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The Schools most prestiio!s schol"rship is the Huizingh - Mumford Scholarship# $oh% M!m&or'( "l!m%!s o& the School o& Acco!%t"%c)(
h"s i*e% this e%'o+me%t to reco%i,e "%' ho%or the o!tst"%'i% te"chi% o& Dr# -illi"m H!i,i%h( Pro&essor .merit!s o& Acco!%t"%c)( "%'
to "ttr"ct o!tst"%'i% st!'e%ts to the ASU Acco!%t"%c) 'eree pror"ms#
This is " o%e to &i*e )e"r "c"'emic schol"rship( re%e+"/le o% "% "%%!"l /"sis 0see 1Terms "%' Co%'itio%s2 &or criteri"3# Recipie%ts "re
"+"r'e' 45(666 per "c"'emic )e"r '!ri% !%'err"'!"te st!') "%' 47(666 '!ri% r"'!"te +or8# The ASU St!'e%t Fi%"%ci"l Assist"%ce
O&&ice 0+++#"s!#e'!9&"stt3 'is/!rses &!%'s "t the /ei%%i% o& the &"ll "%' spri% semesters#
Who May Apply
All "pplic"%ts m!st 'emo%str"te &i%"%ci"l %ee' "s e*i'e%ce' /) &ili% the Free Application for Federal Student Aid 0FAFSA3#
I%&orm"tio% re"r'i% &ili% the FAFSA c"% /e &o!%' "t +++#&"&s"#e'#o*9 # :o! "re %ot re;!ire' to complete )o!r &i%"%ci"l "i' &ile( /!t
)o! must pro*i'e !s +ith " cop) o& )o!r St!'e%t Ai' Report 0SAR3( "%' the Ac"'emic <!'et Form#
Applic"%ts m!st /e Arizona residents and graduates of an Arizona High School "t the time o& the "pplic"tio%#
I%comi% Freshme% m!st e=hi/it stro% hih school cre'e%ti"ls AND /e "'mitte' to the -# P# C"re) School o& <!si%ess i% 1Pre-
Tr"%s&er St!'e%ts m!st h"*e " 5#>7 c!m!l"ti*e GPA +ith " mi%im!m o& ?> tr"%s&er cre'its( AND m!st /e "'mitte' to the -# P# C"re)
School o& <!si%ess i% the 1Pre-<!si%ess2 or 1Pre-Acco!%t"%c)2 'esi%"tio% or the Acco!%t"%c) m"@or# 1Pre-<!si%ess2 'esi%"tes m!st
h"*e i%te%tio%s o& m"@ori% i% Acco!%t"%c)#
Co%ti%!i% ASU St!'e%ts m!st h"*e " 5#>7 c!m!l"ti*e GPA thro!h the &"ll semester o& the c!rre%t "c"'emic )e"r AND /e "'mitte' to
the 1Acco!%t"%c)2 !%'err"'!"te m"@or( or " School o& Acco!%t"%c) m"sters 'eree pror"m#
Terms and Conditions
."ch schol"r m!st /e e%rolle' "t Ari,o%" St"te U%i*ersit)-Tempe C"mp!s "s " &!ll-time st!'e%t 0"t le"st ?> cre'it ho!rs &or
!%'err"'!"tes "%' A cre'it ho!rs &or r"'!"tes3 i% F"ll >6?5 "%' Spri% >6?B#
."ch schol"r m!st m"i%t"i% oo' st"%'i% "s " &!ll-time st!'e%t "t Ari,o%" St"te U%i*ersit)# S!spe%sio%( "c"'emic pro/"tio%( or
'ismiss"l +ill res!lt i% the schol"rship /ei% "!tom"tic"ll) re*o8e'#
No portio% o& the schol"rship sh"ll /e p"i' &or s!mmer school "tte%'"%ce or st!') "/ro"' pror"ms#
St!'e%ts m!st /e elii/le to "ppl) &or &e'er"l "i' to ;!"li&) &or the schol"rship#
."ch schol"rship is re%e+"/le o% "% "%%!"l /"sis i& the recipie%t h"s s"tis&"ctoril) met the &ollo+i% criteri"C
0?3 m"i%t"i%e' " 5#>7 c!m!l"ti*e GPA or hiher /) the e%' o& e"ch semester o& the "c"'emic )e"rD
0>3 complete' "t le"st >B cre'it ho!rs '!ri% the "c"'emic )e"rD AND
053 complete' co!rses th"t s!pport the Acco!%t"%c) m"@or OR "re " p"rt o& " School o& Acco!%t"%c) m"sters 'eree
0B3 complete' " >6?5-?B "pplic"tio%#
Application Procedures
A% "pplic"%t +ill s!/mit " complete "pplic"tio% p"c8et /) March 1 !"1## Complete "pplic"tio%s m!st /e recei*e' /) the 'e"'li%e#
I%complete "pplic"tio%s +ill %ot /e re*ie+e'#
A complete application packet includes the following:
Completed Huizingh - Mumford Application$
Personal Statement % <rie&l) 'escri/e +h) )o! h"*e chose% to m"@or i% Acco!%t"%c) or p!rs!e " M"sters
'eree i% the School# Limite' to o%e( 'o!/le-sp"ce' t)pe' p"eD
&nofficial Transcript's( % hih school tr"%scripts 0i& "pplic"/le3 or collee tr"%scripts 0i& "pplic"/le3D
!"1#-!"1) Student Aid *eport 'SA*( - 'oc!me%t s!mm"ri,i% "ll i%&orm"tio% o% the FAFSA#
A committee compose' o& ASU &"c!lt) "%' st"&& +ill re*ie+ "pplic"tio%s "%' select recipie%ts# Schol"rship recipie%ts
+ill /e %oti&ie' o& selectio% /) mi'-$!%e#
Schol"rship Applic"tio%
Application Procedure
A% "pplic"%t +ill s!/mit " complete "pplic"tio% p"c8et /) March 1 !"1## Complete "pplic"tio%s m!st /e recei*e' /) the 'e"'li%e#
I%complete "pplic"tio%s +ill %ot /e re*ie+e'#
A complete application packet includes:
Completed Huizingh - Mumford Application$
Personal Statement % <rie&l) 'escri/e +h) )o! h"*e chose% to m"@or i% Acco!%t"%c) or p!rs!e " M"sters
'eree i% the School# Limite' to o%e( 'o!/le-sp"ce' t)pe' p"eD
&nofficial Transcript's( % hih school tr"%scripts 0i& "pplic"/le3 or collee tr"%scripts 0i& "pplic"/le3D
!"1#-!"1) Student Aid *eport 'SA*( - yello+ 'oc!me%t s!mm"ri,i% "ll i%&orm"tio% o% the FAFSA#
Please type or clearly print all information
Personal ,nformation
L"st( First( Mi''le
Ma/or01raduate 2egree.

U%ite' St"tes Citi,e%E :es No
AZ Resi'e%tE :es No
Ge%'er (optional) M F
Loc"l A''ressC (include apartment number if applicable)

Cit)( St"te( ZipC

Loc"l Pho%eC (include area code)
0 3
.m"il A''ressC

Academic ,nformation (high school and college freshmen only) 0attach transcript(s) unofficial ok3
Hih SchoolC Cit) "%' St"teC
C!m!l"ti*e Hih School GPA 0B#6 F A3C Cl"ss R"%8C 9 0e## ?G9>663
SAT9ACT composite scoreC Gr"'!"tio% D"teC
(Transfer and ALL continuing ASU applicants only)
U%'err"'!"te I%stit!tio%C Cit) "%' St"teC
U%'err"'!"te M"@orC
C!m!l"ti*e U%'err"'!"te GPA 0B#6 F A3C .=pecte' Gr"'!"tio% D"teC
>6?6->6?? Gr"'e Le*elC
Hih SchoolC Cit) "%' St"teC
ACA23M,C 4&213T F5*M
Complete the &ollo+i% /!'et &or the >6?5->6?B "c"'emic )e"r# Fi!res sho!l' re&lect e=pecte' e=pe%ses "%'
i%come &or the %i%e-mo%th "c"'emic )e"r# 6ou are re7uired to su8mit a copy of your !"1#-1) Student Aid *eport
'SA*(9 Ple"se see Applic"tio% Proce'!res sectio% &or re;!ire' i%&orm"tio%#
3:P3-S3S05&TF;5WS ,-C5M30,-F;5WS
T!itio% "%' &ees 4 Perso%"l S"*i%s 4
Tr"%sport"tio% 4 Lo"%s 4
Room H <o"r' 4 Gr"%ts 4
Perso%"l .=pe%ses 4 Other Schol"rships 4
."r%i%s &rom -or8 4
P"re%t"l9F"mil) S!pport 4
Total 3<penses05utflo+s 4 Total ,ncome0,nflo+s 4
4A;A-C3 SH33T
Tot"l .=pe%ses9O!t&lo+s 4
Mi%!s Tot"l I%come9I%&lo+s 40 3
F &nmet Financial -eed =
I& %ecess"r)( ple"se 'escri/e "%) !%!s!"l perso%"l e=pe%ses or i%come sit!"tio%s th"t m"8e it 'i&&ic!lt &or )o! "%'
)o!r &"mil) to co%tri/!te to the cost o& )o!r e'!c"tio%# (Use a separate sheet of paper.)
C5-S3-T T5 *3;3AS3 *3C5*2S > T3*MS 5F A1*33M3-T
I i*e m) permissio% &or the rele"se o& "c"'emic( &i%"%ci"l( "%'9or other %ecess"r) i%&orm"tio% re;!este' /) the schol"rship selectio%
committee# F!rthermore( i& " schol"rship "+"r' is m"'e to me( m) co%se%t is here/) i*e% &or the rele"se o& "c"'emic( &i%"%ci"l( or other
%ecess"r) i%&orm"tio% re;!este' /) the committee#
I certi&) th"t the i%&orm"tio% thro!ho!t this "pplic"tio% is "cc!r"te( "%' th"t "%) misreprese%t"tio% o& &"cts or 'et"ils co!l' res!lt i%
i%elii/ilit) &or "%) schol"rships or "+"r's#
I !%'erst"%' "ll 'oc!me%ts /ecome propert) o& the School o& Acco!%t"%c)#
I here/) "ree !po% the "ccept"%ce o& "%) -# P# C"re) School o& <!si%ess schol"rship or "+"r' to the terms speci&ie' i% the schol"rship
criteri"# Ho+e*er( sho!l' m) st"t!s ch"%e +here/) I %o lo%er meet the criteri"( I !%'erst"%' th"t the schol"rship +ill /e re*o8e'#
F"il!re to s!/mit " complete "pplic"tio% m") res!lt i% m) i%elii/ilit) to recei*e the H!i,i%h - M!m&or' Schol"rship#
Si%"t!re D"te
Su8mit Application Pac?et
4y MailC ,n PersonC
H!i,i%h - M!m&or' Schol"rship Committee
Att%C Pror"m M"%"er
H!i,i%h - M!m&or' Schol"rship Committee
Att%C Pror"m M"%"er
School o& Acco!%t"%c) School o& Acco!%t"%c)
Ari,o%" St"te U%i*ersit) I Tempe C"mp!s Ari,o%" St"te U%i*ersit) I Tempe C"mp!s
PO <o= GJ5K6K <A >>5 L
Tempe( AZ G7>GJ-5K6K BG6-AK7-5K5?
4ecause of a large num8er of e<pected applications +e may not 8e a8le to notify unsuccessful applicants9

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