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FirstState Heritage:
2010 Foundations Moving Forward
Every enduring monument
has a solid foundation, and
the key to its legacy is a well-
placed cornerstone that will
not waver under pressure. At
FSB we have established
ourselves as a sturdy reser-
voir that reinvests in the com-
munity, and there is no better
analogy than that of the R.L.
Harris Dam. Hydropower
has proven effective because
it uses the plentiful resource
of water to create power, and
The BankNote

then returns it to the environ-

ment once it has finished. In
1983, this energy model was
brought to our region in the

form of the Harris Dam,

which diverts water from the R. L. Harris Dam, operating since April 1983
Tallapoosa River into a tur-
bine to generate electricity for “The further back in time you look, the further
area residents. Once the into the future you can see”...Winston Churchill
containment has served its
purpose, the water is released back into the river through the floodgates. Rainfall naturally
replenishes the water in the reservoir, thereby creating a clean, renewable source of energy
to push the generators. As such, the dam produces no pollution for our environment, and
contrarily creates a habitat for wildlife like Egrets and Blue Herons. Anyone standing atop
the walkway or in the observation park below can see the natural wonders that converge at
this critical juncture, from the turbulence of the water in the spillway, to the peaceful reflec-
tions of the rock-faced shoreline. Much of our community’s workforce proudly helped build
the dam, including R.V. Estes, grandfather of FirstState Loan Processor, Stephanie Denney.
Before construction of such a marvel as the Harris Dam can begin,
it requires that someone first envision what can be gained from its
advent, when others might see only a rolling river. Conversely,
once the vision has become a reality and proven itself over time, the
initial qualms of the endeavor are soon forgotten, as the benefits of
the present dispel all doubts. This blend of forethought and deter-
mination can be seen in the lobby of FirstState Bank, where our
walls display pictures that capture the spirit of our heritage that our
community holds dear. Just as with the Harris Dam, we believe that
that cherishing these treasures of our past will keep us grounded as
we delve into technologies to better serve generations of the future.
Santa Claus Came to Town...

On Dec 10th of 2009, Santa & Mrs. Claus paid a first-time visit to First-
State Bank, and spread holiday cheer throughout our Lineville Lobby.
Santa took his annual inventory of Christmas wishes from 30 of our
community’s children, and even a few adults, never too old to feel
young at heart. Not to be outdone, Mrs. Claus was quick to entertain
the families in line with complimentary cookies, straight from her
North Pole kitchen. A few of Santa’s elves were even spotted opening
New Accounts. Some traditions should never change, and at First-
State Bank we believe that a bank should be more than just a place to
keep your money. We believe that a bank should know its commu-
nity, and share the joy as well as the wealth. We enjoyed this oppor-
tunity to spend Christmas with our customers, as well as the Clauses.

The Bookworm Club...

One of the most valuable skills that elementary students have to master is that of learning to read. The English Language in
particular makes this task even more difficult, containing a complex set of grammar rules filled with many an exception. For
those of us that remember struggling with the nuances of synonyms, antonyms, acronyms, etc, the Bookworm Club holds a
special value. This program requires that every nine weeks, elementary students meet the reading goals given to them by their
faculty. FirstState Bank then presents the students that are successful with a reward in a special ceremony. The Bookworm
Club program originated with the Community Bankers Association of Alabama, and FSB is proud to continue it in our commu-
nity, as one more way to bolster literacy. The message that we aim to send is that reading pays off, and that the struggles of
today will reap rewards in the future. Just for fun and to share the experience, how many of our readers can remember the
difference between a homonym and homograph? For the answer, see our bank’s page at www.facebook.com/firststatebank.

Reading can be difficult. You have to keep at it...

It takes a lot of concentration.

Sometimes you have to

read between the lines. ...to see the forest for the trees.

Page 2 T HE B A N K N O T E
Internet Banking...

We know there are times when you would rather stay at home. With Internet Banking, you can still do business no matter what
the weather or time of day. Enroll at www.FirstStateDirect.com and you can: Make a loan payment. Check your balance.
Pay your bills online. Review your statement. And if you have questions, IB Specialist Ashley Burton is just a phone call away.


Rather than shuffling from envelope One of IB’s most popular features!
to envelope, this window allows you This little helper will actually remind
to pay all your bills from one easy you IN ADVANCE that you have a
location. You can even choose bill coming due very soon. This is
which date each will be paid, after IB especially helpful for bills that don’t
prompts the earliest. Once you set come due every month, like auto
it in motion, paying bills takes a insurance or subscription renewals.
couple of minutes and zero postage.
Need even more tracking? Pending
Forgotten what’s been paid? This
window keeps track of it all and
Customer Service Payments shows which of your bills
have been scheduled to pay and
shows the history of all paid bills. with Ashley Burton just haven’t finished processing yet.

To protect your identity, IB applications are not approved until FSB speaks with you in person. When
making a call, we dial the phone number that our current records show, NOT WHAT IS WRITTEN ON
THE APPLICATION. If the numbers are not the same, we do not call the new phone number. There-
fore, before Internet Banking can be extended to you, it is important that you call us at 256-396-2187.

J A N - F E B 20 1 0 Page 3
In The Spotlight: FSB Leadership Team...

Construction on FirstState Bank’s new Lineville Office began in Dec 2006 and was completed two years ago this
month, to replace the original building whose success had outgrown its surroundings. In that short lapse of time, it
has quickly become the most salient landmark in the city limits, and has proven to be the next successful chapter in
the ongoing story of FirstState’s legacy. Were it not for the prudence of our Officers & Board of Directors to decide to
break ground and create a superior customer experience, this viable vision would have never become a reality. As
Clay & Randolph Counties step into another decade, FirstState Bank will stand ready to assist them. Pictured from
left to right: Rick Whatley, Steve Foster, Kristine Miller, Pam Loveless, Walter Ice, David Franklin, Ramona Knight,
Donna Morris, Larry Raughton, Don Hogan, Donald Harris, Jim Malone, Carlton DeVaughn, J.B. “Mac” McCord,
Bernard Spurlin, Doyle Phillips, Jo Anne Blair, Anna Marie Rush, Buster Robertson, Ken Vaughan, and Roger Hollon.

Community Life: January Jonquils...

Jonquils are one tough beauty! Unlike most flowers,
they bloom against the grain in the blustery cold of Janu-
ary, rather than in the Spring. In fact, once the month of
March arrives and the temperature begins to rise, these
Southern members of the Daffodil family will mostly be
an afterthought. For the moment though, they are again
dotting the countryside with their trumpeting yellow
buds, and are giving us their annual reminder that the
New Year has finally come. Jonquils originally arrived in
Alabama from Spain under the proper name, Narcissus
Jonquilla, which was spread to Western Europe centu-
ries ago by the Roman Empire. To no surprise, these
flowers require very little maintenance in order to thrive,
and can be easily planted to enhance a garden. For
most of AL though, Jonquils are found in the wild, trium-
phantly affirming life amid the otherwise dead of Winter.
If you have a digital picture of life in our community that you would like to share in a future issue of The BankNote, please email it to:
Vaughn.Samuels@FirstStateDirect.com. Submissions are not guaranteed to be published and stories may require editing.

Lineville Office Ashland Office Wedowee Office

P.O. Box 547 P.O. Box 518 P.O. Box 264
Lineville, AL 36266 Ashland, AL 36251 Wedowee, AL 36278
(256)396-2187 (256)354-2145 (256)357-0440

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