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Deprecating the Observer Pattern


Ingo Maier

Tiark Rompf

Martin Odersky


Programming interactive systems by means of the observer
pattern is hard and error-prone yet is still the implementation standard in many production environments. We present
an approach to gradually deprecate observers in favor of reactive programming abstractions. Several library layers help
programmers to smoothly migrate existing code from callbacks to a more declarative programming model. Our central high-level API layer embeds an extensible higher-order
data-flow DSL into our host language. This embedding is
enabled by a continuation passing style transformation.
General Terms Design, Languages
Keywords data-flow language, reactive programming, user
interface programming, Scala



Over the past decades, we have seen a continuously increasing demand in interactive applications, fueled by an ever
growing number of non-expert computer users and increasingly multimedia capable hardware. In contrast to traditional
batch mode programs, interactive applications require a considerable amount of engineering to deal with continuous user
input and output. Yet, our programming models for user interfaces and other kinds of continuous state interactions have
not changed much. The predominant approach to deal with
state changes in production software is still the observer pattern [25]. We hence have to ask: is it actually worth bothering?
For an answer on the status quo in production systems,
we quote an Adobe presentation from 2008 [43]:
1/3 of the code in Adobes desktop applications is de-

voted to event handling logic

1/2 of the bugs reported during a product cycle exist in

this code

Our thesis is that these numbers are bad for two reasons.
First, we claim that we can reduce event handling code
by at least a factor of 3 once we replace publishers and
observers with more appropriate abstractions. Second, the
same abstractions should help us to reduce the bug ratio in
user interface code to bring it at least on par with the rest of

the application code. In fact, we believe that event handling

code on average should be one of the least error-prone parts
of an application.
But we need to be careful when we are talking about
event handling code or logic. With these terms, we actually
mean code that deals with a variety of related concepts such
as continuous data synchronization, reacting to user actions,
programming with futures and promises [33] and any blend
of these. Event handling is merely a common means to
implement those matters, and the usual abstractions that are
employed in event handling code are callbacks such as in the
observer pattern.
To illustrate the precise problems of the observer pattern,
we start with a simple and ubiquitous example: mouse dragging. The following example traces the movements of the
mouse during a drag operation in a path object and displays
it on the screen. To keep things simple, we use Scala closures
as observers.
var path: Path = null
val moveObserver = { (event: MouseEvent) =>
control.addMouseDownObserver { event =>
path = new Path(event.position)
control.addMouseUpObserver { event =>

The above example, and as we will argue the observer

pattern as defined in [25] in general, violates an impressive
line-up of important software engineering principles:
Side-effects Observers promote side-effects. Since observers
are stateless, we often need several of them to simulate
a state machine as in the drag example. We have to save
the state where it is accessible to all involved observers
such as in the variable path above.

Encapsulation As the state variable path escapes the scope

of the observers, the observer pattern breaks encapsulation.
Composability Multiple observers form a loose collection
of objects that deal with a single concern (or multiple,
see next point). Since multiple observers are installed at
different points at different times, we cant, for instance,
easily dispose them altogether.
Separation of concerns The above observers not only trace
the mouse path but also call a drawing command, or
more generally, include two different concerns in the
same code location. It is often preferable to separate the
concerns of constructing the path and displaying it, e.g.,
as in the model-view-controller (MVC) [30] pattern.
Scalablity We could achieve a separation of concerns in our
example by creating a class for paths that itself publishes
events when the path changes. Unfortunately, there is no
guarantee for data consistency in the observer pattern.
Let us suppose we would create another event publishing
object that depends on changes in our original path, e.g.,
a rectangle that represents the bounds of our path. Also
consider an observer listening to changes in both the
path and its bounds in order to draw a framed path. This
observer would manually need to determine whether the
bounds are already updated and, if not, defer the drawing
operation. Otherwise the user could observe a frame on
the screen that has the wrong size (a glitch).
Uniformity Different methods to install different observers
decrease code uniformity.
Abstraction There is a low level of abstraction in the example. It relies on a heavyweight interface of a control
class that provides more than just specific methods to install mouse event observers. Therefore, we cannot abstract over the precise event sources. For instance, we
could let the user abort a drag operation by hitting the escape key or use a different pointer device such as a touch
screen or graphics tablet.
Resource management An observers life-time needs to be
managed by clients. Because of performance reasons,
we want to observe mouse move events only during a
drag operation. Therefore, we need to explicitly install
and uninstall the mouse move observer and we need to
remember the point of installation (control above).
Semantic distance Ultimately, the example is hard to understand because the control flow is inverted which results in too much boilerplate code that increases the semantic distance between the programmers intention and
the actual code.
Mouse dragging, which already comes in large varieties,
is just an example of the more general set of input gesture recognition. If we further generalize this to event sequence recognition with (bounded or unbounded) loops, all

the problems we mentioned above still remain. Many examples in user interface programming are therefore equally
hard to implement with observers, such as selecting a set of
items, stepping through a series of dialogs, editing and marking text essentially every operation where the user goes
through a number of steps.

Contributions and Overview

Our contributions are:

We show how to integrate composable reactive program-

ming abstractions into a statically typed programming

language that solve the problems of the observer pattern. To our knowledge, Scala.React is the first system
that provides several API layers allowing programmers
to stepwise port observer-based code to a data-flow programming model.

We demonstrate how an embedded, extensible data-flow

language provides the central foundation for a composable variant of observers. It further allows us to easily
express first-class events and time-varying values whose
precise behavior change over time.

The embedded data-flow language can make use of the

whole range of expressions from our host language without explicit lifting. We show how this can be achieved by
the use of delimited continuations in the implementation
of our reactive programming DSL.

In the following, we start with the status quo of handling

events with callbacks and gradually introduce and extract
abstractions that eventually address all of the observer pattern issues we identified above. Ultimately, we will arrive
at a state where we make efficient use of object-oriented,
functional, and data-flow programming principles. Our abstractions fit nicely into an extensible inheritance hierarchy,
promote the use of immutable data and let clients react to
multiple event sources without inversion of control.


A general interface for composable events

The first step to simplify event logic in an application is

to come up with a general event interface so that all event
handling code can work with a uniform interface. A second
aspect to this is reusability: if we can hide event propagation and observer handling behind a general interface, clients
can easily publish events for their own data structures. Now,
designing such a general interface is an easy task. We introduce a class EventSource[A], which represents generic
event sources. We can use an event source to raise or emit
events at any time. Type parameter A denotes the type an
event from a given source can have. Here is how we create
an event source of integers and raise a number of events:
val es = new EventSource[Int]
es raise 1
es raise 2

Inversion of control was touted in Design Patterns

As the panacea for many ills of plain OOP.

We provide method observe which accepts a closure to react

to events. The following prints all events from our event
source to the console.
observe(es) { x =>
println("Receiving " + x)

Sometimes, we want to get a handle of observers, e.g. to

uninstall and dispose them prematurely. Therefore, method
observe actually returns an observer that can be disposed
with a single method call:
val ob = observe(es) { x =>
println("Receiving " + x)

Note, that there is no need to remember the event source to

uninstall the observer. To put the above together, we can now
create a button control that emits events when somebody
clicks it. We can use an event source of integers with an
event denoting whether the user performed a single click,
or a double click, and so on:
class Button(label: String) {
val clicks: Events[Int] = new EventSource[Int] {
// call "this raise x" for each system event

Member clicks is publicly an instance of trait Events that

extracts the immutable interface of EventSource:
abstract class Events[+A] {
def subscribe(ob: Observer): Unit
def message(ob: Observer): Option[A]
class EventSource[A] extends Events[A] {
def emit(ev: A): Unit

We can now implement a quit button as follows:

object Application extends Observing {
val quitButton = new Button("quit")
observe(quitButton.clicks) { x => System.exit() }

A consequence from our event streams being first-class

values is that we can abstract over them. Our application
from above observes button click events directly. Instead,
it could observe any given event stream, may it be button
clicks, menu selections, or a stream emitting error conditions. What if, however, we want to quit on events from
multiple sources? We could add the same observer to all of
those streams, but that would be quite some duplication:
val quitButton = new Button("quit")
val quitMenu = new MenuItem("quit")

val fatalExceptions = new EventSource[Exception]

observe(quitButton.clicks) { x => System.exit() }
observe(quitMenu.clicks) { x => System.exit() }
observe(fatalExceptions) { x => System.exit() }

Now that we have a first-class event abstraction we need

composition features! To improve on the example above,
we merge multiple event streams into a single one here.
For that purpose, we introduce a merging operator in class
Events[A] with the following signature:
def merge[B>:A](that: Events[B]): Events[B]

This method creates a new event stream that emits all events
from the receiver and the given stream1 . We say that the
newly created event stream depends on the arguments of
the merge operator; together they form a part of a larger dependency graph as we will see shortly. The reactive framework automatically ensures that events are properly propagated from the arguments (the dependencies) to the resulting
stream (the dependent).
We can now write a general application trait which can be
reused by any UI application:
trait UIApplication extends Observing {
val quit: Events[Any]
observe(quit) { x =>
... // clean up, display dialog, etc
object MyApp extends UIApplication {
val quit = (quitButton.clicks
merge quitMenu.clicks
merge fatalExceptions)

Notice that method merge is parametric on the event type

of the argument stream. The type parameter B is bound to be
a base type of A, denoted by B>:A. It means we can merge
any two streams for which the can infer a common base type
B. This enables us to safely declare trait Events[+A] to be
covariant in its event type, indicated by the plus sign in front
of the A. As a result we can merge events of unrelated types
such as quitButton.clicks which raises events of type Int
and quitMenu.clicks and fatalExceptions, which raise
events of types, say, Unit and Exception. The compiler
simply infers the least upper bounds of those types, which
in this case, is Any, the base type of all Scala values.
In order to log a reason why the application should quit,
we need to converge on a common event type for all involved
1 There

is a minor issue here: both streams could raise events at the same
time. In that case, the left stream (the receiver) wins. We could introduce
a more general merge operator that would emit both events but it would
have the more complicated type def merge[B](that: Events[B]):
Events[Option[A], Option[B]] and would be harder to use. Note that
we will discuss the notion of simultaneous events below in more detail.

streams, e.g., String. We can extract quit messages from

each of the merged event streams with the help of the map
combinator which is defined in trait Events:
def map[B](f: A => B): Events[B]

It returns a stream of results which raises at the same time

as the original stream but each event applied to the given
function. We can now implement quit as follows:
val quit =
(quitButton.clicks.map(x => "Ok")
merge quitMenu.clicks.map(x => "Ok")
merge fatalExceptions.map(x => x.getMessage))

There are many more useful combinators in class Events

that have their origin in functional reactive programming
(FRP) [13, 21, 48]. A somewhat Scala specific convenience
combinator is
def collect[B](p: PartialFunction[A, B]): Events[B]

which maps and filters at the same time. The resulting event
stream raises those events from the original stream applied
to the given partial function p for which p is defined.
The map and filter combinators can both be implemented in terms of collect:
def map[B](f: A =>
collect { case x
def filter(p: A =>
collect { case x


B): Events[B] =
=> f(x) }
Boolean): Events[A] =
if p(x) => x }

Reactors: composable observers without

inversion of control

Using our new event abstraction, we can now define a class

Control that exposes mouse events as event streams. Our
initial mouse dragging example becomes:
var path: Path = null
var moveObserver = null
observe(control.mouseDown) { event =>
path = new Path(event.position)
moveObserver =
observe(control.mouseMoves) { event =>
observe(control.mouseUp) { event =>

and let mouse events extend the Positional interface with

a position member. Now, we could let users perform drag
operations with a different pointer device and start or abort
with key commands. For example:
def installDragController(pen.down, pen.moves,
pen.up merge escapeKeyDown.map(x => pen.position.now))

Yet, the most important issue that makes the above code
hard to understand still remains: its control flow is inverted.
Ideally, we would want to directly encode a state machine
which can be described informally as follows:
1. Start a new path, once the mouse button is pressed
2. Until the mouse is released, log all mouse moves as lines
in the path
3. Once the mouse button is released, close the path
In order to be able to turn the above steps into code that
is conceptually similar, we need to find a way to let clients
pull values from event streams without blocking the current
thread. In Scala.React, we can achieve this with a reactor
and the next operator which is part of an embedded dataflow language. The following creates a reactor that implements our running example without inversion of control.
Reactor.once { self =>
// step 1:
val path = new Path((self next mouseDown).position)
// step 2:
self loopUntil mouseUp {
val m = self next mouseMove
// step 3:

Object Reactor defines the two methods

def once(body: Reactor=>Unit): Reactor
def loop(body: Reactor=>Unit): Reactor

that clients can use to create a reactor that executes its body
once or repeatedly. The actual body of a reactor is given as
an argument to these methods. Formally, a body is a function
that accepts the reactor under construction as an argument
(a self reference similar to Javas and Scalas built-in this)
and evaluates to Unit, i.e., we are interested in the sideeffects of the body, not the result it evaluates to. The body
uses the given self reference to express an embedded dataflow program. Class Reactor contains two core data-flow

Since we have a uniform observe mechanism and firstclass events, we can abstract over the events involved in a
drag operation. We could, for example, wrap the above in a
function with the following signature:

def next[A](e: Events[A]): A

def delay: Unit

def installDragController(start: Events[Positional],

move: Events[Positional], end: Events[Positional])

Method next simply suspends the current reactor until the

given event stream emits a value. Once the stream raises

an event e, it evaluates to e and continues the reactors

execution. Method delay suspends the current reactor and
continues after all pending messages have been propagated
by the reactive framework.
In the above example, we first create a new path and then
wait for the next mouse down event to add a line to the path
with the current mouse position. This covers step 1 from our
informal description. Step 2 is covered by the following loop
which uses method
def loopUntil[A](e: Events[A])(body: =>Unit): A

which can be expressed in terms of next and other combinators we will encounter further below. The loop iterates until
mouseUp has raised an event during an iteration step. Above,
we simply drop the result and close the path in step 3.


Signals: Time-varying values

In the previous section, we saw how we can move logic from

observers into the event dependency graph and thus into
the framework to increase composability and reduce boilerplate code. Thereby we have dealt with problems that we
could naturally model as events such as mouse clicks, button clicks, menu selections, and exceptions. A large body
of problems in interactive applications, however, deals with
synchronizing data that changes over time. Consider the button from above which could have a time-varying label. We
represent time-varying values by instances of trait Signal:
class Button(label: Signal[String])

Trait Signal is the continuous counterpart of trait Events

and contains a mutable subclass:
abstract class Signal[+A]
class Var[A](init: A) extends Signal[A] {
def update(newValue: A): Unit = ...

Again, the base class (Signal) is covariant on its type parameter denoting the type of values a signal can hold.

Signal Expressions

The principal instrument to compose signals are not combinator methods, as for event streams, but signal expressions.
Here is an example how one can build the sum of two integer
val a = new Var(1)
val b = new Var(2)
val sum = Signal{ a()+b() }
observe(sum) { x => println(x) }
a()= 7
b()= 35

The above code will print 9 and 42. The Signal function
invoked on the third line takes an expression (the signal
expression) that continuously evaluates to the new signals
value. Signals that are refered to through the function call

syntax such as a() and b() above are precisely those signals
that the new signal will depend on. It is possible to obtain the
current value of a signal without creating any dependenices
by calling Signal.now. A call to now is valid inside as well
as outside of a signal expression. To illustrate the difference
between now and the function call syntax, consider the following snippet:

b0 =

= Signal{ a()+b0 }
= Signal{ a()+b.now }
= Signal{ a()+b() }

All three sum signals depend on a, but only the last

one also depends on b as mentioned above. Signal sum1 is
different from sum2. Whenever sum2s expression is about
to be reevaluated, the current value of b is obtained anew,
while b0 in sum1 is a constant.
Signals are primarily used to create variable dependencies
as seen above. There is not much more to it. Clients can build
signals of any immutable data structure and any side-effect
free operations inside signal expressions.
Here is how the public signal interface looks like:

Signal[+A] {
apply(): A
now: A
changes: Events[A]

The apply method allows us to use the function call syntax on signals. Every expression of the form e() is rewritten
to e.apply() by the Scala compiler. This piece of syntactic
sugar is part of the language to support first-class functions
in a uniform way. Method changes gives us an event view
on a signal, i.e., the resulting event raises the current value
of the signal whenever it changes.


Constant signals are represented by a subclass of Signal[A]:

class Val[+A](value: A) extends Signal[+A]

We provide an implicit conversion from plain Scala values

to Vals that allows us to use plain Scala values as constant
implicit def coerceVal[A](v: A): Val[A] = new Val(v)

We can now write:

val b = new Button("Quit")

The last line is expanded by the compiler to

val b = new Button(Val("Quit"))


Data-flow Reactives

As a next step to improve our dragging example, we will

separate the construction of the path from the drawing operations. We achieve this by using an extension of the data-

flow language we know from reactors. Instead of performing

side-effects, we build a data-flow signal:
val path: Signal[Path] =
Val(new Path) once { self =>
import self._
val down = next(mouseDown)
loopUntil(mouseUp) {
val m = next(mouseMove)

Methods once and loop, as we know them from reactors

are similarly defined for signals. Instead of creating a reactor, they create a new signal and are called on a signal that
delivers the initial values for the new signal. In the example
above, we create a signal that starts with an empty path and
then proceeds once through the given data-flow body. Argument self refers to the signal under construction and is of
type DataflowSignal[Path] which extends Signal[Path]
and defines a set of data-flow methods in addition to those
available for reactors. To keep things short, we first import
all members from our self reference which lets us drop the
self prefixes. We replaced all path mutations and drawing calls by calls to data-flow method emit, which changes
the resulting path signal immediately. We refer to method
previous in DataflowSignal in order to obtain the previous value of our path signal and modify its segments. We are
using an immutable Path class above. Methods lineTo and
close do not mutate the existing instance, but return a new
path instance which extends or closes the previous one.
We can now implement the drawing operation in a simple
external observer:


A data-flow language

We have now two variants of a data-flow language, one for

reactors and one for signals. In order to keep languages
consistent and extract common functionality, we can factor
our existing abstractions into a class hierarchy as follows.

Reactive[+Msg, +Now] {
current(dep: Dependant): Now
message(dep: Dependant): Option[Msg]
now: Now = current(Dependent.Nil)
msg: Msg = message(Dependent.Nil)
Signal[+A] extends Reactive[A,A]
Events[+A] extends Reactive[A,Unit]

Classes Signal and Events share a common base trait

Reactive. We will therefore collectively refer to them as
reactives in the following. Trait Reactive declares two type
parameters: one for the message type an instance emits and
one for the values it holds. For now, we have subclass signal

which emits its value as change messages, and therefore its

message and value types are identical. Subclass Event only
emits messages and never holds any value. Its value type is
hence Unit. Subclasses of trait Reactive need to implement
two methods which obtain the reactives current message or
value and create dependencies in a single turn.
In order to build a data-flow reactive using the loop and
once combinators, we implicitly convert a reactive to an
intermediate class that provides those combinators2 :
implicit def eventsToDataflow[A](e: Events[A]) =
new EventsToDataflow(e)
implicit def signalToDataflow[A](s: Signal[A]) =
new SignalToDataflow(s)

These intermediate classes are defined as follows:

trait ReactiveToDataflow[M, N,
R <: Reactive[M,N],
DR <: DataflowReactive[M,N,R]]
extends Reactive[M, N] {
protected def init: R
def loop(body: DR => Unit): R
def once(body: DR => Unit): R
class EventsToDataflow[A](initial: Events[A])
extends Events[A]
with ReactiveToDataflow[A, Unit, Events[A],
class SignalToDataflow[A](initial: Signal[A])
extends Signal[A]
with ReactiveToDataflow[A, A, Signal[A],

Trait ReactiveToDataflow extends Reactive and provides two additional type parameters to fix the precise type
of reactives we are creating. The type related details of this
design are out of the scope of this paper. It is a result from
our experience we gathered during the redesign of Scalas
collection library which is thoroughly described in [41].
The base type for data-flow reactives defines the dataflow language for reactives and is specified as follows:
trait DataflowReactive[M, N, R <: Reactive[M,N]]
extends Reactive[M, N] {
def emit(m: M): Unit
def switchTo(r: R): Unit
def delay: Unit
def next[B](r: Reactive[B,_]): B
def nextVal[B](r: Reactive[_,B]): B
2 This

is similar to extension methods in LINQ [46] but kept outside of

trait Reactive for a different reason: to fix the concrete type of data-flow
reactives loop and once create while still allowing covariant Msg and Now
type parameters.

next Waits for the next message from the given reactive r.

It immediately returns, if r is currently emitting.

nextVal Waits for the next change in the given reactive r.

It immediately returns, if r is currently changing, i.e., if

next(r) would immediately return.

delay Suspends the current data-flow reactive and contin-

ues its execution the next propagation cycle.

emit Emits the given message m if m makes sense for the

current data-flow reactive and its current value. The current value of the reactive is changed such that it reflects
the changed content. The evaluation of the reactive continues the next propagation cycle.

switchTo Switches the behavior of the current data-flow

reactive to the given reactive r. Immediately emits a

message that reflects the difference between the previous
value of the current reactive and r. Emits all messages
from r until the next call to emit or switchTo. The
evaluation of the reactive continues the next propagation

Note that the following data-flow signal

0 once { self =>
self switchTo sig
self emit 1

first holds the current value of sig and then, in the next
propagation cycle, switches to 1. It is equivalent to signal
sig once { self =>
self emit 1

Since reactors share a subset of the above data-flow language, we can extract this subset into a common base trait
for Reactor and DataflowReactive:
trait DataflowBase {
def next[B](r: Reactive[B, _]): B
def delay: Unit

Note that only instances of classes that immediately specify

their base classs parameters are visible to common library
users. Therefore, they generally do not see any of the more
complicated types above.

Reactive combinators as data-flow programs

Our first reactive composition feature above where event

stream and signal combinators. There are two related questions now. Do we have a sufficient set of reactive combinators to address all arising event handling problems (conveniently)? To be honest, we do not know and there is no
substantial empirical data available on how FRP combinators are used. What if a client hence feels the need to implement additional combinators? He has to know about the
inner workings of reactive event propagation and how data

inside the dependency graph is kept coherent. Another reason why reactive combinators can be tricky to implement
is because they are implemented with an observer based
approach suffering from inversion of control. In summary,
clients extending Scala.React would see all the awkward details we actually wanted to shield from clients. Luckily, our
data-flow language proves to be a convenient tool to implement reactive combinators! Here is how we can implement
some combinators in class Events[A] that are not trivially
implemented in terms of other combinators. We have seen
collect already:
def collect[B](p: PartialFunction[A, B]) =
Events.loop[B] { self =>
val x = self next outer
if (p isDefinedAt x) self emit p(x)
else self.delay

Combinator hold creates a signal that continuously holds

the previous value that the event stream raised:
def hold(init: A): Signal[A] =
Val(init) loop { self =>
self emit (self next this)

Combinator switch creates a signal that behaves like the

first given signal until this stream raises an event. From that
point on, it switches to the second given signal:
def switch[A](before: Signal[A],
after: =>Signal[A]): Signal[A] =
before once { self =>
self next this
self switchTo after

Combinator take creates a stream that raises the first n

events from this stream and then remains silent.
def take(n: Int) = Events.once[A] { self =>
var x = 0
while(x < n) {
self emit (self next outer)
x += 1

The use of Events.once ensures that the resulting event

stream does not take part in event propagation anymore,
once it has raised n events. A drop combinator can be implemented in a similar fashion.
The merge combinator is the only axiomatic combinator
which is not implemented in terms of a data-flow reactive.
Alternatively, we could provide a fork and join data-flow
expression. In our experience so far, use cases that would
justify its existence did not arise.
Trait Signal[A] contains two flatten combinators which
are defined for signals of events and signals of signals. They
return a signal or event that continuously behaves like the

signal or event that is currently held by the outer signal. They

can be implemented as follows:
def flattenEvents[B]
(implicit witness: A => Events[B]) =
Events.loop[B] {
self switchTo witness(self next this)
def flatten[B](implicit witness: A => Signal[B]) =
witness(this.now) loop { self =>
self switchTo witness(self next this)

These can be generalized into a single generic combinator.

Flattening a signal of reactives makes sense for any subclass
of Reactive, not just Signal or Events.
def flatten[M, N, R <: Reactive[M,N],
DR <: DataflowReactive[M,N,R]]
(implicit c: A =>
R with ReactiveToDataflow[M,N,R,DR]): R =
c(now) loop { self =>
self switchTo c(self next this)

The implicit parameter is used to convert a current signal

value to a ReactiveToDataflow in order to construct a dataflow reactive. This enables us to flatten a signal of any
subtype R of Reactive to an instance of R that behaves like
the reactive that is currently held by the signal. We will later
see how to meaningfully extend trait Reactive.

Combinators versus data-flow operations

As an alternative to a data-flow formulation of the dragging

problem, we can write it in a purely combinator-based style.
A similar example can be found in [35], which we adopt to
Scala.React in the following.
val moves = mouseDown map { md =>
mouseMove map (mm => new Drag(mm))
val drops = mouseUp map { mu =>
Events.Now(new Drop(mu))
val drags = (moves merge drops).flatten

Above, we use our previously defined flatten combinator

to switch between different event streams. For this reason,
flatten is sometimes called switch. In fact, our switch
combinator from above is a simple form of flatten.
The above example is actually an instance of a more general problem: event partitioning. Event partitioning deals
with the task of constructing event streams that depend on
different streams at different time periods. Above, our resulting drags stream loops over three partitions.
1. It remains silent until the next mouse down event.
2. Between mouse down and mouse up events, it depends
on mouse move events,

3. After the mouse up event, it raises a final drop event.

One way to deal with event partitioning is to build a
higher order event stream as above and switch between different event streams with the flatten combinator. Useful
instruments in our combinator toolbox are nesting map applications to create higher-order event streams and the asymmetric merge combinator to switch between (overlapping)
event streams.
Our data-flow formulation of the same problem is equivalent but avoids dealing with higher order event streams.
Whereas the higher order event stream defines the state transition of a state machine as a nested data structure, a dataflow program describes it as a flat program source.
Combinators and data-flow reactives can naturally complement each other. For instance, the implementation of
data-flow method loopUntil in trait DataflowBase is a
data-flow program which reuses the switch combinator:
def loopUntil[A](es: Events[A])(body: =>Unit): A = {
val x = es switch (None, Some(es.msg.get))
while(x.now == None) {



Dataflow reactive can be used to define recursive signals and

events. Consider the following signal:
val counter = 0 loop { self =>
self emit (self.now + 1)

This signal is ill-defined and will throw an exception because

we are referring to the current value of the signal while
evaluating its current value! We therefore define method
previous in DataflowSignal, which let us access the old
value of the signal under construction:
val counter = 0 loop { self =>
self emit (self.previous + 1)

This signal is well-defined because emit statements introduce a delay. Otherwise the resulting signal would loop forever. Therefore, delays introduced by emit and switchTo
have a safety aspect to them in that they prevent loops from
looping infinitively. Note that the above signal in fact inspects the behavior of the reactive scheduler: it counts propagation cycles starting with the current one. We could, e.g.,
use it to implement a frame rate signal that updates its value
every second:
val frameRate = Val(0) loop { self =>
val c0 = counter.now
self next Clock.inSeconds(1)
self emit (counter.now-c0)


Extending the reactive hierarchy

So far we have dealt with signals and event streams as the

only concrete type of reactives. The Reactive base interface
is general enough to support a variety of subclasses. Examples are futures that eventually evaluate to some result. They
emit exactly one message, the result of type A and have a
continuous value of Option[A]:
trait Future[+A] extends Reactive[A,Option[A]]

The implementation of data-flow method loopUntil we

have seen above can be slightly simplified. The switch combinator that creates the guard for the internal while loop
val x = es switch (None, Some(es.msg.get))

can be replaced by a future

val x = Future.fromEvent(es)

with the rest of the implementation unchanged.

Another example are incremental updates. We can think
of a reactive text document or list that emit deltas to their
previously held elements:
trait Document[+A]
extends Reactive[DocDelta, String]
trait RList[+A]
extends Reactive[ListDelta[A], List[A]]

Certain operations, such as concatenation of documents and

mapping list elements can be optimized for incrementally
changing reactives. Getting back to our dragging example,
we can define a reactive path class that emits additional
segments for each call to lineTo and alike. Path deltas can
be represented by an abstract data type encoded as Scala case
sealed class PathDelta
case class MoveTo(x: Int, y: Int) extends PathDelta
case class LineTo(x: Int, y: Int) extends PathDelta
case object Close extends PathDelta

The actual reactive subclass would then hold values of the

immutable path we used above and emit PathDelta instances:
class RPath extends Reactive[PathDelta, Path]

We further provide an implicit conversion from RPath to

an RPathToDataflow instance that can create RPaths using
the data-flow language provided by DataflowReactive.
class DataflowRPath(init: RPath) extends RPath
with DataflowReactive[PathDelta, Path,
RPath, DataflowRPath]
implicit def rpath2dataflowrpath(r: RPath) =
new DataflowRPath(r)

We can build an RPath as follows:

val path: RPath = (new RPath) once { self =>
val down = self next mouseDown
self emit MoveTo(down.position)

val up = self loopUntil mouseUp {

val m = self next mouseMove
self emit LineTo(m.position)
self emit Close

Alternatively, we could implement lineTo and close as

data-flow methods in DataflowRPath and use them instead
of emitting messages directly:
def lineTo(x: Int, y: Int) = emit(LineTo(x,y))
def close(x: Int, y: Int) = emit(Close)



Scala.React proceeds in propagation cycles. The system is

either in a propagation cycle or, if there are no pending
changes to any reactive, idle. Its model of time is thus a
discrete one. Every propagation cycle has two phases: first,
all reactives are synchronized so that observers, which are
run in the second phase, cannot observe inconsistent data.
During a propagation cycle, the reactive world is paused, i.e.,
no new changes are applied and no source reactive emits new
events or changes values. Consider the following reactor:
Reactor.once {
val es: Events[Device] = connectDevice()
(self next es).initialize()

If event stream es would be able to emit events before the

reactor calls next, we could miss to initialize some connected device. Pausing the reactive world during a propagation cycle and queueing all incoming external events to be
processed in a later cycle prevents this from happening.

Non-strict Implementation

Our first prototypes implemented a "mark and validate on

demand" change propagation mechanism. When receiving
external events, a reactive source would invalidate itself and
notify their dependents which in turn would recursively do
the same. In order to avoid glitches, we first finish invalidating dependents until we start reevaluating them, i.e., a single
message propagation cycle has two consecutive phases.
Unfortunately this approach is not very scalable. Although it generally restricts message propagation to a fraction of the dependency graph, every invalidated reactive
source always invalidates the transitive closure of its dependents. This is not always necessary, though. Non-injective
signal expressions can be very common. Consider the following signals, for example:
val sum = Signal { x() * y() }
val coord = Signal { p().x }
val status = Signal {
if(x() > 10000) "danger" else "ok"

If x and y are integer signals and one holds the value 0,

changing the other does not change the value of signal sum.
Member access is another case: if signal p holds points with
x and y coordinates, changing ps value does not automatically change the value of coord. Depending of the depth of a
dependency graph and the location of non-injective expressions, the above propagation scheme can become very inefficient. For an example that conveys the big picture and that is
not some pathological case, consider a tree structure such as
a control hierarchy or a document object model (DOM) in a
GUI application. It is relatively common to propagate some
data from the root to the leafs and possibly back again. An
example are visual attributes such as CSS styles that controls
or DOM nodes inherit from their parent. In the following
example, we aggregate several style attributes into an immutable Pen class. The bounds of a tree node that displays
geometric shapes depends on its parent pens line width attribute.
class Pen(color: Color,
lineWidth: Int,
cap: CapStyle)
trait GeometryNode extends Node {
def shape: Signal[Shape]
val bounds = Signal {
f(shape.bounds, parent().pen().lineWidth)
trait Group extends Node {
val bounds =
children.foldLeft(Rectangle.Nil) { (a,b) =>
(a union b).bounds

We can now build a deep dependency graph with a long path

from the roots Pen attribute down to the bounds attributes
of each geometry node and up again for the bounds of each
group node. Changing the pen of the root node will trigger
a bounds calculation for most of the tree, no matter whether
the line width attribute of the new pen is different from the

Push-driven Implementation

Our current implementation overcomes the inefficiencies of

our first implementation with a purely push-based propagation approach. In order to prevent reactives from observing
inconsistent data (also called glitches) during and between
propagation cycles, we keep the dependency graph topologically sorted. To do so, we assign each reactive a level in
the dependency graph. All source reactives have a level of
0, and every dependent reactive has the level of its highest
dependency plus 1.
A propagation cycle proceeds as follows.

1. Enter all modified/emitting reactives into a priority queue

with the priorities being the reactives levels.
2. While the queue is not empty, take the reactive on the
lowest level and validate its value and message. The
reactive decides whether it propagates a message to its
dependents. If it does so, its dependents are added to the
priority queue as well.
The last step solves our propagation capping problem from
above. A signal which evaluates to the same value as before,
e.g., would not propagate a change message during the current cycle.
For a dependency graph with a fixed topology, i.e., where
the level of reactives never change, this simple algorithm
is sufficient to avoid data inconsistencies. We do, however,
need to deal with conditionals, branches, and loops in signal
expressions and in particular data-flow reactives that can
drop previous dependencies and establish new ones from one
propagation cycle to the next.

Dynamic Dependencies

Consider the following example:

val x = Var(2) // level 0
val y = Cache { f(x()) } // level 1
val z = Cache { g(y()) } // level 2
val result =
Signal { if(x()==2) y() else z() } // level 2 or 3

Depending on the current value of signal x, signal result

can have a topological level of 2 or 3. The most efficient solution would be to always assign to a signal a level that is
higher than all levels of its potential dependencies without evaluating the signal expression. Unfortunately, the dynamics of reactive dependencies is at odds with itself at this
time. In general, we can neither statically determine all possible dependencies nor all possible levels of an expression
signal. Therefore, we cannot know the level of an invalid signal before we actually evaluate its current value. The previously known level of a reactive merely serves as a reference
value in the invalidation phase. If the level turns out greater
than the previous one, we abort the current evaluation by
throwing an exception, assign a higher level to the affected
signal and reschedule it for validation on a higher level in
the same propagation cycle. Because of this potential for
redundant computation, programmers are advised to move
expensive computations until after referencing a reactives
dynamic dependencies. Fortunately though, many combinators have enough information to predict the precise level of
the resulting reactive and will thus never abort during evaluation. Moreover, signals and data-flow reactives typically
"warm up" during their first iteration and do not need to be
aborted in future propagation cycles.
Note that aborting the evaluation of a reactive is only
safe because we disallow side-effects in signal expressions
and reactive combinator arguments. Reactors, however, are

allowed to perform side-effects, as this is their main purpose. This fact prevents us from aborting and rescheduling
them, otherwise we could perform some side-effects more
than once per propagation cycle. Luckily, our solution is
straightforward. Since reactors do not have dependents, we
can assign to them an infinite level (practically this means
Int.MaxValue in Scala), i.e., observers can never even attempt to access inconsistent data since they are executed after all reactives have been validated.


We must be careful not to run into cycles when computing

the topological ordering of reactives. Consider the following recursive, but non-cyclic and hence well-defined signal
val c = Var(true)
val x = Signal { if(c()) 1 else y() }
val y = Signal { if(c()) x() else 1 }

Whenever signal c changes its value, a nave implementation could lift signals x and y alternatively one level higher
than the other, eventually resulting in an infinite loop or an
arithmetic overflow3 . Ideally, though, signals x and y would
alternate between levels 1 and 2. A simple solution could be
to reset the level of each reactive to zero prior to each propagation cycle. We would loose the warming up effect we discussed above, however. Reactives with multiple dependencies could consequently become very expensive, since their
level would need to be recomputed every time their value is
about to change. A slightly more elaborate implementation
can avoid this inefficiency. In the middle of a propagation
cycle, we actually have a cyclic dependency. For instance,
when c changes from true to false, x is evaluated before
y and lifted above y. Now x has y as a dependency and vice
versa. We can efficiently detect such a cycle when y is entered into the invalidation queue with a level lower than x and
perform a level reset only for the involved reactives. Luckily,
situations like the above are very uncommon in our experience.


Signal { a() + b() }

we are in fact calling the method

def Signal[A](op: =>A): Signal[A]
that some languages, such as Lustre [26], simply disallow the given
example. Without a dependently typed effect system or a compiler plugin
in Scala, however, we cannot statically reject the above program, even if we
would want to.

Data-flow Reactives

Our data-flow DSL is implemented in terms of delimited

continuations that we introduce in Scala 2.8 [44]. Trait
DataflowBase contains most of the infrastructure to implement our data-flow language in terms of continuations:
trait DataflowBase {
protected var continue =
() => reset { mayAbort { body() } }
def body(): Unit @suspendable
def next[B](r: Reactive[B,_]): B @suspendable
def nextVal[B](r: Reactive[_,B]): B @suspendable

Signal expressions

The three key features that let us implement the concise

signal expression syntax we are using throughout the paper
are Javas thread local variables [31], Scalas call-by-name
arguments and Scalas function call syntax. When we are
constructing the following signal

3 Note

with the argument { a() + b() }. The Scala compiler

rewrites expressions a() and b() to a.apply() and b.apply(),
which becomes important below. The arrow notation =>A
makes op a call-by-name argument that evaluates to values
of type A. This means the sum expression gets converted to a
closure and is passed to the Signal method without evaluating it. This is how we capture signal expressions. The actual
evaluation happens in the Signal.apply method which returns the current value of the signal while establishing signal
dependencies. Method Signal.apply comes in different flavors, but the general concept remains the same: it maintains
a thread local stack of dependent reactives that are used to
create dependency sets. A signal that caches its values is
either valid or has been invalidated in the current or a past
propagation cycle. If it is valid, it takes the topmost reactive
from the thread local stack without removing it, adds it to
its set of dependents and returns the current valid value. If
it is invalid, it additionally pushes itself onto the thread local stack, evaluates the captured signal expression, and pops
itself from the stack before returning its current value.
We support lightweight signals that do not cache their values. They just evaluate the captured signal expression, without touching the thread local stack. The stack can then be accessed by signals that are called from the signal expression.
The lightweight signal hence does not need to maintain a set
of dependents or other state.4

def delay: Unit @suspendable =

shift { (k: Unit => Unit) =>
continueLater { k() }

Note that for brevity we have omitted the @suspendable

annotations before. They are hints for the Scala to ensure
that no CPS transformed code escapes a reset. Method body
is implemented by subclasses and runs the actual data-flow
program. Calls to delay, next or any extensions defined in
subclasses (such as emit and switchTo) are implemented in
terms of two helper methods:
def continueNow[A](op: (A=>Unit)=>Unit) =
4 That

is why we call signals that do not cache values permeable.

shift { (k: A=>Unit) =>

continue = { () => mayAbort { op(k) } }
def continueLater(k: =>Unit) = {
continue = { () => k }
engine nextTurn this

Method continueNow accepts a function op which takes the

current continuation as an argument. A call to shift, which
is part of the Scala standard library, captures the current
continuation k, transforms it by applying op to it and stores
the result in a variable for immediate and later use. The
transformed continuation is wrapped in a call to mayAbort,
which properly aborts and reschedules the current evaluation
if the topological level of any accessed reactive is higher or
equal to the current level. Method continueLater captures
a given continuation in a variable and schedules this reactive
for the next turn.
When validated during a propagation cycle, a data-flow
reactive simply runs its current continuation saved in variable continue, which initially starts executing the whole
body of the reactive.
In order to offer library clients a completely transparent
data-flow language that let them reuse any existing kind of
Scala expression, we extended our CPS transform implementation to correctly deal with loops and exceptions. We
refer to Appendix A for the details.
We could use continuations for signal expressions as well.
When discovering a level mismatch, instead of aborting and
rescheduling the entire evaluation of the signal, we would
reschedule just the continuation of the affected signal and
reuse the result of the computation until the level mismatch
was discovered, captured in the continuation closure. Unfortunately, this approach is rather heavyweight (though less
heavyweight than using blocking threads) on a runtime without native CPS support. We therefore do not currently implement it and leave it for future work to compare the outcome
with our current implementation. We are particularly interested in how often one actually needs to abort in realistic
reactive applications, whether the performance overhead of
CPS justifies its usage in this context in contrast to the memory overhead of the closures created by our CPS transform.


Local side-effects are allowed in any signal expression or

reactive combinator argument such as the Events.map function argument or a data-flow body. Local in this context
refers to side-effects that do not escape the scope of the combinator argument such as the take combinator implementation in Section 5. We disallow non-local side-effects since
the evaluation of a reactive can abort because and retried on
a higher level in the same propagation cycle. The following

signal can therefore increase counter i twice when the level

of the given signal sig changes:
def countChanges(sig: Signal[Any]) = {
val i = 0
Signal { sig(); i += 1; i }

When aborting a signal evaluation, the entire signal expression is reevaluated, working with a fresh set of local variables that are not affected by previous runs. For data-flow reactives, however, the situation is slightly more complicated.
As they simulate state machines, we want to keep their state
from one evaluation to the next. A reevaluation should therefore not execute any side-effecting expression twice. We ensure that this is indeed the case by always capturing the current continuation before a level mismatch can happen. Since
a level mismatch can happen only during a call to next,
switchTo, message, or now, and since these methods do not
perform side-effects that affect the state of a data-flow reactive before a level mismatch abortion can happened, continuing with the captured continuation after an abortion ensures that we do not evaluate side-effecting expressions redundantly.
Internal or external side-effects in reactors are not problematic, since reactors always have maximum level, i.e.,
their evaluation never aborts.

Avoiding memory leaks in low-level observers

Internally, Scala.Reacts change propagation is implemented

with observers. We do expose them to clients as a very
lightweight way to react to changes in a reactive as we have
seen in Section 2. Stepping back for a moment, one might be
tempted to implement a foreach method in Events or even
Reactive and use it as follows:
class View[A](events: Events[A]) {
events foreach println

This can easily lead to a reference pattern as depicted in

Figure 1.





Figure 1. Common reference pattern in the standard observer scenario.

The critical reference here is the arc from the event stream
to the observer, which prevents the object on the right to
be disposed as usual. In a language that relies on runtime
garbage collection such as Scala, we generally expect objects to be disposed once we dont hold a strong reference
to them anymore. In the above scenario, however, we have a
strong reference path from the event source to the observing
object. For every observing object that we want to dispose

before the reactive object, we would need to remember to

call an explicit disposal method that unsubscribes the observing objects observers, otherwise the garbage collector
cannot reclaim it.
The reference pattern in Figure 2 eliminates the leak





Figure 2. Observer reference pattern that eliminates the

memory leak potential of the standard scenario from Figure 1.
Note the weak reference from the event source to the observer, depicted by a dashed arc. It eliminates any strong
reference cycles between the observing and the publishing
side. In order to prevent the observer from being reclaimed
too early, we also need a strong reference from the observing
object to the observer. It is important that we are always able
force the programmer into creating the latter strong reference, otherwise we havent gained much. Instead of remembering that she needs to call a dispose method, she would
now need to remember to create an additional reference. Fortunately, we can use Scalas traits to achieve our desired reference pattern while reducing the burden of the programmer.
The following trait needs to be mixed in by objects that want
to observe events. API clients have no other possibility to
subscribe observers.5
trait Observing {
private val obRefs = new ListBuffer[Observer]()
abstract class PersistentOb extends Observer {
obRefs += this
protected def observe(e: Events[A])(op: A=>Unit) =
e.subscribe(new PersistentOb {
def receive() { op(e message this) }

Instead of using a foreach method, we can now write the

class View[A](events: Events[A]) extends Observing {
observe(events) { x => println(x) }

An instance of class View will print all arriving events and

can now be automatically collected by the garbage collector, independently from the given event stream and without
manually uninstalling its observer.
5 We

can directly store the first allocated persistent observer in a reference

field. Only for the less common case of multiple persistent observers per
Observing instance we do allocate a list structure to keep observer
references around. This saves a few machine words for common cases.


Related Work

Some production systems, such as Swing and other components of the Java standard libraries, closely follow the observer pattern as formalized in [25]. Others such as Qt and
C# go further and integrate uniform event abstractions as
language extensions [32, 40, 47]. F# additionally provides
first-class events that can be composed through combinators.
The Rx.Net framework can lift C# language-level events to
first-class event objects (called IObservables) and provides
FRP-like reactivity as a LINQ library [36, 46]. Its precise
semantics, e.g. whether glitches can occur, is presently unclear to us. Systems such as JavaFX [42], Adobe Flex [2]
or JFace Data Binding [45] provide what we categorize as
reactive data binding: a variable can be bound to an expression that evaluates to the result of that expression until it is
rebound. In general, reactive data binding systems are pragmatic approaches that usually trade data consistency guarantees (glitches) and first-class reactives for a programming
model that integrates with existing APIs. Flex allows embedded Actionscript [37] inside XML expressions to create
data bindings. JavaFXs use of reactivity is tightly integrated
into the language and transparent in that ordinary object attributes can be bound to expressions. Similar to Scala.React,
JFace Data Binding establishes signal dependencies through
thread local variables but Javas lack of closures leads to a
more verbose data binding syntax. JFace is targeted towards
GUI programming and supports data validation and integrates with the underlying Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT).

Functional Reactive Programming

Scala.Reacts composable signals and event streams originate in functional reactive programming (FRP) which goes
back to Conal Elliots Fran [21]. Its concepts have since been
adopted by a variety of implementations with different programming interfaces and evaluation models. They all have
in common that they provide a combinator-based approach
reactive programming.
Fran integrates general ideas from synchronous data-flow
languages [27] into the non-strict, pure functional language
Haskell. It takes a monadic approach and encapsulates operations over time-varying values (called behaviors in Fran)
and discrete events into data structures that are evaluated
by an interpreter loop. Most of Scala.Reacts combinators
methods in Events and Signal originate from Fran. Frans
evaluation model is pull-based, i.e., reactives are continuously sampled. An evaluation cycle hence consists of simple nested function calls. In [19], Fran-style FRP was revised to fit into Haskells standard type classes such as Monad
and Functor. It furthermore removes inefficiencies related
to Frans purely pull-based evaluation. It would be very interesting to find performance comparisons to Fran and other
Haskell-based systems.
Frans explicit notion of time and reactives and its streambased implementation could lead to space-time leaks in FRP

programs [20]. In order to overcome the potential of leaking

reactives, Yampa for Haskell [15, 39] provides a first class
notion of signal functions based on arrows [29], a generalization of monads. This leads to a programming style conceptually close to designing electric circuit diagrams. Fran
and Yampa promote a purely functional, combinator-based
programming style. Yampa, like Fran, is pull-based and evaluates reactives in recursive function calls.
FrTime [12, 13] integrates FRP-style reactivity into the
strict, impure, dynamically typed functional language Scheme.
Scala.Reacts propagation model originates in FrTime which
also uses a push-driven evaluation model utilizing a topologically ordered dependency graph. Like in Scala.React,
redundant evaluation is avoided both in breadth since FrTime propagates events only to dependents of invalid reactives and in depth, since propagation is capped when reaching non-injective signal operations and event filters. FrTime
relies on Schemes macro system to achieve concise signal
composition syntax with no need to adapt existing data structures and operations to FrTime. As a consequence, a binary
expression over signals (called behaviors in FrTime), e.g.,
creates a new signal. This makes the system formally very
elegant but originally could lead to large dependency graphs.
These issues have been addressed in [8], which successfully
applies deforestation-like techniques to FrTime programs.
Scala.Reacts approach using thread local variables for signal expressions is similar in spirit as it avoids storing continuations for each signal access.
Flapjax [35] is a library and compiler for FRP-like reactivity for web programming in Javascript and evolved
out of FrTime. Flapjax comes with a compiler to allow
concise signal expressions. When used as a library, it relies on explicit lifting of reactives and is then syntactically
more heavyweight but integrates well into JavaScript. Like
our approach, Flapjax integrates reactive programming in
an object-oriented language. In contrast to Scala, Flapjax/Javascript is dynamically typed, i.e., expressions which can
be statically rejected by Scala.React can lead to delayed runtime errors in Flapjax as demonstrated in [35].
Frapp [14] is an FRP implementation for Java and uses a
mixed push-pull implementation. Similar to JFace, its syntax
is verbose because of Javas lack of closures and generics by
the time it was written. Being based on Bean Properties it
integrates with the Java standard library and thus supports
SuperGlue [34] is a declarative object-oriented component language that supports a signal concept similar to that
found in FRP and Scala.React. For signal connections, SuperGlue follows a unique approach that we find is closer
to constraint programming such as in the Kaleidoscope language family [24] than to a combinator- or data-flow-based
approach. SuperGlue provides guarded connection rules and
rule overriding which is a simple form of Kaleidoscopes

constraint hierarchies [7]. Its propagation model is similar

to our previous non-strict model.

Adaptive Functional Programming

Adaptive functional programming (AFP) [1] is an approach

to incremental computation in ML. It is related to FRP
and Scala.React since it also captures computation for repeated reevaluation in a graph. AFP has been implemented
in Haskell [9] using monads. Our CPS-based representation of data-flow programs is related to this effort and other
monadic FRP implementations because any expressible
monad has an equivalent formulation in continuation passing
style [22, 23]. The AFP dependency graph and propagation
algorithms are more elaborate than Scala.Reacts. This is
mostly due to AFPs support for computation over incrementally changing data structures. In contrast, Scala.React
and FRP currently supports reactivity mostly for plain values. Our effort to fit signals, event streams, and collections
such as our reactive path structure into a standard reactive hierarchy with incremental change messages tries to approach
the expressiveness of AFP.

Dataflow Programming

Our built-in data-flow language is mostly inspired by synchronous data-flow languages such as Signal [5], Lustre [26], and Esterel [6]. Unlike Scala.React, these languages
usually provide strong guarantees on memory and time requirements and are compiled to state machines. As a tradeoff and in contrast to our system, most synchronous dataflow languages are first-order, i.e., they distinguish between
stream processing functions, streams, and values that can
be carried over streams. Work towards a higher-order synchronous data-flow language can be found in [11].

Complex Event Processing

Data-flow reactives share certain characteristics with complex event processing (CEP) systems such as TelegraphCQ [10],
SASE [49], and Cayuga [18]. These systems use custom
query languages similar to SQL [17] to recognize event patterns from multiple sources. Queries are usually stateful,
similar to reactors and data-flow reactives, but are not designed to perform external side-effects. CEP systems are
optimized to handle large data streams efficiently while our
implementation is targeted towards general purpose event
systems where the amount of event data is comparatively


Data-flow reactives and reactors share certain similarities

with actors [3, 28], which are used as concurrency abstractions. Actors usually run concurrently and communicate
with each other through message passing. Each actor has
a mailbox, from which it sequentially processes incoming
messages. Actors resemble data-flow reactives in that they
handle messages without inversion of control but do so only

from their own mailbox. Actors resemble event streams in

that they can send events but, different from event streams,
to specified actors. Actor communication is hence inherently directed and push-driven. In summary, while an actor
sends messages to certain actors chosen by itself, it reacts
to incoming messages from arbitrary actors. For data-flow
reactives, the converse is true. They send messages to the
public and react to messages from sources chosen by itself.
Both actors and data-flow reactives simulate state machines,
i.e., they encapsulate internal state. The major difference is
that state transitions and data availability are synchronized
among reactives, whereas actors behave as independent units
of control.



We have demonstrated a new method backed by a set of library abstractions that allows a gradual transition from classical event handling with observers to reactive programming.
The key idea is to use a layered API that starts with basic event handling and ends in an embedded higher-order
dataflow language. In the introduction, we identified many
software engineering principles that the observer pattern violates. To summarize, our system addresses those violations
as follows:
Uniformity and abstraction We started with the introduction of first-class event streams and signals that were later
generalized to reactives. The first-class status of reactives
addresses the issue of abstraction and uniformity. Instead
of relying on heavyweight event publishing components,
our polymorphic reactives offer slim, uniform interfaces
that represent isolated concepts. Low-level observers, reactors and data-flow reactives work the same way, regardless of the precise representation of an event stream or
Encapsulation Reactors and data-flow reactives form single
objects that can process complex event patterns such as
in the dragging example without exposing external state.
Resource management Observer life-times are automatically restricted by our Observing trait. Our data-flow language ensures that internal observers are disposed when
no longer needed.
Side-effects We can restrict the scope of side effects in reactors and data-flow reactives because our data-flow DSL
captures the state of execution internally.
Composability Reactives can be composed in a functional
way by means of reactive combinators or in a data-floworiented way by means of our data-flow DSL.
Separation of concerns Uniform reactives makes it straightforward to create signals and events of existing immutable data-structures and factor the interaction with
external APIs into observers or reactors.

Scalablity Our message propagation algorithm ensures that

no reactive can ever see inconsistent reactive data, regardless of the number of reactive dependencies. Base classes
in the reactive hierarchy provide most of the implementation for a data-flow DSL that can be extended to suit the
special needs of custom data structures.
Semantic distance The semantic distance between the programmers intention and the resulting code is largely reduced by avoiding inversion of control.
We see a similar correspondence between imperative and
functional programming in Scala and data-flow and functional reactive programming in Scala.React. Imperative programming is close to the (virtual) machine model and used
to implement functional collections and combinators. Dataflow programming in our system is a simple extension to
Scalas imperative core and can be readily used to implement
reactive abstractions and combinators as we have shown.
Programmers can always revert to reactors and low-level observers in case a data-flow oriented or combinatorial solution
is not obvious.
Given our previously identified issues of the observer
pattern for which we are now providing a gradual path out of
the misery, we have to ask: Is the observer pattern becoming
an anti-pattern?
Scala.React is a generalization of our previous non-strict
reactive programming implementation which is used in a
commercial game engine developed by Mimesis Republic6 and can be downloaded from the authors website at
http://lamp.epfl.ch/~imaier. It is under active development and contains a growing number of automated
tests and examples. We will further soon make available a
prototype for a reactive GUI framework.

We thank Sean McDirmid, who helped design our early
prototypes. We moreover thank Stphane Le Dorze, Daniel
Lehenbauer, Pavel Curtis, and Antony Courtney for many
valuable discussions on reactive programming and Donna
Malayeri for proof-reading drafts of this paper.

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CPS transforming loops

In [44] we have shown that first-class continuations can

be implemented efficiently on the JVM and similar managed runtimes using a variant of the well-known CPS transform [4]. This result is a bit surprising, since CPS transforming a program replaces all method returns with function
calls in tail position and requires allocating closure records
to pass local statea program structure very much at odds
with stack-based architectures that do not support efficient
tail calls. The way to make the CPS transform viable is to
apply it only selectively [38], driven by the type system. In
the system presented in [44], the control operators shift and
reset [16] are declared with the following signatures:
def shift[A,B,C](fun: (A => B) => C): A @cps[B,C]
def reset[A,C](ctx: =>(A @cps[A,C])): C

The type system makes sure that @cps annotations are propagated outward from uses of shift. Thus, a function like

def foo(x: Int) = 2 * shift((k:Int=>Int) => k(x+1))

will have a return type of Int @cps[Int,Int].

All expressions of type A @cps[B,C] will be translated to
objects of type Shift[A,B,C], where Shift is a generalized
CPS monad:
class Shift[+A,-B,+C](val fun: (A => B) => C) {
def flatMap[A1,B1,C1<:B](f: A=>Shift[A1,B1,C1]) =
new Shift((k: A1=>B1) =>
fun((x:A) => f(x).fun(k)))
def map[A1](f: A=>A1) = ...

The function foo defined above can then be transformed

as follows:
def foo(x: Int) = new Shift((k:Int=>Int) =>
k(x+1)).map(2 * _)

Being a type-driven transformation, it is easy to disallow capturing continuations in programming constructs that
do not lend themselves to a straightforward CPS representation. One important example are imperative while-loops.
The following example shows that delimited continuations
make loops considerably more powerful:
var x = 0
while (x < 10) {
shift { k => println("+"); k(); println("-") }
x += 1

The code will print + when entering an iteration and - when

leaving it. In general, while loops are no longer equivalent
to directly tail-recursive functions. This is demonstrated by
CPS-transforming the code above, which exhibits indirect
recursion through several levels of function invocations:
var x = 0
def loop() = if (x < 10) {
new Shift { k => println("+"); k(); println("-") }
.flatMap { _ => x += 1; loop() }
} else {
new Shift { k => k() }

Generalizing this translation to

def loop() = if (<condition>) {
<body>.flatMap { _ => loop() }
} else {
new Shift { k => k() }

is unfortunate, however, since no while-loop that contains

CPS code can be implemented using branch instructions
anymore. On the JVM, which lacks constant-space tail-calls,
while loops with larger numbers of iterations would likely
result in stack overflow errors. For the example above this
is indeed the expected behavior, as demanded by the non

tail-recursive continuation semantics. However, many actual

uses of continuations inside while-loops might rather look
like this:
var x = 0
while (x < 1000000) {
if (x % 100000 == 0)
shift { k => println("+"); k(); println("-") }
x += 1

Due to the low number of actual continuations accessed

(only 10 in total), throwing a stack overflow error here would
not be acceptable.
Fortunately, we can put to work once more the initial
choice of targeting a variant of the CPS monad instead of
composing functions directly. We have glossed over the
definition of map in class Shift, which is a (rather simple) static optimization to avoid building Shift objects
that would be trivial, i.e. transforming expression x to
new Shift(k => k(x)). Regarding the above example, a
conditional with a @cps expression only in the then part will
be transformed to build exactly such a trivial Shift object in
the else part. Thus, all but 10 Shift objects will be trivial in
the example. However, the situation is more complex as for
map since whether one iteration is trivial or not depends on a
dynamic condition.
Similar in spirit to map, we can further specialize for trivial Shift instances by restructuring Shift into a hierarchy
of classes:
sealed abstract class Shift[+A,-B,+C] {
def fun(f: A=>B): C
// map, flatMap declared abstract
case class Shift0[+A,-B](x: A) extends Shift[A,B,B]{
def flatMap[A1,B1,C1<:B](f: A=>Shift[A1,B1,C1]) =
def map[A1](f: A=>A1) = Shift0[A1,B,B](f(x))
case class Shift1[+A,-B,+C](fun0: (A => B) => C)
extends Shift[A,B,C] {
def fun(f:A=>B) = fun0(f)
// map, flatMap implemented as before

With this modified CPS monad implementation we can

implement a more efficient translation of while-loops:
def loop() = if (<condition>) {
<body> match {
case Shift0(x) => loop()
case ctx: Shift1 => ctx.flatMap { _ => loop() }
} else {

In essence, we have inlined the dynamic dispatch and the

definition of Shift0.flatMap. For the trivial case, this

makes the recursive call a direct tail-call again and the standard, intraprocedural tail-recursion optimization performed
by the Scala compiler will translate this call to a branch

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