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Dear :

Welcome to SVB SYSTEM. I am your mentor and will lead you to understand the next
step. I will answer all your enquiry and assist you to make the best decision in your
Please complete the below steps for your purchasing items.
Step 1 : Gold Manual Step 2 : Business Guide Part 2 Step 3 : Business Guide Part 3 Step
4 : Contact me by your prefer method Day/Month/Year Time: Communication Method :
Online Classroom Anymeeting
Assistance name : Janet
Email: it.svbsystem@gmail.com
I will continue to assist you to complete the remaining portion. Looking forwarding to
hear from you soon.
Choose Success!

A new system combining 3 major

Internet / Mail Order / Telecommunication
These successful examples are not intent to indicate all or any representatives will earn
the income stated. On the contrary, they have proven while building their business
through time, great effort, hard work, willing to follow the result of the experiences such
as instruction and training etc. of the mentor. Not everyone will be able to reach the same
income level, as individual's success is determined by his/her desires, dedication, learning
mindset and the willingness to work.

Home Base Business System

Internet / Mail Order / Telecommunication!
Congratulation! You have taken the first step in changing your life. I will be your mentor
and consultant.
The first thing you need to do is to read through this Gold Manual. It will explain
everything. Give me a call once you have read through all, I will explain in details how
you can Earn From Home! The best part of this business is you will receive an
unbelievable support and training, not only from me, but also from many people who are
talented and successful. Of course, the benefits of working from home is that you need
have no boss nor punch card, plus you are able to create an incredible income, that is why
it is so attractive!
CALL me once you have read thru everything then, we will determine whether you are
the right person we are looking for. We are sure that this is the opportunity everyone is
looking for! We look forward to assist your first step.

TRAINING 1 - Part 1 Training

The information you are about to review can be life changing if you believe!
Success is 90% Attitude and 10% Action
We believed that only suitable person can use the latest successful tool, it will help them
to become one of the touching stories in website.
For the past 3 years, those who came across "SVB System" have not even exceed 1% of
Americans populations. With our years of experiences and technology advancement,
thousands of people in the coming months will be equipped with new information
technology to reach financial heights they never dreamed of before!
The great American dream is gone. American government official report that for the past
decade, over 350,000 job opportunity is eliminated. Just last year there are more than
20,000 jobs being eliminated. Estimate in the next 10 years, 55% of job will be the
general store, restaurant and bar with low salary. 90% of North American will earn as low
as US$ 20,000 annually, double income family are not living as well as their parent with
single income earner! This is the trend of the whole world, both of us have to face the

Read on to discover how we beat the trend" that most people struggle with every day
The Need : More income to enable choices for my future.
The Challenge : Finding a legitimate vehicle to enhance my current skills and
The Hope : I can learn what someone successful has done and copy it.
Unfortunately, only few people own an aggressive mindset, and those successful people
do not want to share their real successful secret with you. But this is your future, your
life, you can't deny yourself from having the right and desire to success because of
peoples unwillingness, you have to seriously make the changes for yourself! Do you dare
to change?
There is nothing you can do about the past. Now, based on the new information, new
method, you can make a new decision today to change your future. It all starts with the
way you think. You cant always stop what happens to you but you can choose how you
deal with it. You have the ability to choose your thought and your attitudes! The
difference between a successful person and an ordinary person is a "must" and "hope"
attitude, if you wish for your dream to come true, make a firm decision - "Must
succeed !"
Although we dont need anyone to make decision for us, and how we design our life. In
reality, many times we let people decide what is our next step. Thus we push the blame to
others as an excuse. What a sign of irresponsibility!

Great! When you have decided to be responsible for your own life, fantastic! Let play a
game. Can you connect all the dots below with 4 straight lines without lifting the pencil
from the page?
This game is like our lifes challenge, the result may not be the one we expect. Contact
your mentor, ready to discuss this puzzle with him/her. If you had the answer, you have
already possessed a positive mindset. But having mindset only is like a car with no
gasoline, you still can't go anywhere!
Once you know the answer, it will help you to understand our system basic principle. And
it needs to think in a different dimension compared to the past. Now, write down the
questions you to want to discuss with your mentor. Were not looking for right nor wrong
answers, just some of your thoughts for discussion with your mentor.
In your viewpoint, how much income a month do you consider as big income earner?

Short description: What are the methods that you can become a big income earner:

The doubts in mind of the road ahead, usually make a person step back. Thats the reason
of having a mentor or adviser for your success is a great help.

Secret 1

Secret 1 Associating with successful people gives you a better chance of becoming
successful. .
Whether you want to earn more money or want to improve your network relationship,
this is very important to you! Our home base business system method had proven this
concept. If we learn from successful people their positive attitude, dare to challenge,
optimistic thinking to drive our mind in the right way direction, do the right things, then
success is only few steps away.
That is why motivational books and materials are so popular. If there is no one to assist or
lead us on "how to be more pro-active, more successful ", we may feel rather
disillusion because what we can do everyday is just "go to work...make a living...Go to
work...make a living" ! Actually major facts of life are often simple, same with facts of
success too!
Is our life destined to be full of sorrow and failure? Even you might look successful to
others, but will you be happy leading a life without plan, mediocre and ambition? We are
born with an incredible potential, some choose to ignore it and some know how to made
full use of it. Life is like a journey with a destination. Because we are unaware how long
is our life journey, ideally we projected to live up to 100 years old and rest in peace. But
life is short and we are able to avoid from suffering. Everyday you are moving forward in
your life! But if you do not have a destination then your journey may look apparently
" Lets your life be full of abundance!"
Famous saying in the movie "The house of Jack" by Robin Williams
In a recent survey, elderly people were asked to pinpoint the top two things they would
change in their lives if they could. Guess what? It is to take more risks in business and
have a meaningful relationship. Now, think about it, lack of money can be the major
factor in people believing they have little choice in these matters
People always lost their passion, their desire for success, their determination when they
encounter failure or setback. We get to a point when we lost our hope and stop
dreaming anymore.

When our mind is dead, we lost the will to decide for ourselves. People dictate how you
live your life, thus you live as an unsuccessful person lives. We end up expecting less and

therefore settling for less, contended with the 40 years working plan. Just like in the
army, they are telling you that you going to get what you want in the queue, however
when your turn came, you found out that you are in the wrong queue! After all, this is
what your parents did and the rest of your family and friends are doing everyday. The
only difference is whom are they following! Are they going down the same road as you
want to?
Success always come from people of courage and action, its seldom belongs to
people who is afraid of failure and are timid.
In United States, majority of the people plan to retire at 65 years old, with a high income,
able to design every holidays and tour then spend the remaining of their life in peace!
But as we all know, only a handful of people can accumulate some form of money at that
age. And those who reach 65 years old, most of them start to have health problem .
Is this what you want? It's up to you to break the cycle. With the new knowledge, you
have the capability to make the decision today! Dream is what you want, goal is what you
get. What kind of life do you really want? What kind of life do you really want to get?
Your life is determined by your decision!
Even if it takes you 5 years to achieve the success you read in our stories, wouldn't it be
worth? Absolutely! By using SVB System, majority would be able to achieve it within
1 to 2 years. With this fact, do you still want to work hard for 40 years like our parents
and still worthless?

What have you tried before to improve your present situation?

The ugly facts were staring us in the face before we got started too, but we overcame the
obstacles. The truth is,

If Your "Why to" is Big Enough

The "How to"doesn't matter

We've all tried and failed before. If you have never failed it means you have never tried.
If you are trying now, congratulation to you! Because you might be on the way to
Whether this is your first time pursuing more out of life or you have spent thousands or
hundred of thousands of dollars like some of us did before. Regardless of who you
are or how many people have rejected, you must persistent!

Secret 2

Write down your GOAL

There is something very powerful about not just voicing your goal but having them
written down on the paper, Take a few moment to find out what you really looking
forward to.
Spend some time to write down the 6 things that you would like to do with your abundant
money or what would you like to do if money is not a problem? Please write down
exactly what you want, how much it cost and when you hope to fulfill this DREAM.
Eg: Now is August 2014 "I want to buy my most favorite Lexus RX330, the black sport
utility that worth $2,300,000 by 2016."
Have you ever put these ideas on paper before? If you are like most of us prior to any
training, most possibility it will just thinking in your mind. Let us start from beginning.
However, if you dont have a definite action towards your goal, it just like a game of
riddle that all left to chance, only illusion for the rest of the life.

Secret 3

Get focused on what you want from live. Take ACTION!

Plan and action on your plan. People who fail to plan, plan to fail. Find a system that has
worked for others and put on the blinders. Persistency and consistency will lead to an
incredible wealth. Successful people do what others are unwilling to do. If hard work is
the only key to success, why do so many people work hard and still end up broke? Our
proven system will maximize the return on your effort. Well show you how to leverage
your time and have your money work for you instead of you always working for your
Why re-invent the wheel? Success breeds success. So why not learn from others who
have already been successful. Rick made over US$20,000 in his 10th month by following
the method he leaned from his mentor. He is teachable, follow step by step and very
enthusiastically help others to acquire what they want most in life and keep it simple.
This is the concept of our learning about "keep it simple"! Always ready to teach willing
and suitable candidate that deserved our time.
Are you ready to get started with plan that works? Big money is accumulated on small
money. Imagine, you can fulfill your dream by building your dreams one goal at a time.
Everyone can dream, but are you just one of those daydreamer?
If you believe it is possible in your subconscious mind, then your subconscious will
urge you to complete it. Plan your huge dream into daily action steps. This is not the
short distance sprint, but a marathon run, its all about "persistency". Adjust your
step according to your capability, follow the timetable daily, and persist till the end.

In summary, are you ?

Associating with people that have the same goal? (Association)

Do you know what do you really want in life? Very specific on your Goal. (Goal)
Stay focused on those goals until they are accomplished? (Persistent Action)
If youve honestly answered yes to these questions, then you are indeed fortunate to be
living a fulfilled life already. For this, we sincerely bless for your future ahead. You are
rare exception to average to the law of averages in life. However, if you are not to or can't
relate what we have said, behind your aggressive friends, then you may want to consider
the concept that we are going to tell. Or you are like 99.9% of the people who can't
answer yes all to above three questions, then please continue to read some incredible
Richard Poe, a former senior editor for Success Magazine, describe in his book, a shift in
thinking that has resulted in over 27 million working from home in the USA alone.
According to Entrepreneur Magazine, the average home based business income in USA is
US$50,250 (RM190,950 / S$80,400) a year, double the average working salary.
By the end of the decade over 44% will be based from home in the USA. This trend is
quickly sweeping the world, can you follow the wave and do the same things?
So you say, "Thats great but what are they doing? How can I begin?"
Well, many things. Here are just a few of them...
Direct Marketing via the Internet and Mail Order
Service businesses
Low cost manufacturing
Personal service
Computers and software applications

But you will say, "I dont know anything, how to work from home, dont even talk about
making money! "Don't worry, we didnt either but if youre teachable and motivated for
change, then
We can teach you how step by step
Corporate downsizing/lack of job security .People are dissatisfied with their jobs.
Because of too much pressure at work, but return too little. Most are not able to earn
enough money in their current job situation to accomplish their goals.
The Baby-Boomer generation. This segment of society was born between 1946 1964. Due to the large number of Baby Boomers, those who predicted the needs of these
people, and found a way to fill them have already made fortunes. As these people mature,
the market trend changed. Every industry is focusing on the habit of this generation. For
example in the USA, it was baby food in the 40 & 50's then came the primary school
boom. In the 60's, 784 New Universities had to be opened to support the huge influx of
student., The Real Estate boom in the 70's /80's created one of the largest housing
markets. As they had children, the mini car was born and became one of the most popular
vehicles on the road of today. Breakfast cereal is also one of the top sellers with an annual
sale of over US$500 million! Imagination, every pack cost only US$3 to US$4, yet
monthly turnover are several million to ten million, year after year. Do you have a better
concept with this example now?
In this new millennium, a major trend is developing. If you can predict it, you are sitting
on the gold mine! The exciting thing is that its so big that everyone who learns how to
position themselves in front of this wave will do very well financially. Are you ready for
it? Think about it, is developing very fast and we are looking for people to work with us
to meet this emerging trend. That is why we need people like you who get started right

But before we share our "home base business system" strategies, you must understand
something - You are participating the initial selection process. You must be the person
that we are looking for in order to know the secret of our new technique. All over the
world, thousands of people are paying hundreds, even thousands of dollars over the
weekend to attended various business seminars. They got excited during the seminars but
once they return to home, they arent even given the tools to begin earning money. This is
sad, to say the least. Some of us have been there and done that.
The foundation of our success is: Help you to be successfully! Thats why we dont just
sell you some information and tool and than disappear! We have a mission, we are
determined to fulfill our responsibility, use our time and system to help people who want
to be successful. Heaven will help those who help themselves: You have be more proactive in enterprising, then heaven would like to help you.
This selection process allows us to work with those who are serious and willing to take
immediate action. Due to the compelling nature of our market potential, we need to use
our time wisely. Once you get started, you will have no time to be curious.
Now lets get into the dynamic of "home base business system" and pay full attention.
This will be the start of your international training! Instead of slowly realizing it
aimlessly, why not use our proven experience and system tools which the same task was
completed in a shorter period of time.
SVB system combined the 4 powerful dynamics industries that created synergy never
possible before. Every individual industry might be instable itself like the chemical
element. It is the combination of these industries that developed an enormous powerful.
In the past, the speed of the development of these few industry was obvious. Using the
latest science and technology with careful planning, it enable us to have the capability to
create considerable wealth. As with any formula, it is the combination of each ingredient
that makes these so effectives.

The first powerful success industry:

Earn from home US$50,250 (RM190,950 / S$80,400) /average annual income
This mega-trend is a result of people wanting to be in control of their lives. They dont
like to report to someone else and have their chain jerked everyday by their boss.
10 seconds commute. No more stress from sitting in peak hour traffic or being late for
We all love to have pay rise: Majority had their salary raised 3% annually. In fact this is
salary reduction because it will never ascend accordingly to the inflationary rate. When
we work from home, we can earn 200% more than a working class salary. Almost
US$50,250 annually (RM190,950 /S$80,400) ! We all dream to have more money than
more our bills! Just like Karen and Troy from USA, they have an income of US$4000 a
day! Compare with other traditional small business such as retail store and restaurant,
home-based business success rate is higher, the failure rate (business collapse) for
traditional business is close to 95%.
You would love what we do! We have the flexibility to change our schedules for golf or
the kid activities. We can, if we want to sleep late, or sleep a little more! The biggest
advantage of working from home is we are more developed, and also have much
enthusiasm to everything we daily, that because our return is better than other job.
Over 80% of employees are dissatisfied with their work.
As parents, we are there when our children need us.
Like the Kims, a single mum who can spend time with the teenager's daughter at home.
Our children grow up in the eyes of the parents. We no longer need childcare center that
seeing our children growing up. Probably some children even called their nanny as
"mummy". Its a heart piercing decision to return back to work just when your child is
born. And you can't share the family burden if you choose to stay at home. After
deducting all the expenses, is it worth the few hundred dollars a month left over? We can
show you how to earn an extra RM1500 / S$500 to RM3000 / S$1500 around your
family part time. Imagine what you could achieve with some time and focus in the right
Amazingly, if we put our heart and mind to work this home-based business
wholeheartedly, we might be able to have an 6 figures annual income. This is twice more
than an average home business.

The second powerful success industry:

Through Direct Marketing via Internet and Mail order
US$450 Billion industry Worldwide
Direct Marketing is an enormous industry. Think of all the products that are sold through
the mail and over the internet. Have you watched all the television advertisement
recently? These companies are selling a huge range of products and are making a fortune.
Why are you not doing? Think of the catalogues you get in the mail to order books,
clothing, food or homewares. Think of all the sales made online by companies such as
Amazon, eBay, Priceline etc.
School teaches you the basic fundamental knowledge and theories of the market,
they do not teach you how to earn such a high income as describes! If there were,
then those professors would have already been wealthy, right?
Thousand of company is planning to sell their products such as automobile information,
furniture to many other related daily necessities. In fact, most of us already purchase this
"Home Based Business System" through mail order or internet. However, it is difficult to
find your niche therefore start earning some really serious income from Direct Marketing.
You need to develop a promotion that works, find a product people really want to buy,
have a quality manufacturing facility or supplier that can be reliable and who offers a
money back guarantee. Johns university professor try to teach him how to earn an
academic business degree in this sort of stuff, but if they knew how to earn the sort of
money were been talking about theyd be doing it now! Right?

The third powerful success industry:

Marketing and Technology
This is the most novel and powerful method of the four. It will not be effective if the
other three industries dont have it! This section could also be sub-titled "Work Smart,
Not Hard". It is the most dynamic method of building an ongoing income for the
average hard working person.
Unless you are an incredible talented writer, musician, actor or inventor, royalty or
residual income is probably not a term you are familiar with. These people earn a
percentage from every book, CD, movie or product sold. This long-term income will
constantly flow once the product first sold or work is completed. So even if they have
health issue or unable to work, money still keeps coming in.
Perhaps your have few hundred thousands to invest that you can live on the interest gain.
Or you have nothing. But with our marketing and the new technologies, we can show
you how to secure your financial future. In our system, residue income is earned from
the sale of each product and it is paid directly to you from the supplier company!
Although this idea has been around for at least 40 years, it has really became maturity
where Harvard and other universities professor are teaching these concepts of working
from home, plus building an effective method to generate income.
This New Era is largely due to the technologies that are now available to those who want
to work from home. As long as we give you a clear idea how useful were these tools. Just
imagine, being able to build and run an international business, right from the comfort of
your own home!
Directed use of these tools increases the potential earning capacity. No more glass
ceilings or salary caps. If you are ambitious and really want to utilize the advance
technology and system that we provide, you wont believe what is in store for you! The
key point is to use the tools that allow you to focus your efforts in the areas that make the
most difference. Remember, the biggest difference is we can provide you compares to
others, is "useful tool", rather than empty handed. Do you remember, "Work Smart,
Not Hard"?

So what is these technologies and system tool? We are sure you will understand that at
this point we cannot reveal fully the nature of our business system because it has exceed
the range of this manual. However, we can tell you our system utilizes advanced
telecommunications, internet, satellite technology and computers.
Because we are on the cutting edge of this wave, we continue to offer the best
combination of these technologies to equip you with the tools you will need.
As every person is different, so will be your choice and use of these tools. Your mentor
will guide and help you! Remember, our time is precious, so we make the greatest efforts
to provide you the most useful thing!
From the marketing standpoint, its all about maximizing reward and effort. Our rewards
are the highest in the industry. 73% of every dollar in turnover is allocated to some form
of financial compensation! Do you get this kind of return in the work you do now?
Our company has a solid rock foundation. Now in business more than 29 years, there are
over 45 million satisfied customers in more than 72 countries producing over US$3
billion in annual sales! This is predominantly due to breakthrough products delivering
exceptional results to a receptive market.
This combination of the marketing and technology we provide is beginning to capitalize
on the next wave, for person whom is searching for higher income. We are with
unprecedented velocity growth!
Now, for an everlasting business
We have saved the best for last.

The fourth powerful success industry:

Health and Nutrition
Annually Sales turnover US$300 billion
This is the best part of the business because without this product, the rest of it would be a
short-lived fad.
In the book " The Next Trillion" written by Paul Zane Pilzer, economics adviser of two
US presidents mentioned that wellness industry will grow up from current US$200
billion to US$1 Trillion in the next 10 years. Thats a 500% grow.
Remember what we talked about earlier in terms of the baby boomers? These people
want to look and feel as good as they did in their 20' s.
In USA, everyday 10,000 people reached the age of 50 years old, you might be having
business in the century like treasure baby food or a joy surname breakfast cereal of this
century. Just a small percentage of this market can make your business very successful.
When these baby boomers attend their 20th anniversary alumni gathering, usually they
will share their problem from each other. As you know, is the normal life topic
conversation. But when they come in sight of the Johnny and Jane, who are lovers during
high school, now happily got married and full of happiness. They drive the most prestige
car, even better than those professional like lawyer and doctor
Surprisingly, when you asked them what are they doing recently. They mention two years
ago they will in bad shape, depressed and almost divorced. You cant even imagine, as
they look as good as when they were in high school graduation now! They used to work
very long hours, never notice changes on each other and lifestyle was bad. Until one day,
they received a small booklet. At the beginning they have doubt, but they decided to give
it a try. Amazingly, less than seven months doing it part-time, they have reached a 5
figures US$ income! If they throw away that booklet then they will not be here telling
you this story. That booklet changed their life, and the"Home Base Business System"is
the reason behind it.
That booklet changed their life, and the "Home Based Business System"is the
reason behind it.

Nearly half of populations have already become clinically obese, meaning at least 10 kg
overweight, these baby boomers are creating another industry. Thousands of people
everyday are spending money on fad diets that they hope will help them get rid of their
unwanted fat, sometimes even at the risk of their health!
Everyone in the world, not just the Americans, become unhealthy due to the working
environment and inappropriate food habit. Cancer is number one cause of death, follow
by tuberculosis and heart attack. Over 70% of death is diet related.
Over 70% of death is diet related
This product can change your eating habit, keep you away from the disease, you will
certainly love it. What will keep someone buying the product contiguously? When it is
effective and able to maintain your health in the best condition everyday. It should not be
available in retail stores, it should be reasonable price and something that people want,
not just need.
The product we chose is highly effective due the use of botanical factors and modern
food technologies. They have been formulated through the collective experience and
expertise of a world-class medical board. The best raw material used come from every
part of the world, you feel the energy increase immediately. It is targeted on each cell to
nourish your body with the most advanced anti-aging and anti-oxidizing agent
formulation! In addition, it is produced using cutting edge technology.
No matter what is the hard work, one of our greatest rewards is hearing people
everyday tell of their positive health results and more successful story!
So, why havent we told you the supplier and its product?
Two reasons :
Competition: Because we do not know who you are, we need to protect our "Homebased business system", from those who would try to imitate it.
Our supplier company is not responsible for this literature: We are two separate entities
working towards the same goal. We just match with their advertisement regulation, once
we are determine you are the person whom we have intention to work with, we will
inform you of all the details and all of your questions will be answered.

Now, let us spent some time to review.

1. Could you connect the dots in the beginning of the book? Don't worry if you couldnt
(we couldnt either until we are taught how!) (Yes/ No) [Page 3]
2. How much do you consider as big income earner?
3. What are the 3 keys to unlocking the door to success in your life? [Page 10]
4. During your review with your mentor, be prepared to discuss your goals at some
length. [Page 8]
5. Complete the following sentence:
If your dream is enough big, [page 7]

6. List the 2 major trends to the tremendous success of the "Home-based Business
System" [page 12]

7. What are the four type of industries that are mentioned "Home-based Business
System" ?
1) _________________________________________ (Page 15)

2) ________________________________________ (Page 17)

3) _________________________________________ (Page 18)

4) ________________________________________ (Page 21)

( End of Part 1 training )
The Part 2 Training begin on next page!

TRAINING 2 Part 2 Training

DVD Revision
(approximately 10 mins)
In summary, Robert Kiyosaki Explains The Perfect Business? How do you feel? What is
the reason that these people are successful?

TRAINING 3 Part 3 Training

DVD Revision
(approximately 10 mins)

After going through this 10 mins DVD, write down in detail the future industries trends
that can create a fortune?

Being teachable and staying committed is essential in being successful with anything.
"Home-based business System" is also not exception. Make sure you have answered the
questions and be ready to discuss them with your personal mentor. Please remember, this
is a selection process. Your training has already begun. So pay attention: if you are
selected, we believe that when your get started, you want to be ahead of the rest.
Taking the first step is the beginning of success. By calling your mentor, stay away
from those dream stealer, they will only tell you that you cannot be successful. They only
wish you to believe that you are just an ordinary person.
They like people to share their suffering.
People who took the road less traveled toward success are not sure and steadfast. It like a
river flow in bend and curve reluctantly.
For things to change, YOU have to change

Here are a few tips when talking to your personal mentor:

You became the host, just like when you invited someone how you want to be treated.
With lot of politeness, like you are in being interviewed for a high salary position
(because this is exactly it is!).
Be prepared to give some brief background information on yourself. FORM
F - family , where you live - where you are from.
O - occupation , what you currently do or background.
R recreation , sport, music, hobbies, etc.
M - money or message , discuss where would you like to be and how much income
Describe what it was that made you respond and order the "Home-based business
Have this manual ready for discussion. Together we will review the thinking and
discovery in your first 3 introduction parts.
After that, your mentor may ask you some questions more specific to your situation to
determine an action plan.
We always be here to lead you!
Please remember:
If your "why to change" is not STRONG enough,
Then, "how to act" will become unimportant.
Choose Success!

Call your mentor as soon as you have reviewed your material

Find out the other "hidden secret" and how to acquire your free gift.
You can immediately start putting cash in your pocket!
Warm and Close assistance awaits you any time!
These successful examples are not intent to indicate all or any representatives will earn
the income stated. On the contrary, they have proven while building their business
through time, great effort, hard work, willing to follow the result of the experiences such
as instruction and training etc. of the mentor. Not everyone will be able to reach the same
income level, because individual's success is determined by his/her desires, dedication,
learning mindset and the willingness to work.

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