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Number 30 April 2012

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe



its creation over ten years ago, our

Observatory has never yet examined the issue of
research, despite many of its members being involved
in research programmes. Research is not an external
element; it is an integral part of the transport system, its
evolution and its ability to respond more efficiently to
mobility needs and the needs of society, which are also
changing. This issue, number 30, thus fills a gap (better
late than never...).
Research is a vast topic, as vast as transport itself:
technical research into vehicles, infrastructure, energy
sources, information systems etc.; managerial research
into organisations and how operational resources are
managed; socio-economic research to gain a better
understanding of stakeholders' motivations and
interactions and, on behalf of public authorities, to help
consideration for the interactions between transport and
its environment. Transport research thus involves
practically the whole range of scientific disciplines:
natural sciences and social sciences, "hard" and "soft",
technology and organisation. It also brings the world of
business into contact with the world of academia, often
with public administration as an intermediary or catalyst
in the role of both client and financial sponsor.
Transport systems in their widest sense are one of the
strengths of the European economy in relation to the
global competition, with 25 of the biggest international
freight and logistics groups having their head offices in
Europe, but European research also has a wellestablished place within global research. It is still largely
organised on a national basis (universities as research
centres are not yet plurinational), but it does have a
specifically European aspect, particularly the European
Union Framework Programmes for Research and
Technological Development (FPRTD), which over the
years have given rise to a habit of cooperation between
teams from several countries in "consortia" that are
necessarily plural. This forges a more integrated
European scientific community which is also more likely
to cooperate with other partners, mostly American or

It is not possible to give a detailed account of such a

complex and diverse research landscape in a just few
pages, and a longer text would be cumbersome.
However, this brief panorama contains food for thought
for any researcher, manager or sponsor of private or
public research: what is the right dose of specialisation
or multidisciplinarity for research teams and projects? of
decentralisation, or of centralisation in powerful hubs
with a presence on the world scene? of demand-led
management or investment in fundamental work, whose
applicability may only become clear later? and, quite
simply, what financial effort must be devoted to research
despite the current context of the "great recession" from
the viewpoint of the "knowledge economy", which is said
to be the future of Europe's development?
Michel Savy
Professor at Paris Est University
Director of the OPSTE

Editorial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
OPSTE on Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 to 8

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe

OPSTE on research
This comparative analysis of transport research in
European countries covers research structures,
procedures and incentives as well as the fields under
investigation. The goal is not to evaluate or even to
summarise the results of research conducted in this or
that country, but to identify the broad outlines of how
research is organised and of the research subjects
chosen as a priority.

In Germany, a proportion of research is co-funded by
the federal ministries (transport, research, economy,
environment) and the Lnder, which have
responsibility for the universities, resulting in funding
arrangements that are often complex.
This kind of public finance for projects frequently
amounts to 50%, with the rest coming from the research
centres themselves and from resources they obtain
through contracts. For example, Deutsche Luft und
Raumfahrt (DLR), an institute initially specialising in air
transport and aerospace but now equally interested in
land transport, accounts for some 7,000 people divided
between 32 teams with a budget of 745M, 400M of
which comes from contracts with industry.
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is a
research budget coordination fund (more or less
comparable with the Agence nationale pour la
recherche franaise or French National Research
Agency) funded by the government and the Lnder.
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is responsible for applied
research in the fields of health, mobility, the
environment etc. Its researchers are spread across the
country at various specialist sites. For example, logistics
research is located at the Ruhr centre.
Transport ministry programmes are organised into
projects offered via calls for bids to external
researchers. The ministry also has its own research
units, which work on themes closer to the needs of
transport policy. Their priorities are infrastructure
planning (methods and funding), safety and security,
noise, climate and adapting infrastructure to extreme
weather conditions etc.
For example, the subject of intermodal transport is
allocated 4M a year, road transport and road
construction 12.5M, air transport (safety, external
effects around airports) 1M, the bicycle use
development plan 3M (a subject discussed in a
previous issue of Transport/Europe), urban and rural
transport 4M and innovative concepts in freight and
passenger mobility 4M.

Transport policies such as the Masterplan, reported

previously by the OPSTE, with a budget of 200M, have
included a research aspect in areas such as fuel cells
and hydrogen fuel cells, less polluting ships and a
logistics action plan, from a viewpoint that combines all
modes of transport, not just aiming to limit the proportion
of road transport. These projects are monitored,
evaluated and promulgated by the institutions that have
supported them, including publication on the ministry
Research is also funded by industry (the rail industry,
the shipping industry etc.) with large amounts of money
(a French-German comparative study, "Defrako",
covered this point).
The main university centres of transport research
include, but are not limited to, in no particular order:
Aachen, Berlin Institute of Technology, Dresden (railway
and aircraft engineering, socio-economic modelling),
Karlsruhe (socio-economic modelling), Hamburg
(maritime transport and logistics), Stuttgart etc. The
academic system is strongly organised around
professorial chairs and their holders. Universities carry
out both fundamental research and, increasingly,
applied projects involving external partners.

While certain countries play a leading role in transport
research, others follow or simply seek not to be left too
far behind. This is the case of Spain, which does not
have a historic research tradition but has made major
efforts to catch up over the last thirty years, now
devoting about 1% of GDP after starting from a very low
base. There is no summary document, or even chapter,
on transport in broader documents covering both
technology and the humanities to help us appreciate
how this effort is reflected in the area of transport.
However, we can currently identify at least twenty-two
research centres working in this area. Most are
university centres, such as TRANSyT (Centro de
Investigacin del Transporte at the Technical University
of Madrid), INTRAS (Instituto de Investigacin en
Trfico y Seguridad Vial at the University of Valencia)
and the infrastructure economics and transport research
group at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
There is just one centre under the responsibility of the
transport ministry, CEDEX (Centro de Estudios y
Experimentacin de Obras Pblicas, in Madrid), but its
role is more to stimulate and manage research than to
conduct it. Another centre, CENIT (Centre d'Innovaci
del Transport) in Barcelona, is a consortium between
the regional authority (the autonomous government of
Catalonia) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
New teams have recently arisen through public
infrastructure policies, attached to the corresponding

Number 30 April 2012

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe

management bodies: ADIF (rail infrastructure) in

Andalusia and PLAZA (logistics platforms) in Zaragoza.
The 2005 Infrastructure and Transport Plan included a
research section, which resulted in calls for applications
for two or three years. Then the new science and
innovation ministry took over the procedure to the
detriment of the individual sector-specific ministries.
Budgets have risen overall, with three main priority
areas: health, telecommunications and the information
society, energy and climate change (including
sustainable mobility and transport). One of the stated
aims is to reinforce centres of excellence, and the new
call for bids designates eight centres for four years, but
none of these works on transport any more than the
twenty-two centres on the supplementary list. Teams
are encouraged to seek European funding, while there
is still a deficit in the Spanish contribution to the FPRTD.
In terms of publications, the ministry's specialist review
seems fragile alongside the sector-specific journals
devoted to particular modes of transport or to
engineering, and researchers are encouraged to publish
in English
In the current economic and political context, after
twenty years of expansion in transport facilities from
which research has scarcely benefited at all, the debate
has turned to the development model underlying this
past growth, raising the question of ignorance about
cost-benefit analyses.
Outside purely university-based work (such as theses in
geography or transport economics), the demand and
supervision for research in France are primarily the
responsibility of the ministries for the environment
(which also covers the former ministries for equipment
and transport), industry and research. These ministries
have long been associated with the multi-year interministerial PREDIT land transport research and
innovation programme but also, more recently, with a
programme of economic stimulus and support for
strategic activities, such as the Future Investments
("Investissements d'Avenir") plan.
In terms of research structures, a deliberate policy
aims to encourage the emergence of more powerful
centres and to stimulate initiatives by having teams
compete with each other. Associated with both
economic policy and regional development policy,
competitive clusters aim to bring higher education,
research and business closer together. The Advancity
cluster at the Paris Est University site covers
sustainable cities, while sustainable mobility is the
theme of the Lyon Urban Trucks and Buses cluster.
The National Research Agency (Agence nationale de la
recherche) is a resource agency, and the PREDIT
programme issues regular calls for bids. In general, the
environment ministry is responsible for defining new
social, economic and environmental objectives for
research, higher education and industry (in particular via
PIPAME, the inter-ministerial programme for forecasting
and anticipating economic mutations) and the resource

Management Agency), ANR (National Research

Agency) and OSEO (innovation and investment support
agency), while local public procurement focuses more
on specific studies than broader research.
PREDIT has significant resources for land transport
(400M between 2002 and 2007, with the current phase
running from 2008 to 2012), with the main research
subjects being vehicle innovation, services and their
interfaces, freight and energy efficiency, the
environment and transport taxation. Using the leverage
of public finance, the total mobilised amounts to a billion
euros. 64% of the PREDIT funding goes to the private
sector, while remaining a necessary resource for the
public research bodies, which thus see their research
orientations finalised.
The Future Investments programme operates under
the banner of a "search for excellence", identifying
centres that combine universities, elite schools and
research organisations able to access skills and visibility
recognised at international level. Its funds are allocated
in the form of capital endowments whose income
finances research. Vehicles of the future (for a long time
included in the aeronautical field, then the automotive)
are a priority theme, while urban transport is closer to
the PUCA research programme (construction, urban
planning and architecture plan).
National funding is supplemented by European
financing from the FPRTD (Framework Programme for
Research and Technological Development) and COST
(European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
when French research teams contribute to European
Private research is supported by public funding but
also has its own dynamic thanks to the manufacturers
themselves in the automotive and aeronautical
industries, not to mention the research offices that can
respond to calls for research bids, and which are
characterised by great diversity between the few large
and many small organisations.
Heir to a long administrative tradition, the ministry's
science and technology network constitutes a system
in its own right, alongside university research. It includes
public research establishments such as IFSTTAR (the
French Institute of Science and Technology for
Transport, Development and Networks), which has a
base at the PRES Paris Est Descartes campus and
employees 1,250 people in 25 research units covering
all aspects of transport, from technology to the human
sciences. Certain technical departments in the same
network, such as CERTU (Research Centre for
Networks, Transport, Urban Planning and Public
Construction) and SETRA (Transport, Roads and
Bridges Engineering and Road Safety Technical
Department), contribute to research and to preparing
and publishing standards and best practice. The
network also includes schools training both officials and
engineers destined for the private sector: ENAC
(National Civil Aviation School), ENTPE (National

Number 30 April 2012

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe

Government Public Works School), ENPC (National

Civil Engineering School) etc.
In higher education, the area of transport has a fairly
low level of recognition, being divided between different
academic disciplines which organise the recruitment
and careers of teaching and research staff. The three
largest laboratories are LET (Transport Economics
Laboratory, attached to the CNRS National Scientific
Research Centre at the University of Lyon 2 and to
ENTPE), CRET-LOG at the University of Aix-Marseille II
and LVMT (City, Mobility and Transport Laboratory
attached to ENPC, IFSTTAR and UPEMLV, the
University of Paris Est Marne la Valle), in addition to
several smaller entities. The teams are generally
members of the AFITL (French Association of Transport
and Logistics Institutes), which publishes a peerreviewed scientific journal (Les Cahiers Scientifiques du
Transport), and the researchers are on the mailing list of
the Transrech information network.

Recently, the education ministry set up a small

framework programme to fund theses and encourage
synergies between Greek and foreign research teams.
Most of this scientific production results from applied
research funded by the government. But there are no
more big-budget calls for bids, especially as the politics
of austerity have brought major infrastructure projects to
a stop, to the extent that competition between research
teams is now fierce, even for very small grants.
Fundamentally, the government is abandoning its
guiding role in terms of research by funding
organisations rather than projects. By imposing the
need for additional funding, it is encouraging a trend for
research to be validated by recognition from the private
sector and by concrete results (e.g. developing a
simulation model). The most common themes are public
urban passenger transport (e.g. determining how to
extend the Athens metro) and, in the area of freight,
maritime ports, which are also a Europe-wide research
subject, especially from the viewpoint of congestion.

In Greece, a new law aims to bring universities and
laboratories together more directly, moving away from
the traditional pyramidal organisation that distinguishes
between the levels of university, faculty, department and
finally laboratory.
Historically, research and teaching in transport were
initially included within civil engineering, which gave
birth to the figure of the transport planning engineer.
This role had a position of oligopoly for many years, but
is now joined by economists who have followed a
different path. The country has five civil engineering
faculties, the largest being in Athens and Thessaloniki.
In the latter city, alongside the university, which houses
work on traffic engineering, rail transport and transport
socio-economics, is the National Institute of Transport
Research, founded fifteen years ago, which has about
thirty permanent researchers and as many others
financed for specific projects. The sector also includes
Athens University of Economics and Business and the
University of the Aegean, with its department of
maritime transport and trade.
Consultancy firms, each accounting for about ten
people, work together as a flexible network, contributing
to various projects.
Research tends to be applied, with no long-term vision,
as with the study of the new infrastructure master plan
supported by traffic forecasting research. There is a
research programme inside the transport ministry, but it
is very general in nature, covering IT applications, for
example, but without any particular emphasis on

It is not easy to evaluate the results of transport

research in Poland when the government demonstrates
a variable degree of interest in the subject. Wage
stagnation is reflected in a reduction in research and
development spending. Although we know that
innovation is now the key to growth, it accounts for less
than 1% of the country's GDP (compared with 3% in
Northern Europe or Japan).
organisation: higher education institutions, academies
of science, sector-specific research units (the legacy of
the socialist era's large technical ministries) and
application units. All establishments, even those with
very specific focuses, tend to be described as
universities. A new law states that institutions must have
at least twelve disciplines awarding doctorates to qualify
for the name (transport being considered a separate
discipline in the area of technical science, but not in the
area of economics).
There are some 90 research units in the field of
transport and 32 more in logistics, while 1,347
researchers have doctorates in transport and 241 in
logistics. Most come from a technical and engineering
science background, and they work mainly in Warsaw
and then Pozna, Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow and
Katowice. Transport is an important sector in Poland,
which explains the high number of teaching and
research staff.
Each institute has its own specialities (aeronautical
engineering and applied mechanics in Warsaw, etc.).
There are records with descriptions of twenty-one

Number 30 April 2012

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe

research teams working in transport economics. The

country is not very highly ranked for patent applications,
but does produce interesting technical advances, in
areas such as transitions from one rail gauge to
To avoid waste, it is advisable to designate research
priorities. After the elimination of all central planning,
the ministry allocates credits with no reference to a
precise breakdown between subjects, which are:
strategic planning and transport policy instruments;
infrastructure construction and maintenance; modal
balance and mobility policy; ecological solutions;
sustainable urban transport; road safety; intelligent
transport systems.
Funding is shared between the government (56%),
business (26%), the Academy of Science (13%) and
foreign sources (5%). Regular calls for bids are
organised for projects lasting two or three years,
providing support for institutions' scientific operations
and investments in research infrastructure, including IT
networks, libraries and participation in international
conferences. The more costly funding of applied
research receives supplementary resources.
Two new institutions have been put in place: the
National Science Centre and the National Centre for
Research and Development, with ambitious objective
With regard to the publication of results, about two
hundred works have been published over the last twenty
years, almost all of them in Polish. The list of scientific
journals is short, as everywhere, with the removal of
As for future prospects, three factors seem decisive:
the abilities and qualifications of researchers; the level
of public and private funding; and the demand for
research from business and public bodies. It will
certainly be more difficult to become a professor in the
coming years than in the past, and research funding will
be uncertain due to the economic crisis, but demand will
be sustained because businesses know they need
innovation, while congestion problems and the
development of intelligent transport require considerable

United Kingdom
In the UK, the Department for Transport works closely
with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
on transport research.
The ministry deals with medium-term issues, while the
Research Councils (seven public scientific bodies
independent of government) take more of an interest in
the long term (for engineering and technical research

and for socio-economic research into behaviour and

mobility, for example). Two funding methods are used: a
spontaneous proposal from a researcher can be
examined by an evaluation body and funded by a
Research Council if it has the resources, or research
programmes are launched (on logistics, urban
development etc.). Strategic programmes bring
universities together with other bodies with a crossdisciplinary approach, covering issues of health or
communications as they affect transport users, etc.
From a political viewpoint, the latest change of
government has had a significant effect on research.
Tony Blair sought scientific evidence on which to base
policy, while David Cameron expects policies to justify
themselves on their own terms. The cut in the size of
the public sector has also reduced the volume and level
of research emanating from the ministry.
At local level, the former Regional Development
Agencies have recently been withdrawn. They
sometimes launched studies or even broader research
programmes. Some powerful local authorities still
commission research, but they are generally seeking
practical solutions.
With regard to research production, the University
Transport Studies Group operates like a club of about
fifty universities, though not all of them actually carry out
research. It organises an annual conference and
consults its members about research and teaching news
in order to be able to inform government and other
bodies. The largest centres are Leeds (with about 80
people), Imperial College and UCL (University College
London), which often work together, followed by Napier,
Southampton, Westminster etc. The trend is towards
collaboration and grouping around centres of
excellence. For example, the UK Transport Research
Centre (UKTRC) was supported by one of the Research
Councils and brought together four of the leading
centres. However, the new government has recently
withdrawn its funding.
It may be observed that research is based primarily at
the universities and not, as in Germany and France, at
research institutes. However, one organisation is an
exception to this: the TRL (Transport Research
Laboratory), which reports to the ministry and employs a
staff of 200. It has been transformed into a not-for-profit
foundation funded by contracts, but the results of its
work remain generally accessible to everyone.
Its main subjects are transport technology (with the
Technology Strategy Board setting directions in areas
that involve transport, such as logistics and railway
innovation), transport and sustainable development
(including a debate on the benefits of modal transfers),
land use and transport modelling, economics and
transport policy themes that are not very different from
those explored in other European countries, except that
the new government insists on the search for solutions
and on the political goals of the work (to "create

Number 30 April 2012

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe

while challenges include the environment and economic

performance. The area is generally referred to as R&I
(research and innovation) rather than R&D (research
and development).

Most scientific research in Sweden takes place in
universities, and relatively little in specialist institutes.
The scientific effort is very significant, representing 3.5%
of GDP, one of the highest levels in the world and still
rising over the last ten years. Industry contributes to
research funding, but sometimes at sites abroad. There
is a high concentration of innovative industries, with
companies such as Ericsson, ABB, Volvo etc.).
The government has just appointed a policy committee
to organise research, consisting of representatives of
industry, government and science. Research is funded
via four themed committees: fundamental science,
social research, environment, and building and public
works, with few resources for transport.
The Vinnova agency, which has 50M to 70M a year,
takes more of an interest in innovation than in actual
research, while the energy agency has 30M
(particularly for work on fuels) and the national transport
office (recently created by merging the four modes of
transport) has 40M to 50M. With industrial research
institutes, public foundations, etc., funding for transport
research is thus very fragmented. A coordination body,
Transam, brings all these partners together.
A research planning law is voted on every four years,
but it is not binding on the committees responsible for
actual scientific planning. The law decides twenty
priority themes to be proposed to researchers. Five
universities, including the universities of Chalmers,
Gothenburg and Linkping, have responded and are
examined by an international jury to receive funding.
There are large sector-specific programmes, such as
the vehicle programme, which receives 100M a year,
half from industry and the programme for future
infrastructure (roads and railways) and air transport. The
university centres, the main research hubs, receive the
funding and conduct the work.
The VTI institute (National Road and Transport
Research Institute) is also involved, with about 200
researchers under the aegis of the ministry for industry
working on infrastructure, safety, the human factor,
driving simulation, transport economics and traffic
issues. It covers a spectrum ranging from fundamental
research to operational testing and has a large
electronic library and a powerful database of transport
projects. In addition, several smaller teams specialise in
technical questions and the Swedish energy agency
supports research and development centres working on
subjects such as engines, catalysis etc.
Transport is one of the five research platforms of the
KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), with themes such
as transport systems, future infrastructure, innovative
vehicles, information, transport policy and institutions,

A profound change in how research is oriented is

under way. There is a move from a "push" technique,
from the top down, towards an approach based on
social need, from the bottom up. For example,
researchers talk about the problems of cities as a whole
and evoke cross-disciplinary issues such as health
rather than the traditional sector-based questions,
including transport. The preparations for the next
research planning act should be based on this
The Swedish research system thus operates as a
network, combining research, government and industry
with both a strong decentralisation of research work and
a polarisation around centres of excellence ensuring a
degree of consistency. A national forum of all
stakeholders meets every year to coordinate national
research, but has no resources to allocate.

In Switzerland, academic research into transport is
mainly carried out at the federal polytechnics of Zurich
and Lausanne, with a growing focus on mathematical
models for traffic simulation. The Paul Scherrer Institute,
a federal institute emerging from nuclear research,
technological applications, while the universities place
the emphasis on socio-economic aspects. The schools
of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HES),
which are mainly responsible to the cantons,
concentrate solely on applied research.
The federal government has some research
resources, but its involvement is mainly limited to
expressing its needs, entrusting the research to
university staff and research offices and implementing
the results. Consultants execute most of the research
projects put out to competitive tender by the federal and
canton authorities (road development, HGV tax system).
The main research groups include those located:
- at the Zurich federal polytechnic, and particularly the
Institut fr Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme
(IVT), specialising in transport planning.
- at the Lausanne federal polytechnic, and particularly
the TRACE Transportation Centre, which constitutes an
entry point for transport research projects and directs
people interested in projects to specialist research
groups such as LITEP, the Intermodality and Transport
Planning Laboratory, TRANSP-OR, the Transport and
Mobility Laboratory, or others.

Number 30 April 2012

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe

- at the HES schools, especially in Geneva, Yverdon

and Fribourg, where work covers green vehicle
propulsion, while the Scuola Universitaria Professionale
della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) carries out applied
research in transport socio-economics. The University of
Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HESSO) has set up a master's in territorial engineering
which includes transport teaching.
In terms of organisation, Swiss transport research
programmes are episodic. In particular, the national
"Transport Environment" programme (1996-2000) had a
budget of about 8 million euros and initiated the
transport policies currently in force, contributing to the
establishment of national skills centres. Funding for
transport research is mainly based on federal public
funds from both the transport department (DETEC) and
the national research fund. For questions relating to
research and technology policy, the confederation
relies on the Swiss Science and Technology Council

(CSST). Federal transport research is coordinated by

the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) in the
field of sustainable territorial development and planning,
while the specialist offices draft regular sector-specific
transport plans.
Supplying data for research is the responsibility of the
Federal Statistical Office, while the Federal Office for
Spatial Development prepares scenarios and forecast
As for future prospects, two directions for development
are emerging: one, more "scientific", focuses on the
numerical simulation of transport systems, while the
other, more "political", concerns transport planning and
territorial organisation.

This summary was prepared from contributions by:

Michel Beuthe, Catholic University of Mons (Belgium)
Antoine Beyer, University of Paris 4, Paris (France)
Michael Browne, University of Westminster (UK)
Bertil Carstam, consultant, Stockholm (Sweden)
Tristan Chevroulet, Itral Management, Lausanne (Switzerland)
Rafael Gimnez Capdevila, Institute of Territorial Studies, Barcelone (Spain)
Jan Burnewicz, University of Gdansk,
Catharina Horn, Dresden University of Technology (Germany)
Sraphin Kapros, University of the Aegean.

Number 30 April 2012

Bulletin of the Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in Europe

Observatory of Transport Policy and Strategy in

Tour Voltaire
Publication director: Michel Savy

Number 30 April 2012

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