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Network reconfiguration and capacitor placement have been widely employed to reduce power losses and to

maintain voltage profiles within permissible limits in distribution systems. Reconfiguration method that is
employed in this paper is based on an improved simple branch exchange method of single loop that is performed in
a previous work. In this paper a joint optimization algorithm is proposed for combining this improved method
of reconfiguration and capacitor placement, therefore maximum loss reduction is obtained. Discrete Genetic
algorithm is used to optimize the location and size of capacitors and the sequence of loops selecting, in fact the
capacitors size have been considered as discrete variables. The proposed algorithm is effectively tested on a real life
77- bus distribution system.
There are two common strategies for technical loss reduction in electric power distribution networks: (a) the
installation of capacitor banks to compensate the losses produced by reactive currents; and (b) the redefinition of
the topology of electric distribution networks by changing the state of some sectionalizing switches to balance the
load. Both strategies can be formulated as combinatorial optimization problems. The optimization problems for
the first and the second strategies are usually known as Capacitor Placement Problem (CPP) and Network
Reconfiguration Problem (NRP), respectively. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on Genetic
Algorithm (GA) to solve both CPP and NRP simultaneously. The new approach makes use of two previously
proposed and independent techniques for the CPP and the NRP. The performance of the new approach is
compared with the performance of the two previously proposed techniques applied in a separate manner.
The experiments show that the new method is more efficient regarding the metrics of power loss reduction and
voltage profile enhancement.
Salah satu strategi untuk mengurangi rugi-rugi adalah instalasi kapasitor bank untuk mengkompensasi rugi-rugi dan
mendefinisikan ulang topologi jaringan distribusi dengan mengganti bentuk beberapa bagian untuk menyeimbangkan beban.
Kedua strategi ini diformulasikan sebagai masalah optimasi, yang terdiri dari masalah penempatan kapasitor bank dan
masalah rekonfigurasi jaringan. Pada proposal ini, kami mencoba dengan menggunakan pendekatan dari Genetic Algorithm
(GA) untuk mengatasi kedua hal tersebut. Algoritma optimasi ini bertujuan mengkombinasikan metode rekonfigurasi
jaringan dan penempatan kapasitor, dimana termasuk pula meminimalkan rugi-rugi mengoptimasi lokasi dan ukuran

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