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Back in the sixties, internet had yet to exist. Those born during that period, did not know anything
about internet. As such, today, it is not strange to hear that there still are many individuals who are
not able to use the internet. Today, the scenario is different. Even a four-year-old kid, knows a lot
about internet.
This is good news to teachers. Teachers can use the internet to make the process of teaching and
learning easier and more effective. With the aids from the internet, the students comprehension on
what is being taught in class can be enhanced.
How can internet be of help to the learning and teaching process?
Seeing is believing. Students are not yet adults and at the same time no longer children. So
whatever they are taught, it is necessary to be accompanied with pictures, illustrations and so on to
capture their interest or at least to make them glued to the pictures and subsequently to the lesson..
If a History teacher teaches about the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, a
photograph of him will enable students to know who exactly they are learning about. What if the
same teacher teaches about a personality in the past, for example Alfonso de Albuquerque, and
cannot find any photograph of him? An illustration of him will be enough. Where are we going to get
all these? From book, magazine and newspapers? Yes, it looks to be true but once they are cut from
the books, that is the end of it. Teachers are human and they tend to lose the pictures. But, what
about the internet? These pictures will be there permanently. The teacher can easily retrieves these
pictures at any time he needs them.
In the learning process, especially in Science, process and procedures cannot be avoided. How will
a Science teacher teach about formation of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. A mere chalkand-talk about the formation of these gases will not be enough. Students will not be able to grasp or
understand the lesson fully. This is where the you tube comes into the picture. The process of the
formation of these gases can be explained and understood easily. From the you tube, students can
see and listen as to how these gases are formed. Their comprehension will be enhanced. Where do
we get the you tube? Of course in the internet. Here, we can see how significantly the internet help
both teachers and students in the learning and teaching process.
Now, since we have already known how useful the internet is during the learning and teaching
process, let us utilize the device fully. Life will be easier for both the teachers and students.

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