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C.P. Bernardin

Fall 2005
M-W-F; Time: 3:00-3:50 PM, ECSN 2.120
First Class: August 19, 2005

The details of this Syllabus are subject to change at any time during the course (see web for updates)

DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, by Kenneth H. Rosen. 5th Edition, Chapters
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Scope: Mathematical foundations of computer science. Logic, sets, relations, graphs and algebraic
structures. Combinatorics and metrics for performance evaluation of algorithms.

Prerequisites: Calculus I and II

Attendance: Attending the lecture sessions is required and will affect the final grade (=10%). Attendance
sheets will be collected randomly.

Homework: Homework (about 8 assignments) is 15% of your grade (Attendance + Homework = to one
test). A list of problems will be assigned in class. Working through these problems diligently will help your
grade in the course because these problems and similar ones will appear on the tests. Students are
encouraged to collaborate on these assignments. Excluding special problems (e.g., elementary
programming), the solutions to these problems are in the book. Homework is due on the stated due date.
Late homework will be marked as a zero. Occasionally homework is lost during the grading process.
Students are required to make a copy EACH homework before submitting it. If homework is lost before it
is graded, the student must produce a copy of the original for grading or get a zero.

Test and Final Exam: There will be one test (25% of your grade), composed of traditional problems taken
from the book and my lectures. The Final Exam will be cumulative, but only in the sense that the course
builds upon itself. I won't go out of the way to ask a question from the beginning of the semester on the
first test. The test date will be announced at least one week in advance. The Final Exam (25%) will be
comprehensive and will include the same type of questions covered on the test, although it will treat the
subject matter in somewhat more depth. There will be no makeup test or repeated exam.

Project: There will be one multi-week computer project. The project will count for 25% of your grade (=
to one test). The project will require students to develop an elementary knowledge of programming.
Students will be expected to program in BASIC and also Microsoft Excel. (e.g., reference "Chipmunk
BASIC" for Windows, http://www.nicholson.com/rhn/basic/
For Excel: http://www.ksu.edu/stats/tch/malone/computers/excel/ and
http://www.bioss.sari.ac.uk/smart/unix/mbasexc/slides/frames.htm )

Grading Distribution:

Attendance 10%
Homework 15%
Test #1 25%
Project 25%
Final Exam 25%

Instructor Office Hours

Rm 3.207 ECSN Building, Mon and Wed 4:00PM-5:00 PM and by appointment.

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