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create a backup

Now that the Nook Glow has been released, development is already underway to get it rooted
just like the original Nook Simple Touch.
But the # most important thing to do be!ore rooting or e"perimenting with any hacking is to
create a backup so that you can restore your Nook Glow or Nook Touch to a previous state in
case something goes wrong or i! you want to unroot your Nook.
#uckily, the method !or backing up and restoring the original Nook Touch works just the same
on the Nook Glow. $ !ollowed the directions at %&' and had a backup in a matter o! minutes.
The directions are !or advanced users that are already !amiliar with certain steps so $ thought $
would go ahead and put together step(by(step directions below.
These backup and restore directions are speci!ically !or )indows, but you can !ind directions
!or *ac and #inu" on the original backup and restore thread at %&'.
What you will need
Physical Items
Nook Touch or Nook Glow
*icroS& card
+SB cable
S& card reader
)indows computer
,ou-ll need to download and install these three !ree programs on your )indows computer.
/oadkil-s &isk$mage
*iniTool 0artition )i1ard
'nother thing you will need to create backups and to restore is the noogie.img !ile.
Step #1: Create Noogie MicroS Card
)e need to write the noogie image downloaded above to a microS& card.
. &ownload the noogie.img.g1 !ile to your computer and then e"tract it.
2. 0lug a blank microS& card into your computer. $! your computer doesn-t have a card reader
built(in you will need an sd card reader 3don-t use your Nook45.
2. 6pen )in$mage. Select &isk 7 /estore 8irtual 9ard &isk image on physical drive: Select
the microS& card !rom the list and hit 6;. Now locate and select the noogie.img !ile to open
3make sure to select <'ll !iles= !rom the drop(down list to get img !iles to show up5. '!ter
hitting ,es, )in$mage will write noogie to the microS& card.
Step #!: "ow to Ma#e a $ac#up
. 0ower o!! your Nook Glow>Nook Touch 3o!!, not sleep5.
2. $nsert the noogie microS& card and power on. ,ou should see a <rooted !orever= screen
like the one at the top o! this post 3don-t worry, your Nook isn-t really rooted yet5.
?. 0lug your Nook into your computer with the +SB cable.
@. 6pen /oadkil-s &isk$mage so!tware. *ake sure to select the <Store $mage= tab. Then
choose the Nook &rive !rom the drop(down list. $t is called 0hysical &rive and should be
about .A2GB !or the Nook Touch and .ABGB !or the Nook Glow. Choose a destination to
save the !ile and then hit start to create a backup.
D. '!ter the backup copy has been saved, you can now disconnect your Nook !rom the
computer and remove the noogie microS& card !rom the Nook. /eboot your Nook and it is
back to normal. $t can be a little tricky to get it to reboot. &on-t panic. 9old down the power
button !or several seconds. Sometimes it takes several times o! holding down the button to get
it to restart.
Now that you-ve got a backup, it-s sa!e to start rooting and modding your Nook. 9it the Nook
Touch /ooting Guide !or the complete walkthrough and video. Those directions are !or the
Nook Touch onlyE the Nook Glow doesn-t have a rooting package yet. $-ll post directions
when it does. Subscribe to keep updated.
"ow to %estore Noo# &low'Noo# (ouch
. 0ower o!! your Nook Glow>Nook Touch.
2. $nsert the noogie microS& card and power on.
?. 0lug your Nook into your computer with the +SB cable.
@. 6pen *iniTool 0artition )i1ard. Select the Nook &rive. *ake sure to select the right
drive4 Then right(click the Nook &rive and select <&elete 'll 0artitions=. 'gain, make
double(sure you selected the right driveE it will be under 2GB. '!ter con!irming, you will then
have to hit <'pply= in the upper le!t corner to make the delete o!!icial.
D. To restore, open /oadkil-s &isk$mage so!tware. +se the <)rite $mage= tab this time and
select the Nook &rive !rom the drop(down list. Select the source !ile, the backup image you
created earlier, and hit start to restore.
B. )hen the restore is !inished, you can disconnect your Nook !rom the computer and remove
the noogie microS& card and reboot.
Metoda ar tre)ui sa mearga si cu alte modele de e)oo# reader Sony*
0rimul meu ebook reader a !ost un FurlGHhttp.>>en.wikipedia.org>wiki>SonyI/eaderHJSony
0/S(DKDF>urlJ 3K" pstdgt5, pe care nu prea l(am !olosit.
$ntre timp am descoperit ;indle Touch si Nook Glow light....
$deea e ca m(am lovit de batranul Sony prin biblioteca si m(am gandit sa ma joc cu el, pt a o
initia pe mama in tainele cartilor electronice
Lis si !acut...
Cartile sunt in !ormat epub si mi(a luat ceva timp sa le pun pe card, din cau1a limitarilor
M'TB, dar am !ormatat in )indows S&(ul de 2Gb in Mat?2 si problemele au disparut.
0roblema a aparut atunci cand am observat ca nu sunt citite diacriticile in !isierele epub4
Sa re1olvam acesta problema...
. Conectam pe +SB ebook(ul la un computer si golim memoria interna a aparatului.
2. &escarcam o e"tensie de !irmware de aici, selectand modelul corect 3numele sunt
?. &e1arhivam !isierul descarcat, iar in root(ul memoriei interne al aparatului punem
directorul P%SPInstaller.
?. &econectam de la +SB aparatul si ar trebui ca pe ecran sa apara instalerul.
&aca nu apare, restart4 Settings + ,d-anced settings + e-ice shutdown
?.2 6data instalata e"tensia !irmware, mergeti in noile optiuni. Settings + P%S. settings +
$oo# /iewer + 0ser 1P0$ + ,cti-ati 2ont,sIn%2.css
@. &escarcati arhiva atasata, conectati la +SB aparatul si copiati !isierele ast!el.
( fonts ( in root(ul discului intern
( !isierele FontsAsInLRF.css si style.css in /device/system/PRSPlus/epub/
&aca ati !acut totul corect, ar trebui ca dupa restart, diacriticele sa !ie vi1ibile in cartile
electronice N0+B. 3e"ista in continuare probleme cudiacriticele din majuscule, dar cred ca e o
problema a !ontului !olositE astept recomandari5
cum folosesti calibre ca sa adaugi diacritice intr-un ebook
in format epub
de 9oria Oul ?, 2K2 in ebooks, utile, tags. calibre, ebooks P K comentarii
Guest post by Lindu Pindu.
N(am mai scris niciodatQ un tutorial tehnic, dar am scris desule reete, i descopQr cQ e
CRnd am Sncercat prima oarQ sQ Sncarc un !iier Sn japone1Q pe e(reader(ul Sony P%S+(1 mQ
ateptam sQ !ie o treabQ simplQ, Sony e o !irmQ japone1Q pRnQ la urmQ. &ar tendinele Sn
materie de tehnologie nu le urmea1Q pe cele culturale, ci globali1ato(regionali1ate.
Globali1ate, pentru cQ nu mai avem Sncotro( sau tie cineva un ereader bun produs de
economia localQ, romRneascQT /egionali1ate, ca sQ aibQ consumatorul impresia cQ cineva s(a
gRndit la el Sn mod special.
'adar, re1olvRnd partea cu a!iarea japone1ei am SnvQat cQ trebuie sQ te complici pRnQ
simpli!ici. &ar sQ trecem la romRnQ, unde nu e chiar complicat( trebuie doar sQ ai acea
uurinQ de a butona pRnQ ve1i ce merge, Sn timp ce oamenii din alte generaii se uitQ la tine
ca la un geniu al tehnologiei moderne.
Metoda 1
Ca sQ ve1i diacriticele pe orice !iier epub 3!ormatul cel mai uor de manipulat pe un e(
reader5, cel mai simplu e sQ apei pe butonul din dreapta(jos, selecte3i 42ont5 i apoi 6n loc
de font+ul 47riginal58 selecte3i 4,masis5. 'r trebui sQ !ie totul Sn regulQ acum. Nu eT
Metoda !
0regQtete(te su!letete. 8a trebui sQ !aci un em)ed de font. Nu e complicat. &upQ ce o !aci o
datQ devine rutinQ.
&escarci Calibre.
&escarcQ !ont(ul Gentium( la !el de versatil ca Times New /oman, dar mai plQcut
estetic. Nu am luat Gentium 0lus.
$mpori Sn calibre cQrile problematice Sn !ormat epub.
&ai click dreapta i selecte1i <Tweak epub= ca sQ ve1i toate !iierele din care e
compusQ cartea.
Selectea1Q e"plode epub. Ui apare directorul cu !iierele cQrii 3epub(ul e de !apt o
arhivQ, ca un 1ip, care include !iierele CSS, 9T*# etc5
Creea1Q un subdirector nou, pe care Sl vom numi <Monts=. Copia1Q cele douQ !iiere de
!ont Gentium aici.
&eschide !iierul stylesheet.css Sntr(un editor de te"t, i adaugQ urmQtoarele douQ
declaraii 3Sn mod normal ai avea @ declaraii !ont(!ace, dar ne descurcQm i cu
V!ont(!ace W
!ont(!amily. seri!E
!ont(weight. normalE
!ont(style. normalE
src. url3Monts>Gentium0lus(/.tt!5
V!ont(!ace W
!ont(!amily. seri!E
!ont(weight. normalE
!ont(style. italicE
src. url3Monts>Gentium0lus($.tt!5
6k, ne(am obosit destul. Un Calibre, reSmpachetea1Q epub(ul apQsRnd pe <rebuild
Succes rQsunQtor4444

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