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Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature

This is a special report that shares a simple, but little-known
Numerology technique to help you manifest overowing
abundance in your life as soon as today by leveraging your
unique Prosperity Power Signature.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Prosperity Consciousness
Whether you know it or not, you create your own reality. Your thoughts attract to you
whatever things or experience you focus them on. In other words, whatever you think
about is what you invite into your experience.
This law of nature applies to what you dont want as well; in other words, if you are
focused on sorrow, or worried about your future, these unwanted things are being
attracted to you, just as the things you desire are attracted to you.
The achievement of Prosperity Consciousness, in which you no longer center your
attention on what you dont want to experience in life, is not an impossible dream. It is
really a simple thing that can be done by anyone of any age.
There are two main steps to cultivating Prosperity Consciousness and attracting
the things that you really want in life.
The rst is to understand that thoughts attract experiences of a similar nature. The
second is to know that the key to enhancing prosperity consciousness lies not in trying
to control your thoughts, but in being sensitive to how you feel.
All human beings face similar obstacles to achieving both of these steps, despite the
culture or economic status that they are a part of. These obstacles that lie buried in the
collective unconscious take on many forms, but can be grouped into central ideas. The
central ideas can be associated with different vibrational levels, and are learned
behaviors of thought, not what we, as unique souls, are meant to experience.
Yes, we are all unique, but we do attract to ourselves certain of these behaviors that are
in tune with our inner state, as reected in our outer state and our individual history and
experience. We constantly broadcast thoughts and feelings into the universe, and the
vast majority of them are build on the foundations of our values and beliefs, some of
which are in tune with Prosperity Consciousness, and some of which are not.
Because the negative behaviors of thought that stand in the way of achieving
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Prosperity Consciousness are learned, they can be unlearned, and unlearning them is
simply a matter of tuning into your Energetic Guidance system.
The Energetic Guidance System is easy enough to understand, and learning to heed
it is of tremendous advantage to you in all aspects of your life. It is awakened into your
conscious awareness by simply paying attention to how you feel.
When you are thinking about something that your inner self, or soul, wants, you feel
positive emotions. When you are thinking about something that you do not want, you
experience negative emotions thats it, in a nutshell.
It works because your emotions are an indicator of your relationship, at any given time,
to your essence, your inner self, or your soul, no matter what you would like to call it.
Your inner self knows what things are attuned to joy and bliss, and when you experience
things that are not in accord with the innitely positive essence of your being, there is
discord, which you feel as a negative emotion.
We call it a guidance system, because if you are aware of a negative emotion, it means
that you are letting your thoughts carry you down a road you dont want to travel.
For instance, if you are looking in the
window of a shop and feeling sad, your
thoughts are probably running a
recorded message about how much
you would love to have what youre
seeing, but I cant afford it or what
would I do with something wonderful
like that or something similar, in which
case, you are effectively building a wall
that keeps the things you want trapped
behind it.
Emotions are the signals from your
inner self that let you know whether
these thoughts are in tune with the joy
and bliss of expressing your essence,
so it becomes obvious that if you are in
a si tuati on of feel i ng bad, your
immediate reaction should be to
change your thought-patterns, and not
to start thinking about the bad feelings.
In other words, you can shift your
feelings and get back in tune with your
inner bliss by learning to change your
The better you feel, the better things turn out for you, because you are closer to
Prosperity Consciousness, and therefore attracting the experiences you want into your
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
To some of you, this may seem obvious, but not everyone has the same road to travel in
life, and there is no one size ts all strategy for achieving Prosperity Consciousness.
Many people, throughout their waking hours, are busily creating the life they dont want
and dont realize it, primarily because of behaviors of the mind that they have carelessly
adopted from their surroundings.
Sometimes people adopt strategies to undo these negative behaviors that dont t them,
because they were designed from the perspective that since these effects work in the
same way for everybody, they dont need to be customized to match the different
experiences of individuals.
Thats not such a bad thing, because the closer one gets to Prosperity Consciousness,
the simpler the attainment of it is. But everyone needs a simple, real-world starting point
that requires the least amount of effort.
Whats unique about this report is that it provides you with strategies to become more
conscious of your Energetic Guidance System and emerge from the trap of generating
negative thoughts that are unique to you. It shows how the Universal Laws of Attraction
can be activated through your Prosperity Power Signature, as dened by the ancient
esoteric science of Numerology.
Know your Numbers, Choose your Destiny
Its not uncommon to see a
Numerol ogy Chart i n whi ch
numbers are written down and
explained in such a way that this
means this, and that means that.
Thats OK, because many people
have gai ned t r emendousl y
helpful insights into themselves
and their experience by this
formulaic approach.
But when wealth and abundance
come into question, a more
specic approach is required;
one whi ch st udi es cer t ai n
elements that are more important
than others in dening your
Prosperity Power Signature.
There are two elements of the
Numerology Chart that are
generally known to most curious
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
folks who explore the subject, the Expression and the Life Path. Both contain several
elements within them that are of importance, to be sure. But your success and
happiness are so overreaching, yet so complex within themselves, they can be
indicated by a single factor, derived from these two major chart factors. We call this
factor the Prosperity Power Signature.
Interestingly enough, this particular chart factor has been discussed in some
Numerology books in the past. It has been called the Life Number or the Ultimate
Number, but it has not always been interpreted properly. Some give it a meaning, like
any other chart factor, but thats not its purpose. What it indicates is your personal
interaction with the 9 basic vibrations, whenever or wherever they may appear. It is
used to interpret the Cycles, Personal Years, and even concepts or ideas you may
experience, and when it comes to Prosperity and your ability to achieve it, it is more
effective that any of the other factors in your chart for doing so.
What you project is what you experience; what you give is what you receive.
This is a basic, or cosmic law upon which the art of Numerology rests, and also the
basis of manifesting abundance. We are all innite beings, full of innite possibilities and
the Universe is unlimited in its abundance. This is not an easy concept to grasp, but
once you do, you can see that your top priority is releasing the self-imposed limitations
that trick you into whatever interferes with your ability to manifest the lifestyle that you
The Expression
The Expression, or the Total Name
Number, is, obviously, about how you
express yourself, but is more than that. It
contains two important factors within it,
the Personality Number and the Soul
Urge. There are several other subtle
factors, and even a system of prediction
built into your Total Name Number, but
this is a report on attracting prosperity,
and is not meant to dene everything
within the Numerology Chart.
It is often said that the Expression is a
whole and complete description of you
and the magic that you bring into the
world, and how you go about bringing
your inner light to others. It is the number
that describes what you send out into the
world. People often do not realize that
through their actions, they create chains
of cause and effect that lead to new
experiences. Some call it the Destiny
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Number, because, according to many famous teachers, what you send out into the
world is what you get back.
The expression is calculated simply, by summing the Numerological values of the
full given name.
Here is the modern alphabet-to-number conversion table that is commonly used to
calculate yours:
Using the alphabet conversion table above, you can nd your Expression by
arithmantically summing the vowels of your name; if the sum comes to 11 or 22 it is not
Its possible that your Total Name Number may be one of the other Doubled Numbers,
like 33, 44 etc. You can learn more about the Numbers at Numerologist.com, where
they have been discussed in depth. These subtleties of Numerology are not really an
important factor as far as nding your Prosperity Power Signature is concerned.
What is important, however, is that each of these Vibrations has a unique way to
sending the thoughts you have into the
world, which is the biggest factor in
determining what you get back from it.
The Expression contains, among many
other chart elements, the Soul Urge and
the Personality Number. The Soul Urge is
the arithmantic sum of the vowels, and
the Personality Number is the sum of the
The role that they play in the Expression
of your inner being, or your Prosperity
C o n s c i o u s n e s s , c a n n o t b e
The Soul Urge is an indicator that helps a
numerologist understand something
about the experience the inner self
desires (which is why some authors call it
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
the Hearts Desire). Because the inner self is not a material thing, it needs a material
component to manifest in the world; a vehicle through which it can receive the
experiences of life, and exert some inuence to help you achieve the experience you
truly desire.
As youve probably guessed, this is exactly the Numerological explanation of how your
Energetic Guidance System works, but you can also see that neither component can
act alone; they need each other. It can also be seen that the Personality Number is built
up of components adopted from the common plane of existence, and also acts as a
value and belief based lter for the interpretation of your daily experience.
The Expression lets us understand how these two factors work together as a single
synergetic unit it is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Lets take a brief look at the different Expression Numbers and see how your ability to
attract abundance and prosperity may be affected by them.
Positive - quick to take the lead, bold, generous, self-reliant, forthright, needs to practice
compassion and tolerance.
Negative - selshness and egotism, attempts to impose will on others.
The aggressive pursuit of desires or the attempt to bend the universe to ones will
attracts resistance and conict, rather than abundance.
Positive cooperative, works with rather than against, success through others,
diplomacy, detail-oriented.
Negative clingy and dependent, indecisive, defensive, overly-emotional.
Focusing on perceived unfullled emotional needs harms self-esteem and attracts more
situations in which one feels unfullled.
Positive - outgoing, social, friendly, enthusiastic, entertaining, popular, loves travel and
Negative requires recognition and attention, sarcastic, scattered, jealous, nds it hard
to commit.
Thinking about what others have and how they got it can easily keep one from thinking
about what they truly want and attracting it.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Positive hardworking, determined, patient, sober in judgment, reliable, down to earth.
Negative brooding, strict, intolerant, stubborn, procrastinating, feels exploited.
Its important to learn to expect big results from small efforts; satisfaction comes from
happiness, not the praise of others.
Positive freedom-oriented, seeks change, adaptable and versatile, good at
coordinating activities and people, intuitive.
Negative irresponsible, self-indulgent, pleasure-seeking, jumps from one thing to
Learning to focus on the feelings or emotions during every activity is the quickest way to
begin the attraction of prosperity.
Positive cheerful, optimistic, loving, committed, loyal, responsible, willing to sacrice
for the benet of others.
Negative nds it hard to say no, perfectionist, misplaced loyalty, unrealistic
Trying to do the work of attraction perfectly will bring anxiety and disappointment rather
than what one wants.
Positive philosophical, curious, analytical, sincere, private, intuitive, interested in how
things work.
Negative doubtful, prone to trust issues, closed, conicted, logical, does not believe in
a positive outcome.
Trying to analyze why and how anything can be attracted by thought will only create
doubt and frustration, not the future that is desired.
Positive organized, ambitious, courageous and persistent, disciplined, generous,
Negative intolerant, blunt, controlling, demanding, stingy, overly materialistic,
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
obsessive, fear of failure.
Materialism can be based on the lack of belief in any spiritual principles and harden the
heart to the voice of the energetic guidance system.
Positive inclusive, intuitive, romantic, recovers quickly from setbacks or
disappointments, seless.
Negative dislikes being conned, status conscious, difculties become more severe
when aggressively trying to eliminate them.
Putting too much energy into solving the problems of others can cause the thoughts to
be directed away from what one wants
Positive intuitive, inspired and inspiring, visionary, forward-thinking, original,
innovative, imaginative.
Negative inconsiderate, belief in being outside the rules, nervous, hypersensitivity,
Not paying attention to the energetic guidance system will only cause one to mistake
attracting problems for attracting joy.
Positive does things in a big way, relentless, commanding, detail-oriented, thinks
globally, strong sense of purpose.
Negative overestimates the self, stubborn, vengeful, manipulative, frustrated,
dissatised, intemperate.
Giving up the idea that attracting wealth is about forcibly manipulating universal laws
makes the act of creating the future easier.
The Life Path
The Life Path is the vibration that summarizes your Month, Day and Year of birth. It
essentially describes your entry point into the material world, which denes our
relationship with the outside world in a different, yet similar way to the Expression.
When we manifest as material beings, we become subject to cause and effect on the
material plane. While the soul, or inner being is multi-dimensional, we only experience
our nature as such through dreams, visions and other psychic experiences.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
This is very important, because in this world we experience time as a linear
phenomenon, in which one event or experience follows another.
The Universe is constantly expressing an unlimited number of vibrational patterns, but
in our three dimensional world, we, again, experience various collections of these
vibrations as layers of time-cycles, not unlike the Wheels within wheels described in
the Biblical vision of Ezekiel.
According to the birth moment, we inherit certain cycles from the Universal Cycles that
are constantly working with one another. There are Universal vibrational patterns that
may be working in harmony with the ones we inherited, and others that may not.
By understanding the interplay of these cycles of time, we can determine what
strategies we can use to resolve any conict between the Universal and Personal
vibrations, so that we experience less difculty in making use of the Energetic Guidance
Here is the correct method of calculating a Life Path for a person born on
December 14
, 1980. Follow these steps exactly when calculating your own.
Birth Month = December = 12 (being the 12
month of the year).
Birth Date = 14 (because its the 14
of the month).
Birth Year = 1980 (the same as the year).

The Formative, Productive and Harvest Cycles are three large time periods derived
from the time date and place of birth. From knowing them, we can determine large,
overall strategies that can be used to help us grow in Prosperity Consciousness, and
therefore aid us in the creation of our destinies. The Achievement Number is important,
because we use it to calculate the Personal Year, through which we can gain a more
immediate plan for creating more wealth in our lives.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
These components are summed by the Life
Path Number, which, like the Expression, is
Synergistic a whole that is more than the
sum of its parts. The Life Path is the second
element used to nd your Prosperity Power
Your Life Path Number is also the arbitrator
or negotiator of cause and effect in your life.
It denes the relationship between what you
give and what you receive. It never
countermands the desires of the inner self;
when one is having a difcult time it is
because of generating the kind of thoughts
that are attracting the difculty. These
negative thoughts are usually due to the
interpretation of the experience that one is
prone to, whether through cultural learning,
or self taught behavior. Whatever the
reason, the ease with which one attracts
what they desire can usually be found in the
cycles subject to the Life Path.
The behaviors ascribed to the Life Path Numbers help you know what you are prone to
by default; generally the opportunities to act positively will appear during times when
you are in tune with your energetic guidance system, and the negative ones will appear
during times of stress, when you are disconnected from the inner self.
Life Path One Keywords:
Positive: self-motivated, innovative, assertive, energetic, beginnings, emphasizes
uniqueness, ambitious, determined, progressive, active, instinctual, curious, original,
and creative.
Negative: egocentric, passive-aggressive, lacking in self-esteem, arrogant, superiority
complex, impatient, controlling, fearful, timid, uncooperative, a bully, ego-driven;
sometimes cruel or abusive.
Life Path Two Keywords:
Positive: sensitive, intuitive, cooperative, diplomatic, a good organizer, trustworthy,
harmonizer, friendly, nurturing, domestic, detail-oriented, tactful, loyal, romantic, gentle,
a mediator, compassionate.
Negative: subservient, shy, blunt, overly sentimental, careless, timid, codependent, self-
centered, nds it really hard to let go of emotional attachments, insensitive, not a team
player, hides emotions, dogmatic.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Life Path Three Keywords:
Positive: charismatic, entertaining, charming, extroverted, energetic, creative, visionary,
magnetic, humorous, attractive, irtatious, artistic, sensual, joyful, witty, artistic,
optimistic, communicative, intelligent.
Negative: scattered, unreliable, bored, inconsistent, wasteful, evasive, illusive,
introverted, vain, exaggerates, leaves things undone, jealous, sarcastic, manipulative,
temperamental, insecure, hard to get into.
Life Path Four Keywords:
Positive: down-to-earth, reliable, organized, hard-working, a builder, loyal, practical,
management ability, patriotic, family oriented, focused, honest, straightforward,
meticulous, logical, methodical, systematic.
Negative: biased, arrogant, reactionary, opinionated, confrontational, irresponsible,
defensive, evasive, rigid, argumentative, repressed, uninspired, brooding, controlling,
cruel, sometimes abusive.
Life Path Five Keywords:
Positive: freedom-loving, charming, exible, sensual, physical, social, entertaining,
curious, artistic in all things, adventurous, thrill-seeking, ever-changing, enticing,
fascinating, sexy, and dramatic.
Negative: impulsive, irresponsible, self-indulgent, unreliable, inconsistent, inconsiderate,
over-indulgent, ighty, deceitful, excessive, unfaithful, self-centered, restless, addictive,
noncommittal, frustrated.
Life Path Six Keywords:
Positive: loving, responsible, kind, practical, gentle, romantic, protective, empathic,
compassionate, domestic, loyal, community and service oriented, counseling and
negotiating skill, team player, nurturing.
Negative: perfectionist, nosy, a busybody, moody, avoids responsibility and
commitment, withdrawn, control issues, passive-aggressive, needy, manipulative,
secretive, possessive, smothering, temperamental.
Life Path Seven Keywords:
Positive: philosophical, intelligent, rational, dignied, efcient, introspective, reliable,
calm, insightful, studious, investigative, discriminating, resilient, conversant, analytical,
Negative: fearful, distant, critical, aloof, critical, crafty, doubtful or faithless, manipulative,
overly analytical, unsociable, argumentative, distrustful, withdrawn, quietly angry,
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
emotionally closed.
Life Path Eight Keywords:
Positive: determined, knowledgeable, tenacious, expert, focused, powerful, inventive,
orchestrator, organized, successful, delegates, adaptable, authoritative, generous, likes
being in charge, leader.
Negative: controlling, power hungry, easily frustrated, egomaniacal, stubborn, either
cheap or a spendthrift, impatient, judgmental, condescending, intolerant, hard-hearted,
materialistic, abusive.
Life Path Nine Keywords:
Positive: easy-going, intuitive, imaginative, thoughtful, creative/ artistic, intriguing,
compassionate, unassuming, inquisitive, gentle, romantic, sensitive, spiritual, empathic,
helpful, future-oriented.
Negative: co-dependent, lacks self-esteem and condence, takes on others problems,
unfocused, impractical, daydreamer, aimless, self-limiting, addictive, wasteful, escapist
tendencies, procrastinator.
Life Path Eleven Keywords:
Positive: self-condent, approachable, empathetic, friendly, warm, genuine, welcoming,
mysterious, centered, hypnotic, imaginative, intuitive, adaptable, wide range of interests,
charming, kind.
Negative: superiority complex, malicious, fanaticism, disrespectful, creatively deceptive,
antisocial, withdrawn, escapist, self-righteous, hypersensitive, blunt, uncooperative,
Life Path Twenty-Two Keywords:
Positive: intelligent, idealistic, builder, charming, practical innovator, needs to produce
tangible results, seeks to expand mass awareness, creative, tireless, driven, realist,
brings dreams into manifestation.
Negative: egotistical, greedy, insensitive, feelings of invulnerability, unethical, immoral,
manipulative, materialistic, self-promoting, unfair, ignores rules, selsh, never satised,
The Personal Years
The Personal Years are created from the Universal, or calendar year, and the
Achievement Number, which was previously found while calculating the Life Path. It
shows the synchronization of your chart to the cycles of time as measured by the
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
common calendar. If you remember, the Achievement Number is simply the arithmantic
sum of the month and date of birth. In the example given above, December 14
an Achievement Number of 12+14=26 = 26/8. The subtotal is added to the calendar
year, and the resultant number is then summed to nd the personal year as follows:
26+2013 = 2039. 2+0+3+9 = 14; 1+4 = 5.
When calculating the Personal Year for this application, we are working through the
repeating cycle of 9 major vibrations always reduce the Personal Year to a number
between (and including) 1 and 9.
Each Personal Year has specic qualities that affect you directly; they are all particular
variations of your experience in the world. To learn more about them in general, visit
Numerologist.com; you will nd many articles on the subject.
Try it yourself and see how well the attributes of the year match your personal
experiences, because they can be lled with information.
Your Unique Prosperity Signature
As far as attracting wealth into your life is
concerned, however, we will only consider
the relationship between the Personal Year
and the Life Number, which constitutes an
annual Prosperity Power Signature.
The Ultimate Number, or the Life Number,
is, as stated earlier, the arithmantic sum of
the Expression and the Life Path. For the
purposes of this calculation, special
numbers like Master Numbers and Karmic
Numbers are i gnored, because the
Ultimate Number is a summary of your
interaction with the Universe within the
cycle of the 9 basic vibrations. In other
words, if a persons Expression is 4 and
their Life Path is 7, their Ultimate Number
will be 4+7=11; 1+1=2. The Life Number
will be with you throughout life, and is used
to interpret the cycles of time that proceed
from your Lifes Path
The information below is designed to help
you formulate a strategy, year in and year
out, dependent on your Prosperity Power
Signature, which will help you attract
wealth and prosperity.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Personal Year One
Life Number 1 Being overactive will bring stress; slow down and focus on what you
want, not what you must do to get it.
Life Number 2 Conicts of interest and emotional strain; focus primarily on tuning in
to your energetic guidance system.
Life Number 3 Pleasant times may cause you to forget to pay attention to the
energetic guidance system; dont get too busy.
Life Number 4 Lots of busyness; a good year for doing structured activities like
making lists and picture albums of what you want.
Life Number 5 A successful year; this a good time to introduce new methods, but is
not favorable for resisting change.
Life Number 6 Make yourself your top priority; you cannot think for anyone else, and
cannot attract for anyone else.
Life Number 7 Be ready to allow change; set aside doubts about whether or not you
can make it, and focus on attracting success.
Life Number 8 Begin new activities and expect success; focus on your feelings and
dont worry about the bottom line.
Life Number 9 Your emotional guidance system is in overdrive; pay heed to its
promptings and it will be a successful year.
Personal Year Two
Life Number 1 Do not let emotional clashes throw you off; they are only there to help
you correct your course toward abundance.
Life Number 2 Emotional discord could create mental confusion; set expectations
aside and focus on what feels good to you.
Life Number 3 Supportive relationships may help you notice your feelings, but focus
on what you want, not your expectations of others.
Life Number 4 Others may surprise you with their generosity so be grateful; this is a
favorable year for attracting prosperity.
Life Number 5 You may be prone to errors in judgment; focus on attracting what you
want, not expecting others to give it to you.
Life Number 6 Harmony in your emotional or domestic life can be a source of joy;
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
dont let it override the energetic guidance system.
Life Number 7 A peaceful year, but you need to let any emotional upsets guide you in
correcting your thinking, not create doubt.
Life Number 8 A harmonious year; dont let good fortune cause you to think that you
no longer need to work at attracting wealth.
Life Number 9 Lots of emotional activity may confuse your thinking; you need to turn
your thoughts toward joy in order to attract it.
Personal Year Three
Life Number 1 This year you may get your signals mixed; social activity and
happiness could be mistaken for inner joy and bliss.
Life Number 2 Emotional happiness is the keynote; allow it to propel you to attracting
big things, but dont go off course.
Life Number 3 Distractions may cause you to scatter your energy; try to focus on
attracting one tangible thing during the year.
Life Number 4 Conicts are likely; pay attention to cultivating positive emotions in
order to avoid attracting more conict.
Life Number 5 A favorable year for travel and activity, and a good year for creating a
vision board for what you want in life.
Life Number 6 A favorable year for focusing on what you want in a home; you should
be well-tuned to your energetic guidance system.
Life Number 7 You should have uplifting experiences; this is often an excellent year
for working with meditation and manifestation.
Life Number 8 The year will be difcult if too much effort is made to gain wealth on
material level; focus on your feelings is necessary.
Life Number 9 Get rid of negative self-images this year; focus on being the result of
your choices, and on feeling happy.
Personal Year Four
Life Number 1 You may face limitations, but you attracted them; let your energetic
guidance system help you avoid attracting more.
Life Number 2 A good year for attracting wealth; focus on clarity about what you
want, and that you are ready to receive it.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Life Number 3 Do not be discouraged by limitations; the universe is unlimited in
abundance and your feelings can guide you to the source.
Life Number 4 Thoughts and feelings can penetrate any wall that stands between
you and what you want; make this your meditation.
Life Number 5 Dont give in to frustration this year; focus on attracting what is in tune
with your inner self, and correct your course.
Life Number 6 You may have a greater sense of purpose than usual this year; try to
learn and cultivate the feeling you get from it.
Life Number 7 This year you can develop solid faith in your ability to achieve the
prosperity that you desire; ask and it will be given.
Life Number 8 Dont try to attract wealth as an alternative to working for it or from
taking care of your responsibilities this year.
Life Number 9 This is a good year for attracting the career you want, and shifting
your thoughts away from what you dont want.
Personal Year Five
Life Number 1 You are likely to experience many changes this year; make sure to
pay attention to your feelings before you commit.
Life Number 2 Dont be inuenced by what others want; focus fully on what you want,
or youre likely to experience inner conict.
Life Number 3 This should be an easy year to attract whatever you want, as long as
youre focused on the goal and not how to get there.
Life Number 4 Changes this year may bring disappointments, but they wont conict
with attracting wealth unless you let them.
Life Number 5 Too many distractions could throw you off course; test every move you
make against your feelings, and trust in them.
Life Number 6 Distractions this year may cause problems unless you remember that
your fortune is the product of your choices.
Life Number 7 If you accept the idea that you are free to choose what you want and
attract it, this will be an excellent year.
Life Number 8 Allow your feelings to guide you this year, and you will do well; trust in
logic, and you will push what you want away.
Life Number 9 This is a year for making changes in order to bring your life in line with
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
your inner self dont waste it!
Personal Year Six
Life Number 1 A sense of stability this year may make it easy to attract all things
concerning a home, including a new one.
Life Number 2 Do whatever you can to practice appreciation and gratitude this year;
give without expecting anything in return.
Life Number 3 This year you are like a magnet that can attract whatever you choose,
and will if you dont scatter your energy.
Life Number 4 Take it slow and steady this year, and try not to do too much for
others; taking care of yourself is the key to attraction.
Life Number 5 The personal desire for freedom may cause you to be erratic and
hasty; keep a close and constant watch on your feelings.
Life Number 6 Constantly keeping up with responsibility may make it hard to tune into
your feelings make attraction one of your chores.
Life Number 7 A mixed year full of ups and downs; if you make wealth attraction a
constant, youll get through the turbulence.
Life Number 8 Be especially sympathetic, but dont take on others problems; they
can skew your thoughts in a negative direction.
Life Number 9 Try to see how everything that comes into your life this year serves
your self-interest, and you will have abundance.
Personal Year Seven
Life Number 1 Conict can be a gift that can help turn your thinking toward a positive
direction if you understand it that way.
Life Number 2 This can be a year of peace and balance; you can attract many
positive things if you carefully analyze negative feelings.
Life Number 3 An uplifting year in which the things you attract help reinforce your
faith in the abundant universe, if you work at it.
Life Number 4 The more persistently and steadily you work on attracting what you
want, the greater your rewards will be this year.
Life Number 5 This year, you may have a better connection with your inner self than
you realized; let it guide you to prosperity.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Life Number 6 This year learning to appreciate your life as an opportunity to
experience luck and abundance will be easy.
Life Number 7 Create some private time so you can learn to tune your thoughts to
your energetic guidance system during this year.
Life Number 8 Challenges can be turned around by self-discipline now; spend some
time every day attracting the wealth that you want.
Life Number 9 Emotional turbulence and the demands of others could throw you off
unless you nd out why you attracted them.
Personal Year Eight
Life Number 1 Overcoming challenges will enable you to attract solutions, not
problems, if you let your inner self do the work.
Life Number 2 Bringing more prosperity into your life is easy this year, especially if
you work on the process with others.
Life Number 3 The year starts off easy, but will become more difcult, unless you are
following your energetic guidance system.
Life Number 4 Unless you are tuned in to the promptings of your soul, you can
expect hard work with few rewards this year.
Life Number 5 This is a tricky year - depending on luck will get you in trouble;
depending on your inner self to guide you will create wealth.
Life Number 6 Trying to control your situation may damage the relationship with your
inner self; accept its guidance and prosper.
Life Number 7 This year, meditate on the fact that you choose to have the life you
want, and a new choice lies within every moment.
Life Number 8 If you struggle to gain money this year, you will lose it, but if you let go
of the struggles of the past, your wealth will grow.
Life Number 9 Let go of old values and ideas about money this year, follow your
positive feelings and joyfully create an abundant future.
Personal Year Nine
Life Number 1 Let your energetic guidance system help you see emotional turmoil as
an opportunity to overcome negative thinking.
Life Number 2 You may be more sensitive to others than usual; let that sensitivity be
turned toward your own thoughts and feelings.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Life Number 3 Use this happy and social year to attract new people and experiences
that you enjoy; prosperity and abundance will follow.
Life Number 4 Remember this year that anyone who is grateful for everything wants
for nothing; think on this daily this year.
Life Number 5 This can be a great year for adventure, as long as its the adventure
you want; trust your feelings, and be patient.
Life Number 6 Try to let go of worries about others this year, and make room for them
to share in the wealth you attract for yourself.
Life Number 7 Focus on inner growth, and connecting with your inner self this year,
and youll be overjoyed at how well you do.
Life Number 8 This year often produces losses, but if you spend time letting go of
control, you can make room for abundance.
Life Number 9 This year, you can completely clear yourself of emotional conicts, and
by letting them go, youll be ready to receive.
Reviewing The Art of Attraction
First lets review these proven methods to attract wealth and abundance:

Thoughts are things that attract more things of the same type. It doesnt matter
if the thoughts are about what you want or what you dont want.

When thoughts attract enough psychic energy of the same type, they have the
power to manifest in your experience.

Everything you experience is the result of your choices and what you think
about them.

If you choose not to create your own future, you are choosing play a role you
may not want in the creations of others.

Emotions are the response of the inner self to your experience, including your

Positive emotions such as joy and caring accompany experiences and thoughts
that are in tune with the inner self.

Negative emotions such as anger and fear accompany experiences and

thoughts that are not in tune with the inner self.

Your emotions are signals from your energetic guidance system that helps you
send positive expressions into the universe, so that you receive positive results.

If you learn to be sensitive to how you are feeling when you are making a
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
decision, speaking or acting, you will know whether you are in tune with the
inner self.

Sending out thoughts that are in tune with the inner self will attract the
experiences you want, and create the future you want.

Sending out thoughts that are not in tune with the inner self will attract the
experiences and the future you do not want.

If you want something in your life, thoughts about it will attract it to you, not
thoughts about how it should come to you or how you should go about getting
Practicing Working with Your Prosperity Power Signature
Game 1 - The Bank of Abundance
The Bank of Abundance game teaches
you how to avoid limiting yourself.
On the rst day you receive a deposit of
$1000, on the condition that you spend
it all on that day. Make checks for
yourself if you like, and write out a
balance sheet that shows what you
spend it on. On the second day, you
receive a deposit of $2000, all of which
must be spent and accounted for. On
the third day, you receive a check for
Keep going as long as you want; in two
months, you will have a check for
$60,000, but remember, it must all be
spent on the day you receive it. No
partial payments are allowed, and
neither is saving for the next day or
donating it.
When you reach a point where you
cannot spend your entire deposit, you
can quit, or start at $1000 again. The
next time you do it, you will go longer
than you did the rst time.
This game re-frames the mind, and helps you transcend what common-sense believes
is possible. It wont be long before you see something, and no thoughts of whether or
not you can afford it will enter your mind as you happily think I want that.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Game 2 Turn Your Thoughts Around
This game has two steps. The rst step helps you learn how to pay attention to your
feelings about what youre thinking.
You know how you might feel when in a conversation with someone who is complaining
about their situation. If its a nancial situation, you may feel sorrow or anger; the same
may be true if the other person is talking about their health, relationships, or any other
problems. You know the feeling, but you also know how hard it is to terminate that
conversation, because of what you feel is expected of you.
Try to recall someone who does this and even a conversation youve had with them, so
that you can remember the feeling. See what kind of thoughts you begin to experience
as the feeling becomes clearer in your memory. Track your thoughts chances are
good that you are thinking about what you dont want to experience.
Now quickly realize, or say to yourself out loud this is a memory of a response to
someone elses thoughts, not my own. Try to nd something positive to you can learn,
or a positive aspect of what you are already thinking. You may pass through a stage of
feeling guilty or angry, but those feelings will pass.
Eventually, youll be thinking about experiences you like to have, or things that help you
feel better, so check in with your emotional self and see how youre feeling.
In other words, you choose a thought thats a little better than the one you started with,
and then gradually improve upon it. Of course, changing the mental conversation
completely is allowed, but very hard to do. The object of this game is to show how the
slightest change toward a positive direction can cause the positive thought to attract
other positive thoughts, until the negativity is overcome.
The second part of the game can help you learn to remember positive feelings at almost
any time. Get comfortable and calm yourself, and then breathe slowly and softly relax.
Imagine the breath is going into your heart, and as you do, remember a positive
emotion like a hug from somebody who really cares, or grooming a pet, or something or
someplace you really enjoy.
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Try to expand that feeling, imagine it as a feeling of calm and warmth gradually
spreading throughout the torso, the limbs and the head, and even beyond the body.
Then try to think negatively about yourself. One of two things will happen; either the
sense of ease and joy will be broken, at which time you start over again, or the feeling
of your true psychic energy will make it impossible for the negative seed to ourish in
your mind.
Practice the second part of this exercise every day its easy, because you like to feel
good. It wont be long before you can make a 911 call to the heart, and bring your own
bliss state into action to completely turn your thoughts around.
Game 3 The Attitude of Gratitude
This game is best played after getting
good at the rst two. It is really a very
si mpl e game, but i t can be a
tremendous amplier of the feeling of
joy and ease that comes from breathing
into the heart.
In fact, thats how it starts; follow the
steps of feeling a joyful sensation while
imagining soft, gentle breath going into
the heart as in step two of the previous
game. When you feel the sensation of
warmth and care in the body, begin to
think, or say out loud, I am grateful for
what I have, and whoever is grateful for
everything wants for nothing. As you
get good at this, youll nd that you will
not lapse into negative thoughts about
your car not being new, or the need to
lose weight. When you are able to
maintain the positive feelings for more
than about a minute, try using other
afrmations, like I am grateful for clean
water, and whoever is grateful for
everything wants for nothing. I am
grateful for my family, and whoever is
grateful for everythi ng wants for
nothing. I am grateful for my friends, and whoever is grateful for everything wants for
nothing. you can be grateful for anything: write things down that you have positive or
neutral experiences with.
The best thing about this game is that it gets easier. Once your list gets long and you
are able to maintain the heart-vibration through the whole list, you can abandon the list,
call on the heart, and simply say Thank You, I am ready to receive.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Set Your Intention
The key to attracting the wealth and
pr osper i t y you want i nt o your
experience is your purity of intention.
The games above wi l l gradual l y
increase how good you feel, and
consequently your ability to cultivate
positive emotion this is the fuel upon
which thoughts feed, and increases
their power of attraction for thoughts of
the same kind.
But we tend to sabotage the ability to
create the reality we want by spending
time with negative emotion guring
out how to pay bills, worrying about the
outcome of an interview, thinking over
what we hear in the news, and so many
other ways.
If there is something you really want,
like a diamond ring, and you bring up
the thought of wanting and having that
di amond whi l e your feel i ngs are
positive, it is already there, to some
degree, in your experience. But if your
thoughts drift to but I cant afford it or
Ive been trying to attract it, but it hasnt come your thoughts have turned from the pure
intent to attract the object into your lack of the object, which means you are now thinking
of its absence, and amplifying the thoughts of not having it. Placing your attention on the
way things are only attracts more of the same.
Developing the power of Intention takes a little work. Its easy if, during the day,
whenever you feel a negative emotion, stop, and listen to your thoughts - then turn them
around. You only feel negative emotion when you are creating problems for yourself, so
you stop whatever you may be doing, and think about things that cause you to feel
You may also have a problem with increasing the speed of manifestation because you
want something that is too abstract. You need to start out by concentrating on things
that are concrete. A million dollars is a very abstract entity; a house with a pool or a 60
inch television, or a trip to Morocco is not. Build up a wealth of information on these
things, and call on them to come into your life, so that you can build up momentum.
Some people do not know what they really want, but that problem has a simple solution;
focus on wanting to know what you want the inner self will be glad to oblige you with
an answer, even if it takes a while.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
A Litany of Attraction
Lastly, you can build a Litany of Attraction, based on true statements that you can use
when you are in a state of positive emotion or create a state of positive emotions. Feel
free to create your own; you might want to build it around the pitfall of your Expression
After relaxing and calming your breath, read it from a piece of paper rather than trying to
memorize it. Again, this is a set of guidelines, not absolute rules, so your Litany could
read like this:
I feel good when I am attracting what I want.
I appreciate the time I spend feeling good.
I see myself as a product of my choices.
I like attracting what I want.
I forgive myself for having made poor choices.
I know that the past is dead and I am free.
I am clearer and clearer in every moment about what I want.
I know that the past does not equal the future.
I see myself moving through my experience without resistance.
Whatever I attract increases my joy.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com
Whomever I attract increases my joy.
I know that I am as I see myself.
I choose to have the experiences I want.
I am a magnet that attracts whatever I choose.
I know that the universe is unlimited in abundance.
I see what I want, and then I attract it.
I have the power to attract what I want, when I want it, for whatever I want it for.
I appreciate my life as an opportunity to experience luck and abundance.
I see myself in absolute prosperity.
My energetic guidance system works perfectly.
Every action I choose lls me with great joy.
Spend some time every day reciting your Litany, and revise or rene it as you see t.
You can even take bits and pieces of it, set it to music, or do whatever makes you feel
happy while working with it. The few minutes it takes to focus on it is well worth it, and
you may nd that you want to recite it more than once a day.
If you practice these strategies and play these games, giving special emphasis to the
Vibrations we have classied as the Numbers, it wont be long before you start seeing
results. Its been said that one who doesnt believe in miracles wont experience them.
So give yourself the chance to experience some magic in your life, you will not regret it.
Your Unique Prosperity Power Signature (c) Copyright 2013 Numerologist.com

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