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To je kamen vulkanskog porekla. U kamenom dobu Opsidijan je korien za izradu

oruja i maeva. Boja ovog kamena uslovljena je prisustvom titanijuma, gvoa i
mangana. Koristi se u magijskim ritualima od pamtiveka. U proricanju sudbine
Opsidijan se koristi kao ogledalo. Otkriva mane, slabosti i eliminie energetske
blokade u telu. Olakava vraanje u prole ivote, kako bi se iscelile gorke emocije
ili trauma, a koje su prenete u sadanjost. Odlian jekamen zatitnik, jer titi od
geopatogenih zraenja, natulnih napada, upija svu negativnu energiju iz okruenja
i daje snagu u trenucima kada je potrebna. Opsidijan stavljen ispod jastuka ili
kreveta, izvlai mentalni stres i napetost i deluje umirujue. Donosi jasnou u um,
otklanja zbunjenost i pomae da spoznate ko ste zaista.

U fizikom smislu, ovaj kamen ublaava bolove, podstie varenje, detoksifikuje telo,
smanjuje napetost. Takoe, moe da pomogne da se zaustavi krvavljenje i da
ubrza zarastanje rana. Smanjuje uveanu prostate, pomae kod artritisa i problema
sa zglobovima. titi od infekcija, upala i skleroze, jaa imunitet, podie nizak
pritisak i uva nervni sistem. Zato to poboljava cirkulaciju, dobar je za takozvana
hladna stopala i hladne ruke. Moe sa njim da se tretira i trauma, ok i napad
anksioznosti. Jaa koncentraciju.

isti se dva puta meseno pod mlakom vodom oko 5 minuta, a zatim puni u posudi
sa kameniima Gorskog kristala (ostaviti preko noi) ili na suncu.

Jarac; Rak; Strelac; Vodolija;

akre na
koje se kristal
bazna / korenska;



Smedja, crna, plava, zelena, duga, crveno - crna, srebrna, zlatnosjajna


Sjajan, mat, staklast, svih velicina, ponekad kotrljan

UCESTALOST Neke boje su lako dostupne, druge su retke, a neko kamenje

plavozelene boje je proizvedeno staklo

Meksiko i sirom sveta

OSOBINE Opsidijan je rastopljena lava, koja se toliko brzo ohladila da nije imala
vremena da se kristalizuje.Opsidijan je kamen bez granica i ogranicenja.Posledica
toga je da deluje ekstremno brzo veoma velikom snagom.Njegove reflektivne
osobine, koje podsticu istinu, nemilosrdne su u otkrivanju mana, slabosti i
blokada.Nista ne moze da se sakrije od opsidijana.Ukazujuci na to kako da
ublazimo sve destruktivne i obesnazujuce uslove, obsidijan nas tera da rastemo i
daje nam cvrstu podrsku dok to radimo.Njime treba pazljivo rukovati i najbolje je
koristiti ga pod nadzoromkvalifikovanog terapeuta, zato sto moze da izvuce na
povrsinu negativne emocije i neprijatne istine.Pod vestim nadzorom, njegove
prociscavajuce osobine su izvanredno dragocene.Pruza duboko isceljenje
duse.Opsidijan moze da olaksa vracanje u prosle zivote kako bi se iscelile gorke
emocijeili traume, koje su ponete napred, u sadasnjost.

Opsidijan je kamen koji pruza snaznu zastitu, obrazujuci stit protiv

negativnosti.Stvara uzemljujucu vrpcu iz donje zemaljske cakre do centra zemlje,
upija negativnu energiju iz okruzenja i da je snagu u trenutcima kad je
potrebna.Koristan je za narocito oetljive ljude.Blokira natculne napade i otklanja
negativne spiritualne uticaje.Krupan koman opsidijana moze da bude izuzetno
koristan za blokiranje geopatogenog zracenja ili za upijanje ekolosih zagadjenja, ali
treba imati u vidu njegovu sklonost da istinu zbaci na videlo.Mnogi ljudi tesko
podnose njegov snazni efekat i zato radije biraju neki nezniji kamen za tu
svrhu.Ipak izuzetno je koristan za psihoterapeute i savetnike zato ne samo da
pomaze da se dodje do srzi problema, nego takodje skuplja energije koje su se u
procesu rasule.Crni ili mahagoni opsidijan su najadekvatniji oblici za ovu svrhu, a
mahagoni je nezniji.
Na isti nacin komad opsidijana pored kreveta ili ispod jastuka moze da izvuce
mentalni stres ili napetost, i deluju umirujuce a moze i da izvuce na povrsinu
razloge tog stresa.Sa tim razlozima se onda treba suociti, da bi se opet uspostavio
mir, time se trajno razresava problem, umesto da se zataskava.Neki od neznijih
oblika opsidijana, poput apacke suze ili pahuljice, idealni su za ovaj zadatak.Zato
sto je opsidijan toliko efikasan za upijanje negativne energije, od sustinskog je
znacaja da se kamen ocisti ispod tekuce vode svaki put kada je upotrebljen na ovaj
Duhovno, opsidijan ozivljava svrhu duse. Eliminise energetske blokade i opusta
napetost, ugradjujuci psiholosku senku u celinu, da bi doneo spiritualni
integritet.Usidrava duh u telo.Ovaj kamen stimulise rast na svim nivoima.Tera na
istrazivanje nepoznatog, otvarajuci nove horizonte.
Mentalno, opsidijan donosi jasnocu u um i razbistrava zbunjenost i ogranicavajuca
ubedjenja.To, pak, radi tako sto sasvim jasno ukazuje na ono sto lezi iza mentalnog
stresa ili nezdravosti.Kada se to rascisti, opsidijan siri svest, zadiruci u domen
nepoznatog pouzdano i lako.
Psiholoski, opsidijan vam pomaze da spoznate ko ste zaista.Dovodi vas licem u lice
sa vasom mracnom stranom i poducava vas kako da je integrisete.Ovaj kamen vam
takodje pomaze kako da prepoznate modele ponasanja koje ste prevazisli.Opsidijan
razgradjuje emotivne blokade i drevne traume, donoseci dubinu i jasnocu
emocijama.Podstice kvalitete saosecanja i snage.
Opsidijanov najveci dar jeste uvid u uzrok nezdravosti.Pomaze
varenje.Detoksifikuje, razgradjuje blokade i napetost fizickog i suptilnih tela,
ukljucujuci i otvrdnule arterije.Smanjuje bol kod artritisa, problema sa zglobovima,
grceva i povreda.Kao eliksir koristan je kod soka.Umanjuje bol i zaustavlja
krvarenje, potpomazuci cirkulaciju.Ovaj kamen greje ekstremitete.Moze da se
koristi da smanji uvecanu prostatu.

Staviti gde je potreban.Koristiti kao kuglu ili ogledalo za otkrivanje.


Pored opstih svojstava, sledece boje imaju dodatna svojstva

Crni opsidijan je veoma mocan i kreativan kamen.Prizemljuje dusu i duhovne sile u

fizicku ravan, uporedjujuci ih svesne volje i omogucujuci manifestaciju spiritualnih
sila na zemlji.Upotrebom ovog kamena povecava se samokotrola.
Crni opsidijan tera na suocavanje sa istinskim sopstvom, vodeci vas duboko u
podsvesni um tokom tog procesa.Iznosi disbalanse i mracne osobine na povrsinu da
ih oslobodi, naglasavajuci skrivene faktore .Uvecava sve negativne energije, da bi
se u potpunosti dozivele i onda otpustile.Ovaj proces lecenja seze unazad, u
prethodne zivote, a moze i da deluje na porodicni i predacki tok.Crni opsidijan
obogacuje proslost da bi nastala plodna energija za rast duse.Preokrece predjasnju
zloupotrebu sile i obraca se pitanjima sile na svim nivoima, poducavajuci da biti
osnazen ne znaci gospodariti licnom islom, nego usmeravati moc za opste dobro.
Crni opsidijan je zastitnik.Odbija negativnost i rasprsuje misli koje nisu ispunjene
ljubavlju.Olaksava otpustanje starih ljubavi i pruza podrsku tokom preobrazaja.
Kada se koristi u samanskim ceremonijama za otkrivanje fizickih poremecaja , crni
opsidijan takodje ima dar proricanja.Kugle od crnog opsidijana mnogo pomazu kod
meditacije i otkrivanja, ali bi trebalo da ih koriste samo ni koji svesno mogu da
obrade ono sto vide i da to upotrebe za opsto dobro.Prozirni kvarc pomaze da se
uzemlji i izrazi ono sto se kazalo.
U lecenju komad crnog opsidijana polozen na pupak, uzemljuje duhovnu energiju u
telo.Kada se kratko drzi iznad treceg okaprobija mentalne barijere i razgradjuje
mentalno uslovljavanje.Kada se koristi pazljivo, moze da sakupi rasutu energiju i da
podstakne emotivno oslobadjanje.
Plavi opsidijan pomaze kod astralnih putovanja, olaksava proricanje i olaksava
telepatiju.Aktivira srcanu cakru i podstice vestinu komunikacije.Plavi opsidijan
otvara auru da primi lekovitu energiju.Utice na govorne mane, bolest ociju,
Alchajmerovu bolest, sizofreniju i poremecaj u vidu visestruke licnosti.Stavljen na
bolno mesto otklanja bol.
Plavozeleni opsidijan otvara srcanu i grlenu cakru, olaksava govorenje sopstvene
istine i razumevanje iz srca.Pomaze kod reiki lecenja, uskladjuje um, telo, i
duh.Plavozeleni opsidijan pospresuje apsorpciju vitamina A i E i poboljsava nocni
Svetloplavi opsidijan
je kamen intuicije.Olaksava proricanje, sranja transa,
samanska putovanja, natculnu komunikaciju i regresiju u prosle zivote. Ovaj kamen
otvara trece oko i pomaze kodunutarnjih putovanja.Kao i svi opsidijani, dopire do
korena poteskoce i balansira energetska polja.Ovaj kamen poboljsava radiesteziske
tretmane, a koristan je i kao visak.Cini pacijenta prijemcivim.Utice na iskrivljenost
kicme i ukljestene prsljanove, na poremecaje cirkulacije, rasta i na spazmodicna
stanja.U obliku eliksira isceljuje oci.
Zlatnosjajni opsidijan je posebno efikasan za otkrivanje.Nosi vas u buducnost i u
proslost, i duboko u srz problema.Pokazuje sta je potrebno za lecenje, ali su za taj
sam proces nuzni drugi kristali.Psiholoski, zlatnosjajni opsidijan otklanja svaki
osecaj beskorisnosti ili ego konflikt.Otklanjajuci umesanost ega, daje znanje o
duhovnom usmerenju.Kada se koristi u lecenju, zlatnosjajni opsidijan uravnotezava
energetska polja.

Zeleni opsidijan otvara i cisti srcanu i grlenu cakru.Otklanja udice i veze sa drugim
ljudima i stiti protiv ponavljanja.U lecenju, utice na zucnu kesu i srce.Utvrdite da
kristal koji imate zaista jeste kristal, a ne staklo.
Mahagoni opsidijan ima finiju energiju od crnog.Posto odgovara zemlji, uzemljuje i
stiti, daje snagu kada je potrebna, ozivljava svrhu, eliminise energetske blokade i
stimulise rast na svim nivoima.Ovo je stabilizujuci kamen koji ojacava slabu auru i
vraca pravilno kruzenje sakralnoj cakri i cakri solarnog pleksusa.Kada se nosi na
telu, mahagoni opsidijan oslobadja bola i popravlja cirkulaciju.
Opsidijan duga je jedan od neznijih opsidijana, ali jakih zastitnih
svojstava.Poducava vas o asoj duhovnoj prirodi.Ovaj kamen sece uzad stare ljubavi
i nezno oslobadja udice koje su drugi ostavili u srcu, dopunjavajuci energiju
srca.Kada se nosi kao privezak, opsidijan duga upija negativnu energiju iz aure i
izvlaci stres iz tela.
Crvenocrni opsidijan podize kundalini energiju.Podstice vitalnost, muzevnost i
bratstvo.Crvenocrni opsidijan leci groznice i drhtavice.
Srebrno sjajni opsidijan poboljsava meditaciju i savrsen je medij za
kristal.Kao i svi opsidijani, predstavlja ogledalo unutarnjeg bica.Donosi
zivotu, daje strpljenje i istrajnost, kada je to potrebno.Ovaj kamen je
putovanja izvan tela, posto povezuje astralno telo sa fizickim telom i
dusu nazad u fizicko otelotvorenje.


gledanje u
prednost u
koristan za
tako vraca

Opsidijan je verovatno najizazovniji kamen koji se

koristi u radu sa kristalima. To je zapravo prirodno
vulkansko staklo koje se formiralo brzim hlaenjem
vulkanske lave. Od 35 do 80 procenata je
sastavljen od silike. Sastav je slian mineralu
granitu ali se tako brzo ohladio da nije imao
vremena da kristalizira. Ako oseate da va razvoj
stagnira i da vam je potreban impuls da biste se
pokrenuli ne postoji bolji kamen od opsidijana.
Pomoi e vam i pokazati koji su to slojevi ega,
koje su to blokade, mane i slabosti koje spreavaju
dalji razvoj.

Black Obsidian Stone... Cleanses Negative Psychic Smog From Aura

Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic
protection stone.
It has powerful metaphysical properties that will shield you against negativity, and their energy may stimulate
the gift of prophecy.
It an excellent crystal to use when you have been doing spiritual or healing work... as it grounds you to Mother
This black stone is excellent to assist you to release disharmony that has built up in your day to day life and
during work on yourself, including resentment of others, fear and anger.

What Is Obsidian?
Obsidian rock forms from molten lava that cooled very quickly and had no time to form into glass. It is said to
be a type of volcanic glass... and is found in a number of places worldwide.There are a number of different
types of Obsidian... and it comes in a variety of different types and colors. This includes the rainbow stone, that
may be green and purple, brown, blue and green.

Snowflake Obsidian is the black and white stone, in the photo at the top of the page. It has an excellent spiritual
grounding vibration and also has a strong psychic protection energy. The different types of obsidian stone have
different metaphysical properties, but all varieties of this stone have excellent healing attributes.

Why Would You Use It

These are very helpful stones if you are doing any type of work involving contact with the spirit world as they
are highly protective. These black stones are one of the premier crystals to assist you to communicate with
spirit and may bring through the power of prophecy.
Black Obsidian Stone is also an excellent aid to help you to release
any negativity that your day to day life may have caused.
This negativity may be present within your auric field and needs to
be removed... to aid your ongoing physical, emotional and spiritual
This stone acts to remove any built up negativity caused by your own
or others anger, fear, resentment and even stress... as well as aiding
you to remove any negative attachments.
These stones may assist you to seal your aura against future
problems... and may aid you unfetter yourself from any negative
attachments that you may have unintentionally taken into your aura.
They are a strong psychic protection stone, and will benefit you by
shielding you from all negativity... so they are very helpful stones to
keep within your auric field.
Their resonance within the base chakra is very strong. They have a
strong vibration that aids spiritual grounding, by helping you to move
any excess energy down via theearth chakra to Mother Gaia for grounding.

How To Use It
The vibration of the stone aids spiritual communication... and they may aid you withfinding your spirit guide.
Shiny pieces of black Obsidian stone may have a mirror finish and make excellent scrying tools. For many
centuries they have been used successfully by crystals gazers and shamans to make contact with the spirit
By looking into a shiny piece of the stone in the right light... usually in
low light is best... you may see the images of loved ones in spirit, or pick
up the vibration of their thoughts via your feelings... similar to the
vibration of clairsentience. It is known to stimulate the gift of prophecy...
and may allow you to see future scenes reflected within the stone.
Black Obsidian Stone is an excellent stone to aid past life
healing...particularly relating to your ancestral line... and may aid you to
deal with issues relating to past misuse of power.

If you have come back to this life in order to resolve a past life issue... by placing a piece of the stone on
the third eye and asking about this, you may discover the purpose for being here in this life at this time.
The vibration of this stone may resonate within thethird eye chakra and has a strong vibration to aid the
receiving of answers to questions. By asking questions aloud and listening... you may hear the answer
whispered back to you.
This allows you to ask questions about specific questions around relationships, finances, career choices or
health issues... and the answers will help you to make better choices.
Beautiful Black Obsidian Stone is easy to buy , including pieces of Obsidian jewelry.... as they make this
crystal into lovely necklaces as well as Black Obsidian pendants and rings.
These stones are on the zodiac birthstones list as they are a Scorpio birthstone. It is common to find Obsidian
beads used in combination with other stones, including other colors of Obsidian, such as Mahogany or
Snowflake Obsidian, as all colors of this stone are very popular.

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Heart
Price: $181.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Ring
Price: $118.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Ring
Price: $99.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Pendant
Price: $111.99

Gold Over Sterling

Silver Mahogany
Obsidian Bracelet
Price: $108.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Ring
Price: $142.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Pendant
Price: $173.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Ring
Price: $179.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Ring
Price: $120.99

Sterling Silver
Mexican Golden
Obsidian Ring
Price: $128.99

Protect You From Negativity

Snowflake Obsidian Stone ~ A Type Of Obsidian Stone

This is a stone that has strong metaphysical properties to protect you from negativity, and is very useful to help
you to let go of disharmony that has accumulated from your day to day life.
If you are doing spiritual work on yourself you may release past problems... including emotions such as fear,
anger, stress and resentment of others.
A build-up of psychic smog may occur within your auric field... and it may be released by the use of Black
Obsidian Stone as it is a powerful spiritual cleanser... and it may also aid you to contact your guides and may
stimulate the gift of prophecy.

How Will It Help You

Black Obsidian Stone may not always be comfortable to work with... and if you have difficulty with it maybe you
may prefer to use Apache Tears... a type of black obsidian which has a more friendly and easier to use
Obsidian is a stone that has no limitations... and these stones have a
particularly strong and often confronting vibration of truth, and work very
This energy is inclined to bring out attributes that you may have been
wanting to ignore. Once you perceive these issues, the energy of this
stone pushes you to make changes.
If you are a healer and are aiding your clients to release disharmonious
energy... it is possible to take this negativity into your auric field. Using
this stone may aid both you and your client... as it is a strong cleanser of
psychic smog created within the aura.

They have a strong healing energy...and are known to aid the release of addictions, eating disorders, negative
behaviors and emotional blockages. They may particularly aid issues based in past lives, that may be holding
you back.
They may aid you to discover the spiritual aspects of unconditional love, and use this energy to make your life
better in many ways. They are known to be used by healers to aid hardening of the arteries, joint pain...
including arthritis and cramps... and circulation problems.

Combining It With Other Stones

Black Obsidian Stone is excellent used in combination with a number of different stones. To boost the psychic
protection aspect of other stones,. you may choose to use them with other strongly protective stones to elevate
the level of protection.
You may combine them with Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, Shungite, Fire Agate,Libyan Desert Glass aka
Jet, Dravite
Jasper, Stellerite, Astrophyllite, Golden Rutilated Quartz andTourmilated Quartz.

Tourmalinated Quartz

Golden Rutilated Timelink

Astrophyllite Palmstone

Brown Tourmaline

Stellerite Crystal

Dalmation Stone

You may use Black Obsidian stone with other grounding stones... to boost the grounding energy of both
stones. Many of the protection stones also carry a strong spiritual grounding energy, so many may benefit you
in both areas.
Some grounding stones that will benefit by this combination are Boji Stones, Unakite,Black Diopside, Black
Andradite Garnet, Magnetite, Bloodstones, Zircon Crystals,Hematite and Sphalerite.

Red Zircon

Hematite Stones

Deep Red Sphalerite

To raise the vibration of Black Obsidian stone you may use it with high crystal energy stones. This combination
will stimulate the higher chakras and may aid the development of psychic abilities and help your overall spiritual
growth. Use stones such as Phenacite, Nirvana Quartz, Rhodizite or Natrolite with this crystal.

Lemurian Scalar Quartz,

Rhodizite Crystal

White Natrolite

To aid the release of addictions, use them with other stones that aid you to let go of addictive substances and
Crystals, Dumortierite,
Purpurite, Staurolite, Amethyst
Crystals, Unakite, Sugilite and Purpurite.

Unakite Stone

Sugilite Pendant

Purple Purpurite

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not." Dr Seuss.

What is Black Obsidian?

Crystal-cure.com gives us the background:
With its glassy luster, obsidian is a distinctive stone. Obsidian is formed as lava from volcanic
eruptions cools within the earth. The speed at which it cools prevents crystallization and the
rock forms as solid volcanic glass.
---Obsidian was revered by ancient cultures. It was one of the major barter materials, and prized
for its ability to be worked to razor-sharp edges for arrows and spears. It has been used since
prehistoric times for making tools, masks, weapons, mirrors and jewelry.

Basic Properties
Black Obsidian has some many fantastic properties, including:

Psychic ability
Truth enhancing

Black Obsidian is aligned with the following:

Chakras - Base Chakra - It also can activate the 3rd eye chakra

Elements: Earth and fire.

Careers: Business entrepreneurs, Inventors
Planets: Pluto and Saturn.


Zodiac - Scorpio, Sagittarius

Physical Healing Apects

It has many physical healing properties including:

Relives Pain
Accelerates the healing of wounds
Reduces arthritis pain and joint problems in general
Improve circulation, helping those who have cold hands and feet
Helps reduce food cravings
Helps reduce a large prostate
Aids in digestion

Aids the detox process

Metaphysical Healing Aspects

There's many great pages around the web describing the healing qualities and we'll discuss
some of them below.

Grounds and protects

NewTarot outlines two of Black Obsidian's strongest properties:
Obsidian, in particular black obsidian, is a highly protective stone, forming a shield
against negativity. It is known to help protect one from emotional harm as well as physical. It
is also a grounding stone, stimulating the root chakrato make its connection with the
Earthstar chakra below the feet, and deep into the core of the earth.

Revelas your patterns to you

SpiritualityInU writes about how black obsidian shows you parts of yourself:
It is merciless in exposing the parts of ourselves that we would rather not see. It will
reveal patterns in your behaviour that are destructive. It brings to the surface the truth behind
any emotional blockages you may have.
It can be extremely overwhelming and you must be prepared to handle the cold, hard,
truth about yourself. It will teach you how to integrate the shadow aspects of you personality
with the balanced parts . It aids in releasing these negative energies by way of, bringing them
to your attention, teaching you how to integrate them, and then literally soaking up the

Removes negative thoughts

Essenece-of-mineral-makeup outlines how Obsidian helps with negative energies:
Obsidian also helps in removing negativity, unhealthy and unscrupulous thoughts
from people minds. There are times we hold grudges against people for what we think they
have done to us. In such cases Obsidian helps us in understanding the others and removes
our grudges and doubts. Many people keep doubting other peoples intentions, no matter how
good they are to them. Here, Obsidian helps these people to let go of their negative attitude
and accept and acknowledge the positivity of the others. It is also known to prevent and ward
off psychic attacks and negative influences of spirits and other such beings. Many
clairvoyants use the Obsidian ball for divination as well.

Black Obsidian Use in Healing and Feng Shui

Why and how is black obsidian used?
By Rodika Tchi

See More About

Black obsidian spheres have been used for healing and mystic purposes in many cultures. If you want to
use black obsidian balls in your feng shui decorating, choose a smaller size sphere and be sure to cleanse
it regularly to help release negative energy.
(c) crystalsrocksandgems.com
Black obsidian has the aura of absolute mystery. Its energy draws you in softly, but very deeply, which
makes the presence of black obsidian powerful in many ways.
Both the black obsidian crystal balls, as well as the black obsidian polished mirrors, were used in various
cultures for deep healing purposes. The highly reflective black colour of obsidian teamed up with its
smooth water-like surface and its volcanic origin can produce powerful transformation in those who know
how to use it.
Often called the stone of truth, the black obsidian can reveal boundless secrets and mysteries, both about
the inner world of the person working with the obsidian, as well as about the inner workings of the
cosmos at large.
The black obsidian sharpness is expressed as physical property and used in various tools to cut through
matter (blades, arrows, etc). The sharpness of black obsidian is also expressed as a metaphysical property.
This powerful stone can help cut through illusions, lies, fearful facades and blockages, etc.
The amount of information that black obsidian can reveal and the intensity of this truthful energy can be
overwhelming. The perfection of its black colour reveals the darkness that blocks the light in any situation
and in any person. This is why the black obsidian is best used with much respect and care, especially the
black obsidian spheres.
Another facet of the black obsidian identity is its ability to draw in negative energy, thus protecting the
wearer or the surroundings in which it is placed. As such, the black obsidian was (and still is) used as
protection in various body adornments, jewelry, as well as in many areas of one's home.
The powerful alchemical properties of the black obsidian are due to its origin. Obsidian is born out of

quickly cooled volcanic lava, so it has the most potent energy of the interaction of several raw and
powerful elements - fire, earth and water.
In healing, the black obsidian is used to help one become more grounded, focused and clear in all
practical matters. It can also help develop razor-like mental abilities and the powers of discernment.
Because the black obsidian expresses a clear, detached energy of truth without "taking any sides", it can
be very helpful for those who tend to react emotionally to people and events in their life. A piece of black
obsidian jewellery - be it a ring, a bracelet or even an ankle bracelet - can help anchor erratic energies,
bring more balance to one's life and clear one's mind of fears and distractions.
Feng shui-wise, black obsidian is an excellent feng shui cure for the North bagua area - the area
connected to the energy of Career and Path in Life. The energy of black obsidian not only provides the
water quality feng shui element energy needed in the North, but also offers protection, as well as clears
the obstacles in one's life path.
You can use a bowl of tumbled black obsidian stones in a glass bowl, or go for a small black obsidian
sphere. There are also many feng shui carvings made of obsidian that you can explore - from animal to
spirit carvings - be mindful to bring only the symbols you like and can associate with.
Because the black obsidian draws in negative energy, be sure to cleanse it regularly, as well as take good
care of its physical surroundings. Do not place the black obsidian on the floor or anywhere else where it
can get neglected.

Black Obsidian
by Maria

Colour: Black, Brown/Black

Obsidian is a lightweight, shiny black gemstone created when a volcanic flow is cooled very quickly, into what
Geologists call volcanic glass.
Black Obsidian is sometimes referred to as Apache Tear Obsidian when in tear drop form.
Obsidian, in general, is said to get its name from the Roman Obsius.
Appearance: Volcanic, Amorphous, siliceous glassy rock. Transparent to opaque.

Crystal System: Amorphous Lacking an inner structure, amorphous crystals allow energy to pass through freely and act rapidly,
and may be a catalyst for growth.
Properties: Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone,
it grounds and centres spiritual energy in the physical plane.
Obsidian connects the mind and emotions. Self-control is
increased by the use of this stone.
Obsidian reminds us that birth and death are simultaneously and
constantly present one with the other, always as one. This is a
stone that has always been associated with guardian spirits that
watch over us, and is connected to protection on all levels.

In the Middle Ages it was thought to drive out demons. Hence it is often used as a grounding stone for astral projection and
psychics, in general, as it provide protection from negative or impish spirits. Sometimes referred to as theWizard's Stone as it opens
the gates to the netherworld, yet, provides protection from misuse.
Obsidian is simply a stone to be worked with consciously and with respect. It is a stone without boundaries or limitations. Nothing
can be hidden. Obsidian is considered one of the most important spiritual teachers and is referred to as the "stone of truth."
Our true selves are reflected back to us via its shinny surface so one must be prepared to face both positive and negative sides of
reality as it emerges. It also brings with it a unique opportunity to clarify causes of physical illness or emotional upset. It impels us to
grow while still lending support .
If you feel your growth has stagnated and need a jolt to get yourself moving again there is no better stone.
Aventurine, rose quartz, and chrysocolla will soften the impact. As members of the quartz family the first two stones help to dissolve
what obsidian surfaces; while chrysocolla is a warm and nurturing stone which makes the truth easier to hear. Snowflake obsidian
also offers a softened version of this stone. When using for emotional healing, it is often best used along with clear quartz.
Healers may use Black Obsidian to help those unable or unwilling to let go of the past.
Obsidian is used in scrying for divination purposes and often found in mirrors and crystal balls. It focuses ones inner vision, and
gives blunt answers on the course of action to take. The blackness of the stone will allow easier access to the subconscious. Said to
be a vision stone for use in vision quests and prophetic dreaming.
Carrying or wearing Black Obsidian assists in dispersing negativity around the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies. Place
Black Obsidian in a home, office, or sacred space to remove any unwanted energies and keep the area free of negativity. It will
vibrate calmness and security, and stabilize the energies of all persons within its reach.
When you feel flighty or cannot get your physical life in order, hold one in your hands or place your bare feet on two small, polished
On a Physical Level:

A traveller's stone, especially by night.

Especially helpful in times of grief, depression.
Believed to reduce the pain of arthritis, to help joint problems and to ease cramps.
Obsidian aids the digestion and detoxifies, dissolving blockages, including harden arteries.
Warms the extremities.
Accelerate the physical healing of wounds.
Helps to reduce food cravings.
Its healing properties also include aiding vision, arthritis. Black obsidian will help with pets that overreact to noise and
Black obsidian is a natural pain reliever. It is also very good at dealing with phobias.
It will protect against negativity and hostility.
Sometimes mentioned as being a remedy for snake poison.

Deities: It is sacred crystal of Sekhmet, the Egyptian lion-headed fire and solar goddess.
HEKATE (or Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy.
Saturn - He was an ancient Roman god of fertility, especially of agriculture. Saturn was worshiped in a winter festival called the
Saturnalia and his name was/is used for the day of the week, Saturday.
Eriskegal - Sacred Goddess of the Underworld (Mesopotamian mythology)
Jana - Roman Goddess of Secret and Hidden Things

Goddess Pele is a Hawaiian Volcano and Fire Goddess. Known as She Who Shapes the Sacred Land, Pele is the Volcano, the
expression and embodiment of Divine Creative Power. She is the Flame of Passion and the Fire of Purpose, She is the Energy of
Dynamic Action and She is the Glowing Essence of Eternal and Profound Love.
Magical Use: Black gemstones symbolize self control and resilience. They are extremely protective and are thought to entrap
negative energies and neutralize them. Black is the absence of light, and therefore, can be used to create invisibility.
Use for Black Madonna, Isis and Horus rituals.
Use in shamanic ceremonies to remove physical disorder, Black Obsidian also has the gift of prophesy.
Black obsidian should be used for psychic self defence. Obsidian absorbs and destroys negative energy such as anger, criticism,
and fear, and may be used in protection or centering rituals.
For a protective ritual, surround a white candle with four obsidian arrowheads that each point to one of the directions. This will set up
aggressive energies that will guard the place where it was set up.
Use seven opaque obsidian arrows pointed outwards and recite what you need to return to or come into your life, then turn them
inwards to allow it to flow in; good for employment spells and also to drive away those who would wish you harm.
Use Apache tears in smudging rituals and to carry with you on spiritual journeys to ancient sites, etc. apache tears is an amulet
against sorrow, especially if you have experienced at lot.
Black Obsidian spheres are wonderful scrying tools. Used for accessing the subconscious. Using Black Obsidian can bring great
To gaze with Black Obsidian, choose a quiet environment with soft lighting, get into a relaxed state, and gently gaze at the stone.
Remain open to any images or insights that come into your mind. If its energy and intenseness makes one uncomfortable, hold clear
quartz in one hand while scrying should help balance the power.
Black symbolizes death in some cultures. Native Americans thought black was good because it was the colour of soil, which gives
Saturday's colour is black.
Chakra: Black Obsidian is a grounding stone that provides an instant connection from the Root Chakra deep into the core of the
Often the 6th, Third Eye or Brow Chakra is activated while using it. It breaks through mental barriers and dissolves mental
Use with caution, as it will bring up, expose and help you to deal with your challenges and the past life lessons you need to learn so
as to move on in this life.
Element: Earth and fire.

Planet: Pluto and Saturn.

Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius

Numerical Vibration: 3, 7

Feng Shui: Obsidian is used in the area of North for personal journeys and in the Center area for grounding and protection.
The Healing Properties of Pyrite << index >> The Healing Properties of Quartz


Posted on March 21, 2013 by Lubna Salah

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Black Obsidian works like a psychic vacuum cleaner, cleaning the aura and energy field of negative energy and attachments. It is a
highly protective stone and will greatly benefit individuals sensitive to changes in their surroundings or energy field.
Black Obsidian also assists in recognizing negative emotional patterns and cleansing oneself of them. Wearing it will help one
recognize the shadow aspects of themselves, allowing them to be brought into the light where they can be evolved. This is a good
stone for those who suffer from addictions and self-abusive patterns. It will help break those habits and in healing from any of the
problems associated with such self-abusive behavior. Black Obsidian can remove blockages from the meridian system, the
pathways of chi or universal energy.
This stone is an Earth element stone that corresponds to the 1st (Root) Chakra and Scorpio, and Sagittarius sun signs.


Rainbow Obsidian helps remove blockages and cleanse the aura. It is a powerfully protective stone, both emotionally and spiritually,
which can bring hope and illumination into the darkest of situations. Be prepared to process all this guidance for it will give a greater
understanding into any areas of emotional distress. Physically, Rainbow Obsidian can help alleviate depression. It is also very
helpful for healing bruises, bone breaks, and tissue trauma.
This stone is an Earth element stone that corresponds to the 1st (Root) Chakra.


Snowflake Obsidian inspires one to laugh in the face of adversity. Clearing away negative, self-defeating thoughts, it leaves space
for new ideas to improve a situation that may seem hopeless. Snowflake Obsidian helps one recognize that this guidance is always
available and to not succumb to victim mentality. Wearing this stone will help one transform and shift their reality to a more positive
place. Physically, Snowflake Obsidian can limit the spread of cancer cells and give one an attitude that promotes healing.
This stone is an Earth element stone that corresponds to the 1st (Root) and 6th (Third Eye) Chakra and Pisces, Virgo, and
Capricorn sun signs.

Gemstones Meanings
Black Obsidian
Chakras: Root (1st)
Sun signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius

Affirmation: I cleanse myself of all negativity and self-destructive patterns.
Black Obsidian works like a psychic vacuum cleaner, cleaning the aura and energy field of negative energy and attachments. It is a
highly protective stone and will greatly benefit individuals sensitive to changes in their surroundings or energy field. Black Obsidian
also assists in recognizing negative emotional patterns and cleansing oneself of them. Wearing it will help one recognize the
shadow aspects of themselves, allowing them to be brought into the light where they can be evolved. This is a good stone for those
who suffer from addictions and self-abusive patterns. It will help break those habits and in healing from any of the problems
associated with such self-abusive behavior. Black Obsidian can remove blockages from the meridian system, the pathways of chi or
universal energy.

Rainbow Obsidian
Chakras: Root (1st)
Sun signs: Earth
Affirmation:I reclaim any fragments of myself and move the newly integrated Self into the light.
Rainbow Obsidian helps remove blockages and cleanse the aura. It is a powerfully protective stone, both emotionally and spiritually,
which can bring hope and illumination into the darkest of situations. Be prepared to process all this guidance for it will give a greater
understanding into any areas of emotional distress. Physically, Rainbow Obsidian can help alleviate depression. It is also very
helpful for healing bruises, bone breaks, and tissue trauma.

Snowflake Obsidian
Chakras: Root (1st), Third Eye (6th)
Sun signs: Virgo, Capricorn
Affirmation:I see the steps I must take in my healing process and I take them with confidence.
Snowflake Obsidian inspires one to laugh in the face of adversity. Clearing away negative, self-defeating thoughts, it leaves space
for new ideas to improve a situation that may seem hopeless. Snowflake Obsidian helps one recognize that this guidance is always
available and to not succumb to victim mentality. Wearing this stone will help one transform and shift their reality to a more positive
place. Physically, Snowflake Obsidian can limit the spread of cancer cells and give one an attitude that promotes healing.

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