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Grade 9


Rate of reaction
It is measured by the rate of formation of products or the rate of disappearance of reactants.
Experiment to measure the rate of the reaction between limestone (calcium carbonate) and sulfuric acid:
(Measure the rate of the disappearance of reactants)

Set up apparatus as shown in figure

Record the change in mass with time.

Draw the graph to show the relation between time and defect in mass

Defect in mass due to the evolving of carbon dioxide only.

Experiment (2) to measure the rate of formation of the products

To increase accuracy:
1. Use digital stopwatch and digital balance
2. Use cotton thread that hold tube inside conical flask that containing CaCO3 , to start experiment , pull the thread
then switch on the digital stopwatch.

Factors affect the rate of reaction
Collision theory
As the particles of reactants collide together they produce more products, as you heat the reactants the collision
increases so the rate of reaction is increased.
Factors that increase the collision between reactants: (increase the rate of reaction)
1. Heating
2. Surface area
3. Concentration
4. Light
5. Catalyst
6. Pressure in case of gases
- In low temperature the collision between reactants becomes less so the reaction becomes slower.
Experiment to show the effect of heating on the rate of the reaction:
- Get two flasks with equal amount of the same concentration of sulfuric acid with equal mass of limestone; connect
each flask with gas syringe to collect gas evolved.
- Heat flask A , leave B without heating
- Calculate the time needed for collecting certain volume of carbon dioxide gas
by using digital stopwatch
The gas is collected from hot flask takes much less time than normal flask
Heating speed up the reaction

To find the rate of reaction in this experiment: (use one of the following methods)
1. Use stopwatch to find the time needed for collecting evolved gas in a gas syringe.
2. find the defect in the mass of magnesium used in the experiment in unit time
How can you measure the rate of reaction by two methods
By experiment show the effect of heating on the rate of reaction (use other reactants from that mentioned above), draw
apparatus used in the experiment and the precautions during this experiment.


Grade 9

Experiment to show the effect of surface area on the rate of the reaction:
Get two conical flasks with equal amount of acid.

Exercise on Saturday 3 branches

Get two equal masses of Calcium carbonate powder and lumps.

add each one of the carbonate in each flask that put on a sensitive balance.
Observe the defect in mass
Mass in case of powdered carbonate decreased more fast
As the surface area increases the speed of chemical reaction increases.
Experiment to show the effect of catalyst on the rate of reaction
Get two flasks with equal volume of hydrogen peroxide solution.
Cover each flask with a stopper that connected to a gas syringe.
Put in flask (A) some manganese dioxide and heat flask (B)
In flask (A), oxygen is produced at room temperature as that in (B)
Filtrate the mixture in flask B then dry the residue, you have the same mass of manganese dioxide
Manganese dioxide is a catalyst that speed up the reaction without reacting



Rate of reaction
Experiment to show the effect of light on the rate of the reaction

Set up apparatus as shown in figure

After exposing to light, the lighted part becomes dark while the covered part becomes clear
The exposing the film to the light converts it to silver which form black layer while the unexposed part still silver bromide
which dissolve in the developing solution, as light intensity increases the degree of darkness increase.
Experiment to show the effect of concentration of the reactants
- Get two flasks with equal volumes of sulfuric acid with different concentrations.
- Add in each one equal mass of zinc
Gas bubbles formed faster in more concentrated acid
As concentration increases , the rate of the reaction increases.
Catalytic convertor in cars convert nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide into nitrogen gas and carbon dioxide

They are biological catalysts which made of protein.
They speed up the biochemical reactions inside the body.
They are used in industries.
They lower the activation energy of the reactions so they can be done in normal temperature.
Washing powder, they contain lipase, carbohydrase and protease enzymes that used to remove stains.
Enzymes used in cheese, yoghurt and juice industry.

Book pages 171, 172

Examples of enzymes that use in industry
In making cheese:
Enzyme (Rennin) is extracted from the stomach of baby cow then it is mixed with milk to form cheese.
Enzyme (Sucrase) is used in making ice cream which break down sugar into glucose so it makes ice cream soft.
Enzyme that excreted from bacteria that used in making yoghurt, this enzyme converts lactose sugar into lactic acid.
Protease enzyme is added to children milk which help them to digest protein which found in milk
Isomerase enzyme converts glucose into fructose to increase sweetness in juice industry

In making cheese, pasteurization(heating strongly then cool suddenly) used to kill microorganisms
In making yoghurt, keeping it cool to keep the bacteria dormant.
Explain in details how can you make yoghurt at home with all precautions. search on internet

Book page 169,171, 172

Exothermic and endothermic

Endothermic Exothermic reaction
Chemical reaction
It is the breaking down of bonds in reactants and forming new bonds in products
Forming bonds is exothermic means it produces heat.
Breaking down bonds is endothermic means it absorbs heat
Exothermic reaction
It is a chemical reaction which is accompanied by releasing heat.
Heat content in reactants more than heat content of products so heat is released from the reaction


Endothermic reactions
They are chemical reactions accompanied by absorbing heat from surrounding.
Heat content of products is higher than reactants


Problem 2009 p3 no 7

H2 + Cl2 2 HCl
The energy absorbed to break down bonds in reactants = +436 + 242 = + 678 kj/mol (endothermic)
The energy released during the formation of bonds in products = -431X2 = -862 kj/mol
Change in heat content = -184 kj/mol

Reversible reaction
It is a chemical reaction in which reactants form products and products produce reactants again continuously
3 H2 + N2 ===== 2 NH3 + Heat
Three moles of hydrogen combine with one mole of nitrogen to form two moles of ammonia
The rate of forward reaction equal the rate of backward reaction
Equilibrium shift in the direction to cancel any effect on the reaction
For example in the above equation:

As you heat the reaction, it moves backward to reduce the effect of heat.

As you cool the reaction, it moves forward to reduce the effect of cooling.

AS you increase the concentration of products, it moves backward

AS you decrease the concentration of reactants, it moves backward

As you increase pressure, it moves forward to cancel the effect of increasing pressure.

To get rid of harmful gases

Brown liquid is formed when you add chlorine gas on iodine vapour

I2 + Cl2 2 ICl

It is a reversible reaction because as we add more chlorine the reaction moves

in the direction in which chlorine is consumed but when we remove chlorine the
reaction moves in the direction increase the chlorine

Cl2 + ICl ====== ICl3

Examples on reversible reaction

Hydrous copper sulfate ==

If you increase pressure, forward reaction increases, more reddish brown colour formed to reduce the number of
moles for cancelling the effect of high pressure
If you remove water vapour from the reaction, forward reaction increase to increase the production of water
If you increase concentration of ammonia gas, forward reaction increases to remove the excess of ammonia
If you increase temperature, rate of forward reaction is decrease

Naming Organic compounds

Meth --------------------------- one carbon atom
Eth ----------------------------Two carbon atoms
Prop -----------------------three carbon atoms

But .............................. Four carbon atoms

Pent-----------------------Five carbon atoms
Hex================Six carbon atoms
Hept=================seven carbon atoms
Oct---------------------------Eight carbon atoms
Non------------------------Nine carbon atoms
Dec------------------------Ten carbon atoms
It consists of carbon and hydrogen only
It single carbon-carbon bond
General Formula
Write the chemical formula of Propane
Molecular formula C3H8
Structural formula

Draw the molecular and structural formula of pentane
Draw the molecular formula and structural formula of each of the followings:
1. Octane
2. Hexane
3. Butane
4. Ethane
5. Methane
Molecular formula

Structural formula


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