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Daily Planner

Ms. Quanrud
Brookland Primary School P4
Date: November 6,

Class: English
Primary 4

Title: Lets Retell a Story

Pupils prior learning: After Tuesdays lesson students have a better grasp
on what the story elements are, and why good readers retell stories. We
will stretch this new knowledge today by allowing the students an
opportunity to try it as a whole group. From this students will see where
their level of comfort is in identifying the story elements.

Cross curricular skills focus: Communicating

Talking & Listening: When identifying the story elements and retelling the
story the children listen to and take part in discussion as well as
Reading: When reading The Way Back Home students will not only
listening to the story for information, but also for the enjoyment of the
authors writing.
Learning intentions
To participate in a shared reading experiences.
To retell a text with reasonable detail.
To identify the five elements of a story.
To create visuals that will allow students to remember the five
elements of a story in their own imagination.
Review with students what the five elements of a story are and how they
are defined.

Thinking skills and personal capabilities focus

Managing Information: When identifying the story
elements the children will, use their own and others
ideas to locate sources of information within the text.
Self-Managing: During the informal assessment the
children are asked to review learning and some aspect
that might be improved by defining to themselves if they
are a thumbs up, down, or sideways.
By Support - During this lesson I am working with my
students found to be in the blue reading group. The
work within Lets retell a story is differentiated to meet
their learning needs within their reading level ability as
well as stretch their ability in a comfortable way.
Suggested Success Criteria (AfL)
I can identify the five elements within a story.
I can use the text to help me identify the five
elements of a story.
I can enjoy the text being read to me.
I can create visuals that will help me remember
the five elements of a story.
Role of the teacher:
Facilitator: as the facilitator I will be
facilitating the order in which the students
retell the story and will scaffold when

Daily Planner
Ms. Quanrud
Brookland Primary School P4
Review with students the five elements founded that I modelled for them
after reading Dan & Diesel.
Inform students that today we are going to learn how to not just
memorize the five elements of a story, but truly dig into their meaning by
using the elements to retell the story we will read together.

Introduce the book, The Way Back Home, and who the author is. Inform
students that at the end of this lesson students will be asked to share out
their findings of the stories setting, characters, the problem within the
story, how the problem was solved (solution), and what were the events
of the story, what happened at the beginning, in the middle, and at the
Introduce to the students the bookmark and how I am going to leave the
bookmark I have created, on the white board as a reference. While I am
reading students will have a job. Their job is to make sure they are
identifying all five elements found within the story.

Differentiated Instructor: Being a
differentiated instructor means I am creating
lessons that are not just lecture lessons, but
lessons that are engaging in a variety of
ways. It also means I am creating group work
that is purposeful to the students individual
Examiner: as the examiner it is my job to
informally assess my students. By doing so
not only do students have the opportunity to
self-reflect on their own learning, but I also
know where my students are in their
understanding of the content.
Resource: as the resource it is my job to
provide my students with the tools they
need to be pushed and succeed in their
Key Questions
Why is it important to be able to retell a story in an
organized manner?
How is each story element defined?
How are you going to use this strategy of retelling,
outside of our time together?
Discuss with your elbow partner the elements we
have been able to cover up to this point.
When would be an appropriate time in school to

Daily Planner
Ms. Quanrud
Brookland Primary School P4
Read aloud The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers

retell a story to your friends?

At the end of the reading have students take a second and think about all
five elements found within our story. (Wait Time 1 minute).
Share out student findings of the elements. Write students answers to the
left of the element found on the bookmarker.
To wrap up our time together, the students and I will engage in an open
conversation about any questions they have about the five elements of a
story, discuss openly the elements that came with more difficulty, and
discuss after learning about it, why retelling using the story elements, is
Students will conclude our time together by creating their own
bookmarker by creating pictures that represent each element of a story.
Inform students that the next time we meet they we will be using our
bookmarkers to help us retell a story read with a partner.

Activity 1:
Jeffers, Oliver. The Way Back Home. London:
HarperCollins Children's, 2007.
Activity 2: (Conclusion)
Bookmarker example
White bookmark paper
Felt Tip markers
N. Lennert. (2014, September 19). Reading Strategy
Anchor Chart Ideas. Retrieved from:

Once students and I have completed our retell, as well as the creation of our bookmarks, I will ask the children, informally, how they
feel they are getting on with understanding the content.
Thumbs up = I got it
Thumbs down = I dont get this
Thumbs sideways = I need some more support to understand

Daily Planner
Ms. Quanrud
Brookland Primary School P4

Assessment of Pupils Learning

What did they achieve?
Were intentions met? How do you
During this lesson the students engaged
together in achieving the lessons learning
intentions. Students were able to
collaboratively meet the intentions of the
lesson by identify the five elements,
within the story I read aloud to them, and
use the five elements to help them retell
the story.

Evaluation of my teaching

What did you learn?

What did I do to help my pupils
I believe I was able to help my pupils
learning by providing students the
opportunity to be creative. Implementing
the arts, even if it is just drawing a
picture, gave students a time to reflect on
how they see the five elements of a story.
By providing students this opportunity
they were able to visually represent their
understanding, The visual bookmark
What did they actually do?
provided students a tool that would help
Students were also able to provide their
them in the future if they were ever stuck
own visuals of how they will remember
on retelling a story.
the five elements by creating a visual
It would have been easier for me to
bookmark. This bookmark was created so continue with direct instruction as I did
students would have a tool that would
in our first lesson, however, through
help guide them through the process of
interactive instruction and creative
retelling a story using the five elements.
instruction, I feel the students were able
They were able to use my example of a
to grow in the content and not be
visual bookmark, to retell the story in a
hindered by it.
whole group. This provided students the
opportunity to practice the content, and
Because of the hinder I put on my
discover the authenticity within our new students during our first meeting, I made
reading tool.
sure this time my students had the
opportunity to share their connections as
Did they know why, what they were
well as share their connections of their
drawings to the understanding of each
Before diving into the meat of our second element.
lesson together the students and I

Daily Planner
Ms. Quanrud
Brookland Primary School P4
reviewed the five elements learned in our
first session and also re-discussed the
benefits of retelling and using the five
elements within that process.
Because of the opportunity to revisit and
re-discuss the authenticity of our time
together, students were able to know
what their expectations were
behaviorally and academically.
Did you see the intention/ outcome or
kind of product you anticipated?
Yes! My students were not only able to
meet the intentions for the content of this
lesson, but also during the process of
creating our visual bookmarks. The
students visuals, for each element,
clearly depicted each element and its
definition. I know the next time the
students and I meet there will be no
problem remembering the five elements,
and definitions, due to how they were
able to personalize their bookmarks. If
the students do forget, they have their
tool, created specifically to their way of
understanding, right there beside them to
help them and guide them!

What did I do to hinder my pupils

One way I saw myself hinder my pupils
learning during this lesson was when I
lost track of time and rushed the plenary.
Because I spent so much time reviewing
the elements, and the authenticity of the
lesson, the students were not able to have
as much time physically reviewing and
understanding the content together.
From this I have learned that next time I
will use a timer to set my pace so the
students do not feel pressured to
complete the task and/ or as if they
cannot fully express ideas and what they
have learned thus far. Managing our time
together is important for wanting
successful outcomes and growth in my
students learning.
Did I make use of and build upon pupil
Yes. The joy of learning from my first
lesson was that I was able to not only
provide students the opportunity to
share their connections, but also build off
their connections to teach the other
students. When two students had two
different pictures that both represented
the setting element, I took the
opportunity to teach students that one is
not more right than the other, but instead

Daily Planner
Ms. Quanrud
Brookland Primary School P4
show the beauty of the differences and
how they help those individuals learn the
same content.

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