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Stages of Pregnancy. First Stages and More | Patient.co.uk

Physiological Changes In Pregnancy

oPatientPlus articles are written by UK doctors and are based on research evidence, UK and European
Guidelines. They are designed for health professionals to use, so you may find the language more technical
than the condition leaflets.
Pregnancy is associated with normal physiological changes that assist fetal survival as well as preparation
for labour. It is important to know what 'normal' parameters of change are in order to diagnose and manage
common medical problems of pregnancy, such as hypertension, gestational diabetes, anaemia and
See separate articles on Antenatal Care and Minor Symptoms of Pregnancy.

Endocrine system (non-reproductive)

See also the separate article on Gestational Diabetes.

FSH/LH fall to low levels.
ACTH and melanocyte-stimulating hormone increase.
Prolactin increases.

Thyroid and parathyroid[1]

Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) concentrations rise due to increased oestrogen levels.
T4 and T3 increase over the first half of pregnancy but there is a normal to slightly decreased amount of
free hormone due to increased TBG-binding.
TSH production is stimulated, although in healthy individuals this is not usually significant. A large rise in
TSH is likely to indicate iodine deficiency or subclinical hypothyroidism.
Serum calcium levels decrease in pregnancy, which stimulates an increase in parathyroid hormone (PTH).
Colecalciferol (vitamin D3) is converted to its active metabolite, 1,25-dihydroxycolecalciferol, by placental

Adrenal and pancreas[2]

Cortisol levels increase in pregnancy, which favours lipogenesis and fat storage.
Insulin response also increases so blood sugar should remain normal or low.
Peripheral insulin resistance may also develop over the course of pregnancy and gestational diabetes is
thought to reflect a pronounced insulin resistance of this sort.

Cardiovascular system[3]
Progesterone reduces systemic vascular resistance by about 20% early in pregnancy. Postural hypotension
may result.
Diastolic and systolic blood pressure tend to fall during mid pregnancy and then return to normal by week
Venous return in the inferior vena cava can be compromised in late pregnancy if a woman lies flat on her
back. This is relieved by lying in the left lateral position.
Increased circulating angiotensin II encourages water and sodium retention, leading to an increased plasma
volume (to 50% by 30 weeks) and predisposing to oedema. This enables increased uterine blood flow to
meet growing nutritional and oxygenation needs of the fetus. It also enables blood loss (average 500 ml) at
delivery to be met without physiological decompensation.
Advise women not to take up unaccustomed, vigorous exercise in pregnancy as there is a risk of diversion
of uterine blood flow to the skeletal muscles.



Stages of Pregnancy. First Stages and More | Patient.co.uk

Blood flow to kidneys, skin and mucosa increases.

Cardiac output increases by 30-50% with 15% increase in heart rate and 25-30% increased stroke volume.
Much of this adjustment occurs prior to 12 weeks of gestation and so impaired cardiac function is likely to
present problematically in early pregnancy or with the sudden increase in pre-load in the third stage of
Cardiac examination in pregnancy:
Many women have a third heart sound after mid-pregnancy.
Diastolic murmurs should be considered potentially pathological.
Systolic flow murmurs are common.
ECG - left axis deviation is common, sagging ST segments and inversion or flattening of the T wave in lead
III may also occur.

Respiratory system[4]
Tidal volume increases by about 200 ml, increasing vital capacity and decreasing residual volume. In later
stages of pregnancy, splinting of the diaphragm may occur with some decrease in tidal volume. Respiratory
rate does not alter significantly.
Increased oxygen consumption by approximately 20%.
State of compensated respiratory alkalosis - arterial pCO2 drops, arterial pO2 remains unchanged and
decrease in bicarbonate prevents pH change. Lower maternal pCO2 facilitates oxygen/carbon-dioxide
transfer to/from the fetus.
Many women complain of feeling short of breath in pregnancy without explanatory pathology. The
mechanism of this is not fully understood

Alimentary system
Appetite is usually increased, sometimes with specific cravings.
Progesterone causes relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter and increased reflux, making many
women prone to heartburn.
Gastrointestinal motility is reduced and transit time is consequently longer. This allows increased nutrient
absorption. Constipation is common.
The gallbladder may dilate and empty less completely. Pregnancy also predisposes to the precipitation of
cholesterol gallstones.
Gums become spongy, friable and prone to bleeding. Good dental care is important.

Urinary tract[5]
The increased blood volume and cardiac output during pregnancy cause a 50-60% increase in renal blood
flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This causes an increased excretion and reduced blood levels of
urea, creatinine, urate and bicarbonate.
Mild glycosuria and/or proteinuria may occur because the increase in GFR may exceed the ability of the
renal tubules to reabsorb glucose and protein.
Increased water retention causes a reduction of plasma osmolality.
The smooth muscle of the renal pelvis and ureter become relaxed and dilated, kidneys increase in length
and ureters become longer, more curved and with an increase in residual urine volume.
Bladder smooth muscle also relaxes, increasing capacity and risk of UTI.
Approximately 5% of pregnant women have bacteriuria, often asymptomatic, and there is a greater risk of
developing pyelonephritis in pregnancy.

Dilutional anaemia is caused by the rise in plasma volume. Elevated erythropoietin levels increase the total
red cell mass by the end of the second trimester but haemoglobin concentrations never reach prepregnancy levels.
A modest leukocytosis is observed.
A normal pregnancy creates a demand for about 1000 mg of additional iron. This equates to 60 mg
elemental iron or 300 mg ferrous sulfate per day.
Serum iron falls during pregnancy whilst transferrin and total iron binding capacity rise.
Levels of some clotting factors (VII, VIII, IX and X) and fibrinogen increase whilst fibrinolytic activity
decreases. These changes protect from haemorrhage at delivery but also make pregnancy a



Stages of Pregnancy. First Stages and More | Patient.co.uk

hypercoagulable state with increased risk of thromboembolism. See also the separate article on Venous
Thromboembolism in Pregnancy.
One study found that during early pregnancy: antithrombin activity remained unchanged, protein S activity
decreased significantly and there was a potentially biologically significant increase in protein C activity (see
the separate article on Thrombophilia).[6]
Serum alkaline phosphatase increases during pregnancy - due to placental production.
Serum albumin decreases.

Changes in energy requirements in pregnancy remain controversial - healthy levels of fat deposition and
variation in women's physical activity levels cause uncertainty as to the recommendations that should be
made for this time.[7]
The basal metabolic rate increases slowly over the course of pregnancy, by 15-20%.
In women with normal BMIs, energy requirement does not increase significantly during the first trimester,
increases by about 350 kcal/day in the second trimester and 500 kcal/day in the third.[7]
Active energy expenditure tends to fall over pregnancy.
Normal weight gain is approximately 12.5 kg (usually at a rate of 0.5 kg per week for the final 20 weeks). 5
kg is the fetus, placenta, membranes and amniotic fluid and the rest is maternal stores of fat and protein
and increased intra- and extra-vascular volume.

Hyperpigmentation of the umbilicus, nipples, abdominal midline (linea nigra) and face (chloasma) are
common due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy.
Hyperdynamic circulation and high levels of oestrogen may cause spider naevi and palmar erythema.
Striae gravidarum ('stretch marks') are common.

Increased ligamental laxity caused by increased levels of relaxin contribute to back pain and pubic
symphysis dysfunction.
Shift in posture with exaggerated lumbar lordosis leading to the typical gait of late pregnancy.[8]
Interpreting blood test results in pregnancy[9]
Trend in normal
pregnancy (compared to
non-pregnant state)


Abnormalities and possible




10.5-13.5 g/dL

Consider dilutional anaemia of pregnancy.

White cell


8-18 x109/L

Always consider in the light of the patient's

clinical status.




Always consider in the light of the patient's

clinical status.


Slightly decreased


Always consider in the light of the patient's

clinical status.


Slightly decreased


Always consider in the light of the patient's

clinical status.




Increased in dehydration, hyperemesis,







Stages of Pregnancy. First Stages and More | Patient.co.uk


Increased in dehydration, hyperemesis,

late stages of pre-eclampsia and renal


40 - 80 mol/L

Increased in renal impairment and the late

stages of pre-eclampsia.




Increased in gestational diabetes.

Total calcium


2.0-2.4 mmol/l

Increased in primary hyperparathyroidism.




Decreased if there is vomiting or

hyperemesis gravidarum.



24-31 g/L

Decreased further if there is malnutrition,

recurrent vomiting or hyperemesis



3-14 mol/L

Increased in obstetric cholestasis, HELLP,

the late stages of pre-eclampsia, acute
fatty liver, viral hepatitis. See the separate
article on Jaundice in Pregnancy.



1-30 U/L

As for bilirubin.



1-21 U/L

As for bilirubin.



125-250 U/L

Increased further in metabolic bone

disorders or rare pregnancy-associated
conditions - eg, chronic histiocytic

0.1-4.0 IU/L


Slight decrease in the first

trimester, normal in the
second trimester, slightly
raised in the last trimester

Less than 0.05 in Graves' disease or

hyperemesis gravidarum.



10-25 pmol/L

Increased in Graves' disease or

hyperemesis gravidarum.



3.5-6 pmol/L

Increased in Graves' disease or

hyperemesis gravidarum.

Provide Feedback

Further reading & references

Jamjute P, Ahmad A, Ghosh T, et al; Liver function test and pregnancy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2009
1. Lazarus JH, Premawardhana LD; Screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy; J Clin Pathol. 2005
2. Butte NF; Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in pregnancy: normal compared with gestational diabetes
mellitus.; Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 May;71(5 Suppl):1256S-61S.
3. Thornburg KL, Jacobson SL, Giraud GD, et al; Hemodynamic changes in pregnancy.; Semin Perinatol.
2000 Feb;24(1):11-4.
4. Chesnutt AN; Physiology of normal pregnancy.; Crit Care Clin. 2004 Oct;20(4):609-15.



Stages of Pregnancy. First Stages and More | Patient.co.uk

5. Physiological changes of pregnancy; Anaesthesia UK

6. Said JM, Ignjatovic V, Monagle PT, et al; Altered reference ranges for protein C and protein S during early
pregnancy: Implications for the diagnosis of protein C and protein S deficiency during pregnancy. Thromb
Haemost. 2010 May;103(5):984-8. doi: 10.1160/TH09-07-0476. Epub 2010 Feb 19.
7. Butte NF, Wong WW, Treuth MS, et al; Energy requirements during pregnancy based on total energy
expenditure and energy deposition. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Jun;79(6):1078-87.
8. Foti T, Davids JR, Bagley A; A biomechanical analysis of gait during pregnancy. J Bone Joint Surg Am.
2000 May;82(5):625-32.
9. Tran H; Biochemical tests in Pregnancy, Australian Prescriber 2005;28:98-101
Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of
medical conditions. EMIS has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty
as to its accuracy. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical
conditions. For details see our conditions.
Original Author:

Current Version:

Peer Reviewer:

Dr Chloe Borton

Dr Colin Tidy

Dr John Cox

Document ID:

Last Checked:

Next Review:

740 (v26)





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