising
and ste!ing liquids? as do brandy? cider and crushed to&atoes.
%o& to cook Bee'
Buying $ Hand&ing
Sa/e your &eat counter /isit %or the end o% your grocery store trip so you can get your bee%
ho&e in tip7top shape.
+ha! your &eat out in the %ridge not at roo& te&perature
F% possible? dedicate separate cutting boards %or &eat? poultry? %ish? and %ruit ) /eggies.
(/en i% thatGs not %easible? scrub the& !ith hot? soapy !ater or bleach a%ter use.
+o &aintain the %la/our%ul crust on your roast? use a !ire rac" and "eep it %ro& sitting in a
pool o% its o!n 5uices.
#ar/e the roast across the grain %or &aBi&u& tenderness and hold the "ni%e at the sa&e
angle %or e/ery slice.
Fat and bones protect the &eat !hile itGs coo"ing. Tou can re&o/e the& a%ter.
-ot a tough cut li"e a shan"? ribs? ru&p or pot roastX $raise it. Slo! coo"ing in liquid
brea"s do!n collagen? turning it into gelatin and &a"ing the &eat unbelie/ably tender.
.onGt sub&erge the &eat entirely (thatGs ste!ing) or let the liquid le/el drop too lo! (thatGs
ba"ing)? but do coo" it do!n %or a sauce !ith rich? concentrated %la/our.
$ro!n the &eat on all sides be%ore braising to add rich colour and %la/our.
See the ho! to &a"e ste! section
+hinly sliced strips !ith &ost o% the %at tri&&ed &a"e the &ost %la/our%ul stir %ry bee%.
$e preparedW a/e e/erything cut and easily at hand? Gcause this process goes quic"ly 77
and deliciously.
.onGt toss e/erything into the pan at once. So&e /eggies &ight ta"e &ore or less ti&e
than your bee%? so add ingredients in stages. +his !ay? indi/idual %la/ours and teBtures can
be &aintained.
,arinades are a great !ay to add %la/our and 5uiciness to your &eat. Fnclude an ingredient
!ith so&e acidic properties (/inegar? citrus? !ine) to brea" do!n tissues and let the &eat
absorb &oisture.
Scotch and other spirits add eBceptional %la/our to &eat. 3ust &a"e sure theyGre &iBed
!ith enough other liquid so they donGt %la&e up !hen eBposed to heat.
'ne to 2 cups o% &arinade %or each RL0g 7 1"g o% %ood is a good guideline. ,arinating
ti&es can be as short as P0 &inutes or as long as o/ernight.
%o& to cook !ish and Sea'ood
Preparing %ish isnGt as tric"y as &any people thin"? and itGs pretty /ersatile? healthy and
delicious to boot.
F% youGre luc"y enough to ha/e a %ish&onger nearby? &a"e their acquaintanceW +heyGll steer
you to the best catch o% the day? and reco&&end the best !ay to coo" it %or &aBi&u&
F% youGre in the &ar"et %or !hole %ish? "eep your eyes peeled %or ones that loo" li"e theyG/e
been pluc"ed right %ro& the !ater 77 glistening %ins and bright unclouded eyes.
9hether itGs !hole or sliced into stea"s or %illets? i% it s&ells H%ishyH? donGt buy it
F% your catch is %ro2en? &a"e sure that thereGs no ice crystal build7up on the inside o% the
plastic !rap? and that thereGs no discolouration on the s"in.
*oo" %or %ridge and ice table te&ps o% J7Q
#. F% itGs being "ept higher donGt buy it
F% youGre not coo"ing up that !hole %ish the second you get ho&e? !ash it thoroughly? pat it
dry? !rap it in !aB paper? and store in a sealed container at J7Q
# until itGs ti&e to coo".
Free2ing your catchX For !hole %ish? !ash it and place it on a tray in the %ree2er. 'nce that
coat has solidi%ied? dip it in ice !ater and return to the %ree2er. Repeat until a gla2e has
built up? and then !rap in !aB paper or plastic and store in a %ree2er7sa%e bag. S&aller %ish
can be %ro2en into a bloc"? !rapped? and bag7sealed. Separate indi/idual %ish or %illets !ith
!aB paper.
Store at 712
# and use lean %ish !ithin Q &onths? &ediu&7%atty %ish !ithin J &onths? and
%atty %ish !ithin 2 &onths.
1e/er tha! %ro2en %ish at roo& te&perature. *ea/e it in a J7Q
# %ridge o/ernight? in cold
!ater %or 1 to 2 hours.
+ha!ing %illets in &il" can 2ap the H%ro2enH taste and &a"e the& see& e/en %resher.
'nce %ro2en %ish has been tha!ed? ne/er re7%ree2e it. Ese it right a!ay or lose it.
F% youGre going to be %rying or grilling? tha! it thoroughly to pre/ent spattering and une/en
coo"ing. ,ethods li"e stea&ing and poaching donGt require a pre7tha!? and i% the %ish is to
be cubed or cut into strips? a partial tha! allo!s %or an ideal cutting consistency.
Ese a pre7heated o/en? and &a"e se/eral shallo! cuts into the %ishGs %lesh to allo! oil or
butter to per&eate and "eep it &oist. erb7in%used oils can add eBtra? luscious %la/our? all
the !ay through.
F% the ends are substantially thinner than the thic"est part o% the %ish? tuc" the& under so
they donGt o/er7crisp. +ry to use si&ilarly si2ed cuts to allo! %or e/en coo"ing? or stagger
their start ti&es so e/ery piece heats e/enly.
4 good rule o% thu&b is 10 &inutes o% coo"ing %or e/ery inch o% thic"ness? &easured at the
thic"est part o% the %ish.
Fish turns opaque and %la"es easily !ith a %or" !hen itGs ready to eat. Still? al!ays better
sa%e than sorry 77 loo" %or a reading o% QLV# at the centre o% the thic"est part.
*et coo"ed %ish stand %or P7J &inutes be%ore ser/ing it so heat and 5uices ha/e ti&e to
F% you %ind yoursel% %ond o% %ish? a grilling bas"et is a great in/est&ent. F% you donGt ha/e
one? al!ays &a"e sure to "eep the grill grate !ell oiled and pre/ent the %ish %ro& stic"ing.
Prolonged heat &a"es %ish dry out? so i% possible? stic" to cuts around 2.Lc& thic"? and
"eep the te&perature high.
F% youGre grilling a !hole %ish? !hen itGs ti&e to %lip 77 donGt. Fnstead? use t!o spatulas to roll
it o/er.
*ittle bones can be tric"y to a/oid?so i% youGre coo"ing a !hile %ish? place it s"in side do!n
!ith the bones intact. 9hen the %ish starts to coo"? the %lesh should curl a!ay %ro& the
bones. 'nce itGs o%% the grill and slightly cooled? slide a %or" along inside to li%t the& out
Ese a hea/y pan %or %rying %ish 77 ideally one thatGs cast iron and seasoned? !ith high sides
to &ini&ises spattering.
Fish can be brushed !ith oil? rather than i&&ersed? but either !ay? itGs best to use 1KO inch
o% a %la/our%ul %at !ith a high s&o"e point 77 li"e butter? lard? light oli/e oil or /ery high
quality eBtra7/irgin oli/e oil.
4ll sorts o% coatings !or" !ell !ith this &ethod 77 %ro& a quic" roll in peppered %lour? to
co&bos o% bread cru&bs? corn%la"es? crushed crac"ers and instant &ashed potatoes.
,a"e the he%tier stu%% stic" !ith a layer o% %lour? then a dip in &il" or beaten eggs? and a roll
in your chosen ingredient.
eat the oil? and then %ry %ish on each side until bro!ned? &a"ing sure not to cro!d the
pan. .rain on cru&pled bro!n paper bags to a/oid stuc"7on paper to!el %lu%%.
$ouillon? stoc"? !ine? /inegar and herbed? buttered &il" all &a"e eBcellent? %la/our%ul
poaching liquids.
Place the %ish in a pan and 5ust barely co/er !ith the coo"ing liquid. $ring the liquid to a
boil and then turn do!n to si&&er !ith the lid on until the %ish is nearly done.
Re&o/e the %ish? and use the le%to/er liquid as the base o% a quic" sauce? thic"ened !ith
butter and %lour? and poured o/er the %ish.
(n5oy the %ish hot? or chill it and %la"e into salads and casseroles.
.ish Steaks
,arinate %ish stea"s %or Q to 12 hours in plastic? 2ippable bags? and use le%to/er liquid as a
basting liquid !hile coo"ing.
9rap %ish stea"s? butter? &arinade and /egetables in alu&iniu& %oil and place in a 2P0V#
o/er to stea& until the %ish easily %la"es.
Who&e .ish
Fish "ept !hole and on the bone &aintains &oisture and natural %la/our. Pop it in the o/en
in a parch&ent pouch (Hen papilloteH) or alu&iniu& %oil !ith a little le&on? !ine and butter
%or an i&pressi/e7loo"ing? yet incredibly si&ple &ain dish.
Raise the %ish on celery or green onion stal"s !hile coo"ing. +his allo!s %or heat
circulation and i&parts a lo/ely? subtle %la/our.
*ea/e on the head and tail %or &aBi&u& &oistness.
Plan"ing is an eBcellent !ay to achie/e a s&o"y %la/our 4ttach a !hole %ish to an oiled
hard!ood board by nailing it? or %astening in place !ith nailed7on strips o% bacon. *ean it at
an angle close to a ca&p7%ire? or in an o/en raised slo!ly %ro& 10071O0V#. Ser/e the %ish?
plan" and all? on a platter.
Fresh!ater %ish are laden !ith little bones? and itGs al&ost i&possible to re&o/e the& all?
so be sure to !arn your guests. Should any go a!ry? ha/e the& s!allo! a lu&p o% rice?
bread or banana to dislodge the o%%ending particle.
$uy only shell%ish that s&ells slightly s!eet? !ithout a !hi%% o% a&&onia. Ft should appear
glistening? bright and ali/e.
'/ercoo"ing toughens shell%ish? so "eep a close eye on your catch. ,olluscs li"e &ussels?
cla&s and oysters are ready to go !hen their shells begin to open? and the insides 5ust
begin to curl. #rustaceans li"e lobsters? shri&p and langostines turn red or bright pin".
Si&&er octopus !ith a !ine cor" %or opti&u& tenderness and %la/our.
+he old saying about only eating oysters in R7less &onths no longer holds true as &odern
shipping and transportation is &ore sophisticated. +heyGre s!eetest %ro& 1o/e&ber to
,ay? but are per%ectly sa%e at any other ti&e. 'ysters can stay ali/e and %resh %or t!o
!ee"s a%ter har/est. +ry to buy only oysters !ith closed shells? but i% one is slightly open?
lightly tap it. F% it closes? the oyster is still ali/e. F% it re&ains open? the oyster has died? so
discard it.
.e /ein shri&p by peeling the&? &a"ing a slit along the bac" and re&o/ing the /ein !ith
the "ni%e. Rinse the& in cold !ater to re&o/e any lingering debris.
%o& to make Ste&
Ste! really is a con/enience %ood? %ro& the ease it ta"es to &a"e to the supplies you need
to do it. 4 .utch o/en (big pot !ith a lid)? tongs? a !ooden spoon and a %lour bo!l are
really all you need.
Step 14 Saut5 the /romatics
4ll good ste!s start !ith aro&atic /egetables. +he classic French &irepoiB %la/our base is
co&posed o% t!o onions? one carrot and one celery stal"? but there are &any /ariations 77
%ennel? lee"s and shallots to na&e 5ust a %e!. #oo" the aro&atics in a little bit o% oil until
they beco&e %ragrant? about L to R &inutes. Re&o/e the& %ro& the pan.
Step 64 Cook the 'eat
+his step is essential %or an eBcellent &eat ste!. First? dredge the &eat in %lour. +his
acco&plishes t!o things 77 gi/ing the &eat a tasty crust? !hich loc"s the &oisture inside?
and thic"ening the liquid the ste! is coo"ed in. $ro!n the cubes in a little bit o% oil o/er
&ediu&7high heat? and re&o/e %ro& the pan.
Step 74 %e g&a8e
.e gla2ing gets all o% those tasty bro!ned bits %ro& the /egetables and &eat o%% the
botto& o% the pan and into the sauce. Tou can use stoc"? !ine? cider or e/en !ater?
although the latter doesnGt o%%er &uch in the !ay o% %la/our Si&ply pour in enough liquid to
co/er the botto& o% the still7hot pan? and loosen the particles !ith a !ooden spoon or
Step 94 *ut It /&& Together
4dd the bro!ned &eat? aro&atics and any herbs and spices youGll be using to the de
gla2ed pot. Rose&ary? thy&e and bay lea% are all !onder%ul co&ple&ents to &ost earthy
ste!s. +hen add enough liquid to 5ust co/er the &eat. #o/er and coo" on heat lo! enough
to si&&er? but not boil? !hich !ill cause the &eat to beco&e tough.
Step :4 /dd -egeta&es
F% you add the /egetables to the ste! along !ith the &eat? theyGll be &ush by the ti&e the
&eat is done. 9hen a &eat is hal% coo"ed? add the /egetables? co/er again? and coo" until
they are %or"7tender. Voil;W Tou ha/e ste!.
%o& to make Soup
,a"ing soup is a lot easier i% you ha/e the right equip&ent on hand. ereGs !hat youGll
Stock pot or %utch o"en4 Tou can eBecute 5ust about e/ery step in this? but i% youGre
&a"ing your o!n stoc"? youGll !ant to ha/e t!o /essels.
Strainer4 Tou !onGt need this %or e/ery soup? but it co&es in handy %or &a"ing stoc"?
s&oothing crea& soups and %or s"i&&ing %at o%% o% soups.
B&ender 0counter top or immersion14 +his co&es in handy %or purUeing s&ooth soups or
thinning out ones that are too chun"y although it is not really necessary.
.ro8en ott&e o# (ater4 Ft cools do!n large pots o% soup %or storage.
Start (ith Stock
<= cups stock or water.< F% you see that listed in the recipe ingredients? donGt be %ooled into
thin"ing those options are co&parable. -ood soup starts !ith good stoc" and !ater pales
in co&parison. +he tric" to good soups is the layering o% %la/ours? and each layer should
o&e7&ade stoc" is best? o% course. 4nd itGs not hard to &a"e.
Tip: The only difference between broth and stock is salt4 broth has it and stock doesn)t.
Many store bouht <stocks< are actually broths, so make sure to check the sodium content
before buyin or usin. If you)re makin stock at home, never add salt to it.
Cook the 'eat
Season the &eat !ith salt and coo" it in the pot !ith a little bit o% oli/e oil or butter o/er
&ediu&7high heat until it begins to bro!n. +his !ill acco&plish t!o thingsD youGll bring out
the %la/our o% the &eat and lea/e behind so&e tasty bits %or !hen you coo" the /egetables
and de7gla2e the pot later. Re&o/e it %ro& the pot and set aside.
Tip: (ea salt and has a richer, more natural flavour than iodi;ed table salt, makin it better
for cookin.
Cook the -egeta&es
,any recipes call %or plopping ra! /egetables right into the stoc". Tou can do that? but
youGll lose a lot o% %la/our. SautUing the /egetables %irst gets a lot o% !ater out? &a"ing
%la/ours richer. Fn the sa&e pot that you coo"ed the &eat? sautU the /egetables o/er
&ediu&7high heat !ith butter? oil and a little bit o% salt? until they release their liquids.
Pour a little bit o% !ine or so&e o% the stoc" into the pot !ith the /egetables? and scrape
the tasty? cara&eli2ed bits %ro& the botto& o% the pan.
Tip: $lways save some extra stock in case you need it later.
Soup;s <n
4dd your stoc" to the pot !ith the /egetables and bring it to a boil? then reduce to a
si&&er. +hen add the rest o% your soup ingredients? li"e pasta? rice or beans? as !ell as
the bro!ned &eat. Season !ith salt and pepper? "eep si&&ering and donGt %orget to taste
o%ten. F% youGre &a"ing a s&ooth soup? blend it at the end and add &ore stoc" to thin as
Tip: If you)re addin delicate herbs or reens that will wilt, save them for the last . to 0>
minutes of cookin.
Bean Soups
F% your soup has beans in it? hereGs !hat you need to "no!I .ried beans are &ore
nutritious than canned? and theyGre &uch "inder on the digesti/e syste&. F% youGre using
dried beans? %irst soa" the& in !ater in the %ridge o/ernight? as theyGll coo" %aster and &ore
e/enly. .onGt add salt to the stoc" or !ater until the dried beans get tender. F% you salt the&
too early? theyGll stay tough longer? and they !onGt soa" up any o% the delicious %la/ours o%
the stoc".
F% youGre using canned beans in soups? donGt si&&er the& %or long periods o% ti&e? as
theyGll start to %all apart.
Cream Soups
#rea& soups are thic"er and s&oother than their chun"y counterparts? and people o%ten
thin" theyGre harder to &a"e. +he steps are basically the sa&e? eBcept a%ter the /egetables
are coo"ed in butter or oil? %lour is added to the &iBture to thic"en it and then the stoc" is
!his"ed in a little at a ti&e.
#rea& soups are al&ost al!ays purUed and strained at the end as !ell. Properly &ade
crea& soup !ill ha/e the consistency o% hea/y crea&.
.i=ing Soup 'istakes
So you &ade a soup and itGs not quite right. .o you thro! out the pot and start o/erX 1o
!ayW +ry one o% these techniques insteadI
Too thin4 #oo" it longer? unco/ered. +he !ater !ill e/aporate and the soup base !ill
thic"en. 'r? &a"e a slurry. .issol/e one tablespoon o% cornstarch or %lour into t!o
tablespoons o% !ater? and then !his" this into the soup. Ft should start to thic"en in about
10 &inutes.
Too thick4 4dd &ore stoc"
Too sa&ty4 4dd &ore stoc"? or !ater i% youGre using store7bought stoc" that contains salt.
'r? peel a potato and let it si&&er in the pot 77 it !ill dra! out so&e o% the salty liquid.
Too &and4 $land %ood is al&ost al!ays the result o% not enough salt. .onGt be a%raid o%
Cutting Techniques
%icing <nions
+here is only one quic" and easy !ay to dice an onion? the eBa&ple belo! states N inch
slices and cubes? ho!e/er this is entirely /ariable depending on !hat is required.
Step 1.
4%ter peeling o%% the outer s"in o% the onion? place the onion on its side on a cutting board.
Slice o%% the top o% the onion.
Step 2.
+urn the onion so it sits on the ne!ly cut %lat sur%ace? and slice the onion in hal% through
the root end.
Step P.
Place an onion hal%? %lat side do!n? on the cutting board. ,a"e N inch slices length!ise
through the onion? cutting up to? but not through? the root end. (+his "eeps the onion %ro&
%alling apart.)
Step J.
+urn the onion and &a"e N 7inch slices that are perpendicular to the pre/ious slices. +he
onion !ill %all apart in neat N 7inch pieces. Repeat steps !ith the re&aining onion hal%.
Ran giri 7
Ran giri is a 3apanese ter&? !hich loosely translated &eans rando& cut? it results in
/egetables cubes !hich ha/e a large sur%ace area and there%ore coo" &ore rapidly? !hich
helps to preser/e nutrients and enables sauces and %la/ourings to coat &ore. +his
technique is also a good %or cutting carrots and cucu&bers %or salads.
#ut the end o% a /egetable at a R0Y angle. Roll the /egetable to!ards you and cut again? at
a R0Y angle. #ontinue rolling and cutting until youGre %inished.
(uide to %er#s and Spices
Eng&ish name Spanish name
4llspice? ground Pi&iento de 3a&aica ,olido
4llspice? !hole Pi&iento de 3a&aica (ntera
4ncho #hilli Po!der #hile 4ncho en Pol/o
4nise Seed Se&illa de 4nis
4nise? Star 4nis (strella
4rro!root 4rrurru2
$asil 4lbahaca
$ay *ea/es *aurel
$ouquet -arni Ra&illete de ierbas 4ro&aticas
#ara!ay Seed Se&illa de 4lcara/ea
#arda&o&? ground #arda&o&o ,olido
#arda&o&? !hole #arda&o&o (ntera
#elery Salt Sal con 4pio
#elery Seed Se&illa de 4pio
#her/il Peri%ollo
#hile Po!der #hile ,olido
#hinese L Spice #inq Upices #hinoises
#hi/es #ebolletas
#inna&on Stic"s Pallillos de #anela
#inna&on? ground #anela ,olida
#lo/es? ground #la/o ,olido
#lo/es? !hole #la/o (ntera
#oriander #ilantro
#oriander? ground #ilantro ,olido
#oriander Seeds? 9hole Se&illas de #ilantro
#rea& o% +artar #re&or +artaro
#u&in? ground #o&ino ,olido
#urry? Po!der #urry en Pol/o
.ill 9eed (neldo
Fennel Seed ino5o
Fine erbs (French blend) ierbas Finas
-arlic? &inced 45o U&incU
-arlic? pepper 45o con Pi&ineta
-arlic? po!der 45o en Pol/o
-arlic? salt Sal con 45o
Eng&ish name Spanish name
-inger? ground 3engibre ,olido
-inger? !hole 3engibre (ntera
Ftalian erb Seasoning ierbas Ftalianas
3a&aican 3er" Seasoning #ondi&ento de +ir>n 3a&aicano
3uniper $erries (nebro? 3unipero
8itchen $ouquet Ra&o de #ocina
*e&on Peel #<scara de li&>n
,ace? -round ,acis ,olida
,ar5ora&? -round ,e5orana ,olida
,ar5ora&? Po!der ,e5orana en Pol/o
,int Terba $uena
,ustard? #ole&ans ,osta2a de #ole&ans
,ustard? .i5on ,osta2a de .i5on
,ustard? po!der ,osta2a en Pol/o
,ustard? seed Se&illa de ,osta2a
,ustard? !hole ,osta2a (ntera
1ut&eg? ground 1ue2 &oscada ,olida
1ut&eg? !hole 1ue2 &oscada (ntera
'nion Salt Sal con #ebolla
'nion? Fla"es #ebolla en +ro2o
'nion? &inced #ebolla Picada
'nion? po!der #ebolla en Pol/o
'range? peel #<scara de naran5a
'regano? ground 'rUgano ,olido
'regano? !hole 'rUgano (ntero
Papri"a? ground (ungarian) Papri"a ungara ,olida
Papri"a? Spanish? S&o"ed Pi&ent>n (de la Vera)
Parsley Fla"es o5as de Pere5il .eshidratadas
Pepper? blac"? crac"ed Pi&ienta Ra5ada 1egra
Pepper? blac"? ground Pi&enta 1egra ,olida
Pepper? blac"? !hole Pi&e&ta (ntera 1egra
Pepper? #hilli? Pods Vainas de Pi&ienta de #hile
Pepper? green? !hole Pi&ienta Verde (ntera
Pepper? red? crushed Pi&ienta 4plastada Ro5a
Pepper? red? ground Pi&ienta ro5a ,olida
Pepper? !hite? ground Pi&enta blanca ,olida
Peppercorn? ground -rano de pi&ienta de +ierra
Eng&ish name Spanish name
Peppercorn? !hole -rano de pi&ienta (ntero
Poppy Seed Se&illa de a&apola
Poultry Seasoning ($ells) #ondi&ento de VolaterZa ($ells)
Pu&p"in Seeds Pepitas de #alaba2a
Rose&ary? crushed Ro&ero aplastada
Rose&ary? *ea/es Ro&ero oho5as
Sa%%ron 42a%r<n
Sage? ground Sal/ia? ,olida
Sage? rubbed Sal/ia? (stregada
Salt? plain Sal (ntera
Salt? Sea? coarse Sal de ,ar de -rano
Sa/ory 45edrea
Salt? Sea? ground Sal de ,ar ,olido
Sesa&e Seeds Se&illas de 45on5oli
Sesa&e Seeds? blac" Se&illas de 45on5oli 1egro
Sugar? bro!n 42ucar? Piloncillo
Sugar? cane 42ucar de ca[a
Sugar? po!dered 42ucar en Pol/o
+arragon (strag>n
+hy&e? ground +o&illo ,olido
+hy&e? !hole Ra&a de +o&illo
+ur&eric? ground #\rcu&a de Fndia ,olido
Vanilla $ean Vainas de Vainilla
Vanilla? eBtract (Btracto de Vainilla
Winning cominations
Beans 7 cu&in? cayenne? chilli? parsley? pepper? sage? thy&e
Bee# 7 basil? bay? chilli? curry? cu&in? garlic? &ar5ora&? &ustard? oregano? parsley? pepper?
rose&ary? sage? tarragon? thy&e
Cheese 7 basil? cara!ay? celery seed? cher/il? chilli? chi/es? coriander? cu&in? dill? garlic?
horseradish? le&on peel? &ar5ora&? &int? &ustard? nut&eg? papri"a? parsley? pepper? sage?
tarragon? thy&e
Chicken 7 allspice? basil? bay? cinna&on? curry? dill? %ennel? garlic? ginger le&on grass?
&ustard? papri"a? rose&ary? sa%%ron? sage? tarragon? thy&e
Eggs 7 basil? cher/il? chilli? chi/es? curry? dill? %ennel? ginger? le&on peel? &ar5ora&?
oregano? papri"a? parsley? pepper? sage? tarragon? thy&e
.ish 7 anise? basil? bay? cayenne? celery seed? chi/es? curry? dill? %ennel? garlic? ginger?
le&on peel? &ustard? oregano? parsley? rose&ary? thy&e? sa%%ron? sage? tarragon?
.ruits 7 allspice? anise? carda&o&? cinna&on? clo/es? coriander? ginger? &int
,am 7 basil? bay? cinna&on? coriander? cu&in? garlic? &ar5ora&? &int? &ustard? oregano?
parsley? rose&ary? tarragon? thy&e
*otatoes 7 basil? cara!ay? celery seed? cher/il? chi/es? coriander? dill? &ar5ora&? oregano?
papri"a? parsley? poppy seed? rose&ary? tarragon? thy&e
Sa&ad %ressings 7 basil? celery seed? chi/es? dill? %ennel? garlic? horseradish? &ar5ora&?
&ustard? oregano? papri"a? parsley? pepper? rose&ary? sa%%ron? tarragon? thy&e
Sa&ads 7 basil? cara!ay? chi/es? dill? garlic? le&on peel? &ar5ora&? &int? oregano? parsley?
rose&ary? tarragon? thy&e
Soups 7 basil? bay? cher/il? chilli? chi/es? cu&in? dill? %ennel? garlic? &ar5ora&? parsley?
pepper? rose&ary? sage? thy&e
Tomatoes 7 basil? bay ? celery seed? cinna&on? chilli? curry? dill? %ennel? garlic? ginger?
le&on grass? &ar5ora&? oregano? parsley? rose&ary? tarragon? thy&e
Tou &ay %ind yoursel% in a situation !here you are out o% a particular herb or spice. +his
chart !ill help you choose substitutions or alternati/es? %or the &ost co&&on herbs and
spices? that should !or" !ith your recipe.
/&&spice 7 #inna&onD cassiaD dash o% nut&eg or &aceD or clo/es
/niseed 7 Fennel seed or a %e! drops anise eBtract
Basi& 7 'regano or thy&e
Cardamom 7 -inger
Cher"i& 7 +arragon or parsley
Chi&&i *o(der 7 $ottled hot pepper sauce plus a co&bination o% oregano and cu&in
Chi"e 7 'nionD or lee"
Coriander 7 Parsley or celery lea/es
Cinnamon 7 1ut&eg or allspice (use only 1KJ o% the a&ount)
C&o"es @ 4llspice? cinna&on or nut&eg
Cumin 7 #hilli po!der
!inger @ 4llspice? cinna&on? &aceD or nut&eg
'ace @ 4llspice? cinna&on? gingerD or nut&eg
'ar>oram @ $asil or thy&e
'int @ $asil? &ar5ora&D or rose&ary
?utmeg @ #inna&on? ginger or &ace
<regano 7 +hy&e or basil
*ars&ey 7 #her/il or coriander
Red *epper 7 $ottled hot pepper sauce or blac" pepper
Rosemary @ +hy&e or tarragon
Sa##ron 7 +ur&eric (%or colour)
Sage 7 ,ar5ora& or rose&ary
Tarragon 7 #her/il? %ennel seed or aniseed
Thyme 7 $asil? &ar5ora& or oregano
Hers and Spice 'i=es and B&ends
Berere Spice 'i= ((thiopian)
dried red chillies? blac" peppercorns? ground ginger? clo/es? coriander seeds? a5o!an?
allspice berries? greed carda&o& seeds? %enugree"? cinna&on stic"
Bouquet !arni
+raditionally? this &iBture is tied up in cheesecloth %or easy re&o/al a%ter %la/ouring.
dried parsley (classic ingredient)? dried thy&e (classic ingredient)? dried bay lea% (classic
ingredient)? dried rose&ary (optional ingredient)
Chat 'asa&a
(Fndian)ground asa%oetida? &int? ginger? a5o!an? cayenne? blac" salt? &ango po!der?
cu&in? dried po&egranate seeds chilli Po!der Fngredients /ary !idely but usually includeI
garlic? onion? cu&in? oregano? allspice? salt and other spices.
Curry *o(der (Fndian)
dried red chillies? coriander seeds? &ustard seeds? blac" peppercorns? %enugree" seeds?
ground ginger? ground tur&eric Fi/e Spice Po!der? star anise? %agara? cassia? %ennel
seeds? clo/es
.ines Heres
tarragon? cher/il? chi/es and parsley
!aram 'asa&a(Fndian)
+he na&e translates to hot mixture
cu&in? coriander seeds? carda&o&? blac" peppercorns? clo/es? &ace? bay lea%? cinna&on
Harrisa (,orrocan) (real)
1 tablespoon coriander seeds? 1 tablespoon cara!ay seeds? J large garlic clo/es
unpeeled? J large red bell peppers? 1K2 cup eBtra7/irgin oli/e oil? 1 tablespoon sugar? 2
teaspoons dried crushed red pepper
Harrisa 0'orrocan1 0cheating)
1 teaspoon ground cara!ay? 2 +ablespoons cayenne? 1 +ablespoon ground cu&in? 1 clo/e
garlic? 1K2 teaspoon salt? 1KJ cup Ftalian salad dressing
Her Sa&t?
sea salt? bay lea/es? dried thy&e? dried rose&ary? dried oregano
2erk Seasoning (3a&aican)
chillies? thy&e? cinna&on? ginger? allspice? clo/es? garlic? onions
'i=ed *udding Spice
coriander seeds? cinna&on stic"? allspice berries? !hole clo/es? nut&eg? ground ginger
@uatre-Epices (French)
+he na&e &eans four spices
blac" peppercorns? !hole clo/es? nut&eg? ground ginger
*anch *horan (Fndian)
cu&in seeds? %ennel? &ustard? %enugree"? nigella
*ick&ing Spice
blac" peppercorns? yello! &ustard seeds? hot red pepper %la"es? allspice berries? dill seed?
&ace? cinna&on stic"? bay lea/es? !hole clo/es? ground ginger
Ras-e& Hanout (1orth 4%rican)
+ranslates to top of the shop
peppercorns? carda&o&? &ace? galangal? nut&eg? allspice? cinna&on? ash berries? clo/es?
ginger? tur&eric? nigella? la/ender? rosebuds? orrisroot? cassia? %ennel seeds Sansho
Se"en Spice 'i=ture (3apanese)
sansho? sea!eed? chile? orange peel? poppy seeds? !hite sesa&e seeds? blac" sesa&e
seeds Spice sea salt? cu&in seeds? blac" peppercorns? coriander seeds? clo/es
3ahtar (,iddle (astern)
su&ac? roasted sesa&e seeds? ground thy&e
Con"ersion Charts
L.0 &illilitres (&l) ] 1 teaspoon (tsp.)
1L.0 &illilitres ] 1 tablespoon (tbsp.)
P0.0 &illilitres ] 1 %luid ounce (o2.)
2J0 &illilitres ] 1 cup (c.)
JO0 &illilitres ] 1 pint (pt.)
0.SL litres (l) ] 1 quart (qt.)
P.O0 litres ] 1 gallon (gal.)
#elsius ] Fahrenheit ] -as &ar" ] .e%inition
100 ] 200 ] N ] /ery cool
110 ] 22L ] N ] /ery cool
120 ] 2J0 ] ^ ] coolKslo!
1P0 ] 2L0 ] 1 ] coolKslo!
1J0 ] 2RL ] 2 ] coolKslo!
1L0 ] P00 ] P ] coolKslo!
1R0 ] P2L ] J ] &oderate
1O0 ] PL0 ] L ] &oderate
1S0 ] PRL ] Q ] &oderate
200 ] J00 ] R ] hot
220 ] J2L ] O ] hot
2P0 ] JL0 ] S ] /ery hot
2J0 ] JRL ] 10 ] /ery hot
2L0 ] L00 ] 10 ] /ery hot
'ass A 'etric to imperia&
2O gra&s (g) ] 1 ounce (o2.)
22R.0 gra&s ] O ounces
0.JL "ilogra&s ("g) or JL0 gra&s ] 1 pound (lb.) or 1Q ounces
1.0 "ilogra& ] 2.2 pounds
F% you really need to be loo"ing up ho! to coo" toast re%er to the last page i&&ediately.
Boi&ed Eggs
'8 so boiled eggs are %airly sel% eBplanatory? but this is &ore o% a ti&ing guide than a
recipe? and it is nice to start !ith so&ething really si&ple.
1. $ring a large pot o% !ater to the boil. Pierce the base o% the eggs (not essential).
Place eggs in boiling !ater.
2. For so%t boiledIcoo" %or eBactly P ^ &inutes
P. For &ediu& boiledI L &inutes
J. For hard boiledI R710 &inutes
L. 'nce eggs coo"ed re&o/e %ro& !ater and place in cold !ater. +his is not essential
but helps? as placing in cold !ater helps re&o/e the shell %ro& the egg hence
easier to peel
Scram&ed Eggs
1 tsp per egg o% ,il" (optional)
Salt and pepper
1. $rea" eggs into a large bo!l? add &il"? salt and pepper? and a dollop o% &argarine.
9his" !ell.
2. Fn a pan heat oil. Place egg &iBture into pan. #oo" gently? !ith a spatula &o/e the
&iBture around the pan li%ting the coo"ed parts o% the botto& o% the pan? until eggs
are done.
P. 4dd a little &ore to &a"e a &ain &eal or a hearty brea"%astI
J. Fried onions? green peppers? cheese? to&atoes? to&ato paste? garlic? herbs o%
choice? &eat)
Eggs Benedict
(Ser/es J)
J ea. (nglish &u%%ins 7 toasted
O ea. (ggs
O ea. $ac" bacon slices
_ cup ollandaise @ (see recipe in sauces section)
1 +bsp. Parsley chopped
1 tsp. Papri"a
1. Prepare hollandaise according to recipe.
2. Poach eggs in poaching dish or by dropping in hot !ater. ,ean!hile toast (nglish
P. and !ar& $acon in o/en.
J. Place $acon on (nglish &u%%in hal%? then poached egg. +op !ith hollandaise and
L. garnish !ith papri"a and chopped parsley.
1 cup (120 gra&s) plain %lour (!hite? !hole grain or 1I1 &iB o% !hite and !hole
1^ teaspoon ba"ing po!der
1 pinch salt
1 cup (2L0 &l) &il" (substitute butter&il" or 1I1 &iB o% &il" and butter&il")
P eggs? separated
1 +bs !hite sugar
1. Fn large bo!l? &iB dry ingredients together until !ell7blended.
2. 4dd &il" and &iB !ell until s&ooth.
P. Separate eggs? placing the !hites in a &ediu& bo!l and the yol"s in the batter.
J. $eat !hites until sti%% and then %old into batter gently (s"ip this step %or hea/ier
panca"es or i% 1 cup butter&il" is substituted %or &il").
L. *et sit %or 20 &inutes? this !ill let the %lour absorb so&e liquid i&pro/ing the %la/our
and teBture o% the panca"es.
Q. Pour ladles o% the &iBture into a non7stic" pan? one at a ti&e.
R. #oo" until the edges are dry and bubbles appear on sur%ace. +urnD coo" until
golden. ,a"es 12 to 1J panca"es.
Bu&e and Squeak
$ubble and Squea" is a traditional (nglish /egetable dish &ade %ro& the le%to/er
/egetables %ro& a Sunday roast. +he na&e is deri/ed %ro& the sound the dish &a"es
!hile coo"ing.
1 &ediu& onion? chopped (optional)
1 tablespoon %at or oil
Various coo"ed /egetables? potatoes and cabbage? optionally carrots? peas? and
$russels sprouts.
1. Start by %rying a chopped onion in %at or oil.
2. #hop the /egetables (!hich !ill ha/e been boiled the pre/ious day) together? and
add to the pan.
P. #oo" o/er a &ediu& heat till the underside is golden bro!n and crispy? then turn it?
scraping the crispy bits into the &iB.
J. Repeat the alternate coo"ing and scraping a %e! ti&es? then ser/e.
Bacon Sand(ich
1 tbsp oli/e oil
27P rashers strea"y bacon
2LgK1o2 salted butter? so%tened 0must e utter margarine is not good enough1
2 slices bread (any type as long as it is %resh)
to&ato "etchup? to taste
%reshly ground blac" pepper
1. eat the oil in a %rying pan and %ry the bacon until crisp and golden7bro!n? it is
i&portant to ha/e the bacon crisp.
2. Spread the butter onto the bread? %ollo!ed by the "etchup. Sand!ich the bacon
bet!een the pieces o% bread and season? to taste? !ith %reshly ground blac" pepper.
P. +o ser/e? place the sand!ich onto a plate? !al" to the truc" and gi/e the sand!ich
to the dri/er.
!ar&ic read
$read @ baguettes or rolls are best
,argarine or oil
-arlic @ loads crushed
Par&esan cheese (optional)
1. Fn a bo!l &iB &argarine and crushed garlic. #ut baguettes into thic" slicesD do not
co&plete the cut so the base o% the baguette is still attached.
2. 'ne each side o% bread spread on the &iBture @ do not s"i&p? nothing !orse than
hal% garlic bread. Sprin"le a light coating o% grated cheese on top.
P. 9rap each baguette in tin %oil and place on the $$6 grill. +urn a%ter a %e! &inutes?
ser/e hot.
!ar&ic and Her read4 4dd a selection o% herbs to the &argarine and garlic &iBture @
oregano and basil are popular %a/ourites
Her Bread4 Substitute garlic %or herbs.
2 4/ocados @ /ery ripe
-arlic 7 crushed
*e&on 5uice
+abasco @ a dash
+o&atoes @ diced %inely? ripe
Pepper and salt
1. Re&o/e a/ocados %ro& the s"in and discard pip.
2. 4dd le&on 5uice and &ash into a s&ooth paste.
P. ,iB in to&atoes? garlic? pepper and salt and a dash o% +abasco.
J. Ser/e !ith %resh bread? toast? corn chips or crac"ers
-ariations4 Substitute +abasco %or s!eet chilli sauce? you can also add chopped coriander
and K or %inely diced onion
Q +o&atoes @ %inely diced
1 #ucu&ber @ %inely diced
2 'nions @ %inely diced
-arlic 7 crushed
+abasco @ a dash
#hilli sauce @ a bigger dash
Salt and pepper
,iBed herbs
1. ,iB all the abo/e together in a bo!l. Ser/e !ith corn chips? crac"ers or as a side
.rench <nion %ip
Pac"et o% French onion soup
#rea& cheese or cr`&e %raiche
1. ,iB the abo/e ingredients together in a bo!l. Ser/e !ith corn chips? crac"ers?
toast? %resh bread or on pasta.
-ariation4 +his recipe !or"s !ith &ost pac"et soups i.e. chic"en? corn? pea and ha& a
$read @ pre%erably thic"ly sliced or sliced baguette
+o&atoes 7 diced
-arlic 7 crushed
1. Fn a pan place to&atoes? basil? pepper and garlic @ %ry until 5ust so%t.
2. $rush oil o/er bread and toast.
P. Place to&ato &iBture on toast and ser/e.
?ote4 this can also be ser/ed as a quic" and easy &ain &eal aaa
Baa ganoush
4lternately spelled baba ghanou5? baba ghannou5? and baba gannou5h. $aba ganoush is a
co&&on ,iddle (astern and ,editerranean dip !ith a crea&y? so&e!hat s&o"y %la/our. Ft
is usually eaten !ith pita bread although naan or a crispy %lat bread also !or" !ell.
1 &ediu&7large aubergine? any /ariety
2 tablespoons ra! tahini
3uice o% 1 li&e (or le&on)
1 clo/e garlic? crushed
P tablespoons oli/e oil
^ tsp salt
Papri"a or cayenne pepper? as a garnish
1. Roast the aubergine. +his can be done in a /ariety o% !ays? but the %lesh should be
%ully coo"ed and the s"in should be burned and %alling o%% easily.
2. 4n e%%ecti/e &ethod is to pric" the aubergine and place it a %e! inches o/er a %ire or
gas grill? turning it as the eBposed s"in blac"ens? about e/ery P7J &inutes.
P. Scrape o%% the aubergine s"in. FtGs all right i% you &iss a %e! burned bits.
J. Finely chop or blend the aubergine %lesh !ith the rest o% the ingredients. +he
consistency should be s&oothish.
L. Reser/e a bit o% the oli/e oil? and dri22le that o/er the top. Sprin"le !ith so&e
papri"a or cayenne.
1 $aguette or French bread
^ lb $utter
1 +bsp. -ranulated -arlic
1 tsp. -arlic salt
^ tsp. Pepper
^ cup Parsley @ chopped
Q +bsp. Par&esan @ po!dered
1. #ut bread into 1K2b cubes.
2. ,elt butter? granulated garlic? and garlic salt until butter is co&pletely &elted.
P. +oss together croutons !ith the &elted butter &iB &a"ing sure to coat all the
croutons !ith the butter e/enly.
J. Sprin"le pepper? parsley and par&esan o/er the cro0ton and re&iB.
L. Place the croutons on a sheet pan? a/oid o/er cro!ding or o/er %illing the pan.
Q. +oast in a hot o/en %or O &inutes or until golden bro!n. Stir as needed to bro!n
R. Re&o/e and let cool to roo& te&perature.
O. Store in an air tight bag or container.
J ea. Potatoes 7 peeled and hal/ed
2 ea. #arrots 7 chopped
2 ea. #elery ribs 7 chopped
1 ea. 'nion 7 chopped
1 tsp. /egetable oil
1 can $ee% broth (a cup o% bee% stoc" can be used as a replace&ent? but is not ideal
as it contains to &uch salt.)
1 5ar Sliced pic"led beetroot
J +bsp. Sour crea&
2 +bsp. Fresh dill @ chopped
1. #o/er potatoes !ith cold salted !ater by 1 inch and si&&er until tender? 20 to 2L
2. .rain and "eep !ar&.
P. 9hile potatoes are boiling? sautU carrots? celery? and onion in oil o/er high heat?
stirring %requently? until /egetables beginning to bro!n.
J. 4dd broth and bring to a boil.
L. Si&&er?co/ered? until /egetables are tender? about 1P &inutes.
Q. Stir in beets and their brine and si&&er? co/ered? %or O &ore &inutes.
R. *adle borscht into bo!ls and add potatoes.
O. +op !ith sour crea& and dill.
Easy Chicken ?ood&e Soup
#hina (uni/ersally adopted)
2 litres #hic"en broth (stoc" can be used as a replace&ent? but is not ideal as it
contains to &uch salt.)
L00g #hic"en &eat @ coo"ed? diced
2 +bsp. $utter
1 cup #arrots @ sliced or s&all dice
1 cup #elery @ sliced or s&all dice
^ cup 'nion 7 &inced
1 tsp. -arlic 7 &inced
^ tsp. ,ar5ora&
N tsp. Pepper
Q o2. +hic" noodles @ dry
2 +bsp. Parsley @ chopped
1. Fn a large sauce pot o/er &ediu& heat add butter? carrot? celery? onion? garlic?
&ar5ora& and pepper.
2. #oo" until /egetables are al&ost tender.
P. 4dd chic"en and broth and bring to a boil.
J. Reduce the heat to a si&&er and add the noodles.
L. #oo" until noodles are al denteD garnish !ith parsley and ser/e hot.
.rench <nion Soup
,a"es 10 ser/ings
P +bsp. /egetable oil
Q ea. 9hite onions 7 5ulienne
O cups $ee% broth (Stoc" can be used as a replace&ent? but is not ideal as it
contains to &uch salt? so do not use additional salt i% using stoc")
1KP cup .ry /er&outh
2 +bsp. $randy
2 tsp. Salt
^ tsp. -arlic po!der
N tsp. $lac" pepper
'ptionals %or traditional ser/ing
10 ea #routons (cut 2HB2H and PKOH thic")
20 ea S!iss cheese @ sliced to 1 o2
10 tsp. Par&esan cheese @ shredded
1. Place P tablespoons oil to a large soup pot or saucepan o/er &ediu&Khigh heat.
2. 4dd the sliced onions and sautU %or 20 &inutes until the onions begin to so%ten and
start to beco&e translucent.
P. 4dd the bee% broth? !ater? salt? garlic po!der and blac" pepper to the pan and bring
&iBture to a boil.
J. 9hen soup begins to boil? reduce heat and si&&er %or JL &inutes.
'ptional 7 traditional ser/ing
1. 9hen the soup is done? spoon about 1 cup into an o/en7sa%e bo!l.
2. Float a cro0ton on top o% the soup? then place t!o slice o% S!iss cheese on top o%
the cro0ton &a"ing sure there are no holes %or the soup %or co&e through.
P. Sprin"le ^ teaspoon o% shredded par&esan o/er the S!iss.
J. Place the bo!l into your o/en set to high.
L. *ea/e the soup %or L to Q &inutes or until the cheese is &elted and starting to
bro!n (you &ay need to lea/e longer i% you are &a"ing &ore than one bo!l at a
Q. Sprin"le an additional ^ teaspoon o% shredded par&esan cheese o/er the top o%
the soup and ser/e.
R. Repeat process to prepare re&aining ser/ings.
?ote4 +o &a"e the croutons cut a baguette or French bread 171.Lc& thic". Preheat o/en
to P2LY F. Place the bread in the o/en directly on the rac" and ba"e %or 1L to 20 &inutes or
until each piece is golden bro!n and crispy. Set these croutons aside until you need the&.
Cheating 'ethod
'nions @ loads sliced into %ine rings? -arlic @ crushed? 'il? +abasco sauce @ a dash?
#ayenne pepper and nut&eg @ a pinch o% each? Stoc" cubes? 9ater? .ry !hite !ine
Fn a pan? bro!n onions and garlic. 4dd +abasco? cayenne and nut&eg? stoc" cubes
and !ater. $ring to boil and then reduce to si&&er %or about P0 &inutes. 4dd !ine?
continue coo"ing %or a little !hile longer.
Ser/es 10
2^ lb +o&ato @ peeled and diced (can used canned i% desired)
1 lb #ucu&ber @ peeled and diced
O o2. 'nion @ peeled and diced
J o2. -reen bell pepper @ seeded and chopped
1 tsp. -arlic @ chopped
2 o2. Fresh !hite bread cru&bs
2 cups +o&ato 5uice
P o2. Red !ine /inegar
J o2. 'li/e oil
^ tsp. salt
^ tsp. Pepper
N tsp. #ayenne pepper
1 tsp. *e&on 5uice
1. #o&bine all ingredients in a blender or %ood processor eBcept oli/e oil and process
until lique%ied.
2. Slo!ly add the oli/e oil until !ell incorporated. 5uice
P. 4d5ust tartness !ith le&on as your taste desire. Ser/e chilled.
'inestrone Soup
Ser/es O
J +bsp. 'li/e oil
O o2 'nions @ 5ulienne
J o2. #elery @ diced
J o2. #arrots @ diced
1 tsp. -arlic @ chopped
J o2. #abbage @ shredded
J o2. #ourgette@ diced
O o2. +o&atoes @ canned in 5uice? diced
P qt. #hic"en broth
^ tsp. $asil @ dried
P o2 S&all &acaroni
12 o2. #annelloni beans @ canned
2 +bsp. Parsley @ chopped
^ tsp. Salt
^ tsp. Pepper
1. eat the oli/e oil in a sauce pot o/er &ediu& heat. 4dd onions? celery? carrots and
2. #oo" until al&ost tender. 4dd cabbage and #ourgette and continue coo"ing %or
another L &inutes.
P. 4dd to&atoes? chic"en broth and basil. $ring to a boil then si&&er until /egetables
are tender.
J. 4dd the pasta and continue to si&&er until the pasta is coo"ed. 4dd the beans and
bring the soup bac" to a boil. 4dd parsley? salt and pepper. Ser/e hot.
2ani me .asu&e
3ahni $ean Soup
L00&l o% dry !hite beans
1K2 cup chopped onions
1K2 cup oli/e oil
2 tablespoons to&ato sauce
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 tablespoon chopped &int
chilli po!der
1. $oil beans in hot !ater in an unco/ered pot %or L &inutes. Rinse and boil %or
another 1L &inutes in a co/ered stoc" pot in P cups hot !ater.
2. SautU onion in oli/e oil until it turns yello!. 4dd 2 tablespoons bean stoc" %ro& the
pot along !ith to&ato sauce? parsley? salt and chilli po!der %or taste. #oo" %or 10
&inutes or until a thic" sauce is %or&ed? then pour e/erything into the pot.
P. 4dd chopped &int? co/er tightly and cool %or 2 hours o/er lo! heat? or %or P0
&inutes in a pressure coo"er. +his should produce a thic" 5uice? co/ering beans by
^inch. Ser/e hot.
Basic -inaigrette
,a"es about J00 &l
Q0 &l !hite !ine /inegar
P0 &l le&on 5uice
1 teaspoon .i5on &ustard
sea salt
P00 &l oli/e oil
1. co&bine the /inegar? le&on 5uice? &ustard and salt in a bo!l and !his" until the salt
has dissol/ed.
2. .ri22le in the oil and !his" continuously until the dressing has e&ulsi%ied.
P. Pour into a 5ar or bottle !ith a lid and re%rigerate. sha"e !ell be%ore using. $ecause
o% the oil and /inegar? this dressing !ill last %or &any !ee"s in the %ridge and !ill
probably be used !ell be%ore it deteriorates.
Salt !ill not dissol/e in oil? there%ore it &ust be !or"ed into the acid o% the /inegar or le&on
5uice to brea" it do!n be%ore adding the oil.
.i5on &ustard is rarely used in a /inaigrette and is added to a dressing to assist in holding
it together (e&ulsi%y) as !ell as adding %la/our. .o not panic i% the dressing splits !hile it
sits in the %ridge. Si&ply sha"e or !his" !ell 5ust be%ore adding to the salad.
4 co&&on rule o% thu&b %or this dressing is 1 part /inegar to P parts oil. So&e recipes &ay
stray %ro& this rule deliberately to o%%er a &ilder tasting dressing to allo! the good oil to
shine? or depending on its use.
'li/e oil is only one option %or a /inaigrette. Strong nut oils li"e !alnut and ha2elnut can be
used either on their o!n (/ery strong) or in equal parts !ith a &ild oil li"e peanut oil or
grape seed oil.
+ry a co&bination o% /inegars li"e L0 &l red !ine /inegar and L0 &l sherry /inegar to P00
&l oli/e oil !ith salt and pepper to taste. 1o &ustard is needed. Place in a sealed 5ar and
store. Sha"e !ell be%ore use.
For a /inaigrette %or 1 ser/ing? try 1 tablespoon !hite !ine /inegar? pinch o% salt? P
tablespoons oli/e oil? !his" together and ser/e (although it is probably easier to get so&e
Caesar Sa&ad
Enited States o% 4&erica
1 lb Ro&aine @ cleaned and cut into 1^b pieces
1 cup #aesar dressing (see recipe in dressing section)
J o2 #routons (see recipe in breads section)
^ cup Par&esan @ shredded
J ea. *e&on !edges
'ptional -rilled chic"en? Shri&p or #rab
Fn a &iBing bo!l toss Ro&aine? #aesar dressing and croutons. +rans%er to a ser/ing bo!l
and top !ith par&esan and optional toppings i% desired. -arnish !ith *e&on !edge.
Caesar %ressing (traditional)
,a"es P cups
O o2 (gg yol"s
2 +bsp. -arlic @ chopped
^ +bsp. Pepper
2 +bsp. Red !ine /inegar
J +bsp. *e&on 3uice
1^ +bsp. .i5on &ustard
^ tsp. +abasco
2 tsp. 9orcestershire sauce
J o2 4ncho/ies @ &inced
2 cup 'li/e oil
Place egg yol"s into &iBer on high speed and !hip yol"s until they begin to pea". +urn the
speed do!n to &ediu& and slo!ly add the re&aining ingredients eBcept the oli/e oil.
Fncrease the speed bac" to high and dri22le in the oli/e oil until e&ulsi%ied. Store in an air
tight container and re%rigerate.
Caesar %ressing (&ayonnaise)
,a"es 1^ cups
2 ea. -arlic clo/es 7 &inced and &ashed to a paste
N tsp. Salt
1 tsp. 4ncho/y paste
2 +bsp. Fresh le&on 5uice
1 tsp. .i5on7style &ustard
1 tsp. 9orcestershire sauce
1 cup ,ayonnaise
N tsp. Pepper
Fn a bo!l !his" together all the ingredients. Store re%rigerated in an air tight container.
Ser/es 10
O cups #abbage 7 shredded
N cup #arrot 7 shredded
2 +bsp. 'nion 7 &inced
1KP cup Sugar
^ tsp. Salt
1KO tsp. 9hite pepper
N cup ,il"
^ cup ,ayonnaise
1^ +bsp. 9hite !ine /inegar
2^ +bsp. *e&on 5uice
1. #o&bine the sugar? salt? pepper? &il"? &ayonnaise? /inegar? and le&on 5uice in a
large bo!l and beat until s&ooth.
2. 4dd the cabbage? carrots? and onion? and &iB !ell.
P. #o/er and i% possible re%rigerate %or at least 2 hours be%ore ser/ing.
.rench %ressing
,a"es 1 litre
1 cup ,ayonnaise
_ cup 9hite !ine /inegar
2 +bsp. -arlic @ &inced
2 tsp. 8osher Salt
1^ tsp. Sugar
1^ tsp. Papri"a
1^ tsp. .ry &ustard
1 ^ tsp. 9orcestershire sauce
1 tsp. Pepper
N tsp. 'nion salt
N tsp. #elery salt
2 %l. o2. #hilli sauce
2 cups 'li/e oil
1. #o&bine and blend all ingredients eBcept the oli/e oil in a &iBer.
2. Slo!ly dri22le in the oli/e
P. oil and continue until dressing is e&ulsi%ied.
J. +rans%er to an air tight container and
L. re%rigerate.
/>&ouk @uraa
,ashed #ourgette (Cucchini) Salad
L00g #ourgette (Cucchini) about P &ediu&
1 tbsp. %resh le&on 5uice
1 tbsp. eBtra7/irgin oli/e oil
^ tsp. salt
^ tsp. cara!ay seeds
^ tsp. ground coriander
^ tsp. harissac
1 clo/e garlic? crushed
N 100g %eta cheese? cru&bled
1. #ut #ourgette (Cucchini) into 17inch7thic" slices.
2. Place #ourgette (Cucchini) in a large saucepan and co/er !ith !ater to 1 inch
abo/e #ourgette (Cucchini). $ring to a boil and coo" 20 &inutes? or until Cucchini is
/ery tender. .rain in a colander.
P. #oarsely &ash #ourgette (Cucchini) !ith a %or" !hile it is still in the colander. .rain
any eBcess liquid.
J. #o&bine le&on 5uice? oli/e oil? salt? cara!ay seeds? coriander? harissa? and garlic in
a bo!l and stir !ith a !his".
L. 4dd #ourgette (Cucchini) and toss !ell.
Q. Sprin"le !ith %eta cheese and ser/e !ith pita bread.
arissa is a blend o% garlic and cayenne? !hich can be substituted %or a &iB o% garlic
po!der and cayenne (or chilli po!der).
Centish /pp&e Chutney
Makes approximately 0.?k@8lbs
S00gK2lbs apples
Q00&lK1 pint spiced pic"ling /inegar (&a"e your o!n or a/ailable %ro&
JL0gK1 lb sugar
1^ teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground allspice
12LgKJo2 preser/ed ginger
P2LgK12 o2 sultanas
1. .irst prepare >ars. 3ars !ith /inegar7proo% lids are needed? i.e. co%%ee 5ars !ith
plastic lids are ideal. 9ash the lids and 5ars. Plastic lids can be sterilised by placing
in store7bought sterilising %luid. 3ars can also be sterilised using sterilising %luid.
Read product instructions. F% using the o/en sterilising technique? &etal lids can be
put in the o/en !ith the 5ars. *ay the clean 5ars and &etal lids to !ar& in /ery cool
o/en? -as N? 22LYF? 110Y#. 9hilst they are sterilisingI
2. Peel? core and dice apples
P. Put /inegar? sugar? salt? allspice into large saucepan and bring to the boil? stirring
until sugar is dissol/ed
J. 4dd pieces o% diced apple? si&&er %or ten &inutes
L. #hop ginger into /ery s&all pieces and add to pan !ith sultanas.
Q. Si&&er until chutney thic"ens? stirring occasionally to pre/ent burning. (Ft is thic"
enough !hen you dra! a spoon through &iBture? it lea/es a trail and does not
immediately %ill up !ith liquid. )
R. *et the chutney cool? re&o/e 5ars %ro& o/en and %ill the& !ith chutney.
O. #o/er !ith !aBed paper discs (!aBed side do!n)
S. 4llo! to cool co&pletely
10.Scre! on lids? then label !ith na&e and date
11.Store in a cool dar" place.
-i/e it siB !ee"s to &ature be%ore eating.
Wa&dor# Sa&ad
Enited States o% 4&erica
A5 there may be some arument about #aldorf salad bein $merican but it was first
created by Ascar Tschirky in 0?B> at the #aldorf-$storia *otel, Cew /ork.
1 large -ranny S&ith apple
1 large Red .elicious apple
1 tablespoon o% le&on 5uice
1KP cup (O0g) o% raisins
1KP cup (O0g) o% chopped !alnuts
1KP cup (O0g) o% chopped celery
2 tablespoons o% &ayonnaise
1 tablespoon o% sugar
Q large lea/es o% lettuce
1. Slice the apples into !edges? place in a bo!l.
2. Pour le&on 5uice on the apple !edges? and ensure a light coating to pre/ent
P. Plu&pen the raisins by placing the& in !ar& !ater %or L &inutes? drain !ell.
J. ,iB celery? raisins and !alnuts into the bo!l o% apple !edges.
L. ,iB the &ayonnaise and sugar together? then pour into the apple &iBture? ensure a
light coating on all ite&s.
Q. #hill %or at least P0 &inutes
R. Place three lettuce lea/es on a large plate and three on another? place hal% o% the
&iBture on each set o% lea/es.
O. Ser/e
?otes+ tips+ and "ariations
+hough the original salad only used apples? celery and &ayonnaiseD !alnuts &iBed in
ha/e beco&e an integral part o% the &odern /ersion o% the salad. So&e idiots also use
cherries? !hich are only used as a s!eet addition to %urther the contrasts !ithin the salad
apparently? !hich sound li"e a load o% bolloc"s (because it is).
*asta sa&ad
2L0 g short pasta (shell? bo! tie? orecchiette or &acaroni)
2 tablespoons coo"ing salt
1.L litres !ater
2 tablespoons /egetable oil
2 garlic clo/es? crushed
1 teaspoon salt %la"es
L0 &l balsa&ic /inegar
200 &l oli/e oil
^ continental cucu&ber? seeds re&o/ed
1 yello! bell pepper? diced
2L0 g cherry or grape to&atoes
100 g blac" oli/es
N cup %resh basil lea/es
N cup %resh %lat7lea% parsley lea/es
sea salt and %reshly ground blac" pepper
1. $oil the pasta in the salted !ater until al dente slightly crunchy on the inside (see
tips %or coo"ing pasta in the %irst section).
2. .rain the pasta in a colander or sie/e (do not rinse)? add the /egetable oil and toss.
spread the pasta e/enly on a ba"ing tray and lea/e to cool at roo& te&perature.
P. Place the garlic in a bo!l and use a spoon to squash the salt %la"es into the garlic.
stir in the /inegar and oli/e oil.
J. Slice the cucu&ber and place in a salad bo!l. 4dd the bell pepper? to&atoes?
oli/es? herbs and pasta? and season to taste.
L. Stir in the dressing and ser/e.
#onsider coo"ing eBtra pasta !hen &a"ing dinner so it can be set aside %or a pasta salad
the neBt day.
+he co&binations %or a pasta salad are li&ited only by your i&agination. Stea&ed or
grilled /egetables? s&o"ed? grilled or roasted &eats? ha& or sala&i? herbs and spices can
all be used to produce good results.
*otato sa&ad
Potato salad has &any /ariations !orld !ide? but can trace itds origins bac" to Southern
-er&any? !here it !as o%ten ser/ed hot and originally !ith /inegar and bacon rather than
the &odern &ayonnaise /ersions? although the &odern -er&an hot potato salad is &ore
li"e the recipe gi/en at the botto&.
R00 g !aBy potatoes
2 tablespoons coo"ing salt
L0 &l !hite !ine /inegar
1L0 &l oli/e oil
1 teaspoon salt %la"es
N teaspoon %reshly ground blac" pepper
2 tablespoons chopped %resh %lat7lea% parsley
1. 9ash the potatoes thoroughly and place in a pot !ith enough cold !ater to co/er.
2. 4dd the coo"ing salt? bring to the boil and si&&er until %or" tender (about 1L@20
&inutes? depending on si2e). 9hen chec"ing %or doneness? a s"e!er or %or" should
pierce the potato !ith little resistance and slide out easily. .rain the potatoes and
cool on a %lat tray? do not rinse under cold !ater. re%rigerate the potatoes %or se/eral
hours or o/ernight to allo! the starches to set and &a"e the& easier to cut (no
stic"y residue).
P. +he cold potatoes can be peeled easily or used !ith their s"ins le%t intact. cut into
bite7si2ed pieces and place in a bo!l.
J. +oss !ith the /inegar? oil? salt %la"es? pepper and parsley.
+he dressing in this recipe is a /ery basic oil and /inegar &iBture. '%ten potato salad is
ser/ed !ith a crea&y &ayonnaise dressing i% this is pre%erred? then use _ cup ho&e
&ade &ayonnaise (or pre7&ade &ayonnaise %ro& the super&ar"et i% you really &ust).
Hot !erman *otato Sa&ad
R00g potatoes #oo"ed and diced
1 onion?chopped
1KJ c !ater
2 +bsp !hole7!heat %lour
1 +bsp honey
1 tsp soy sauce
1K2 tsp celery seed
1 pinch ground pepper?optional
200&l !ater
12L&l /inegar

sautU the onion in 1KJ cup !ater o/er &ediu& heat until tender and beginning to bro!n.
Stir in %lour? honey? soy and celery seed. ,iB !ell until s&ooth. Stir in !ater and /inegar.
eat to boiling? stirring constantly. 4dd potatoes? stirring care%ully. eat through.
Rice sa&ad
RL0 g coo"ed &ediu&7grain rice (!hite? bro!n or !ild rice)
2 garlic clo/es
1 teaspoon sea salt
^ teaspoon %reshly ground blac" pepper
5uice o% 1 le&on
1L0 &l oli/e oil
1 red bell pepper (green or yello! can also be used)
^ cucu&ber? seeds re&o/ed
^ bunch spring onions? %inely sliced
1L0 g s!eetcorn (tinned is good)
1L0 g green peas
1. Place the coo"ed rice in a large bo!l.
2. For the dressingM%inely chop the garlic and place in a s&all bo!l. add the salt and
pepper and squash !ith the bac" o% a spoon to %or& a paste. stir in the le&on 5uice
and oil and set aside.
P. .ice the bell pepper and cucu&ber so they are uni%or& in si2e !ith the corn "ernels
and peas and add to the rice.
J. 4dd the spring onions.
L. Place the s!eetcorn and peas in another bo!l? co/er !ith boiling !ater %ro& the
"ettle and lea/e to stand %or 2 &inutes (%resh) or P0 seconds (tinned or %ro2en).
Q. .rain and re%resh under cold !ater. .rain thoroughly and add to the rice.
R. 4dd the dressing 5ust be%ore ser/ing and stir until all ingredients are thoroughly
co&bined. chec" the seasoning and ser/e at roo& te&perature.
4 rice salad is a great !ay to use up le%to/er stea&ed rice. See the tips %or coo"ing rice in
%irst section.
,ediu&7grain rice is best as the grains stay separated once coo"ed and re&ain so%t !hen
chilled. *ong7grain rice can be used %or this salad but the coo"ed grains tend to harden
considerably !hen chilled o/ernight. +his is !hy cold long7grain rice is ideal %or %ried rice?
but it &ust be heated slightly or brought to roo& te&perature to so%ten be%ore use %or a rice
salad. Short7grain rice is too gelatinous and !ill stic" together !hich !ill be /ery %rustrating
!hen trying to &a"e a rice salad. Ft is so%t and stic"y !hen coo"ed and !hen cold. *e%to/er
short grain rice it is ideal to add to soups or used !ith crea& and sugar to &a"e rice
pudding (as long as it is not too salty).
?iDoise sa&ad
1i:oise salad is a si&ple?%resh salad originating %ro& the region o% 1ice? France. +here are
&any /ariations to the salad. +raditionally? 1i:oise salad is not ser/ed !ith boiled potato or
any coo"ed /egetables. 'riginal /ersions o% this salad use ra! /egetables? boiled eggs?
ancho/ies? oli/e oil and tuna.
L00 g salad potatoes
2 tablespoons coo"ing salt
J00 g green beans? topped
J eggs
120 &l eBtra /irgin oli/e oil
J0 &l red !ine /inegar
2 teaspoons .i5on &ustard
sea salt and %reshly ground blac" pepper
JL0 g can tuna
2 baby cos lettuces? lea/es !ashed and dried
2L0 g cherry or grape to&atoes? hal/ed
100 g blac" oli/es
Fresh tuna is an eBcellent substitution i% you can get it.
1. Place the potatoes in a large saucepan? co/er !ith cold !ater? add the salt and
bring to the boil? then reduce the heat to a si&&er and coo" until 5ust tender. .rain
and cool co&pletely be%ore slicing into thic" rounds.
2. Place the beans in a bo!l or pot and co/er !ith boiling !ater %ro& the "ettle? let
stand %or 2 &inutes. .rain and re%resh (cool) under cold !ater.
P. Place the eggs in a s&all saucepan o% cold !ater. $ring to the boil o/er high heat.
reduce the heat to lo! and si&&er? unco/ered? %or O &inutes. .rain and cool under
cold running !ater. Peel and quarter.
J. #o&bine the oil? /inegar and &ustard in a 5ar !ith a lid and sha"e until co&bined.
add salt and pepper to taste.
L. Fla"e the tuna into large pieces and di/ide bet!een J bo!ls or place in 1 large
bo!l. add the potato? beans? eggs? lettuce? to&atoes and oli/es. .ri22le o/er the
Main Courses
$ee% and $anana Ste!
4loo -obi
4rro2 con Pollo
$acalhau ; -o&es de S<
+a/= 8osi 7 ba"ed la&b and yoghurt
$ob> de #a&arao
7 bulgogi? %ire bee% or 8orean barbecue
#ottage Pie
? ? @ Sushi
$arbecued Sirloin !ith #hi&&ichurri
#hilli con #arne
#hilli chic"en !ith 4/ocado Salsa
Patagonian *a&b
*o&o Saltado
Rissoles @ 4ussie $urgers
$ee% Strogano%%
#e/iche or #ebiche
*insen und SpAt2le
,eBican and Pi22aGs
$lac" $ean #asserole
Fei5oada? the national dish o% $ra2il? is a co&plicated dish that usually ta"es days to
prepare. Fei5oada can be /aried by adding di%%erent "inds o% &eat? such as s&o"ed bee%
tongue? s&o"ed por" ribs? or other cuts o% por". Fei5oada is a hea/y &eal usually reser/ed
%or %esti/e occasions. Ft is o%ten %ollo!ed by a nap. +his is a si&pli%ied /ersion o% the
original $ra2ilian speciality
2 cans blac" beans
1 ha& bone or por" hoc"
1 c. chopped onion
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. cu&in
2 +bsp. li&e 5uice
O por" sausages or hot dogs
1. .rain beans and put in a pan. 4dd J c. !ater? ha& bone or por" hoc"? onion? salt?
pepper? cu&in? and li&e 5uice.
2. $ring to the boil? then reduce heat? co/er? and si&&er o/er lo! heat %or P hours.
P. $ro!n sausages? cut in bite7si2ed pieces? and add to the bean &iBture. F% using hot
dogs? cut the& into bite7si2ed pieces and add directly to the bean &iBture. eat
thoroughly. Ser/e !ith rice.
Bee# and Banana Ste(
1 lb. bee%? cut in cubes
2 c. !ater
2 onions? sliced
2 to&atoes? peeled and sliced
2 tbsp. oil
2 &ediu& green plantains? or J s&all green bananas? !ashed? peeled? sliced? and
placed in a bo!l !ith cold !ater
1 c. coconut &il"
salt and pepper? to taste
1. Place the &eat and !ater in a pot and si&&er %or 1 hour.
2. SautU the onion and to&ato in hot oil in a large s"illet until the onions are so%t and
P. 4dd coo"ed &eat? plantains or bananas? and coconut &il" to the onion and to&ato.
F% the coconut &il" does not co/er the &eat? add so&e o% the &eat stoc".
J. Season !ith salt and pepper. Si&&er gently until bananas are coo"ed and the &eat
is tender. F% you are using regular bananas? add the& 1L to 20 &inutes be%ore the
&eat is done.
+his dish is the &ost indigenous in the Philippines. Ft has e/ol/ed o/er the centuries as a
!ay o% preparing %oods that !ont spoil easily in a tropical cli&ate. +he /inegar gi/es it the
tangy taste and acts as the preser/ati/e. (ach region has its o!n /ersion but the &ost
co&&only used is por" andKor chic"en. +he /ersion belo! is the traditional !ay o% &a"ing
O710 chic"en pieces? pre%erably legs and !ings
1KP cup /inegar &ade %ro& coconut 5uice (as a /ariant? try balsa&ic /inegar)
1KJ cup soy sauce
J s&ashed clo/es o% garlic
172 pcs bay lea%
^ tsp. %reshly crac"ed (not ground) blac" pepper corns
1. Put chic"en? garlic? peppercorn? soy sauce and /inegar in a pan and bring to a boil
2. 9hen chic"en is coo"ed? put chic"en pieces in a colander and drain. Put aside the
pot !ith soy sauce and /inegar.
P. 9hen chic"en pieces are no longer draining? %ry the& in hot oil at &ediu& heat
(ha/e a co/er ready %or splatters)
J. Sear the chic"en and bro!n the& on all sides.
L. Put chic"en pieces bac" in the pot !ith soy sauce and /inegar and bring to si&&er.
4dd 172 pieces o% bay lea%.
Q. #oo" until it has dried a bit. 4dobo should not be saucy.
R. Ser/e o/er hot stea&ed rice.
/&oo !oi
4loo gobi is an Fndian curry. 4loo &eans potato and -obi &eans cauli%lo!er.
RL0 g to&atoes? diced or purUed
1 big cauli%lo!er cut into chun"s
J7L potatoes? peeled? cut into cubes
1 le&on
J7L tablespoons o% ghee
1 teaspoon cu&in seeds
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon curcu&a (tur&eric)
2 tablespoon ground coriander
172 tablespoon ground chilli
27J tablespoon gara& &asala
1 sprig o% &int
1. eat the gheeKoil in %rying pan? !o" or "arahi (an Fndian utensil specially used %or
%rying purposes)
2. 4dd 5eera (cu&in seeds) and !ait until they turn a light bro!n colour.
P. 4dd the spices (eBcept %or gara& &asala) and the to&atoes.
J. 9hen the &iBture turns oily? add the /egetables.
L. Roast the cauli%lo!er and the potatoes until they turn so%t. Stir occasionally.
Q. 4dd the gara& &asala? &int and le&on 5uice.
$ee% earts
$ee% heart
2 clo/es o% garlic
N o% a cup ground spicy red chilli
2 cups o% bro!n /inegar
1 teaspoon o% ground cu&in
1 teaspoon o% achiote (annatto)
1 teaspoon o% salt
1 teaspoon o% ground blac" pepper
1. Place all the abo/e ingredients? other than the heart? in a bo!l and &iB thoroughly.
2. #lean the heart? re&o/ing all %at. #ut into bite si2e cubes. Place the heart pieces
into the &arinade &iBture and lea/e to &arinate %or about 10 hours or o/ernight.
+he heart should be co&pletely co/ered.
P. 4%ter &arinating? insert &eat on s"e!ers. 4t this stage i% desired ? so&e additional
ingredients such as green pepper or red pepper (capsicu&) or corn7on7cob (cut to a
si&ilar si2e to the heart? &ay be also inserted on the s"e!ers.)
J. +he s"e!ered heart should then be coo"ed on a barbecue grill? turning %requently
and brushing !ith the &arinade &iB. 9hen they are !ell done they should be
ser/ed i&&ediately.
/rro8 con *o&&o
Rice and #hic"en
4rro2 con pollo is a traditional dish thatGs co&&on throughout *atin 4&erica especially in
#uba? Pana&a? Peru? Puerto Rico? #osta Rica? and the .o&inican Republic. #o&&on
ingredients include rice? /egetables? %resh herbs and chic"en. +he recipe gi/en here is the
Peru/ian style recipe !hich includes citrus 5uice.
10 chic"en dru&stic"s ) 10 chic"en thighs
1 orange
1K2 le&on
1K2 li&e
1 pound chopped green pepper
1 pound chopped onion
P clo/es garlic
1L o2. to&ato sauce
1 s&all 5ar chopped pi&entos
1 1K2 cups coo"ing sherry
2 cups !ater
P cups long7grain rice
1 tablespoon salt
bay lea%
pinch o% sa%%ron
can o% peas
oli/e oil
1. ,arinate the chic"en %or about Q hours in the 5uice o% 1 orange? 1K2 le&on? and 1K2
li&e. Sprin"le !ith Salt.
2. $ro!n chic"en in a pan.
P. SautU onion? pepper? and garlic to &a"e a so%%ritto.
J. 4dd to&ato sauce to so%%ritto? coo" %or L &in.
L. 4dd pi&ento? liquid %ro& can o% peas? bay lea%? salt? sa%%ron? sherry? and !ater. 4dd
chic"en? co/er pot? and coo" %or 1K2 hour on lo!.
Q. 4dd rice? coo" on sto/e on lo! or in o/en until liquid is al&ost absorbed (about P07
JL &in.).
R. ,iB in peas and let the& !ar& up be%ore ser/ing.
Baca&hau E !omes de SF
$acalhau ; -o&es de S< is a dish o% salt cod and potatoes created in the 1Sth century by
-o&es de S< at the restaurant Restaurant *isbonense in the city o% Porto.
1"g salt cod
1 cup oli/e oil
J &ediu&7si2ed onions
1 tsp. garlic? %inely7chopped
Q &ediu&7si2ed potatoes
20 pitted blac" oli/es
Q hard7boiled eggs? sliced
2 +bsp. parsley? %inely chopped
1. Starting the day be%ore? soa" the salt cod? re%rigerated? in a container o% !ater %or 1Q
7 2J hours? changing the !ater P or J ti&es.
2. .rain and rinse the cod. Place in a saucepan and %ill !ith !ater to co/er the %ish by
1 inch. $ring to a boil and then si&&er %or about 20 &inutes until the %ish %la"es
easily !hen tested !ith a %or". .rain thoroughly and %la"e the %ish coarsely?
re&o/ing any s"in or bones !ith a paring "ni%e. Set aside.
P. $oil the potatoes in their s"ins until easily pierced !ith a %or" or s"e!er but not so%t.
.rain? cool and peel. Slice into N7inch slices. Set aside.
J. Fn a hea/y %rying7pan? heat a ^ cup o% oli/e oil o/er &ediu& high heat %or t!o
&inutes. 4dd the sliced onion and sautU %or about Q or R &inutes until the onions
are translucent and slightly bro!n. Stir in the garlic and re&o/e %ro& the heat.
L. +o asse&ble? lay hal% the potatoes in the botto& o% a casserole. #o/er the& !ith
hal% the cod and then hal% the onion. Repeat !ith the rest and dri22le the rest o% the
oli/e oil o/er the top.
Q. $a"e %or about 20 &inutes in a J00VFK200V# o/en until the top is lightly bro!ned.
R. -arnish !ith oli/es and hard7boiled egg slices. Sprin"le !ith parsley.
O. Ser/e %ro& the casserole !ith a cruet o% oli/e oil and port /inegar on the side.
Ta"G Cosi
$a"ed la&b and yoghurt
1^ lbs la&b
J tablespoons butter (^ stic")
2 cups rice
salt? pepper
For yoghurt sauce
1 tablespoon %lour
J tablespoons butter (^ stic")
1ltr yoghurt
L eggs
salt? pepper
1. #ut &eat in L ser/ing pieces? sprin"le each piece !ith salt and pepper? and ba"e in
a &oderately7heated o/en !ith hal% the butter? basting the &eat !ith its gra/y no!
and then.
2. 9hen &eat is hal%7ba"ed? add rice.
P. Re&o/e the ba"ing pan %ro& the o/en and lea/e it aside !hile you prepare the
yoghurt sauce.
J. SautU %lour in butter until &iBed thoroughly.
L. ,iB yoghurt !ith salt? pepper and eggs until a uni%or& &iBture is obtained? and
%inally stir in the %lour7butter &iB.
Q. Put the sauce &iBture in the ba"ing panD stir it !ith the &eat pieces and ba"e at
1S0Y# %or about JL &inutes. Ser/e hot.
BoH de Camarao
P lbs (1.2"g) &ediu& si2e shri&p
P lb (1.2"g) yucca root (cassa/a? &anioc)
2 cups onion? chopped
P clo/es garlic? chopped
^ cup oli/e oil
Q &ediu& to&atoes? peeled and seeded (or a large can o% !hole to&atoes)
N cup cilantro? chopped
2 cups coconut &il"
N cup pal& oil (also "no!n as dende)
add salt and pepper to taste
1. Peel and cut the &anioc and put in a pan !ith cold !ater and salt.
2. #oo" until tender? drain and reser/e both the coo"ed &anioc and the liquid.
P. .iscard any &anioc %ibre.
J. Esing a %or"? &ash the &anioc !hile still hot. Ese so&e o% the liquid to help in the
process. .o not use a blender or %ood processor.
L. Peel and de7/ein the shri&p.
Q. SautU the onion and garlic in the oli/e oil until !ilted.
R. 4dd ^ o% the chopped cilantro and the to&atoes? stirring !ell.
O. 4dd the 2^ lb (1"g) shri&p and coo" it (about 1L &inutes).
S. 4dd the purUed &anioc.
10.#hec" the a&ount o% liquid and add &ore o% the reser/ed &anioc liquid to thin the
&iBture? i% necessary.
11.4dd the coconut &il"? the re&aining cilantro and the pal& oil.
12.#hec" %or salt and pepper.
1P.Ser/e !ith !hite rice.

$ulgogi? %ire bee% or 8orean barbecue

1"g bee% (!hate/er part? suitable %or grilling)? thin sliced
P onions? sliced thinly
O button &ushroo&s? sliced
PKJ cup soy sauce
1KJ cup sugar
J tbsp sesa&e oil
J tsp pepper
172 tbsp &inced garlic
1. Slice the bee% as thinly as possible.
2. #o&bine all the ingredients in a big bo!l.
P. ,arinate bee% and /egetables %or at least P0 &inutes. ,arinating o/ernight !ill get
the best %la/our tenderness.
J. -rill the bee%.
L. Ser/e !ith rice.
For the ragu
J tbsp oli/e oil
J celery stic"s? %inely chopped
2 carrots? %inely chopped
1 &ediu& onion? %inely chopped
2 garlic clo/es? peeled and crushed
1 sprig rose&ary
R00gK1lb So2 bee% &ince
PJ0gK12o2 por" &ince
1 bottle red !ine (RL0&lK2Q^%l o2)
2 B J00gK1Jo2 cans to&atoes? roughly chopped
200&lKR%l o2 bee% stoc"
salt and %reshly ground blac" pepper
For the becha&el sauce
1 litreK1_ pints !hole &il"
2 bay lea/es
N onion
pinch %reshly grated nut&eg
L0gK2o2 butter
L0gK2o2 plain %lour
For the lasagne
1J sheets %resh lasagne pasta
P 12LgKJ^o2 balls &o22arella? cut into s&all cubes
s&all hand%ul grated par&esan
%reshly ground blac" pepper
2 tbsp butter
1. Preheat the o/en to 1O0#KPL0FK-as J
2. For the ragu? heat the oli/e oil in a %rying pan o/er a lo! heat and %ry the celery?
carrots and onion %or approBi&ately 1L &inutes? until so%tened and golden. 4dd the
garlic and rose&ary and %ry %or t!o &ore &inutes.
P. 4dd the bee% and por" &ince and coo" until the liquid %ro& the &eat has been
J. Pour in approBi&ately J00&lK1J%l o2 o% red !ine and stir !ell. #oo" %or
approBi&ately JL &inutes.
L. 'nce the !ine has e/aporated? add the to&atoes and stoc". *ea/e the &iBture
unco/ered to coo" slo!ly %or t!o hours. +op up !ith &ore !ar& stoc" i% necessary.
Season !ith salt and %reshly ground blac" pepper to taste.
Q. +o &a"e the becha&el sauce? place the &il" in a large non7stic" saucepan? add
the bay lea/es? onion and nut&eg and gently bring to the boil.
R. Fn a separate saucepan &elt the butter and add the %lour. $eat !ell and coo" %or
t!o &inutes. Re&o/e the &il" %ro& the heat and add a little to the %lour &iBture.
#o&bine !ell? and !hen all the &il" has been absorbed? add a little &ore. #ontinue
to do this until all the &il" has been added? !his"ing continually.
O. For the lasagne? blanch the pasta in salted boiling !ater %or three &inutes. Spoon
a third o% the becha&el sauce into the botto& o% a lasagne dish in a layer? then
place so&e o% the pasta strips o/er the top. Follo! this !ith so&e o% the &o22arella
and par&esan? and sprin"le o/er %reshly ground blac" pepper. Follo! !ith a layer o%
ragu. Repeat this step t!ice until all the ingredients ha/e been used up. .ot "nobs
o% butter o/er the sur%ace and coo" in the o/en %or P0 &inutes? or until golden7bro!n
on top and co&pletely coo"ed through.
Risotto is an Ftalian rice dish? &ost popular in the north o% Ftaly. istorically? risotto is the
na&e gi/en to all recipes that use rice as the &ain co&ponent and are ser/ed as %irst dish
in a traditional Ftalian lunch or dinner.
-enerally the rice is slo!ly coo"ed in stoc"? but other liquids can be used. 9hatGs
described here is a basic risotto recipe. Sha/ed? grated or ground par&esan cheese is
al&ost al!ays sprin"led on top. Ft can be eaten as is? but risotto is generally en5oyed !ith
one or t!o ingredients added. Fn Ftaly? risotto is? li"e pasta? usually ser/ed as %irst course?
the second course being &eat or %ish.
J00 gra&s risotto rice (plu&p? &ediu& grain rice that contains a lot o% starch? the
types 4rborio? #arnaroli or Vialone 1ano are traditionally best)
1 onion
1 clo/e o% garlic
1 glass o% dry !hite !ine
2L gra&s (1 ounce) butter (a good rich butter is best)
about a litre o% stoc"Kbroth? but itGs a good idea to ha/e &ore than you need (as the
a&ount needed is di%%icult to predict). 9hat type o% stoc" depends on the %la/our
youGre trying to achie/e? but since the %la/our o% the stoc" !ill beco&e the &ain
%la/our o% the dish? good stoc" is critical. F% using bought stoc" canned is better than
cubes or po!der? &a"ing your o!n is really the only !ay (see soups and starters %or
recipe and ad/ice). ,a"e sure the stoc" isnGt too strong or too salty? as it !ill be
greatly condensed. ,a"e sure the stoc" is clear too? or the teBture o% the risotto !ill
beco&e gritty .
,a"e sure your stoc" is si&&ering be%ore you begin. FtGs i&portant that the te&perature is
as high as possible? !ithout letting the stoc" boil. +he sur%ace o% the stoc" should 5ust be
&o/ing a little. 4 large thic" pot is best %or the risotto.
1. Finely chop the onion and garlic and s!eat the& /ery gently (coo" o/er &ediu&
heat? !ithout letting the& bro!n) in so&e butter or oli/e oil. +his is "no!n as a
so%%ritto in Ftaly.
2. 4dd the rice and coo" until it has a transparent loo" (this shouldnGt ta"e long). 4dd
so&e salt and pepper.
P. 4dd the !ine. 4 hot pan !ill cause the alcohol to e/aporate &ore quic"ly (and
create a nice dra&atic e%%ect)? but &a"e sure you donGt burn the rice or the so%%ritto.
J. 4s the !ine coo"s a!ay you !ill see the re&aining liquid getting thic"er as itGs
absorbing the starch %ro& the rice. 9hen itfs &ore or less gone? add so&e stoc".
.o not add too &uch stoc". +he rice should ne/er be sub&erged in stoc". 8eep
stirring it and "eep adding &ore stoc" as it coo"s a!ay. +his should ta"e about 1L
to 20 &inutes.
L. +aste to see i% the rice is done. +he rice should be so%t? but ha/e enough bite to it to
%eel the indi/idual grains o% rice. +he choice bet!een a liquid risotto or a %ir&er one
is a &atter o% personal pre%erence.
9hen put on a plate? it should spread out slo!ly. F% it sits still? it needs so&e &ore stoc"D i%
thereGs liquid co&ing %ro& the risotto? it needs to coo" do!n a bit &ore.
1. 9hen itGs done? stir in the butter in s&all chun"s at the ti&e? taste to get the a&ount
o% butter right. Season !ith &ore salt and pepper to taste.
2. *et it rest %or a %e! &inutes? and then ser/e. Risotto !onGt "eep ? but rehydrating it
!ith so&e soup or stoc" can yield edible results.
+his is only the &ost basic risotto recipe. 4dd ingredients only at the beginning
(through the so%%ritto? !hen they need to coo" !ith the rice) or at the /ery end (%or
ingredients that lose their %la/our !ith too &uch coo"ing? such as herbs). F% you !ant
to use ingredients that require a /ery speci%ic coo"ing ti&e? li"e potatoes or broccoli?
itGs best to blanch the& in ad/ance? and add the& to the risotto at the /ery end. FtGs
/ery di%%icult to add the& to the risotto hal%!ay so that they !ill be coo"ed per%ectly
!hen the risotto is done. F% you !ant the %la/our o% the stoc" to be present in these
ingredients? blanch the& in the stoc". For so&e ingredients? li"e &ushroo&s? the
coo"ing ti&e isnGt eBtre&ely i&portant. +hese can si&ply be added to the risotto
so&e!here along the line.
4 co&&on &ista"e in &a"ing risotto is to add too &uch o% the eBtra ingredients. +he
star o% the dish is the rice? and only /ery little else is needed.
+hin" o% risotto as a !ay o% &a"ing stoc" edible !ith a %or"I the quality o% the stoc"
you use is the &ost i&portant %actor in the quality o% your risotto.
Ese a di%%erent type o% liquor to replace the !hite !ineD /od"a? !his"ey? cha&pagne
and ,artini !or" !ell. 8eep in &ind that the colour o% the liquor !ill a%%ect the rice.
Esing red !ine !ill create a red risotto. RosU !ine !ill &a"e a pin"Kpurple risotto.
Sa%%ron added to the stoc" is risotto alla ,ilanese.
Esing large roasted breadcru&bs instead o% par&esan cheese !ill create a nice
contrast in teBture !ith the risotto. Put the breadcru&bs on top o% the risotto at the
last &inute and donGt stir? or they !ill soa" up too &uch &oisture and lose their
Cottage *ie
+here are a lot o% people !ith di%%erent /ersions o% !hat cottage and shepherdGs pie are?
the truth is quite si&ple cottage pie is &ade !ith la&b and shepherdGs pie is &ade !ith
&utton. +raditionally le%to/er &eat !as used !hich still %ollo!s the sa&e recipe as belo!?
but !ithout the need to bro!n the &eat? although it !ill need to be shredded or %inely
JL0g &inced la&b
1.P"g po!dery old potatoes? such as 8ing (d!ards
1 large or 2 s&all onions
2 tbsp %lour
2 cups bee% stoc" (alternati/ely? stoc" cubes can be used? or gra/y po!der? i% the
%lour is o&itted)
a hand%ul o% &iBed /egetables such as peas and carrots
&iBed herbs
1. $ro!n the &ince in a %rying pan. +here is no need to add oil? as the &eat is %atty
2. Finely chop the onion and lightly %ry in a little butter until clear.
P. 4dd the onions to the &ince along !ith the &iBed herbs and so&e pepper.
J. Sprin"le the %lour o/er the &iBture and stir and coo" %or P 7 J &inutes (i% using gra/y
po!der? o&it this step).
L. #o/er !ith bee% stoc" (or add !ater and bee% bouillonKgra/y po!der) and si&&er %or
P0 &inutes.
Q. ,ean!hileI
i. Peel? chop and boil the potatoes %or 20 &inutes until coo"ed.
ii. 'nce the &eat is coo"ed? s"i& o%% the eBcess %at? then boil rapidly to reduce
the liquid until it 5ust co/ers the &ince and onions.
iii. .rain the potatoes /ery !ell until co&pletely dry. ,ash until s&ooth and %ree
o% any lu&ps.
i/. 4dd butter to the &ashed potato? taste and ad5ust the seasoning.
/. 4dd enough &il" to &a"e the &ash /ery so%t (hea/y &ash !ill not %loat
properly on top o% the &ince).
R. Put &ince &iBture in a shallo! o/en proo% dish.
O. Spread the &ash on top o% the &eat and brush the tops o% the potatoes !ith &elted
S. F% desired? sprin"le the grated cheese on top o% the &ash.
10.Spi"e the top !ith a %or" @ that is? rough up the sur%ace o% the &ash !ith a %or".
11.#oo" in a hot o/en %or about P07L0 &inutes until the top is golden bro!n.
12.Ser/e !ith peas or beans.
+ +
Fn 3apanese cuisine? sushi is /inegared rice? usually topped !ith other ingredients
including %ish (coo"ed or uncoo"ed) and /egetables. 'utside o% 3apan? sushi is so&eti&es
&isunderstood to &ean the ra! %ish by itsel%? or e/en any %resh ra!7sea%ood dishes. Fn
3apan? sliced ra! %ish alone is called sashi&i and is distinct %ro& sushi? as sashi&i is the
ra! %ish co&ponent? not the rice co&ponent. Sushi can be eaten as is or dipped into shoyu
(3apanese soy sauce) and then eaten.
Types o# Sushi
Sushi types include &a"i2ushi? nigiri2ushi? oshi2ushi? and inari2ushi.
,a"i2ushi (rolled sushi)? or &a"i %or short? is the "ind that is &ost co&&on outside o%
3apan as it is basically sushi layered on top o% nori? rolled into a tube? and cut into thic"
slices. (asy to &a"e and e/en easier to &ass produce.
1igiri2ushi (hand %or&ed sushi)? or nigiri %or short? is? a hand7%or&ed s&all bed o% rice !ith
an ingredient on top (ranging %ro& tuna or sal&on to eel or egg). 1igiri sushi that is ser/ed
!ithout the rice is called sashi&i. -un"an&a"i (battleship roll or boat sushi) is a nigiri2ushi
!here an o/al piece o% sushi rice is surrounded by nori and topped !ith a topping such as
%ish eggs.
'shi2ushi (pressed sushi) is si&ilar to nigiri2ushi but it is %or&ed by pressing !ith the aid
o% an oshiba"o? a !ooden &old. -enerally? the topping is placed in the oshiba"o %irst? the
rice is added on top? then the co&bination is pressed together !ith the oshiba"o top or lid.
4%ter pressing? the sushi is re&o/ed and cut to ser/ing si2es.
Fnari2ushi (stu%%ed sushi) is generally a poc"et or pouch containing the rice and other
ingredients. ,aterials used to &a"e the poc"et include to%u? bean curd? egg? and cabbage
Sai"u2ushi is an artistic type o% sushi? !here the rice is tinted !ith di%%erent colours and
later sliced to &a"e an i&age.
#hirashi2ushi? is scattered sushi !ith rice in a boB or bo!l and sea!eed on top. .i%%erent
"inds o% sea%ood and %ish are placed on top? including octopus? squid? tuna? alongside !ith
chopped cucu&bers and green onion. #hirashi2ushi has t!o &ain regional types? the
/ersion o% +o"yo? and the 'sa"a Version.
(do&ae? or +e&a"i2ushi? is one o% the &ost co&&on types o% sushi? !ith rice and %ish
rolled up in sea!eed. #rab? octopus? tuna? shri&p? and se/eral other types o% sea%ood is
rolled up inside the rice. Ft is e/en %ound in con/enience stores in 3apan.
Sashi&i (basically sliced ra! sea%ood? &ostly %ish !ithout any rice) is o%ten the &ost
artistic %or&? !ith thin slices o% %ish and shell%ish being %or&ed into a range o% di%%erent
shapes? especially %lo!ers. 9hile technically not sushi? sashi&i is o%ten grouped together
!ith the di%%erent types o% sushi.
Eating Sushi
4n authentic sushi7eating eBperience can include &iso soup? &a"i2ushi (sushi rolls)?
sashi&i (pieces o% %ish !ith no rice)? nigiri2ushi and garnishes o% !asabi? soy sauce and
pic"led ginger. ot? %resh? green tea is an eBcellent be/erage to drin" !ith your &eal or
beer. Sa"e is not usually consu&ed !ith sushi? because it is &ade %ro& rice it is
considered to be too &uch rice in one &eal.
4lthough &any 9esterners &iB the !asabi and soy sauce together in the pro/ided dish?
this is not authentic? and is not reco&&ended because it dulls the taste o% the !asabi.
Fnstead? add a little soy sauce to the s&all dish? and i% !asabi is desired? add it to the sushi
directly. 1oteI Fn 3apan? sushi che%s !ill apply a s&all a&ount o% !asabi to the appropriate
types o% sushi during preparation. For eBa&ple? sushi that %eatures its o!n unique sauce
!ill be prepared sans !asabi so as not to co&pro&ise the %la/our.
Sushi can be eaten !ith chopstic"s or by handD nigiri sushi in particular &ay be eaten by
hand because the rice is pac"ed lightly and &ay %all apart i% eaten !ith chopstic"s. 9hen
dipping nigiri sushi in sauce? the best &ethod is to dip the %ish? !hich is !hat the soy sauce
is supposed to %la/our? and not the rice? !hich !ould absorb too &uch soy sauce.
,any people start !ith a &ild sushi? such as ta&ago (a s!eet? cold o&elette on rice)? and
end !ith a stronger taste at the end o% the &eal? li"e a dar"er %ish. $et!een di%%erent ite&s
it is reco&&ended that a piece o% pic"led ginger be eaten to cleanse the palate and ensure
that none o% the subtle %la/ours o% the sushi is &issed.
'aking Sushi
+he best sort o% Sushi to start !ith i% you ha/e ne/er &ade Sushi is +e&a"i2ushi? because
it is hand rolled you do not need and special equip&ent . F% you are ser/ing it as part o% a
&eal then all you do is coo" the rice and chop !hiche/er %illings you pre%er and your
guests asse&ble their o!n &eal.
P 1KP cups short grain rice
J cups !ater? plus 1KJ cup !ater
Q tablespoons rice /inegar
L tablespoons sugar
P teaspoons salt
*ossi&e #i&&ing ingredients4
(ggplant (grilled 3apanese)
+o%u (&ade crisp by %rying)
#ucu&ber (#hinese7!ithout seeds? or regular is also o")
9ilted spinach
$ell peppers? 5ulienned
Scallions? 5ulienned
Sno! peas? 5ulienne
'ethod - Sushi Rice
1. Rinse rice in !ater until the !ater runs clear and then drain in a colander %or 1 hour.
2. Place the drained rice in a rice coo"er or in a pot !ith a tight7%itting lid and add J
cups !ater.
P. '/er &ediu& heat? co/er and bring the !ater to a boil. $oil %or about 2 &inutes?
reduce heat and allo! to si&&er %or another L &inutes.
J. Reduce heat to lo! and coo" %or about 1L &inutes? or until !ater has been
L. Re&o/e %ro& the heat? re&o/e lid? and place a to!el o/er pot.
Q. Replace lid and let stand %or 10 to 1L &inutes.
R. 9hile the rice coo"s? co&bine /inegar? sugar and re&aining 1KJ cup !ater in a
O. eat o/er lo! te&peratures? stirring? until sugar and salt dissol/e. *et cool.
S. (&pty rice into a non &etallic tub and spread it e/enly o/er the botto& !ith a
!ooden spoon.
10. Run the spatula through the rice in slicing &otions to separate the grains.
11. 9hile doing this? slo!ly add /inegar &iBture.
12. 4dd only as &uch as is necessaryD the rice should not be &ushy.
'ethod I assem&ing Temaki
Place a hal% sheet o% nori hori2ontally in %ront o% you on your &at.
Place rice on le%t third o% nori? lea/ing border o% nori all around. Place %illing /ertically
across &iddle o% rice. Fold near corner o% nori o/er to begin %olding into cone shape.
#ontinue to roll until cone is %or&ed.
Ser/e !ith pic"led ginger? !asabi and soy sauce as condi&ents

Barecued Sir&oin (ith Chimichurri
For the chi&ichurri sauce
27P long red chillies? seeds re&o/ed? %inely chopped
10712 garlic clo/es? peeled? %inely chopped
2 large hand%uls %inely chopped curly7lea/ed parsley? lea/es only
J heaped tsp dried oregano
2 tsp sea salt %la"es
L tbsp red !ine /inegar
L tbsp eBtra /irgin oli/e oil
L tbsp cold !ater
For the barbecued sirloin
1 B 2"gKJ^lb !ell7hung boneless bee% sirloin? not rolled (!eight a%ter bone re&o/ed)
%reshly ground blac" pepper
1. For the chi&ichurri sauce? place the chopped chillies and garlic into a bo!l.
2. 4dd the re&aining chi&ichurri sauce ingredients and stir !ell until co&bined. #o/er
the bo!l !ith a sheet o% cling %il&? then set the &iBture aside %or J7Q hours to allo!
the %la/ours to in%use? or pre%erably o/ernight.
P. 'ne and a hal% hours be%ore ser/ing the &eal? light the barbecue outdoors and
lea/e the coals to heat through %or one hour.
J. 9hen the coals are !hite hot and the %la&es ha/e died do!n? suspend a coo"ing
rac" 2Lc&K10in abo/e the coals.
L. Season the bee% sirloin all o/er !ith salt %la"es and %reshly ground blac" pepper?
then place the seasoned bee% sirloin? %atty7side do!n? onto the coo"ing rac". (1$I
Fdeally? during coo"ing? the barbecue should be co/ered !ith a lid and the /ents
should be open.)
Q. Sear the %atty side o% the sirloin %or J7Q &inutes? or until golden7bro!n? then turn the
bee% o/er and continue to coo" %or 2072L &inutes.
R. +urn the sirloin stea" o/er again and continue to coo" %or a %urther 20 &inutes (%or
&ediu&)? or until the sirloin is barbecued to your li"ing.
O. 9hen the bee% sirloin is coo"ed to your li"ing? re&o/e it %ro& the barbecue and set
aside to rest %or ten &inutes? be%ore car/ing into thic" slices.
S. +o ser/e? arrange 27P slices o% the barbecued bee% sirloin onto ser/ing plates and
spoon o/er the chi&ichurri sauce.
Chi&e con Carne
2L0g dried red "idney beans or 2BJ10g cans? drained
S00g ripe to&atoes? s"inned
S00g braising stea"
J tbsp /egetable oil
2 onions? chopped
^71 tsp hot chilli po!der or cayenne pepper
1 rounded tbsp papri"a
1 tbsp cu&in seeds
2 tbsp dar" &usco/ado sugar
P garlic clo/es? crushed
Q00&lK1 pint bee% or chic"en stoc"
salt and %reshly ground blac" pepper
soured crea& or cr`&e %ragche? to ser/e
roughly chopped %resh coriander? to garnish
1. F% youGre using dried beans? put the& in a bo!l? co/er !ith plenty o% cold !ater and
lea/e the& to soa" %or at least O hours? or o/ernight.
2. .rain the beans? tip into a pan and co/er !ith %resh !ater. $ring to the boil and boil
rapidly %or 10 &inutes. .rain and reser/e. Roughly chop the to&atoes.
P. #ut &eat into 172c&K^7_in cubes? discarding any eBcess %at. Pat dry on "itchen
paper and season !ith salt and pepper. eat hal% the oil in a large? hea/y7based
saucepan or sautU pan until /ery hot. Fry hal% the &eat? %or about 10 &inutes or until
!ell bro!ned. .rain !ith a slotted spoon and set aside. Repeat !ith the re&aining
oil and &eat.
J. 4dd the onions to the pan !ith the chilli? papri"a? cu&in and sugar and %ry /ery
gently %or O710 &inutes until deep golden and cara&elised. Return the &eat to the
pan !ith the garlic? to&atoes? stoc" and red "idney beans (i% using canned beans?
add %or the last P0 &inutes o% coo"ing ti&e). $ring to the boil? reduce the heat and
si&&er? unco/ered? on the lo!est setting %or 1N71^ hours until the &eat is
&eltingly tender. #hec" the seasoning and ser/e !ith spoon%uls o% soured crea& or
cr`&e %ragche? and plenty o% coriander.
Chi&&i chicken and a"ocado sa&sa
J large s"inless boneless chic"en breasts? !eighing about 200g each
1 tsp chilli po!der
1 tsp s!eet papri"a
2 tsp crac"ed blac" peppercorn
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp chopped thy&e
1 tsp chopped parsley
1 tsp oli/e oil
For the Pinto and 4/ocado Salsa
1 tin pinto beans? drained
1 s&all red onion? %inely chopped
172 large red chillies? sliced
2 a/ocados? peeled? stoned and diced
J tbsp chopped %resh coriander
2 tbsp le&on 5uice
Q tbsp eBtra /irgin oli/e oil
salt and %reshly ground blac" pepper
1. Re&o/e the chic"en %ro& the %ridge and allo! about one hour to co&e to roo&
2. ,iB together the spices? seasoning? herbs and hal% the oli/e oil. Rub the &iBture into
the chic"en.
P. -rill o/er hot coals or on a preheated? ridged? grill pan? %or about eight &inutes on
each side? basting !ith the re&aining oil.
J. +o &a"e the salsa? gently stir together all the ingredients in a large bo!l and allo!
to stand %or ten &inutes be%ore ser/ing.
*atagonian ,am
20gK_o2 dried porcini &ushroo&s
2 B 22LgKOo2 la&b loin %illets
2 tsp red !ine /inegar
1 onion? %inely chopped
P garlic clo/es? %inely chopped
1 tsp chopped %resh rose&ary
1 tbsp chopped %resh parsley
^ tsp dried oregano
^ tsp sugar
^ tsp salt? or to taste
^ tsp %reshly ground blac" pepper
2L0gKSo2 strea"y bacon or pancetta
1. Preheat the o/en to 1O0#KPL0FK-as J.
2. Soa" the porcini &ushroo&s in hot !ater %or 20 &inutes? then chop? discarding the
P. +ri& any sine! %ro& the loin %illets and set aside.
J. Place the chopped porcini into a &ini %ood processor !ith the re&aining ingredients?
eBcept the la&b and bacon? and blend to %or& a paste. (pestle and &ortar can be
used instead o% a %ood processor)
L. Place hal% o% the bacon rashers side by side on a chopping board to %or& a sheet.
Place one la&b %illet o/er the rashers at one end? so it can be rolled up.
Q. Spread hal% the paste e/enly o/er the top o% the %illet. +hen roll the %illet? !rapping it
up in the bacon sheet.
R. Repeat the process !ith the second %illet.
O. Place the t!o %illets in a roasting tin? &a"ing sure the rasher ends are tuc"ed under
the %illet.
S. +rans%er to the o/en and roast %or 1L &inutes %or &ediu&7rare &eat? 20 &inutes %or
&ediu& and 2L &inutes %or !ell done. Re&o/e %ro& the o/en and set aside to rest
%or L710 &inutes.
10. Ser/e !ith &ash and root /egetables.
,omo Sa&tado
S00g o% bee% tenderloin or other tender stea"
N cup red !ine
2 tablespoons o% crushed garlic
2 &ediu& onions cut in strips
J to&atoes chopped into quarters
L potatoes peeled and cut into strips %or %rying
1 yello! Peru/ian #hilli Pepper (a5i) cut into thin strips
1 tablespoon o% /inegar
2 tablespoons o% soy sauce
/egetable oil %or %rying
salt and pepper
1. #ut the &eat into thin strips and &arinate the& in the !ine %or 1 hour.
2. Ese a !o" to coo" garlic in oil o/er &ediu& heat and add the &eat. Reser/e the
P. 4dd the to&atoes? salt and pepper. #oo" a %e! &inutes.
J. 4dd the soy sauce !hile stirring the &eat in the !o".
L. 4dd the onions? a5i strips? coriander and /inegar. #o&bine the 5uice %ro& the &eat.
Q. Fry the potatoes in a separate pan and add to the other ingredients.
R. Ser/e the dish !ith !hite rice.
1 "ilogra& o% bee% &ince
1K2 cup o% breadcru&bs
2 eggs
gra/y po!der or %lour
/arious herbs
1. Place bee% &ince in &iBing bo!l !ith eggs? breadcru&bs and your %a/ourite herbs
and seasoning.
2. ,iB thoroughly.
P. 9hen %ully &iBed? re&o/e one hand%ul and &ould into a the shape o% a /ery thic"
ha&burger patty.
J. Roll the rissole in either %lour or gra/y po!der (depending on your pre%erences).
L. #oo" on a hotplate? $$6 or in a %rying pan on a &ediu& heat until coo"ed through
and outer layer is crunchy.
Ce"iche or Ceiche
+he origins o% #e/iche can be traced bac" to pre7#olo&bian ti&es and the ,oche
ci/ilisation in !hat is no!adays 1orthern Peru ? !hen the 5uice %ro& the +u&bo %ruit (also
called the $anana Passion%ruit 7 a type o% long passion %ruit !ith quite a bitter? acidic taste)
!as used to Hcoo"H the %ish. 9hen the Fncas ca&e later they ate salted %ish prepared using
%er&ented 5uice %ro& &ai2e? "no!n as #hicha. Ft !asnGt until the Spanish arri/ed that a
&ore recognisable %or& o% #e/iche using *i&e or *e&on 5uice and 'nion.
1"g o% !hite %ish (Sea $ass or so&ething si&ilar)
5uice %ro& about Q large li&es
2 red peppers? diced
2 %inely diced 5alape[o peppers (or chilli o% your pre%erence)
salt and pepper to taste
1 large onion? sliced into hal%7rings
bunch o% %inely chopped #oriander (cilantro)
2 lettuce lea/es per plate
2 7 P corn cobs cut into 2 inch pieces? coo"ed as usual
P or J s!eet potatoes? boiled and peeled
1. 9ash and de7bone the %ish and cut the& into ^ inch B ^ inch chun"s.
2. Season the %ish !ith salt? pepper? red pepper and 5alape[o. ,arinate the %ish %or 1
hour to bcold coo"b. Tou should ha/e enough li&e 5uice to co&pletely co/er the %ish.
P. 4dd onion. ,iB gently. ,arinate %or 1 &ore hour.
J. Ser/e on a bed o% lettuce and add t!o pieces o% corn on the cob and a portion o%
s!eet potato.
#e/iche (an alternate spelling) can be eaten as an entrUe as !ell. Fn this case? this
!ill be enough %or about ten people.
,ore traditional recipes call %or &uch less &arinating. Fn %act? so&e !ill &arinate it
%or as little as 10 &inutes total (basically 5ust the ti&e it ta"es to get the sides
ready). F% &arinating %or a s&all a&ount o% ti&e be a!are that the acidity o% the li&e
is the only thing that Hcoo"sH the %ish.
+his recipe includes cinna&on? !hich so&e regional coo"s o% -reece !ould disagree !ith?
!hile others s!ear by it. F add it because F lo/e the subtle aro&a it gi/es the &eat sauce?
and it also &as"s the &eaty s&ell per%ectly.
2 &ediu& 4ubergines ((ggplants)
2 tablespoons coo"ing salt
L tablespoons coo"ing oil
1 &ediu& onion? peeled and %inely diced
2 garlic clo/es? &inced
L00 g la&b &ince
P tablespoons to&ato paste
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 cinna&on stic"
2L0 &l bee% stoc"
salt and pepper
P00 g potatoes? peeled and coo"ed
L0 g grated cheese
For the sauce
P0 g butter
P0 g plain %lour
PRL &l &il"
L0 g grated tasty cheese
1. Slice the 4ubergine? spread on a plate and sprin"le !ith the coo"ing salt. lea/e %or
P0 &inutes. rinse and pat dry !ith paper to!el.
2. Fry the 4ubergine in a little oil until bro!n on both sides. set aside.
P. eat the re&aining oil and coo" the onion and garlic until so%tened. 4dd the &ince
and coo" until bro!ned.
J. Stir in the to&ato paste? oregano? cinna&on? stoc" and seasoning. $ring to the boil?
co/er and si&&er %or P0 &inutes.
L. Slice the coo"ed potatoes. 9hen the &eat has coo"ed? re&o/e the cinna&on stic".
Q. *ine the base o% a large ba"ing dish !ith hal% o% the 4ubergine and pour o/er hal%
the &eat &iBture. +op !ith the rest o% the 4ubergine? then add the re&aining &eat
and %inally add a layer o% sliced potatoes.
R. For the sauce? &elt the butter? stir in the %lour and coo" o/er &ediu& heat until the
&iB turns a sandy colour. Re&o/e %ro& the heat and add all the &il" at once.
Return to the heat and? using a !his"? stir the sauce until it co&es bac" to the boil
then continue to
O. boil %or 2 &inutes. Re&o/e %ro& the heat and stir in the tasty cheese.
S. Pour the sauce o/er the &oussa"a? sprin"le !ith the cheese and ba"e in a
preheated 1O0V# o/en %or P0 &inutes or until golden bro!n.
$ee% Strogano%%
Q00 g bee% %illet or ru&p
2 tablespoons oli/e oil
P tablespoons butter
1 &ediu& onion? %inely chopped
1L0 &l !hite !ine
1L0 &l %resh crea&
salt and pepper
200 g sour crea&
1 tablespoon chopped %resh %lat7lea% parsley
1. #ut the bee% into strips 1 c& B L c&? tri&&ing o%% any %at or gristle.
2. Place 1 tablespoon oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a %rying pan o/er high heat? and
!hen the butter begins to %oa&? add hal% the bee% and coo" rapidly %or the bee% to
bro!n but still be underdone. Place the bee% in a colander or strainer to drain.
P. Place the pan bac" on the heat and add the re&aining butter to the pan? add the
onion and coo" gently until so%tened.
J. 4dd the !ine and reduce to one7third? then add the crea& and reduce by hal%. add
the bee%? stir and season !ith salt and pepper. $ring to the boil and re&o/e %ro& the
heat. stir in the sour crea&.
L. Place in a ser/ing dish and sprin"le !ith the parsley.
,insen und SpJt8&e
+his one is a slightly &odi%ied recipeD the traditional one has no to&ato and honey. $ut as
on &any Hnational &ealsH there is are di%%erent opinions. +he best is to try around until you
got your o!n best taste %or it.
+he &ost i&portant things %or a traditional taste are the /inegar and the bay (laurel)
2L0 gra&s bro!n lentils
1 carrot
27P potatoes
1 onion
2 pairs o% scalded sausage
1 large piece o% s&o"ed por" belly
2 clo/es o% garlic
1 litre o% !ater %or the lentils? itGs needed to &a"e the sauce? so donGt use &ore
J0 g butter
J0 g %lour
^ litre !ater
1 tablespoon to&ato paste
2 tablespoons red !ine /inegar
1 teaspoon honey
about 1 teaspoon salt
one or &ore bay (laurel) lea/es
1. 9ash the lentils in sie/e and coo" the& on s&all heat in one litre !ater %or J0 to L0
&inutes (there are already done lentils to buy? and dry lentils? etc. so best chec"
instructions on the lentils pac"age).
2. 20 &inutes be%ore the end o% that ti&e %ra&e add the diced carrot and onion plus
the peeled ra! potatoes? also the garlic? the sausages (%ull or in pieces)? the bay
(laurel) lea/es and the por" belly.
P. 4%ter those 20 &inutes? put the pot on the side and "eep it !ar&.
1. ,elt the butter in the little pot? add the %lour and coo" care%ully until bro!n? "eep
2. Slo!ly add the hal% litre o% !ater in s&all portions and let it boil up once.
P. 4dd the to&ato paste? the /inegar and honey? and spice !ith salt and pepper to
your li"ing? pour the content into the pot !ith the lentils and &iB !ell and "eep it
'e=ican *i88a
,eBico ) Ftaly
12 s&all corn or %lour tortillas
/egetable oil or &argarine
1 (1Q7ounce) can re%ried beans
N cup chopped onion
2 ounces %resh or canned green chilli
peppers? diced
Q tablespoons red taco sauce
P cups chopped /egetables? such
as broccoli? &ushroo&s? spinach?
and red bell pepper
^ cup (2 ounces) shredded part7s"i&
&o22arella cheese
^ cup chopped %resh
coriander (optional)
1. $rush one side o% each o% t!o tortillas !ith !ater. Press the !et sides o% the tortillas
together to %or& a thic" crust %or the pi22a.
2. $rush the outside o% the tortillas !ith a s&all a&ount o% oil or &argarine. (/enly
bro!n both sides in a heated %rying pan. Repeat !ith the rest o% the tortillas. Set
P. eat re%ried beans? onion? and hal% o% the chilli peppers together in a &ediu&
saucepan? stirring occasionally. Re&o/e %ro& heat.
J. Spread about 1hP cup o% the bean &iBture on each tortilla pi22a. Sprin"le !ith 1
tablespoon taco sauce? then top !ith ^ cup o% the chopped /egetables? 1 teaspoon
L. chilli peppers? and 1 tablespoon cheese %or each pi22a.
Q. Return to %rying pan and heat until cheese &elts. +op !ith coriander i% desired.
Ser/e i&&ediately.
Spaghetti Caronara
Traditiona& Recipe
P eggs
1 cup %reshly grated par&esan
2L0 g prosciutto? dicedc
L00 g spaghetti
12L g butter? cut into dice
%reshly ground blac" pepper
c Proscuitto is di%%erent to bacon and ha&? but all are interchangeable.
1. $eat the eggs gently !ith a %or" and add 1KP cup par&esan and the prosciutto.
2. #oo" the spaghetti in a pot o% rapidly boiling salted !ater until al dente.
P. .rain the spaghetti? then return to the coo"ing pan and &iB in the butter. once the
butter has &elted? quic"ly stir in the egg and cheese &iBture. it is i&portant that this
process be per%or&ed i&&ediately a%ter draining and replacing the spaghetti in the
pan? so that the egg is allo!ed to coo" %ro& the heat retained in the pan. .o not
turn the heat bac" on as it !ill scra&ble the eggs.
J. Sprin"le the re&aining par&esan o/er the top? season !ith the pepper and ser/e
'odern recipe
L00 g spaghetti
2 tablespoons oli/e oil
2L0 g bacon? diced
1 cup sliced portobello or button &ushroo&s (optional)
1 garlic clo/e? thinly sliced
2L0 &l thic"ened crea&
sea salt and %reshly ground blac" pepper
J eggs? lightly beaten
2 tablespoons chopped
^ cup grated par&esan
1. #oo" the spaghetti in a large saucepan o% rapidly boiling salted !ater until al dente.
2. eat the oil in a sautU pan? add the bacon and %ry until the bacon is bro!n and
slightly crisp.
P. add the &ushroo&s i% using and coo" until so%tened. add the garlic and sautU %or
another P0 seconds.
J. 4dd the crea& and bring to the boil.
L. 4dd the pasta and &iB thoroughly. season !ith salt and pepper.
Q. Re&o/e %ro& the heat and stir in the eggs and chi/es.
R. Ser/e topped !ith par&esan cheese.
Cheating recipe
L00g spaghetti
1L0g coo"ed ha& slices cut into strips
2 cans o% crea&y &ushroo& soup (or L00&l o% &ade pac"et soup)
1. #oo" the spaghetti in a large saucepan o% rapidly boiling salted !ater until al dente.
2. #o&bine !ith the !ar&ed up soup and ha& strips
White sauce
,a"es approBi&ately 1N litres
O0 g butter
O0 g plain %lour
1 litre &il"
salt and pepper
1. ,elt the butter in a saucepan o/er &ediu&@lo! heat. 4dd the %lour and stir
continually !ith a !ooden spoon until the irouBf reaches a sandy colour and teBtureD
about P@L &inutes.
2. Re&o/e %ro& the heat? add all the &il" and use a !his" to co&bine the sauce.
return to &ediu& heat and stir !ith the !his" until the sauce begins to thic"en.
-ently boil %or 2 &inutes? being care%ul not to let it burn.
P. Re&o/e %ro& the heat and season !ith salt and pepper.
4dding the &il" to the rouB bit by bit is a &ethod that is &ore traditional? but considered
outdated and ti&e7consu&ing by so&e che%s !ho %a/our the abo/e &ethod. Esing a !his"
should only be done !hen &a"ing the sauce in a stainless steel pot because an alu&iniu&
pot can tend to &a"e the sauce grey %ro& the reaction o% the di%%erent &etals. 4lso? a
!his" &ay scratch non7stic" coatings.
For a thic"er sauce? add an eBtra 20g %lour and 20g butter to the basic recipe and continue
as per the &ethod.
For a B5chame& sauce ta"e a s&all onion and stud !ith 10 !hole clo/es and 1 bay lea%?
add to the &il" and bring to the boil. Re&o/e %ro& the heat and allo! to in%use %or 10
&inutes be%ore discarding the onion and spice. +he &il" is no! ready to use in the recipe.
F% using bUcha&el sauce %or lasagne? add an eBtra 1L0 &l &il" to the recipe to thin it do!n
and re&e&ber to "eep the sauce hot so it is easy to pour.
For a 'ornay sauce add 200 g grated -ruy`re or tasty cheese once the sauce is
re&o/ed %ro& the heat. 'nly season !ith salt and pepper a%ter the cheese has &elted
as the cheese &ay be salty enough. F% using ,ornay sauce %or sea%ood crepes? then try
replacing the &il" !ith %ish stoc" %or greater %la/our.
For a (hite caper sauce add 2 tablespoons rinsed and chopped capers and 2
tablespoons chopped parsley.
'ther /ariations include adding 2 tablespoons curry paste to the coo"ed irouBf be%ore
adding the &il". 'r add 2 tablespoons o% your %a/ourite &ustard once the sauce is %inished
and be%ore it is cool. 4lso try 1 cup chopped and coo"ed &ushroo&s or cara&elised
onions? added once the sauce is %inished and re&o/ed %ro& the heat.
Teriyaki Sauce
,a"es 1 *itre
2 c. 9ater @ hot
200g. $ro!n sugar @ light
2 c. Soy sauce
1 +sp. -inger @ &inced
1 +sp -arlic @ &inced
1 +sp. 45i7,irin
1L0&l Pineapple 5uice
.issol/e bro!n sugar in !ater. 4dd re&aining ingredients and &iB !ell. Store re%rigerated
until needed.
*eri-*eri 'arinade
South 4%rica
+he !ords :ili-:ili? :iri-:iri? and :eri-:eri all are used to re%er to hot chilli peppers? sauces
and &arinades &ade %ro& the&? and %oods coo"ed !ith those sauces and &arinades.
+his spicy hot &arinade can be used on any &eat you grill or broilI chic"en? shri&p or
pra!ns? bee%? etc.
t!o or three %resh hot chilli peppers chopped (hot red peppers are typicalD 5alapeno
peppers and poblano peppers are also good)
%our tablespoons le&on 5uice or li&e 5uice (or /inegar)
%our tablespoons oil
one tablespoon cayenne pepper or red pepper? or one tablespoon dried red pepper
one teaspoon &inced garlic (or garlic po!der)
one tablespoon papri"a
one teaspoon salt
dried or %resh oregano or parsley (or si&ilar)
1. #o&bine all ingredients.
2. -rind and &iB the ingredients into a s&ooth paste.
P. 4d5ust the ratio o% cayenne pepper and papri"a to taste.
J. Rub &arinade onto &eat and allo! to &arinate in a glass bo!l %or at least thirty
&inutes (or o/ernight i% possible) be%ore coo"ing.
Peanut Sauce
2 tbsp. /egetable oil
1 &ediu& onion? peeled
2 &ediu& to&atoes? cut into bite7si2ed pieces
1 s&all aubergine? !ith or !ithout peel? cut into bite7si2ed pieces
N c. s&ooth peanut butter
N c. !ater
1. Fn a large %rying pan? heat oil o/er &ediu& heat %or 1 &inute.
2. 4dd onion and coo" until transparent.
P. 4dd to&atoes and coo" %or L &inutes.
J. 4dd eggplant and coo" %or L &inutes &ore. Fn a s&all bo!l? co&bine peanut butter
!ith the !ater and stir to &a"e a paste.
L. 4dd to to&ato and aubergine (eggplant) &iBture and stir !ell.
Q. Reduce heat to &ediu&7lo! and si&&er? unco/ered? %or 10 &inutes or until
eggplant is tender.
#reole Sauce
J tbsp. oli/e oil
1 large yello! onion? sliced into narro! !edges
1 large green bell pepper? seeded and cut into 1K2 7inch7!ide strips
Q to O clo/es garlic? peeled and &inced
2 c. to&ato sauce
1 c. red !ine /inegar
^ tsp. oregano
salt and pepper to taste
1. eat oil in a large saucepan or s"illet o/er &ediu&7high heat.
2. 4dd onion? green pepper? and garlic.
P. SautU P to J &inutes? or until onion and green pepper are so%t.
J. 4dd to&ato sauce? /inegar? oregano? and salt and pepper.
L. Reduce heat? co/er? and si&&er 10 to 1L &inutes.
,a"es about 1 cup
2 egg yol"s
1 tablespoon !hite !ine /inegar
2L0 &l light oli/e oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon le&on 5uice
1. Place the egg yol"s and /inegar in a bo!l and !his".
2. continue !his"ing and /ery? /ery slo!ly dri22ling the oil. .o this by adding only a
%e! drops at a ti&e in the beginning. as the &ayonnaise starts to thic"en? the oil can
be added a little bit %aster in a thin steady strea&.
P. 9hen all the oil has been added? season !ith salt and pepper and %inish !ith the
le&on 5uice. co/er and "eep re%rigerated %or up to J !ee"s.
S(eet and Sour
12L &l !hite /inegar
100 g !hite sugar
12L &l to&ato "etchup
L0 &l soy sauce
2 slices canned pineapple? diced
pinch o% ground ginger
1 tablespoon corn%lour
1. Place the /inegar? sugar? to&ato sauce and soy sauce together in a !o" or
saucepan. $ring to the boil and si&&er %or 1 &inute? stirring constantly.
2. 4dd the pineapple and ginger. co&bine the corn%lour and a s&all a&ount o% !ater
and &iB to %or& a paste.
P. Stir into the sauce and coo" until thic"Mi% too thic" add a little &ore !ater.
Vodka Jelly Turkish Delight
3elly crystals or cubes
.esiccated coconut
1. Prepare 5elly crystals as per pac"age? substituting &aBi&u& L0j !ater %or /od"a.
Pour into %lattish dish.
2. Place in %ridge? pre%erably o/ernight? or until set. #ut into cubes and sprin"le !ith
desiccated coconut.
P. -reat to get a party started a..
Bananas in Foil
$ananas 7 peeled
$randy (optional)
#hocolate or nutella (optional)
1. +a"e each banana and place on a piece o% %oil.
2. Sprin"le !ith cinna&on? sugar and chocolate? add a ash o% brandy.
P. 9rap into parcel and place on coals %or a %e! &inutes until banana is so%t.
Stu##ed /pp&es
4pples @ one per person
$randy or sherry
+a"e each apple and !ith a corer? re&o/e the core lea/ing a hollo! in the apple. Fn
a bo!l &iB sultanas? brandy? sugar and cinna&on together. Stu%% &iBture into each
apple. 9rap in tin %oil and place on coals. #oo" until apple 5ust so%t.
/?3/C Biscuits
1e! Cealand and 4ustralia
/?3/C iscuits ha/e long had an association !ith the 4ustraliaK1e! Cealand 4r&y
#orps (41C4#) troops sent to -allipoli during 99Fl. +he biscuit appears to be a /ariation
o% Scottish oat ca"es? said to be %ro& the Scottish7in%luenced city o% .unedin. +he recipe
!as created to ensure the biscuits !ould "eep !ell during na/al transportation to lo/ed
ones !ho !ere %ighting abroad.
2 cups plain %lour
1 cup sugar
J tablespoons golden syrup (cane syrup)
1 cup desiccated coconut
2 cups rolled oats
22L gra&s butter or &argarine
1. ,iB the dry ingredients in a bo!l? and &elt the syrup and butter in a saucepan. F%
necessary add a little !ater to the &iB.
2. ,iB the !et and dry ingredients and roll into s&all balls and %latten on o/en trays
P. $a"e at 1L0Y# (P00YF) %or about 1L &inutes.
+he %inished biscuits are quite che!y and crisp? !ith a long shel%7li%e. Esing bro!n sugar
instead o% !hite sugar gi/es &ore colour and %la/our
Scho"oladen pret2el (#hocolate Pret2els)
1K2 c butter (or &argarine)
1KJ c sugar
1 egg? large? beaten
1 tsp /anilla eBtract
1KJ c &il"
1KJ c cocoa
2 c plain %lour
#hocolate icing
2 +bsp cocoa
1 1KJ c icing sugar
2 +bsp butter (or &argarine)?&elted
1K2 tsp /anilla eBtract
1. #rea& 1K2 cup butter and the sugar until light and %lu%%y.
2. $eat in the egg? /anilla? and &il".
P. Si%t cocoa and %lour. ,iB into butter &iBture until thoroughly blended.
J. #hill dough until %ir& enough to handle (about P0 &inutes).
L. Esing 2 + dough? roll a rope about 2Lc& long bet!een your hands.
Q. Shape into a pret2el as %ollo!sI
R. ,a"e a loop bout 1 1K2 inches in dia&eter by crossing the ends?
O. lea/ing 17inch tails.
S. Flip the loop do!n o/er the crossed ends.
10. Press %ir&ly into place.
11. Place pret2els on greased ba"ing sheets.
12. $a"e at 1O0V#. %or about 10 &inutes. ,a"e %rosting in a s&all bo!l.
1P. ,iB cocoa and con%ectionersG sugar.
1J. -radually stir in butter and Vanilla.
1L. F% %rosting is too thic"? thin !ith &il".
1Q. 9hen pret2els are cool? spread !ith #hocolate icing.

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