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Oct. 21, 1947.




Filed May 7, 1942

10 Sheets-Sheet 1



Oct. 21, 1947.

A_ A. BRAscH



Filed May 7, 1942


Sheets-Sheet 2





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fig. 5













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47 98 49



Oct. 21, 1947.




Filed May 7, 1942

10 Sheets-Sheet 3

715 W






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I - 'CbnmomBLE



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Filed May 7, 1942

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Filed May 7, 1942


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Oct. 21, 1947-




Filed May 7, 1942


10 Sheets-Sheet l0




"1515153555" 1



Patented Oct. 21, 1947



Arno A. Brasch, New York, N. Y., assignor, by
direct and meme assignments, to Electronized

Chemicals Corporation, NewYork, N. Y., a cor

' poration of New York


Application May 7, 1942, sci-nine. 442,137

43 Claims. (01. 250-42)

ation and operation of high-speed corpuscular


limits of this invention.



. In the drawings, wherein like reference char

rays, especially of high-speed electronsor oathode rays on an industrial scale.

only, and are not intended as a de?nition of the

This inventionrelates to devices for the gener

acters refer to like parts throughout the several


Rays produced in the devices herein described

may be used negatively or positively charged.- If


negative-charged corpuscles are generated they

partly in cross-section of one embodiment of the

erated, they may be used for chemical reactions

in special cases, or preferably, for the production
of neutrons in connection with the generation of

and a mercury anode.

' Figure 1 is a schematical view in perspective

may either be used indirectly to produce very in- ; "impulse-generator together with the condenser,
battery'and laminated tube arrangement, and
tensive and penetrating X-rays, or they may be
used to facilitate chemical reactions as described v10 several other accessories; separate group of igni
tion spark gaps; a bu?er room for electronic rays
herein.- If positive-charged corpuscles are gen-'

Figure 2 is a schematical side-view partly in

cross-section of one embodiment of an irradiation

15 chamber with ray-entrance device. Figure 3 is a side-view partly in cross-section
This invention furthermore relates to the con
of one embodiment of a rotating irradiation
struction of a new type of impulse generator and
radio-active substances on a large scale.

a special discharge tube provided for the trans



Figure 4 is a schematical'side-view partly in

_ formation of high voltages produced by the said
generator into useful rays, 1. e., a special lam 20 cross-section of one embodiment. of an irradiation

chamber with ray-entrance device, inlet and out

inated tube which constitutes one of the main

embodiments of this invention. Moreover, this
invention provides within this special laminated

discharge tube, a high e?iciency cathode for the

production of emission currents of thousands of
amperes within minute fractions of a second.

let means, and other accessory devices.

Figures 5 and 6 are schematical side-views

partly in cross-section of another embodiment


1 Vice.

Figure 7 is a schematical side-view partly'in

cross-section of one embodiment of an irradiation
chamber with double-entrance device.

The generator described herein is provided

with special means for safe ignition of the gen

erator spark gaps, also special equipment for

shortening the time-element.


It is also the object of this invention to save

a considerable percentage of insulating liquids

and to this end, the generator in accordance
with this invention is constructed in a form

of an irradiation chamber with ray-entrance de


Figure 8 is a schematical top-view of another

embodiment of an irradiation chamber with ac

Figure 9 is a schematical top-view of another
embodiment of an irradiation chamber having

specially adapted to accord with the voltage gen 35 two entrance devices.
erated therein.
Figure 10 is a schematical side-view of one
embodiment of the system comprising a diagram
This speci?cation further refers to devices for
special anodes to be employed in the manufac
of the impulse-generator and recti?er scheme
connected with the discharge-tube, the irradi
ture of very intensive X-rays and describes
radiation chambers and accessories in which 40 ation chamber and the entrance means; various
meansfor further shortening of the time-ele
chemicals are treated with intensive and pene
trating rays, especially electronic rays.
ment of the main generator; an auxiliary gen
It is also an object of this invention to pro
vide special irradiation chambers having special
entrance devices and accessories.


a The combination of all the componentsof these

devices in accordance with this invention, offers

. Figure 11 is a schematical side-view partly in

cross-section of one embodiment ofa laminated

discharge tube with emission cathode ray de

the possibility of producing high-speed electrons

vice; outlet exit devic'e; inlet device and irradi

ation chamber with accessories including cooler

on an industrial scale. -

or heater.

The above and further objects and novel fea 50

Figure 12 is a schematical side-view of a di
tures will be more fully apparent from the fol
agram comprising a recti?er scheme, an impulse
lowing detailed description when the same is
generator scheme, 2 discharge tubes, 2 exit-de
read .in connection with the accompanying draw
vices for the discharge tubes, a common irradi
ings. It is to be expressly understood, however,
ation chamber with 2 respective entrance devices.
that the drawings are for purposes of illustration 55 Figure 13 is a schematical side-view of another

embodiment of an irradiation container partly

windows '23 on the Figure 1. The windows should

be so constructed that they are large enough

in cross-section with several discharge tubes in

different positions.

to admit access for possible repairs of the in


stallation when the oil is removed. Oil may be

pumped in and out through pipe 2I provided
therefor. A chamber I8 is provided to contain

Figure 14 is another embodiment of the irradi ation container partly in crossrsection for treat
ment of the gas-atomized substances. 7

the laboratoryand measuring instruments.

Figure 15 is another schematical embodiment

The laminated discharge tube 9 is insulated

partly in cross-section of an irradiation con

tainer with devices for dividing the substance to
be treated into layers.

Figures 16 and 17 are schematical top-views of

irradiation chambers with interchangeable en

from the ground by the supporting insulator 8

10 which is also laminated. The electronic rays I2
are generated in the discharge channel I3 and
. proceed into the buffer room It where they are

de?ected by the magnetic diaphragms I4. The

trr nce devices.

shape and size of the buffer room I5 are chosen

Figures 18 and 19 are schematical side-views
partly in cross-section of a rotating irradiation 15 to accord with the velocity of the electrons applied
and the strength of the magnetic field used for
container with discharge tubes and entrance

the de?ection of the rays which leave through

the exit-window I23 as shown onFigureslO, 11,
and 12; The discharge tube 9 is evacuated by

Figure 20 is a cross-sectional view of Figure v19.

Figure 21 is a schematical side-view partly in

cross-section of a rotating irradiation container 20 the vacuum pumps (oil diffusion pumps) III and
with discharge tubes and entrance-devices.

To avoiddeterioriation- of the vacuum, the

Figure 22 is a schematical side-view partly in

cross-section of an irradiation container provided

bu?er room is also so constructed that the im

with a pivotal electron source.

pact of the electrons'and the evaporation of the

Figure 23 is a. schematical side-view of anotherv 25 cathode material therewith, will occur as far
away as possible from the discharge channel; the
embodiment of an irradiation chamber with dis
charge tube.


gas quantities may be pumped off by another

pump II provided therefor.

Figure 24 is a diagrammatical representation

of the high-voltage transformer device in com
bination with this invention.


A double wall 25

is provided so that the buffer room I5 may be ,

30 cooled by special methods for the purpose of

Figure 25 is a diagrammatical representation

of the Van de Graa? device in combination with

condensing the occurring gases along the entire

path. These gases are caused by the evaporation

this invention.
Figure 1 shows schematically one aspect of a
general execution of an apparatus adapted in
accordance with this invention to industrial ir- .
radiation purposes, wherein the high-voltage ap~

of the mercury anti-cathode (anode) 24 which

may be arranged in place of the exit-window
I23 for the generation of X-rays. As normal
solid nti-cathodes are soon perforated, the

mercury may be renewed again and again through

the! double-walled casing I2I, provided with sup
ply-lines for this purpose. The double-walled
tube are in a common oil-filled casing. In order
to economize on space and oil, the casing, consist 40 casing is made of stainless steel, for instance,

paratus together with the laminated discharge

ing of the metal-lined concrete casing 2 and the

or of any other ray and mercury-resistant ma

metal cover I, is shaped somewhat like an uneven


trapezoid, so that onpoints of higher voltage,

the distance from the grounded walls of the casing

A constant ?ow of mercury is brought about in

such a way that the mercury is kept in motion


widens. The supporting insulators 3 are of dif 45 by means of pump 26 and fed from a large mer
ferent lengths, one longer than the other in ac
cury reservoir provided therefor, without the ad
mission of atmospheric air.v This reservoir, be
cordance with the terrace-shaped structure as
cause of the relatively large quantity of mercury
shown. For reasons of safety, the cover 2 and
the casing I are grounded. A plurality of con-
stored therein, represents in itself an e?icient
densers 4 are arranged on the plates 20 which 50 cooling system for most purposes, but for better
are supported by the various supporting insu
cooling, it may be combined with special cooling
radiators made of a good heat-conducting ma.
lators 3 located on the series of platforms. In
terial such as copper which can be air or water
the case that the plates 20 are metallic, the con
cooled. The mercury can also be cooled off by a
densers 4 should be supported by special insu
lators arranged on these plates. The condensers
special refrigeration method, if desired.v This
4 are charged via charging resistances 5 from
cooling and continuous ?ow of new mercury and

the thereby achieved regeneration of the mercury

anti-cathode are essential for the continuous
operation of the described apparatus.
by the compressed gas spark-gaps 6, compressed
gas being supplied through the compressed gas 60
As stated, the buffer-room arrangement I5
conduits 22, and the voltage regulated within
with diaphragms I4, exit-window I23, mercury
pump 26 and mercury anode 24, made in accord
the desired limits by the pressure of the said '
gas. The ?rst group of spark-gaps I may be
ance with this invention, is for use only when
regulated from the outside by means provided
either veryhigh electronic intensities are to be
controlled, or when the generated electrons which
therefor, such as, for instance, a handle, in order

the direct current poles I9. The charging in

parallel, as shown on Figures 10 and 12, is effected

to assure a safe starting process of the com

have been de?ected in the bu?er-room I5 do not

leave through the exit-window I23.

For direct electronic irradiation purposes, the
electrons I2 generated in the discharge tube 9v
Ii are in a ?xed position - (not shown on the 70 penetrate directly into the open and into the ir
radiation chamber. For'this purpose, the exit
drawing). The electrodes in 'these chambers
may be operated either in compressed gas or in
window I23 is connected with a metal annular

pressed gas spark gaps, and to control the amount

of voltage by said outside spark gaps, despite
the fact that the electrodes within the chamberv

a'vacuum, or they may be operated in an in

end-plate provided adjacent to the exit-window

suiating ?uid preferably nonin?ammable. This

ar: rangement may be observed through the glass 76

shown in Figure 12.



It, is necessary that special attention be paid


to the chambers in which the materials to be

irradiated are treated with high-speed electrons
of the character described herein. As, on the

forated plates 11 provided with as many openings

as possible. Stainless steel will prove very advan
tageous for these perforated supporters, whereas

one hand, in order to exert the necessary atmos

materials such as copper and brass are destroyed

by evaporation too readily. In the ?gure '28 is the

casing; 21 the inner space of the irradiation
chamber must be comparatively thick, and on
chamber; 3| the shoulder of the chamber; 29 the
the other hand, care must be taken that the elec
rubber gaskets; 33 the thin foil; 32 the perfo
rated supporter plates; 11 the metallic annular
trons expend their action (1. e. their energy) not
on the wall of the irradiation chamber but, ap 10 end-plates; and 34 the bolts which, in combina
tion with the gaskets, serve to compress the ar
propriately, in the material (substance) to be
rangement and make it air-tight. The gaskets
irradiated, special constructions are provided to
33a and 30a. employed between foil 33 and per
serve this problem. The cover of these irradia
forated plate 32, or foil 33 arid perforated plate
tion chambers are so made that they consist,
preferably, but not obligatorily, of thin foils which 15 30 must be so thin that the elasticity of the foil
material will bea'lways su?icieiit to prevent/7w ..
absorb the rays only slightly. Aluminum may
breaking of the foil.
be used for the material of the foils, but since
Another aspect of this invention is shown on
it evaporates with time when very high electronic
Figure 3 wherein the entire irradiation chamber
intensities are applied, thin discs of graphite or
carbon impregnated with suitable material to 20 is constructed to rotate around the shaft I22 by
means of the disk 33 and the driving belt I34. This
make them substantially air-tight, will be found
pheric pressures and/or subsequent vacuum (or
in vice versa order), the walls of the irradiation

more advantageous, in many cases.

Where pressure or vacuum is employed, the

is for the purpose of e?ecting a better mixture of

the substances to be irradiated.


On Figure 4 is shown another aspect of this

thin discs above recommended for the foils will
be destroyed in a very short time, especially if a 25 invention, wherein an irradiation chamber simi
lar to the one illustrated on Figure 2 is provided
thickness not exceeding 116 to 1/2 mm., hence a spe
with facilities for introducing the necessary
cial method described herein may be applied, to
chemical admixtures. Where the substances to be
irradiated are liquid or semi-liquid, entrance is
It is a well-known physical principle that even
thin materials can sustain considerable variations 30 made through the inlet pipe 42 into the irradia
tion chamber, and ?nally into the absorption ?lter
in pressure when their surfaces are reduced. This
41 which may be made of platinum or palladium
principle has long been applied in the manufac
sponge, or of any other suitable material, and is
ture of exit-windows for special scienti?c pur
located in the exit pipe 43. Upon completion~ of
poses, and, in a corresponding modi?cationan
entrance-window-can be applied to the foils de 35 the treatment, the liquid or semi-liquid substances
are drawn off by the pump arrangement 49. The
scribed above, viz: on a top-plate preferably made
stop-valve 43 is provided to regulate the ?ow of
of metal provided with as many openings as pos
the liquid. Gases such as nitrogen, inert gases,
sible is placed a thin foil and made air-tight
hydrogen, chlorine, etc., may be conveyed from
by the insertion of a thin gasket ring made of
any suitable material, as, for instance, rubber, 40 the gas bomb 4| through pipe 40 via stop-valve
38 and 31 into the irradiation chamber 21. The
cork, or any soft metal. If metal is used, it may
manometer 36 makes the reading of the prevail
be welded or soldered to the top-plate, in which
ing pressure possible. The gases may be removed
case the gasket may be omitted. If desired, a suit
through the outlet valve 39 which is provided
able glue may also be used to fasten the thin foil
to the top-plate, and the top-plate may be fas 45 therefore. If evaporation is necessary, the inlet
valve 31 is closed and the air pressure prevailing
tened to the irradiation chamber either by means
in space I29 is lowered by the pump device 46.
of a gasket or by soldering or welding. If de
The regulating valve 45 may be opened or closed
sired, the top-plate, (foil and irradiation cham
as needed.
ber may constitute one single piece. The per
To cool or heat the substances to be irradiated
to a certain predetermined degree, the device 50 is
provided, as shown on the drawing.
Figure 5 shows an irradiation chamber with a
_ If vacuum prevails in the chamber, a construc
convex ray-entrance device, i. e. the combination
tion such as this prevents the foil from being
sucked into the irradiation chamber, no matter 55 of the perforated plate or plates, the foil, the
gaskets (if any), and the annular end-plate
how great the diameter of the entrance device
which, in combination with a bolt, compresses
may be, provided that the size of each individual
the whole entrance system, in order to make the
perforation of the top-plate is predetermined to
system in itself, together with the other parts of
, prevent such a break-through of the foil.

forations in the top-plate may cover only a part of

the surface, or, if desired, may cover the entire

surface save for the edges thereof.

However, in view of the fact that the perfora 60 the irradiation chamber, air-tight. The ray-en
trance device as shown follows the same principle
tions in the top-plate necessarily weaken its ten
as illustrated in Figures 2 and 4. However, in
sile strength, it (the top-plate) must be of such
a thickness that it will withstand all the pressure

order to better distribute the weight of the


To this end, three factors must be

vacuum or pressure used inside of the irradiation

taken into consideration: (1) the vacuum or pres

sure required; (2) the diameter of the irradiation

gaskets 54, .the annular end-plate I6 and the

chamber; and (3) the number and size of the

shoulder 53 of the irradiation chamber 5|, are

convex-shaped. The bolt 58in connection with

apertures in the perforated top-plate.


chamber, foil 55, the perforated plates 51, the

the conically-bent annular end-plate I6 is pro

Another aspect of this invention is shown on
Figure 2 wherein a combination window system 70 vided to make the arrangement air-tight.
is provided to use the same perforated top-plate
Figure 6 shows the entrance-window in a con
arrangement for both eventualitiespressure and
cave form. The concave foil 64 is supported by
the concave perforated plates 65 ; the rubber rings .
vacuum. The thin foil 33 through which the elec
62 are provided to assure tightness. > The arrange
trons penetrate into the substance to be irradiated
is supported above and below by thick-walled per 75 ment rests on the shoulder 63 provided therefor


and is fastened with the aid of bolts 66 to the

correspondingly-shaped concave end-plates".
It is comparatively easier to produce doubled

amperages than doubled voltages, A doubling of

the intensity increases the price of the installa
tion 50%, whereas a doubling of the voltage in
creases it by 400%. Hence, methods have been

sought to attain the greatest penetration depth

entrance device affords the possibility of simul

taneous irradiation from two opposite sides. 80

designates the two ray-entrance windows in this

Another aspect of this invention is shown on

Figure 10 wherein a general view of the irradia

tion installation is presented diagrammatically.
The apparatus I20 which generates high voltage

direct current, charges the multiple condenser

with a comparatively low voltage, but until this
invention, nothing has been accomplished in this 10 circuits of the impulse generator I05. The re
sulting high voltage is av function of the number
of condenser circuits installed. The frequency
This inventionprovides an irradiation chamber
of the impulses and therefore the intensity of the
which simultaneously permits an irradiation from
impulse generator I06 depends on the size of the
both ends, thereby attaining the greatest pene
tration depth with comparatively low voltage. 15 condensers and the current output of the recti?er
apparatus I20. If the output of recti?er is sum
Two discharge tubes are used simultaneously, as
ciently great, then the intensity of the-impulse
shown on Figure 12. The irradiation chamber
generator can be practically unlimited.
corresponds to the general development of the
The voltage reaches the discharge tube I08 via
apparatus shown on Figure 2, but it is provided
on the other end with a ray-entrance device such 20 the main spark gap I01 at the impulse moment.
The electrons generated in the cathode device I I4
as described herein. All the irradiation cham
are acceleratedin the laminated discharge tube
bers described in this speci?cation are provided
I08 and penetrate into the open through the exit
with" necessary connections for treatment of
window I23. The rays I09 enter the combination
chemicals, such as shown on Figure 4, but have
been partly omitted in subsequent ?gures in order 25 ray-entrance device I24 into the irradiation
chamber IIO.
to afford a better view of the apparatuses.
Another aspect of this invention is shown on
On Figure 7, 61 designates the chamber wall
Figure 11, wherein a metallic chamber H2 in '
ing; 68 the inner space of the chamber; 69 the
which a rather large quantity of glasswool I I4 or
shoulder of the chamber; 10 the tightening gasket
rings; II and 13 the perforated plates; 12 the 30 similar material, is arranged. Metal points II3
pass through this glasswool H4 and come into
thin foil; H the annular end-plate; and I30 the
conductive connection with the metal chamber
bolts for tightening the ray-entrance device. The
H2. The glasswool itself, or in connection with
gaskets employed between the foils and per
the metal points, brings about the liberation of
forated plates must be suiliciently thin so that
the elasticity of the foil material will be adequate 35 very strong Lilienfeld effects. This unusually
strong electronic emission is engendered by the
to prevent its breaking.
in?nite number of points and threads of the
In chemical mass production, it will be found
glasswool (or similar material), loosely connect
convenient to place the substances to be irra
ed with each other, together with a strong elec
diated in tubular containers and to irradiate
them through an entrance device of tubular shape 40 trical ?eldbetween cathode and anode .many
1000 kvs.-and, if desired, also assisted by an
so as to preserve the tubular form of the unit.
Figure 8 shows such a chamber in the form of
a tube I9 as seen from above. 80 designates the

combination ray-entrance device for the high

speed electrons.
The liquids and semi-liquids, together with, if
necessary, the solid substances to be irradiated

auxiliary electrical ?eld which can be fed by a

special, small impulse generator which supplies,

for example, a few 100 kvs., and operates in the
45 same phase simultaneouslywith the main im

pulse generatorfor the purpose of generating ex

tremely strong quantities of electrons out of the
glasswool material. During the impulse mo
ment, very high electronic intensities, amounting

in accordance with this invention, are introduced

at the one end I3I of tube 19 and taken out at
any desired place provided therefore, i. e. for 50 to many thousands of amps, are liberated.
' The emission effect is especially strong when a
example, at the other end I04 of this tube. If,
small amount of gases, such as, for instance, hy
however, the apparatus made in the form of a
drogen, oxygen, nitrogen, or even inert gases, are
tube continues tubularly at I04 and I3I, the sub
conducted into the glass-wool or like material.
stances may be introduced through pipe I00 and
drawn out through pipe I02 by means of the pump 55 It is a known fact that a relatively great quan
tity of air is occluded in the surface of the glass
device I03 provided therefor, or vice versa.
wool or like material. During the electrical im
Valves 8| are provided for the closing of the
pulses, quantities of these gases are dissolved
irradiation chamber. The conduit 96 leads to
and become a part of the discharge. After a
the manometer 91 and over the regulating valve
98 to the gas bomb 99. Suitable catalysts, if de 00 number of impulses, the glass-wool (or like ma
terial) becomes degassed gradually, whereupon
sired, may be introduced via the inlet-pipe I00
the emission grows automatically weaker.
as well as via the other inlet devices provided for
Therefore, it is advantageous to add a suitable
the purpose. The prevailing gas pressure may be
gas or gas mixture to the glasswool Ill, which
removed through the discharge tube 92 and the
closing valve 93 connected with the outlet sup 05 may be conducted therein by the inlet pipe II 5
I from the gas container. The amount of the gas
porters 94. The substance in irradiation cham
mixture is controlled by the needle valve 1. '
ber I8 may be evacuated through the pipe 81 with
Valve H6 is provided to open or shut the entire
the aid of the vacuum pump 89. Through the
pipe line.
inlet pipe 83, bridged by the three-way valve 84,
Experiments performed with this invention in
various gas mixtures may be optionally intro 70
this connection have also brought to light that it
duced through the inlet pipes 86 and fed by the
is possible to impregnate the glasswool with ma
gas bombs I32. The gases may ?ow out through
terials which liberate gases if exposed to an elec
the outlet-valve 85.
Figure9 follows the _ general delineation of

Figure 8 with the sole difference that the ray

trical discharge of su?lcient voltage and intensi

ties. This eliminates the necessity of havinga

special gas container from which to conduct the -

exit-window of the electronic source (discharge

gases into the glasswool or similar material.

The materials referred to above which liberate
gases may be paramn which liberates hydrogen

tube) may be made as small as desired.

the glasswool su?lciently cooled to about 100

I5I via an appropriately placed second injector

Another object of this invention is shown on .

Figure 14, wherein is an apparatus for the pur

pose of atomizing the substance or substances
or any like substance. A fewdrops of such a '
to be irradiated by atmospheric air or gas of any
substance, appropriately placed in the glasswool
kind under a predetermined pressure. 'This is
or mingled therewith, or placed adjacent to the . .
accomplished by means of an injector I48 into
metal points III, will give off an amount of gases
which is introduced gas or air I4'I under the pre
that will be found adequate even in a continuous .
operation, i._ e._ for an unlimited'amount of im 10 determined pressure. The substance (or sub
stances, as they may be) such as ?uid, powder,
Another advantageousaspect of .this method or paste, are passed (at the same time, before
or after) into the mixing or irradiation chamber
for operation of the emission cathode is to have
150 C. for the purpose of freezing some gases 15 I50. This second injector may be placed oppo
site the ?rst injector I48, or both injectors I48
fed by a special pipe into the glasswool. ~
and I50 maybe-placed on the same side of the
The electrons I09 emitted from the cathode, as
irradiation chamber. The atomized substances
shown on Figures 10 and 11, are accelerated in
I52 then stream through the cone of the cathode
the laminated discharge tube III, leave through
exit-window I23 and penetrate into the irradia 20 rays at a predetermined. velocity. Every particle
of this atomized substance is irradiated by the
tion chamber I29. This chamber I29 is partial
source of electrons I53 through a ray-entrance
1y ?lled with the liquid, semi-liquid or solid sub- '
device which may be either .an opening I54, a
stance I30 to be irradiated and left partially
membrane I58 of any character described here
empty in order. that. if so desired, gases, cata
lysers or other chemicals, may be conducted 25 in, or the ray-entrance device of the character
delineated in this speci?cation.
therein through pipes provided therefor, as
An arrangement such as this produces a very
shown on Figure 4, at 35_and 44. These pipes are

also provided for the purpose of evacuating the

effective and e?icient irradiation, as theseminute

particles or small drops of liquid, under the

Another aspect of this invention is shown on 80 steady pressure of the gas or air I" continue to
move within the chamber in a constant eddying
Figure 12 wherein an irradiation chamber in ac
and whirling motion, now approaching the
cordance with that presented on Figure 7 is si
highest point of the electronic emission and novtr
multaneously irradiated by two discharge tubes,
the lowest point. Thus, absolute equal intensity
I08 and I25, placed on opposite sides of the
chamber, and in which the two beam cones I21 86 of irradiation is achieved through the substance.
More than one source of electrons I53 may be
and I09 overlap each other in the center of the
provided for the electronic treatment of such
irradiation, chamber in order to assure su?lcient
atomized substance, as shown, for instance, on
electronic intensity at all points inside thereof.
Figures 13, 16, 17 and 18.
The impulse-generator provides the required
high voltage for both tubes I08 and I25, or for 40 It is obvious that the velocity of electrons is
reduced while they traverse a. matter (or sub
a plurality of tubes if desired, in a manner
stance) due to collisions with molecules and
known per se, i. e. over the main spark gaps I28
_ atoms. Therefore, to compensate for undesirable
to the tubes I08 and I25. The beam cones (elec
differences in the distribution of velocities of elec
trons) I09 and I21 leave by the exit-windows
I23 and I24 respectively; I28 designates the oil 45 trons, the matter may be subjected simultane
ously'or-in series to various sources of electrons,
?lled casings; 88 the inner space of the irradia
irradiated from different discharge tubes and
tion chamber; 81 the walls of the chamber; I4
from different directions, if desired. One simple
designates the shoulder of the chamber, and 'I0,
example is shown on Figures 7, 12 and 13, where
II; I2 and I3 represent the various components 60 in the electrons act on the substances to be
of the ray entrance device.
treated from two oppositely-placed electronic
Another aspect of this invention is shown on
Figure 13. This is a special arrangement of the
On Figure 15 is' shown another embodiment of
irradiation chamber I38 wherein the substance
to be irradiated I3'I moves in the irradiation r the irradiation container I51 providedwith one
chamber for purposes of treatment by high 65 or more sources of electronsione source only, I58,
is shown). The substance I59 ?ows in and
speed electrons and is subjected simultaneously
through the beam cone which penetrates through
to the action of several cathode-ray beam-cones
the entrance I50 and thereafter becomes divided
emitted from the several discharge tubes I38,
into more than one layer; for instance, into three
I39, I40 and Ill provided for the purpose.
Devices I42, I43, I44 and I45 may be provided 60 layers I8I,' I62 and I83, by separating guide
means provided therefor, I84. Thus, the sub
in the chamber for the purpose of easy access of
stance I59 becomes divided into three layers, for
the rays (as unabsorbed as possible) therein. In
example. Due to the fact that electronic velocity
the case that no atmospheric pressure or vacuum
is higher when close to the exit-window and
is applied within the chamber, simple openings
may be provided in lieu of these devices, thereby 65 reaches zero at the end of its predetermined
range, depending upon the voltage'used, these
making it unnecessary to place membranes, foils _
three given layers, I8I, I 82 and I83 will thus be
or screens between the discharge tube and the
irradiated by different intensities; i. e; layer I6I
substance to be treated. This may be done in
will be more strongly irradiated than I82 and
everycase where membranes or entrance de
vices are referred to in this application or illus 70 layer I82 will be more strongly irradiated than
trated on the drawings, if found appropriate and
- Homogeneous treatment may thus also be ob
Where the entrance I42 or I44 directly contacts. " tained by using the layer I 82 for instance, while
the other layers I82 and I83 will be reconducted
the electronic source, the distance I48 between
the level of the moving substance I 31 and the 15 into the irradiation chamber by the said guide
irradiation chamber.



1-1 a

of the electrons with respect to the level of the

means I54, once or several times and re-mixwith

the substance I59 therein. '

material or substance subjected to their action

by suitable means provided therefor; for in

0n Figure 16 is shown a device Providing sev- '

eral openings or entrance devices I95,so mounted

stance, pivoting the source of electrons in one or ' '

that if one should go out of order or should be


sists of guiding planes I92 mounted on different

levels with respect to the ground and inter-con

when desired. For example, the membrane I91


ment of ?uids. An embodiment such as this con

suitable, guides I98, for instance, a track, for use


stances I90 which are fed into the irradiation

chamber, such layers having a. predetermined
thickness -I9I particularly applicable in the treat

wherein several entrance devices, such as mem

branes, foils or screens I96 may be mounted on
may replace device vI98.


Figure 23 represents another embodiment of

this invention for the treatment of layers of sub

changed for any reason, anyone of the others

may be used without interrupting the operation.
Figure 17 depicts another embodiment of a de
vice similar to that demonstrated on Figure 16

nected- by an inclined guiding plane. As these

layers pass through the electronic sources I92

Figure 18 represents an embodiment of a rotat

ing container I85 mountedon a shaft I88 driven '

and I94, for instance, they are subjected to the

by a motor over a suitable transmissionbelt or

predetermined irradiation.v

stance, i. e. ?uid, gaseous or pasty substance, pow

der, etc., I81 and while rotated, the substance

being subjected to the action of centrifugal force,

tion chamber 403 and the entrance window with

the'bilateral grille-support 404. A metallic con
ductor 405 conveys the high-voltage transformed

Several sources producing electrons of the '

in the transformers 498, 491 and 498 to thenega

- side or'inside of the container.

rotation either to and fro or in any plane, slid

tive pole 408' of the laminated vacuum dis

charge tube 400; 408, 409 and H0 .are pipes

through which the materials or gases are intro
80 duced into the chamber 408 and removed there

ing on guide-means provided therefor. The sub

stance, after the conclusion of the treatment, is
thus homogeneously irradiated and ready'for use.

Wherever, in this application, it is stipulated

that the matter or substance is in movement, or
displacement in one or more planes with respect
to the source of electrons, such movement or dis

, placement may also be provided by keeping the

matter in a ?xed position with respect to the
ground, but moving the source of electrons in one
or more planes.

, the cathode 40I; the exitwindow 402; the radia

remains for a predetermined length of time as a

layer around the inside of the container. ~

character described herein may be provided out

For instance,
source I68 may be provided inside the container
and mounted rigidly or slideably on a support.
If slideably mounted, it may be moved during the

' '

Figure 24 shows the transformer set 495; the

individual transformers 498, 491 and 498, for
instance; the insulating supporters 499499
499; the laminated vacuum discharge tube 400;

other means. The container is ?lled with a sub

fromafter irradiation.


The discharge tube and its combination with

' 'the radiation chamber, pumping equipment, etc.,

are described fully throughout this application.

Figure 25 shows diagrammatically a combina
tion of this invention with the Van de Graaif
generator, wherein the laminated vacuum dis
charge tube in accordance with this invention is
4; the cathode device is 4I2; the pipe lead
40 ing to the pump is 3; the radiation chamber is

Figures 19 and 20 show another embodiment

of rotating irradiation container I10 mounted on

4I4; the exit window is 5; the entrance win

dow with bilateral grille-supportis H5; and the

inlet and outlet pipes are land 8. . The dome

of the Van de Graaff generator is 4 I 9. A continu

arotating shaft I1I. The container has a cylin
drical compartment I12 formed by the outer and 45 ous belt made of insulating material 420 rolls over
rollers 42I and 422. Two D. C. apparatuses pro
inner walls of the container, into which compart
ducing approximately 10,000 volt current each, by
ment the substance I13 Isplaced. Entrance win
way of example, are provided, which, by means of
dows' may be provided in the outside or inside
sprayer devices 425 and 425, spray a negative or
walls, and one electron source or one for each
window, I14, I15, I16, I11, may be employed. 50 positive charge, as desired, against the belt 420.
' Control of the impact angle in any plane may be

provided by suitable means.

Control of the

' A metallic connection 421 conducts the D. C. volt

age collected in the dome 4I9 to the negative pole

428 of the laminated discharge tube 4 in ac

cordance with this invention. The entire gen
checked by the input pressure through the supply 55 erator may be placed in a tank as shown on the
?gure by 430 in broken lines, having one or more
pipe I18 or through the dimensioning of the out
outlets and inlets 43I and 432 for the introduction
let pipe and the valve I19 or vice versa. If the
of gases or air or evacuation thereof. These pipes
liquid is fed into the container through the pipe

timee-element during which the electrons exer

cise' their irradiation action may be additionally

may be connected to an appropriate pumping

I19, it exits through the pipe I18.
Figure 21 depicts horizontal rotating container 60 equipment. The belt together with the dome 4I9
may be operated in vacuum to avoid corona losses
I80 into which the substance is fed through the

ilrglet pipe I8I which may be mounted in the shaft

' The-outlet of the substance may proceed either
through openings I83 or a slot I84 provided ac
cordingly, and assisted by suitable bushings to

prevent the ?owing out of the liquid in undesirable

directions. The outlet may also occur through

iilge pipe I85 provided in the interior of the shaft

-or instead of evacuating the tank, high atmos

pheric pressure can be introduced therein, such as
nitrogen. Evacuation or over-pressure work to
ward the same end, namely, the avoidance of co
rona losses, and offer the possibility of construct
ing such electrostatic generators in a compact

Another embodiment and object of this inven

70 tion comprises devices and methods whereby the
The entrance openings for the electrons may
substance to be treated will be exposed to one
or many extremely short impulses produced by
be variously shaped, for instance, as represented
by I81 and I88 on the drawing.
the discharging of condenser units.'
Figure 22 represents an electronic source I89
On Figure 10 of this speci?cation is shown
provided with means to control the impact angle 75 schematically three diiferent circuits. Variation

I comprises the impulse generator I06, the rec

position, and as pointed out before, the regula

ti?er device I20, the main spark gap I0I-l0'l,

the discharge tube I08, the oil-?lled casing I28,
the exit-window I23, the ray beams I09, the ir
radiation chamber II 0, and the ray-entrance de

tion of the spark gaps takes place by means of

this auxiliary generator. The connection of the
auxiliary impulse generator I99 to the metal wall
IIO of the irradiation chamber is switched oil!

vice I24. In this circuit, a number of spark gaps

200 are provided to discharge in series the con
densers or capacitors 20I which are charged in

parallel by means of the charging resistors 202

(only a few are shown on the drawing).

The circuit of variation 2 is the above circui

with the additional provision of means for the

purpose of shortening the time-element of each

single impulse, the said means comprising vari
able charging resistors so constructed as to be

by means of the switch connection 204.


auxiliary generator is then charged in the neg

ative and the negative impulse is conducted to
the negative pole of the ?rst spark gap of the

main impulse generator I00, thereby starting the

ignition of the spark gaps 200.

Without touching the spark gaps of the main

generator, ignition of these spark gaps may be
effected to any degree desired simply by connect
ing the shock impulse of the auxiliary gener

ator to the spark gap circuit of the main gener

able to diminish the ohm resistance of the cir
cuit. Instead of ohm resistors, there may also
Having now ascertained and particularly de
be variable induction resistors. Means are also
, scribed the nature of the said invention and the
provided in this circuit to shunt the discharge
tube between the points I01 and I09. Such 20 manner in which it is applied, I declare that
whatI claim is:
shunting means may be either a constant re
1. A generator comprising a plurality of con
sistor I96, or a variable resistor or the induction
densers, charging resistors, spark gaps and a
_ coil I98, which may itself be constant or variable.
discharge tube, said condensers, said charging
The third circuit on the drawing may be used
in addition to either of the above two circuits, 25 resistors, said spark gaps and said discharge tube
being placed in a container, ?lled with a non
having a separate voltage source I99 of com
in?ammable liquid insulating material, said dis
paratively high tension with predetermined pos
charge tube being laminated, said container be
itive polarity, to charge the wall of the irradi
ing so shaped that at the points of lower voltage
ation chamber IIO which in this case must be
30 the distance between the edges of the said gen
metallic with a positive potential.
erator and the walls of the said container is
The ?rst two circuits are provided for the rea
smaller than the distance between the .edges of
son that upon the size of the capacitors 20I and
the said generator and the walls of the said
the ohm or induction resistance of the chargm
container at the points of higher voltage.
ing resistors 202 or I95 (or a combination of
2. A generator comprising a plurality of con
both), and to a certain degree, upon all the other
densers, charging resistors, spark gaps and a
elements of these two circuits, such as the spark
discharge tube, said condensers, said charging
gaps, etc., mainly depends the duration of each
resistors, said spark. gaps and said discharge tube
single high-voltage impulse, i. e. the time ele
being placed in a container ?lled with a liquid
ment is controlled thereby. Taking away, by
insulating material, said discharge tube being
means of the resistors of low ohmage, those parts

of the impulse wave which have along duration,

and selecting only those parts of the impulse
wave that are of sumciently short duration, only
a comparatively small fraction of the entire in
tensity of the impulse wave is naturally utilized.
To compensate for the removed energy, the ca

pacitors 2M and the charging equipment I20

must be adequately dimensioned so that a very

laminated, said container being shaped in accord

ance with the increase of the voltage, whereby
the container takes the shape of an uneven


3. A device for subjecting a substance to ir

radiation with high speed electrons comprising

in combination at least one irradiation unit pro
vided with an electron permeable exit window

for the high speed electrons created within said

high initial amount of current will be provided.
Without entering into too many details of 50 irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator to ac
celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high
theoretical calculation of common knowledge, it
speed; an irradiation chamber for said substance
may be stated that the above time element is nor
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons ar
mally within the order of 10-,5 to 10-6 sec. The
ranged outside of said irradiation unit adjacent
aboveembodiments also permit the further
shortening of this time to 104 sec. or even less.

to said exit window of the same; an electron

permeable entrance window in the wall of said

To control the voltage existing in the irradi
irradiation chamber arranged in the path of said
ated substance between the poles 203 and the
high speed electrons emitted by said irradiation
container H0, 2, separate source of voltage I99
unit through said electron permeable exit win
may be provided. This may be either an impulse
generator working in synchronization with the 60 dow, thus permitting entrance of said high speed
electrons through said electron permeable en
main generator I06 but generating for this pur
trance window into said irradiation chamber;
pose a positive impulse which is conducted to the
at least one opening in the Wall of said irradia
walls of the irradiation chamber IIO by closing
the switch 204, or it may be by a continuous 65 tion chamber for introducing into said irradia
tion chamber said substance to be irradiated by
voltage of predetermined intensity.
said high speed electrons; at least one opening
Figure 10 also shows another use for the said
in the wall of said irradiation chamber for in
separate voltage source I99, which in this case,
troducing into said irradiation chamber at least
is an auxiliary impulse generator of smaller size
material adapted to 'act upon said substance
and smaller voltage than the main generator I00.
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons
Instead of using it to conduct the positive po
during irradiation of the same; and means
larity to the metallic walls of the irradiation
adapted to heat said substance to be irradiated
chamber I I0, it may be used to start the ignition
by said high speed electrons during irradiation
of the spark gaps 200 of the main generator [05.
of the same.
The electrodes of these spark gaps are in a ?xed 75 4. A device for subjecting a substance to ir




radiation with high speed, electrons comprising

said substance to be irradiated bysaid high speed

in combination at least one irradiation unit pro

vided with an electron permeable exit window

electrons during irradiation of the same in said

irradiation chamber.
7. A device for subjecting a substance-to irra
diation with high speed electrons comprising in
combination at least one irradiation unit pro

for the high speed electrons created within said

irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator to ac

celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high

speed; an irradiation chamber for said substance
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons ar
ranged outside of said irradiation unit adjacent

vided with an electron permeable exit window for '

the high speed electrons created within said irra

diation unit; an electrical accelerator to ac
to said exit window of the same; an electron 10 celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high
permeable entrance window in the wall of said
speed; an irradiation chamber for said sub
irradiation chamber arranged in the path of said
stance to be irradiated by said high, speed elec
high speed electrons emitted by said irradiation
trons arranged outside of said irradiation unit
unit through said electron permeable exit win
adjacent to said exitlwindow of the same; an '
dow, thus permitting entrance of said high speed 16 electron permeable entrance window arranged in
electrons through'said electron permeable en
the wall of said irradiation chamber in the; path
trance window" into said irradiation chamber;
of said high speed electrons emitted by said irra
at least one opening in the wall of said irradia
diation unit through said electron permeable exit
tion chamber for introducing into said irradia
window, thus permitting entrance of said high '
tion chamber said substance to be irradiated by 20 speed electrons through said electron permeable
said high speed electrons; at least one opening
entrance window into said irradiation chamber;
in the wall of said irradiation chamber for in
at least one opening- in the wall of said irradia
troducing into said irradiation chamber at least
tion chamber for introducing into said irradia
one material-adapted to act upon said substance
tion chambersaid substance to be irradiated by
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons 25 said high speed electrons; and means adapted to
during irradiation ofv the same; and means
cool said substance to be irradiated by said high
for cooling said substance to be irradiated by
speed electrons-during irradiation of the same in
said high speed electrons during irradiation oi
said irradiation chamber.
the same.

5. A device for subjecting a substance to ir

8. A device for subjecting a substance to irra

30 diation with high speed electrons comprising in

radiation with high speed electrons comprising
combination at least one irradiation unit pro
in combination at least one irradiation unit pro
vided with an electron permeable exit window for

vided with an electron permeable exit window

for the highspeed electronscreated within said

the high speed electrons created within said irra

diation unit; an electri'calaccelerator including
irradiation unit; "an electrical accelerator to ac 35 a Van de Graaff generator for accelerating the
celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high
velocity of the electrons to a high speed; an
speed; an irradiation-chamber for said substance
irradiation chamber for said substance to be

. to be irradiated by said'highspeed electrons ar

irradiated by said high speed electrons arranged

ranged outside of's'aid irradiation unit adjacent

outside of said irradiation unit adjacent to said
to-- said exit window ofthe same; an electron 40 exit window of the same; and an electron
permeable entrancewindow arranged in the wall
permeable entrance window arranged in the wall
of said-irradiation chamber in the path of said
of said irradiation chamber in the path of said
high speed electrons emitted by said irradiation
high speed electrons emitted by said irradiation
unit through- said electron'permeable exit win
unit through said electron permeable exit window,
dow, thus permitting entrance of said high speed 45 thus permitting entrance of vsaid high speed
electrons through said electron permeable en
electrons through. said electron permeable en
trance window into said irradiation chamber;
trance window into said irradiation chamber.

at least one opening in the wall of said irradia

9. A device for subjecting a substance to
tion chamber for introducing into said irradia
irradiation with high speed electrons comprising
tion chamber said substance to be irradiated by 50 in combination at least one irradiation unit pro
said high speed electrons; and means adapted to
vided with an electron permeable exit window
change the temperature of said substance to be
for the high speed electrons created within said
irradiated by said high speed electrons.
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator in
6. A device for subjecting a substance to irra
cluding a Van de Graa? generator war"
in a
diation with high speed electrons comprising in 55 vacuum for accelerating the rciocit? of the
combination at least one irradiation unit pro
electrons to a high speed; an irradiation chamber
vided with an electron permeable exit window
for said substance to be irradiated by said high
for the high speed electrons created within said
speed electrons arranged outside of said irradia
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator to ac
tion unit adjacent to said exit window of the
celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high 60 same; and an electron permeable entrance
speed; an irradiation chamber for said substance
window arranged in the wall of said irradiation
to beirradiated by said high speed electrons ar
chamber in the path of said high speed electrons
ranged outside of said irradiation unit adjacent
emitted by said irradiation unit through said
to said exit window of the same; an electron
electron permeable exit window, thus permitting
permeable entrance window arranged in the wall 65 entrance of said high speed electrons through
of said irradiation chamber in the path of said
said electron permeable entrance window into
high speed electrons emitted by said irradiation
said irradiation chamber.
unit through said electron permeable exit window, '
10. A device for subjecting a substance to irra
thus permitting entrance of said high speed
diation with high speed electrons comprising in
electrons through said electron permeable en 70 combination at least one irradiation unit pro
trancew window into said irradiation chamber;
vided with an electron permeable exit window
at least one opening in the wall of said irradiation
for the high speed electrons created within said

irradiation: unit; an electrical accelerator includ

ing a Van de Graa? generator operated under
high speed electrons; and means adapted to heat 76 compressed gases 'foraccelerating the velocity of

chamber for introducing into said irradiation -

chamber said substance to be irradiated by said


the electrons to a high speed; an irradiation
chamber for said substance to be irradiated by
saidhigh speed electrons arranged outside of said
irradiation unit adjacent to said exit window of
the same; and an electron permeable entrance
window arranged in the wall of said irradiation
chamber in the path of said high speed electrons
emitted by said irradiation unit through said

electron permeable exit window, thus permitting

entrance of said high speed electrons through
said electron permeable entrance window into
said irradiation chamber.


11. A device for subjecting a substance to ir

radiation with high speed electrons comprising in

in combination at least one irradiation unit pro

vided with an electron permeable exit window
for the high speed electrons created within said
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator to ac
celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high
speed; an irradiation chamber for said substance
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons ar
ranged outside of said irradiation-unit adjacent
to said exit window of the same; an electron per
meable entrance window arranged in the wall oi
said irradiation chamber in the path of said

high speed electrons emitted by said irradiation

unit through said electron permeable exit win

dow, thus permitting entrance of said high speed

combination at least one virradiation unit pro 15 electrons through said electron permeable en
vided with an electron permeable exit window
trance window into said irradiation chamber;
for the high speed electrons created within said
and means for moving said substance *to be ir
' radiated by said high speed electrons within said
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator in
cluding a high voltage transformer for accelerat
irradiation chamber during irradiation of the
ing the velocity of the electrons to a high speed; 20 same by high speed electrons.
15. A device for subjecting a substance to ir
an irradiation chamber -ior said substance to be

irradiated by said high speed electrons arranged

radiation with high speed electrons comprising

outside of said irradiation unit adjacent to said

exit window of the same; and an electron per

in combination at least one irradiation unit pro

window into said irradiation chamber.

adjacent to said exit window of the same; an

vided with an electron permeable exit window

meable entrance window arranged in the wall of 25 for the high speed electrons created within said
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator for
said irradiation chamber in the path of said high
accelerating the velocity of the electrons to a
speed electrons emitted by said irradiation unit
high speed; an irradiation chamber for said sub
through said electron permeable exit window,
stance to be irradiated by said high speed elec
thus permitting entrance of said high speed elec
trons through said electron permeable entrance 30 trons arranged outside of said irradiation unit

12. A device for subjecting a substance to ir

radiation with high speed electrons comprising

electron permeable entrance window arranged

in the wall of said irradiation chamber in the

path of said high speed electrons emitted by said

in combination at least one irradiation unit pro
vided with an electron permeable exit window 35 irradiation unit through said electron permeable
exit window, thus permitting entrance of said
for the high speed electrons created within said
high speed electrons through said electron per
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator to ac
meable entrance window into said irradiation
celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high
chamber; and an injector pump adapted to in
speed; an irradiation chamber for said substance
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons ar 40 ject said substance to be irradiated by said high
speed electrons under pressure into said irradi
ranged outside of said irradiation unit- adjacent
ation chamber.
to said exit window of the same; an electron per
16. A device for subjecting a substance to ir
meable entrance window arranged in the wall of
radiation with high speed electrons comprising
said irradiation chamber in the path of said high
speed electrons emitted by said irradiation unit 45 in combination at least one irradiation unit pro

through said electron permeable exit window,

thus permitting entrance of said high speed elec
trons through said electron permeable entrance
window into said irradiation chamber; and

vided with an electron permeable exit window

for the high speed electrons created within said
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator for

accelerating the velocity of the electrons created

means for moving said irradiation chamber in '50 within said irradiation unit to a high speed; a

centrifuge type irradiation chamber for said sub

stance to be irradiated by said high speed elec
trons arranged outside of said irradiation unit
radiation with high speed electrons comprising in
adjacent to said exit window of the same; and
combination at least one irradiation unit pro
vided with an electron permeable exit window for 55 an electron permeable entrance window arranged
in the wall of said irradiation chamber in the
the high speed electrons created within said ir
path of said high speed electrons emitted by said
radiation unit; an electrical accelerator to ac
irradiation unit through said electron permeable
celerate the velocity of the electrons to a high
exit window, thus permitting entrance of said
speed; an irradiation chamber for said substance
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons ar 60 high speed electrons through said electron per
meable entrance window into said irradiation
ranged outside of said irradiation unit vadjacent
to said exit window of the same; an electron per
1'7. A device for subjecting a substance to ir
meable entrance window arranged in the wall of
radiation with high speed electrons comprising
said irradiation chamber in the path of said high
speed electrons emitted by said irradiation unit 65 in combination at least one irradiation unit pro
vided with an electron permeable exit window
through said electron permeable exit window,
for the high speed electrons created within said
thus permitting entrance of said high speed elec

respect to said irradiation unit.

13. A device for subjecting a substance to ir

trons through said electron permeable entrance

irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator for ac

celerating the velocity of the electrons created

pumping device connected with said irradiation 70 within said irradiation unit to a high speed; a
centrifuge type irradiation chamber having the
chamber for moving said substance to be irradi
shape of a cylindrical double wall chamber the
ated by said high speed electrons within said
outer and inner walls of which are interconnect
irradiation chamber.
14. A device for subjecting a substance to ir
ed at least at one end thereof, said irradiation
radiation with high speed electrons comprising 75 chamber serving for holding the substance to be
window into said irradiation chamber; and a



ed with an electron permeable exit window for

the high speed electrons created within said ir
radiation unit; an electrical accelerator for ac
celerating the velocity of the electrons to a high
speed; an irradiation chamber for said sub
stance to be irradiated by said high speed elec
trons arranged outside of said irradiation unit
adjacent to said exit window of the same; and an
electron permeable entrance window including a
trance window into said irradiation chamber.
10 membrane consisting of graphite provided in the
wall of said irradiation chamber and arranged
18. A device for subjecting a substance to ir
in the path of said high speed electrons emitted
radiation with high speed electrons comprising
vby said irradiation unit through said electron
in combination at least one irradiation unit pro
permeable exit window, thus permitting entrance
vided with an'electron permeable exit window in
cluding a membrane consisting of coal and permit 15 of said high speed electrons through said elec
tron permeable entrance window into said irra
ting the high speed electrons created within said
diation chamber.
irradiation unit to pass through said electron

irradiated by said high speed electrons and ar

ranged outside of said irradiation unit adjacent
to said exit window of the same; and an electron
permeable entrance window arranged in the wall
of said irradiation chamber in the path of said
high speed electrons emitted by said irradiation
unit through said electron permeable exit win
dow, thus permitting entrance of said high speed
electrons through said electron permeable en

22. A device for subjecting a substance to irra

. permeable exit window; an electrical accelerator

diation with high speed electrons comprising in

for accelerating the velocity of the electrons to

a high speed; an irradiaton chamber for said 20 combination at least one electrical accelerator;
at least one electron discharge vessel provided
with electron emitting means arranged therein

substance to be irradiated by said high speed

electrons arranged outside of said irradiation
unit adjacent to said exit window of the same;

and adapted to transform the electrical voltages

and intensities produced by said electrical accel

and an electron permeable entrance window ar

ranged in the wall of said irradiation chamber in 25 erator into at least one beam of high speed elec
trons; atleast one electron permeable exit win
the path of said high speed electrons emitted by
dow provided in said electron discharge vessel
said irradiation unit through said electron per
permitting the high speed electrons created with
meable exit window, thus permitting entrance of
in said electron discharge vessel to penetrate out
said high speed electrons through said electron
permeable entrance window into said irradiation 30 side of said electron discharge vessel; an irradia
tion chamber for said substance to be irradiated
by said high speed electrons arranged outside of
19. A device for subjecting a substance to ir
said electron discharge vessel adjacent to said
radiation with high speed electrons comprising
electron permeable exit window of the same; an
in combination at least one irradiation unit pro

vided with an electron permeable exit window 35 electron permeable entrance window arranged
in the wall of said irradiation chamber in the.
path of said high speed electrons emitted by said
electron discharge vessel through said electron
permeable exit window, thus permitting entrance

including a membrane consisting of graphite and

permitting the high speed electrons created with
in said irradiation unit to pass through said elec
tron permeable exit window; an electrical accel
erator for accelerating the velocity or the elec 40
trons to a high speed; an irradiation chamber for a

_ diation chamber; and means for rotating said

said substance to be irradiated by said high speed

electrons arranged outside of said irradiation
unit adjacent to said exit window of the same;
- and an electron permeable entrance window ar

of said high speed electrons through said elec-v

tron permeable entrance window into said irra
irradiation chamber during entrance of said high
speed electrons through said electron permeable

45 entrance window so that said substance to be

irradiated by said high speed electrons is homo

geneously irradiated by the same.
23. Adevice for subjecting a substance to irra
diation with high speed electrons comprising in
permeable exit window, thus permitting entrance
of said high speed electrons through said elec 50 combination at least one electrical accelerator,
at least one electron discharge vessel provided
tron permeable entrance window into said irra
with electron emitting means arranged therein
diation chamber.
and adapted to transform the electrical voltages
20. A device forsubjecting a substance to ir
and intensities produced by said electrical ac
radiation with high speed electrons comprising
celerator into at least one beam or high speed
in combination atleast one irradiation unit pro
electrons; at least one electron permeable exit _
vided with an electron permeable exit window
window provided in said electron discharge ves
for the high speed electrons created within said
irradiation unit; an electrical accelerator for " sel permitting the high speed electrons created
within said electron discharge vessel to penetrate
accelerating thevelocity of the electrons to a high
speed; an irradiation chamber for said substance 60 outside of said electron discharge vessel; an irra
diation chamber for said substance to be irradi
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons ar
ated by said high speed electrons arranged out
ranged outside of said irradiation unit adjacent
side of said electron discharge vessel adjacent to
_ to said exit window of the same; and an electron
said electron permeable exit window of the same;
permeable entrance window including a mem
an electron permeable entrance window arranged
brane consisting of coal provided in the-wall of
in the wall of said irradiation chamber in the
said irradiation chamber and arranged in the
path of said high speed electrons emitted by said
path of said high speed electrons emitted by said '
electron discharge vessel through said electron
irradiation unit through said electron perme
ranged in the wall of said irradiation chamber
in the path of said high speed electrons emitted
by said irradiation unit through said electron

able exit'window, thus permitting entrance of

high speed electrons through said electron per

7 v meable entrance window into said irradiation

21. A device for subjecting a substance to irra

diation with high speed electrons comprising in


permeable exit window, thus permitting entrance

of said high speed electrons through said electron

permeable entrance window into said irradiation

chamber, and means for moving said substance
to be irradiated by said high speed electrons with
in said irradiation chamber during irradiatio

combination at least one irradiation unit provid- 15 of the same.

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