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The following text refers to questions 21 to 28.

Baby-boomers ...( I )... in most every major trend over the
past 50 years. But it was ...( II )... grandparents ...( III )...
initiated the most radical demographic change of the past halfcentury - a dramatic decline in death rates at older ages. In
fact, about the time boomers were rambunctiously burning draft
cards, ...( IV )... elders quietly began nullifying actuarial tables.
By 1990 there were more than 1.5 million Americans age 85 and
over who wouldnt have been alive if death rates ...( V )... at
the 1960 level.
Extrapolating this trend, demographer James Vaupel
...( V I )... a bold prediction: Half of the girls and a third of the
boys recently born in the developed world will live to be 100.
Vaupel similarly expects millions of former flower children to
defy federal population forecasts and make good on their old
chant, Hell no, we wont go! - he ...( VI I )... there could be
nearly 37 million boomers age 85 and over by 2050, more than
twice the governments best guess.
Vaupel, ...( VIII )... heads Germanys Max Planck Institute
for Demographic Research, is more optimistic than most
demographers about the prospects for longer life. But hes no
shallow visionary. A few years ago many of ...( IX )... colleagues
scoffed ...( X )... he challenged a grim canon about aging. It
holds ...( XI )... death rates rise exponentially with age in adult
animals, including humans - the older you are, the theory goes,
the more likely you are to die. Aided by other researchers, he
marshaled data on everything from Swedish women to Medflies
to show it aint so; for good measure, he threw in supporting
data on the death rates of old cars. The team demonstrated
that mortality can plateau and, strangely, even drop among
the very old - as if the Fates were nodding off after a long wait.
Vaupel sees this mortality deceleration as a subplot of a
grand mystery ...( XII )...
...( XIII )... demographers for
over a decade: Why have the elderly been living longer than
...( XIV )... forebears since about 1970 ? Some of the causes

Prova Tipo A

pg. 15

Grupos I I e III

are obvious, such as the averting of millions of fatal heart attacks

by blood-pressure drugs widely used since the 1960s. But many
experts on aging feel that such well-known factors cant explain
the trends surprising speed and breadth. For instance, the
number of centenarians in various developed countries ...( XV )...
every decade since the 1960s.
Questo n 21
As lacunas I , V e VI devem ser preenchidas, corretamente,
a) I - ushers, V - stayed

VI - have made

b) I - has ushered, V - have stayed


I - had ushered, V - stays

VI - is making

VI - had made

d) I - have ushered, V - had stayed

e) I - dont usher, V - had been stayed

VI - has made

VI - make

Questo n 22
As lacunas I I , I V , I X e X I V devem ser preenchidas,
corretamente, por:
a) II - theirs, IV - his, IX - its

XIV - her

b) II - my, IV - theirs, IX - them


XIV - its

II - them, IV - its, IX - his

XIV - their

d) II - our, IV - her, IX - hers

XIV - them

e) II - their, IV - their, IX - his

XIV - their

Questo n 23
As lacunas III , VIII , X , XI e XII devem ser preenchidas,
corretamente, por:
a) III - whose, VIII - whom, X - where, XI - which e XII - who
b) III - who, VIII - who, X - when, XI - that

XII - that

III - whom, VIII - whose, X - that, XI - where e XII - which

d) III - that, VIII - who, X - when, XI - whose

XII - which

e) III - which, VIII - that, X - which, XI - that

XII - when

Grupos I I e III

pg. 16

Prova Tipo A

Questo n 24
According to the text, if you marshal (line 26) things:
a) you protect them by having an agreement with an insurance
company to pay them money regularly.
b) you put them in a public place such as a museum or art
gallery, so that people can come to look at them.
c) you gather them together and arrange them in order to
achieve something.
d) you talk about them so much that there is nothing else to say.
e) you prevent them from being successful.
Questo n 25
The meaning of to scoff (line 22) in the text is:
a) to score
b) to sneer
c) to snoop
d) to snooze
e) to scrutinize
Questo n 26
As lacunas V I I , X I I I
corretamente, por:

e XV

devem ser preenchidas,

VII - projects, XIII - have preoccupied e XV - have doubled

VII - projected, XIII - is preoccupying e XV - had doubled
VII - has projected, XIII - has preoccupied e XV - has doubled
VII - have projected, XIII - was preoccupying e XV - is doubling
VII - had projected, XIII - preoccupies e XV - doubled

Questo n 27
According to the text, if an activity or process reaches a plateau
(line 29) in its development:
a) it reaches a stage during which there is no change or
b) it develops and changes over a period of time.
c) it becomes fashionable again.
d) it starts again after stopping for a long period of time.
e) it is destroyed or is no longer useful or effective.
Prova Tipo A

pg. 17

Grupos I I e III

Questo n 28
De acordo com o texto, conclui-se que:
a) James Vaupel publicou recentemente um livro chamado Hell
No, We Wont Go!, vendendo mais de 37 milhes de cpias
apenas nos Estados Unidos.
b) Pesquisadores e geneticistas americanos esto desenvolvendo
uma nova teoria, conhecida como desacelerao da
mortalidade. A teoria afirma que a idade mdia exponencial
do ser humano ser de aproximadamente 85 anos.
c) A experincia com animais de laboratrio comprovou a
opinio dos estudiosos: quanto mais velha a pessoa for,
maiores sero as chances de ficar doente e morrer.
d) Vaupel, um demgrafo que foi desacreditado por seus
colegas no passado, chegou concluso de que a taxa de
mortalidade entre os idosos pode estagnar num determinado
ponto e, a seguir, cair repentinamente.
e) A Terceira Idade est ficando feliz com os avanos na rea
cientfica. Pesquisadores descobriram um novo remdio para
abaixar a presso arterial, evitando, assim, doenas como
derrame, infarto e aneurisma.
Questo n 29
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
_____capable of walking upright, medieval men did so
for short periods of time.
a) As if

b) Since

c) Until

d) Because

e) Though

Questo n 30
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following
_____ plan that was presented_____ .
Grupos I I e III

Not every
Not all
Neither all
Almost any

was suitable
had suited
had suitability
has suited
pg. 18

Prova Tipo A

Texto para as questes 21 e 22.
Zeppelin construye el primer dirigible rgido.

El 2 de julio de 1900 vol sobre la ciudad de Friedrichshafen, a

orillas del lago de Constanza, el primer dirigible, construdo por
el conde alemn Ferdinand von Zeppelin y su colaborador Theodor
Kober. Tras largos aos de trabajo, el Luftschiff Zeppelin n 1, una
enorme aeronave de 128 metros de longitud con estructura de
aluminio, era admirada por todo el mundo por la majestuosidad
de su vuelo. Estaba propulsada por dos motores Daimler de 16
CV y se sostena gracias a la fuerza ascensional que le
proporcionaban sus ms de 11.000 metros cbicos de hidrgeno.
Aunque el primer dirigible tuvo problemas con la direccin, sta
fue mejorada en vuelos y modelos posteriores. Durante aos,
muchos pensaron que ste sera el futuro de los transportes.
Muy Interesante
Questo n 21
A interpretao correta de majestuosidad :
a) Carcter distinto y grandioso que impone admiracin y
b) Carcter distinguido y grandioso que impone admiracin y
c) Carcter indistinto y grandioso que impone admiracin y
d) Carcter distinto y grandioso que no impone admiracin ni
e) Carcter distinguido y grandioso que no impone admiracin
ni respeto.
Questo n 22
A interpretao correta de ascensional :
Prova Tipo A


no produce una subida a

no produce una subida a
produce una subida a un
no produce una subida a
no produce una subida a
pg. 19

un lugar muy alto.

un lugar ms alto.
lugar ms alto.
un lugar alto.
un lugar demasiado alto.
Grupos I I e III

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