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Study on CDIO Talents Training Mode of Industrial Engineering

Xiu-ju Lan, Yan Zhan, Ying-de Li, Jian-sha Lu

Industrial Engineering and Logistics Department, Zhejiang University o !echnology"ang#hou$hina
Abstract - Manufacturing is the leading industry of
Zhejiang Province. nder the guidance of the CDIO
engineering education conce!t" industrial engineering of
Zhejiang niversity of Technology !ro!osed the CDIO
!ersonnel cultivation #ode. The #ode ta$es the #ar$et
de#and on #anufacturing talents as the direction"
constructs %asic curricula syste# according to the
re&uire#ents of a%ility training" enhances the a%ility of
engineering education for teachers and sets u! sustaina%le
i#!rove#ent syste# on education &uality !roject.
Keywords - Industrial Engineering" CDIO" Talents
Training Mode
I' I(!)*DU$!I*(
$DI* training sylla+us oster engineering graduates
rom our aspects, +asic engineering -no.ledge, personal
s-ills, interpersonal team s-ills and engineering systems,
.hile students ta-e the initiative, practical and organic
learning among the courses
' In 2334, college o
engineering 5hantou University carried on $DI*
engineering education mode, ocusing on training the
students6 systems engineering technology a+ility,
especially project conceiving, designing, developing and
implementing a+ilities, and strong sel-study a+ility,
organi#ational communication and coordination a+ilities'
!he mode aimed at a+sor+ing .orld advanced
developments o engineering education concept and
esta+lishing curricular system to reach consensus on
international engineering education, to ac7uire agreement
on 8ashington certiication in 2300 and let its graduates
standing on the same starting line .ith those rom
international amous universities
' Zhejiang University
o !echnology .as among those 9: $DI* pilot
universities, .hich .ere identiied +y the ;inistry o
Education rom the Department o "igher Education rom
233< to 2303' In recent years, the num+er o colleges and
universities setting up industrial engineering specialty has
increased rapid
' Industrial engineering =IE> is a -ind o
proessional s-ill com+ining technology and management
, thus engineering education +ac-ground should +e a
trend o industrial engineering education and talents
training mode'
?ccording to statistics, la+or productivity rom
manuacturing sector in Zhejiang did not reach one-tenth
o the level .hich the United 5tates, Japan and @ermany
had in the middle o 0::3s, relying on lo.-cost la+or and
lo. prices to maintain competitive advantage
' Industrial
upgrading and change o economic gro.th mode re7uire a
lot o industrial engineering proessionals .ith high-tech
' ;anuacturing is the leading industry o Zhejiang
Crovince, .hich needs lots o proessionals .ith
engineering education +ac-ground to enhance enterprises
' It is an urgent pro+lem to esta+lish
Demployment-orientedE talents training mode to meet the
talents needs rom enterprises'
II' C)E5E(! 5I!U?!I*(5 *F IE !?LE(!5
!here is a great num+er o manuacturing enterprises
in Zhejiang Crovince and the demand or industrial
engineering proessionals maintains sustaina+le gro.th
' !he purpose o IE talents training is to serve the
manuacturing industry in Zhejiang Crovince' !he
statistics data on graduates6 employment rom industrial
engineering o Zhejiang University o technology in the
last 9 years sho. the average proportion o graduates
serving the manuacturing .as A3G' 8ith the help o
mechanical engineering courses platorm, industrial
engineering has the advantage o engineering s-ills
training mode under $DI* proessionals'
IE is a proessional s-ill consisting o technology
and management
, o .hich the purpose is to train
talented manager .ith engineering +ac-ground in
manuacturing enterprises' !he practical curriculum o
engineering includes t.o aspects that consist o
mechanical practice corresponded .ith mechanical
curriculum and comprehensive practice o IE' !he
purpose o strengthening the engineering +ac-ground is
indicated in the curriculum on the .hole' !he e%ploration
has +een developed or many years or the talents training
project to improve the +ac-ground o students' "o.ever,
$DI* is not used as direction' In another .ord, the our
aspects in the $DI* outline consisting o +asic -no.ledge
o engineering, person competence, team interpersonal
competence and systemic competence o engineering are
not applied in neither planning nor operation o talents
training project'
III' $DI* !?LE(!5 !)?I(I(@ ;*DE *F IE
?' !he purpose o talents training o IE proessionals
E%plore the talents training mode o IE proessionals
+ased on $DI* engineering education concept and IE
major cultivation program in e%istence, in order to
determine the joint o colleges, enterprises and students as
soon as possi+le, enhance thin-ing s-ill, 7uality,
engineering +ac-ground and a+ility o practice .idely and
optimi#e comprehensive competence o students'
H' Hasic idea o talents training o IE proessionals
Huild up the talents training mode o IE major
directed +y $DI*, +ased on .hich system o curriculum
should +e developed according to the demand o
competence level' !eachers should receive training on
s-ill o engineering education, so as to possess high level
competence o engineering education to get technical
support or developing project and heuristic education and
correlative practice' It is necessary to esta+lish continual
improvement security system on education 7uality project,
ma-e an improvement step +y step in planning o training
as .ell as in ideal and method o education, reorm
engineering education, and actuali#e the com+ination o
education, employment and demand' Figure 0 indicates
the +asic idea that help +uild up talents training mode o
IE major .ith $DI*'
$' Implementation o talents training o IE proessionals
0> *ptimi#e the talents training project o IE in
e%istence, and determine the integrative curriculum
system .ith $DI*'
5etup o curriculum, .ith our aspects o $DI*
Fig'0' Hasic idea o reormation o talents training mode
o $DI* proessionals majored in IE
consisting o +asic -no.ledge o engineering, person
competence, team interpersonal competence, and systemic
competence o engineering, is the oundation o reali#ing
training o students' It is meaningul to analy#e the
relationship +et.een proessional curriculum and $DI*
competence, and perorm a good +eginning o engineering
education' !he planning o curriculum is indicated in
igure 2'
Fig'2' Clanning o curriculum o IE major .ith $DI*
Education o +asic engineering -no.ledge is led
+y proessional curriculum' Every type o curriculum
should +e developed +y the reormation o teaching
.ay' !he main curriculum are adjusted, o .hich 23
o teaching hours .ill +e used to comprehensive
practical training'
Education o systemic competence on engineering is
led +y practice' Hased on the practical training =including
e%periments> in class, a ne. training plan o IE major is
dra.n to add more teaching hours, develop more
comprehensive practice' $urriculum project, e%ercitation
o dierent grade, proessional practice +y the integrative
s-ill, proessional comprehensive e%periment, and the
graduation project are suited to satisy $DI*' 5tudents6
engineering s-ill .ill +e represented during the practice'
!eam .or- competence is developed +y a teaching
method that provides some project accomplished +y more
than one student' !he core curriculum is determined and
provides more chance or students on team .or-, .hich
.ill +e helpul or students to orm team spirit and
!he 7uality-oriented education is developed +y the
elective course provided or students rom dierent
majors and the comprehensive 7uality compulsive course
esta+lished +y university' In addition, instruction o the
major is provided, and managers rom enterprises, e%perts
and scholars are invented to share in proessional 7uality'
It is also useul or team .or-'
2> )eali#e engineering education, lead and impart
student6s active learning competence'
Engineering education competence o teachers
includes t.o aspects, the training o engineering or
teachers and teaching method o engineering, .hich is
indicated +y the update o teaching content, teaching
method and teaching measures' Importing a pro+lem in
the .ay o project, teachers lead students to e%plore,
thin-, practice, summari#e and evaluate' It is useul or
students to learn something ne. actively and solve
engineering pro+lem systematically' 5ee igure 9'
9> Focus on comprehensive a+ility, satisy
enterprises6 demand and ma-e a com+ination +et.een
proessional education and employment o students'
!he inal purpose o engineering education is
Fig'9' !he training process com+ining engineering competence or teachers and active learning competence or students
+ased on $DI*
transorming -no.ledge learned +y students into
productivities' In another .ord, the joint o three actors
should +e the inal purpose o e%ploration or IE talents'
Hased on the e%ercitation +ases in e%istence, more ne.
e%ercitation +ases should +e +uilt up continually' ;ore
tutors rom e%ercitation +ases .ill +e employed' !he
com+ination +et.een heaviest o scientiic research and
teaching content should +e encouraged, so that students
can get instruction directly +y proessional teachers and
technician rom enterprises +oth in la+oratories and
I> Education 7uality engineering, as .ell as
enterprise 7uality engineering, should ollo. the principle
o CD$? that means cyclic process o continual 7uality
improvement' $orrelative management mechanism .ill
+e +uild up to ensure continual improvement'
?s support and saeguard o the .hole project,
teaching management system, teaching operation system
and teaching 7uality control system o the IE major is a
necessity' Dynamic improvement system is to +e +uilt, to
ollo. the industrial upgrade o manuacturing in
Zhejiang Crovince and satisy the social re7uirement'
Demand conditions or talents are investigated to o+tain
the inormation o the -no.ledge structure and s-ills
re7uirement o IE talents rom manuacturing' 8hat6s
more, the system evaluates the IE talents training mode
.ith $DI*'
IJ' $*($LU5I*(5
!he purpose o IE talent training is to +uild a system
.ith direction o $DI* and mutual support curriculum
system' Let students o+tain e%perience o active learning'
@ood continual operation security management system
.ill help students o IE major to +e modern IE engineers
.ith deep oundational -no.ledge o mechanical
engineering, a+ility o developing and operating ne.
system, management or ne. product and other
comprehensive application competence' !hrough the
e%ploration or talents training mode or many years, the
IE students rom Zhejiang University o !echnology are
al.ays highly appreciated in manuacturing in
Zhejiang Crovince'
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