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14 Waunci Crescent, Gorleston-on-sea, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, NR316EB

07907 776407, aroberts.work@gmail.com

Andrew Roberts
I am a keen, hard-working man who is loyal to both his God and his work, and it
is because of this loyalty to God and desire for participation in your ministry that
I am applying for this job.

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Applied Theology: Moorlands
College 2012-2015 specialising in Missional Leadership


A levels BCC, Chemistry, Biology, History July 2011.

IGCSEs Norwich School, 4 As, 5 Bs, July 2009.

Employment History and Experience

Hebron School International Guest, June 2011 June 2012.
This was a defining job for me as it required complete
independence and entailed maturity and self-motivation in
fulfilling the strenuous requirements of the school in teaching
music, chemistry and supervising a dormitory of 15 9 year olds.


The Pier Hotel Pub on the Pier, June 2012 June 2014
This greatly improved my interpersonal skills and required of me
a high level of professionalism and determination to provide both
quality service and meet constant demand.


Cherry Tree Leisure Centre - June 2014 October 2014

This job required continual training throughout employment,
developing my skills in self-motivation and time-management.
It was a great opportunity to express leadership and witness.


St. Laurence Church, Reading February March 2014

This significantly improved my knowledge and understanding
of church leadership, structure, and ministry. It stretched and
grew me regarding youth discipleship and outreach.


Personal Skills and Achievements

I have a keen personal interest in music. This has evolved into me passing my
Grade 5 Piano Practical Examination with distinction and my Musical Theory
Examination with a pass. By attaining these musical awards I have been able to
teach music voluntarily for a year in India (2011-2012) and then lead the
Moorlands Worship Band the following year (2013-2014).

Sport is a large aspect of both my life and my character. I am very goal-driven

and this has developed into my acquisition of Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver
and Gold. In all areas this made me a broadly skilled person, gaining a stage 5
qualification in Sailing and volunteering for a year in the Heathers Nursing Home
(a passion still frequent in my life). Perhaps my greatest Sporting achievement
has been that of managing the Hebron School under 16s Football Team. This
involved weekly early morning practices and formed an almost military regime in
order to drive the boys to reach the cup final that year (2012).
One of the many highlights of my Moorlands career has been undertaking a 5week block placement in Saint Laurence Church, Reading. Here I learnt a
number of valuable methods to improve organisation, time management and my
personal ministry practice. It was incredible to see change and growth in some
of the youth in the church as a result of God working through me and my

Statement of Faith
My journey to faith has been one of many lessons and adventures. The faith was
taught to me throughout my upbringing and I began to own it when I reached
Sixth Form. Baptised at the age of 17 and disciple thoroughly in Bible studies to
have a strong emphasis on faith and the Holy Spirit, I decided to embark on a
teaching job at a Christian Boarding School in India. This stretched and tested
my faith remarkably and became a milestone in my journey with God attributing
to his faithfulness and provision.
I remember looking at my Bible and thinking I do not know nearly enough about
you to continue teaching at a higher level so I decided, accompanied by
prophetic words from friends, to pursue a Ba (Hons) in Applied Theology at
Moorlands College. Throughout the years spent there I have wrestled with
worshipping God fully in both Spirit AND Truth. This has been a significant
balance in which God is teaching and guiding me in still, but the progression
made in this aspect has resulted in God, in such a personal sense, being both
my father and my best friend. I can only see myself developing further in this
aspect regarding the job that you are offering.

Areas of Interest/Experience
As alluded to above, I have both an interest and experience in leading Youth
Work. For my weekly placement 2014-2015 I am a volunteer Youth-worker for
Bournemouth Vineyard. Discipling young people, leading youth to risk and grow
in their faith are things that I am deeply passionate about. Through years of
refinement and development I have come to treasure this gift greatly and would
love to offer it as a service to you in your ministry, with a firm vision to grow in
understanding and application.

Alistair McKitterick
07970 800102

Mike Simm
07710 189402

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