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My gothic visual depicts a scene which is

dominated by an ominous fortress that looks
secluded and unkempt. Juxtaposed against the
darkness of the background, bloodthirsty
scarlet eyes bear down upon the fortress
while masked hooded figures are gliding away
from it, as if fleeing away, giving the visual an
eerie quality representative of the gothic
genre. I have created this text because I
believe it is an emotional rather than rational
representation of a macabre nature reflecting
the context and focus of the gothic genre.
4. The colouring of this whole picture is
primarily a mixture of neutral colours. The
black, white and greys weigh down heavily on
the atmosphere of the picture, and highlight
the deep red eyes. These red eyes at first
glance seem to be frowning down upon the
fortress, however, upon closer inspection they
actually seem more directed towards the
viewer, interacting with the audiences

3. The fortress portrays a gothic scene which

6. The way the figures just nonchalantly walk

7. Another thing to be noted is how the black

through the graveyard also gives them a

paranormal or transcendental characteristic.
Also, the way the figures are clothed with
black robes and hats while the whites of the
eyes glow from the gap between the clothes,
add a supernatural touch which hints at the
more metaphysical realms and aspects of the
gothic genre.
8. The lighting of the fortress creates a
mysterious and frightening feeling because
even though the dark sky is lit up by lightning,
the main source of light is coming from inside
of the fortress, which immediately diverts the
readers attention towards the centerpiece,
the fortress. Although the lightning lights up
the fortress it also creates a powerful contrast
against the dark background, and is symbolic
of havoc and destruction.

robes make the figures stand out because of

the bright lighting of the castle, giving it an
even more gothic feeling.

can be distinguished by the lighting, structure

and use of gothic-like icons. The way this
fortress is constructed reflects the gothic
genre with its arched windows and sharp
spires. These are characteristic of the genre,
and coupled with the figures, produce an
overall disposition which expresses dominance
and power.

5. The salient hooded figures that are strikingly

obvious in the foreground of the scene evoke

an unnatural sensation because it leaves the
reader to contemplate why there would be
any life forms in such a desolate location or if
they are even human. From this, the reader
can draw the conclusion that the figures are
indeed not human but are supernatural

9. The foreground of this picture is also lit up

by the lightning, revealing an assortment of

tombstones, which automatically gives the
reader a sense of foreboding, because
tombstones are traditionally indicative of a
gothic scene and point towards death. The
cobwebs that are strung artistically across the
tombstones give the fortress a desolate
feeling, emphasizing its isolation and

10. As if the castle is devoid of all life. It also

1. Gothic fiction is a genre of literature that

acts as a constraining rope, perhaps to wire in

intruders. This is usually left to the viewers
imagination, thus accentuating its mysterious
nature and reflecting the gothic genre of this

combines elements of both horror and

superstition. It is generally believed to have
been inspired by the English author Horace
Walpole, with his 1764 novel The Castle of
Otranto. Some of the most notable works of
the gothic genre are Mary Shelleys
Frankenstein and Bram Stokers Dracula.

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