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Are you selling pants, or

selling a dream?
Plus ninety-seven more marketing ideas, insights and inspirations
to help you sell more, build your brand and delight your customers

By Matt Heinz

Want more ideas and inspiration?

Check out Matt’s blog at:
Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................. 5
Do your customers know what they want? .............................................................. 6
Are you selling pants, or selling a dream? ............................................................... 7
Do you read enough?.................................................................................................... 8
Be Proud of Your Mistakes .......................................................................................... 9
Making voicemails work harder ............................................................................... 12
Do people know about your blog? ........................................................................... 13
What's your company made of? ............................................................................... 14
Comprehensiveness vs. Relevancy .......................................................................... 15
Three Tips for More Dynamic Presentations ......................................................... 16
Your brand & your employees.................................................................................. 17
Thanking your customers .......................................................................................... 18
Are you making things happen? ............................................................................... 19
Who controls your brand? ......................................................................................... 20
Let your customers do the marketing for you ...................................................... 21
Why we blog ................................................................................................................ 22
A great networking idea ........................................................................................... 24
Turning wait time into an opportunity ................................................................... 25
Using PR as a Direct Response Tool ........................................................................ 26
The two obvious secrets of every service business .............................................. 27
Telling relevant stories through creative channels ............................................. 28
Don't forget to dream (and then follow up) .......................................................... 29
Do you word-of-mouth? ............................................................................................. 30
Death by risk-aversion ............................................................................................... 31
Setting the mood... ................................................................................................... 32
It's about the customer, not the channel .............................................................. 33
Building blocks for effective loyalty marketing ................................................... 34
Staying focused ............................................................................................................. 35
Your customers don't believe you ........................................................................... 36
Marketing Lessons from a Police Ride-Along ......................................................... 37
Networking is easy ..................................................................................................... 40
There are no stupid ideas ......................................................................................... 41
Creating a customer-centric media plan ............................................................... 42
What does Google know about you? ....................................................................... 43
Pilferables ................................................................................................................... 44
The Un-Media .............................................................................................................. 45
Focus Externally ......................................................................................................... 46
Big goals begin with baby steps ............................................................................... 47
The (other) impact of compound interest ............................................................. 48
Planning around your email ..................................................................................... 49

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Asking "Why" ................................................................................................................ 50
Bringing theory to life ............................................................................................... 51
Making people smile .................................................................................................. 52
Excuse or opportunity? .............................................................................................. 53
How to win back my business .................................................................................. 54
Great business books aren't always about business ............................................. 55
Act like an owner ....................................................................................................... 56
My unsuccessful attempt to cancel TiVo ............................................................... 58
The Long Tail and Stadium Cakes ........................................................................... 59
Can a photograph lie? ................................................................................................ 60
Getting Organized, Part I ......................................................................................... 61
The Marketer Chasm .................................................................................................. 62
What's your paperclip? .............................................................................................. 63
Making community work (without doing a thing) ................................................. 64
Testing the bounds of permission ........................................................................... 65
Getting Organized, Part II ........................................................................................ 66
Happy Customers = Buzz, Beautiful Buzz .............................................................. 68
Thinking big, act (and spend) small ....................................................................... 69
Getting Organized, Part III ....................................................................................... 70
Building your business with customer focus .......................................................... 72
Use every opportunity to create buzz .................................................................... 74
Write about your customers, not your products .................................................. 75
Are you a cult brand in waiting? .............................................................................. 76
Don't let a good plan go to waste ........................................................................... 78
Surprise networking ................................................................................................... 80
Learning from other industries ................................................................................ 81
My top five marketing podcasts............................................................................... 82
Write your customer manifesto! ............................................................................. 84
Another example of great storytelling ................................................................... 86
Need vs. Want ............................................................................................................. 87
Write for your audience, not for yourself ............................................................. 88
Discipline ..................................................................................................................... 89
If you're a good manager... ...................................................................................... 91
Treat your customers like prospects ...................................................................... 92
Giving Away Ideas ...................................................................................................... 93
The Power of Relationships ...................................................................................... 94
The World's Greatest Ice Breaker............................................................................ 95
It's about them, not us .............................................................................................. 96
Learning & networking the old-fashioned way ..................................................... 97
The Communicative Power of Video....................................................................... 98
Why some people work hard (and some don't) ..................................................... 99
The most important skill in business .................................................................... 100
What a deli can teach us about core values ....................................................... 101
Great Service: Strategy or Objective? .................................................................. 102

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Defining "The Extra Mile" ........................................................................................ 104
Doing More With Your 24 ........................................................................................ 105
Who do you work for? .............................................................................................. 106
Recruiters are marketers, too ............................................................................... 108
Don't tell me I'm wrong ........................................................................................... 109
What would daily renewals do to your business? ............................................... 110
Why new employees are your best marketers .................................................... 111
The best marketing isn't marketing ...................................................................... 113
No marketing budget for a year... ........................................................................ 115
Ignore the critic, embrace the criticism.............................................................. 116
Fresh ideas from the magazine rack..................................................................... 117
What are you going to give up? ............................................................................. 118
Are you worth it? ...................................................................................................... 119
Be like Sarah ............................................................................................................. 120
Work to enrich your life (not define it) ............................................................... 122
Credits & Copyrights ................................................................................................ 123

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You should have written this book. And you still can.

Every day, each of us has ideas and inspiration based on the world around us.
These insights come simply by sitting in meetings, in traffic, or in the Lazy-Boy
at home. We see things in our everyday lives that make us think about their
past, their future, and their implications.

How we think about these things is impacted significantly by our worldview.

Five of us can see the same movie, and come away with very different opinions
and reactions – all based on the perceptions and experiences that shaped us up
to that point.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of those ideas and insights are gone from our
conscious almost as soon as they materialized. Yet I’m convinced that if more
of us were to write down or otherwise record those insights, and make them
available to others, we’d all be far richer as a result.

That’s what this book is about. My hope is that it gives you a single new idea
or inspiration that you can apply to your life and/or your business.

All I ask in return, is that you do the same. Start writing your book today, by
recording your reaction to the world around you. Start small, in whatever
format, length and frequency feels right to you.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to being inspired by you in the near

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Do your customers know what they want?
The short answer? Typically not. It's astonishing how many companies today
build products based on so little market research and customer feedback.
Perhaps even scarier are those who do the wrong kind of research, and make
product and business decisions on that.

A focus group, for example, is great, but is it really giving you an unbiased view
of what your customers want? Too many focus groups are dominated by one
very vocal member who gets the other heads nodding.

Even 1:1 research channels often encourage respondents to "make up" answers
when they're not sure, or to try and sound smart with something that, at the
end of the day, they don't really need and won't use.

I know it's hard, and it's not always cheap, but the best way to learn about your
customers, and to truly understand what they want and need, is to watch

Microsoft has a team of anthropologists on staff who literally move in with their
customers - and watch their every move. They don't interrupt, don't ask
question. Just watch and learn.

Because most consumers aren't able to clearly articulate what they want, or
what they need. But smart marketers and product managers can interpret
current, unbiased activity by consumers, and translate that into product
improvements and new product opportunities.

Are you asking your customers what they want, or watching them do it? How
you learn from your customers could make or break whether what you do next
will be of any interest to them.

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Are you selling pants, or selling a dream?
Lots of retailers sell clothes. Many of them sell workout clothes. Some of those
sell clothing specifically for folks who do yoga. But few retailers package this
clothing in a way that maximizes the merchandising potential. I don't really
want to buy just the pants. I want to buy the dream.

Let me start with a different analogy. I like to cook, but like many aspiring
cooks I'm largely a vicarious cook. I buy way too many cookbooks, and most sit
on my shelf unused. Why did I buy them? Because I really want to make the
food, but was drawn to purchase largely by the aspiration of cooking the food.
I liked the idea of having all the ingredients on my counter, spending a couple
hours cooking a really nice meal, wowing my wife. It all sounded good, good
enough to make me shell out $20 bucks for a cookbook I rarely use.

I bought the dream. Cookbook publishers are great at selling that dream - with
beautiful pictures of the finished product on their covers and within their

Some retailers do a better job at this than others. Let's get back to yoga pants.
Let's say my wife is in the market for yoga pants, but as a marketer I want to
help her to dream about doing the yoga. Instead of marketing just the pants,
why not market an entire collection of yoga products together? Rather than
building my Web site to feature pants in one section, shirts in another, etc. -
what if I packaged yoga-related products together? Running products together?

It's amazing to me that many bricks-and-mortar retailers get this, but fail to
execute the same strategy online. Check out how Lucy does it in their Favorite
Looks section.

Are you selling pants, or are you selling a dream?

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Do you read enough?
Not possible.

Sure, it's very easy to get lost in the daily shuffle, get too busy with work and
home, and leave behind your standard reading material. I, like many people,
occasionally lapse into a very-busy, prioritization mindset where the work in
front of me - the piles of work that will go long into the night- are more
important than reading.

Short-term, I'm probably right. Long-term, I'm definitely wrong.

And every time I pick up a magazine, flip through a Web site, or catch up on a
blog I previously found interesting, I remind myself why reading is so, so

As marketers, heck as businesspeople, we need to be constantly learning.

Constantly reinventing how we do business. Constantly questioning the way we
do business today and tomorrow.

When I force myself to stop what I'm doing for a moment and read something, I
almost always get ideas. Ideas for how to improve my job, my company, my
life. Sometimes the ideas are for me, sometimes they get shot off to others.
But I am robbing myself of personal and professional development if I stop
reading, even for a day.

Are you reading?

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Be Proud of Your Mistakes

I make my share of mistakes. Not on purpose, but sometimes things don’t work
the way I want. I conduct research, understand what my customers want, and
then develop marketing strategies to put my products in front of them. Some of
those marketing strategies don’t pan out, some messages don’t resonate, and
others don’t generate the responses I wanted.

Not success. But it is forward progress.

I failed, but that’s OK as long as I learned something from the process.

I am fortunate to work at a company that encourages, if not requires, me to

take risks and test a LOT of new ideas. HouseValues was the fastest-growing
technology company in Washington and the ninth-fastest growing tech company
in North America in 2004. That rate of growth, measured over a five-year
period, doesn’t come by only doing things we already know how to do.

Growth comes from innovation and an acceleration of new ideas and creative
thinking, across the company -- with our products, with our sales and customer
service organizations, and especially in our marketing. To keep growing at a
continued accelerated rate, we need to reinvent how we do business on a
regular basis, and find new ways to delight our customers and get our message

That means taking risks; calculated, educated guesses about what’s going to

We test a lot, and if we do that right, we are inevitably going to fail. More than

But failure isn’t all bad. Sure, it doesn’t represent immediate forward progress,
but the end result of testing will almost always be new ideas and new
strategies that otherwise would not have been discovered without an openness
to taking risks.

So failure is OK, to a point.

The key to “successful failure,” then, is three-fold:

1) Test new ideas quickly, with minimal infrastructure. Many companies

don’t test often enough in part because they want the test to go perfectly,

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which requires lining up many different resources for a small test -- a task that
can take far longer than the test may be worth. My advice? Shoe-horn it if you
need to. Mitigate risk associated with fast-tracking a test, but test quickly to
see if your overall concept or message has value. If the test is positive, you can
expand and build the required infrastructure to support a broader roll-out. If
your test doesn’t work, it’s a good thing you didn’t waste too many people’s
time with infrastructural support.

2) Evaluate success or failure, and act quickly. Know whether your test was a
success or failure as soon as possible. If it was a success, scale it quickly to
confirm that the idea still works. If your test was a failure, stop doing it fast.
Move on to the next idea.

3) Learn and move on. If your test was a failure, don’t dwell on it and don’t
cry over spilt milk! Do a quick post-mortem, even if it’s just in a meeting of
one, and evaluate what went wrong, why the test was a failure, and what you
would have done differently. A retest with different variables is an option, or
you might decide to go an entirely different direction. Either way, figure out
what you need to know and move on.

Smart companies make frequent testing a part of their culture, and that also
means having a culture that is OK with failure. But in this context, and given
the three keys to “successful failure” outlined above, frequent testing and
occasional failures will lead to more rapid innovation and growth.

How can you create a culture of open and acceptable testing?

• Keep a running list of new ideas. Conservative ideas, crazy ideas. Post
them around the office to get your team thinking about even more
ideas. Then think about what it would take to get those ideas tested as
quickly as possible. Does it require a complete change to your product?
Typically not. Could it be tested with a couple of well-placed phone
calls to trusted customers who you know will give you honest feedback?

• Make sure your team knows that failure is OK. Don’t create or foster an
environment that discourages or punishes employees for getting things
wrong now and then.

• Reward your team for innovation. This applies to agencies as well. Is

your entire in-house team, as well as any agencies you work with,
thinking outside the box? Are they taking action on those out-of-the-
box ideas? Maybe create a monthly award, or even some bonus money,

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- 10 -
for employees who have the courage to test something new and

• Dedicate time to testing. We’re all busy, typically over-booked with

work for strategies we already know will be successful. Make sure you
set aside time for brainstorming and testing. Make it a priority for
yourself and your organization.

If your company is playing it safe, and relying on what either you or others
have already done successfully, you’re likely not growing as fast as you could.

Take risks. Test often. But be accountable.

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- 11 -
Making voicemails work harder
If you've been in your current job for awhile, chances are you don't even
remember what your voicemail recording sounds like. It probably just tells
callers that you're not around, and to leave a message.

But with just a couple more seconds of airtime, couldn't your voicemail
message say something about your brand, help sell a product, or direct a
potential caller somewhere you want them to look anyway?

How about something like:

Hi, this is Matt from HouseValues. I'm currently helping another customer
make more money, but please leave me a message so I can help you with your
business as well. In the meantime, please visit HomePages.com to learn about
one of our exciting new products.

Your caller already knows how to leave a message, so you don't have to waste
valuable seconds giving him or her instructions. With the above message, I've
communicated a core benefit, let the caller know I want to do the same for
him or her, and then directed them to our new Web site while they wait for my
return call.

I bet your business has many more underleveraged marketing channels just
waiting for optimization.

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- 12 -
Do people know about your blog?
You read a lot, and you come across quite a few things you think are worth
sharing with colleagues. Marketing ideas, interesting case studies, etc.

You may, in the past, be used to sending those ideas and articles around as
"FYI" emails with links directly to the article and/or text from the article itself.

Moving forward, put a link to the article - with a brief summary and analysis -
on your blog, and send the blog link to your colleagues.

They'll get access to the same information, and you'll build awareness about
your blog at the same time. If your colleagues find what you wrote interesting,
or find the primary article you wrote about interesting, they may send it to
their own circle of friends and/or colleagues, and all of a sudden far more
people are also reading your blog.

Free and effective...

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- 13 -
What's your company made of?
Creating and maintaining a strong brand is critical for successful companies.
But the degree to which your company - your entire company - evangelizes and
embodies that brand is also critical.

Think about your own company, your mission, and your brand promise. Is your
brand promise consistent across all of your marketing communications? Good
start. Is it embodied in your products? Better.

Do your employees live it? Every day? In everything they do? Is your brand
embedded in your company's DNA?

No brand manager can do that work at his or her desk. Your brand has to be
something the entire company lives and dies by.

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- 14 -
Comprehensiveness vs. Relevancy
I've been thinking a lot lately about the relationship between
comprehensiveness and relevancy, especially as it relates to the value
customers place in various brands and services. For example, take a real estate
Web site like HomePages.com. As a home buyer, knowing that you are
searching from a database that has every home available for sale in the market
is very important. So in the case of home buying, comprehensiveness is
perfectly aligned with relevancy and value.

But what about shopping for a TV? Do I need to have access to every television
set available? Or just those that meet my criteria? If I'm looking for a 35-inch
set, for example, I don't need to be able to search from a database of every 35-
inch set manufactured. But depending on where I'm shopping, there's an
assumption that a level of comprehensiveness has already happened.

If I'm shopping at Best Buy, and looking through their TV options, I assume that
their buyers have already done completed a level of comprehensiveness in
their own shopping to bring me the best options based on quality and price.
And that's where the relevancy and value comes in.

You could say the same for the value of real estate agents. Because agents
have access to the MLS, and therefore every home for sale, an agent can cull
that comprehensiveness on your behalf, and deliver to you only the products
that meet your criteria. The real estate agent with homes for sale, therefore,
is similar to what the Best Buy buyers do for me with television sets.

Think about the products or services you offer to your customers. Is

comprehensiveness a premium? Is it directly tied to relevancy and value at the
customer level? Or can you deliver more value by delivering a level of
comprehensiveness before the customer gets to you?

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- 15 -
Three Tips for More Dynamic Presentations
This week I had the pleasure of attending a Kelsey Group conference focusing
on Local Search. It was one of those conferences with many speakers and many
panels, and I found it interesting to watch the differences between how various
executives handled their speaking opportunities.

As with many conferences like this, multiple executives from different

companies offering essentially the same services appear on a panel, yet some
executives comes across far better than others.

The difference isn't always in their products, or in their presentation content,

but largely in their delivery.

I could go on and on about public speaking best practices, but just based on the
past couple days at this conference there are three things I believe can help
any speaker stand out from the crowd:

1) Don't read your slides: If you are using Power Point slides as part of your
presentation, cut the words on the slides down to a minimum, and make sure
your taking points compliment and augment those slides. When speakers read,
or even paraphrase in linear order, audiences get bored quickly.

2) Know your content: This may seem obvious, but it's clear when speakers
don't know what slide or point is coming next, and rely too much on their
Power Point deck to remind them. If you know your content well, you likely
aren't even looking at your slides. You're looking at your audience, directly
connecting with them, which will make you far more engaging and interesting.

3) Show passion: This one is harder, as some speakers are more inclined to be
passionate than others. Passion can be communicated in many ways - use of
hands, facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. Regardless of what you're
comfortable with, or pre-disposed to, use this to your advantage.

The common theme in all three of these tips is to get your audience engaged.
Make them want to listen to you. No matter the subject or content, better
audience engagement will significantly increase how well your audience hears
your message, and whether they want to learn more.

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- 16 -
Your brand & your employees
Your employees can make a significant impact on how your brand is perceived
by customers.

Take 15 minutes and do a quick inventory of all the places where your
customers interact with your company. Yes, your marketing team may control
many channels of communications - the Web site, marketing collateral, PR,
advertising, packaging, etc.

But what about how your receptionist answers the phone? What about the
nomenclature your customer service reps use when handling customer
questions and complaints? Wait times? Response rates?

Smart companies realize that every customer touch point, every customer
experience, every customer perception impacts the brand.

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- 17 -
Thanking your customers
What are you doing to thank your customers this holiday season?

Perhaps more importantly, what's your strategy for thanking them all year

Customer love doesn't have to be contextual. In fact, a randomly-received

"thanks for your business" can be more impactful than one that follows a
particular action.

For example, of course you're thankful when a customer buys a new plasma TV.
Of course Bellagio is thankful that I just hosted a four-day conference at their

But are you thankful for your customers when they least expect it?

Show that you care, at the least-expected times, and you'll be surprised at the
impact it can have on brand perception and loyalty.

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- 18 -
Are you making things happen?
Look around your own organization, and you'll see a difference between the
people who get stuff done, and those who don't.

I think it's important to study both people - both to understand and internalize
best practices from those who consistently make things happen, and to
understand how you can best leverage the other half.

So are you a producer? Do you make things happen? Are you restless every day
before you want more - both professionally and personally?

A healthy dose of restlessness to make more things happen will inevitably help
you do exactly that.

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- 19 -
Who controls your brand?
Plenty of talk these days about what a good brand is, and whether traditional
agencies are equipped to really help companies think through to the right
brand strategy.

I've seen and worked with traditional agencies on both sides of the argument -
those whose end game is purely the ad campaign and media buy, where the
brand strategy is a loss leader, and those who truly care about the brand - and
know how to build one.

At the end of the day, however, it's simply not fair to entrust your brand
entirely to an agency. If you're the client, YOU own the brand. You, and your
executives as Jennifer also points out, need to 100% buy into the brand
strategy and how that strategy will influence every facet of your business.

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- 20 -
Let your customers do the marketing for you
I'm a big fan of Ofoto.com (now owned by Kodak, and called EasyShare
Gallery), but I think they've missed a huge opportunity the past two holiday

Ofoto is an online digital photo sharing site, where you can save photos into
online "albums" and then share those photos with friends, allow others to
purchase their own prints online, etc. It's a great service, and I've been using it
for years to share photos of hoilday gatherings, family vacations, even a
periodic update on my home remodel project.

They're doing a fine job merchandising holiday-themed items on their site,

including gift items that can have photos imprinted on them, greeting cards
and the usual.

But what if they gave away user-friendly URLs to every customer, and
encouraged their customers to create and share online holiday photo galleries
with friends and family? Whether online or via widely distributed "snail mail"
holiday greeting cards, current Ofoto customers could include a message that
said something like "see photos from our family in 2006 at

Now imagine an Ofoto URL on literally millions of holiday greeting cards

nationwide. The traffic to Ofoto based on this would be incredible, and I bet it
would immediately become their #1 traffic and membership driver at least
through the holiday season.

And the beautiful thing? It wouldn't have to cost Ofoto a thing. If they'd started
marketing this to their current customers via email and on the site as early as
late September, it would have been huge.

That may be an opportunity gone (at least for this year), but is there a similar
opportunity in your business? Is there a new feature or seasonal/contextual
spin on an old favorite that would encourage your customers to do your
marketing for you?

A few minutes of creative brainstorming could make you a marketing hero.

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- 21 -
Why we blog
There are a handful of blogs out there that are very, very well done. Church of
the Customer, Micro-Persuasion and Boing Boing, for example, have thousands
of subscribers for a reason.

But for every John Battelle, there are about a thousand Joe Six-Packs also
blogging out there.

It's no surprise that most blogs in the blogosphere are fairly mundane, and
probably don't have much readership. So why do these folks blog? Why do they

I believe it boils down to three things:

1) It's an opportunity to be part of something big. Blogging means that you're

a bonafide publisher, on the World Wide Web no less. That's quite meaningful
to most folks, and just feeling associated and a part of something bigger than
themselves has significant pull.

2) It's an outlet. It's an online diary for some people, purely a place to vent,
pontificate, wonder and muse. Readership, circulation, subscribers - it's largely
irrelevant. The fact that they've been able to put their thoughts into words,
and do it somewhere convenient that has some permanence, is sufficient.

3) Somebody might be listening. And don't we all just want someone to hear
us once in awhile? The mere idea that others may be able to find and read
one's work is enough for many amateur and occasional bloggers. It's at the core
of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends & Influence People" - people want
others to focus on them.

As marketers, we have a responsibility to tap into these common consumer

needs. How are you enabling your customers, and your prospects, to express
themselves? How are you allowing them to join something exciting, and bigger
than themselves?

Perhaps most importantly, how are you letting them be heard, and then letting
them know that they've been heard?

Whether it's via blogs, branded social networking strategies, or just your
everyday business practices, these are powerful forces at work, forces that can
be put to work for your business and brand as well.

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- 23 -
A great networking idea
Are you trying to get yourself, your business or your product noticed by
someone in your network? Or maybe you're trying to add something special to
your network?

John Jantsch suggests in his well-written Duct Tape Marketing blog that you
simply send them an unsolicited testimonial. Let them know you like what
they're doing, you like something about their product, or simply endorse their
value as a professional (appeals to vanity and self-promotion work just as well

It's a good reminder that some of the best ideas aren't always the most
complicated. Brilliance very often is found in simplicity.

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- 24 -
Turning wait time into an opportunity
Seth Godin wrote recently about a good idea for making customers on hold feel
special, and "rewarding" them for any wait time they have to endure before
talking to a live body.

Smart idea, and it should be a reminder to us of just how many underleveraged

customer touchpoints exist throughout our organization.

Think, for example, about your on-hold music. It it just pretty music? Or could
it be used to communicate something to your customers? What about replacing
that music with customer testimonials, samples of your radio commercials, or
even a soft voice talking to customers about your latest promotion?

"Thank you for calling, and we appreciate your patience. Have you heard about
our new (insert feature here)? Inquire about that feature today and save 50%."

Businesses with physical locations also typically have underleveraged

opportunities. Think about all of the businesses in which you have to wait for
something - doctor's office, chiropractor, oil changes, even take-out
restaurants. When waiting the 20 minutes for your oil and lube change, could
customers be reading something more than just two-month-old magazines? How
about educational information about auto maintenance, maybe even a video
playing about tips for keeping cars in top shape? All of this content could be
independently valuable to consumers, but also build credibility for the oil
change facility and drive repeat business.

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- 25 -
Using PR as a Direct Response Tool
Savvy marketers already know that public relations can be one of the most
effective, leveraged marketing and brand-building tools available. For very
little relative budget, public relations can get the word out to vast & targeted
audiences, in a highly credible context.

But most marketers don't think about PR as a direct response tool. With focus
and discipline, public relations can be leveraged and measured as a tool that
directly drives traffic, business and sales.

I wrote more about this for iMedia, based in part on a recent study by Delahaye
that looked at how executives across the country value various PR
measurement tools. According to the survey, direct sales as a result of PR was
seen as exceedingly meaningful, but not particularly reasonable as an
expectation of PR.

I don't buy it, and believe we absolutely should have an expectation that PR
can directly lead to sales and/or customer activity in a meaningful and
measurable way.

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- 26 -
The two obvious secrets of every service business
1. Take responsibility
2. Pay attention to detail

Every business is a service business. Experience is the product.

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- 27 -
Telling relevant stories through creative channels
Getting your company's messages heard is no small task these days. Nearly
every marketing channel is clogged, and information gate-keepers (press,
analysts, influencers) are inundated with pitches and story ideas on an hourly

To get your message across, you need to 1) have a unique, timely, and relevant
story to tell, and 2) you need to be creative about how you communicate that

Creating a relevant story shouldn't be difficult if you know your customers,

know your product, and understand what your audience (be it consumers
directly, or press, or analysts) are already interested in.

Telling that story in a unique manner is typically where many companies get
hung up. The easy channels, the standard channels, are within the reach of
everybody - and therefore impossibly clogged. Press releases still work, but
only with relevant stories - and not all of the time. Sometimes, a different
approach is required.

Case in point this morning is a uniquely-told story about the slowing real estate
market. HouseValues, Inc., which offers marketing and technology services to
real estate professionals, released a White Paper addressing how real estate
professionals can actually grow their business in the next 3-5 years, despite a
changing market.

By leveraging great press relationships and a solid understanding of what both

the industry and its influencers want to hear, the story quickly appeared in
Realty Times, one of the industry's most popular online news services.

And, the White Paper is being leveraged directly with prospective customers,
as a means of demonstrating thought leadership in an area most agents care
deeply about.

It's a relevant story, being leveraged in creative channels.

The next time you're thinking about issuing a press release, take a quick
moment to consider the story you're tell, and whether you're using the right
channel to effectively tell it.

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- 28 -
Don't forget to dream (and then follow up)
It's the second week of January and some of those New Year's Resolutions
already feel like an uphill climb. Things that felt very doable over a long New
Years Weekend now feel much more difficult. You're back into the daily grind,
personal and professional priorities are tugging at you from left and right...

But that doesn't keep the great ideas from coming. In the shower, on a run,
during the commute.

It will be far too easy to let those great ideas stay on the back burner in lieu of
today's fire fight, but don't let them fall off of the oven altogether.

Oprah, of all people, had a great suggestion in her "mission calendar" (I'm not a
loyal Oprah reader, but you spend enough time surfing the Web and you find
these things).

In summary: Find a dedicated place to record those great ideas, dreams, crazy
concepts, etc. Categorize them if you can or must, and look back on past ideas
from time to time. Think constantly about where and how those ideas could
take shape or be tested.

And don't assume that the majority of those great ideas will ever see the light
of day. Last night's epiphany might not make sense in the morning, but at least
get it on paper. A few days of perspective and the right opportunity could be
what's necessary to get the right few of those ideas into play.

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- 29 -
Do you word-of-mouth?
Word-of-mouth marketing is no longer the next thing. It's here now. Many
companies - some relatively established, some brand-new - are emerging that
focus on this marketing niche.

But it won't be a niche for long. As media continues to decentralize and

consumers become 1) more cynical, and 2) less prone to believe traditional
marketing, word-of-mouth marketing will become a critical part of your
marketing plan.

Read as much as you can now, and think about how this fits into your brand
strategy. Because what could be more powerful than your customers doing your
marketing for you?

The wickedly smart folks at Church of the Customer offer some advice for
choosing a good word-of-mouth agency, which also should help guide how you
create a strong, long-term evangelist mobilization strategy for your brands.

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- 30 -
Death by risk-aversion
Don't be afraid to take risks. That's very often easier said than done, especially
when you're working with established and successful businesses and brands that
were built based on tried-and-true practices.

But the world changes. Your customers change. Your competitors change (or
new competitors emerge). If you're sticking with what's always worked, from a
product or a marketing sense, you'll soon find yourself behind the curve (and
likely behind your competitors).

Fighting risk aversion can be one of the biggest challenges for any company, big
or small. It can also be frightening for an individual swimming upstream against
the norm.

But it's a fight worth fighting. Take strength from and leverage with colleagues
the success of others who have successfully fought risk aversion, and hence
have introduced breakthrough products or marketing ideas that previously had
been though to be crazy.

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- 31 -
Setting the mood...
Good story in Newsweek about the critical role of music in helping to market
TV shows.

But it's not just TV shows, is it? The music playing at your favorite story in the
mall helps "set the mood" for buying more shirts and skirts. Music at the
supermarket is nice and slow, to help you walk more slowly through the aisles
and buy more groceries.

And it's not just music. Numerous environmental factors influence how people
perceive your products, your business and your brands - both online and

How are you creating an environment that's more conducive to customer

action? That's consistent with your brand image? That reinforces your core
brand message and promise?

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- 32 -
It's about the customer, not the channel
Mobile marketing, for the blissfully uninitiated, is the use of handheld and
otherwise mobile channels for marketing – things like cell phones, Blackberry’s,
PDAs, even iPods. The phrase used so often by agencies these days is “triple
play”, meant to represent 1) traditional media (TV, radio, print, outdoor,
etc.), 2) online media (primarily the Internet and email), and 3) mobile media
(defined above).

I get the definition, but still believe strongly that we’re doing ourselves and
consumers a disservice when we define our marketing strategies based on
channels. Twenty years ago, there was no true Internet. Ten years ago, I guess,
we started making double plays. Now, we’re into triple plays. So what happens
when a fourth significant marketing channel develops? Is that a quadruple play?
(How many blades does that razor have, exactly?)

Smart brands and smart marketers know that a channel-based marketing focus
misses the mark. Marketing doesn’t start with channels, it starts with a
customer. It starts with his needs, her desires, his and her daily lives and how
we are making it better, easier.

Yes, we are likely trying to reach them through some type of channel
marketing strategy. But don’t think for a minute that consumers break their
daily media consumption habits into channels. They don’t think in terms of
“now is my 20 minutes of online channel time, then I’ll pay attention to my
offline channels, then I’ll be on my cell phone. Hey, that’s a triple play!”

If the phrase “triple play” helps more marketers discover mobile devices as
another means of reaching an increasingly decentralized consumer, that’s fine.
But let’s not forget that people make purchase decisions much the same way as
they always have. Based on need, emotional connection, relevance, instinct
and impulse. These drivers transcend channels.

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- 33 -
Building blocks for effective loyalty marketing
I've been thinking a lot lately about loyalty marketing, and what makes for a
successful loyalty marketing strategy. I think a lot of it boils down to product &
customer insight.

You can’t have loyal customers without a great product. If your product
doesn’t connect with your target customers, the best loyalty campaigns in the
world won’t be able to make the same kind of emotional connection.

Great marketing makes great products look even better, attract more
customers, establish more wallet and mindshare. Your marketing should serve
to communicate a brand promise that your product was built to fulfill. Great
marketing can’t save bad products.

And if you already have a great product, that means you’ve somehow managed
to understand and react to a core customer need or desire. It means you’ve
done your homework, you understand your customers better than they do, you
know where the puck will be before it gets there. This isn’t just about asking
prospective customers what they want. It’s understanding what they need and
want – both today and tomorrow. There’s a big difference.

Good brands and companies are marketing-centric, in that the above two vital
elements (good product and customer insight) don’t emerge independently
from a product development and research team. The marketing plan starts
with the consumer, then the product, then the marketing.

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- 34 -
Staying focused
What are you willing to do today, to become more successful tomorrow?

It's a simple question, but so important. Every day we have a thousand things to
do. Fire drills, distractions, way too many priorities. But staying focused on the
1-2 most important things will almost always move you ahead faster than the
many little things that often feel easier to accomplish.

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- 35 -
Your customers don't believe you
So you're a smart enough marketer that you've stopped talking about features
and product details in your copy, and you're finally talking about benefits and

But your customers don't believe you.

So is the best strategy to address directly how your company or brand benefits
your customer, or "bash" the alternative, as some argue?

Probably a combination of both. Never shy away from how your products are
intrinsically changing the lives of your customers. If you've built your products
right, they directly correlate with an existing need or pain point in your
customers' lives. There's real magic there, and honest, direct benefit messaging
will always be strong.

But I think the message here is to also "be real." Don't let your benefit
messaging fall off of the cliff and start to sound like a cliché. Prove your point
with examples, testimonials, results.

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- 36 -
Marketing Lessons from a Police Ride-Along
One of my good friends, Brandon Gill, a former Marine, is now an officer with
the Everett (Washington) Police Department. He’s been with the department
for a little over two years, and works the night shift as a beat cop on the north
side of town.

I had the privilege of riding with him last Saturday night, and it was an
incredible, eye-opening experience. I accompanied Brandon everywhere – on
911 calls, to an attempted suicide, to a stabbing scene, even to break up a
transient camp and shake down known drug dealers.

I quickly learned three things:

1. Brandon, though early in his law enforcement career, is a very good cop
2. Police work is both delicate and difficult, and takes a uniquely-gifted
individual to be successful
3. There are many analogies between good law enforcement and effective

I’m now convinced that to be an effective police officer, you need many of the
same skills that make for an effective marketer. As my evening ride-along
progressed, it became even more clear.

So what does good law enforcement have to teach us as marketers and leaders?
Here were a few of my takeaways and lessons learned “on the beat.”

Taking the initiative is always the right thing to do

From the laptop in Brandon’s squad car, he can pull up every 911 call awaiting
follow-up – including the priority and nature of each call. He could wait for the
dispatcher to assign him a call, or he could assign himself a call – which he did
most of the night. As 911 calls slowed down Brandon began actively seeking
trouble spots, circling known drug houses, and otherwise taking the initiative
rather than waiting for instruction.

He didn’t need someone back at the office or at a dispatch room to assign him
tactics. He knew his objectives – or “what success looks like” as marketers
might say – and he created a game plan to achieve it. His initiative makes him a
stand-out cop, and also allows Brandon to achieve more of his objectives
throughout the night.

People skills are critical

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And not just in that attempted suicide, which clearly required the right
balance of force and tact. As we escorted a man with a blood-alcohol level of
more than three times the legal limit to the hospital, Brandon made it clear to
the man, in reassuring tones, that we were on the way to get him help (not on
the way to the jail), and that the nurses would help him get better. When we
met an 18-year-old at her home, where she was alone and had just received
several frightening harassment calls from a former co-worker, Brandon
answered all of her questions and spent as much time as she needed to feel
safe again – even though the additional calls for his services were piling up back
at the laptop.

With situations that were far more tense, and even with situations involving
fellow officers, Brandon displayed a combination of force, tact, leadership and
confidence that showed others he was in control, and had their back.

Networking will make your job easier

I watched Brandon network with his fellow officers. With nurses at the
hospital. With drug dealers. Even homeless men huddling under the freeway
overpass, trying to stay warm. In Brandon’s eyes, all of these people could be
valuable to him down the road. Nurses can help expedite trips to the hospital
with hurt-but-under-arrest perps. That drug dealer might be an ongoing source
of valuable information about other folks up to no good (including
competitors). And the homeless? They may not have a roof over their head, or
be the most important people in town, but they know everything.

By building relationships with a wide variety of people, Brandon is setting

himself up for an ongoing flow of information, favors and expedited execution
in the weeks and months to come.

Triage, triage, triage

At any given time throughout the night, there were literally dozens of requests
for Brandon’s time. 911 calls lighting up the laptop. Traffic infractions
everywhere. Calls to assist other officers with more complicated calls. Far
more work than Brandon would ever have time to do. Sound familiar?

But Brandon didn’t let the overflow of work consume him. He knew his limits,
and was adept at focusing his time on the most pressing needs. This often
involved making real-time decision between competing requests, and even
changing course mid-call if something higher priority became apparent. In his
job, as in ours, prioritization and flexibility can enable greater effectiveness
and achievement.

Seek ways to put the balance in your favor

All night, without really thinking about it, Brandon did subtle but intensely

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valuable things to put the balance in his favor. Remember the drunk he calmed
down before taking to the hospital? That was to make sure the drunk treated
the nurses well, and wasn’t too abrasive, as nurses have long memories. When
a K-9 unit from another precinct came up to help track down a stabbing
suspect, Brandon sent a quick thank-you note via the intra-departmental
instant-messaging system before we moved to the next call. When we
suspected one driver of driving under the influence, Brandon called in the
traffic cop, who is specifically recognized by the department for drunk driving
arrests he makes.

All of these things, done throughout the night, put others subtly in Brandon’s
debt. Some debts were more tangible than others, but every move set Brandon
up for a return favor down the road.

Leverage, but do not abuse, authority

It is clear that Brandon is a leader. With colleagues and perps alike, he
emanates a calm and confident sense of leadership. He leverages this
leadership to accomplish his objectives, but does not use it in a menacing,
demeaning or abusive way. He takes control of a situation without bullying or
bossing others. He uses the right words and tone of voice for each situation to
get what he wants or needs, without overt demands or aggressive language.

Police officers are naturally in a position of authority, but good cops know that
this is an opportunity for leadership, not totalitarianism. Whether he thinks
about it or not, Brandon’s style of establishing and leveraging authority creates
credibility and results for himself and his department, by treating people fairly
and giving others their own level of control over any given situation. Leadership
isn’t just about taking command. Good leaders enable others to lead and take
action as well – whether you’re in marketing or “on the beat.”

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- 39 -
Networking is easy
I don’t think I’m very good at networking. But I’ve learned that nobody else
really thinks they’re good at networking, either.

I know many people – colleagues, friends, former co-workers, etc. – whom I

consider expert networkers. But when I ask them for the secret to their
networking success, the first think they say is how bad they think they are at
it. Everyone, even the best, thinks everyone else is better.

Networking isn’t always easy to begin with, but none of us think we’re very
good at it. So when you think about it, that should make networking a lot

The next time you attend a local networking event or a cocktail party at a
conference, keep in mind that nearly everyone else there shares your
insecurity about why they’re there in the first place. Use that as confidence to
strike up a conversation with someone, join an existing conversation in
progress, or walk up to someone you’ve always wanted to meet and introduce

But networking isn’t just about the initial conversation or introduction. It’s
largely about the follow-up. And when you follow-up with those you’ve just
met, you’re likely to be in the vast minority of networkers who have the
courage, or take the time, to do the follow up at all.

As I get older, my increasing number of “at bats” in networking opportunities is

naturally increasing my confidence as a networker. It makes me realize I
shouldn’t have been so nervous or averse to networking earlier in my career. It
particularly makes me take notice of younger colleagues who don’t yet have
that confidence, but would be 100% welcomed once they get into the pool with
the rest of us.

You see? Networking isn’t that hard. Really.

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- 40 -
There are no stupid ideas
At HouseValues, we start every brainstorming session with a few simple rules.
Perhaps most important: There are no stupid questions or ideas.

To have the most effective brainstorm, all assumptions and pretense need to
stay in the hallway. Brainstorms are about establishing new ideas, challenging
old assumptions, and thinking in a way that might otherwise be challenged or
shouted down elsewhere.

Oftentimes in brainstorms, the best ideas are brilliant in their simplicity. Great
ideas don’t always require reinventing the business. Sometimes they just
require that we open a door, turn over a stone, or otherwise make a simple
discovery that’s really just right in front of us.

Thinking in an environment where precedent, tradition and establishment can

be challenged and questioned is essentially for discovering those simple but
brilliant next steps for any business – big or small. “We’ve always done it that
way” isn’t a reasonable answer. Answering “we ran the numbers on that last
year, so we know we’re right” is equally dangerous. Last year was a LONG TIME
AGO for most businesses, where competitive landscapes and consumer
demands can changes dramatically in a matter of months, if not weeks.

Business breakthroughs are often born from stupid ideas and stupid questions.
So keep asking.

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- 41 -
Creating a customer-centric media plan
If you don't already follow the work of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association
(WOMMA), you should. They are pioneers in understanding how to amplify the
kind of brand and product evangelism that's existed among consumers for
generations, but just now is being harnessed and accelerated by smart

I recently WOMMA's Basic Training Conference, and one of the things this
conference reinforced for me is the importance of building a marketing or
media plan based on customers, not channels.

Too often, media plans are built based on a set of marketing channels
leveraged to communicate to a set of current or prospective customers. The
resulting plan is then inherently channel based, in that it tells us exactly how
to use television, radio, online, print, etc. to communicate said message to
said customer.

But marketing, at its core, isn't about any particular set of channels. It's about
the customer. It's about what they want, what they need, what will make their
lives easier and/or better.

Media plans should start with a heavy dose of how target consumers operate -
what motivates them, who they influence, and what they're passionate about.
Consumers don't compartmentalize their time based on channel. From a
consumer perspective, it's really just one big experience. Their interaction with
brands aren't thought of in terms of online vs. offline, radio vs. television, even
advertising vs. organic evangelism.

With a deeper understanding of the needs, motivations and passions of our

customer, far more efficient and effective marketing strategies can be
developed that mobilize your customers to action and evangelism.

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- 42 -
What does Google know about you?
Admit it, you’ve Googled yourself. Just to see what it turns up, right? Chances
are, others are Googling you as well.

Like it or not, the Internet is compiling a record of you for others to see. That
record is likely far from complete, and only offers readers small windows into
your life – personal and/or professional. But in a world of increased access to
information of all types, you’d be surprised what others can learn about you.

So who would want to Google you? Future employers, for one. But also
colleagues, direct reports, potential clients and business partners, etc. Your
online record will increasingly impact how new professional relationships are
established and shaped.

So with all of these groups reading about you online, how do you control what
they read? How can you help increase the possibility that they’ll read what you
want them to read about you?

Perhaps the most important and easiest way to influence what’s people read is
for you to actively contribute to what’s available. Create a profile on LinkedIn
that gives your employment history, education profile, even endorsements of
work you have done.

If you haven’t done so already, start a personal blog. Don’t worry about
frequency or even readership. Just establish an online paper trail about things
you find important, ideas you have, how you think, etc. My personal blog, for
instance, would give any future business partner or employer a good sense for
how I think about marketing, what I value and how I might help further a
business goal of theirs.

And if those two tools don’t go far enough, keep a resume online. Register your
personal URL, and make it a portal for people to learn about you. Include links
to your blog, your past work, your LinkedIn profile, articles you’ve written,

This isn’t about ego. This isn’t about building a brag sheet. It’s about making it
clear who you are, what you do, what you believe in, and what you’re
interested in. If nothing else, you will be surprised what kind of networking and
business opportunities it will generate for yourself personally and your current

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- 43 -
Think about the last trade show you attended, and how much money went into
all of the swag made available to attendees. Now think about what small
percent of that swag was actually interesting, truly breakthrough, or
desireable. Probably a low percentage.

Trade show giveaways are often overlooked as a significant opportunity to drive

buzz and pass-along word-of-mouth marketing value starting with those
primary show attendees. If you want pass-along value and buzz, pens and
notepads probably aren't going to cut it. You need something that people

I recently heard Julian Aldridge from Ammo Marketing call these breakthrough
swag pieces "pilferables." It's a great, visual name that describes well what
good swag does. It's not just a piece of plastic with your brand name or logo on
it. It's something that your audience wants, needs, covets.

Creating pilferable swag isn't always cheap, but the impact of good pilferables
can be considerable. Consider Julian's example from a campaign his firm
created for Miller High Life. For this campaign, up-and-coming rock bands were
the target, as they were the influencers who woudl impact their broader target
audiences (other bands, and especially the audiences at the band's shows).

What Julian did was plant Miller High Life keychains and well-designed t-shirts
in the dressing rooms and back rooms of the clubs that their target bands were
playing in. They didn't promote this, they didn't ask the band to take anything.
But everything disappeared.

Then t-shirts started appearing on stage at future shows, and the bands started
handing out key chains with the High Life brand to their friends.

Whether at a trade show or in broader marketing strategy, swag has a purpose.

It typically serves as a reminder to your primary audience, or a tool to
encourage referrals and pass-along marketing.

Don't pass out swag. Enable pilferables with a purpose.

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- 44 -
The Un-Media
Had the unique opportunity to hear Robert Scoble speak at a recent
conference. Robert is one of the most influential bloggers working today, and
more than that he really gets how the channel can be best used and leverage
to communicate new thoughts and ideas to the masses.

Robert's blogging philosophy works so well because he doesn't really care about
circulation. Doesn't care about marketing his products. Doesn't spend time
worrying about his channel distribution strategy, or things like that.

He simply stays connected with current conversations in the marketplace, and

blogs about what he cares about. And because he's so well connected with
other conversations ongoing in the blogosphere, he's writing about what others
care about as well. And that's the secret to his success.

In many ways, Scobleizer represents the un-media. It's conversation without

pretense, without promotion, without hype. But it's extremely authentic, and it
connects with others in a way that feels real.

Robert focuses on the story and conversation, not the marketing. And in
focusing on what matters most (the product), he's pioneering a very
differentiated media channel that works.

Blogs aren't going to replace "traditional" media anytime soon, but social
marketing channels clearly have a prominent place in every marketing plan as a
means of clearly and directly communicating products and ideas.

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- 45 -
Focus Externally
A smart colleague four years ago had four hand-written guidelines posted up on
his cube. These were rules he tried to guide his day by, to ensure he focused on
the most important, productive work possible.

The one rule that stuck out to me the most was simple and short: Focus

The message is simple, but execution and fulfillment can be difficult.

The idea is simply to ensure that all of your work is focused on impacting an
external audience - in most cases, your customers. Everything you do should
ultimately focus on helping customers become more successful, focus on
bringing new products to market that impact the company's top or bottom line,
or otherwise impact the company's growth or customer's success.

But every company, and every employee, runs the risk of working on things
"internally." This includes anything with an audience that is ultimately, and
exclusively, internal. Examples include reports, processes and other peer-to-
peer deliverables that, oftentimes, have no bearing or impact externally.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes internal work is done to inform colleagues

about market conditions or work progress that is very much focused on external
objectives. But if those very reports aren't leveraged or acted upon to impact
external audiences, they're wasteful.

I've been at marketing conferences where many of the attendees from large
companies spend the majority of their time talking about how to convince
managers to give them more money, or how to build consensus for their
specific initiatives. Some of this work may be required to ultimately impact
external objectives, but it's unfortunate that so much time is taken up
internally to get the job done.

Every company and every employee faces the internal/external challenge.

Think about the work on your plate, and make sure as much of it as possible is
externally focused. Your company, and your customers, will be better for it.

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- 46 -
Big goals begin with baby steps
January 1st technically isn't that different than the other 364 days of the year.
But psychologically, we all think of today as an opportunity to press the "reset"
button in our lives - personal and professional. It's an opportunity to chart a
new course, establish new habits, set new patterns of behavior (personal and
professional) that will enrich our lives and careers.

Too often, however, New Year's Resolutions are so big and ultimately so
daunting that we abandon them before January is over. Now, that doesn't mean
big/daunting goals aren't valuable. But to achieve them with greater success,
it's important to break them down into manageable chunks, and keep yourself

Take my personal blog at www.mattonmarketing.com, for example. It in and of

itself is only a small part of a much larger goal I've set for myself - a resolution
that at a high level is not entirely manageable or actionable. But I've been able
to break that ultimate goal down to specific strategies – my blog being one.

So, I've resolved to be a more consistent blogger. I want to post at least twice a
week (a vast improvement from my behavior over the past couple months). To
keep myself accountable, I've put a note on my calendar twice a week moving
forward to get something up here.

Adding just two posts a week feels manageable, and setting an automatic
"reminder" in my calendar twice a week helps keep me accountable.
Ultimately, I want to be a far more consistent blogger, but starting back up
with just two posts a week is a good first step. Once I've established the
patterns and behavior for this first step, the next step (which is closer to my
more ambitious goals) is far more manageable and actionable.

Big goals begin with baby steps. Take time this week to set those big goals for
yourself, then identify the individual steps to get there.

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- 47 -
The (other) impact of compound interest
I had the pleasure earlier this year of attending a seminar by Verne Harnish and
the folks at Gazelles, who among other things teach a number of business-
building best practices known as "The Rockefeller Habits." If you haven't done
so yet, please read the book Mastering The Rockefeller Habits. For businesses
big and small, young and old, it offers a great many organizational best
practices that will make your business more efficient.

Verne talked about many things business owners and executives can do to make
their business run more efficiently, and ultimately grow faster. Many of the
things he recommends, however, won't have an impact tomorrow. Might not
even have an impact next week.

But over time, and collectively, these changes can have a massive impact on
your business. Verne compared it to the concept of compound interest on a
general savings account. Initially, and over the short-term, you might not see a
big change. But over time, those changes compound into something incredible.

Bill Gates, for example, talks about how he uses three screens in his office at
Microsoft. The screen on the left is for his email. The middle screen is for the
document he's currently reading or working on. The screen on the right is for
his Web browser. Bill claims that his desk efficiency has increased by 30-35%,
simply by not having to navigate back and forth between windows on his screen
so often.

Will that efficiency impact Microsoft tomorrow? Probably not. If you buy two
extra screens for your office, will you make more money next week as a result?
Probably not. But if you implement this and other small, simple changes to
your business, over time they will have a significant impact on your business -
in terms of growth and profitability.

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- 48 -
Planning around your email
I spend too much time "doing email." I'm on it all the time - especially during
the work day but also on weekends, evenings, etc.

But when I step back, a very small percentage of the email I receive is urgent.
A very small percentage. Much of what I get (and likely what you get as well) is
a combination of junk mail, "FYI" emails that can be read later, and requests
that otherwise wouldn't bubble up as something you need to do right away.

Let's say you end each day by making a list of your top five priorities for the
next day. You commit yourself to getting the first 1-2 things done. Sure, fire
drills are a part of business, but you can't let those fire drills get in the way of
what you need to do in your job, and for your business, long-term. You can't let
the reactive work get in the way of your more-important proactive work, which
ideally is based on a long-term plan focused on growing your business.

If you effectively prioritized your workday last night, then there's very little in
today's email that will affect those priorities. With that kind of daily focus, you
can spend more time getting your core work done, and less time letting your
email inbox manage you.

Set aside 2-3 times each day to focus on email - clearing out the junk, reading
the FYI's, and identifying work that might become a "top five" priority for the
next day. This level of "compartmentalized" email time will be a big change for
many (including myself), but I guarantee it will make you feel far more
productive and successful in the long run.

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- 49 -
Asking "Why"
If you're a business of any size and are contacted by someone who was referred
to you by another, make sure you follow-up with the person who did the
original referring and ask "why." Finding out why they referred you in the first
place will give you great insight into what you're doing well, and what you
might want to do more of.

The same applies to just about any customer feedback situation. For example,
don't just ask your customers if they're satisfied with your service. Many
companies collect some type of customer satisfaction rating, which is only
helpful and directional if you know why those customers are (or are not)

Knowing "why" gives you the tools you need to START and STOP doing activities
that will accelerate your growth, not to mention satisfaction and referrals from
even more customers.

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- 50 -
Bringing theory to life
Good speakers and writers are typically also great storytellers. They know that
raw information by itself can often be dry and difficult to understand, so they
bring that information to life in the way of real-life examples and analogies.

Think about one of your favorite business books. The "core idea" of the book
can probably be summarized in a concise magazine article, maybe less. But the
idea really comes to life when it's explained in greater detail, and proven with
the use of countless case studies, real-life examples, and analogies that make
the idea easier to access.

HouseValues Inc. helps real estate professionals manage their business with a
package of marketing and business development services. These services
include a CRM tool meant to help real estate agents build relationships with
prospective home buyers and sellers over a long period of time - allowing the
buyers and sellers to choose when they're ready to take action, but helping the
real estate agent "be there" when they're ready.

This is a different business development paradigm for many real estate agents,
who expect to work with clients who might be 30-60 days away from a
transaction. Therefore, many agents don't start with the patience to work with
prospective customers who don't immediately do business.

The theory of long-term client cultivation is the "core idea", but like many good
ideas it's easier to understand in analogy format. Brenda Hakimi, an agent
coach at HouseValues, came up with a great business cultivation analogy using
microwave popcorn.

When you first put that bag of popcorn in the microwave, you already know
that some kernels aren’t going to pop. You just don’t know which ones. But if
you don’t try to pop them all, you won’t get the maximum popcorn yield.

This simple analogy alone helps countless real estate agents understand how
popcorn relates to their customer prospecting strategy.

It brought a very real strategy to life, making it relevant and actionable for

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- 51 -
Making people smile
Most of us are in the business of making our customers happy. Customer
happiness is typically defined as satisfaction or success with our products, but
we also know that customer happiness can be impacted in a lot of ways - big
and small. Customer service, for example, is a HUGE differentiator between
companies. Even with equal products, a company with superior customer
service will almost always beat out a company with bad service. It's not just
about good products, it's also about how you treat your customers - and how
you make your customers feel.

Some of that customer happiness can be taught and institutionalized. Some of

it can be done through companywide initiatives, marketing campaigns, sales
scripts, etc.

More of it, however, can be done in very small ways. The mundane can be
made fun. Stressful customer experiences (a travel delay, for example) can be
transformed by a company representative that did little more than emphathize
and make you smile.

Kathy Sierra does a great job talking about how the little things can go a long
way, and how the simple act of making people smile can be a very powerful
thing. Definitely worth a read on her Creating Passionate Users blog.

Nobody wants to be upset, or frustrated, or stressed out, and simple gestures

aren't typically going to erase the cause of this frustration or stress. But the act
of making someone smile can make the path to satisfaction far easier to

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- 52 -
Excuse or opportunity?
In the greater Seattle area, we typically get a little snow each year during the
winter, but this past year we've experienced a prolonged period of snow, ice
and freezing temperatures. In early January, several inches of snow froze to
the ground, and six days later was still icy in many places.

The smart move when this happens (especially in a city that isn't used to such
weather, and therefore isn't as able to sand roads, etc.) is to put your safety
first. If the conditions are bad enough, don't put your life (or your car) in

But for many, bad weather forces a decision between excuse and opportunity.

Do you use snow to make excuses for not getting things done? Or do you use the
disruption in your usual routine to get stuff done?

If your school or business is closed due to weather, do you take it as a day off?
Or do you use it as an opportunity to get caught up, evaluate your work so far,
and set new priorities?

If the weather is causing a disruption for your customers, how can you use that
as a means of reaching out to them, offering a service, and creating more
passionate and loyal customers?

Last month Seattle saw its worst windstorm in years, knocking down trees
everywhere, knocking out power to nearly a million homes, and causing billions
of dollars in damage.

The day after the storm, as residents throughout the area sat at home in the
dark without power or heat, a contractor friend of mine started calling through
all of his past customers. He was simply checking to make sure they were OK,
and to see if they needed anything.

You can imagine their response. At a minimum, every customer he reached was
very appreciative for his call and concern. And he also received several primary
and secondary leads for new business, all from just an afternoon of phone calls.

When the weather changes, when you face an obstacle in life or business, do
you see it as an excuse....or an opportunity?

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- 53 -
How to win back my business
Earlier this year I finally signed up for Google Desktop. For those that haven't
tried it yet, Google Desktop is essentially a sidebar of "widgets" that sits on the
side of your screen, and give you easy access to things like sports scores, stock
prices, news headlines, etc. Many companies (and most of the major portals)
are offering a flavor of widgets, but I was impressed with the ease of use from

Problem was, come Monday morning, I noticed that performance on my laptop

had taken a dramatic turn for the worse. I ultimately targeted Google Desktop
as the culprit, and uninstalled the program.

But here's where things got interesting. As soon as the "uninstall" application
completed, I was sent to a Google page asking me why I decided to uninstall.
One of the options was "it slowed down my computer." Once I selected this
option, I saw the following message from Google (paraphrasing):

"We're very sorry that you experienced this problem. We may contact you if we
have any questions about your particular problem, or if we have corrected the

First of all, this was the first time I've ever been surveyed by the maker of an
application I've uninstalled from my computer. It was a simple, one-question
survey I was happy to answer.

Even more impressive was the follow-up message. I was a happy Google
Desktop user until the overall performance issue popped up. If Google were to
solve the performance issue, I'd likely install and use the application again.

How would Google have known this was my issue if they didn't ask? And how
would the typical past customer know that they've fixed the very problem that
initiated the uninstall if Google wasn't able to follow-up?

Your past customers aren't gone forever. If you know enough about your
customers to understand 1) why they left, and 2) what it would take to bring
them back, how could you use that to your advantage?

And aren't the "prodigal" customers often some of our best evangelists?

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- 54 -
Great business books aren't always about business
I was excited to see Ben's list of top 10 books that every business leader should
read, and was particularly excited to see that he included a book that is not
about business.

Amidst such classics as Selling the Dream and Purple Cow (the entire list is well
done and on target), Ben also listed Theodore Rex, part two in a three-part
biography of Teddy Roosevelt by Edmund Morris (part three has yet to be
published). In addition to a great biographical text, Ben described the book as
also "a treatise on the qualities of superhuman energy, charm and political

Fictional novels, biographies and other reading material can often be very
instructive for busy business leaders and managers, even if they're not found on
the Business shelf at the local bookstore.

A couple books I've read recently that also fit this bill include:

His Excellency, a biography of George Washington by Joseph Ellis. Washington

was an incredible leader, and this book gave myriad examples of why.

Clemente: The Passion and Grace of Baseball's Last Hero, by David Maraniss.
Roberto Clemente's contributions to baseball weren't well known until his
untimely death in 1972, largely because he labored his entire career in small-
market Pittsburgh. But Clemente was a giant of a man, a pioneer for Latin
Americans in baseball, with a clear direction for his life. His life story provides
examples of leadership, commitment, focus and determination - all critical
skills for leaders at every level.

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- 55 -
Act like an owner
I remember my first business trip at my first job after college. It was in NYC on
a press tour for a client (I was at the PR firm Weber Shandwick at the time).

I assumed I would spend the trip eating Subway sandwiches and fast food, the
cheapest food possible so that it wouldn't cost my company, or my client, any
more than was necessary. I remember a colleague taking a $4.50 bottle of
water out of the wet bar and being shocked (shocked!) that they would do this.
That was a WAY overpriced bottle of water, that our client was going to have
to pay for! I couldn't believe it! Shoudn't we be more frugal? Shouldn't we be
more careful with our client's money?

I soon realized that eating fast food with and without clients wasn't always
feasible. But I still cringed at the price of unscrewing that small bottle of water
next to the bed at hotels.

When I joined Microsoft a couple years later, I remember watching colleagues

order extra computer equipment for their offices - not because they needed it,
but because they could.

I remember going on business trips - client visits, trade shows, etc. I was
shocked at what was ordered and purchased, all on the company dime, and
often without a client anywhere in sight. Colleagues laughed at the idea of
dining at Applebee's (Subway was out of the question), and headed to Morton's
instead. "Uncle Bill" was picking up the tab, so order what you want!

Years later I joined a private start-up. Our CEO was also the founder. The
majority of his personal net worth was tied up in the company.

I realized I had come full circle. At this company, I made purchase decisions
like an owner because I worked for the owner. Even as the company grew
quickly, the culture was such that we all spend (and saved) money like it was
our company.

No matter where you work - a company large or small, private or public -

there's no reason why we can't all take an "owner" mentality.

Do you really need an expensive agency to help you create a new customer
promotion, or do you have the smarts and customer knowledge internally to
hunker down, get create, and do the work yourself?

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- 56 -
Do your customers really want to be taken out to the fanciest restaurant, or
would they be impressed that you take them somewhere more reasonable,
proving that you're investing your money in product development and not on
wining & dining?

Do you really need that extra magazine subscription, or can you share a
subscription with a couple other colleagues down the hall?

What if your company was your company? What if purchase decisions you make
every day had a direct impact on your personal net worth, your personal

Would you make decisions any differently than you do today?

What responsibility do you have to your company to spend wisely? What

example are you setting for those around you? If you're a business leader, what
levels of accountability are you creating for such behavior, and what rewards
are you putting in place to encourage the right fiscal actions?

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- 57 -
My unsuccessful attempt to cancel TiVo
I called TiVo to cancel my account. But they saved me.

For a year my wife and I had primarily used our Comcast DVR box to record TV
programs. I love that it has a double-tuner and HD recording capabilities (TiVo
didn't have this at the time).

Our TiVo box was still active, but it was hooked up to a secondary television at
the house that we didn’t use as frequently. We'd transfered all of our "season
passes" to the Comcast box, so hadn't really been using TiVo anymore.

So I called to cancel. They asked why I was cancelling, so I explained the

circumstances above.

I half-expected them to tell my why TiVo was better - explain its great features
(many of which Comcast doesn't have, and my wife still misses), maybe even
offer a free upgrade to the new double-tuner Series 3 box.

Instead, I was surprised when the customer service rep offered to cut my price
in half. Instead of paying $12.95/month, she offered me $6.95/month to stay

Now, offering price reductions as a "save" strategy is nothing new, and is fairly
common. But I was a little surprised that this was the first thing out of the rep's
mouth when I said I wanted to cancel.

A couple lessons here, I think, for both businesses and consumers.

For consumers, make sure you're sharing feedback, concerns, even the
possibility of cancellation with the companies you do business with. You never
know when they'll offer you an upgrade, a reduced price, a different cell
phone, better plan, etc. to keep your business.

For businesses, make sure you're not using price reduction strategies too
aggressively. If you ask a couple questions and better understand "why" your
customers might want to leave, you might be able to save them with a less-
costly upgrade or change to their subscription that, in the long run, is far more
profitable than a significant price cut.

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- 58 -
The Long Tail and Stadium Cakes
Much has been written about the long tail created by the Internet, and I've said
before that I don't think the long tail is anything new. It's just that the Interent
has made the tail infinitely more discoverable.

My dad reminded me of this recently. He grew up just a couple hours from

Chicago, so came over to watch the Bears beat the Saints for their first Super
Bowl berth in 21 years.

He showed up with a cake to enjoy at halftime. But this wasn't just any cake. It
was a stadium-shaped cake. He'd frosted the entire thing to look like Soldier
Field (the Bears' home turf), complete with fans and grass.

Fifteen years ago, stadium-shaped cake pans existed. If you could find it, you
could buy it. But that was the problem. Unless you knew specifically which
vendor sold them, you likely were out of luck.

Specialty catalogs for such obscure items as stadium-shaped cake pans have
existed for decades. But unless you were mailed such catalogs (let alone
flipped through every page), your chances of buying them were slim.

This channel problem impacted more than just discoverability. It also had an
impact on availability. Twenty years ago, stadium-shaped cake pans weren't
widely offered to the public. They were primarily available directly to bakers
and caterers. Why? Because manufacturers of stadium-shaped cake pans could
only profitably sell those pans through more efficient sales channels. Finding
consumer buyers just wasn't cost-efficient.

But the Internet has changed that. I can do a search for "stadium-shaped cake
pans" on Google and be linked straight to a seller. Now, obscure products can
find their buyers far more efficiently, and with greater volume.

This will continue to accelerate the variety of products at our fingertips,

catering to increasingly specific interests.

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- 59 -
Can a photograph lie?
How many of you have responded to a real estate listing advertisement - either
posted online or in a newspaper - only to find that the neighbor's wall is far
closer than the picture implied? Or that there's something very scary behind the
back fence, conveniently out of frame from the photograph posted on the

Kudos to Ardell for taking on the subject of ethical real estate photography on
the well-done Rain City Guide real estate blog. She goes as far as to say classes
in photo editing should be a required class for new agents.

Real estate photography really isn't much different from the "spin" we all put
on our products & services. If a real estate listing photograph is cropped such
that you can't tell see the negative aspects of the home, how is that different
from the rest of us "touting" the great features of our new product, but failing
to mention slow speeds and/or low battery life?

Where's the line between spin and disclosure? What level of spin is ethical, and
when does it border on deception?

The long-term risks for real estate agents are mitigated by the fact that nobody
really buys a home sight unseen. The worst they'll likely do is waste your time
with an extra trip to their listing.

For those of us who compel a sale with largely our words and images, the
stakes are much higher.

What are the risks for your business, your brand, and your products? Is it simply
selling a product that your customer might not want, or is it bigger than that?
Are you risking the very reputation of your company?

Weighty issues, that clearly can't be taken lightly.

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- 60 -
Getting Organized, Part I
As part of my New Year's Resolutions, I'm trying to get better organized - both
in my professional and personal life. Like you, I find I'm constantly pulled in a
thousand different directions, and have a hard time 1) remembering everything
I need to do (or want to do), and 2) putting them in a good, priority order so
that the most important things are getting done first.

One of the things I've started doing is make extensive use of the "tasks" feature
in Microsoft Outlook. I've used this feature on and off for years, but just
recently have started making them a regular part of my organizational

In the past, I've kept primarily work-related items in my Task list. Now, I'm
starting to keep track of everything.

Yes, my work priorities and deliverables are all there, divided by functional
responsibility. But I'm also tracking my "honey do" list for projects around the
house. I'm tracking my progressive shopping list for weekend trips to The Home
Depot. Calls I need to return (personal and professional). Books I want to read
(and either purchase or check-out from the local library). Personal errands.
Even an inventory of future blog posts. It's all organized as Tasks.

This may seem like overkill, but I now have (on one piece of paper) an
inventory of things across my life that are important to me, and that I want to
get done.

So far this year (three weeks and counting), I've found this format to be very
helpful and highly productive.

It's one of several things I've started doing to get myself better organized and
significantly accelerate my productivity.

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- 61 -
The Marketer Chasm

Standout marketing is about walking the other direction, doing something

different, standing out from the crowd.

Seth Godin has a knack for pointing out critical insights with simple, succinct
language. This line he credits to a friend of his (who was describing a
colleague), but I also thought it was a great example of what separates good
and great marketing minds.

I believe she is good at the standard but limited in considering the notable.

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- 62 -
What's your paperclip?
The 1980’s television show McGyver was a case study in ingenuity. The main
character routinely would get out of tight situations with a variety of household
objects. The cliché to have emerged from the show is that anything can we
done with a simple paperclip.

How are you best using the resources available to you, to achieve your goals
and delight your customers? Assume you will never have a complete set of the
perfect tools in your marketing toolbox. You'll always need something - more
money, more resources, a bigger team, new technology, etc.

But what are you doing to squeeze the maximum value out of what you already
have? How are you reinventing how your current resources are used to achieve
the next level of success - for yourself, your company and your customers?

What's your paperclip? And how will YOU use it?

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- 63 -
Making community work (without doing a thing)
Online communities don't really work when they're controlled by a company,
brand or individual that has a vested interest in managing the conversation.

They don't really work when the conversation is dominated by one or two
strong-minded individuals.

They don't really work when they're thought of as a communication channel to

one's customers.

And yet, many companies and brands justify online customer forums with one
or more of these objectives in mind.

The problem is, your customer is much smarter than that. They'll see through
your strategy in a second.

The best communities are those that develop, blossom and mature on their
own. The best communities are truly egalitarian, with a free exchange of ideas
and opinions.

And whether you believe it now or not, this is actually the most valuable forum
for marketers and product planners as well. When your customers are able to
share ideas and opinions with each other freely, you get a true sense for what
they like, what they don't like, what they want, and what they don't want.

Online communities that are given the freedom to find their own path
represent a gold mine for marketers. Are you brave enough to let them
develop? And are you smart enough to listen, and take action on what you've

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- 64 -
Testing the bounds of permission
Bob Bly has started a good conversation about just how far permission can be
stretched, particularly in the email marketing world.

Just because you've given a company permission to send you email, doesn't
necessarily mean they can email you daily. Or multiple times daily. Unless
that's what you expected, or what you requested.

Permission is not a binary decision by your customers. It's rarely black and
white. Just because a new customer wants to stay in touch, and has put their
email address on a signup sheet next to the register, doesn't mean they want
you to move in and be their new best friend.

By effectively capturing permission intent from your customers, you can ensure
that you're being as respectful as possible to 100% of your customers, while
increasing frequency (and sales opportunities) with those who want such a
deeper relationship.

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- 65 -
Getting Organized, Part II
I wrote earlier about my use of Microsoft Outlook's "Tasks" features to help me
organize several aspects of my life, both professional and personal. Making lists
of the things I need to do, and aggregating those lists in one place, has been
quite helpful in increasing my productivity.

Getting more things done is a good first step. But I'm also getting more of the
right things done, thanks to a daily "top five" list.

Let's first assume that your organization has set explicit goals for this year, and
this quarter. Let's also assume that you've done the same for yourself - mapped
what the company needs back to the specific things you need to accomplish
this year, and this quarter, in order to succeed.

If you know what success looks like at the end of this quarter, you should be
able to map that back into weekly, even daily, deliverables for yourself and
your team.

And that's where the top five, and "first of five", come in.

Many people set priorities, but fail to effectively prioritize the priorities. If I
have five priorities today, and get two of them done, were those the most
improtant two priorities to get done? Did you get done the most important
priority today?

With the myriad things on our plates each day, it's easy to focus on some of the
easiest projects, or the emails in front of us, or simply be reactive to what
appears the most urgent. But if we look back, that work rarely maps to the
most important, most direct means of achieving our monthly, quarterly and
annual objectives.

So now, every morning, I establish my top five priorities for the day. And I
focus on achieving the priority at the top of the list. If I've prioritized correctly,
I'm spending my time on the most important project - that day, and every day.

Tomorrow, the list simply shifts up. Today's #2 priority (assuming it didn't get
done) becomes tomorrow's "first of five", and gets done.

Lists are important. Prioritized lists are better. And getting the most important
priority done each day is far better than simply getting "a lot done."

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- 66 -
To learn more about top five lists, and the "first of five", check out Verne
Harnish's great work.

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- 67 -
Happy Customers = Buzz, Beautiful Buzz
My wife and I recently ate at Mama Lucia's, a fantastic Italian restaurant near
downtown Kirkland, Washington. We eat there all the time - it has great food,
a fun menu, good wine, good prices, and great service.

We were seated at a table that wobbled, so we asked the waitress if they had a
shim. We didn't need to be reseated, we just wanted to help fix the problem.

The manager came over and asked if we wanted a different table. Turns out,
they had a larger party they wanted to seat at our table anyway, plus they
wanted to fix the wobbly table and get us somewhere more stable.

The manager offered a free dessert for moving. We thanked her, but said it
really wasn't necessary.

At the end of our dinner, the manager reappeared and asked what dessert we
wanted. My wife chose a slice of cheesecake, and I also ordered an espresso.

When the bill came, I was surprised to see that they had comped us for both
the dessert and the espresso. When I flagged down the manager and asked to
pay for the espresso, she said absolutely not.

Successful, buzzworthy businesses know that little things can go a long way.
Mama Lucia's might not have thought I'd blog to the world about their fantastic
little restaurant, but I'm sure they knew they were creating a noteworthy
experience - something that was likely to convert into at least a few repeat
visits, and probably a little word-of-mouth to family and friends.

So, what's your espresso? What are you doing to let your customers know
they're priority number-one? Big initiatives are great, but the little things can
often have the same noteworthy, buzzworthy effect.

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- 68 -
Thinking big, act (and spend) small
Are you a small business trying to build a significant presence for yourself
quickly, and for a low cost? In just part of an afternoon, you can:

Start a blog on Blogger.com, and teach people things you know. Home
improvement tips, beauty advice, fashion trends, whatever you do. Blogger is

Register a "vanity URL" via GoDaddy to promote your blog. Just have the new
vanity URL redirect to your blog, and that's your Web site! Your URL will cost
just $7 bucks each year.

Start asking your customers for their email address, and start a newsletter via
Constant Contact. It's free for 60 days, or free forever if your email database is
less than 50 names. But if your database is between 51 and 500 names, it's still
just $15 bucks a month. Your newsletter features teasers to content on your
blog, which drives traffic back to your Web site. Professionally-designed
templates are waiting and ready, all included in the price.

Promote your Web site and newsletter by printing business cards with
VistaPrint.com. Your first 250 business cards are free, and to add a newsletter
sign-up tout on the back (with URL) it's just $6 bucks. You'll pay for shipping,
but that's just another $5 bucks if you do the economy ship rate.

So, you now have a custom Web site, custom URL, an email newsletter, and
business cards to promote all of the above.

And your first month fees (including the annual costs) is $18 bucks. Each month
moving forward, it's just $15 bucks a month.

Perfect for small businesses, right? Sure. But if you're a big company, or big
agency, why not try these tools for your next marketing campaign? Your next
product launch? Or your next guerilla effort? I'm guessing it'll be far cheaper
than other options. And it'll take less than an afternoon to get up and rolling.

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- 69 -
Getting Organized, Part III
So, I'm using Outlook Tasks more frequently and setting my daily Top Five

But it all comes down to the binder.

In the past, I've walked around the office from meeting to meeting with a
notebook and a couple unorganized folders of handouts. I had most of what I
needed, but it was desperately unorganized. Within a meeting, I often had a
hard time finding exactly the document or information I needed. My notebook
was great, but it along with a couple folders was a lot to manage. That, plus
information was always in several different places.

Not now, not with the binder. Here's a quick description of what I've done.

It's just a small, one-inch binder, but it's got everything I need.

The front and back cover have a plastic sleeve so that I can slip paper inside.
The front cover of my binder features my calendar for the day, with a sidebar
that features my top five and "first of five" for that day. The back cover is my
task list, so that it's easy to reference at a quick glance.

Inside the binder is an opening for loose-leaf handouts I might receive

throughout the day. Those handouts are destined either for a folder in my
office (if they likely won't be referenced often) or for a special place inside the
binder itself.

The binder features eight dividers - each corresponding to an important, long-

term initiative or business I'm focused on. Well, six of the dividers are devoted
to this. The seventh is for personal business, and the eighth is for
miscellaneous items.

In the front of the binder, I've three-hold punched a few pieces of copy paper.
That's my new notebook, and is where I take notes and hand-write to-do items
through the day. Important notes might be transcribed later, and to-do items
are added to my Tasks list eventually (unless they're quick to-do's, in which
case they're taken care of before I leave for the day).

That's it. It's not fancy, and cost me all of $12 bucks at the local OfficeMax, but
it's made me far more organized and productive when away from my office
during the day.

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Building your business with customer focus
I was asked recently to define the single most important factor in helping a
business achieve phenomenal growth and success. I'm sure there are many
answers to this question, but my answer typically comes down to the right
people. If you can find, hire and motivate the right people, everything else is

But "the right people" means more than just hard workers, more than just type-
A personalities, more than just a reputation for producing results. The right
people have a deep-rooted passion for the success and satisfaction of their
customers. Such passion and drive for customers, combined with the right mix
of work ethic and focus, creates the best opportunity for success in any

Mark Strother, a senior coach at HouseValues, epitomizes this customer passion

and focus. Mark's job for the past five years, plain and simple, has been to
make his customers successful. He spends every day on the phone (and
occasionally in person) with his customers, teaching them what they need to do
to accelerate their real estate careers.

Now, our entire organization is focused on making real estate agents more
successful. But Mark embodies that better than anybody I know. He exudes
passion for his job, and excitement for his customers. When one of his
customers shares a success story, Mark's face lights up. He starts talking with
his hands. He walks around the office bragging about the success of his
customers. You'd think his daughter just made the Honor Roll. His customers
are his family.

This customer passion is even more evident when Mark is on the road, working
live with his customers. In Minneapolis, for example, Mark developed a state
fair marketing strategy that helped one of his customers earn more than
$50,000 dollars over the course of two fairs. You should see (via the power of
YouTube) Mark and his customer talk together about this project. The video
tells the story better than I can just how committed Mark is to his customers.

Mark is "the right people." Mark cares deeply for the success of his customers,
and does whatever it takes to make them happy and successful. Better yet, his
passion is infectious. Mark leads by example in his organization, and encourages
others to care deeply about their customers as well.

Successful businesses, businesses with a reputation for customer centricity and

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intimacy, are built with people like Mark at the center.

Do you have people like this in your organization? If so, how are you helping
them accelerate their impact on the business, and how are you helping their
passion rub off on other employees?

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- 73 -
Use every opportunity to create buzz
Creating buzz for your company, your product, even yourself is an everyday,
every opportunity kind of thing. Everything you do, all day long, has the
possibility of accelerating awareness, perception, and buzzworthiness.

Some buzz-building opportunities are right in front of us, and we don't even
think about them.

I had never thought about my email "out of office" autoreply as a word-of-

mouth opportunity until I received one from Andy Sernovitz. Andy's the CEO of
the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, and author of the soon-to-be-
released book (appropriately titled) Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart
Companies Get People Talking.

In response to an email I sent Andy, his auto-reply said the following:

I will be out of the office at conferences until Friday, with limited access to email. I'll reply as
soon as I get a chance.

1. Reporters and emergencies: Please call my cell at XXX-XXX-XXXX. (actual number removed)
2. Wife and parents: You may also call my cell.
3. Charlie (my 3-year-old): No, you cannot pee in the sink. Yes, a dinosaur could eat a monkey.
4. Telemarketers: Please take me off your list.
5. Spammers: Please call my stock broker.

With this simple, short out-of-office message, Andy near-guaranteed that his
message would be forwarded around by folks that thought this was incredibly
clever (and funny). And of course, at the bottom of this message was Andy's
contact information, information about WOMMA, and a tout for his new book.

Andy's creating buzz for himself, his organization and his new book all at once.
Just by adding a little extra leverage to something many of us already use all of
the time.

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- 74 -
Write about your customers, not your products
I spoke the other day to a group about social & conversational media, and how
to leverage simple strategies with blogs, social networks and the like to
generate interest, awareness and sales for any product, service or brand.

An executive from a print services company at the event was convinced that
nobody would care to read a blog about printers and print services. And I
agreed with him.

Don’t write about your products. Write about your customers.

Your customers don’t buy printers because they want printers. If you know why
they’re buying printers (in other words, how they’re using those printers), you
can write about THAT. It gives you infinitely more subject matter to write
about, especially in formats that lend themselves to progressive, serialized or
community-contributed content.

Let’s say you’re trying to sell printers to amateur photographers. How can you
teach photographers how to best user home printers to create professional-
looking prints? Can you help those same photographers discover inexpensive,
downloadable software to make their photos look even better before printing?
How about helping them share their photos with friends & family, or with other
networks of photographers?

Give your customers some information to chew on, then ask what other
resources they know about. Your content will be a starting point for more,
user-generated content that not only enhances your original content, but will
give you suggestions for future content, marketing ideas, product suggestions
and more.

All of these topics, and dozens more, and far more interesting to your
customers. And every single one will lead to them thinking about printers.

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- 75 -
Are you a cult brand in waiting?
When you think about cult brands, you probably think about companies and
brands such as Apple, Harley Davidson, Linux and Star Trek. These brands have
highly-active customers, all of whom go the extra mile to evangelize and
protect to brand. Apple users volunteering their time to work at retail stores,
convincing others to also buy Mac. Star Trek fans spending thousands a year on
costumes, conventions, collectibles and more.

A “cult following” is an enormous advantage that companies and brand

managers work hard to protect and leverage.

But aren’t we all cult brands in waiting? Do we all have the potential to reach
the cult status of Apple? Or Harley Davidson?

Yes. But first thing’s first.

You start with a great product, and a great experience. If your products aren’t
good, or don’t serve a fundamental customer need, you have bigger problems
than trying to create a cult brand.

But let’s assume you have good products, and a strong fundamental business.

You are a cult brand in waiting. You merely need to identify, energize and
mobilize your passionate customers.

Every business has detractors. But every business also has Promoters – rabid
fans who love the product or service, and tell others about it. The problem is,
most companies don’t know who those promoters are, don’t know where to
find them, and therefore have absolutely no way to accelerate the word-of-
mouth and impact those promoters can generate.

If you can find your promoters, you can make them stronger. You can make
them “insiders,” give them extra information, samples of your products to give
others. You can create tools that effectively give those passionate customers a
microphone to communicate to others the passion they have for your products.

Create your own customer brand army that works side-by-side with you to
protect the reputation of your company and brand. Make them insiders, make
them feel part of the family, and they’ll work harder for you.

I believe most companies are at various stages of becoming cult brands. Most

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are just relatively far away from realizing true cult status.

But with focus and work, you can get there.

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- 77 -
Don't let a good plan go to waste
You write a great plan. Lots of research, insight, and critical thinking go into
this plan. It gets broad approval across your organization. Everyone’s excited
about it. Great work.

Then you start to execute. Some things are harder to do than expected. New
opportunities develop. New complications materialize. You make real-time
decisions on how to change what you’d planned to do. You make adjustments,
compromises, changes to get the plan in motion, to get things executed and to
meet deadlines.

But despite the need to stay nimble and flexible during execution, it’s
important to occasionally look back and ensure that what you’re building, or
executing, has stayed true to what you had planned to achieve in the first

Adjustments to the plan are fine. Changes in how you execute the plan?
Perfectly reasonable.

But a good plan is based on expected outcomes. A clear sense for what success
looks like. Clear, measurable objectives.

If some of your execution adjustments and compromises change the

fundamental nature of your plan, or dramatically impact your ability to hit
expected outcomes, then that’s not good.

If you’ve built a long-term plan, check back on the original plan every month or
so. Start a monthly “review” meeting with your team by literally pulling out
the original, final plan and reviewing it together. Identify the places where
you’ve deviated, and make sure everyone agrees that those changes are OK.
Also use this time to “rediscover” parts of the plan you may have forgotten,
and identify places where you’ve compromised or deviated to the point where
the previously-stated expected outcome is no longer possible.

If you ignore this crucial step, especially with complicated plans executed by
many individuals across multiple work groups, you run the very real risk of
executing a watered-down, highly compromised version of what you had
intended, something that doesn’t have near the impact of what you (and your
bosses) had expected.

It takes just a little extra time to do that review, but it’ll keep you focused, on

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track, and on a path towards achieving the success and results you originally

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Surprise networking
Want to meet new people? Expand your network? Part of the solution is right in
front of you.

Let's say you read an article in the paper, online or in a magazine about an
interesting company. An executive from the company is interviewed for the
story. Why not write an email to the executive, introducing yourself and
expressing your interest and delight in the story you just read?

You'll get more responses than you think.

Let's say you hear an interview on the radio, or on a podcast. Why not write an
email to the interviewee, thanking them for their insights?

Sending a quick "thank you" or "appreciated your ideas" note is faster and easier
than ever, thanks to email. And thanks to the Internet, finding contact
information for those executives and interviewees is also quite easy.

So here's my challenge to you this week. Send an email to five people you don't
know. Just five. Do it based on things you read, things you hear, or just
businesses you've always admired.

The Internet is a virtual cocktail reception. If you summon the courage to walk
up to someone and introduce yourself, well, you've just made a new friend,
and expanded your network.

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- 80 -
Learning from other industries
A smart man once suggested that sales & marketing executives attend at least
one trade show or conference each year in an industry far different from their
own. The idea is that, although the industry and products are likely very
different, some of the sales & marketing strategies they use are likely very
leveragable in your own industry, and in your own business.

Now, justifying a trip to a totally unrelated conference might not fit into your
budget this year, but that doesn't excuse you from learning.

There are trade publications. Magazines. Industry association Web sites and
newsletters. Blogs and podcasts.

Check out, for example, this restaurant marketing blog. It's written by the
Cohen Restaurant Marketing Group, a firm in the business of helping
restaurants build their brand and grow their business.

But take a look at the lessons and insights this blog shares. Although they may
be written and tailored to the restaurant and dining industry, most of them can
be applied to any of our businesses.

Stepping outside of our offices, our businesses, and our industry can often
generate brand new, out-of-the-box insights that our own industries &
businesses haven't yet experienced. And that just might lead to some
breakthrough ideas, insights and successes of your own.

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My top five marketing podcasts
Podcasts were built for multi-tasking.

Just like books on tape. Most people don't settle onto the couch at home, pop
in a book on tape, and listen for a couple hours. People buy books on tape for
the car, for travel, or for the gym. It's a great way to catch up on a book when
you don't otherwise had time to read the "traditional" way.

Podcasts are no different. I've found podcasts to be perfect for the gym, for
example. I'm focused on the words and conversation, which makes my time on
the Stairclimber go that much faster.

If you're still relatively new to podcasts, I'd encourage you to browse the
selection on iTunes, or use one of the fantastic new podcast search engines
(such as Pluggd) to find content fit for your interests. Here are five of my

The New York Times Front Page: In five minutes or less, a nice man reads me
the stories from the paper's front page, plus offers a little perspective on each
story beyond the headlines. A great way to get caught up quickly on national
and world news, and it fits into even the shortest morning commutes! It's one
of several podcasts offered by the Times.

Duct-Tape Marketing Podcast: I'm a big fan of what John Jantsch is doing on
his Web site and blog, and he's now extended it to a series of podcasts. Most
feature interviews with some of marketing's top minds, all focused on providing
listeners with real-life, tangible marketing ideas that can immediately be put
to work in almost any business.

HBR Ideacast: The editors of Harvard Business Review bring their journal to life
in this great podcast, featuring a mix of outside speakers, HBS professors and
other luminaries sharing a combination of business strategy, marketing insights,
and collected best practices. Just like the magazine, this podcast will help you
keep a strategic edge.

Marketing Voices: One of several great podcasts from PodTech.net, this one
features Jennifer Jones interviewing a wide variety of marketing and
technology leaders on subjects relevant to all of us.

The Wood Whisperer: This is unrelated to marketing, and a video podcast to-
boot, but it's just plain cool. I'm a budding (but very amateur) wordworker

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these days, and Marc does a great job explaining everything from how to use
tools to how to build boxes. It's a great example of how video podcasting can
work, and also an example of just how much great content is out there already.

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- 83 -
Write your customer manifesto!
Some companies write positioning documents. Marketers write sets of bullet
points describing their products. Others write complicated creative briefs, or
build positioning frameworks.

Those tools all have value, but I find that the most powerful way to build,
communicate and create message consistency organization-wide is to write it
in terms that your customers would understand.

In other words, write a customer manifesto!

Too many positioning frameworks put messaging into a context and in prose
that should never be in front of a customer. It's justified as "core" messaging
that ultimately will be honed for its audience.

But what value does that actually have? If you can't write customer-centric
messaging into a framework, how do you expect to translate fundamental
product value to your customers?

If you take the time to sit down, and write your company, product or brand
"manifesto" as if you were speaking to your customers directly, you will end up
with a powerful piece that can rally a large organization around a single
message, common nomenclature, and a unified vision for what value you
provide back to customers.

HouseValues, for example, takes pride in providing its customers with a

complete & market-proven system for real estate professionals to grow their
business. Thousands of real estate agents have used the system over the past
seven years, and have helped hone the system to what it is today.

So, how do you communicate that system to new real estate agents? How do
you communicate the key tenets, the "three simple things" that are at the
heart of that system?

The manifesto, of course!

Attached here is a copy of the HouseValues Business System manifesto, written

with a customer audience in mind. It's a simple two and a half pages - easy and
fast for everyone in the organization to read, and get behind.

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Could you write a 2-3 page manifesto for your product, business or brand? What
would it say? And how would you put it into action?

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Another example of great storytelling
Great marketing often means great storytelling.

Take E.E. Robbins, for example. It's a small chain of engagement ring stores in
the Seattle area. Emerson Robbins, the third-generation owner of the chain,
runs a constant campaign of radio ads on stations throughout the Seattle metro

But his ads aren't about rings. They aren't about his stores. His ads are about
people getting engaged. He features actual couples telling the story of how
they were engaged, how the husband-to-be proposed, and what an amazing
experience the whole thing was.

Emerson isn't just selling a diamond ring. He's selling a story, something that
transcends products and creates a vision of success, satisfaction and happiness
for his customers.

It makes his ads memorable, and it quickly creates an emotional bond between
store and prospective buyer.

Emerson knows how to tell a great story. Do you?

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Need vs. Want
I need to eat dinner tonight.
I want to dine at a fancy restaurant, and enjoy a fine bottle of wine.

I need to have a job, to pay my bills.

I want a career.

I need a way to get to and from work each day.

I want an SUV with leather seats and a sunroof to make that trip more

Three pairs, each essentially describing the same thing. But while the "need" is
relatively basic, the "want" adds a flavor of preference and desire. The gap is
good marketing.

Even better marketing is when you convince your customer or audience that
they want something so much, that they actually need it.

I need a new BluRay DVD player.

I need a vacation to Hawaii.

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- 87 -
Write for your audience, not for yourself
I used to write about me. Now I try to write about you.

I used to write copy that said things like:

"We here at Microsoft want you to know that..."

"It's our intention to be the premier provider of..."

"At Microsoft, our success is built on a foundation of..."

The problem with all of this copy is that it's "me-focused." It's all about the
speaker, all about the company, person or product making the announcement.

If I'm the reader, I immediately want to know what's in it for me. I may do
business with Microsoft, but I want to know what they have to say to ME, not
what they want to say about themselves.

So, rather than write "me" copy, write "you" copy. Change those above lines to
say things like:

"Your success is our top priority at Microsoft, and that's why..."

"You are the foundation of what Microsoft was built for..."

"We're here to provide you with the premier..."

Even that last line, though it starts with a "we", gets very quickly to a "you"

For customer-centric companies, this kind of copywriting comes naturally. But

no matter where you work, or who you write for, your audience is far more
interested in themselves than in you. Make sure you write that way.

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- 88 -
A new friend emailed me the other day, asking where I find time to blog on a
consistent basis, and where I find time to read about and research the stuff I
blog about.

I'd have to say the answer comes down to habit and discipline.

Like anything you want to make a priority in your life (from working out, to
brushing your teeth, to mowing the lawn on Saturday mornings), you have to
establish a habit of doing it to make it part of your regular routine. I'm at the
point now where blogging has become a more conscious daily habit, which also
helps me identify things I encounter throughout the day that are worth blogging

For example, I'm in the habit now of making notes, or leaving myself Jotts, of
things I encounter - no matter how small - that are worth cogitating on and
possibly blogging about later.

Perhaps most important, however, is discipline. We're all incredibly busy

people. The things we need to do in our daily lives - professional and personal -
can easily overwhelm us. That's why it's so important to set aside time for the
things you find the most valuable, that end up making the rest of what you do
more manageable and more successful.

For me, I now set aside at least an hour each day for reading and writing. I take
that time to read through my various RSS feeds, flip through a few magazines,
and sometimes just randomly browse the Web for things new & interesting. I
also take some of that time to write reflections on what I read. Sometimes
those reflections end up as nothing more than "FYI" emails to friends &
colleagues. Sometimes they end up here.

I occasionally hear from folks who say they're just too busy to do any reading,
let alone writing. The email newsletter subscriptions pile up, RSS feeds go
unread. I hear this more frequently from folks who are early in their careers.

The feeling of being "too busy" never goes away - no matter how long you've
been doing it, how old you are, or what you do for a living. You need to
consciously make time for the things that are important to you.

For me, that includes taking time each day to see what others are thinking,
discover new ideas and fresh perspectives, and then occasionally ruminate on

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those ideas for myself (and indirectly for others) in formats such as this.

I find it personally and professionally profitable. I think you will too.

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- 90 -
If you're a good manager...
If you're a good manager, you can go on vacation for an extended period and
your business will not miss you.

If you're a good manager, you've prepared and empowered your team with a
clear set of priorities, and the ability to make decisions without you. Even
when you're out of the office and out of touch, the ball is moving forward.

If you're a good manager, your team is happy to have you back when you
return. But you'll find that your inbox isn't filled with urgent decisions you need
to make, decisions that have stalled progress while you were gone.

If you're a good manager, catching up from an extended period of time away

from the office doesn't take very long at all. You merely catch up on a few
emails, read through a couple progress reports, and pick right back up on the
clear priorities set well before you even left.

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- 91 -
Treat your customers like prospects
We woo our prospects like crazy with great offers, slick presentations, lots of
love. But once they've signed on the dotted line and become customers, we all
too often take the relationship for granted.

Kathy Sierra used a marriage metaphor successfully in her post on the fantastic
Creating Passionate Users blog. But a more direct analogy that might help
many of us is to simply think of your customers like prospects.

How would you treat them differently if they hadn't yet signed up? How would
you treat them if you knew that they were making a renewal decision later

How do you "keep the spark alive" in your customer marriages?

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- 92 -
Giving Away Ideas
Many agencies, consultants and vendors hold their best ideas back until they
get paid. Free advice or strategy during the initial business pitch? Good luck.

Why? Most agency heads and consultants will tell you that their entire business
is built on those ideas, and that giving them away is like giving away their

But I don't buy it.

Any consultant or agency worth their weight in salt should be FULL of ideas.
Should be a bottomless pit of brainstorms and strategies.

If a consultant won't give me an idea unless I pay them, then I assume this must
be the only good idea they have. If they had more great ideas, why not give me
a very real, direct sense of how they think, and how smart they are, before I
commit to a paid relationship?

This same issue comes up occasionally in the blogosphere, especially as pundits

and marketing thought leaders spill their guts in their own blogs.

But it should be very telling that visionaries such as Tom Peters, Seth Godin
and more regularly and freely share their new ideas and insights for free

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The Power of Relationships
I have a tax appointment with H&R Block this afternoon. I've thought about
using the do-it-yourself tax software, and we really don't have anything too
complicated to report, but I continue to go to the H&R Block office year after
year. Why?

My relationship with H&R Block. More specifically, my relationship with Tom


Four years ago when my wife and I first went to H&R Block's Kirkland office,
our taxes were prepared by Tom Stubbs. He's a retired teacher who loves
helping people, and it shows. He connected with us, and made a great
impression that first year.

Each January since then, my wife and I receive a hand-written card from Tom.
The card simply thanks us for our business the previous year, and offers his
help again this upcoming tax season.

That card takes time to write and send, but is one of the reasons we keep going
back. We don't go back to H&R Block, we go back to Tom Stubbs.

This short story tells me two things:

1) Something as simple and powerful as a hand-written note can go a very long

2) We often do business and choose our loyalties based on people, not offices
or brands.

The power of personal relationships is alive and well, and arguably more
important in an electronic world.

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- 94 -
The World's Greatest Ice Breaker
How often do you attend a function locally or a conference across the country
where you literally don't know anyone? Your job is to mingle and meet people,
which is often hard enough as it is.

When attendees are wearing name tags, ideally with at least their first name
but maybe with some other identifying information (where they're from, the
company they work for, maybe also something like a favorite hobby or musical
group), getting a conversation going is much easier.

If you organize conferences and events for a living, the simple name tag could
be one of your most important tools to impact attendee satisfaction, and intent
to sign up for the next event.

Think about it. Many people attend events and conferences to learn from the
core subject matter, but also to network with other attendees and learn from
their peers.

If you can facilitate more active networking simply by producing remarkable

name tags, you'll directly impact the value and volume of information
attendees take away with them.

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- 95 -
It's about them, not us
It doesn't matter if I don't like podcasts. What matters is whether my customers
like and use them.

It doesn't matter if I think newspaper advertising is ineffective and a waste of

money. If my customers pay attention to the newspaper, or still spend the
majority of their own ad dollars in the newspaper, I need to address that.

It doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what my customers think. What
they like. What they use.

I was reminded of this by John Jantsch's daughter today. John said he thought
Twitter was stupid, but his daughter told him, "If that's the way I want to send
and receive my information, then you should figure out how to use it."

Well said!

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- 96 -
Learning & networking the old-fashioned way
I can no longer imagine business productivity and communication without
email. Instant messaging services make it easy to ask quick question from my
desktop. Many of us spend most of our days staying highly productive with
nothing more than a monitor, keyboard and Internet connection.

I love the newfound levels of productivity that today's technology enables for
each of us. But we also need to occasionally step away from our keyboards, out
of our offices, and have real, live conversations with one another.

Sometimes that means answering an email with a phone call. Sometimes it

means responding to an instant message by getting up, and walking down the

By having live conversations, even though it may take an extra few precious
minutes, we can create and reinforce stronger natural bonds and relationships
with our colleagues, peers and co-workers. We open up opportunities to discuss
other ideas, questions and priorities beyond the initial inquiry.

The art of networking has also gone digital. We can stay in touch with each
other via email. Network via Plaxo and LinkedIn. Attend virtual seminars and
Webinars online. Attend entire, multi-day conferences from home.

And again, I love these new opportunities. They allow each of us to learn more,
learn faster, and learn more efficiently than ever before.

But they don't replace the opportunity to get out, meet people face-to-face,
and interact in a way that only live settings can allow.

Face-to-face meetings accelerate networking and relationships faster than

anything else. What's more, removing yourself from your usual everyday
environment often gives you a fresh perspective on the same old challenges,
and can re-energize you to solve the problems at hand.

John Jantsch recently wrote about stepping away from the monitor to give
yourself a fresh perspective. Whether you're learning, networking, or just
getting the daily and weekly work done, don't forget to mix up the means by
which you communicate. Oftentimes, you'll find by giving up extreme
efficiency, you gain in richness and value acceleration.

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- 97 -
The Communicative Power of Video
Dave Evans does a great job reminding us how powerful video can be to
communicate ideas and messages.

Dave focuses on our increasingly-shortened attention spans, and the fact that
video can more quickly communicate a lot of information.

But what I particularly love about video is the multi-faceted nature of the
message it can convey. In addition to the words spoken in a video, an audience
can feel the passion in the speaker's voice, get excited by the cadence and
speed of the background music, and be moved by the mix of multi-media visual
and audio effects that ultimately lead to a richer experience, and far more
effectively-communicated message.

Best of all, today's consumers are drawn to video more than ever before.
Videos can be consumed more passively, quickly and efficiently than reading a
long article. Put another way, they've become a far more effective way for us
to communicate with customers, prospects, colleagues - even family and

Sure, video can be harder to produce than the written word. But the impact on
your message efficacy and audience activation can often be worth it.

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Why some people work hard (and some don't)
Very interesting article from a recent issue of Stanford Magazine about what
Professor Carol Dweck calls "The Effort Effect."

In essence, she concludes that people have two kinds of mindsets: growth or
fixed. People with the growth mindset view life as a series of challenges and
opportunities for improving. People with a fixed mindset believe that they are
“set” as either good or bad. The issue is that the good ones believe they don’t
have to work hard, and the bad ones believe that working hard won’t change

Take a quick scan, think about the people you work with (and count on to get
your job done). Are there alternative means to motivate each group of people?

I love articles like this that help give insight into the human mind. I still believe
communication is the most important tool in business, but psychology could be
a close second.

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The most important skill in business
I studied journalism and political science at the University of Washington, with
the assumption that I would be a reporter for a living. Long story short, things
didn't exactly work that way.

Now that I'm firmly on a marketing and business career path, I often think
about whether I would have or should have treated my undergraduate
education differently, had I known where destiny would ultimately lead me.
Should I have gone to business school? Received an economics degree? A stint in
banking perhaps?

Maybe. But probably not.

The more I do this, the more I become convinced that communication skills are
the most important skill in business. It's the skill that can be the hardest to
learn and master, and can be hardest for many of us to get good at.

But our ability to effectively communicate with one another, especially in a

business setting, sets the stage and clears obstacles to achieving our goals. It
defines how others perceive us, how well they understand us, how customers
understand our products, and how badly prospects need our products.

Some of that communication is written, some verbal, some visual. But whether
we're talking about an email, or a PowerPoint deck, or a video, or a quick
hallway conversation, effective & efficient communication can make or break
our success.

Those are skills that journalism schools teach every day. Journalism students
learn how to effectively tell a long, complicated story in a single sentence.
Even a single headline (less than a sentence).

They learn that less is more, and that words and images have the power to
start and end wars, mobilize large groups of people to take action, and turn a
simple product into a phenomenon.

To be successful in business requires a large toolbox of skills, no doubt. But the

ability to communicate, in the end, may trump them all.

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What a deli can teach us about core values

Some of you may have heard of Zingerman's. It started as a small deli in Ann
Arbor, Michigan 25 years ago, and now boasts seven different food service
businesses - all still located in Ann Arbor. It's a small business, but with a
remarkable story of service success.

The way Zingerman's makes such remarkable service the core of their business
approach is also remarkable.

Here are the five simple steps Zingeman's articulates and still uses to translate
the founders' focus on service into execution across the entire organization:

1. They teach it.

2. They define it.
3. They live it.
4. They measure it.
5. They reward it.

This five-part approach to living and executing service values offers all of us a
blueprint for building and ingraining the core values our businesses hold dear.

To learn more about Zingerman's remarkable approach to service, I highly

recommend ZingTrain (the deli's service approach is so good, they now teach it
to others).

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- 101 -
Great Service: Strategy or Objective?
I've been thinking a lot about the nature and value of great service. The more I
read, the more I realize that most companies see service as a means of
achieving their objectives.

Most companies list great service as a strategy, as a means of achieving

financial goals.

But why not make "remarkable service" a core company objective? Why not list
it at the same level of importance as revenue, growth and profitability?

Elevating the value and visibility of service in your organization would have a
couple effects:

1) It demonstrates to the company how important great service is. It's not just
a means to an ends. It's at the core of how you define success as a company.
Great service unlocks repeat business, word-of-mouth to new prospective
customers, and is so important to your financial objectives that it should exist
at the same level.

2) Remarkable service is not a fad, not just a quarterly focus, not something
confined to only part of the organization. Great service is something every
employee must focus on all of the time.

Ranking service as a primary objective of the organization will help you ingrain
it as a core value, and ensure every employee is being kept accountable all of
the time for how their decisions impact your level and quality of customer

Janelle Barlow and Dianna Maul, in their 2000 book Emotional Value: Creating
Strong Bonds with Your Customers, discovered the following proof points:

1) 86 percent of customers switch companies because they were dissatisfied

with the service they received.

2) 75 percent of customer purchases are made by repeat purchasers.

3) The best service companies keep their customers 50 percent longer than
their competitors.

These stats aren't surprising to most of us. But we have to ask ourselves - if

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great service is this important, shouldn't it have a representative place at the
core of how we define our success?

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Defining "The Extra Mile"

A lot of companies talk about going “the extra mile” for their customers. But
I’d venture to say that very few of those companies, let alone their employees,
know exactly what that means.

Making sure the product works, answering a customer question, solving a

problem – those are all "table stakes" in my opinion. Customers expect that the
product will work, that we will adequately support the product, and that they
will see success with the product.

So, going the “extra mile” means doing more than is expected. But what does
that mean? If you ask your company's front-line staff to go the “extra mile” for
your customers, would they have any idea what to do?

You may very well find as many definitions for “extra mile” as you have

What if you helped define “extra mile” for them? What if you gave every
employee (specifically your front-line, customer-facing employees) a set of
“extra mile” opportunities they are encouraged to proactively offer every
customer they come into contact with?

It doesn’t have to be a complicated list, but could be things like:

* Sending a hand-written “thank you” or “congratulations” card

* Offer a sample or free trial of a new product
* Follow-up with the customer (via phone or email) after a couple days to make
sure their issue is still resolved adequately

There will be many more ideas you can add to this list, specific to your
products, business and/or industry. Your goal would be to put this in front of
every employee, and empower them all to do any of these, for any customer,
at any time.

Sometimes going the "extra mile" is about instinct - understanding exactly what
each customer needs, and addressing that need at an individual but meaningful
level. But in general, it's far easier to go "the extra mile" for your customers,
when you've been able to pre-define "extra mile" options.

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Doing More With Your 24
We all have far more work on our plates than we can reasonably get done in an
8-10 hour day, and the disparity between requests and time doesn't stop when
we leave the office. When we get home, requests from our kids, our "honey do"
list, household chores and more all compete for our time.

The concept of working smarter, not harder, is nothing new. But despite the
fact that we all know how important this is in our lives, I still find it extremely
valuable to read fresh perspectives and strategies for executing this, in both
my personal and professional life.

The folks at Nightingale-Conant recently published a great set of strategies that

remind us how to be more productive in the time we have.

Their primary takeaways:

1) Run the day, or it will run you. Part of the key to time management is
staying in charge. Some will be masters of their time, and some will be
servants. Enterprising people become the masters of their time.

2) Don't mistake activity for productivity. To be successful, you must be busy

being productive. Some people are going, going, going, but they're doing figure
eights. They're not making much progress. Don't mistake activity for
productivity, movement for achievement. Evaluate the hours in your days, and
see if there is wasted time that you could manage better.

3) Focus. You've got to zero in on the job at hand and, like an ant, let nothing
stand in your way and let nothing distract you from the task. Assuming this is a
major activity in pursuit of the highest-leverage opportunity available, there
should be nothing more valuable to invest your time in.

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Who do you work for?
You don't work for your boss. Sure, she might sign your paychecks. Or
recommend your promotion. Or review your performance.

But your boss is actually third on the list of who you work for.

As I see it, you have three bosses (in this order):

1. Your customers
2. Your employees
3. Your boss

Let me briefly explain each.

1. Your customers.
There is no more important audience in your business. Without customers,
there is no business. No paycheck. No promotion. So if your customers are that
important, how can they NOT be the boss? This prioritization is relatively easy
for those who are front-line staff, or get to interact with customers on a
regular basis. But for managers who don't interact with customers regularly,
keeping sight of what your customers want can be more difficult. Sometimes
that means listening to how your boss interprets what customers want, but
make no mistake - your customers are calling the shots.

2. Your employees.
If you are in any leadership position, you work for your employees. Your job is
to make them as successful as possible, and to clear obstacles to their success.
Three reasons for this. First, it's your job as a manager to help your employees
succeed, to thrive in their jobs, and to grow in their careers. Second, by
helping your employees grow, you're enabling your own growth (since you're
preparing some of your employees to take your place). And third, your
employees are likely closer to the customer. This means they hear things from
your "first boss" often more directly and more frequently than you do.

3. Your boss.
At the end of the day, your boss is still your boss. He or she still has authority
to to direct the work you do, and help set priorities for both you and your
team. But, your boss works for you (you are her #2 boss), and you're likely
closer to the customers (your and her #1 boss).

I think if more of us thought of our customers as calling the shots in our

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organization (whether you're in a huge corporation, or a business of one), we'd
make a number of decisions very differently (or not make some decisions at

And if more managers considered their employees a close-second priority,

employee satisfaction and productivity would rise.

Will your boss be upset if they find out they're third-fiddle? No way. You're
putting your customers first, and empowering your employees to be better
employees. What more could a good boss ask for?

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- 107 -
Recruiters are marketers, too
Kudos to the folks at Red5 for this unbelievably creative recruiting effort. It
cost a little money, but was incredibly remarkable and buzzworthy. I'm sure
they counted not only on an extremely high response rate from primary
recipients, but also significant word-of-mouth by those recipients telling their
friends, then others (like me, and now you) reading about this elsewhere.

The best recruiters know that they are really marketers at heart. They're
marketing the grass on the other side, and helping to paint a picture for
possible recruits of how life will be better at their new job.

Good recruiters don't just share job descriptions and discuss education
requirements. They tell stories about what life is like at the destination
company, and how recruits will live better, more complete lives at the next
stage of their career.

The best recruiters don't just post jobs on Monster, or HotJobs, or Jobster.
They find the best candidates, wherever they are (they're rarely in the
market), and go after them. When you're that focused, you can afford to spend
the time, energy and money on creativity like this.

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Don't tell me I'm wrong
I don’t like being wrong. I especially don’t like being told that I’m wrong.

Yet, as marketers, we do this on a regular basis. We tell prospective customers

that they’re wrong. Sometimes, we even tell our current customers that
they’re wrong.

When we tell people their current toothpaste isn’t very good, and that they
should be using ours, we’re telling them that they’re wrong. And they don’t
like that.

When a new Internet service provider tries to get me to switch, they’re trying
to get me to admit I’m wrong about my current choice. And I don’t like that.

If my strategy as a marketer is to try and “yell louder” to get someone to

change brand choices, I’m counting on people to admit being wrong.

But if I market my product as a new choice, as something that empowers

consumers to make a new, educated choice, that’s good.

If you’re just offering something that everyone else has, you’ll always be
yelling, and always be telling people they’re wrong.

But if you offer something new, something remarkable, something that changes
the game, you empower people to choose something new.

I don’t want to be wrong. I want to choose something right.

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What would daily renewals do to your business?
Need something to help yourself, your team, or your employees make the right
decisions for the business, every single day?

Here’s a simple exercise.

Imagine that every night, before they go to bed, every single customer had to
choose whether they wanted to continue giving you their business the next day.
Every night, your customers decide whether or not you’ve earned the right to
continue doing business with them. Every night, your company goes through a
vote of confidence.

How would you do? Better yet, how would this help you, your team, or your
employees make decisions every day?

Clearly this level of daily affirmation is neither appropriate nor feasible. But
I’m guessing it would drive far more customer-centric decisions for all of us.

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- 110 -
Why new employees are your best marketers
Each month, I tell a gathered group of new employees at HouseValues that
they're the most important marketers at the company. And I mean it.

Most of these employees are actually joining very different groups across the
organization - finance, technology, operations, etc. But I don't really care
where they'll be working. They're all our most important marketers.

I've been with HouseValues now for almost five years. These newbies have
typically been with HouseValues for just a couple days. While it's relatively
difficult for me to see our company, our products, our processes and our
industry in a new light, it's natural to do so for these new employees.

They bring to HouseValues a wide variety of experiences, perspectives and

histories. They've done things and been a part of things I haven't yet seen or
experienced, things that haven't yet become a part of my worldview.

These new employees are able to deliver incredibly important insights into our
business that I, and company veterans like me, just can't see anymore.

So the trick with these new employees is two-fold:

1) Getting them to understand how important their perspectives are

2) Getting them to communicate and share their insights in the coming weeks
and months

The first part is usually easy. The second part is hard. Hard because new
employees typically assume that veteran employees know more, hard because
they assume processes and perspectives are in place at the company for a
reason, and hard because not every manager is open to feedback and criticism,
sometimes in general and often especially from a newbie.

If you're reading this, I hope that you at least buy into the idea that your new
employees are incredibly powerful marketers. If that's true, then your real
challenge is to unlock the second "trick" listed above.

Create a culture at your company that empowers, encourages and rewards new
employees for sharing their perspectives. Show them that their feedback is
indeed valuable, and show them that you actually follow-up on and implement
their ideas.

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Today's newbies will be tomorrow's company veterans. And those veterans will
help you to continue fostering the kind of culture that empowers fresh ideas
and innovations from new perspectives.

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- 112 -
The best marketing isn't marketing
I had coffee recently with a great marketer who doesn't believe in marketing.

He owns a very successful business in Seattle, the latest of several successful

ventures in his career. His disciplined approach about both great storytelling
and fanatical customer service demonstrate his understanding of the root
causes of customer loyalty and word-of-mouth.

Yet despite the fact that he's clearly a success, and is clearly a great marketer,
he doesn't believe that most marketing works.

And he's right.

Traditional marketing, done well, does nothing more than spread the work
about great products and services. But if the products and services aren't great,
the marketing will never work.

What's more, great products and services usually don't need marketing. Great
products and services market themselves, in that they generate intense loyalty
among current customers, and the kind of word-of-mouth that naturally
generates steady waves of new customers.

Sure, an extra layer of traditionally-defined marketing can often be a catalyst

to faster growth. It can mean the difference between 2X growth and 5X
growth, simply by accelerating the speed at which people find out about your

But if the business isn't good - if the products don't work, don't deliver on
marketing promises, or simply are supported by bad service - then all you've
done is tell a lot more people that you run a bad business, or deliver a sub-par

If your business has slowed, sales are down, or competitors are catching up,
marketing may be the answer. But look first to your products. Look to the
service you provide to your customers. Make sure you're delivering on the
promises you've made. More often than not, your growth path is not in buying
an expensive ad campaign, or sending more direct mail. It's in building better,
more remarkable experiences for your customers.

In a world where customers more frequently deliver their own marketing

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messages about your business back to the masses, your best marketing may not
be marketing at all.

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No marketing budget for a year...
Here’s a simple exercise that can help all of us focus our attention first on
products, services and customer experience - then on how to leverage
marketing to accelerate awareness and growth.

Imagine for a moment that you were not allowed to spend a dime on
marketing for an entire year. No advertising, no PR, no direct mail, no emails.
You could not proactively market your business. You could only invest time,
energy, resources and budget into your products, services and customer

You are, in essence, counting on your customers to market and grow your
business for you - based on how effective your products and services perform.

How would that change your approach? How would it change how and where
you allocate your time and resources each day? How would it change your
perspective on how, and where, to invest in current products & services?

How would you do business differently?

Now imagine you had that marketing budget back. Would you need it?

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Ignore the critic, embrace the criticism
We all have detractors. The best products don't work for everyone. And even
companies with the best customer service deal regularly with angry customers.

Too often, however, our feelings about the person complaining get in the way
of how seriously we should take their complaint.

Put another way: ignore the critic, embrace the criticism.

Even irrational complaints are typically rooted in something real, something

that's facing and frustrating many more customers who haven't spoken up. If
you take the easy path, dismissing both the critic and the criticism, you're
likely passing up an opportunity to address a very real customer issue,
something that could be keeping dozens, even hundreds of other customers
from being successful and completely satisfied with your product or service.

Critics are not fun to listen to. They can be downright rude. Sometimes they
get personal.

But they almost always have a point.

Ignore the critic, embrace the criticism.

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- 116 -
Fresh ideas from the magazine rack
Some of the best ideas around right now are simply better-executed strategies
pulled from somewhere else. They're not necessarily original ideas, just better
implementations in a new setting.

Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Go to the bookstore, the nearest newsstand, or even the local supermarket.

Find a magazine that you've never read, in an industry or genre you typically
don't find interesting.

Take the magazine home, and read it cover to cover. Read everything - the
editor's note, the ads, the short up-front briefs, and the back-of-the-book long

As you read, write down things that you find interesting. Pay attention to copy
strategies from the ads, promotional ideas by sponsors, successful design
elements in the magazine overall.

Observe to how the advertisers engage the readers. How the writers engage
the readers. How the magazine designers keep readers flipping through to the
back cover.

As you observe and take notes, start making analogies between what you see
(and experience) directly, and how that might apply these insights in your job,
your industry, or your marketing.

My guess is you'll end up with a strong to-do list of fresh, new ideas that are
immediately relevant and actionable in your business.

Some of our best breakthroughs aren't necessarily original ideas. They're born
out of an experience, a kernel of an idea, a snippet of information pulled from
somewhere else.

I believe the best marketers among us are simply the most efficient at
identifying those kernels in everything they see, do and experience, identifying
bridges between where they find it and what they're presently doing, and then
being diligent and focused on testing those ideas in their own environment.

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- 117 -
What are you going to give up?
We all have way too many things to do. Too many things piling up at the office,
and too many duties back at home. If we assume it all has to get done, we will
never succeed. If we set goals but don't establish the discipline to stick to them
and focus only on them, we're still doomed to a life of frustration and self-
evaluated failure.

But if we take the time to decide what we really want, and what's really
important to us (professionally and personally), we empower and free ourselves
to live more satisfied lives.

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- 118 -
Are you worth it?
You may have read by now about Terra Bite, a coffee shop in Kirkland,
Washington that charges nothing. That's right. Order your latte, get a muffin,
even come back in the afternoon for a cookie or sandwich. You're obligated to
pay nothing.

There's simply a box on the counter for contributions. Terra Bite customers are
asked to pay what they feel the product is worth.

Before Terra Bite ever came to be, Seth Godin wrote about the concept of
"business by donation" in The Big Moo. It's a good exercise in ensuring that your
business is truly delivering value to your customer.

The premise is simple. Imagine that global competition caused your company to
rely on donations to survive. Your customers only pay what they think your
product or service is worth.

Would your product be worth the price you charge? Could you command the
same premium for your service?

If not, are you overcharging customers today? And if so, how do you deliver
more value?

What would you do differently to survive?

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- 119 -
Be like Sarah
Sarah owns The Bath Bar, a small bath & lotion store in downtown Kirkland,
Washington. She sells a wide range of bath soaps, soaking salts, lotions and

There are plenty of places to buy bath soaps and lotions around town, including
several competing retail locations in your local mall alone.

But Sarah's business is remarkably popular and successful, and her customers
are fiercely loyal.

Why? Sarah has great products, and remarkable service. She's a prime example
of how great products and even greater service can be your most effective

Walk into Sarah's store, and you're greeted with a smile and personal service to
find exactly what you need. Come back a second time, and Sarah remembers
everything you liked from the previous visit, and sometimes even has new
products in stock specifically because she thought you would like them.

Need something in a hurry? Call ahead. Sarah will shop for you, process your
credit card over the phone, wrap everything up, and bring your package out to
your car for you, so you don't have to even worry about a parking spot.

Running late? Just give Sarah a call. She'll keep the store open for you.

Sarah's even been known to take orders directly to customers' homes on her
own way home from work.

Sarah does all of this, and much more, not because she read about it in a book,
or because she learned it in business school. To Sarah, this is simply what you
do for your customers. This level of remarkable service comes natural.

But we all know that this level of service is quite uncommon. Most retail
businesses fail to ask our names, let alone remember them, let alone
remember what products we like.

Let alone offer to shop for us, bring our order to the car, or stay open late.

Sarah doesn't think about it this way, but she's one of the best marketers at
work in retail today. She knows that building a business isn't about advertising,

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it isn't about flashy gimmicks, and it isn't about doing what the "big guys" do.

It's about serving and delighting your customers with something they can't get
anywhere else.

By focusing on great products and even better service, Sarah has created a
competitive advantage that few can match.

Is your business this remarkable? Do your customers tell stories as remarkable

as those listed above? Are you creating a competitive advantage simply by how
you support your products, and how important you make your customers feel?

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- 121 -
Work to enrich your life (not define it)
There's a great scene (among many) in the latest version of The Italian Job, in
which a retiring thief played by Donald Sutherland is giving advice to his
protege, played by Mark Wahlberg.

After a particularly successful heist, the master tells the apprentice:

"There are two kinds of thieves in the world - those who steal to enrich their
lives, and those who steal to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

Many of us put our heart and soul into our work. We do this because it's how we
were raised by our parents, or because we love what we do, or because we're
driven by various financial or career goals, or all of the above.

But work as the means and the ends is largely hallow. Although I love what I
do, and truly enjoy the work I'm privileged to do each business day, it is a
means to an end for me.

I've worked with many people who use work to define their lives, and too often
these people end up lonely and unhappy. They get incredible satisfaction out of
the success they achieve in the office, sure, but it's at the expense of the joy
and fulfillment they aren't able to achieve outside of the workplace.

It's far easier to both write and practice this on a Sunday afternoon, rather
than a busy Wednesday afternoon. But time and experience has already taught
me that, although work can be incredibly fulfilling, it's a means of enriching
the purposeful life I choose to live outside of work.

The right balance between personal and professional time is a personal

decision, but few of us at the end of the day want our time in the office to
truly define who we are.

As you start another work week, and a new quarter of the year, it's a great
time to set aggressive goals for yourself at the office. Push yourself to be
better, to work smarter. But also challenge yourself to define how you want to
live your life - this week, this quarter and beyond.

There's no reason you can't continue to be a superstar at the office, but use
that success to enrich the life you really want to lead.

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Credits & Copyrights
This book is copyrighted. You do, however, have permission to post this, email
this, print this and pass it along for free to anyone you like, as long as you
make no changes and attribute its content back to the author.

You do not have permission to turn this book into a play, a musical or a
television mini-series. The author reserves those rights, just in case.

You can find more information on much of the contents of this book, as well as
additional information and insights, at www.mattonmarketing.com.

We hope this book inspires you to keep thinking, innovating, and inspiring those
around you. The author was particularly inspired by Seth Godin, Kathy Sierra,
John Jantsch, Dave Chase, Emerson Robbins, John Moore, Ron McDaniel, Guy
Kawasaki, Brandon Gill, Jackie Huba, Ben McConnell, and many many others.

This book is dedicated to my wife, Beth. She knows why.

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