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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 103 (1995) 94-98

Beam Interactions
with Materials & Atoms

Construction of a charged particle irradiation chamber for the use

with plastic detectors
M.M. E1-Hawary, A. Hussein ~, A. E1-Rahmany, A.A. Ammar, A.R. E1-Sersy
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Monoufia University, Shebin El-koam, Egypt
Received 9 January 1995; revised form received 6 April 1995

A simple sensitive charged particle irradiation chamber was designed and constructed in our laboratory. A circular
rotating table with six detector holders, is contained in the chamber. The rotation is controlled electronically via a stepper
motor with a precision of 1.8°. The beam-to-detector direction is changeable with an angle less than 5°. An alpha source is
allowed to move vertically using another stepper motor. The source-to-detecior distance is determined with an accuracy
better than 1.0 mm. An energy monitoring system, composed of a silicon surface barrier detector and a signal electronic
system attached to a PC is used for energy calibration. Chamber characterization and its application in nuclear track
registration are studied under different conditions. The energy resolution of CR-39 plastic detector has been obtained at
various alpha energies and etching durations. Results showed that good detector resolution could be achieved at high etching

1. Introduction order to make such measurements more accurate, particle

energy and incident angle should be precisely determined.
An increasing number of papers have dealt with the use The aim of the present work is to design and construct
of solid state materials [1-4] in radiation measurements. an irradiation chamber to be used in a variety of dosimetric
The induced effects in such materials are the principle tool applications. It is designed in such a way that projectile
for such investigations. These effects are strongly depen- energy and incident angle are precisely controlled and
dent on the internal structure of the absorber (such as accurately measured.
glasses, polymers and crystals) as well as on the kind and
energy of the incident radiation (such as gamma, neutrons,
and charged particles). 2. Experimental
Different techniques of radiation measurements [5-9]
have been employed and the track development in plastic Plastic sheets of CR-39 polycarbonate 500 ~m each
foils has been widely applicable in the field of radiation thick (TAS-TRACK, supplied by Bristol U.K.) were used.
dosimetry. Plastic detectors attain many advantages over For alpha irradiation facility an 241Am thin source was
the others; they have been successively used in heavy used. All plastic foils were etched chemically in 6.25 N
charged particle identification and detection with a wide NaOH at 70°C. The bulk etch rate, VB, was measured
range of energies. They have been used [10-14] in person- using the mass decrement method [15]. Track diameters
nel neutron dosimetry, radon level determination, uranium were measured using an optical Olympus microscope at-
and thorium estimation in rocks, water and plants, etc. tached to an eye piece micrometer with each division equal
The interaction of charged particles with plastic detec- to 0.22 ~xm.
tors results in track formation inside the materials. Several
investigators [15-17] have paid considerable importance to
the study of track parameters such as etching speeds, 3. Results and discussion
profiles and track range. This would lead to a precise
determination of particle identification and detection. In 3.1. Construction of the irradiation chamber

The design of the irradiation chamber depends on the

purpose of its use. Our field of interest is specialized with
* Corresponding author. radiation dosimetry studies using track-storing materials.

0168-583X/95/$09.50 © 1995 EIsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0168-583X(95)00565-X
M.M. El-Hawary et al./ Nucl. Instr, and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 103 (1995) 94-98 95

So, the chamber was really designed to cover all our needs a schematic diagram of one of the plastic detector holders
as well as to be used in future plans of studies. (H). The surface barrier detector is connected to a radiation
Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the designed analyzer system compacted to a PC multichannel computer
irradiation chamber. It is essentially a stainless steel bell for energy monitoring and calibration.
jar of diameter and height 30 and 40 cm, respectively. This At the upper part of the chamber there is a source
jar is tightly mounted on a 50 × 50 cm square base, made holder (SH) (see Fig. 1) which is attached to a bakelite
of 2.5 cm thick plexiglas, through an O-ring in order to fibre roof. Fig. 2b shows the holder (SH) in more explicit
assure good vacuum inside the chamber. On one side of way. The SH holder easily moves up and down using a
the jar there is a window (W) which can be used as a view second stepper motor (M2) and consequently be controlled
to observe what is going in just before irradiation starts. from outside. An alpha source (S) is supported on the
Inside the chamber there is a circular rotating table (T) of lower end of the SH holder so the source is facing the
diameter 15 cm made of bakelite fibre materials and table (T). The source-to-detector distance can be deter-
supported to the chamber base through a metal rod. It is mined with an accuracy better than 1.0 mm. There is a
allowed to rotate electronically using an underneath pully magnetic shutter (MS), attached to the axial metallic rod,
connected to a stepper motor (M1) through rubber belt (see which was constructed in order to accurately control the
Fig. 1). M1 is connected to a drive so that speed and irradiation duration. The chamber is connected to a two-
direction of rotation can precisely be controlled from stage rotary pump (P) and the vacuum is monitored and
outside. The stepper motor drive circuit was also designed controlled using a needle valve and a digital pirany gauge
using IC-SAA 1027. There are five plastic detector holders (G). Through the chamber base there are four cables
(H) and a sixth one (D) is used for the surface barrier labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 which are connected to the surface
detector. All holders are mounted on the table (T) and barrier detector, motor (M1), motor (M2) and the magnetic
simultaneously rotate with it. Each holder (H) is attached shutter (MS), respectively. In this way, the movement of
to an angle scale with a precision better than 2°, so one can everything inside the chamber is now electronically con-
precisely determine the beam incident angle. Fig. 2a shows trolled from outside.


Fig. 1. Block diagram of the constructed irradiation chamber.
96 M.M. El-Hawary et aI. / NucI. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 103 (1995) 94-98



Pro=~=;uro t Tort ]

Fig. 3. Variation of alpha particle energy (E) with pressure (P) at

different source-to-detector distances, D, where curves a, b, c, d, e
and f represent D equals 11, 10, 8, 7, 6 and 5 em respectively.

" I I I 4 ],4,T
Fig. 2. A design of the detector holder, H, (a) and source holder,
SH, (b).

3.2. Particle energy measurement

In order to facilitate the irradiation procedure, an en-

ergy calibration curve should first be determined. The
energy calibration was performed using an alpha spectrom-
eter model TC 256 and a TC pulser compacted to a 4k
multichannel analyzer and PC computer. Then the irradia-
tion chamber was evacuated to the various values of
pressure and source-to-detector distance was varied from 5
to 11 cm. The table (T) (see Fig. 1) was aligned at a
position where the surface barrier detector was facing the
alpha source.
Fig. 3 shows a group of curves which represent the
relation between alpha energy, E, and the pressure inside
the chamber (P). It is obvious from this figure that E I I 1 I I I I

shows a decrease with increasing P at all the studied S 8 10 12

distances, d, between the source and the detector. An
D|=~,~Ln¢O [ Cm ]
empirical relationship of the form
Fig. 4. Variation of alpha panicle energy (E) with distance (D) at
E =E o +AP +BP 2 different pressure values.
M.M. El-Hawary et al. / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 103 (1995) 94-98 97

diameter were then obtained at various etching durations

of 4, 6, 8 and 10 h using an optical microscope.
The dependence of the track diameter, dr, on alpha
energies (E) was extensively studied under various condi-
tions, where d r showed an increase with either decreasing
E from 5.0 to 2.0 MeV or increasing the etching duration
! from 4 to 10 h. The resolution of CR-39 detectors has been
determined at alpha energies between 2.0 and 5.0 MeV
and etching duration from 4.0 to 10.0 h. The observed full
width at half maximum, hdT, due to the diameter forma-
tion statistics within the detector, has been calculated at
each alpha energy and etching duration. From each A d T
value the corresponding energy spread, AE, was obtained
from the d r - E relationship. The energy resolution, R, was
given by the relation
R = - - × 100%.
R was obtained at each value of energy and etching
time. Fig. 5 shows the relation between the energy resolu-
tion, R, of CR-39 plastic detectors as a function of alpha

En~r~ I Me¥ 1

Fig. 5. Dependence of the resolution (R) on alpha energy (E) at

different etching times (te).

was found to fit the data of Fig. 3 quite well with a

correlation coefficient of the order of 99%, where E 0 is
the initial alpha energy, A and B are fitting parameters
depending on the d-value; they are given by:
A = ( 1 . 6 9 - 1.26d) × 10 -~ and
B = - [0.75 + 0.2d(1 + d)] × 10 -6.
E, d and P given in MeV, cm, and Torr, respectively.
Fig. 4 shows the variation of alpha energy, E, with d at
various values of P, where E shows a decrease with
increasing d. Therefore, for energy determination, with the
aid of the calibration curve given in Fig. 3, one has to
make precise adjustment of both the pressure value and the
distance d which leads to the desired value of energy.

3.3. Energy resolution of plastic detectors

The energy resolution of any detector is an essential

test before its usage in radiation measurements. In this
part, the detector energy resolution has been determined
via the track diameter measurements. Sheets of 500 g.m
Fig. 6. Photomicrographs of alpha tracks in 500 Izm thick CR-39
thick CR-39 plastic samples were pre-chemically etched exposed to different energies and etched at different etching times
for 10 h in 6.25 N NaOH for background reduction. in 6.25 N NaOH at 70°C where (a) and (b) represent a 4 MeV
Samples were then exposed to different alpha energies alpha track etched for 4 and 6 h, respectively. (c), (d) and (e)
from 2.0 to 5.0 MeV in steps of 0.5 MeV using our represent 2, 3.5, 4.5 MeV alpha tracks, respectively etched for 10
constructed irradiation chamber. Measurements of track h.
98 M.M. El-Hawary et aL / NucL Instr. and Meth, in Phys. Res. B I03 (1995) 94-98

obvious track contrast and overall tracks of different ener-

gies are easily distinguished through their diameter mea-
surements with high degree of accuracy.

1 4. Conclusion
| The present constructed irradiation chamber operates
quite well where alpha energies are now being precisely
determined via a fine adjustment of pressure and source-
to-detector distance. An empirical energy-pressure rela-
tionship is obtained and applicable within a wide range of
energies with a correlation coefficient of about 99%. Five
plastic detectors of different orientations to the beam direc-
tion can be adjusted in the chamber at once. The energy
resolution is seriously affected by alpha energy and etch-
a ing conditions and a value of 1.0% is obtained under
optimal conditions. Finally we can say that our system can
1 be successfully used in many dosimetric applications using
the plastic track detectors with high reliability output.


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