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Emily Fox

Task 4 – Behaviour

Children need clear, consistent boundaries. They will have to keep

testing out boundaries that are not clear or consistent: they will
check to see if it is still there, or if it can be moved; they will check
to see if all the adults are keeping this boundary or only one. It is
best to have just a few boundaries agreed to by everyone as a team,
if at all possible. It helps the children to feel secure.

When boundaries are set they need to be explained to the children.

If a child oversteps the boundary, it is important that the child does
not feel worthless or disliked for what has been done. This is
avoided by criticising the child’s actions rather than the child

Children often model themselves, both consciously ad unconsciously,

on the adults around them and copy what they say. Teachers need to
be very careful what messages they give to children through their
own behaviour. In particular, they should try to avoid any activity
that might encourage stereotyping.

Stereotyping is the expectation people may have of themselves and

others, based on age, gender, race or disability.

Stereotyping can damage children’s development and self-esteem in

many ways. It can stop children from achieving their full potential,
because they believe that they can or cannot do something because
of a stereotype. For example, gender stereotyping can make children
behave in certain ways that they think is expected of them: girls are
always expected to be caring and gentle, boys boisterous and
Theories on Behaviour.

Different people have different theories on how children learn to

behave. The three most common are:

-Behaviourist Theory

-Social Learning Theory

-Self-fulfilling Prophecy Theory

Behaviourist Theory.

Developed by B.F.Skinner, based on the idea that if good behaviour

is recognised and rewarded, children will learn that it is acceptable
and will repeat it.

Rewards are called Positive Reinforcers and can be things such as

attention from teachers, praise, a treat, a sticker and so on.
However, children can sometimes use unacceptable behaviour to
attract attention – this should be ignored. This is called Negative

Good behaviour = praise, attention, treat = Good behaviour

Social Learning Theory.

Developed by Albert Bandura, suggests that children learn to behave

by watching and copying what happens around them.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy Theory.

Suggests that the way adults think about their children will
influence how the children behave. This theory holds that negative
labelling of children can be harmful.
Parents and teachers can help children to learn and show ‘wanted’
behaviour by:

-staying calm

-creating a positive atmosphere and environment where children can

see and feel that they are important and valued

-being a good role model

-praising and rewarding wanted behaviour and ignoring unwanted


-having realistic expectations of children, depending on their age

and stage of development

-being consistent in what is acceptable and unacceptable

-setting clear guidelines and boundaries about what is acceptable

-letting children know they are loved, unconditionally

-being consistent in using any sanctions

-treating all children equally

Handling unwanted behaviour.

It takes a long time for children to learn how to control their

feelings and to ‘behave’, it is sometimes impossible for them to do
so. Often, sudden changes in children’s lives can affect their
behaviour – sometimes it may be something as simple as tiredness.
How much their behaviour is affected will depend on their age, their
level of understanding and the attitudes and support of the adults
around them.
Positive images.

Children need positive images of themselves to be reflected in the

social behaviour of the staff in the setting. Discriminatory practice
by children or adults that gives children negative labels of any kind,
even if these are not conveyed directly to the child, but in the way
that the staff talks about the child, damages social and emotional
development, and results in difficult behaviour and poor social skills.
This means that expressions of anger and frustration, tiredness or
hunger through temper tantrums and aggressive acts by a child need
to be dealt with sensitively by staff.

Managing children’s behaviour.

Children often do not realise when they are doing something

unacceptable. They need help in order to understand when something
is inappropriate.

There are three main approaches to behaviour management.

1. Using punishment as revenge. This unacceptable approach

means that ‘what you do to me, I will do to you’. I.e. if you hit
me, I will hit you. Children who are often smacked often then
hit other children, usually those younger or smaller than
themselves. They are imitating the fact that big adults smack
small children.
2. Using a deterrent in order to manage children’s behaviour. This
can be seen as ‘emergency action’. A deterrent will put someone
off doing something. There are various ways of putting
children off doing things that we do not want them to do.
-Behaviour Modification.
The adult may say to the child, ‘If you open that cupboard, you
will not have any sweets’. This is negative reinforcement: the
punishment or threat of it puts the child off. On the other
hand, the adult might say, ‘If you don’t open that cupboard, you
can have some sweets’. This is positive reinforcement: it
rewards good behaviour. The child does the right thing in order
to get the reward. The problem here is that the child is doing
the right thing only to get the reward, and not because they
believe in what they are doing.
Adults can certainly encourage children to do what they want
them to do through giving rewards and positively reinforcing
what they do. The problem is that this does not make them
think about why they want to do things; it doesn’t have a long-
term effect.
Time Out.
The adult might say to the child, ‘If you scribble on the books
again, you will have to sit on the “Time Out” chair.’ This may
work in a classroom but in a different situation, i.e. staying
with grandparents; it may not put the child off drawing on the
walls. It only deters the child from scribbling in the books at
school, where the “Time Out” chair is.

Sometimes children are punished some time after the event,

i.e. ‘You disrupted the class this morning so you can’t go out to
play after lunch’. This only works with older children as younger
ones do not connect what they did earlier with what is being
done to them now.
3. Managing children’s behaviour in ways which focus on reform.
The kind of behaviour-management strategies which help
children to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and
morally are those which focus on reform.
Revenge does not work.
Deterrents do not have lasting effects once they wear off:
they only contain the situation. They do not move the child on
in development and learning.
For example:
Jody hits Amanda. The adult says to Jody, ‘Amanda is crying
because that hurt’. ‘What happened? She took your toy? Did
you Amanda? (Amanda nods) Next time Jody, try saying ‘It’s
mine’ Then she will know how you feel’.
This approach signals to Amanda that she must not snatch a
toy, but it also allows her to find a way out with dignity. It also
gives Jody the words she needs to use instead of hitting. It
rejects what both children did but does not reject either
child. It helps both children to have some ideas of how to
tackle the situation next time. This is punishment as reform,
and it will help the children both to think about moral matters
and to develop self-discipline. It helps the children to look at
the result of what they do.

Research shows that from about 3 years of age, children begin to

feel guilt and shame about the things they do. The way adults
respond to what they have done will lead to either positive or
negative self-esteem. Children learn from their relationships with
adults and other children who are close to them, gradually widening
the circle of people who can help them to learn socially. However,
they cannot learn about social behaviour if they do not understand
what is done to them. That is why a focus on reform rather than on
revenge or deterrent is more effective long-term.

The social behaviour of children and the social behaviour of adults

who work with them.

-Children need to understand, express and deal with their feelings

-They need to develop positive relationships with people

-Children feel things deeply, and they need a great deal of help in
coming to terms with their emotions. Feelings are hard to deal with

-Helping children to express and deal with their feelings

constructively and positively is probably one of the most important
things an adult can do if children are to feel they matter and are
valued and respected

-Remember to work as a team and decide together on what is

unacceptable behaviour and how to deal with it. Behaviour policies
should always use positive images of the child as a starting point.
Negative images, for example that of a bully, can be made positive
through visualisation techniques. The bully then becomes a child who
needs help to become assertive without being aggressive

-It is important that adults working with young children be guided

by a child’s personality. What helps one child might not help another.
Every child is different

-Adults need to remember that all children need:

-personal space

-one-to-one attention


-to feel part of the group

-to feel secure

The extracts which follow are taken from Northlands Junior
School’s Policy for – ‘Positive Behaviour’.

At Northlands Junior School we aim to follow the principles with

regards to promoting good behaviour and discipline

-That the school should provide a safe, welcoming and challenging

environment where pupils, staff and parents feel their contribution
is valued;

-That the relationship between pupils, parents and staff is based on

mutual respect and consideration both of which are crucial to good
behaviour and discipline;

-That pupils are enabled to take full advantage of the educational

and social opportunities available and have a high but realistic
expectation of themselves;

-That the ethos of hard work, expectations and ambition of staff

for pupils will raise achievement;

-All members of the school community work towards achieving the

above aims.

What We Do To Encourage Good Behaviour

-We make clear our expectations of good behaviour

-We discourage unsociable behaviour by promoting mutual respect

-We encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions

and behaviour

-We set through example standards of behaviour

-We praise good behaviour both privately and publicly

-Maintain a whole school system of sanctions and rewards.

The school aims to develop self-esteem in all children. Staff praise

children regularly and encourage them to be positive about their own
and each other’s achievements. Praise is highly motivating providing
it is not easily earned. Staff use a whole school system of credits
and credit cards which leads to Golden Time to acknowledge good
behaviour. Outstanding work, actions or achievements are recognised
by entry in the ‘Gold Book’ which is shared with the whole school
every Friday. Children need opportunities to develop and understand
the consequences of their actions and its impact on others. They are
helped to reflect on their own behaviour and to develop an
understanding of the feelings of others.

Strategies we use in the classroom to promote positive behaviour

-Careful about seating arrangements-who sits with who

-Try and defuse situations as soon as they start

-Flexibility in terms of planning, making changes if for example the

mood/weather conditions are bad

-Getting to know the children – ‘how to’ and ‘how not to’ handle a
particular child

-Having a sense of humour

-Encouraging an acceptable noise level

-Setting the children time limits to complete work, get changed etc.

-Selecting behaviour to be changed – ignoring bad behaviour

-Interacting with children personally

-Using other adults effectively

-Strategies to gain attention i.e. ‘Give me 5’

Strategies We Use When A Child Misbehaves

Most children respond to the above ethos and the supportive caring
environment which the school provides. However, occasionally a
child’s behaviour causes disruption and affects adversely their own
education and that of other children. If a child displays
inappropriate behaviour consistently, consultation is arranged
between the Headmaster, class teacher and parents, so that an
attempt can be made to correct the matter. Parents are asked to
support the school and some form of a ‘behaviour diary’ or
telephone/weekly meeting system may be used in the rare cases
where a problem persists. It may also be appropriate for a
‘behaviour plan’ to be drawn up.

In extreme cases, children who persistently misbehave at lunchtime

may be excluded for the period of the lunch break.

A fresh start every day

Children who have been in trouble will be given the opportunity to

make a fresh start every day. It is important for them to know that
the trouble of the previous day will not be held against them the
following day.

Golden Time

Golden time is a reward for keeping the Moral values that are
central to the school’s ethos. These are displayed around the school
and in classrooms. They are referred to throughout the school, in
assembly and by all members of the school community. The Gold
represents emotional wealth and well being.
PSPs/Positive Handling Plans

Pupils whose behaviour continues to be challenging/disruptive over a

period of time should be (with their parent’s agreement) placed on a
PSP/IEP and for there to be close liaison between home, school and
outside agencies. A CMP may also be written by all staff concerning
a particular individual.

Strategies used to manage their behaviour will be discussed and

agreed with the SENCO, Deputy Head, class teacher/s, pupil and the
pupils’ parents. If it is considered that a pupil may need to be
restrained due to their behaviour difficulties then a Positive
Handling Plan should be discussed and agreed with parents.

Other Issues

Pupils with Special Needs with behaviour which at times is not


The support given includes:-

-being given assistance in the classroom

-an understanding by the class teacher and LSA of the needs of the

-where appropriate, the use of individual behavioural programme for


-where appropriate, the use of individual behavioural programme for


-where appropriate, the use of a behavioural chart

-close collaboration with parents

-involving outside agencies, Educational Psychologist, Child and
Family Consultation Services, Social Services

-use of mentors

-use of a CMP

Strategies for Recording and Reporting

Records of Development in Behaviour kept for each child may


-a record of progress recorded for the appropriate period

-notes of meetings with parents

-a record of incidents

-individual behaviour plans

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