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YEAR 9 – 2010

No of Topics/Sub-topics Assessment Objectives Suggested Activities/Approaches Supplementary Resources
1 Week 1. Numbers • Identify and use the Revise positive and negative numbers • Investigation on prime numbers at
a) Natural numbers, Integers, natural numbers, using a number line. http://www.atm.org.uk/links/keyst
Prime, Square, Rational & integers (negative, zero, Define the terms real, rational and
Irrational Numbers and positive) prime, irrational numbers. Show that any Information about rational and irrational numbers
rational and irrational recurring decimal can be written as a at
b) Common factors, common numbers fraction. Show that any root which http://nrich.maths.org/public/leg.php
multiples cannot be simplified to an integer or a
• Identify and use fraction is an irrational number.
common factors and
c) Number sequence ( to the nth common multiples Define the term prime number (1 is not
term) prime).
• Recognise patterns in Write any integer as a product of primes Various problems involving sequences of numbers
sequences and at
Define the terms factor and multiple and http://nrich.maths.org/public/leg.php
relationships between
use simple examples to find common
different sequences
factors and common multiples of two or
more numbers. Find highest common
• Generalise to simple factors and lowest common multiples.
algebraic statements Class activity: Identify a number from
(including expressions a description of its properties, for
for the nth term) example, which number less than 50 has
relating to such 3 and 5 as factors and is a multiple of 9?
sequences Students make up their own descriptions
and test one another.

Define a sequence of numbers. Work

with simple sequences, e.g. find the next
two numbers in a sequence of even,
odd, square, triangle or Fibonacci
numbers, etc.
Find the term-to-term rule for a
sequence, e.g. the sequence 3, 9, 15, 21,
27, .... has a term-to-term rule of +6
Find the position-to-term rule for a
sequence, e.g. the nth term in the
sequence 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, .... is 6n - 3 .
Class activity: Square tables are placed
in a row so that 6 people can sit around
2 tables, 8 people can sit around 3
tables, and so on. How many people can
sit around n table
1 Week 2. Squares & square roots • Calculate Squares, Use simple examples to illustrate
Cube & cube roots square roots, cubes and squares, square roots and cubes and • Weather statistics for over 16000
cube roots of numbers cube roots of numbers. cities at http://www.weather.com/
3. Directed numbers in Class activity: 121 is a palindromic
practical situation square number (when the digits are Case study: scheduling aircraft at
• Use directed numbers reversed it is the same number). Write http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/resource/schedair.pdf
in practical situation down all the palindromic square Time zone information at
numbers less than 1000. http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/resource/timezone.htm
Use a number line to aid addition and
subtraction of positive and negative
numbers. Illustrate by using practical
examples, e.g. temperature change and
flood levels.
2 Weeks 4. Vulgar and decimal • Use the language and Revise equivalent fractions and convert • Writing decimals as fractions at
fractions & Percentages notation of simple between fractions, decimals and http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/resource/decim
a) Vulgar fraction vulgar and decimal percentages. Use place value (units, al.htm
b) Decimal fractions fractions and tenths, hundredths etc.) to change a
c) Percentages percentages in simple decimal into a fraction.
appropriate contexts;
• recognise equivalence Use a number line to describe simple
5. Ordering and convert between inequalities and ranges of values e.g. x ≥ For ordering quantities, search for ‘ordering
these forms. 3, -2 ≤ x < 5, etc. fractions’ or ordering decimals’ at
Class activity: Given a list of quantities http://www.learn.co.uk

• Recognize order (e.g. a list of fractions and decimals),

order them by magnitude making use of
quantities by magnitude
inequality signs
and demonstrate
familiarity with the
symbols : = , >, <, ≥,
≤ ,≠
2 Weeks 6. Standard Form • Use the standard dorm Use a range of examples to show how to
a) Write in standard form A x 10 where n is a write numbers in standard form and www. Gcse.wm/maths/standard-form.htm
b) Write in ordinary form positive or negative vice-versa. Interpret how a calculator
c) Multiplication in standard integer, and 1≤ A < 10 displays standard form.
form Class activity: Use the four rules of
d) Division in standard form • Express any number in calculation with numbers in standard
e) Addition & subtraction in standard form and vice form.
standard form versa

• Evaluate expressions in
standard form
2 Weeks 7. The Four rules Writing decimals as fractions at
a) The four rules with • Use the four rules for Revise long multiplication, short http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/resource/decimal.htm
whole numbers without calculations with and long division, and the order of
calculator whole numbers, operations (including the use of
b) Combined operations decimals fractions and brackets). Use examples which
c) Equivalent fractions vulgar and mixed illustrate the rules for multiplying
d) Addition & subtraction fractions, including and dividing by negative numbers.
of fractions correct ordering of Class activity: Use four 4’s and the
e) Multiplication and operations and use of four rules for calculations to obtain
divisions of fractions brackets. all the whole numbers from 1 to 20.
f) Changing fraction to
decimal Use previous ideas to aid addition
g) Changing decimal to and subtraction of fractions. Revise
fraction multiplication and division of
1 Week 8. Estimation Revision of estimating and rounding off at
a) Rounding off • Give approximations Revise rounding numbers to the www.math.com/schools/subject1/lesson/SLU1L3GL.html
i) decimal places to specified numbers nearest 10, 100, 1000, etc., or to a
ii) significant figures of significant figures set number of decimal places.
and decimal places Explain carefully how to round a
9. Limits of Accuracy number to a given number of
Appropriate upper and • Round off answers to significant figures.
lower bounds for data to a reasonable accuracy
specific accuracy in the context of a Use straightforward examples to
given problem determine upper and lower bounds
for data. For example, a length, l,
measured as 3cm to the nearest
• Give appropriate
millimetre has lower bound 2.95cm
upper and lower
and upper bound 3.05cm. Show
bounds for data to a
how this information can be written
specific accuracy.
using inequality signs e.g. 2.95cm ≤
l < 3.05cm.
Class activity: Investigate upper
and lower bounds for quantities
calculated from given formulae by
specifying the accuracy of the input
2 Weeks 10. Ratio, proportion rate www.maths league.com/help/ratio.htm
a) Ratio • Demonstrate an Define the term ratio and use
b) Direct Proportion understanding of the examples to illustrate how a
c) Inverse Proportion elementary idea and quantity can be divided into a
d) Common measures of notation of ratio, number of unequal parts.
rate direct and inverse Write a ratio in an equivalent form
e) Scale drawings proportion e.g. 6:8 can be written as 3:4,
• Demonstrate an leading to the form 1:n .
understanding of Class activity: Investigate the ratio
common measures of of the length of one side of an A5
rate, sheet of paper to that of the
• Use scales in practical corresponding side of an A4 sheet
situations of paper.

Students are asked to measure the

thickness of 10 Mathematics
textbooks. Ask the students to find
the thickness of 1 textbook.
Suggest to the students to find a
method which they can calculate the
thickness of 1 textbook. Teacher
can explore to other areas such as,
the speed in m/s, km/h, the cost of 1
item and so on.

Solve problems involving direct or

inverse proportion using the ratio or
unitary method.
The idea of similar shapes can be
introduced here.

Use a straightforward example to

revise the topic of scale drawing.
Show how to calculate the scale of a
drawing given a length on the
drawing and the corresponding real
length. Point out that measurements
should not be included on a scale
drawing and that the scale of a
drawing is usually written in the
form 1 : n .
Class activity: Draw various
situations to scale and interpret
results. For example, draw a plan of
a room in your house to scale and
use it to determine the area of carpet
needed to cover the floor, plan an
orienteering course, etc.

2 Weeks 11. Percentages www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources-ftp/client-

a) Simple percentages • Calculate a given Solve simple problems involving ftp/IGS2/maths/percentages/indes.htm
b) Calculating a percentage percentage of a percentages, interpreting a
of a quantity quantity calculator display in calculations www.mathsisfun.com/percentage.html
c) Expressing one quantity • Express one quantity with money.
as a percentage of another as a percentage of
d) Percentage increases and another Use rounding to 1sf to estimate the
decreases • Calculate percentage answer to a calculation. Check
increase or decrease answers with a calculator.
12. Use of Calculators Class activity: Investigate the
• Use an electronic percentage error produced by
calculator efficiently; rounding in calculations using
addition/subtraction and
• apply appropriate multiplication/division. (Percentage
checks of accuracy error will need to be discussed

1 Week 13. Measures (Converting www.convert-me/en

from one unit to • Use current units of Use practical examples to illustrate
another) mass, length, area, how to convert between: to see conversion of most units of measures
a) Length volume and capacity millimetres, centimetres, metres and
b) Mass in practical situations kilometres; grams, kilograms and
c) Capacity tonnes; millilitres, centilitres and
express quantities in litres. Use standard form where
terms of larger or appropriate
smaller units.

1 Week 14. Time

Case study: scheduling aircraft at
a) 12 hour and 24 hour • Calculate times in Revise units for measuring time and http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/resource/schedair.pdf
clock terms of the 24-hour use examples to convert between Time zone information at
b) Reading time-table, and 12-hour clock hours, minutes and seconds. http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/resource/timezone.htm
clock & dials • Read clocks, dials and Use television schedules and
c) Average speed timetables bus/train timetables to aid
• Calculate average speed calculation of lengths of time in
both 12-hour and 24-hour clock
Class activity: Create a timetable
for a bus/train running on a single
track line between two local towns.

Work with world time differences.

Class activity: Research and
annotate a world map with times in
various cities assuming it is noon
where you live.

Introduce the formula relating

speed, distance and time. Solve
simple numerical problems (which
should involve converting between
units e.g. find speed in m/s given
distance in kilometres and time in

1 Week 15. Money

Exchange rates can be found at
Conversion from one • Calculate using money Solve straightforward problems http://cnnfn.cnn.com/markets/currencies/
currency to another • Convert from one involving exchange rates. Up-to-
a) from graph currency to another date information from a daily
b) from table from graph or table newspaper is useful.

Use straight line graphs or table to

convert between different units e.g.
between metric and imperial units
or between different currencies
2 Weeks 16. Personal & house hold
finance • Use given data to solve Solve simple problems using
a) Earnings problems on personal practical examples where possible,
b) Simple interest and household finance taking information from published
c) Compound interest involving earnings, tables or advertisements. (It is
d) Discount simple interest, worth introducing a range of simple
e) Profit & loss compound interest, words and concepts here to describe
f) Percentage profit & loss discount, profit and different aspects of finance, e.g.
loss, extract data from tax, percentage profit, deposit, loan,
tables and charts etc.)
Use the formula I = PRT to solve a
variety of problems involving
simple interest.
Class activity: Research the cost of
borrowing money from different
banks (or money lenders)
2 Weeks 17. Graphs in practical For online revision
situations • Demonstrate familiarity Revise coordinates in two http://info.bgphs.moe.edu.sg/mathematics
a) Cartesian coordinates with Cartesian dimensions.
b) Interpret graphs in coordinates in two Class activity: For candidates
practical situations dimensions studying the core syllabus, draw a
c) Conversion graphs & • Interpret and use graphs picture by joining dots on a square
draw graphs in practical situations grid. Draw x and y axes on the grid
d) Speed including travel graphs and note the coordinates of each
e) Interpreting and draw and conversion graphs dot. Ask another student to draw
travel graph • Calculate average speed the picture from a list of
• Draw graphs from coordinates only.
given data
Draw and use straight line graphs to
convert between different units e.g.
between metric and imperial units
or between different currencies.

Draw and use distance-time graphs

to calculate average speed (link to
calculating gradients in Unit 1).
Interpret information shown in
travel graphs. Draw travel graphs
from given data.
Class activity: Draw a travel graph
for the journey to and from school.
Answer a set of questions about the
journey, e.g. what is the average
speed on the journey to school?
2 Weeks 18. Graphs of functions
Graphing linear equations at
a) Drawing straight line • Construct tables for Draw a straight line graph from a http://www.math.com/school/subject2/lessons/S2U4L3GL.html
graphs functions of the form table of values.
b) i) Finding gradient of a ax + b where a and b www.s-cool.co.uk/gcse/maths/algebra
straight line from the are integral constants Draw lines x = constant and y =
www.analyzemaths .com/quadraticg/html
graph and draw such graphs constant.
ii) Finding gradient using • Find the gradient of a
the formula straight line graph. Use simple examples to show how
c) Equation of straight line • Interpret and obtain the to calculate the gradient (positive,
graph y = mx + c equation of a straight negative or zero) of a straight line
d) Equation of special lines line graph in the form y from a graph. The gradient should
e) Equation of parallel lines = mx + c be expressed as a fraction or a
• Determine the equation decimal. Use these results to
of a straight line consider the gradient of the line x =
parallel to a given line. constant and parallel lines.
Class activity: Revise drawing a
graph of y=mx+c from a table of
Starting with a straight line graph
show how its equation (y=mx+c)
can be obtained. This includes
special and parallel lines

3 Weeks 19. Quadratic functions • Construct tables of Draw quadratic functions from a
a) Construct tables for values for functions of table of values.
values for functions in the form ±х² + ax + b, Show how the solutions to a
the form ± x² + ax + b, a/x ( x ≠ 0) quadratic equation may be
a/x ( x ≠ 0) • Draw and interpret such approximated using a graph. Extend
b) Drawing and interpret graphs this work to show how the
quadratic graphs solution(s) to pairs of equations
c) Graphical solution of • Solve quadratic (e.g. y = x2 - 2x - 3 and
quadratic equations equations y = x ) can be estimated using a
approximately by graph.
graphical methods. Class activity: Computer packages
such as Omnigraph or Derive are
useful here
YEAR 10 – 2011

No of Topic/ Sub topics Assessment Objectives Suggested Activities/Approaches
2 Weeks 20. Algebraic representation & For more examples
Formulae • Use letters to express Revise simple algebraic notation, for www.algebra.com
a) Representation of unknowns generalised numbers and example, ab and x2 . http://quiz.ewn.usyd.edu.au
using symbols and letters express basic arithmetic Substitute numbers into a formula
b) Simplify algebraic processes algebraically (including formulae that contain Try the ‘Pyramid’ investigation at
expression • Substitute numbers for words brackets). http://nrich.maths.org/public/leg.php
c) Evaluation of Algebraic and letters in algebraic Class activity: Investigate the
Expressions expressions difference between simple algebraic
d) Solving simple linear expressions which are often confused,
• Transform simple formulae
equations for example, find the difference
• Construct simple expressions
e) Construct simple equations between 2x , 2 + x and x2 for different
and set up simple equations
f) Solving Simultaneous values of x .
equations • Solve simple linear equations Transform simple formulae, e.g.,
i) Elimination Method in one unknown rearrange y = ax + b to make x the
ii) Substitution Method • Solve simultaneous linear subject.
equations in two unknowns Use straightforward examples to show
how to solve simple linear equations,
e.g. 3x + 2 = -1

Revise how to solve linear equations

(including expressions with brackets).
Use straightforward examples to
illustrate how to solve simultaneous
equations by elimination and by
Class activity: Approximate the
solution to simultaneous linear
equations by graphical means.
2 Weeks 21. Algebraic Manipulation
a) Expanding brackets • Manipulated directed numbers, Class activity: Revise transforming
b) Simple Factorization use brackets simple formulae (use examples similar
c) Substitution of formulae • Manipulated directed numbers to those used in Unit 1).
d) Transformation of formulae and extract common factors Use straightforward examples (with
• Substitute numbers for words both positive and negative numbers) to
and letters in formulae illustrate expanding brackets. Extend
• Transform simple formulae this technique to multiplying two
brackets together - use a 2x2 grid to
help understanding.
Class activity: Use algebra to show
that the solution to the following
problem is always 2. “Think of a
number, add 7, multiply by 3, subtract
15, multiply by ⅓, take away the
number you first thought of.”
Investigate similar problems.
Use straightforward examples (with
both positive and negative numbers) to
illustrate factorising simple expressions.
1 Week 22. Indices
a) Law of indices • Demonstrate familiarity and Class activity: Revise writing an
i) Addition understanding of the law of integer as a product of primes, writing
ii) Subtraction Indices answers using index notation.
iii) Multiplication • Use and interpret positive, Use simple examples to illustrate the
b) Positive, Zero & Negative indices negative and zero indices. rules of indices. Introduce negative
indices, e.g.
2-1 = 2(2-3) = 22 = 1 and 20 = 2(3-3) = 23 = 1
23 2 23
2 Weeks 23. Geometrical Terms and Very basic instructions at
Relationships • Use and interpret the This section is best covered as different www.mathsleague.com/help/geometry
a) Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, geometrical terms topics are met. The geometrical terms
Circles, Polygons • Use and interpret vocabulary can then be used in the context of
b) Nets of simple solid figures: of simple solid figures solving problems
Cube, Cuboid, Cylinder & Prism including nets
c) Congruency and congruent • Demonstrate understanding the Illustrate common solids, e.g. cube,
triangles relationship of congruency and cuboid, tetrahedron, cylinder, cone,
d) Similarity & similar triangles congruent triangles sphere, prism, pyramid, etc. Define the
terms vertex, edge and face.
• Interpret and use similar
Starting with simple examples draw the
nets of various solids. Show, for
example, that the net of a cube can be
drawn in different ways.
Class activity: Draw nets on card and
make various geometrical shapes.
Discuss the conditions for congruent
triangles. Point out that in naming
triangles which are congruent it is usual
to state letters in corresponding order,
i.e. ΔABC is congruent to ΔEFG
implies that the angle at A is the same
as the angle at E.
Introduce similar triangles / shapes. Use
the fact that corresponding sides are in
the same ratio to calculate the length of
an unknown side.

2 Weeks 24. Geometrical constructions Class activity: Reinforce accurate

a) Lines and Angles • Measure lines and angles measurement of lines and angles through
b) Constructing Triangles • Construct a triangle given the various exercises. For example, each
c) Constructing simple Geometrical three sides using ruler and student draws two lines that intersect.
figures compasses only Measure the length of each line to the
d) Bisecting lines and angles • Construct simple Geometrical nearest millimetre and one of the angles to
e) Scale Drawing the nearest degree. Each student should
figures from given data
then measure another student’s drawing
• Construct angle bisectors and
and compare answers.
perpendicular bisectors using
straight edges and compasses
Show how to: construct a triangle using a
ruler and compasses only, given the
• Read and make scale drawing lengths of all three sides; bisect an angle
using a straight edge and compasses only;
construct a perpendicular bisector using a
straight edge and compasses only.
Class activity: Construct a range of
simple geometrical figures from given
data, e.g. construct a circle passing
through three given points.

Use a straightforward example to revise

the topic of scale drawing. Show how to
calculate the scale of a drawing given a
length on the drawing and the
corresponding real length. Point out that
measurements should not be included on a
scale drawing and that the scale of a
drawing is usually written in the form 1 : n
Class activity: Draw various situations to
scale and interpret results. For example,
draw a plan of a room in your house to
scale and use it to determine the area of
carpet needed to cover the floor, plan an
orienteering course, etc.

1 Week 25. Symmetry Pictures of tessellations produced by Escher at

a) Recognize rotational and • Recognize rotational and Define the terms line of
line symmetry in two line symmetry in two symmetry and order of rotational
dimensions dimensions symmetry for two dimensional
b) Symmetry properties of shapes. Revise the symmetries of
triangles, quadrilaterals & triangles (equilateral, isosceles)
circles and quadrilaterals (square,
rectangle, rhombus,
parallelogram, trapezium, kite).
Class activity: Investigate
tessellations. Produce an Escher-
type drawing.
2 Weeks 26. Angle Properties Classifying angles at
Calculate unknown angles • Calculate unknown angles Revise basic angle properties by
using the following using the following drawing simple diagrams which
geometrical properties: geometrical properties: illustrate (a), (b) and (c). Define
a) Angles at a point acute, obtuse and reflex angles;
b) Angles formed within a. Angles at a point equilateral, isosceles and scalene
parallel lines b. Angles on a straight line triangles.
c) Angle properties of and intersecting straight Define the terms (irregular)
triangles lines polygon and regular polygon. Use
d) Angle properties of c. Angles formed within examples that include: triangles,
quadrilaterals parallel lines quadrilaterals, pentagons,
e) Sum of Interior angles of d. Angle properties of hexagons and octagons.
a polygon triangles and By dividing an n-sided polygon
f) Sum of exterior angles quadrilaterals into a number of triangles show
of a polygon e. Angle properties of that the sum of the interior angles
g) The angle in a semi- regular polygons is 180(n - 2) degrees. Show also
circle f. Angle in a semi-circle that each exterior angle is 360°n
h) The angle between a g. Angle between tangent . Solve a variety of problems that
tangent and a radius of and radius of a circle use these formulae.
a circle Class activity: Draw a table of
information for regular polygons.
Use as headings: number of sides,
name, exterior angle, sum of
interior angles, interior angle.
Use diagrams to introduce the
angle properties (f) and (g). Solve
a variety of problems which
involve the angle properties.

2 Weeks 27. Locus

a) The locus of the points • Use the following loci Draw simple diagrams to
which are at a given and the method of illustrate (a) and (b),Use the
distance from a given intersecting loci for convention of a broken line to
point sets of points in two represent a boundary that is not
b) The locus of the points dimensions included in the locus of points.
which are equidistant • Which are at a given Class activity: A rectangular
from two given points distance from a given card is ‘rolled’ along a flat
point and a straight surface. Trace out the locus of
lines one of the vertices of the
• Which are equidistant rectangle as it moves.
from two given points
and two given
intersecting straight
2 Weeks 28. Mensuration Calculating areas of parallelograms and trapeziums at
a) Perimeter and area of • Carry out calculations Revise, using straightforward
Explore geometric solids and their properties at
rectangle involving the perimeter examples, how to calculate the http://www.illuminations.nctm.org/imath/3-5/GeometricSolids/
b) Area of triangle and area of rectangle, circumference and area of a Calculating volumes and surface areas at
c) Circumference and area triangle, circumference circle, and the perimeter and http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize
of circle and area of circle and area of a rectangle and a
d) Area of parallelogram area of parallelogram triangle. Extend this to
and trapezium and trapezium calculating the area of a
e) Surface area of cuboid • Carry out calculations parallelogram and a trapezium.
and cylinder involving the volume Class activity: Using isometric
f) Volume of cuboid, prism of a cuboid, prism and dot paper investigate the area of
and cylinder cylinder shapes that have a perimeter of
• Carry out calculations 5, 6, 7, …. units.
involving the surface
area of a cuboid and Use nets to illustrate how to
cylinder calculate the surface area of a
cuboid, and a cylinder.
Use straightforward examples
to illustrate how to calculate the
volume of a cuboid and various
prisms (cross-sectional area x
Class activity: Find the surface
area and volume of various
composite shapes.
Class activity: An A4 sheet of
paper can be rolled into a
cylinder in two ways. Which
gives the biggest volume? If the
area of paper remains constant
but the length and width can
vary investigate what width and
length gives the maximum
cylinder volume.

3 Weeks 29. Trigonometry Maps of the world at

a) Bearing • Interpret and use three- Discuss how bearings are
b) Phythagoras’ Theorem figure bearings measured and written. Use
c) Trigonometric Ratios: measured clockwise simple examples to show how
i) Tangent Ratio from the north (i.e. 000° to calculate bearings, e.g.
- Use tangent ratio to - 360°) calculate the bearing of B from
calculate the A if you know the bearing of A
unknown sides and • Apply Pythagoras’ from B.
unknown angles theorem, sine, cosine Class activity: Use a map to
and tangent ratios for determine distance and
ii) Sine Ratio acute angles to the direction between two places,
- Use Sine ratio to calculation of a side or etc.
calculate the of an angle of a right-
unknown sides and angled triangle ( angles
unknown angles will be quoted in, and Use simple examples
answers required in, involving the sine, cosine and
iii) Cosine Ratio degrees and decimals to tangent ratios to calculate the
- Use Cosine ratio to one decimal place) length of an unknown side of a
calculate the right-angled triangle given an
unknown sides and angle and the length of one
unknown angles side.
Class activity: Use
trigonometry to calculate the
height of a building or tree.
You will need to discuss how
to measure the angle of
elevation practically.
Use simple examples
involving inverse ratios to
calculate an unknown angle
given the length of two sides
of a right-angled triangle.

Revise Pythagoras’ theorem

using straightforward
Class activity: Solve problems
in context using Pythagoras’
theorem and trigonometric
ratios (include work with any
shape that may be partitioned
into right-angled triangles)
3 Weeks 30. Statistics Compare the median and the mean interactively at
a) Tally charts and • Collect, classify and Use simple examples to revise Download newspaper stories - worldwide coverage at
frequency tables tabulate statistical data collecting data and presenting http://www.newsparadise.com/
b) Understanding and • Read, interpret and draw it in a frequency (tally) chart.
interpreting data simple inferences from For example, record the
c) i) Draw Bar chart tables and statistical different makes of car in a car
ii) Draw Histogram diagrams park, record the number of
iii) Draw Pie Chart • Construct and use bar letters in each of the first 100
iv) Draw Scatter charts, pie charts, words in a book, etc. Use the
Graphs pictorgrams, simple data collected to construct a
frequency distributions, pictogram, a bar chart and a
d) Types of correlation : histograms with equal pie chart. Point out that the
meaning of positive, intervals and scatter bars in a bar chart can be
negative and zero diagrams (including drawn apart.
correlation drawing a line of best fit From data collected show how
e) Average by eye) to work out the mean, the
i) Mode • Understand what is median and the mode. Use
ii) Mean meant by positive, simple examples to highlight
iii) Mean negative and zero how these averages may be
f) Range correlation used. For example in a
• Calculate the mean, discussion about average
median and mode for wages the owner of a company
individual and discrete with a few highly paid
data managers and a large work
force may wish to quote the
• Calculate the range
mean wage rather than the
median. Point out how the
mode can be recognised from a
frequency diagram.
Use a simple example to show
how discrete data can be
grouped into equal classes.
Draw a histogram to illustrate
the data (i.e. with a continuous
scale along the horizontal
axis). Point out that this
information could also be
displayed in a bar chart (i.e.
with bars separated).
Class activity: Investigate the
length of words used in two
different newspapers and
present the findings using
statistical diagrams.

2 Weeks 31. Probability • Calculate the probability Various problems involving probability at
a) Calculate the of a single event as a Discuss probabilities of 0 and
probability of single fraction or a decimal 1, leading to the outcome that
event • Understanding that the a probability lies between
probability of an event these two values.
b) Relative frequency occurring equals one Class activity: Calculate
minus the probability of probabilities based on
it not occurring experiment. For example,
• Use and understand investigate whether a coin is
relative frequency biased.
Use theoretical probability to
predict the likelihood of a
single event. For example, find
the probability of choosing the
letter M from the letters of the

2 Weeks 32. Vectors • Describe a translation by Interactive work on vector sums at

a) Describe a translation using a vector Use the concept of translation
using vector to explain a vector. Use simple
b) Addition of vectors diagrams to illustrate column
c) Subtraction of vectors vectors in two dimensions,
d) Multiplying a vector explaining the significance of
by a scalar positive and negative numbers.
Introduce the various forms of
vector notation.
Show how to add and subtract
vectors algebraically and by
making use of a vector

 x
triangle. Show how to multiply
a column vector by a scalar

  , A ,a B
and illustrate this with a
represented by .

 y
Add and subtract vectors
• Multiply a vector by a

3 Weeks 33. Transformation • Reflect simple plane figures in Try the investigation at
a) Reflection horizontal or vertical lines Draw an arrow shape on squared paper.
b) Rotation • Rotate simple plane figures Use this to illustrate: reflection in a line
c) Translation about the origin, vertices or mid (mirror line), rotation about any point
d) Enlargement points of edges of the figures, (centre of rotation) through multiples of
through multiples of 90° 90o (in both clockwise and anti-clockwise
• Construct given translations and directions) and translation by a vector.
enlargements of simple plane Several different examples of each
figures translation should be drawn. Use the
• Recognise and describe word image appropriately.
reflections, rotations, translations Class activity: Using a pre-drawn shape
and enlargements. on (x,y) coordinate axes to complete a
number of transformations using the
equations of lines to represent mirror
lines and coordinates to represent centres
of rotation.
Work with (x,y) coordinate axes to show
how to find: the equation of a simple
mirror line given a shape and its
(reflected) image, the centre and angle of
rotation given a shape and its (rotated)
image, the vector of a translation.
Draw a triangle on squared paper. Use
this to illustrate enlargement by a positive
integer scale factor about any point
(centre of enlargement). Show how to
find the centre of enlargement given a
shape and its (enlarged) image. Draw
straightforward enlargements using
negative and/or fractional (½) scale

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