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Nuclear Power Stations in 2025?

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main concern of the use of Crude Oil is due to the fact of a high ercentage of CO2
emissions! and other greenhouse gases that are traed "etween our o#one la$er and cant
leave our atmoshere! therefore increasing the heat of the %arth&s temerature'
The other main ro"lem is due to the Crude oil not "eing sustaina"le' %ventuall$ it will run
out! and "$ 2025 it will most definitel$ "e in limited resource'
There is a de"ate whether the (overnment should oen Nuclear Power lants! and there has
"een such a large de"ate due to there "eing ama#ing "enefits! $et life)threatening ossi"ilities'
+, The emissions of Nuclear ower emit ver$ low amounts of CO2 comared to Crude
Oil! and therefore the contri"ution of nuclear ower lants to glo"al warming is
relativel$ little'
2, The technolog$ and resources is all availa"le! and won&t ta-e long to use ."ut to
create the ower stations will ta-e longer to advance,'
/, The amount of roduced electricit$ is staggering! and comare to crude oil much
more can "e generated in one single ower lant than in a several Oil 0ines'
1, Some nuclear energ$ is roduced naturall$' 2or e3amle! the Sun and other stars
ma-e heat and light "$ nuclear reactions'
5, Nuclear energ$ can "e man)made too' 0achines called nuclear reactors! arts
of nuclear ower lants! rovide electricit$ for man$ cities' 0an)made nuclear
reactions also occur in the e3losion of atomic and h$drogen "om"s'
4, Nuclear energ$ can last a lot longer than regular fuels such as diesel' A nuclear
aircraft carrier can circle the glo"e continuousl$ for /0 $ears on its original fuel
while a diesel fuelled carrier has a range of onl$ a"out /000 miles "efore having to
+, Desite the e3ected high securit$ standard! accidents can still haen' 5t is
technicall$ imossi"le to "uild a lant with +006 securit$! which therefore could
result in deaths or diseases "eing made from the accidents' Some chemicals could "e
released and therefore oison7mutate living cells'
2, 5f the Nuclear ower is laced in the wrong hands! it could "e used as a weaon
against nations'
/, Nuclear energ$ uses 8ranium as fuel! which is a scarce resource' The sul$ of
8ranium is e3ected to last onl$ for the ne3t /0 to 40 $ears .deending on the actual
1, Nuclear energ$ is not a renewa"le source'
5n conclusion! 5 thin- that if the Power stations were -et with as much sustaina"ilit$ of
8ranium ossi"le! as much securit$! and as man$ relia"le securit$ and Scientists! the 5
would feel that using Nuclear Power is ver$ "eneficial to the %nvironment .comared to
Crude Oil,! and could ower cities with less electrical ollution and waste'

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