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Calgary city

How often do you eat animal-based products (beed, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products)?
How much of the food you eat is processed & packaged?
What is your average monthly average expenditure on household consumer items?
What kind of home do you live in?
How many people live in your household?
What is the size of your home?
Do you use energy saving lighting (for example, compact fluorescent bulbs)?
What percentage of your homes electricity comes from renewable sources (either directly or
through purchased green power)?
What do you typically spend per month on electricity for your home?
What do you typically spend per month on natural gas for your home?
There is a strong link between water use and energy use. Large amounts of energy are used to
treat, deliver, heat and cool water for final use in homes. Grab your utility bill to track your water
use. How much water does your household use each month?
How far do you travel by car each week (as a driver or passenger)?
What is the gas mileage of the car you travel in most often?
R/ Mid size sedan, compact truck, mini van, small SUV estimated fuel consumption of 8 to 12
L/100 km (24 to 26 miles per galon)
How often do you drive in a car with someone else?
How far do you travel by bus each week?
How far do you travel by LRT each week?
How many hours do you fly each year?


How often do you eat meat?

How often do you eat fish?
How often do you eat eggs, milk and dairy?
What do you spend per month on household consumer items (clothing, home furnishings, etc)?
How many people live in your household?
What is the size of your home?
How do you heat your home?
How far do you travel by car each week (as a driver or passenger)?
What is the fuel consumption of the car you travel in most often?
How often do you drive in a car with someone else?
How far do you travel by public transit each week (bus, rail or subway)?
How many hours do you fly each year?

How often do you eat meat?

How often do you eat fish?
How often do you eat eggs, milk and dairy?
How much of your food is grown or produced in China?
What is your average monthly expenditure on clothing and footwear?
What is your average monthly household expenditure on furnishings and maintenance?
What is your average monthly expenditure on entertainment and culture?
How many people live in your household?
What kind of home do you live in?
What is the size of your home in square meters?
How do you heat your home?
Do you use energy efficient lighting?
What percentage of your energy use comes from renewable sources?
What type of vehicle do you drive?
How far do you travel by car or motorcycle every week?

How far do you travel by train every month?

How far do you travel by airplane every year?


Cuntas de tus comidas estn basadas en frutas y vegetales?

Con qu frecuencia consumes carne de cerdo?
Con qu frecuencia consumes carne de res o cordero?
Con qu frecuencia consumes huevos, leche y/u otros productos lcteos?
Con qu frecuencia consumes pescado?
Con qu frecuencia consumes pollo y otras aves?
Cuntos alimentos de los que consumes, son procesados,, empacados y producidos a ms de 640
kilmetros de donde vives?
Aproximadamente cuntos desechos general al mes?
Con qu frecuencia adquieres aparatos electrnicos de entretenimiento como televisores,
equipos de sonido, computadoras, etc?

Con qu frecuencia adquieres electrodomsticos nuevos?

Con qu frecuencia adquieres libros nuevos, revistas y peridicos para tu hogar?
Cunto del papel y plstico que usas, separas para ser reciclado?
Con qu frecuencia compras ropa?
Con qu tipo de materiales est construida tu vivienda?
Cul opcin describe mejor tu tipo de vivienda?
Cuntas personas viven en tu hogar?
Cul es el tama;o de tu vivienda?
Qu se acerca ms a tus hbitos anuales de remodelacin y compras para tu hogar?
Cunto pagas al mes por el consumo de energa en tu hogar?
Cunto pagas al mes por el consumo de gas en tu hogar?
Cunto es el consumo de combustible de tu carro?
Procuras llevar en tu carro a otras personas?
Normalmente en qu te transportas?
Qu distancia recorres semanalmente en transporte pblico?
Qu distancia recorres semanalmente en un carro particular (como conductor o pasajero)?
Qu distancia recorres semanalmente en moto?
Cuntas horas viajas cada a;o en avin?


How often do you eat cereals, vegetables, and fruits?

How often do you eat poultry?
How often do you eat beef, lamb, pork or other red meats?
How often do you eat fish?
How often do you eat eggs, milk and dairy?
How much does your household spend on new furnishings and ongoing maintenance each month?

What do you spend on clothing and new shoes each month?

How many people live in your household?
How much do you spend on electricity every month?
How much do you spend on other energy (coal, paraffin, wood, etc) for heating, cooking or lighting
every month?
What type of home do you live in?
Do you (or your family) own a vehicle?
How far do you travel by car, bakkie or minibus each week (as a driver or passenger)?
What type of car do you travel in?
How far do you travel by bus and train each week?

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