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Announcing a Public Hearing on EPAs Proposal to Limit Carbon Pollution from

Power Plants in Indian Country, November 19, 2014 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Phoenix Convention Center and Venues 100 N. 3rd St., Phoenix, Arizona
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a supplemental proposal to
the Clean Power Plan to address carbon pollution from power plants in Indian
Country and U.S. territories. Come make your voice heard and support EPA's
effort to cut carbon pollution!
Many of our people are passing away from cancer, suffering from respiratory
ailments - lung fibrosis, lung cancer, asthma, , black lung from coal dust, etc.
Carbon pollution causes asthma and respiratory disease. My father was diagnosed
with Lung Fibrosis and Cancer. He recently passed on. He worked as a Uranium
Mill Operator. He lived his entire life close to coal fired power plants; Arizona
Public Service and San Juan Generating Station. Our mother uses an oxygen tank
to breathe.... but she is not alone. Many of our people carry around oxygen tanks
to breathe. We are exposed daily to coal fired power plant pollution. The Clean
Power Plan will prevent up to 150,000 asthma attacks and 6,600 premature deaths
annually by 2030. (EPA.gov).
Power plants are responsible for 40% of all carbon pollution in the US. Power
plants are the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States,
making up roughly onethird of all domestic greenhouse gas emissions (EPA.gov).
Carbon pollution fuels intense weather events like flooding and droughts (BioMass
energy centre.org). Hurricane Sandy caused $65 billion in damages and is still
unresolved. Hurricane Katrina exacted $146 billion in damages (NY Times,
Polluters are taking advantage of a loophole allowing them to dump unlimited
carbon pollution into our air, fueling climate change and putting our health at risk.
The Clean Power Plan means less carbon and more jobs!
Alternative energy is a job creator! 1.1 million jobs could be created in the next 10
years, that is 10x the amount of jobs as the fossil fuel industry! (The American

Council for an Energy- Efficient Economy Report). The Job Creation Potential of
Solar and Conservation: (another study) A Critical Evaluation concludes that
"solar PV creates 55-80 times as many direct jobs as natural gas and solar heating
creates 2-8 times more direct jobs than conventional power plants". The EPA's
Clean Power Plan focuses on energy efficiency and clean energy sources. The
Fossil Fuel Industry needs to factor in externalities like health and environmental
Human activities such as power plants have substantially contributed to climate
change (US EPA, Causes of Climate Change). No amount of corporate profits
matter if we have no home to live on! We are committing Ecocide! "No longer is
it acceptable to pursue profit without consequences (The Guardian, Test trial
convicts fossil fuel bosses of 'ecocide' ).
Protect our communities, future generations, and our Mother the Earth!
Please send comments to US EPA in support of the Clean Power Plan before
December 19th.
By Email: A-and-R-Docket@epa.gov. Include EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602 in the
subject line.
By Mail: Environmental Protection Agency
Attention Docket ID No. OAR2013-0602
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20460
By Fax: Fax comments to: (202) 566-9744.
Dooda (NO) Desert Rock organization will be leaving from Chaco Rio, Navajo
Nation, New Mexico today. We will be in Phoenix by tomorrow morning, 11/19 at
Please join us! Call us at 505 592 1453 and send in your public comments!
Help us raise our collective voice to protect our Elders, youth, future generations
and our Mother the Earth!
For more information please contact:
Elouise Brown, 505 592 1453, thebrownmachine@hotmail.com

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