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This course is for studying of the history of books and printing, including
papermaking, printing, binding, and book illustration.

Required Course textsj

Finkelstein, D., & McCleery, A. (2005). An introduction to book history. Routledge .

[ISBNj 0415314437]

Olmert, M. (2003). The Smithsonian book of books (reissue ed.). Smithsonian Books.
[ISBNj 089599030X]

Learning Goals and Outcomes

The history of the book is full of adventures; it¶s the history of humanity and civilization.
Throughout this course I developed my concepts of historical events that changed our lives. I
tried to compile all my goals and the achievement that developed over the weeks of this
course; I included much of quantity of subjects and themes that added more to my
knowledge. There are several aspects of book history that related to my main three goals
which I tried to achieve during this course. My main goals were as follow:
1-ø To develop my general background knowledge about the history of book especially since
Gutenberg¶s invention of printing (contents, illustration, binding«etc).
2-ø To learn in depth about the relationship between printing, publishing, and the development
of different societies.
3-ø To learn more about using the new technology in book printing and the future of e- book.
To reach these goals I tried each week to fulfill these goals with reading and writing a
summary about each new topic I learned more about it.
These are the new topics I studied through this course to achieve my goals each week:
1-ø The writing tools that used through the history of the writing , and how these tools
developed throughout the history of writing.
2-ø The history of book in Europe during the early middle ages (dark middle ages) till the
beginning of the Renaissance age. How was the literacy and cultural life in Europe at that
time? How did the churches manage the education as the only educational institute? And
what was the affect of the literacy on the birth of printing machine in Europe.
3-ø The format of the first printed books with the movable metal types, and the impact of
handwritten books (manuscripts) on these early printed books in Europe. How did
manuscripts book style affect the formatting of early printed books? And
what are the similarities and differences between manuscripts and early printed books?
9-ø The history of book illustration. How illustration developed through the history of book?
What was the effect of printing on the book illustrations? And what was the effect of the
illustration on book trade?
5-ø The spread of printing and its effect in Europe. How did the spread of printing press
change the life of European? What was the effect of printing on culture and education?
And how did the printing press development affect the book industry?
6-ø The development of title page in the history of printing. What is the importance of the
title page? When did the first title page appear in early printed books? And How did the
title page develop, and what was the manuscript effect on that development?
7-ø The books that changed the world .What are the most important books that changed the
world? How these books did change the world? Are they still having the same effects on
today¶s life?
8-ø The history of audio books. When was the first audio-book? And where? How the audio
book developed over the years? And Are audio- books still having the same place among
all the electronic books?
9-ø The development of electronic books. How E- books developed over the years? What is
the new trends in E- books? And What are the effects of these development on the
10-øThe History of Book Fair. What is the book fair? When it started? And where? What are
the important book fair around the world? And How book fair affected the industry of
book making?
11-øThe history of book clubs and how they affected the society. What is book club means,
and how it developed over the year? What is the role of book clubs in literacy? And
What is the impact of book clubs on the history of book

žighlights of the Course and Samples of my Work

This course was my first elective class. I like to study history especially
History of Book, libraries, as J. A. Langfordøø øø
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Throughout this course, I wrote four papers under these main titles

History of the Book Paperj

History of Printing Paper
The Power of book essay
The Future of the Book among X Generation
Beside that there were 11 weekly chronicles reflected my interest , also each
one of the class did a 




#History of the Arabs: from the

earliest times to the present / Philip K. Hitti&



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'  ' "Manuscript Room of ´ Mingana Collections´ at University of Birminghamj)
the visit was on September 30th ,2009. at j

httpj vmr.bham.ac.uk Collections Mingana Armenian_1 table

The last weeks of that course we had lead questions, each one of the class had to ask a led
question, and all of us had to comment on each question, my led question to my classmates was
about The important publishing companies throughout the history of book publishing ?

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