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1. Dietary oxalate originates almost exclusively from plant-derived foods.

The highest content

of oxalate is in
A. Spinach
B. Raw carot
C. Steamed white rice
D. Steamed broccoli
2. Which may cause acute renal failure in patients with nephrotic syndrome
A. Dietary protein restriction
B. ACE inhibitors
C. Lipid-lowering agents
D. Loop diuretics
3. A patient with Crohns disease passes a kidney stone; the most likely composition is
A. Calcium phosphate
B. Uric acid
C. Struvite
D. Calcium oxalate
4. In patients with chronic renal failure,which of the following is the most important contributor
to renal ostodystrophy
A. Impaired renal production of 1,25dihydroxyvitaminD
B. Hypophosphatemia
C. Loss of vitamin D and calcium via dialysis
D. The use of calcitriol
5. In acute renal failure, dietary protein should be restricted in which of the following
A. All patients with BUN >100
B. All patients with creatinine >10
C. Only in patients who are well nourished on hospital admission
D. If azotemia is advanced and dialysis is not option
6. Nephrocalcinosis can be associated with
A. the routine use of calcium-based phosphate binders
B. the routine use of aluminum-based phosphate binders
C. calcitoin-related peptide
D. Crohns disease
7. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning calcium/phosphate balance in
chronic rnal renal failure?
A. Increased circulating level of parathyroid hormone is uncommon in chronic
B. Hyperphosphatemia is related to Reduced renal excretion and reduces PTH secretion.

C. Extrarenal production of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is increased in chronic renal failure.

D. 1,25(OH) 2 Vitamin D (calcitriol) increases gut absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
8. Which of the following is/are true of the nephrotic syndrome?
A. Plasma volume is usually increased.
B. It is usually associated with renal sodium wasting.
C. The incidence of infection is increased.
D. Albumin infusions are of significant benefit for treatment of hypoalbuminemia And edema
10. Which of the following is/are the direct results of chronic, but rarely acute, renal failure,
A. Elevted alkaline phosphatase from bone
B. Radiographic signs of renal osteodystrophy
C. Bilaterally small kidneys
D. Hypertension
11. The following is an inhibitor of crystal and stone formation in the urine
A. Citrat
B. Inorganic pyrophosphate
C. Glycoprotein
D. All
12. Condition known to decrease urinary citrate ..
A. High sodium diet*
B. Vitamin D
C. Cacitonin
D. magnesium
13. Condition known to increase urinary citrate is
A. high protein diet
B. high sodium diet
C. thiazide
D. fumrat
14. High salt diet in case of neprolithiasis result in.
A. Decrease in urinary citrate
B. Decrease in urinary cystine
C. Decrease in urinary calcium
D. Decrease Increase in Monosodium Urate
15. Dietary recommendations in nephrotic syndrome
A. Soy protein may be more beneficial than high-quality protein

B. Proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids less then 8%% of energy

C. Fish oil may be beneficial for every patient
D. Iron for every case of iron deficient
16. Dietary intke in oxalate-rich foods or excessive ascorbic acid ingestion can contribute to
hyperoxaluri through intestinal absorption of oxalate. However, controversy persists
regarding the importance of dietary ascorbic acid.
A. High dose of vitamin C do not increase the risk of calcium oxalate stone disease.
B. High doses of vitamin C increase the risk of calcium oxalate stone disease.
C. Ascorbate excretion will not increases as vitamin C ingestion is initiated.
D. Ascorbate excretion increases when vitamin C ingestion is initiated, but will not level
out after 24 hours.
17. Treatment patients with hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis is:
A. lowering the urinary saturation.
B. inhibiting crystallization of calcium salts.
C. giving potasium citrate
D. all of the above.
18. Certain medications (e.g., acetazolamide and lithium) used to treat other medical
conditions are known to be associated with calcium stone formation. Such medication is
A. acetazolamide
B. sulphonamide
C. penicillinamide
D. none of the above
19. Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defects in renal and
intestinal transport of dibasic amino acids, that is
A. cystine
B. methionine
C. leusine
D. valine
20. Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by defects in renal and
intestinal transport of dibasic amino acids, that is
A. cystine
B. methionine
C. leusine
D. valine
22. Salah satu cirri Spironolakton yaitu:

Bekerja pada Ansa Henle



Efek samping hiperkalemia


Termasuk diuretika kuat


Merangsang reabsorpsi Na pada tubulus distal

23. Salah satu cirri Tiazid yaitu:


Mempunyai efek Relative steep dose response curve


Digunakan untuk Mountain sickness acute


Efek antidiuretika pada diabetes insipidus


Efektif bila GFR <20 ml/menit

24. Salah satu ciri Diuretik kuat yaitu:

A. Efek samping berupa hipourikemia
B. Bekerja dengan menghambat enzim karbonik anhidrase
C. Mempunyai efek Flat dose renponse curve
D. Digunakan juga untuk edema paru akut
25. Salah satu cirri Amilorid yaitu:.
A. Menyebabkan hilangnya ion bikarbonat
B. Termasuk golongan penghambat karbonil anhidrase
C. Efek samping berupa pembesaran prostat
D. Dapat menimbulkan hiperglikemia
26. Glukokortikoid kerja panjang:
A. Triamsinolon
B. Parametason
C. Hidrokortison
D. Metilprednisolon
27. Efek glukokortikoid terhadap metabolism yaitu:
A. Glukoneogenesis menurun
B. Anabolisme
C. Lipolisis
D. Absorpsi Kalsium
28. Yang termasuk efek samping yang berhubungan efek jaringan:
A. Katarak
B. Hipertensi
C. Insufisiensi korteks adrenal
D. Gangguan penyembuhan luka
29. Glukokortikoid menimbulkan efek potensiasi bila diberikan bersama:
A. Tiazid

B. Antikoagulan
C. Asam salisilat
D. Fenitoin
30. Sebagai imunosupresi, glukokortikoid diindikasikan terhadap:
A. Edema serebral
B. Anemia hemolitik
C. Penyakit kolagen, misalnya SLE
D. Addisons disease

The most complication can occur in acute Kidney injury patient is:
A. Hypertension
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Infection
D. Dissiminated intravascular coagulation

32. In the clinic, GFR can predict by:

A. Creatinine clearance test
B. Serum ureum
C. Serum creatinine
D. Serum creatinine and serum ureum
33. All the following are symptom in Nephrotic syndrome, except
A. Hypoalbuminemia
B. Massive proteinuria
C. Uremia
D. Hypercholesterolemia
34. Renal bone disorders in patient with CKD :
A. Renal osteodystrophy
B. Osteosclerosis
C. Osteomalacia
D. Osteitis fibrosa
35. The first sign of Diabetic Nephropathy in Diabetic patient is:
A. Microscopic hematuria
B. Microalbuminuria
C. Proteinuria
D. Bacteriuria
36. Not risk factor to CKD :
A. Age
B. Diabetes mellitus
C. Hypertension
D. Anemia
37. All the following are treatment of hyperkalemia in CKD, except:
A. Given insulin glucose solution
B. Given normal saline solution
C. Given Sodium bicarbonate solution
D. Given kation exchange resin
38. Which of these is not a function of the kidney::
A. Help control the rate of red blood cell production
B. Regulated the composition of water volume, and pH of the body
C. Help to regulate blood pressure
D. Deactivate vitamine D and stimulated the activity of osteoclast

39. Which force favors filtration:

A. Capsular osmotic pressure
B. Capsular hydrostatic pressure
C. Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
D. Glomerular capillary osmotic pressure
40. Wichh factors does not affect glomerular filtration rate?
A. Osmotic pressure of the glomerular filtrate
B. Concentration of leucocytes in the blood
C. Plasma osmotic pressure
D. Blood pressure
41. What is the main factor that causes urine to enter the kidneys?
A. Osmosis
B. Peristaltic
C. Gravity
D. Pressure
42. The main function of the kidney is :
A. To control of blood pressure
B. Help digestion of food
C. To control body temperature
D. To remove waste product from the body
43. The pathopyisiologic mechanism of reduced glomerular filtration rate is:
A. Hypovolumia
B. Decreased relaxation of affrent arterioles
C. Increased relaxation of efferent arterioles
D. Acute tubular necrosis
44. Which of these is not indication for initiation of hemodyalisis patient:
A. CKD with asterixis on examination and mental status changes
B. AKI , anuric with evidence of pulmonary edema
C. CKD with an estimated creatinine clearance of 20 ml/min per 1.73 m
D. AKI with potassium of 8.0 mmol/L and ECG abnormalities

45. Which of the following is true regarding renal blood flow:

A. The GFR is not related to renal blood flow
B. The kidney receive 50% of cardiac output
C. The kidneys are highly vascular organs and receive 1-1,2 L of blood perminute
D. No autoregulations is found in renal blood flow
46. In patients with CKD, which of the following is the most important contributor to renal
A. Hypophosphatemia
B. The use of calcitriol
C. Impaired renal production of 1,25-dihydroxy vit D3
D. Hypocalcemia
47. What is the appropriate term for when fluid moves from the tubular lumen to the peritubular
capillary plasma?
A. Tubular secretion
B. Tubular excretion
C. Ultrafiltration
D. Tubular reabsorption
48. Which substance controls final urine concentration?
A. Renin
B. Anti diuretic hormone

C. Angiotensin
D. Urea
50. Lesi berupa papul di daerah kontak seksual, timbul 10-90 hari (rerata 3 pekan) berupa papul
ukuran 0,5-1,5 cm yang segera menjadi ulkus bulat atau sedikit lonjong, diameter 1-2 cm, tepi
berindurasi tapi tidak nyeri dengan dasar bersih disebut

Condyloma lata


Ulkus molle


Condyloma acuminata


Ulkus durum

51. Pada pemeriksaan sediaan basah sekret vagina pasien kandidosis vulvovagina dengan
penambahan KOH 10% didapatkan:
A. Hifa panjang bercabang
B. Pseudohifa
C. Gambaran sphagetty and meatball
D. Hifa pendek
52. Tes sederhana yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendeteksi kondiloma
akuminata adalah:
A. Tes Thomsom
B. Tes acetowhite
C. Kolposkopi
D. Tes Sniff
53. Pengobatan pilihan pertama untuk uretritis non gonore adalah:
A. Doksisiklin 2x100 mg/hari selama 7 hari
B. Siprofloksasin dosis tunggal 500mg
C. Benzatin penisilin 2,4 juta unit
D. Amoksilin 3x500mg/hari selama 7 hari
54. Seorang perempuan dengan berobat dengan keluhan discharge vagina yang berwarna
keputihan kental dan berbau amis. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorik tampak pH vagina>4,5 dan
ditemukan sel clue. Terapi yang dapat diberikan pada perempuan tersebut adalah
A. Sefiksim peroral
B. Metronidazol peroral
C. Klotrimazol pervaginam
D. Doksisiklin peroral
55. Seorang laki-laki datang dengan keluhan timbul lepuh-lepuh disertai lecet pada kelaminnya.
Sebelum timbul lesi penderita merasa demam, nyeri otot terasa panas sekitar kelamin.
Penderita melakukan hubungan seksual kurang lebih satu pekan yang lalu dengan PSK. Pada
pemeriksaan venereologikus ditemukan vesikel berkelompok pada preputium, sebagian
tampak ulkus dangkal. Pengobatan yang dapat diberikan pada penderita ini adalah
A. Valasiklovir 500 mg dosis tunggal
B. azitromisin 1 gram dosis tunggal
C. asiklovir 5x 800 mg / hari peroral selama 7-10 hari
D. siprofloksasin 2 x 500 mg / hari selama tiga hari

56. Kriteria Amsels merupakan kriteria diagnostik untuk penyakit

A. servisitis gonore
B. vaginosis bakterialis
C. trikomoniasis
D. kandidosis vulvovaginal
57. Colpitis macularis atau `strawberry cervix` meski jarang ditemukan merupakan gambaran
A. Trichomonas vaginalis
B. Herpes Genitalis
C. Kondiloma akuminata
D. Kondiloma lata
58. Seorang perempuan dating dengan keluhan keputihan kental, saat pemeriksaan klinis
ditemukan duh tubuh servikal mukopurulen, edema dan ektopik servikal, dan serviks mudah
berdarah. Pemeriksaan laboratorik menunjukkan jumlah lekosit >30/LP. Kemungkinan
penyebab penyakit adalah...
A. Infeksi C.trachomatis
B. Infeksi N. gonorrhoeae
C. Infeksi C.albicans
D. Infeksi T.vaginalis
59. Gejala khas pasien uretritis non gonore adalah:
A. Sekret uretra kuning kehijauan
B. Morning drops
C. Disuria berat
D. Ulkus pada glans penis
60. Pasien dengan batu pada saluran kemih dapat diterapi secara konservatif
(diuretic, blocker), kecuali:
a. Ukuran batu 4mm
b. Kolik ringan
c. Tidak ada episode urosepsis
d. Ada hidronefrosis
e. Semua benar
61. Pemberian antibiotika pada penderita batu saluran kemih tidak boleh dilakukan kecuali :
a. Ukuran batu > 20 mm
b. Penderita tidak mau dioperasi
c. Bila akan dilakukan tindakan/ instrumentasi atau pembedahan
d. Boleh diberikan kapan saja
e. Semua benar
62. Termasuk dalam tindakan bedah minimal invasive pada terapi batu saluran kemih adalah:
a. Nefrolitotomi
b. Perkutaneus nefrolitolapaksi
c. Vesikolitotomi
d. Ureterolitotomi
e. Semua benar
63. Indikasi untuk dilakukan tindakan pembedahan segera / urgent adalah sebagai berikut :


Ada urosepsis
Pekerjaan (pilot, driver, dokter bedah)
Obstruksi bilateral
a dan b benar
Semua diatas

64. Indikasi tindakan drainase urine segera/urgent pada saluran kemih adalah
a. Obstruksi anuria
b. Batu ginjal > 20mm
c. Double system saluran kemih
d. Tumor ginjal
e. Semua benar
65. Faktor predisposisi tumor ganas pada penis adalah pada laki-laki yang:
a. Berumur tua
b. Tidak sirkumsisi
c. Istri banyak
d. Perokok berat
e. Semua benar
66. Manfaat pemeriksaan HCG dan FP (tumor marker ) pada penderita tumor testis adalah :
a. Diagnose dan jenis tumor
b. Menentukan stadium tumor
c. Evaluasi pengobatan
d. Prognosa
e. Semua benar
67. Tumor ganas prostat banyak mengenai pada laki-laki yang:
a. Usia muda
b. Banyak melakukan aktifitas seksual
c. Meningkat dengan bertambahnya usia
d. Telah dilakukan kastrasi
e. Vegetarian
68. Sifat tumor urotelial adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali :
a. Multifocal
b. Sering residif
c. Progresif
d. Sangat efektif dengan terapi radiasi
e. Transisional sel
69. Berikut ini adalah factor resiko tumor urotelial kecuali :
a. Perokok
b. Menderita batu buli
c. Pemakaian analgesic yang salah (penacetin)
d. Wanita lebih banyak
e. Pemakaian zat warna / cat

70. A man is came to the polyclinic with dysuria and was diagnosed as non


urethritis. Laboratorium examination was found inclusions bodies. Etiology of the infection
A. Candida albicans
B. Mycoplasm
C. Chlamydia trachomatis
D. Urea plasma
71. A urinary tract infection as a result of Proteus mirabilis fascilitates the formation of kidney
stones because organism ;

Destroy blood vessels in the kidney



Exhibitswarming motility


Ferments many sugars


Produce a potent urease

72. A 18- year- old women is brought to the polyclinic with dysuria. Laboratorium examination
was found Gram + bacteriae. The most possible etiology is ;





K. pneumoniae


Staphylococcus saprophyticus

73. Virulence factor of E.coli that correlated with kidney damages is ;




Haemolysine production


Urease production



74. A 2-year-old infant is brought to the ER (emergency room) with hematuria, fever, bloody
diarrhea and kidney failure. Which one of the following bacteria would most likely be
isolated from a stool spacimen ;

Aeromonas species


Enterobacter aerogenes


E.coli 0157/H7



75. 55-year-old women is noted to have pyelonephritis with shaking chills and fever. Blood
cultured is obtained and Gram is read preliminarily as consistent Proteus species. With of the
following bacteria also may be the etiology ;

Group B streptococcus


Staphylococcus aureus




Streptococcus pyogenes

76. Acute glomerulonephritis in children often occurs after infection of the throat by:
A. Pneumooccocus
B. Streptococcus hemolyticus group A
C. Viral
D. Streptokokus viridians
E. Kliebsiella pneumoni
77. Anti-Streptolysin O response is poor in patient with APSGN associated with.
A. Acute pharingitis

B. Acute tonsillitis
C. Acute pharingitis
D. Pyodermia
78. Decreased C3 titer can be found in patient with
A. Henoch-Schonlein Nephritis
B. Alport Syndrome
C. Ig A nephropathy
79. Over 5 percent of children wth APSGN can occur a complication from:
A. Chronic renal failure
B. Acute renal failure
C. Acute congestive heart failure
D. Hypertensive encephalopathy
80. Minimal change nephrotic syndrome generally affects children aged ..(years)
A. < 1
B. 1 - 5 .
C. 6 - 10
D. 10 -12
E. > 10 tahun
81. Reduced plasma albumin level in patients with NS leads to
A. Increased Calcium level
B. Decreased Aldosteron
C. Increased plasma renin activity
D. Decreased antidiuretic hormone secretion,
E. Overload intravascular volume
82. Proteinuria occurs due to increased of :
A. glomerular capillary permeability

fixed negative charges

C. the proximal tubules to reabsorb all of the filtered proteins.

D. the distal tubules to reabsorbsi all of the protein
83. Desi, a 5 years old girl was admitted to Department of Childhealth with a diagnosis of
NephroticSyndrome. She was treated with

oral prednisone with the initial dose of :

(.mg/Kg BW/day)
A. 2/3
B. 1

C. 1,5
D. 2

84. After 28 days of treatment, dose of steroid was decreased into the



A .30
B 40
C. 50
D. 60
85. The most common cause of primary idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children is:
A. Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis
B. Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
C. Membranous glomerulopathy
D. Minimal change disease
86. The common cause of mortality in the primary nephrotic syndrome is:
A. Acute renal failure
B. hypertensive encephalopathy
C. Congestive heart failure
D. Sepsis
87. The inheritance pattern of primary idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is/ are:
A. Autosomal recessive
B. X-linked recessive
C. Autosomal dominant
D. Sporadic
88. Reasons for biopsy in a patient with nephrotic syndrome include:
A. Continued proteinuria after a week of prednisone therapy.
B. Age at onset of 10 months.
C. Relapse 1 year after initial course of therapy.
D. Cholesterol level greater than 400 mg/dL.

89. A 12-year-old girl presents with episodes of dark cola-colored urine. She reports
having had an upper respiratory tract infection with cough and myalgias
approximately 1 week prior to the hematuria episode. The patient denies having had a
sore throat at any time. The upper respiratory infection resolved spontaneously.
Physical examination is normal. Urinalysis shows many dysmorphic RBCs. Which of
the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Alports syndrome
B. Henoch-Schnlein purpura
C. IgA nephropathy
D. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
92. 11-year-old boy presents with acute onset of edema and hematuria. Approximately 3 weeks
ago, he was treated for pharyngitis, and exudates on his tonsils were noted at that time. Since
then, the patient has felt well but 1 week ago he noted the onset of dark, cola-colored urine
and swelling of his legs. On physical examination, blood pressure is 140/95 mm Hg and there
is marked peripheral edema. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Alports syndrome
B. Henoch-Schnlein purpura
C. IgA nephropathy
D. Acute Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
93. A 10-year-old woman presents with a 2-week history of hematuria. She describes her urine as
cola-colored in appearance. Urinalysis reveals many red blood cells (RBCs) per high-power
field (hpf) and RBC casts. The RBCs appear dysmorphic. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Cystitis
B. lomerulonephritis
C. Nephrolithiasis
D. Pyelonephjritis

94. Which of the following tests is not used for screening kidney function?

24 hours urine protein excretion


albumin/creatinine ratio


plasma renin activity


uric acid plasma


Urine specific gravity

95. All of the following statements are true, except



Renin is a proteolytic enzyme produced by the kidney.

B. Increased blood flow through the kidney causes an increase in renin secretion.
C. Kidney dysfunction can result in anemia.
D. Increased production of epinephrine can result in increase production of rennin
E. Increase production of Angiotension 2, can result increase production of aldosteron
96. The disease that could cause primer glomerulonephritis is:
Diabetes melitus
Pharingitis caused by streptococcus
97. The condition that occur quick deterioration of renal function in glomerulonephritis patient
is called by:
A. Rapidly renal failure
C. Endstage renal failure
D. Acute progresive nephritic syndrom
98. The pathogenesis of hemodynamic glomerulonephritis:
A. Immune complex deposition in kidney
B. glomerular hypertension
C. Advance Glicosylation end-products
D. Bacterial deposition in glomerulus

Nephrotic syndrom:
A. Edema anasarca + hypoalbuminemia+ hyperuricemia+ nephrotic proteinuria
B. Edema anasarca + hypoalbuminemia+ hypertension + massive proteinuria
C. Could caused by Diabetes Melitus
D. Could not cause lipid abnormalities
Mr. Nano , 50 years old, complained the edema in his legs since several days ago. He had
history of diabetes since 15 years ago. When he came to doctor, the doctor found the BP=
160/100 mmHg, non pitting edema in his legs. The fasting and post prandial blood glucose

were 160 and 275 g%; ureum 60,1 mg/dl; creeatinin 2,4 mg/dl, and protein urine was (+).
100. The most possible diagnosis of this case is:
A. Nephrotic syndrom caused by DM
B. Acute nephritic syndrom caused by DM
C. CKD caused by diabetic nephropathy
D. CKD caused by Hypertension
101. To support the diagnosis, doctor shouid examine:
A. CT scan
B. Calculate the creatinin clereance
C. Examine HbA1c
D. Renal Biopsy
102. The renal function of this case:
A. Abnormal, because proteinuria
B. Normal, because the patient was not dispnoe
C. Abnormal, because the creatinine cleareance is high
D. Abnorfmal, because the creatinene serum is higher than normal
103. The treatment of the disease is:


Oral hypoglicemic drugs


104. High blood pressure in this patient:

A. Could not influence the renal function
B. The best treatment is ACE inhibitor
C. Stage 1 hypertension
D. Should be decreased until 160/90 mmHg
105. Water is importance component in the body:
A. Extracellular water: 40% body weight
B. The kidney plays a pivotal role in the maintenance of water homeostasis
C. Female has more total body water than male
D. Intracellular water: 20% body weight
106. Hypovolemia:
A. One of the sign hypovolemia is increase blood pressure
B. Hypovolemia could cause tissue hyperperfusion
C. In hipovolemia, hemoglobin is usually low
D. Could cause acute kidney injury
107. Dehydration:
A. Is water decreases without the electrolytes
B. Could caused by the use of diuretics
C. The level of plasma sodium is normal
D. The difference between volume depletion and dehydration is level of potassium
108. In Nephrotic syndrom:
A. Water and sodium retention
B. Edema anasarca is cause by decrease of hydrostatic pressure
C. Hypernatremia is common condition
D. Diuretics could cause hyperkalemia
109. The condition In renal failure:
A. Respiratory acidosis
B. Metabolic acidosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Metabolic alkalosis
110. Hypernatremia:
A. There is an U wave in ECG pattern
B. Serum sodium level above 130 meq/L
C. Could happens when water excreation passes beyond the sodium excretion
D. Drink a lot of sodium 3% solution
111. Potassium is importance electolyte in the body:
A. Concentrantion in extracell more than intracellular
B. Insulin can not stimulate potassium enter into the cell
C. High T wave in ECG pattern means hypokalemia
D. Usually high in endstage renal failure
112. Hypokalemia:
A. Could caused by administration of sprinolacton diuretic
B. Serum potassium < 3.5.mmol/L is life threatening symptoms
C. ECG examination could detect the abnormality
D. The treatment of mild hypokalemia is IV potassium injection
113. Clinical manifestations of hyperkalemia is:
A. Muscle cramp

B. Constipation
C. Bladder dysfunction
D. Glucose intolerance


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