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Personality disorders form a class of mental disorders that are characterized by

long-lasting rigid patterns of thought and behavior. Because of the inflexibility and
pervasiveness of these patterns, they can cause serious problems and impairment of
functioning for the persons who are afflicted with these disorders.
People with personality disorder are likely to have experienced great trauma in
their childhood, and often have multiple and complex needs because of their
difficulties fitting in with ordinary life and expectations. They may also have other
mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, panic disorders, eating
disorders, self-harm, substance misuse, and bipolar disorder.
There are several different types of personality disorders, which are categorized
under three main clusters:
Cluster A: They have Suspicious, odd and aloof features. They are paranoid
personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality
disorder. Persons with paranoid personality are characterized by long standing
suspiciousness and mistrust of people in general. Schizoid personality is diagnosed
in patients who display a lifelong pattern of social withdrawal. Person with
schizotypal personality are strikingly odd or strange even to laypersons.
Cluster B: They have dramatic, impulsive and erratic features. They are anti-social
personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder
and narcissistic personality disorder. Antisocial personality disorder is unable to
conform to the social norm that normally governs many aspects of an adolescent or
adult behavior. Borderline personality disorder is characterized by extremely
unstable affect, mood, behavior and self-image. Person with histrionic personality
tend to be excitable and emotional. They behave in a dramatic, colorful and
extroverted fashion. Narcissistic personality tend to have high sense of self
importance and grandiose feelings of uniqueness.
Cluster C: They share anxious and fearful features. They are avoidant personality
disorder, dependent personality disorder and obsessive compulsive personality
disorder. Avoidant personality is characterized by extreme sensitivity to rejection
and may lead a life of social withdrawal. They are commonly described to have
inferiority complex. Dependent personality is characterized by a pervasive pattern
of dependent and submissive behavior. Obsessive compulsive disorder is

characterized by emotional constriction, orderliness, perseverance, stubbornness

and indecisiveness.
Personality disorders tend to be an integral part of a person, and therefore, are
difficult to treat or "cure." Psychodynamic treatment emphasizes personality
structure and development. It aims to help people understand their feelings and to
find better coping mechanisms. Cognitive and behavioral therapies such as
cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy and
cognitive analytic therapy can also be helpful. Most cognitive behavioral
approaches address specific aspects of thoughts, feelings, behavior or attitude, and
do not claim to treat the entire personality disorder of the person.

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