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Acta Mechanica 54, 207--220 (1985)

| by Springer-Verlag 1985

On Liquid Motion in a Circular Cylinder

with Horizontal Axis
K. Bartkowiak, B. Gampert, and J. Siekmann, Essen,
Federal Republic of Germany
With 13 Figures

(Received June 4, 1985)

The flow pattern of the slosh motion of a homogeneous, nonviscous (inviscid) and
incompressible fluid with a free surface, contained in a rigid circular canal, has been dealt
with analytically and experimentally. The axis of the canal is perpendicular to the direction
of gravity. Considered are transverse (lateral to axis) oscillations of the liquid. The shape
of the free liquid surface is determined numerically by means of a simple procedure.
Theoretically calculated streamlines (path lines) are found to be in good qualitative
agreement with experimentally observed trajectories of small spheres, made of plastic
material and immersed in the liquid. The plastic particles and the liquid (water with a
solution of salt added) have the same density.

1. Introduction
With the advent of space exploration, the classical problem of liquid motion
in cavities and containers has attracted again the interest of engineers and
scientists. However, besides applications to rocketry, space flight and missile
technology, there are other important technical areas, which deserve special
mention. The motion of water in lakes and harbors has been a m a t t e r of concern
to geophysicists and engineers for m a n y years. Moreover, the response of liquid
-- filled storage tanks to earthquake disturbances has at times been a challenging
p~oblem to designers. Other problems of real significance deal with the motion
of liquids in automative and railroad vehicles, and cargo or fuel tanks of oceangoing vessels or aircraft. Examples of the dynamic behavior of liquids on a much
larger sclae are given b y nature, namely tidal oscillations and seiches, induced
in harbors b y storms in the open sea.
Concerning books and survey articles of the state of the art of tidal and
surface waves and, in particular, of the dynamics of a b o d y containing a liquid,


K. Baxtkowiak, B. Gamper$, and J. Siekma,nn:

reference is made to Lamb [1], Stoker [2], Wehausen and Laitone [3], Wehausen
[4], Moiseev [5] and Moiseev and Petrov [6]. A comprehensive view of the general
subject with emphasis on space technology applications is given in a monograph,
edited by Abramson [7].
In recent years several papers have been published which investigate the
behavior of a liquid in a circular canal, both theoretically and experimentally.
Budiansky [8] employed a rigorous mathematical theory (integral equation
technique) which allows to determine the antisymmetric natural frequencies.
Experimental work has been reported by McCarthy and Stevens [9]. k comparison between theory and experiment shows that good agreement is obtained
for transverse oscillations (see [7, p. 48, Fig. 2.23]). Petrov et al. [10] calculated
the free oscillations of a liquid in immovable containers by a variational method.
A numerical procedure, based on a method (potential of the simple layer) proposed
by Siekmann and Chang [11], has been further developed by Chang and Wu
[12]. Their numerical data agree very well with Budiansky's results.
In the present paper the flow pattern of the liquid motion in a partially
filled circular cylinder with a horizontal axis is studied analytically and experimentally in some detail. A simple device, designed by the junior author (K.B.),
allows the determination of the flow. Streamline patterns, surface profiles
(-motions) and frequencies showed no contradiction to theory, which could
not be explained by the shortcomings of the experiments.

2. Analysis
Consider a homogeneous, inviscid and incompressible liquid contained in
a canal of circular cross section with horizontal axis and having a free surface.
The cylindrical cavity is assumed to be infinitely long and subject to a transverse
excitation. We denote the two-dimensional domain occupied by the liquid by
P- and its boundary curve by ~2, i.e. ~/2 = So u S, where So is the free surface
of the liquid and S is the (wetted) rigid wall of the vessel. To study the lateral
sloshing of the liquid in the tank, we introduce a cartesian coordinate system
(0; x, y) fixed to the top of the cylinder as shown in Fig. 1. With the above
assumptions the governing equations of the liquid motion are the Euler equations
and the continuity equation:

,o (~u
W + u ~ + v~u~ ) _
e ~+u~x+v


+ va-- = o.






On Liquid Motion in a Circular Cylinder





[circular canal}

Fig. 1. Circular canal, geometry and notations

I n these equations we denote the velocity components parallel to rectilinear

axes x and y b y u and v, respectively, ~ is the (constant) density of the liquid,
g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time. The direction of gravity
is perpendicular to the axis of the canal. To satisfy the mass-conservation Eq. (3),
we employ the scalar stream frunction ~b(x, y, t), which is related to u und v by



v = ----.~x


With that we obtain from the Euler equations the following equation for ~b



~y ~x

~x ~y




where A is the two-dimensional Laplacian. From observation (cf. the section

on experiments) we note that all liquid particles oscillate synchronously and
about a stationary mean position. Moreover, the amplitude of the oscillations
is a function of position only. Putting
~b(x, y, t) = T(x, y) sin wt,
where eo denotes the circular frequency, we get from Eq. (5),



K. Bartkowiak, B. Gampert, and J. Siekmann:

Since this equation holds for all times, we postulate




- - O.


Now the bounding curve S of the canal (circular arc) is a streamline. I n addition
we anticipate that the streamlines within ~9 are circular. Thus we pose the solution
of Eq. (8) in the form

x 2~- y~"


This function corresponds to a doublet of strength M located at the origin of

the coordinate system. The equations of the streamlines are therefore obtained
~(x, y,t) = - - 2"--~ " x 2 -[- y~ sin tot = const.


b y giving arbitrary values to the constant. Since the motion is not steady, the
streamline pattern changes in general from instant to instant 9 However, in the
present case it can be shown that the streamlines are independent of time, since
the time depend~nt factor cancels out. I n order to prove this we notice that
the differential equat ion for the streamlines can be written as

v ( z , y, t)


u(x, y, t) '



u --~ 2z~

y2 _


(x 2 _4_ y2)~ sin tot,

v ---- 2~r

(x 2 q- y~)~ sin tot.


Unfortunately, the resulting differential equation

2 x y d x -k (y2 _ x 2) d y = 0

is not exact. There exists, however, an integrating factor # ( y ) = c / y ~, where

c ~-~ const. Hence

y~ -- x 2
d x -4- ~


d y ---- O ,


from which follows


~ y ~ c ~ const., c < 0,




On Liquid Motion in a Circular Cylinder




9 I ~\x.x-,~.\

' t r 1 6 2 ' \" -' --- J, ", ' I1 I! i~\>t',\
l ~7\\





Fig. 2. Stream line pattern of plane doublet

T h e curves ~ ~ const, do not change with time and are circles (~'ig. 2) with
center (0, +c[2) a n d radius fc/2 I. F u r t h e r m o r e , it can be shown t h a t the p a t h
lines are circular arcs a n d also time-independent.
To recover the pressure, we recall Eq. (2). Together with Eq. (12), the second
Euler e q u a t i o n can be recast to read

~-"y =- 2~


(x2 + Y2)~


M 2 y
xyco cos cot + 2"--~ " x ~ + y~ sin2 cot - - r


I n t e g r a t i o n with respect to y gives


y , t) =

M ~ o 9 cos cot .

- - -


. x . . M2~
. . sin 2 cot
(x 2 + y2)2

x 2 + y~

~gy + [(x, t).


T o calculate ](x, t), we a p p l y Eq. (1), again with Eq. (12). W i t h Eq. (17) the
first Euler equation yields ](x, t) = C = const. This c o n s t a n t can be e v a l u a t e d
b y considering the liquid at an instant where it oscillates a b o u t its m e a n position.
This event recurs periodically, n a m e l y if sin cot = =j=1, i.e.,

cot = -~- -4- n~r,

n -~ O; 1; 2; ...


:Now on the free liquid surface we have to fulfil the condition of c o n s t a n t fluid
(air, gas) pressure P0. L e t us denote the radii of the circular s t r e a m line arcs
b y R, with Ro as the m i n i m a l (free surface) a n d R 1 as the m a x i m a l (.canal wall)
value (Fig. 3). Applying the condition of constant fluid pressure at the p o i n t

K. Bartkowiak, B. Gampert, and J. Siekmann:


Fig. 3. Sketch of free surface profile

x ---- O, y = Yo = - - 2 R o , we g e t f r o m E q . (17), t o g e t h e r w i t h E q . (18),

C = Po ~- 128u~Roa - - 2 g ~ R o .


T h e s h a p e of t h e free s u r f a c e y : yo(X, t) follows r e a d i l y f r o m Eqs. (17) a n d (19)

b y t a k i n g i n t o a c c o u n t a g a i n t h e c o n d i t i o n of c o n s t a n t f l u i d p r e s s u r e Po. H e n c e

g(2Ro + Yo) +


M ~

M s

- cos cot ~- - - 9
sin s cot - x ~ + y0~
8~ ~' (x ~ + y0~)~

A l t h o u g h this e q u a t i o n gives t h e free s u r f a c e s h a p e i n i m p l i c i t f o r m o n l y , p o i n t wise c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e free s u r f a c e profile is e a s i l y a c c o m p l i s h e d . S e t t i n g

r 2 = x ~ ~- you,


E q . (20) c a n b e r e w r i t t e n i n t h e f o r m

Yo =

128nSgRo 4

2R~ - -

Me) cos cot x

M 2 sin 2 cot
9 r--i - 8n~g


M c o cos cot

= o~(r, t) =


t~ =

t~(~, t) -

128~SgRo a

r 2'

9 --

M 2 s i n 2 cot
2R o --



9-ra ,


Yo = ~x ~ ft.


On Liquid Motion in a Circular Cylinder


Thus from Eq. (21)

r~ = x ~ + ~2x2 + 2~#x +




~ x
1 -I- ~

1 + c~2


i 1/(1 + ~ / r ~ - - Z ~ ]


follows. Hence
xl.~ = 1 +


and with that (el. Eq. (25))

Yol,2 = c~xl,2 +



The construction of points (x~, Y0~) and (x2, Y02) of the surface profile, is demonstrated in Fig. 4.



Fig. 4. Construction


free surface profile

Fig. 5. Pendulum analogy of free surface.


To determine the circular frequency ro approximately, we consider a liquid

particle oscillating on a circular arc of radius R0 of the free surface (streamline,
path line) about the equilibrium position (Fig. 5). For small oscillations we can
apply the familiar formula from elementary physics for the frequency c% of a
simple pendulum, viz.

- ~o



At the same fill height (at rest), the circular frequency depends -- via R o
yet on the strength of the oscillation (strength of the doublet, excitation, amplitude). On principle this dependence was confirmed by the experiments. I t is:
of seine interest to compare our result with Lamb's [1] and Rayleigh's deter-


K. Bartkowiak, B. Gampert, and J. Siekmann:

ruination of the frequency of the slowest mode in the case where the free surface
is at the level of the axis. L a m b finds approximately ~ ---- 1,169(gR1)llL t~ayleigh
(see [1, p. 445]) obtained, as a closer approximation, co = 1 . 1 6 4 4 ( g / R 1 ) t / L
At a fill height (at rest) up to the middle of the container, such as in the case of
L a m b and i~ayleigh, we have /~o => 0.5R1. Therefore, with R 0 = 0.5R 1 and
oscillations of infinitesimal amplitude, our estimate for the fundamental eigenfrequency of a half-full canal yields 1 . 4 1 4 2 ( g I R l ) 1I~. The noticeable difference
between our result and t h a t of L a m b (and Rayleigh) m a y be attributed to the
fact t h a t L a m b assumes t h a t the free surface remains always plane, making a
small angle with the horizontal. With R0 = 0.7318 171 and the assumption of
finite (large) amplitudes, we find agreement with Lamb, for R0 = 0.7376R1
and the assumption of finite (large) amplitudes, we observe agreement with
Rayleigh. However, the validity of the theory in the domain of large amplitudes
is somewhat questionable. For our analysis, the values given b y Eq. (30) are
accurate enough.

k_ -I

~- U max

Fig. 6. Oscillating fluid particle on the free surface

Next we have to evaluate M. Making use of the pendulum analogy, we get,

in the first place, from an energy balance (Fig. 6)
1 . dm 9urea
"~ x
d i n . ~7" H = ~-


and thence from Eqs. (12) and (18), together with x = 0, y ~ - - 2 R o,


l/ H.


With the determination of Re (measure for the fill height), H (measure for the
amplitude of the oscillation), ~ (density of the liquid, the density of the fluid

On Liquid Motion in a Circular Cylinder




~ lOrnm

final position {left)

t =0


+n,0,3172 s


t = 0,0793 $

+n. 0,1586 $

~ ~

" ~~ , ~ " ~

in2e..rmediate position

t = 0,1189 S 0,3172 s
0.1982 s +n. 0.3172 s

Fig. 7. Numerically calculated free surface profile

a b o v e the free surface is assumed to be negligeable), g (local g r a v i t a t i o n a l acceleration) a n d P0 ( a m b i e n t pressure, fluid pressure a t the free surface) all flow
q u a n t i t i e s (u, v a n d p) are k n o w n .
Fig. 7 illustrates results of n u m e r i c a l c o m p u t a t i o n s of the free surface profile
yo(x, t) for different times. The radius of the canal was R1 = 40 ram, furthermore,
the following values were a s s u m e d : R 0 = 25 ram, H = 2 m m a n d g = 9 8 1 0 m m s -'~.
W i t h t h a t co0 becomes 19.8091 s -1. P a r t i c u l a r l y , the initial position a t time
t = 0 coincides with the final position a t the left h a n d side (~t = 0 :E n 9 2~).
The plots show also the final position a t the right h a n d side (o~t ----:t :J: n 9 2x),
the m e a n position (wt - - z/2 n 9 z) a n d a n i n t e r m e d i a t e position (o~t = 3~/4
:E n 9 2:r; 5~/4 -t- n 9 2~) b e t w e e n the m e a n position a n d the right final position.
W e notice t h a t for n ~- O; 1; 2; ... the profiles at ~t a n d ~ot~ = :J:o~t -t- n . 2~ are
identical. Moreover, to each profile a t ~t corresponds its reflection i n the y-axis
(x = 0) at o~tll =
z~ :E n 9 2~ (brocken line of i n t e r m e d i a t e position).

A c t a M e c h . 54/3--4


K. Bartkowiak, B. Gampert, und J. Siekmann:

3. Experiments
To study the sloshing behavior of the liquid experimentMly, a circular cylinder
of 80 m m diameter and 20 m m lenght was utilized. The flat face-plates of the
cylinder were made of transparent celluloid. Small plastic balls of 0.4 m m diameter were distributed in the liquid. I n order to guarantee the same density
for both the plastic materiM and the test liquid, salt was dissolved in water
until the tiny spheres remained in a floating position.
Certainly, the concept of an inviseid liquid could not be realized in the experiments; however, to reduce frictional losses to a minimum, the cylinder
was supported horizontally in bearings such that by virtue of an actuator the
body could oscillate about its geometric axis. Theoretically the tangential velocity of the fluid particles at the canal wall and the tangential velocity of the
oscillating vessel should be the same. This, of course, is possible for certain
parts of the moving wall only. Moreover, like the oscillation of the liquid, the
angular speed of the vessel must be a sinusoidal function of time. Finally, the
circular frequency of the pendulum motion of the cylinder should be equal
to the calculated co-value. To achieve this, the actuator was adjusted until liquid
and vessel were in phase. The exact adjustment of the actuator was accomplished
b y the infinitely variable series resistance of a direct current driving motor.
Fluid oscillations were built-up after switching-on of the machinery, owing
to the strong effect of the wall shear stress on the liquid at the beginning of
the liquid motion.
Fig. 8 shows a flash-light photograph of the experimentM arrangement in
operation. The incandescent bulb above the liquid and the transparent screen
with teared-up doublet-lines (streamlines) are good for observation with the
naked eye only in order to examine the coincidence between path lines and
doublet-lines, t~eflexes from the edges, which the liquid forms with the face-

Fig. 8. Photography of the oscillating cylinder

On Liquid Motion in a Circular Cylinder


plates of the vessel, exhibit in their main course agreement with the numerically
obtained surface profiles.
Fig. 9 depicts the power supply unit (220V ~ - + 4 . 5 ; 6; 7.5; 9 V = ) , series
resistance, direct current driving ~motor and controlling mechanism of the test
apparatus, arranged behind the container. The cylinder is rotated with a crank
and a driving rod. The radius of the crank and with that the amplitude of the
pendulum motion are adjustable, fine tuning of the circular frequency o~ is
rendered possible by the infinitely variable series resistance. Major corrections
can be made b y means of the output voltage of the power supply unit and the
transmission of the control mechanism.

Fig.~9. Photography of the experimental arrangement

Fig. 10..~Photography of cylinder, liquid and plastic balls at rest



K. Bartkowiak, B. Gampert, and J. Siekmann:

:Fig. 11. Flow visualization of path lines

Fig. 12. Photography of path lines and

theoretically determined streamlines

Fig. 13. Photography of path lines and

theoretically determined streamlines after
correction of position of the streamlines

On Liquid Motion in a Circular Cylinder


Fig. 10 exhibits c y l i n d e r a n d liquid a t rest, t h e plastic balls for flow visualiz a t i o n a r e clearly recognized. Fig. 11 shows a p h o t o g r a p h y (time of e x p o s u r e
At = t2 - - tl = 1/8 s) of t h e t e s t a p p a r a t u s in o p e r a t i o n . The white lines a r e t h e
p a t h lines. I n Fig. 12 t h e o r e t i c a l l y o b t a i n e d s t r e a m l i n e s (doublet-lines) a r e d r a w n
for c o m p a r i s o n w i t h t h e p a t h lines. Fig. 13 shows a r e p r o d u c t i o n of t h e p a t h
lines of Fig. 12, b u t w i t h a shift of t h e streamlines, so t h a t coincidence w i t h t h e
p a t h lines is a c h i e v e d to some e x t e n t .
T h e p a t h lines s, r e c o r d e d d u r i n g t h e t i m e of expossure tl --<_t =< G., a r e p r o p o r t i o n a l to t h e velocities for small lit, i.e.,


s --_ ; (u2 + v2)l/2 dt = M-


x~ +


f sin otdt =


2,~r 2

6011 - -


COS 09t 2


w i t h r 2 = x 2 + y2. H e n c e
s. r~ .


cos (orI - - cos ~012




This r e l a t i o n allows to e x a m i n e t h e t h e o r y b y m e a n s of t h e i n f o r m a t i o n g i v e n
b y the p h o t o g r a p h i c pictures. D e v i a t i o n s from this result are d u e to errors t h e
o r d e r of which d e p e n d s on t h e r e a d i n g a c c u r a c y of t h e pictures. F u r t h e r m o r e ,
c o m p a r i s o n of t h e c a l c u l a t e d frequencies v = co/2s = (1/2s)(g/Ro)l/2 w i t h
m e a s u r e d v a l u e s reveals t h a t t h e m a g n i t u d e of the error can be e x p l a i n e d in
v i r t u e of a n i n a c c u r a t e d e t e r m i n a t i o n of R0. A n i m p r o v e m e n t of t h e a c c u r a c y
of t h e t e s t d a t a requires of course, a m o r e s o p h i s t i c a t e d e x p e r i m e n t a l a r r a n g e m e n t .

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K. Bartkowiak, B. Gampert, and J. Siekmann: On Liquid 5fotion

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K . Bartlcowiak, B. Gampert, and J. SiJcmann
Universitdt Essen
Schi~tzenbahn 70
D - 4300 Essen 1
Federal Republic o/Germany

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