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Neck Arthritis Symptoms and Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits

Posted on August 9, 2012 by Disability Advocate Updated on August 9, 2012

9:23 am
Arthritis is a disorder that is evidenced by inflammation of your joints.
This may involve one or several of your joints. Arthritis usually involves
changes in structure, restriction of motion, stiffness, pain and swelling.
In this post we write about neck arthritis and neck arthritis symptoms that
can possibly qualify you for disability.
Arthritis is not just a single disorder. Arthritis is a complex disorder
that includes over 100 separate conditions that can begin at any age of
The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid
arthritis. Some of the other kinds of arthritis are gouty arthritis,
psoriatic arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, septic arthritis,
ankylosing spondylitis and Stills disease, just to name a few.
Osteoarthritis is marked by low-grade inflammation that brings about pain
in your joints. This is caused by abnormal wearing of your cartilage that
serves as a cushion and covers the inside of your joints.
Another characteristic of osteoarthritis is the destruction or decrease of
synovial fluid. This is the fluid that lubricates your joints.
You begin to experience pain when weight bearing is placed on your joints
due to the fact that your bone surfaces are not as well protected by
cartilage. This also includes when you are walking and standing. As you
have less and less movement because of the pain that you are experiencing,
your regional muscles may atrophy and your ligaments may become more lax.
Neck arthritis is a type of osteoarthritis. Neck arthritis is a chronic,
progressive degeneration of the discs and vertebrae that are in your neck.
This leads to pressure being placed (compression) on the spinal cord that
is in your neck.
The people who are most often affected by neck arthritis are those who are
over the age of 55. In fact, over 85% of people who are the age of 60 and
older are affected by neck arthritis.
Neck arthritis is the result of chronic degeneration (wearing away) over
time of your cervical spine. Advancing age leads to your cervical spine
starting to press down or compress one or more of your nerve roots. In
severe cases of neck arthritis your spinal cord is also affected.
The signs and symptoms that are produced by neck arthritis may begin
suddenly. However, most of the time, the signs and symptoms caused by this
disorder take place slowly over a long period of time.
There are several signs and symptoms that you may experience, which may be
an indication of neck arthritis. These may include:
Weakness in you arms that in rare instances may also
involve your legs
Problems with walking
Pain in your neck that may move (radiate) to your
shoulders or arms
The loss of control of your bowels or bladder
(incontinence) in cases where your spinal cord is compressed
Abnormal sensations or the loss of sensation in your
arms, shoulders or in rare cases in your legs
Headaches that especially involve the back of your head
Abnormal reflexes
A lack of coordination
Stiffness in your neck that gets worse with time
A loss of balance.
Have you become disabled and unable to work because of neck arthritis and/
or complications that have been caused by it or other illnesses that you
have along with this disorder? If this is your situation, have you been
searching for financial help?
Have you considered applying for Social Security disability benefits or
disability benefits from the Social Security Administration? Have you
already applied and been denied?
If you are planning on reapplying or appealing your denial, you really
should have the disability lawyer at disabilitycasereview.com working for
you. The disability lawyer at disabilitycasereview.com knows how to deal
with the Social Security Administration and get you the disability benefits
that you deserve.
Do not put this off. Go to disabilitycasereview.com, before it is too late.

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